Festivals Photos

कृष्ण के विविध रंग सजे कृष्णाष्टमी पर

“नन्द के आनंद भयो, जय कन्हैया लाल की..!!”

“मुरली मनोहर श्री कृष्ण जी की जय..!!!”

कुछ ऐसे ही जयकारे आज पूरे देश ही नही अपितु पूरी दुनिया की फिज़ाओ में गुंजायमान हो रहे है जिनसे चारो ओर बस कृष्ण का ही नाम है, हर मुख पर कृष्ण की ही महिमा है, हर आँखों में कृष्ण की ही छवि है और हर कर्ण आज बस कृष्ण की मुरली की मधुर तानों को सुन रहे है… या यूँ कह ले की आज हर कोई कृष्ण के रंगों में रंगा हुआ…. और हो भी क्यों ना आज श्री कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी जो है; भादवा मास की कृष्ण पक्ष की वह मंगलमय अष्टमी  जब भगवान श्री कृष्ण देवकी और वासुदेव के नंदन के रूप में अवतारित हुए थे और उस घनघोर वर्षा वाली रात्रि में नन्द और यशोदा के घर भी अपार खुशियों की वर्षा कर दी थी…..



कृष्ण के इन रंगों से हमारा उदयपुर कैसे अछूता रह सकता था… और जब नाथद्वारा और जगदीश मंदिर में कृष्णाष्टमी का रंग चढ़ता है तब के माहौल की छठा के तो क्या ही कहने… जगदीश मंदिर में सजी झांकी के दर्शन मध्यरात्रि में खुलते ही भक्तो का अम्बार लग गया, कान्हा के नाम के जयकारे गूंजने लगे और भगवन जगदीश की आरती कर उन्हें भोग लगाया गया और फिर भक्तो में प्रसाद बांटा गया. आज रात को दूध दही की हांड़ी को फोड़ने की प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन हुआ जिसमे सभापति रजनी डाँगी, प्रशांत अग्रवाल, हरीश राजनी  आदि अतिथि के रूप में शामिल हुए. बरसते हुए बादलों के बीच मटकी फोड़ने का आनंद दोगुना हो गया, हालांकि कुछ विलम्ब हुआ कार्यक्रम शुरू होने में पर फिर कलाकारों ने अपनी प्रस्तुतियों से वह मौजूद भक्तों का दिल जीत लिया . जगदीश चौक ॐ साईं राम ग्रुप ने झांकी सहित नृत्य प्रस्तुत किया. कृष्ण जन्मोत्सव में देश विदेश से आये  पर्यटकों ने लिया जमकर  आनंद . दीवाना ग्रुप के शाहनवाज़ [उदयपुर के बंटी] ने भजनों का ऐसा समां बंधा के वह उपस्तिथ लोग अपने आप को झूमने से नहीं रोक पाए, इन्द्र देव की कृपा बराबर भक्तों पे बनी रही उसी बीच दही हांडी फोड़ का कार्यक्रम शुरू हुआ , कुछ गीरे कुछ पड़े , फिर उठे फिर चढ़े और पूरी तरह उत्साहित होकर बार बार कोशिश की और फिर  चामुंडा ग्रुप, गोवेर्धन विलास से आई टोली  ने मटकी फोड़ी, जीतने वाले दल को Pacific University की तरफ से २१,००० रूपए नकद दिए  गए तथा ११००० रूपए का नकद पुरस्कार पंकज बोरना की तरफ से दिया गया.



पालनों में विराजित सजे-धजे लड्डू गोपाल, घरों के आँगन में बने नटखट बाल कृष्ण के नन्हे नन्हे कदम और साथ में रंगीली रंगोली, बरसते गुलाल और पानी की मार की बीच दही-हांड़ी और उसको फोड़ने के लिए ग्वालों की टोलियों में मची होड़ , कृष्ण जीवन की सजीली झाँकिया, रासलीला में सजता हुआ अलग ही संसार, दूध मलाई से बने पकवानों का भोग…. कितनी जीवन्तता है इस त्यौहार में, एक अलग ही हर्षो-उल्लास उमड़ता है; ठीक वैसा ही जैसा कृष्ण जी का जीवन था – कई रंगों को अपने में समेटे हुए, जीने की अदभुत कला सीखाने वाला और हर कठिन परिस्थिति से निकलने की राह दिखाने वाला. श्री कृष्ण जी में कुछ तो था जो उन्हें सबका चहेता बना देता है, हर किसी के दिल में बसते है वे – बच्चो के शरारती साथी, देवकी और यशोदा के लाल, वासुदेव और नन्द की आँखों के तारे, राधा के प्रिय, गोपियों के माखन चोर, सुदामा के मित्र और गोकुलवासियों के मन मोहन. उनका हर रूप उनके व्यक्तित्व का आईना था, हर आईने से अलग शिक्षा मिलती है.









दुर्घटना की प्रतीक्षा में


Choga Lal Bhoi - Mewar Channel - Udaipur
छोगा लाल जी भोई [मेवाड़ चैनल] का सम्मान किया गया

याद है उनकी नटखट शरारते – कैसे वे माखन चुराते थे, कभी गोपियों की मटकिया फोड़ दिया करते थे तो कभी मिट्टी खाया करते थे; पर उनकी हर शरारत भी प्यारी लगती थी, गोपिया उनकी शिकायत तो किया करती थी पर साथ ही अपने घरों के दरवाज़े भी नन्दलाला के लिए खुला छोड़ दिया करती थी. इससे पता चलता है कि जब दिल साफ़ होता है तब हर गलती भी छोटी होती है. कृष्ण ने अपने बाल्यकाल में ही कई दानवो और बुरे लोगो का विनाश करा था और हमे ये सिखाया था कि विप्पत्ति चाहे कितनी भी बड़ी हो पर मन की हिम्मत से हर कठिन राह भी आसान हो जाती है. आज दोस्ती की परिभाषा बदल गयी है – फेसबुक, इन्टरनेट की बनावटी दुनिया में सखा साथी कही खो से गए है और दोस्ती में स्वार्थ, अहम् इतना बढ़ गया है कि कृष्ण-सुदामा जैसी दोस्ती जाने कहा खो गई है. अपने परिवार और नगरवासियों की मदद के लिए हमेशा तत्पर रहना, सभी का आदर सम्मान करना, हमेशा अपने हँसमुख स्वाभाव से सबको खुश रखना, आदि कई गुण थे कान्हा में. कलियुग की तथाकथित “Personality Development Classes ” से कई गुना ज्यादा सिखाता है कान्हा जी का जीवन….. जरुरत है तो बस उन्हें मन में बसाने की और उनके रंगों में रंग जाने की…

सेक्टर 11 शिव मंदिर में भी कन्हैया का जन्मोत्सव धूम धाम से मनाया गया. बाल गोपाल की झांकी बनायीं गयी, 20 सालों से चली आ रही परंपरा के अनुसार भजन संध्या का आयोजन भी  किया गया जिसमे सभापति रजनी डांगी और प्रमोद सामर ने कार्यक्रम का आनंद  लिया.




Photos By : Yash Sharma
उदयपुरब्लॉग( की ओर से सभी को जन्माष्टमी की हार्दिक शुभकामनाए…!!! जय श्री कृष्णा..!!! 🙂


Some More Photos by Chirag Mehta





जय श्री कृष्णा..!!!


‘Chor’ In The City

shoplifting -

The retail industry is one of the biggest and fastest moving industries of the Indian economy. It is been evident from the developments that have been made in past decade. A series of chain retail stores have been established across the country. Big brands like Reliance Fresh, More, Big Baazar and Easy Day etc. are the few examples, which prove the growth of the retail sector in India.

Apart from this fact of fast growing movement; there also exist a challenging threat for the retail outlets which is weakening its strength from the roots like a termite. The threat is well endorsed as Shoplifting and few related terms are Pilferage or Shrinkage. The threat is not affecting only India rather it is an addressable issue across the globe.  According to the recent studies the rate of shrinkage has been noticed highest in India.

Not only customers but there are other factors which contribute to shrinkage and pilferage. There are internal causes such as theft by employees, internal losses, breakage and shortage etc. But the loss incurred by the external factors such as shoplifting contributes to a higher extent.

If we try to find out that who executes or actively involved in the act of shoplifting; there comes out to be interesting results. Yes, both amateurs and expert professional & skilled people are executing the act. Some just do it to satisfy their urge to do it. For a segment money might not be the major cause to do. May be they have developed a habit of doing so. Well, at the end for rest of them ‘money matters’.

The products which attract shoplifters the most are (a) having a higher price tag (b) small enough to hide in their pocket. These are the few items which are always on the verge to be picked very quickly like deos, sprays, cosmetics, perfumes, chocolates, electronic gadgets and liquor etc.

Shoplifting has emerged as a major threat for the retail industry which has led to shrink the size of the retail business. Even big brands are suffering huge loss and of course the level has risen to the neck.

To overcome the mega loss the companies are investing more capital towards installing security measures and surveillance systems. Different modes of implementing security cover CCTV camera, Security Guards, RFID and bouncers. Indeed after tightening the grip of security at the places the so called ‘chor’ is still wandering in the city. May you find him next to you, executing his magical hands while you are checking this post on your tablet during shopping in a mall. Chow!


The Leadership Summit by IIM Udaipur

IIM Udaipur Summit Picture

The Indian Institute of Management Udaipur (IIMU) kicked off its flagship event, The Leadership Summit 2012 with great fanfare. It was inaugurated by Maharaj Kumar Lakshyaraj Singhji Mewar, the son of the King of Mewar Arvind Singhji in the exquisite Durbar Hall of the City Palace, Udaipur.

Professor Janat Shah, Director IIMU, initiated the proceedings with a few welcoming words. He talked about development of an organization is a long journey and the key aspects to its success was creating knowledge and an environment for sharing it. He then talked about the PGP-M as a transformation journey and how the participants are encouraged to make a difference to the society and give back to Udaipur. To the organizers, he referred to the event as a leadership execution example wherein the entire event was organized by the students. Maharaj Kumar Lakshyaraj Singhji Mewar addressed the gathering and stressed on the importance of being a good human being, which set the stage for success in everything one does in life.

Mr Pradeep Kashyap, CEO, MART & President, Rural Marketing Association of India set the tone for the event with a keynote speech on innovation and execution and the need for “Business minds with a social cause”. He talked about the concept of “75% performance at 50% price” in the Indian context, stressing on the fact that it requires a bottoms-up approach towards a community co- creation process. The theme of the first panel discussion was ‘Making India an Innovation Hub’. The illustrious panel comprising Mr. Debashis Poddar, CEO, Bombay Dyeing; Mr. Ganesan Ramachandran, Partner, Accenture Management Consulting; Mr. Kaushik Roy, President, Brand Strategy and Marketing, Reliance India Ltd. and Mr. Sudarshan Jain, MD, Healthcare Solutions, Abbott Healthcare Pvt. Ltd, and Dr. Sudhakar Potukuchi, Head, India Innovation Center, Eaton India deliberated the topic on the floor.

Mr. Debasis Poddar spoke on innovation as a means of survival and defined it as “the successful exploitation of a new idea”. He illustrated the concept of innovation through various examples in the Indian context. To this input, Mr. Ganesan stressed on reverse innovation and the five requirements of innovation. He also mentioned that though Indians are good at service innovation, they lack product innovation and should pursue that through frugal innovation.

Bringing in a different point of view, Mr. Kaushik Roy said that innovation is not for the faint hearted, and that the fear of taking risk is the biggest impediment to innovation. Thereafter, Mr. Sudarshan Jain said that unless we respect innovation, we cannot encourage innovation and stressed upon Intellectual Property Rights and that the Pharmacy industry is very innovative in India. Dr. Sudhakar

Potukuchi gave an interesting outlook to innovation, stating that “Fresh thinking creates value” and stressed on the importance of the ecosystem, which is crucial to foster innovation. If the innovation does not make money, then it is not useful.

This concluded the first half of the event paving way for the second theme, ‘Execution Excellence’. After a sumptuous lunch, the second panel discussion kicked off at 3.30 pm. The topic under discussion was ‘Execution Excellence’. The panelists who shared their perspectives were Mr. Deepak Dheer, Ex-MD, and Advisor to Mahindra Forgings; Mr. Dhamodaran Ramakrishnan, Director, Smarter Planet Solutions at IBM India; Mr. Dilep Misra, President, Corporate HR, J.K. Group; Maj. Gen. P.R. Shankar, Additional Director General, Directorate Artillery, Indian Army; and Mr. Thomas Kuruvilla, MD, Middle East, Arthur D. Little.

The moderator Prof. Neeti Sanan opened the discussion. Mr Deepak Dheer carried it forward by highlighting the importance of structure and strategy. This was followed by Mr. Dhamodaran who stressed the importance of a team and rigor of accountability. He also said that it is for India to have excellent execution the country should have a strong shared vision. Mr. Dilep Misra opined that it is imperative to have the right people doing the right job. He brought a simple analogy where we find Krishnas and Arjunas in every team signifying a mentor- mentee relationship. The next speaker had a distinguished background which has done India proud in the last 50 years. Maj. Gen. P.R. Shankar brought a whole new perception to the discussion by sharing his experiences of execution challenges in the Indian Army. Mr. Thomas Kuruvilla said that by trusting and empowering people at the
grassroots level they do a better job.

The audience comprising students and faculty of IIMU along with various dignitaries and entrepreneurs from Udaipur added colour to the discussion with their probing questions. Questions ranging from innovation in the developmental activities, to innovation in the pharmaceutical industry and the spectrum of volatility and repeatability in the context of innovation, were put forward by the students. Questions about how India can stop procrastinating execution till the last minute and how it can create a single unified vision were addressed by the panel and the keynote speaker.

The unique insights obtained today would help all the attendees, especially students, feel the pulse of India today and understand the direction in which our country is headed. The event was telecast live online on the website of the leadership Summit

IIM Udaipur Summit Picture




Press Release


One beautiful Thread to celebrate a beautiful Relation – Happy Rakhi

Photo Of Rakhi

Life blesses us with many relations – parents, grandparents, uncles, aunties, cousins and friends… But there is one beautiful relation in which you can find a lifetime friend, an all time enemy, a secret sharer, a counselor and a best care-taker; yes only a brother-sister relation can carry so many pearls of different shades tied together in a strong string of love and care.

And today is the day dedicated to this sweet n sour relation – RAKHI; a day to strengthen the bond shared between brother and sister while tying the knots of a thread round the wrist. Raksha Bandhan or Rakhi falls on the full moon day of the Shravan month of the Hindu calendar. Many mythological tales are narrated about how this tradition of tying Rakhi around the wrist of brothers started, the most famous of all being the story of Rani Karnawati, the widowed queen of emperor of Chittor, who sent a Rakhi to Emperor Humayun asking him safeguard her husband’s empire from Bahadur Shah. The responsibility behind the thread meant so much that Humayun fought with Bahadur Shah even after Rani Karnawati committed Jauhar and handed over the kingdom to Rani’s son.

Every year the festival returns so that we can relive the memories of our childhood with our siblings. The memories attached with this relation, though different for every person, yet carry the same essence of bonding and love. You will find the same cutest smile decorating your face everytime while narrating those craziest fights, those memorable Rakhis, those countless stories of play and fun you had in kindergarten and childhood; aren’t they the most priceless memories..??

It’s amazing how a person who fights with you on every silliest of thing will think of hundreds of excuses to save you from scolding of Dad; the one who never gets tired of teasing you can go wild with anger when someone else says a word against you. While threatening each other to reveal their secrets, we never know when we start sharing the details of our every minute, our secrets and our deepest fears with each other and then we become the best friends for life. There can be no one else who could know your each and every like and dislike, who could understand your wishes and dreams, and who could make all efforts to make you smile in between the tears.

So today go back to those golden days filled with those golden memories and relive those fights and fun with your siblings. Let your childhood take over your present. And while tying Rakhi, let’s promise each other silently that “No matter how many miles and countries come in between us, I will always be the first one to share your smile and your tears.”


Rehearsals for Play – ‘Old World’


Theatre Artist found Rehearsing in Vidhyabhawan Auditorium for the upcoming play ‘Old World

Bhupesh Kumar Pandya, a name that does not need any introduction, is in Udaipur these days. After taking the workshop in june’12 , he has given an opportunity to Udaipur Artist to work under him in a play ‘Old World’ written by Alexei Arbuzov & translated in hindi by Dr. B. Safadia. “Play ‘Old World’ is a touching story of hope & compassion, with gentle hints of humor, providing that love can blossom in the most unlikely places. This play offers the perfect balance and can be enjoyed by theatre goers, young and old” says Mr. Pandya.

Graduated from the National School of Drama, New Delhi; Mr. Pandya has conducted workshops of puppetry, song and street play workshops for school teachers, theatre workshops for children with disabilities. He has also worked in many films including the latest hit flick Vicky Donor (Chaman), Hazaron Khwahishein Aisi, Gandhi to Hitler (Neta Ji Bose), Dussehara and Jeet and Serials which includes Kyunki Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai, Hitler Didi, Kabhi Aaye Na Judaai, Gali Gali Sim SIm, Juniro G, Circus, India’s Most Wanted, Ehsaan, and many more. He has also done voice over for Pahunchaaye Apki Awaz Ap Tak Aaj Tak, Aaj Tak Channel and have an experience of 7 years in All India Radio.

Shivraj Sonwal, Asst. Director of the play & Mahesh Ameta, Production Manager says “It’s a wonderful experience working with Bhuesh Pandya & we are also learning new trends & techniques brought by him” they added “ This play promises a heart warming poignant performances with a pleasant balance of wit and charm brought to life by the characters Dr. Rodio & Lydia”.

Supported by Ministry of Culture, Delhi ; everybody is invited to the show on 4th & 5th Aug. 2012 at Vidhyabhawan Auditorium, Udaipur, 7pm in the evening. Entry is free.


From Banyan Roots to Vat Vriksh : A step forward

Why the name “vat vriksh” ?

As the tree vat vriksh(banyan tree) supports a whole lot of plants, animals and even human beings, in the same way the production centre vat vriksh supports 32 farmers in backward villages who are working with organic farming techniques.


What all do they produce?

Rice, Wheat, Corn, Pulses, Lentil, Gram, Spices, Ghee, Peanut Oil, Mustard Oil, Herbal Tea, Hair Oil, Thyme, Sulphur free Sugar, Tea, Coffee (these three products we do not produce we source it from organic farming association of India network) Papad etc. and various other food materials without the use of harmful pesticides.

They only use compost (leaves and green food waste) to increase fertility of the ground, neem to keep away insects, and other organic methods which are forgotten and were in use long back.


What are we actually eating!

  • According to a Survey by WHO, Our food has 40 times more toxic chemicals than permitted.
  • An apple a day, keeps GOOD HEALTH away!
    Yes, our own government reports suggests that banned pesticides like CHLORDANE, HEPTACHLOR and DDT are present in our food.
  • Fruits, vegetables, meat, milk and even water are all laced with high levels of pesticide residue. (numerous times above the maximum residue limits<mrl> setup by Indian law.


Some references!

  • Pesticides are Poisons, meant mainly to kill living organisms of different kinds (organophosphate pesticides, for instance, have been originally developed as nerve poisons during World War II)
  • According to satyamev jayete’s episode 08: it says that, “For decades our food and water have been contaminated by powerful, harmful pesticides which have been promoted as necessary for better agricultural output. But the reality is that we don’t need pesticides for better yield, and the use of these pestisides is not only deadly for health but results in expensive farming methods. The solution is to adopt organic farming, which is possible and profitable”


So in the end we can say!


No Thank You! 😉

Address of Vat Vriksh: 1-K, 26 Opposite to Jain Mandir, Hiran Magri Sector – 4, Udaipur

Article by : Neha Chhajer


Blood Donation Camp by The Yuvaz – Youth For A Cause


“The excellence of gift lies in it’s appropriateness rather than its value”

To commemorate their 2nd Anniversary The Yuvaz organized a Blood Camp on 24th July, 2012 at M.B. Hospital Blood Bank.The Blood donation camp began at 11 a.m and continued upto 3  p.m where 25units of blood was collected.The members of The Yuvaz along with Ajitesh Rai (University President Candidate)  donated their Blood.Their camp proved out to be helpful for  a lady who was seeking blood for her daughter(due to complicacy in her delivery).

They  were bestowed with many blessings on their Foundation Day and Yogi’s (Group’s President) Birthday for organizing such a welfare camp.

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आज कारगिल विजय दिवस है

आज 26 जुलाई है. कारगिल विजय दिवस. जब बर्फ और सर्दी की आड़ में भारत के अभिन्न अंग कश्मीर के बड़े हिस्से में पाकिस्तानी सेना ने अपना अवैध कब्ज़ा जमा लिया, आज ही के दिन भारतीय सेना के जाबांज जवानो ने उसे मुक्त करवाया.

अपनी घुमक्कड प्रवृति के चलते अब तक दो बार लद्दाख हो आया हूँ. जब भी वहाँ जाता हूँ तो द्रास-कारगिल से गुज़रना होता है. हर बार वहाँ सिर पहले झुकता है, उन शहीदों की याद में, जिन्होंने दुश्मनों को नाको चने चबवा दिए…. और फिर तत्काल सिर गर्व से उठ जाता है, सीना चौड़ा हो जाता है, एक भारतीय होने के फख्र से.. अपनी सेना की बहादुरी पर…

चलिए आज आपको कारगिल विजय दिवस पर ले चलता हूँ.. धरती के स्वर्ग कश्मीर की गोद में बसे द्रास शहर और वहाँ स्थित कारगिल वार मेमोरियल के दर्शन करने…

kargil 1
द्रास शहर. श्रीनगर और कारगिल के बीच बसा कस्बा. इसे दुनिया का दूसरा सबसे ठंडा रिहाइशी इलाका होने का गर्व प्राप्त है. श्रीनगर से बालटाल, सोनमर्ग होते हुए जोजिला दर्रा पार करके यहाँ पहुंचा जा सकता है. जब आप यहाँ से गुजर रहे होते है तो नियंत्रण रेखा के सबसे करीब होते है. (जी हाँ, बिलकुल सही समझा आपने, आप यहाँ पाकिस्तानी तोपों की रेंज में होते है.)

फोटो में लेखक आर्य मनु (दायें) अपने मित्र आशीष विरमानी (दिल्ली) के साथ.

कारगिल वार मेमोरियल का मुख्य द्वार. वैसे यह युद्ध मूलतः द्रास में लड़ा गया,किन्तु इसे नाम मिला कारगिल युद्ध. द्रास कस्बा कारगिल जिले में आता है. यह स्थान द्रास कस्बे से लगभग सात किमी दूर  NH 01A पर स्थित है. वार मेमोरियल स्थल तोलोलिंग की पहाड़ियों की तलहटी में बना है, जहाँ युद्ध के समय जवानो का बेस केम्प हुआ करता था. यहाँ से टाइगर हिल्स की कुल घुमावदार सड़क दुरी 28 kms है.

अमर जवान ज्योति. शहीदों को नमन. इस युद्ध को ऑपरेशन विजय का नाम दिया गया था. राष्ट्रीय ध्वज के साथ यहाँ युद्ध में शरीक होने वाली सेना की टुकडियों के ध्वज लहरा रहे है. यहाँ एक जवान हमेशा शहीदों के सम्मान में सावधान की मुद्रा में खड़ा रहता है.

युद्ध शहीदों के नाम यहाँ सुनहरे अक्षरों में लिखे है. जाट रेजिमेंट, राजपुताना राइफल्स का नाम सबसे पहले देखकर हर किसी राजस्थानी का सीना गर्व से चौड़ा हो जाता है. पंजाब रेजिमेंट, गोरखा राइफल्स, बिहार, सिख, लद्दाख की रेजिमेंटो ने भी अपने सपूत खोये. अमर वाक्य लिखा है यहाँ…
“शहीदों की चिताओं पर, लगेंगे हर बरस मेले,

वतन पर मिटने वालो का, यही बाकी निशाँ होगा…”

म्यूजियम में रखे शहीदों के अस्थि कलश. ये उन शहीदों की अस्थियां है, जिन्हें पहचाना नहीं जा सका. पर ये वे है जो हमेशा के लिए अमर हो गए….सिर्फ हमारे लिए, ताकि हम आराम से यहाँ त्यौहार मना सके…. अगली बार जब इस दिवाली आप अपने घर सजा रहे हो, तो एक दीपक इन अनाम शहीदों के लिए ज़रूर लगाएं…

ये है, पाकिस्तानी सेना द्वारा बरसाए गए मोर्टारों और टॉप गोलों के अवशेष. ये सिर्फ मोर्टारों के पिछले हिस्से (टेल) है. आप सोचिये, ये मोर्टार कितने बड़े और तबाही मचाने वाले होंगे..!! उस पर हालात ये कि पाकिस्तानी सेना पहाड़ की छोटी से हमला कर रही थी, जबकि भारतीय जवान तलहटी से उन पर जवाबी कार्रवाही कर रहे थे.

फिर भी है किसी पाकिस्तानी गोले में इतना दम, जो भारत का बाल भी बांका कर पाए ?

युद्ध में तडातड चलती गोलियों और तनाव के माहौल में सैनिक ठिठोली के क्षण खोज ही लेते थे.मिसाइल को दागने से पहले कुछ इस तरह बयान किये अपने ख्याल, एक सैनिक ने…

आज हम यहाँ बैठ दिन भर टीवी पर उन दिनों की कवरेज देखेंगे, कल हुए नए राष्ट्रपति के शपथ ग्रहण समारोह को देखेंगे… सोचिये उन दिनों हाड कंपा देने वाली सर्दी में किस तरह उन जाबांजो ने देश की रक्षा करते हुए कैसे तनाव के क्षणों में समय बिताया होगा..!!!

उन दिनों महान कवि (स्वर्गीय )श्री हरिवंश राय बच्चन ने अपनी अमर कविता “अग्निपथ” की चंद पंक्तियाँ स्वयं लिखकर भारतीय सेना की हौंसला अफजाई की थी. उसी हस्तलिखित कविता को म्यूजियम में फ्रेम करवा के रखा गया है… ये पंक्तियाँ हमें आज भी लगातार आगे बढते रहने की प्रेरणा देती है.


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“Since 1947” – A short film against corruption

This short film was shot in Thada (near salumber) and surpura (near pushkar) it depicts the state of Corruption in India. How the agents and middlemen raise the price of basic things like Passport, Ration Cards etc. threefold. Learn How to verify Ration Card Online.  Every time when someone pays to the agent the corruption grows. This Short movie inspires to carry out work one-self and Stop corruption.

The movie is directed by : Abhishek Sandu who is a resident of Sector 6 and is presently pursuing his MBA from Welingkars, Mumbai.

Since 1947 - A Short Film


IIM-U presents The Leadership Summit 2012

IIMU Leadership Summit

IIM-Udaipur presents the inaugural edition of its flagship event, “THE IIMU LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2012” on the 4th of August, 2012. This event is being hosted at the resplendent Durbar Hall of the City Palace of Udaipur.

In the words of Prof. Janat Shah, the Director of the institute: “The Leadership Summit aims to serve as a platform for leadership across domains to share their opinions and views on select themes with the students, who can draw insights from the minds of these decision makers.”

Venue for panel discussion IIM U Leadership Summit

The first edition of this event will be inaugurated by the 76th Maharana of the House of Mewar, Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar. This will be followed by an opening speech by the keynote speaker, Mr. Pradeep Kashyap, CEO, MART & President, Rural Marketing Association of India, who is regarded as the father of rural marketing in India. The theme of the first panel discussion is “Making India an Innovation hub”, with an aim to provide a glimpse of the practices that nurture innovation in the industry and how it can be taken further to achieve supremacy. The panelists who will deliberate on this topic are:

1.       Mr. Debashis Poddar                       -CEO, Bombay Dyeing

2.       Mr. Ganesan Ramachandran       -Partner, Accenture Management Consulting

3.       Mr. Kaushik Roy                               -President, Brand Strategy and Marketing, Reliance India Ltd

4.       Mr. Sudarshan Jain                         -MD, Healthcare Solutions, Abbott Healthcare

5.      Mr. Sudhakar Potukuchi                –Head, Innovation center, Eaton India Engineering Center

After the end of the first panel discussion, the panel will be open to questions from the audience, which will comprise of students and faculty of IIMU along with various dignitaries and entrepreneurs from Udaipur.

After lunch, discussion on the second theme, “Execution Excellence” will be open to the panelists. The discussion will aim to provide a diverse perspective on the importance of and best practices for successful execution of strategies. The panelists on this panel are:

1.       Mr. Anirudh Singh                            – Group Head-HR, JSW Steel

2.       Mr. Dilep Misra                                 – President, Corporate HR, J.K. Group

3.       Major General P.R. Shankar        –  Additional DG, Directorate Artillery, Indian Army

The panelists are all leaders from diverse domains like consultancy, services, manufacturing, and sectors such as pharmaceuticals, IT, defence and aerospace.

The panel discussion on ‘Making India an Innovation Hub’ will be moderated by Dr. Gopal Mahapatra, Senior VP-HR, Oracle and visiting faculty at IIMU. Prof. Neeti Sanan, permanent faculty member at IIMU will moderate the panel discussion on the theme ‘Execution Excellence’.

This will be followed by the Closing address delivered by Prof. Janat Shah, the director of IIMU. The evening will be brought to an end with a cultural performance showcasing the rich heritage of Udaipur, followed by dinner.


Press Release