
“Since 1947” – A short film against corruption

This short film was shot in Thada (near salumber) and surpura (near pushkar) it depicts the state of Corruption in India. How the agents and middlemen raise the price of basic things like Passport, Ration Cards etc. threefold. Learn How to verify Ration Card Online.  Every time when someone pays to the agent the corruption grows. This Short movie inspires to carry out work one-self and Stop corruption.

The movie is directed by : Abhishek Sandu who is a resident of Sector 6 and is presently pursuing his MBA from Welingkars, Mumbai.

Since 1947 - A Short Film


IIM-U presents The Leadership Summit 2012

IIMU Leadership Summit

IIM-Udaipur presents the inaugural edition of its flagship event, “THE IIMU LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2012” on the 4th of August, 2012. This event is being hosted at the resplendent Durbar Hall of the City Palace of Udaipur.

In the words of Prof. Janat Shah, the Director of the institute: “The Leadership Summit aims to serve as a platform for leadership across domains to share their opinions and views on select themes with the students, who can draw insights from the minds of these decision makers.”

Venue for panel discussion IIM U Leadership Summit

The first edition of this event will be inaugurated by the 76th Maharana of the House of Mewar, Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar. This will be followed by an opening speech by the keynote speaker, Mr. Pradeep Kashyap, CEO, MART & President, Rural Marketing Association of India, who is regarded as the father of rural marketing in India. The theme of the first panel discussion is “Making India an Innovation hub”, with an aim to provide a glimpse of the practices that nurture innovation in the industry and how it can be taken further to achieve supremacy. The panelists who will deliberate on this topic are:

1.       Mr. Debashis Poddar                       -CEO, Bombay Dyeing

2.       Mr. Ganesan Ramachandran       -Partner, Accenture Management Consulting

3.       Mr. Kaushik Roy                               -President, Brand Strategy and Marketing, Reliance India Ltd

4.       Mr. Sudarshan Jain                         -MD, Healthcare Solutions, Abbott Healthcare

5.      Mr. Sudhakar Potukuchi                –Head, Innovation center, Eaton India Engineering Center

After the end of the first panel discussion, the panel will be open to questions from the audience, which will comprise of students and faculty of IIMU along with various dignitaries and entrepreneurs from Udaipur.

After lunch, discussion on the second theme, “Execution Excellence” will be open to the panelists. The discussion will aim to provide a diverse perspective on the importance of and best practices for successful execution of strategies. The panelists on this panel are:

1.       Mr. Anirudh Singh                            – Group Head-HR, JSW Steel

2.       Mr. Dilep Misra                                 – President, Corporate HR, J.K. Group

3.       Major General P.R. Shankar        –  Additional DG, Directorate Artillery, Indian Army

The panelists are all leaders from diverse domains like consultancy, services, manufacturing, and sectors such as pharmaceuticals, IT, defence and aerospace.

The panel discussion on ‘Making India an Innovation Hub’ will be moderated by Dr. Gopal Mahapatra, Senior VP-HR, Oracle and visiting faculty at IIMU. Prof. Neeti Sanan, permanent faculty member at IIMU will moderate the panel discussion on the theme ‘Execution Excellence’.

This will be followed by the Closing address delivered by Prof. Janat Shah, the director of IIMU. The evening will be brought to an end with a cultural performance showcasing the rich heritage of Udaipur, followed by dinner.


Press Release

Udaipur Speaks

Will only a ban on Gutka help?

Gutkas -
Gutkas –

“Intake Of Gutka Is Injurious To Health”, how many times do we all have read this line displaying on tv and pre-film commercials of Gutkas?

But, does any one of us even bother to do something to stop this unwanted habit of gutkas which is continuously spreading its vicious circle amongst the Udaipies. Many people on paan shops and kirana stores can be seen purchasing and consuming gutkas at a large-scale and making the small-scale gutka traders richer and richer. Although, gutkas are not alone the culprits, cigarettes have to be blamed equally for spoiling the future of the nation.

However, a step taken by the government towards stopping the habit of gutkas is initiated by banning the sale of pan masala and gutka in Jaipur and Pune is worth appreciating but I still think the step is incomplete unless it also ban smoking in public places and sale of cigarettes to minors. In addition, I believe that mere restriction on sale will not bring out any difference, its production have to be stopped as well.

The Gutka traders are obviously against the ban and they claim that like ban on polythene packing this ban is also not going to work for longer period because gutkas and pan masala is an addiction to regular takers which cannot be removed easily and until then this ban is also an opportunity for the black-marketers to become active. So, this time the officials of our health minister have to be extra careful and strict regarding the following of the ban and their decision of fining the culprit.

Also, the regular customers of the traders are also not supporting the ban as some of them think that taking a good quality paan masala or a high-branded gutka will not cause much harm to their health, so let me tell to all of them that a poison is a poison in every sense regardless it is branded or not and it imparts upon its user a “buzz” somewhat more intense than that of tobacco.

So, Udaipies next time if any one of you go for gutka, paan masala or a cigarette just think once the harm it has already caused or it is capable of causing.

All the above points are valid in their own place but the real questions are :

If gutkas are banned then why not cigarettes..??

Do this ban also be exercised in Udaipur as well..??

Think and decide for your own good….




Pranab Mukherjee – The President of India

Pranab Mukherjee -

The most awaited results of 13th President Election Poll were declared this evening and as it was almost expected even before the counting started, Pranab Mukherjee defeated his opponent PA Sangma by 3095 votes valued at 7,13,763. The former Finance Minister will be taking the oath for bearing Presidential Office on July 25. We all congratulate Pranab Mukherjee for this triumphant victory.

Pranab Mukherjee was born on December 11, 1935 in a Bengali Brahmin family at Mirati in West Bengal. He took his Masters Degree in History and Political Science and also a degree in Law from University of Calcutta. He started his political career in the age of 34 by joining Indian National Congress and soon got a seat of Rajya Sabha from Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister and Supreme Leader of Congress. After that he hold many posts in office including Deputy Chairperson of Planning Commission, Minister of Defense, Minister of External Affairs and Minister of Finance. He also formed a separate party, named Rashtriya Samajwadi Party, at the time of Rajiv Gandhi which he again merged with Congress 3 years later. Recently, he resigned from the post of Finance Minister in Manmohan Singh’s Government on June 26 to file his nomination for Presidential Poll.

The high counts of votes dropped in Ballot box for Pranab Da bring with them even higher expectations. The country is looking forward to the newly elected 13th President of India for some major steps towards betterment of the country and its people. The topmost reforms and amendments expected from Pranab Mukherjee during his 5 years of office bearing will be –

1.) The biggest of all devils that is eating out our country from inside is corruption. Pranab Da need to keep an owl’s eye over the proceedings of Jan Lokpal Bill in the Parliament and make it come into force as soon as possible, at the same time making sure that it is not molded by the greedy, corrupted political leaders as per their profits.

2.) The whole country and especially the bleeding Mumbai, wounded in 26/11 blasts, urges to hear a decision from the President on death sentence of Ajmal Kasab, the only attacker of those blasts caught alive, who is right now enjoying the services of Indian Jail.

3.) Along with Ajmal Kasab, many appeals on death sentences are lying on the President’s desk that needs a decision as early as possible; if not on regard to duties but at least for the sake of humanity.

4.) We want to see Pranab Mukherjee coming out with a clear and best of all visions, away from political dirt and dust, to make India shine in every horizon, be it economy, education, technology, agriculture, politics, defense, foreign affairs, and the list goes on. At the same time, we need to slow down when it comes to price inflation, crimes and corruption.

5.) We don’t want to hear long speeches and lists of promises from this President; let his actions speak on his behalf and we promise that our claps and prayers will roar for the Bengal Tiger.

6.) Lastly, in the list of Youth Icons, a place is empty from the field of Politics. Can Pranab Mukherjee win this seat with the same glory and grandeur as he won in the recent Presidential Elections??

In short, everyone is hoping for a new legend to rise in the history of Indian Politics. What are your comments Udaipies..??


मेरे सपनो की बारिश, कब आओगी तुम ??

clouds in udaipur

वर्षा ऋतू हमें गहराई तक छूती है. सावन में सिर्फ तन ही नहीं भीगता, अंदर तक भिगो जाती है बरखा की बूंदें… सावन की रिम झिम फुहारों के बीच उगते अंकुरों, हरे होते पहाड़ों और, और ज्यादा गहराई तक नीली होती झीलों के बीच हमारा मन “किसी की चाह” हेतु व्याकुल हो उठता है.

पर इस बार चाह किसी और की नहीं, बल्कि बारिश की ही है. ये आये तो किसी और को याद करने का मौक़ा मिले ना ! हरियाली अमावस पर, सोचा कि शहर के कमीनेपन से दूर जब गांव के निर्मल मन फतहसागर और सहेलियों की बाड़ी आयेंगे तो इंद्र को मजबूर होना ही पड़ेगा… पर इस बार भी हमेशा की तरह मेरा अनुमान गलत निकला ! उनकी पुपाडी की आवाज़ मेघों तक नहीं पहुंची. उनका सजना सवरना व्यर्थ गया…!!


“सावन आयो रे, ओ जी म्हारा, परणी जोड़ी रा भरतार,

बलम प्यारा, सावन आयो रे…”


सावन तो आयो पण बरखा कोनी आई .. परणी जोड़ी का भरतार, अब तुझे कैसे पुकारें..!! कालिदास ने मेघदूत ग्रन्थ में अपना संदेसा पहुँचाने के लिए बादलों को जरिया बनाया था.. वे जाकर प्रेमिका पर बरसते थे.. यहाँ तो सबकुछ सूखा- सूखा… कैसे भीगेगा प्रेमिका का तन- मन… क्या जुगत बिठाये अब ??

बचपन के दिन याद आते है. मुझे बचपन में अपनी भुआजी के यहाँ गांव में रहने का खूब मौका मिला. बारिश में भीगते भीगते खूब जामुन खाते थे. पेड पर चढ़ने की भी ज़रूरत नहीं होती थी, खुद-ब-खुद जामुन बारिश की मार से ज़मीं पर आ गिरते थे. मक्की की बुवाई होती थी… गीली मूंगफली को खेतों की पाल पर ही सेक कर खाते थे. भुट्टे का मज़ा, मालपुए की ठसक…क्या क्या आनंद होते थे. कच्ची झोपडी के केलुओं से बारिश की झर झर गिरती धार… और उस पर गरमा गरम राब… भुआ तवे पर चिलडे बनाती थी..आटे का घोल जब गरम गरम तवे पर गिरता था तो एक सौंधी महक मन में बस जाती थी. गांव के लोग इकठ्ठा होकर एक जगह सामूहिक प्रसादी करते थे. तेग के तेग भरकर खीर बनती थी और बनती थी बाटियां … आज बस उनकी यादें शेष है. आज 260 रुपये किलो वाले मालपुए लाकर खा लेते है, और खुश हो लेते है.. पर उसमे माटी की वो सौंधी खुशबु नहीं होती.

खैर अब अपन शहर में रहते है. कार की खिडकी खोलकर बारिश में हाथ भिगोने का मज़ा हो या बाइक लेकर फतहसागर पर चक्कर लगाने का मौका… हमें सब चाहिए, पर निगोडी बारिश पता नहीं किस जनम का बदला ले रही है.. उमस ने जीना मुहाल कर रखा है. खाली फतहसागर पर मन नहीं लगता. पिछोला में देवास का पानी आने की क्षणिक खुशी हुई ही थी कि लो जी वहाँ भी चक्कर पड़ गया. अब तो बस श्रीनाथजी का ही आसरा है. क्योंकि बारिश नहीं हुई तो उनका नौका विहार कैसे होगा. लालन लालबाग कैसे जायेंगे, बंशी कैसे बजेगी, गायें क्या खायेगी…! हम तो जैसे जैसे दो दिन में एक बार आ रहे नल के पानी से काम चला लेंगे किन्तु अगर बारिश नहीं आई तो बेचारे ये निरीह पशु क्या खायेंगे ? गलती इंसान की और भुगते सारे जीव-जंतु..!!! मन बस बार बार अपने   को निर्दोष पाते हुए अपील कर रहा है …
काले मेघा काले मेघा, पानी तो बरसाओ….

Photo by : Mujtaba R.G.


The Kayra – A Product Fashion Show

The Kayra – Jaipur’s one of the most prestigious and exclusive product Fashion Show, bestows the young and effulgent Faces of Udaipur with an opportunity to showcase the multiple brands/ products and Services through a single platform. It embodies the beauty and elegance with the models walking elegantly down the ramp exhibiting products to enhance the beauty and radiance altogether.


The Details for the Event are as Follows :

Venue: RKay Mall

Date & Time : 5th August, 2012 | 10 a.m to  5 p.m.

Event co-organized by : Veer Events and Entertainment

Contact: +91-8875743566

The winners will be selected for being a part in Lakme India Fashion Week walk.

The Forms are available at :

  • My FM Office
  • Bagicha Restaurant (Sec 5)
  • Wrangler Outlet (Sukhadia Circle)
  • Vishwas Classes (Dhul Kot Marg)

Grand Finale will be in Jaipur and Special Guests for the show will be bollywood actress Prachi Desai and Neha Dhupia.

For More Details kindly visit :

Udaipur Speaks

Memoirs from the City of my Soul – Udaipur

udaipur lake and castle

Photo Credits:

The first thing I always noticed about it was the smell…The unique earthy smell of the early morning soil around me. I would inhale it wholly and it would make me feel like walking in heaven. Then came the mountains. Those huge, rocky and mysterious looking mountains which held many a stories in my mind’s eye. After which I always looked at the trees in those mountains. Tall, lush green trees; their leaves glistening in the morning light. And as the train would whizz past these captivating scenes, the verdant grass, my heart would start thumping madly in its chest. That feeling of anticipation!! I would glance at my brother sitting across me at the window seat, looking outside with an almost similar expression to mine on his face, his eyes shining in excitement. We would smile at each other and mentally transmit our thoughts, “It’s coming…!”



It is perhaps extremely difficult to describe how exactly I feel for Udaipur and what importance does it hold in my life in one article. That would probably require a whole book. But the above description is apt on how I would always remember arriving at the city. Me and my elder brother would get up early in the wee hours of the morning, cramp ourselves in the window seat of the train and just spend a few hours looking at the environment around us; soaking in each and every little scene before we got down at the station.

It’s been five years now since I last visited Udaipur. But there was a time when a year wouldn’t go by and I hadn’t spent a month of my life in the beautiful city. As I grew up, things changed around me and now I find it difficult to take out a few days from my schedule to visit the place. How have things changed…!! However something that wouldn’t change is my love for the city. And these days, I for some reason, increasingly crave to be back to the simple soothing lanes of the place. That is the reason I try here to recollect some of my memories of the place from the wholesome montage I have of it.

Now I shall not write about its entrancing palaces and other stuff which can easily be found on the internet by better writers than me. Let me try and pen down some of the places which made a huge impact on my psyche and made me realize the finer little things of life.



No description of Udaipur would ever be complete without a mention of Fateh Sagar. The lake might not be one of the most beautiful around, but it sure has something about it. I am certain all from the city of Udaipur have their own special memory of it. Mine was quite simple. Sitting there with my cousins as the cool and high breeze would slap my face, watching the evening sun go down; looking at the sparkling water creating small waves and losing myself in them. Then of course, there were those ‘chaat waalahs’ nearby, whom I would never miss to try out. That was how I remember the lake, and that is how I want it to remain.


Gulab Bagh:

This absolutely stunningly beautiful garden cum zoo perhaps holds the most significant of all my memories related to Udaipur. I remember going down there as a kid with my mother and aunts. Holding her hands I would gape at the squirrels scurrying about in the dense tress and make my own world in them.  As I grew up, I would go there for early morning walks with my cousins. It was fun; strolling around the park, sitting and feeling in the pure and fresh surroundings around me. Sheer bliss.

I also have fond memories of the zoo connected to it. The most vivid of them all is when I once went there with my ‘nanaji’ and witnessed a ferocious fight between a tiger who was pawing away madly at the cage next to his that had a lion – lioness in it, who looked equally mad. I never forgot that scene, two of the most ferocious big cats ready to tear each other apart. That was really cool. I went there many a times again as a teenager, but was sad to find out its deteriorating condition.

But the name Gulab Bagh is etched forever in my memory.

Railway Station:

The ‘Udaipur City’ railway station. You would probably find it surprising that I mention a railway station of all the places here. However it has its own special place in my memory. Firstly, the fact that I always loved looking at the deep yellow and black bold letters of the name of the city which greeted me as the train entered the station. It gave me a feeling of warm pleasantness. I would also keep coming at the station just to have a look around, since I was a kid. The spick and clean floors, the enticing magazine stall, the fresh snacks which were available and even looking at the small tracks; I loved them all. Those tracks weren’t just normal tracks connecting trains from everywhere; they connected a vast montage of memories to my soul too.


Yes. I can safely claim that Udaipur brought out the foodie in me. I can’t name enough places here to describe the wide array of sumptuous delights available throughout the city. What I loved most about the food was that like its people it had a certain amount of simplicity and freshness about it. The ‘Paav Bhaaji’ at Town Hall, or puri – daal which was found in an eatery in Udiapole, or the very own ‘daal baati churma’, pani puri, paratha – dahi and other lovable delights like rabri that can be easily found in different nooks and corners of the city.

There was also a hotel called ‘Neelam’, the name of the locality escapes me, but I had wonderful memories of eating there with my cousins. The food was so simple yet mouth-watering. My fascination with ‘paneer’ took birth in this small restaurant.

I can’t finish this without mentioning the gulab jamuns. I don’t know which shop my Nanaji bought them from, but they sure were simply delicious. Small, soft, round and dripping with chaashni, I would greedily gulp down dozens in one go and they just melted in my mouth. They just don’t make it like that here.




As I mentioned, these are just a tiny part of my fascinating memories from Udaipur. There are just so many places and memories that it’s a task in itself to edit out these from the whole assemblage. Be it hanging out in Sukhadia Circle, strolling through the lanes of Bapu Bazaar, Udiapole and Surajpole, visiting those peaceful and small ‘mandirs’ located high up in the mountains, messing around the slopes of Dudh Talai, or exploring the wonders of Shilpgram. Then there are wonderful recollections from visiting that marvelous City Palace, or the breathtaking Sajjan Garh or gawking at the amazing beauty of Raj Samand Lake. To mention them all and their effect on me would really require a book.

However, more than the material aspects, what attracted me more toward Udaipur was that simplistic charm it exuded. It provided me a catharsis of pent-up emotions; gave me the opportunity to fly and live the life of a different being, allowed me to break the shackles around me, quite different from the constricted life I used to lead. I would roam around the small lanes of my colony there as a teenager; looking at the chaste Hindi names the shops would have and slurp away merrily at the ‘chuski’ from the corner ‘kiraane ki dukan’, without a care in the world. This probably came from the infectious nature of the people there who had a sense of contentment about them, always hale and hearty. That is what Udaipur was about. Simple yet soothing.

The last time I visited Udaipur, I saw it had progressed a lot from its small town days. Malls had sprung up and so had multiplexes. Swanky Coffee shops and McDonalds too have made their name in the city. From what I read in your blog, Crossword too has opened shop here. The population too has multiplied manifold. However I would still prefer ‘my’ Udaipur to remain the same, simple way it was. Not that I am against the city from developing; Udaipur deserves every bit of development it is witnessing. But somehow, I still like browsing through that small bookstore in Bapu Bazar and watch my movies at Chetak. To watch it getting all decked up is probably like seeing your child growing all handsome and mature. You feel proud about it, but somewhere deep down you miss that innocent child you had.

I do not know when I will visit Udaipur again; perhaps I am apprehensive on how I would react to this new updated version. I just hope and pray that in spite of all the progress it has made, the purity of life has remained. That is where the attraction lies.

But no matter what, the memories I have created here would remain in my soul for as long as I breathe. They are a massive part of my upbringing which I really miss and crave for. So deep runs my emotions and love for it that not a month goes by where I don’t dream about revisiting those enchanting places there. Even now as I go about my daily business; sometimes I look back over my shoulders at the milling crowd, expecting someone to give me that simple Rajasthani smile, wave and say ‘Aaaujo’.

Article by : Bhawesh Bhimani

Bhawesh Bhimani

About Him: He is a 26 years old Journalism Graduate from Kolkata and works as the Editor cum Project Manager at a Book Publishing House(Chiaroscuro Publishing)in the city. He has also worked as a Journalist in a city weekly tabloid for about a year besides being a freelancer for a few web-portals over the last three years. Besides that he also has a well-maintained blog. –


Haryali Amavasya: Commencement of Monsoon and Feel of Nature


Haryali Amavasya, from our childhood we celebrate this day as a holiday and enjoy the haryali amavasya ka Mela at saheliyon ki bari Road but apart from this, the religious value of this day cannot be overlooked. From the age of our ancestors pujas are conducted on this day to please Lord Shiva. The Shravan month which signifies the commencement of monsoon, this day has its value in making us feel our nature again and the greenery of our Lakecity.
But, the real taste to this festival is added by the famous Rabri Malpuas of Udaipur which is my and I am sure all of us personal favourite. The lush green gardens and parks of Udaipur can be seen full of families enjoying the season and their holiday to the fullest. And now comes the most amazing part, The Haryali Amavasya Mela which begins from Saheliyon ki Bari Road and is spread till Fatehsagar and can be enjoyed by the Udaipies today. The various joy rides and swings, street vendors shouting and the happiness filled noices of children fill the surroundings with enjoyment. The pakodas in little rain can be enjoyed with tea. In addition to which there are Gubbare, Pupadias, pav-bhaji and many more.

The fair continues the next day in which entry of males is restricted and the female folks enjoy the fair and the centre of attraction are the jewellery stalls,and the colorful pins and accessories which they can buy at so cheap prices and feel happy about the same. People come together, dine and enjoy this day of the rainy season to its fullest.

But the sad part is that this jubiliant fair has lost its value in recent years. The so-called status minded people regard this fair is meant only for tribal people and this is the biggest reason why it has lost its value. We should understand that this fair is a symbol of our tradition and culture which needs to be preserved in the same way it was done in the past.
So, Udaipies how many of you will now make your way towards the fair this evening..??
I am sure you all will have a blast visiting there and yes do not forget to mention and share your fun-filled experiences in the comment box below…


5 Things I really hate about Udaipur

I Hate Udaipur

Udaipur popularly known as the ‘City of Lakes’ fills the mind with thrill and excitement at the thought of Natural beauty, blooming lakes and majestic palaces. Yes, it has been rated as one of the most beautiful cities if the world, but have you ever thought that with the increase in pollution and population and other stuff what this city has turned into..?? Well, I’ll tell you… The following are the five things what I dislike and want to improve about Udaipur :-


Ghats turned to Dhobi Ghats:

Udaipur has many lakes. That’s the reason why it is also known as the Lakecity. But these lakes are being turned into Dhobhighats. The local people use the water of these lakes to wash clothes. Especially, Lake Pichola is mostly highlighted. The grill that is been placed at the side of the lake is been used as clothes line. All this is just hampering the beauty of the place. And if the concerned authorities don’t take any immediate and strict action the place will lose its attraction and natural beauty.


Problem of Parking:

Many tourists visit Udaipur to see its scenic beauty and lakes. But these places do not have a proper parking place for vehicles. People park their vehicles in haphazard way. Such a situation further leads to chaos and inconvenience for the commuters. So the administrative authorities must look over this condition so that there is a smooth flow of traffic.


Pollution Problem:

The problem of pollution is throughout our country and the same is with Udaipur too. If you go around through the houses of Udaipur, you will find that most of them will have the ratio of Members: Vehicles be 2:1. The results could be disastrous if the pollution problem is not taken into consideration. The rapid growth in the number of vehicles have resulted in traffic jams and parking problems.



Udaipur’s tourist places are not maintained properly regarding CLEANLINESS. Every now and then you may see that there are pictures of untidiness are there in newspapers and the authorities are continuously needed to be reminded about this issue. The city is still waiting for a strict action of the authorities towards cleanliness.


International Flights:

The next thing relates with the Flights especially international flights. The tourist coming from abroad doesn’t directly land in Udaipur. Instead, they have to bear discomfort in order to directly reach Udaipur. Thus, international flights will increase networking and pull towards more and more tourists and industrialists.


Friends, we are the lucky ones who live in such a beautiful city. Numerous people visit our city to see its beauty and exquisiteness. We should be now more conscious and responsible to turn our city into a heaven. We shall also stop others from tearing down our city’s attractiveness.


Manoj Gurjar and Chirag wadhwani of Mewar to be a part of ‘Laugh India Laugh’

The very talented and popular artist Manoj Gurjar of Mewar(Mavli) does not need much introduction. Apart from participating in various poetry competitions and functions he has also participated in a poetry conference on ETV channel and is also an active volunteer at the Girwa Panchayat Samiti.

Now this multi-talented poet cum entertainer is all set to make us laugh out as he has made his move towards the much hyped and new laughter show of Life OK “Laugh India Laugh“.  Manoj was selected in the Jaipur Auditions and will be competing against India’s 24 Best entertainers selected from all over the country. These laughter champions will be judged by famous celebrities like Singer Mika Singh and Actor-Producer Shekhar Suman who will select the Champion of Champions.



But, Udaipur’s talent is also not far away as Lakecity resident Chirag Wadhwani, who is an amazing stand-up comedian and an incredibly talented mimicry artist whose mimicry list includes celebrities like Akshay Kumar, Fardeen Khan, Aamir Khan, Rajpal Yadav and the list goes on with 72 such celebrity voices will also participate in the show and make the city proud.

So, Udaipies dont miss the much awaited Laughter pill – Laugh India Laugh from 15th July only on Life OK.