“Intake Of Gutka Is Injurious To Health”, how many times do we all have read this line displaying on tv and pre-film commercials of Gutkas?
But, does any one of us even bother to do something to stop this unwanted habit of gutkas which is continuously spreading its vicious circle amongst the Udaipies. Many people on paan shops and kirana stores can be seen purchasing and consuming gutkas at a large-scale and making the small-scale gutka traders richer and richer. Although, gutkas are not alone the culprits, cigarettes have to be blamed equally for spoiling the future of the nation.
However, a step taken by the government towards stopping the habit of gutkas is initiated by banning the sale of pan masala and gutka in Jaipur and Pune is worth appreciating but I still think the step is incomplete unless it also ban smoking in public places and sale of cigarettes to minors. In addition, I believe that mere restriction on sale will not bring out any difference, its production have to be stopped as well.
The Gutka traders are obviously against the ban and they claim that like ban on polythene packing this ban is also not going to work for longer period because gutkas and pan masala is an addiction to regular takers which cannot be removed easily and until then this ban is also an opportunity for the black-marketers to become active. So, this time the officials of our health minister have to be extra careful and strict regarding the following of the ban and their decision of fining the culprit.
Also, the regular customers of the traders are also not supporting the ban as some of them think that taking a good quality paan masala or a high-branded gutka will not cause much harm to their health, so let me tell to all of them that a poison is a poison in every sense regardless it is branded or not and it imparts upon its user a “buzz” somewhat more intense than that of tobacco.
So, Udaipies next time if any one of you go for gutka, paan masala or a cigarette just think once the harm it has already caused or it is capable of causing.
All the above points are valid in their own place but the real questions are :
If gutkas are banned then why not cigarettes..??
Do this ban also be exercised in Udaipur as well..??
Think and decide for your own good….
Agreed wid ua points…
Good work monisha..!!