Modern Tourism in Udaipur

The Traditional concept of Tourism is well known by the people, which includes:  Luxurious Hotels, Special places to Visit.  Specially in a country like India the list of such places…
Udaipur News Tid Bits – Week #17

Udaipur News Tid Bits – Week #17

#1 Udaipur Celebrated Sagas Ji’s Janmotsav : Devotees across Udaipur combined together on 9th August, 2013 to cherish and celebrate the janmotsav of Sagas Ji Bavji, a local deity. As…
Udaipur News Tid Bits – Week #16

Udaipur News Tid Bits – Week #16

#1 Swami Vivekananda's Statue Inauguration Ceremony at MLSU : Mohan Lal Sukhadia Universtiy’s campus witnessed the inauguration ceremony of a statue of Swami Vivekananda on 30th July, 2013. The statue…
News tid bits 15

Udaipur News Tid Bits – Week #15

#1 IIM Udaipur Celebrates its Second Anniversary IIM-U celebrated its second birthday on 27th July, 2013. With this the institute has successfully stepped into its third year, the celebration was…