We and the people around us are very much influenced by celebrities and many of us follow them blindly and their every act whether done personally or professionally becomes a public issue. Apart from being worshipped and followed they are also accused recently for harming the ethical values and breaking the laws, an example of which can be quoted recently when allegations were put on Nation’s Youth Icon Ranbeer Kapoor for smoking publically.
But my matter of writing today is not why Ranbeer smoked publicly rather, the point is should this would be hyped in the same way if an ordinary common man would have smoked in public? Well, I think none of us would have even bothered to even give a second look to the unknown person who was doing it just as if we don’t know him so WHO CARES!!!
Social evils prevailing in our society are very much a concern for all the good citizen. If some influential person commits them, so should I assume that the common man is free to commit all the crimes without coming into notice. Practically speaking and closely analyzing our surrounding environment the case remains the same when it comes to other social evils too. If the judicial system treats every Indian equal, then why aren’t the issues shown below objectionable, even when we witness them quite often, and simply ignore them, as they aren’t our superstars.
Apart from smoking Udaipur really needs to focus on other crimes too like child labour. (Photo 1 and 2)
Local women washing clothes at Gangaur Ghat which is prohibited. (Photo 3)
Beer bottles used by local people drinking publicly without fear at Gangaur Ghat. (Photo 4)
The exact place where the superstar was found smoking. Seems it left an iconic influence on Udaipies. (Photo 5)
Leisure smoking by couple at Gangaur Ghat, This folk musician sits in this same place daily morning to evening but sad People never noticed this, only saw RANBIR KAPOOR.!!!!! (Photo 6)
Time 12.22 noon date 2/6/2012 men smoking at Jagdish Chowk, outside a temple where burning incense sticks is clearly visible. (Photo 7)
Wake up Udaipies. Realise before you repent!
About the Contributor: Niharika R. Sanadhya, aged 21, completed her graduation from Pacific College, and holds a diploma in MAAC Mumbai for Animation and Digital film making as well as First Class in photography from Sir J.J Institute of Applied Arts, Mumbai She holds a good work experience with Channel [V] and is a concerned resident of the city
A rare celestial event occurred on 6th June 2012. Astronomers around the world must have observed this event, which will be the last of our life time. Venus transit, which occurs when Venus passes directly between earth and the sun, we see the distant planet as a dot gliding slowly across the surface of Sun. This is a big opportunity to make observation and we decided to observe this event through our telescopes.
For those who woke up late, or missed to witness the event, you will have to wait for only 105 more years, as the next transit is estimated in the year 2117. 😉 The transit was observed at 3:39 a.m. but could be viewed from sunrise to 10:22 a.m.
We photographed the event with our specialized setups attached to our telescopes at the College of Technology and Engineering (CTAE) premises. As the event falls in the beginning of the monsoon, there was high probability of overcast in southern and coastal parts of India. Also observation spot should not have hilly area on east side as hills will block the sun for more time in the morning. Based on our survey about different location in India, Udaipur was to be having very less probability of clouds on that particular day; hence the location was best for observation.
What exactly we did: We used 6 inch Newtonian fully automated telescope attached with AV live streaming on laptop for live monitoring of progress of the event. The telescope is fully automated with help of three DC stepper motors. Furthermore to take photographs CCD based camera was also attached. This Canon Powershot A540 camera was having modified firmware with CHDK. CHDK gives SLR functionalities to control aperture and shutter speed. Another 4 inch Newtonian telescope was using similar camera to get pictures. This was 100% manual operation. The laptop controlled Nikon D3000 with specialized solar filter was taking an automated set of photographs.
Finally, who we are: We are the special interest group of young amateur astronomers. Our team consisted of Mr. Rahul Ramtekkar (Mumbai), Mr. Anirudhha Khadakkar (Pune), Ms. Deepankshi Chittora (Udaipur) and Mr. Indrapal Singh Jhala (Udaipur). We practiced a lot to achieve perfecting in capturing the event in camera. The team took approximately 800 photographs few of them are displayed below.
Today, one of the most burning issues of concern is how to tackle global warming and raise global awareness of the need in order to take positive environmental action. 5th June is few click ticks aways to over, and very few knew that United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) took an initiative back in 1973 to celebrate 5th June as World Environment Day every year. Yes, it was an environment day today. Did we see any rallies? Mass movements? Public involvements? More awareness? NO! There have been peaceful rallies but they have just not been able to mark enough agitation in the minds of residents of the city. There may have been speeches, and lectures by eminent speakers at priority level seminars and conferences, but they too haven’t just been absorbed into the general public.
I know to discuss the topics like Global Warming, Environment and all doesn’t interest many but seeing the present state and somewhat predicting the future, I think these are the topics which are most required to be discussed as discussions lead to solutions.
Practically Speaking, what we need today is basically a “Green Economy”. A Green Economy as the books say is one whose growth in income and employment is driven by enterprises which intend to reduce carbon emissions and pollution, enhance energy and resource efficiency and prevent the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services which is exactly what saving our environment really means. Sustainable development should be the approach for our progress, which will obviously leave our future generations some actual inheritance from the ecosystem.
As an Udaipurite where I call my city as City of Lakes it is somewhat obvious that my city would be an epitome of clean and green India. But is it really what the truth is?? Well, the cow dung on our roads, garbage in Fateh Sagar and Pichola, air and noise pollution near busy areas of Bapu Bazar and Shaktinagar, the dump I see at town hall and Sukhadia Circle, etc really make have a second thought.
But in my view these all views can be solved with coordinated efforts of all the Udaipies to make our Udaipur more beautiful and more attractive as for cow dung removal there can be a domestic staff appointed, for garbage and dumps there are “USE ME” boxes already installed, and regarding pollution the battery vehicles and use of one vehicle for two can be a solution. So, Udaipies let us make our city the real HEAVEN.
As students, there are some facts from which we all are familiar like one-third of our Earth’s land mass is under forest cover which makes our planet alive with possibilities. They play a key role in our battle against climate change by releasing oxygen into the atmosphere while storing carbon dioxide. So, is it not necessary for us to prevent and protect our savior?
World Environment Day includes thousands of activities which are organized worldwide with beach clean-ups, concerts, exhibitions, film festivals, community events and much more. This Year’s Global host, India- a country of wide biodiversity having their theme as “Many Species, One Planet, One Future.” India’s Biodiversity was celebrated with huge strides on environmental protection with three days of keynote event covering street rallies, bicycle parades, green concerts, essays and poster competitions in schools, tree planting as well as recycling and clean-up campaigns.
However, this is what is happening at national and international level but every existing human on this earth should make efforts and take initiative in protecting our environment at personal level too by using eco-friendly products such as eco-friendly light bulbs and shopping bags and should also spread awareness for the seriousness of the issue in their surroundings which is indulging in danger at an alarming rate.
In the end, in order to ensure all nations and peoples’ to enjoy a safer and more prosperous future lets start the process of Greening our Blue earth today.
Many melodious voices came in the lime light as Sparkles Events and Wedding Planners provided a platform to the singers of Udaipur. A 2 day audition for the Talent hunt competition, Udaipur Idol, was held at OMG, R Kay Mall Panchwati on 2nd and 3rd June.
As many as 150 talents from all ages came up on stage and were judged by X-factor fame Asif from Deewana Group, Amit Goswami and Subastou Daksh Pandey. The event was hosted by RJ and VJ Piyush. Results are still awaited. Those who will clear the auditions will be called for a Piano round. Finals are to be held at Banera Castle (a unit of Ashoka Bakery), 100 ft road on June 17 at 6:30 pm.
Credits for such a wonderful event go to its sponsors namely
Kanish Computers and Peripherals
Paradise Sounds and Events
Ashoka Bakery
Paragon Mobiles
Banera Castle
Online Media Partner was UdaipurBlog. Thanks to all the sponsors for a successful event. And All the Best to the Participants.
A sneak peak to the event is shown below through pictures. Keep visiting UB for further updates.
इसे कहते है, मेहनत करे कोई और “जनहित” के नाम पर उसका लाभ उठाये कोई ! कुछ ऐसा ही हुआ है हाल ही में “उदयपुर ब्लॉग”(UdaipurBlog.com) के साथ और करने वाले और कोई नहीं अपितु लोकतंत्र के चौथे स्तंभ “पत्रकारिता” के लोग, समाज जिनसे उम्मीद लगाये बैठा होता है कि वे “सच्चाई और साफगोई ” के साथ हर बात आम और खास तक पहुंचाएंगे, किन्तु यही प्रिंट मिडिया जब किसी और के कार्य को अपने “लाभ” हेतु प्रयोग में ले और वो भी इतनी चतुराई से कि कोई उन पर उंगुली नहीं उठा सके.
दरअसल मामला हाई-प्रोफाइल शख्सियत से जुड़ा है. हाल ही में अभिनेता रणबीर कपूर उदयपुर आये. शहर में अलग अलग जगह अभिनेत्री दीपिका पादुकोण के साथ शूटिंग की और अपनी आदत से मजबूर होकर सभी जगह “धुएं के छल्ले भी उडाये…” उदयपुर ब्लॉग के छायाकार श्री मुज्तबा आरजी ने गणगौर घाट पर उनके इस कृत्य को कैमरे में कैद किया. उदयपुर ब्लॉग ने उन तस्वीरों को मई 28 को अपने फेसबुक पेज(Facebook.com/UdaipurBlog) पर डाला और लो जी हो गया बवाल !
अगले ही दिन ये मामला सुर्ख़ियों में आ गया, 31 मई को एक प्रमुख समाचार पत्र ने खबर प्रकाशित कर दी और जब कल उदयपुर सेशन कोर्ट ने जमानती वारंट जारी किया तो सभी समाचार पत्रों ने 2 जून को खबर छाप दी.
खबर प्रकाशित की तो साथ में सबूत के तौर पर फोटो तो चाहिए था ही, अब किसी के पास फोटो था नहीं तो उदयपुर ब्लॉग के आर्टिकल से या यूबी के ही फेसबुक पेज से फोटो को “कॉपी” किया गया. बहुत सफाई से फोटो पर लगे “वाटर मार्क” जिसमे यूबी(UB – UdaipurBlog.com) का नाम लिखा था, उसे “फोटोशोप” में जाकर हटाया गया और खबर के साथ आज के अखबार में छाप दिया. ये किसी एक समाचार पत्र ने नहीं किया अपितु लगभग सभी प्रमुख समाचार पत्र इस भेडचाल में शामिल रहे.
अगर आपको विश्वास नहीं हो रहा तो पहले देखिये असल फोटो जिस पर उदयपुर ब्लॉग का वाटरमार्क लगा है और रणबीर कपूर सिगरेट पीते दिखाई दे रहे है:
अब देखिये अख़बारों में छपी खबर और उस के साथ छपे फोटो को … :
स्थानीय समाचार पत्रों का तो ठीक, मुंबई के सांध्य दैनिक “मिड डे” ने भी उदयपुर ब्लॉग के फेसबुक पेज से सभी फोटोग्राफ्स को कॉपी किया और उन पर से वाटरमार्क हटाकर उन्हें अपने वेबसाईट पर प्रकाशित कर दिया,बिना क्रेडिट दिए. यहाँ तक भी ठीक था, एनडीटीवी ने मिड डे के हवाले से उन फोटोग्राफ्स को उठाकर अपनी वेब पर प्रकाशित कर दिया. और उसका क्रेडिट मिड डे(Mid-Day.com) को डे दिया. मतलब जिसने असली मेहनत की, उसका कही नाम नहीं… खुल्लम खुला चोरी नहीं कहेंगे तो क्या कहेंगे इसे..???
ये रही मिड डे और एनडीटीवी की खबर, जिसमे एक (मिड डे) फोटो को “क्रॉप”(Crop) करके छाप रहा है तो दूसरा बिना पड़ताल किये उन फोटो के लिए मिड डे को ही क्रेडिट डे रहा है.
Mid-Day.com : Article(Where they copied the image bluntly by cropping the watermark)
NDTV.com: Article(Where they gave the image credits to : Mid-Day.com)
अब देखिये असली फोटो, जिन पर यूबी का वाटरमार्क लगा हुआ है:
इस बारे में जब मिड डे की सह संपादक जान्हवी सामंत से बात की तो उन्होंने सफेद झूठ बोलते हुए हमें कहा कि उन्होंने तो ये फोटो एक अन्य वेबसाईट “पिंक विला”(PinkVilla.com) से उठाये है, और वहाँ कोई वाटरमार्क नहीं था. जब उनसे हमने सम्बंधित वेबसाईट पिंक विला के उस पृष्ठ का यूआरएल माँगा तो उन्होंने मेल करने को कहा, किन्तु बाद में कोई मेल किया ही नहीं, हमने अपने स्तर पर पड़ताल की तो पाया कि उपरोक्त साईट पर हमारे फोटो थे ज़रूर,किन्तु वाटरमार्क के साथ(माने पिंक विला की गलती नहीं.. उसने तो उदयपुर ब्लॉग को पूरा पूरा क्रेडिट दिया) – (PINKVILLA.com : Article Link) हमारे पास जान्हवी सामंत का वो मेल भी मौजूद है, जिसमे उन्होंने साफ़ साफ़ कहा है कि फोटो को एडिट करने में या यूबी का वाटरमार्क हटाने में मिड डे का कोई हाथ नहीं,जबकि हकीकत कुछ और ही है.
उदयपुर ब्लॉग को कोई आपत्ति नहीं होती यदि ये समाचार पत्र समूह इन फोटो के लिए यूबी को आभार प्रकट कर देते. यदि इन अख़बारों की तरफ से मांग की जाती तो यूबी मूल फोटो इनको उपलब्ध करवा देता. किन्तु इस तरह एडिटिंग द्वारा वाटर मार्क हटाकर फोटो को अखबार में/ वेबसाईट पर प्रकाशित करना क्या “सर्वाधिकारों” का हनन नहीं ? क्या इसे कोपी राईट एक्ट का उल्लंघन नहीं कहेंगे ?
अब यूबी(UdaipurBlog) अपने 19 हज़ार से अधिक सदस्य पाठकों तथा अन्य विजिटर्स पाठकों से जानना चाहता है कि आगे क्या एक्शन लेना चाहिए…! आपकी राय के अनुसार ही हम सोच समझकर “कॉपी राईट” नियमों के खिलाफ किये गए इस कृत्य हेतु एक्शन लेंगे. उदयपुर ब्लॉग(UdaipurBlog.com) इस हेतु अपने सभी अधिकार सुरक्षित रखता है. इस लेख के द्वारा पुनः सम्बंधित समाचार पत्र समूहों से उनका पक्ष रखने की अपील उदयपुर ब्लॉग करता है. अन्यथा इस खबर पर आगे भी लगातार लेख प्रकाशित किये जाने की सम्भावना से यूबी इनकार नहीं करता. यह तो हम हे जो आवाज़ उठा रहे हे नजाने कितने लोगो के साथ ऐसा किया होगा इन मीडिया वालो ने..!!
डीस्क्लिमेयर (Disclaimer): जून 02, 2012 को ही हमने इस खबर को यूबी पर प्रकाशित करना चाहा, किन्तु पत्रकारिता के साधारण नियमों के अनुसार किसी भी संगठन के खिलाफ या उनके कार्य विशेष के खिलाफ कोई विषयवस्तु प्रकाशित करने से पूर्व उन्हें पूर्वालोकन हेतु प्रस्तुत करना आवश्यक होता है.इसी सन्दर्भ में इस लेख को प्रकाशन से पूर्व सभी सम्बंधित समाचार पत्र समूहों को प्रूफ के साथ भेजा गया और उनसे आपत्तियां आमंत्रित करनी चाही और उनका पक्ष जानना चाहा. इस सन्दर्भ में सभी को शनिवार दिनाक 2 जून को प्रथम बार एवं सोमवार 4 जून को द्वितीय बार मेल किया गया. आपत्ति प्रस्तुत करने का अंतिम समय पहले शनिवार शाम को रखा गया किन्तु साप्ताहिक अवकाश के चलते बढाकर सोमवार शाम आठ बजे तक किया गया.
मिड डे की तरफ से सोमवार दोपहर में मेल एवं फोन द्वारा “माफ़ी नामा” आया किन्तु उसमे उन्होंने अपनी गलती ” पिंक विला” पर थोपनी चाही जो प्रथम दृष्टया सफ़ेद झूठ है. उस मेल को हू-ब-हू यहाँ प्रकाशित कर रहे है… इसके अतिरिक्त “देश का नंबर एक अखबार” होने का दंभ भरने वालो से लेकर “राजस्थान की माटी” से जुड़ा होने का दावा करने वाले पुराने अखबार और यहाँ तक कि उदयपुर के ही सूरजपोल से प्रकाशित होने वाले एक अन्य अखबार (जिसने इस फोटो को हर खबर के साथ छापा और दावा किया कि खबर भी सबसे पहले उसी ने प्रस्तुत की है) ने अपनी तरफ से कोई प्रतिक्रिया या पक्ष रखने की ज़रूरत ही नहीं समझी, जबकि उन्हें कई बार फोन किया गया अथवा मेल किया गया.
मिड डे द्वारा प्रस्तुत क्षमा पत्र :
(यद्यपि हम इस से सहमत नहीं है क्योंकि इसमें संपादक महोदया सफ़ेद झूठ बोल रही है, फिर भी मिड डे समाचार पत्र के अधिकारों की रक्षा करते हुए उनका पक्ष प्रस्तुत है)
For any queries, solutions – you can reach us on : info@udaipurblog.com
Be it a school going child or a working man or woman, a college student or a housewife, everyone desperately waits for the upcoming Sunday, from the parting Sunday night itself. Weekend is the time to refresh yourself from a long tiring week and fill yourself up with new energy for a new working week; 2 days to hang out with friends, plan an outing with family and sensationalize your taste buds with delicious cuisines.
Hmmm I know, you must have already started thinking of a weekend plan in its greatest pace but this boiling heat would have put a brake on every plan of yours. But but but “When UB is here, there is nothing to fear”. These 3 years of my college life has made me a graduate in making hang out plans be it summers, winters or monsoon. So we’ll be helping you out for few upcoming weekends with ‘hang out plans’, recipes of some appetizing dishes, and restaurants in the city where to dine with your friends and family, and lots more.
This weekend let’s plan an outing at “Doodh Talai”, popularly named as DT among youngsters. It is at the Pal of Lake Pichola that will soothe you with its calm waters. It’s the place of beautiful gardens, the lush greenery of which will keep you cool despite the rising mercury outside. Be it a hangout plan with your friends, or to spend time with your family, there’s the perfect location and the perfect plan.
You can spend your afternoon in the various gardens of DT like DD Park or Deen Dayal Park and Manikya Lal Verma Park. Put a Reverse Gear in your age and start playing all those games you used to play in your childhood like Pakdam Pakdai, Hide and Seek, Vish Amrit, Nadi Pahad, and many more. You can even play Cards or any board games like Snakes and Ladders, Ludo, Business, Monopoly or the best of all times Antakshari. And I can bet there won’t be a pinch of stress left inside your mind after playing these games. There is also a Love Garden made especially for the love birds in the city but let me warn you – It’s Sunday, a family day. So if you are planning for Love Garden then just plan it on a weekday. 😉
Next in line to visit is Karni Mata Temple by Ropeway. You are sure to enjoy this Ropeway Ride. You can even enjoy over snacks in the Restaurant made over the hilltop. On returning back, you can sip your evening Tea, ek kadak adarak wali chai, at the Pal of Lake Pichola. As the sun sets down behind the scene, you can enjoy Jungle Safari Ride or a Boat Ride in Lake Pichola, capturing the panoramic view of sunset in the Lake.
There is also a Musical Fountain Show that plays in DD Park after sunset. You can breathe the scent of water and feel the splashes on your face while tapping your feet and watching the streams of water going up and down and changing its color on the beats of music.
At the end of the day, you can enjoy dinner in your favorite restaurant (PS: If you don’t have a fixed/favourite, There are too many of them nearby), chatting and laughing over the table. Your favorite ice cream scoop will make a perfect ending of a perfect weekend. Take as many photos as you can while posing wildly and stupidly at the camera. Months later, these snaps will help you recollect those golden moments.
Now there will be no more Monday Blues, but only an energetic start of a new week. Wishing you a Happy Sunday and a Happy Week ahead. 🙂
It is the moment of immense proud and pleasure for the royal family and all the people of Mewar, that our own Maharana Arvind Singh Mewar has been selected for the Eighth Women Together(WT) Award for “Contribution to universal Culture” at the United Nations. ‘Women Together’, one of the most prestigious awards of the United Nations is a tribute to his work through the Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation. This award will be received by Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar of Udaipur on June 5, 2012 at the UN General Assembly in New York. He is the second Indian who has bagged this prestigious honour. Maharana Arvind Singh Ji is the present Chairman and Managing Director of the MMCF, which is a charitable foundation, laid by Maharana Bhagwat Singh Mewar, The largest of the nine public charitable institutions set up in 1969 with the motive to sustain the responsibility of the Mewar House towards humanity after the union of the state of Udaipur into the Republic of India in 1947. This foundation is active in sectors like academics, environment, and heritage conservation and is concerned with the people’s welfare. It has a dedicated team of 260 members and has so far invested about 2 million dollars into 32 projects in different sectors. The Women together (WT) is a non government organization, which is a part of the Economic and Social Council of the United States (ECOSOC), selected the Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation (MMCF) to be awarded this year. The goal of this organization is to make the world a better place to live where mankind can aspire to those which present an important and relevant contribution to universal culture and help to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, both in personal and business environment. This unique case study is done by the governance at the highest level. Ela Bhatt is the first Indian who was honored with this award. others who bagged the award in past are Queen Rania of Jordan, Wangari Maathai, Isabel Yanguas, Shirin Ebadi, Barbara Probst Solomon, Louise Bourgeois, Violy McCauslant, Mario Testio, Silvia Earle, Shakira, Antonio Banderas, Katie Ford, Agatha Ruiz de la Parada, and Gaetana Enders (Mary Robinson). Some institutions and companies were also awarded like Grameen Bank, La Caixa Foundation, Aveda, Banco Santander, Toyota, Mango and Mario Santo Domingo. UdaipurBlog congratulates Maharana Arvind Singh Ji for this great achievement, and wishes all the good luck to the Maharana Mewar Charitable Foundation for its prosperity. 🙂
Step into any shopping mall; choose any store; a shoe shop, a readymade garment outlet or any food joint. At most of the places you would find inspiring price tags like 49/-, 99/-, 199/- or 499/- etc. Means price ending with a digit 9.
There are two perspectives of the price tag that is ending with digit 9. Take an example of an item priced at Rs. 99/-. The first benefit, in terms of the consumer, that the selling price appears attractive and defined in only two digits. And it also suits his pocket. The customer is also happy as the item is within reach of a Rs 100/- note.
Second benefit, to the seller, as he actually sells it at Rs 100/- most of the time. Reasons could vary from time to time. A few could be:
He may not have a change of Re 1/-
Customer ignores taking back the change.
In lieu of Re 1/- many outlets including the big brands hand over a candy instead of a Re 1/- coin.
The customer also feels satisfied as he has got the value of his Re 1/-. Now think, if we buy a Re 1/- candy in bulk would it cost @ Re 1/-. No, absolutely not, it would be cheaper rather. Ultimately who is bearing the loss; it is only the end user, the customer.
Hold on for a moment and do a simple calculation. Let’s take an example of an outlet selling 50 such items a day for which balance Re 1/- is not returned:
Extra amount collected by the outlet
Per Day (50 x 1) : Rs 50/-
Per Month (50 x 30) : Rs 1,500/-
Per Year (1500 x 12) : Rs 18,000/-
If this is a story of a single outlet then imagine the amount collected by several thousand outlets being operated in the country. This huge sum straight away turns into black money. This is a mere estimation and not the actual figure. They may be different, may be less or more.
Now let us hear the plea from the perspective of a business owner. Is he doing all this deliberately to earn profit out of the way? Many shopkeepers and outlet owners face problem getting adequate change from the market. They state that there always remains shortage of coins hence they are not able to return proper change to the customer.
Those who are providing change to the customers are buying coins in black from the market. According to a general survey people are selling coins at a margin of 20% to 25%. In other words you need to pay Rs 120/- to buy coins of Rs 100/-. This is absolutely illegal. I think one day our stock market and banks would get bound to enlist the buying and selling rates from INR to INR. 😛
This simple Re 1/- issue is expanding its jaws wider and wider and its canines are getting longer day by day. There is only one way to get rid of this problem if the practice of returning a product instead of currency should be banned and declared illegal. A ban should also be imposed on commission agents who are involved in buying and selling coins. Strict action should be taken against them if found guilty of the same. Governing bodies and RBI should ensure that coins of different denominations are issued to banks regularly so anyone can obtain it as required. Next time when you visit any outlet think for while buying a product having a price tag ending with digit 9.
Hey all budding singers and the vocal maestros from the city. Are you interested in showing your talent off on a common platform in front of the entire Udaipur? If yes, then Sparkles Events and Wedding Planners are bringing forward a right platform, pronouncing it as Singing ka Maha Muqabla (Competition), it’s the Udaipur Idol 2012.
The auditions for the same shall be held at OMG, R Kay Mall Panchwati on 2nd and 3rd June 2012 between 11am to 5 pm. Forms for participating in the mega talent hunt are available at these venues, just to ensure that they are within reach of entire city locations:
Sparkles Dance Institute, Ziniret, inside Surajpole
Ashoka Bakery, Shakti Nagar Corner
Swastik Studio, Sevashram Chouraha
Paragon Mobile’s, 23, Inside Udiapole
Kanish Computers and Peripherals, Ayad road, Thokar chouraha
In a brief discussion with Mr. Amit Goswami of Sparkles institute, he said that the event is going to bring forth the hidden budding talents from the city. He also added that the event will be judged by the X-factor fame Deewana group, who will also be giving a special performance in the event. “The entire event will be hosted by Anchor Piyush. The program won’t only bring name and fame to the singers, but there are also fabulous prizes worth Rs. 51000 to be won.”, added Amit.
This mega event is sponsored by:
Kanish Computers and Peripherals
Paradise Sounds and Events
Ashoka Bakery
Paragon Moblie’s
Banera Castle
Your own UdaipurBlog shall remain the online partner for the event. Stay tuned for more updates. For more enquiries, you can contact Amit Goswami at 9414160658, 9001808828.
Aaah, Summers!! blazing red hot sun over your head, elevating mercury, hot humid air, sweating, itching, thirst, sun burns, fainting, and dehydration, these are the common words with which we welcome the summers. In summers, when the temperature rises our body tries to sweat more to maintain an equilibrium between the inside and outside temperature difference. Higher the temperature more will be the sweating to regulate the temperature of our body and more will be the loss of water from the body.
Dehydration is the most common problem of hot summers. It is the condition when body loses more water than it holds. The human body is about 60-70 % water depending on its size. In normal metabolic processes, sweating and urinating, there is loss of water, and this gets fasten with the onset of summers. It may occur due to many etiologies, like sun heat, diarrhea, vomiting, or due to any long term illness. Replenishment of this loss is very necessary for a healthy living. Here I am compiling few tips which may help you hydrating this summer.
Drink lots and lots of water. It will keep your body hydrated. We should drink at least 8-10 glass of water a day to battle the heat and replenish the water lost through excessive sweating.
Eat fruits. Seasonal fruits such as watermelon and cucumber are the best way to avoid being dehydrated this season. These have high water and fiber content and are the best options as summer snacks and when we don’t prefer the tasteless water. Plus these fruits will keep you hydrated and healthy in summers.
Add water content in your food. Salad, sprouts along with vegetables such as spinach, tomato, lauki (bottleground) similarly dairy products such as milk, curd and paneer can provide us with enough water to avoid the loss.
Other sources of water. Coconut water, lassi, buttermilk (chaach), sugarcane juice and juices of seasonal fruits will be great options to regain the minerals and fluids lost.
Avoid heavy, spicy and fried food items. Pickle, fried chips, namkeen and papad should be avoided.
Work hard, but indoor workout will be better. Exercise is a must to keep you fit and healthy. But with the increasing temperature, you need to work out with caution, because your hard work will make you sweat, more calorie burn and more water loss. Taking breaks in between and sipping more water will keep you well hydrated.
Clothing plays an important role in preventing perspiration. Don’t opt dark colored, tight fitted dresses; instead go for light flourishing colors, cotton fabric, loose fitted with half sleeves. This will give your skin a chance to breathe.
Avoid alcohol. Alcohol or other items which contain alcohol acts as a diuretic, that is, they increase the frequency of urination.
Cover yourself with scarf and umbrella while roaming around. This will prevent your skin tanning, hair drying and sunstroke.
In a case of vomiting, diarrhea, immediately consult your doctor.
These are few steps to beat the unbearable heat and the accompanying dehydration in this season. So don’t keep yourself away from the fun. Grab the hats, water bottles, guard yourself safely and face the challenge of harsh hot rays of sun.