Yesterday Devotees witnessed Lord Jagannath on a Rath Yatra Event. The Rath Yatra event is carried out every year with thousands of devotees waiting to take a glimpse and blessing…
It started with light rain showers when the clock ticked 1 a.m. late night; this series of rain showers continued till late evening today. After such a long wait we…
We and the people around us are very much influenced by celebrities and many of us follow them blindly and their every act whether done personally or professionally becomes a…
आर्ट ऑफ लिविंग के प्रणेता श्रीश्री रविशंकर शुक्रवार को उदयपुर आएंगे। गुरु के आगमन पर बड़ी संख्या में शिष्य और अनुयायी अगवानी करेंगे। उनके सान्निध्य में 10 मार्च को शाम 06:30 बजे से B.N. College…
Today The Maharana Mewar Foundation 31st Annual Award Distribution Ceremony was held at The Manek Chowk, The City Palace Complex, Udaipur. On this occasion, the Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation…
By now, you people must be totally aware of the name, the Hotel Rajmahal Bhindar. As the main promoter, the UdaipurBlog invites you to attend the inaugural-cum-New Year party of…
A chance to visit the 434 years old Imperial Palace, The Rajmahal Bhindar- awaiting its grand opening as a hotel this 31st; made it possible for us to bring to…
उदयपुर शहर से 60 कि.मी. दूर कुराबड- बम्बोरा मार्ग पर अरावली की विस्तृत पहाड़ियों के बीच स्थित है मेवाड़ का प्रमुख शक्ति-पीठ इडाना माता जी. राजपूत समुदाय, भील आदिवासी समुदाय…