Places to Visit

Best Cycling Spots in Udaipur

Pedaling Through Paradise – Experiencing Udaipur’s Stunning Landscapes One Ride At A Time!

Everyone knows Udaipur is renowned for its unmatched beauty and vibrant culture. While being in this city you might have numerous experiences which you surely won’t forget.

And a Cycle Tour is one of them! It is the ideal combination of adventure and culture. It captivates you with the city’s rich beauty and simplicity.

The rides here are exciting yet serene, most with the view of lushly green Aravali range on the other side. Here are some cycling spot suggestions for you to enjoy!

Fateh Sagar lake

fateh sagar
Source : tripoto

Fateh Sagar lake is considered to be the heart of the city. And hence it has the most beautiful sunrise and sunset sceneries. Additionally it’s the best and most accessible spot for cycling. Preferably mornings are perfect to go on a ride because evenings are a bit rushy here. You can easily rent a bicycle here with very affordable charges.

There is a separate path for riding a bicycle which also goes around Rani Road. Also, the bicycles are available for the roam about at Fateh Sagar. Fateh Sagar “पाल” is the place where there is much space and to this amusement there is also beauty which the place holds!

Dudh Talai

dudh talai
Source : tripadvisor

On the Dudh Talai path, cycling is at its best with a whimsical view of Aravali hills and palaces built in the lake. There’s a way which is covered with immense greenery. You can go a long ride through that road covered up with foliage all the way round.

This is one beautiful place where people enjoy the sunrise and sunset while they ride through the most serene atmosphere! The most essential aspects of the place is that there one long path from where roaming around Dudh Talai is most evident and is beautiful specially during sunsets.

Also, in the rainy reasons the view of Dudh Talai is most mesmerizing as the weather of the place is swooning around and is needed to be focused at!

Badi Lake

cycling on badi lake
Source: travelindiadestinations

The Badi lake is situated away from the city rush. You must stop at this breathtaking location. You won’t be let down because this is a mesmerizing site. A perfect combination of hills on one side and a lake on the other allows you to have a memorable cycling experience here.

One of the cleanest rivers is Badi Lake and the ambiance around the lake is just so pure and vibrant that you would wish to stay there for hours and hours! Also, the peace is felt to cherish the environment and the birds chirping all around! The rural vibe is also observed around the lake which makes it more exuberant and making it more attractive place to visit!

Rani Road

rani road
Source : tripadvisor

To have a completely bewildering getaway you shouldn’t miss cycling by Rani road. It is literally overwhelming to be here as it has the most prestigious views and lake by the other side. It would be undeniable to say it’s one of the go-to cycling spots for most of the locals and tourists.

Rani Road is a round about of the city which makes it more beautiful as the distance cannot be measured while bicycling at the place. The greenery besides the road is just beautiful which adds to the beauty of the place. One of the most elegant view is just observed by roaming around specially during monsoon and rainy days at Rani Road.

 Udaipur Countryside

udaipur cycling
Source: thrillophilia

As we are all aware, villages are the first thing that come to mind when seeking peace. The countryside is undoubtedly the best cure for that and you can enjoy connecting with rural people and lifestyle. Then it’s possible that you’d like to go biking there. You can travel the entire way through the countryside near Badi starting from Shilpgram. You won’t be disappointed, we bet.

It is guaranteed that cycling in Udaipur would be one of your best mild escapades. There are even bike ride packages available and offered at various sites and agencies. You can book your rides from there. Else you can rent a bike and could go to these astounding sites on your own.

Do let us know your experience to best cycling places in Udaipur at

History and Culture

The Folklore Of Doodh Talai

Source: gardenvisit

In Udaipur, there is a charming little pond which is popularly known as, ‘Doodh Talai’, certain people refer to a bit varied spelling that goes, ‘Dudh Talai’. Mentioned below is the folklore, which gives a rather strange logic as to why this pond is called what it’s called.


A few centuries back, there was a king who desired for himself a pond that had no water but milk in it. He ordered the construction of a little pond in the center of Udaipur. Next, he commanded each family in Udaipur to pour one large pot of milk into the pond. The King wanted the sight of a white pond to be a surprise for himself. So, he asked everyone to pour the pot full of milk an hour before the sunrise kisses the earth. There was an understandable concern among the people as milk wasn’t affordable to everyone. For whom it was, the thought of throwing away healthy milk didn’t agree with everyone. When the auspicious night came, a few large pots of milk were poured down in the newly established pond by the royal household. Everyone did the same with the amount of milk they could spare. There was one wise man who thought to himself, “What if I, instead of milk, pour into the pond, a pot of water? No one will know! As one-pot water won’t influence a pond full of milk.” As it is widely known that ‘great minds think alike. It was a hilarious shock for the king to wake up to the water pond the next morning. Everyone started to call the pond “Doodh Talai” as a tease and the King had never felt such mockery.

On account of this unaccountable lore, whenever you next visit the tourist spot that is Doodh Talai, do excuse a minute for the king’s euphoric ambition. 


“पैंथर जोड़ा हमारे घरों तक पहुँचा या हमनें उनका घर छीन लिया?” – सच क्या है?

पिछले कई दिनों से लोकल मीडिया, आबादी क्षेत्र में पैंथर के आ जाने की खबर लगातार छाप रहे हैं। स्थानीय अख़बारों से लिए आकड़ें बताते हैं कि साल 2019 में अबतक, पैंथर के आबादी क्षेत्र में आने और उनके द्वारा शिकार करने की लगभग सात से आठ घटनाएँ सामने आ चुकी हैं। सभी घटनाएँ शहर के आसपास के गाँवों की थी, इसलिए ये लाइमलाइट में नहीं आ सकी। इन सभी घटनाओं में जान-माल का नुकसान ग्रामीणों का हुआ, इसलिए ये घटनाएँ चर्चा का विषय नहीं रही।Panther in gulab bagh

तीन दिन पहले शहर के स्मार्टफोंस पर एक विडियो वायरल हुआ जिसमें एक पैंथर को माछला मगरा की पहाड़ियों पर घुमते देखा गया और बिजली की गति से गली-गली यह बात पहुँच गई कि “पैंथर आया हुआ है दूध-तलाई मत जाना।”, “करनी माता साइड पैंथर दिखा, उधर मत जाना।”

दो दिन पहले गुलाब-बाग़ के चौकीदार ने एक पैंथर जोड़े को गुलाब-बाग़ में देखने का दावा किया। सभी के होश उड़ गए। क्यों उड़े होश? कौन है पैंथर के शहर में इतने अन्दर तक आ जाने, के पीछे का ज़िम्मेदार? मेरा तो यह कहना है कि पैंथर में दिमाग होना चाहिए कि वह गुलाब बाग़ कैसे आ धमका? उसके जैसों को तो यहाँ पिजरों में रखा जाता था। अब इतनी हिम्मत की गुलाब-बाग़ में वह खुले में घूमे? उसे पता होना चाहिए कि यह इंसानों का इलाका है, यहाँ उसकी कोई जगह नहीं है।

Panther in gulab bagh
Courtesy: toi

यह सब आपको वकालतनामा तो नहीं लग रहा न! अगर नहीं लग रहा है तो आप ग़लत हैं। लेकिन यह कोई कोर्ट-रूम ड्रामा नहीं है। उस छोटे से कमरे के बाहर का ड्रामा है, जहाँ इन्सान और जानवर एक ऐसे कोंफ्लिक्ट में फंस चुके हैं जिसका अब कोई अंत दिखलाई नहीं पड़ता।

सारे साँप ज़हरीले नहीं होते ठीक वैसे ही सभी इंसान भी गिरे हुए नहीं होते। लेकिन साँप होना बदनाम होना है चाहे वह ज़हरीला हो या न हो और यही बात अब इंसानों पर भी लागू होती है। दोनों को यदि एक ही कहावत में पिरोया जाए तो “एक मछली पूरे तालाब को गन्दा करती है ” कहावत एकदम सटीक बैठेगी।

Panther in gulab bagh
Courtesy: Manhotel

कुछ दिनों पहले परसाद में एक बच्ची को मार डालने वाले पैंथर को मार दिया गया। बच्ची का मरना वाकई एक दुखद घटना थी लेकिन उस पैंथर को मार देना कहाँ तक सही था? क्या ‘प्रशासन’ जो कि अपने आप में बेहद भारी-भरकम शब्द है, पहले सचेत नहीं हुआ? वन-विभाग की क्या ज़िम्मेदारी बनती थी? क्या उनके पास और विकल्प मौजूद नहीं थे?

मुझे कोई उम्मीद नहीं है कि इन प्रश्नों के उत्तर मुझे मिल ही जायेंगे और यदि मिल भी जाते हैं तब भी एक इंसान होने के खातिर इतनी समझ तो है कि उस पैंथर को मार गिराने का काम, कोई बहादुरी का काम नहीं माना जाएगा।

हम विकास और स्मार्ट बनने की दौड़ में अंधे हो चले हैं। सिक्स लेन, अहमदाबाद ब्रॉडगेज़, होटल, अपार्टमेंट्स सभी अरावली की छाती को चीरकर बनाए जा रहे हैं। इस दौरान लाखों पेड़ इस तरह से काटे गए जैसे किसी युद्द में भयंकर नरसंहार हुआ हो। उनके कटने से वहाँ की ज़मीने लाल नहीं हुई लेकिन उसका असर अब दीखने लगा है। गर्मी का हद से ज़्यादा बढ़ना, बारिश की कमी, जंगली जानवरों का आबादी क्षेत्रों में आना, इसके उदाहरण हैं।

Aravalli Destroyed
Courtesy: Down to Earth

मैं अमेज़न के जंगलों की बात नहीं करूँगा और न ही मैं अपने आप को इस लायक मानता हूँ। मैं अपना ही घर नहीं संभाल पा रहा तो दूसरों के घरों की चीज़ें क्या सही करूँगा! सभी उदाहरण यहीं के हैं। इसी अरावली के, जो हमें मानसून आते ही आकर्षित करने लग जाती है और हम उसपर कुदाल चलाने पहुँच जाते हैं।

हम अधिकारियों-अफसरों की बात नहीं करें तो बेहतर है। वे क्या समझेंगे! उन्हें तो AC के रिमोट मिले हुए हैं, कारें मिली हुई हैं और बंगलों में उनके निवास हैं। मैं, मेरे जैसे लोगों से बात कर रहा हूँ। जिनके मन में शहर और शहर की प्राकृतिक धरोहर के लिए प्यार तो है पर वे इसे कहीं दिल में दबाए बैठे हैं।

Aravalli Destroyed
Courtesy: Down to Earth

मैं आपको बता दूँ, जिस समय मैं यह आर्टिकल लिख रहा हूँ, मेरे एक-एक शब्द पर एक-एक पेड़ कट रहा होगा और उसकी चीख़ तक नहीं निकलेगी। हो सकता है, इस आर्टिकल के अंत तक यहीं आसपास एक और पैंथर को त्रेन्क्युलाइज़ कर, मार दिया जाए और फिर जश्न की तैयारियां शुरू कर दें। लेकिन उस पैंथर का कराहना, इन पेड़ों को काटती, ज़मीनों को चीरती मशीनों की चिन्गाड़ में दब जाए।

यह भी हो सकता है कि आने वाले समय में इन बेज़ुबानों की आवाज़ बनने वालों पर भी कुदाल चला दी जाए। लेकिन हक़ीकत की दहाड़ दूर तक जाने वाली है। वह आज नहीं निकलेगी लेकिन आने वाले कल में, अगली पीढ़ी के कानों में ज़रूर गूंजेगी और तब वे हमें दुत्कारेंगे और कहेंगे, “हमारे पूर्वज बहुत दोयम दर्जे के थे यार।”


Can’t Imagine Life Without Internet? See What Udaipur’s 90’s Kids Did!

Today everything is dominated by the virtual world. Everyone hangs out on social media, make new friends on Facebook, and update pictures on Instagram and so on. Even the busiest person would take out time to post their Facebook check-in. While today’s kids are growing up within the confinement of the Internet, we, the 90s kids were roaming around in our neighborhood, hanging out with our mum and dad or probably at our friend’s place.

I am sure nostalgia will be hitting hard after this!!!

Attending Birthday Parties At Home

The definition of a friend was ‘who invited us to their birthday party’. Birthday parties were then celebrated at home, and served was some finger-licking home cooked food. Don’t we miss it sometimes? The trend is quite lost with time.

Can’t Imagine Life Without Internet? See What Udaipur’s 90's Kids Did!
A glimpse of what it looked like.
Source: TradeKeyIndia

Going to the Neighbor’s House to Play

Either daily in the evening or in the summer vacation during the daytime. So many memories of playing in the houses of friends are stacked up in our minds.

Went To Play Around In the Nearest Park

What was life if not running around in the park and playing some random games like ‘pakadni’!?


‘Jhule’ was the favorite thing in those days and I was certainly a lover of swings. Weren’t you all?

Can’t Imagine Life Without Internet? See What Udaipur’s 90's Kids Did!
An emptied, rusting swing…
Source: Fiveprime

Hanging out with family

Hanging out with family was a frequent sight, unlike today. There were a lot of places frequently visited with my friends and family and these places were nothing less than paradise.

Saheliyo Ki Baadi

Can’t Imagine Life Without Internet? See What Udaipur’s 90's Kids Did!
Source: wikimedia

The beautiful Saheliyo Ki Baadi was one big thing for the 90s kid! On special occasions like distant relatives visiting us, called for a quick visit to Saheliyo Ki Baadi. Can you remember when the last time you went to Saheliyo-ki-Baadi was?

Nehru Garden

Can’t Imagine Life Without Internet? See What Udaipur’s 90's Kids Did!
Source: Rugged Anay

I bet a lot of children haven’t been to Nehru Garden. This is an exotic landmark for our City of Lakes. When we were kids, it was one fantasy place for us- something which is floating over the water of the Lake Fateh Sagar.

Musical Fountain of Deen Dayal Park

Can’t Imagine Life Without Internet? See What Udaipur’s 90's Kids Did!
Source: TripAdvisor

Because of lack of preservation and promotion, this park is sadly visited by none today. The maximum you see is tourists coming there to get into the ropeway for the sunset point at Karni Mata.

Gulab Bagh Zoo

Can’t Imagine Life Without Internet? See What Udaipur’s 90's Kids Did!
A place where we loved to go.
Source: Flickr

I would fall short of words to describe the excitement that my mind was filled with when we planned to visit the Gulab Bagh Zoo. It was and is the only zoo in the city, but quite sadly is in its ruined state. A whole day-out used to be planned, and the toy train added more fantasy quotient to the entire day.

Sukhadia Circle

Can’t Imagine Life Without Internet? See What Udaipur’s 90's Kids Did!
Source: Holiday Plans

What would you do if you didn’t buy a balloon from the ‘balloon wale bhaiyya’ at Sukhadia Circle? ‘Chana-Chor-Garam’ and all the ice creams of the world, not forgetting to mention the paddle boat!

Moti Magri, Guru Govind Singh Park, Dudh Talai, Sanjay Garden

These parks were the best thing of our childhood! Probably today kids don’t even know where these are, but for the 90s kids, this was the thing. Moti Magri was a bit different from what it looks today and same for the Guru Govind Singh Park overlooking Lake Fatehsagar. The gardens at Dudh Talai Garden (Manikya Lal Verma Garden) with oodles of swings were a child’s heaven. Sanjay garden has a beautiful fountain that was very enticing back then.

Can’t Imagine Life Without Internet? See What Udaipur’s 90's Kids Did!
The Remains of the beautiful fountain

Can’t Imagine Life Without Internet? See What Udaipur’s 90's Kids Did!

Can’t Imagine Life Without Internet? See What Udaipur’s 90's Kids Did!
A Flickering Image of Guru Govind Singh Park
Can’t Imagine Life Without Internet? See What Udaipur’s 90's Kids Did!
Dudh Talai Garden (Manikya Lal Verma Garden)

If you remember going out with your family at any of these places or you wanna tell us about any new place, do mention it in the comments below. We would love to hear stories of your childhood. <3 


Top Places for Pre-Wedding Shoots in Udaipur

“Marriage Shots does not have to be perfect; they have to be wonderful.” And, when it comes to Udaipur, every place has got a picturesque and photogenic touch to enlighten the beauty of love and romance. Couples across India, foreign countries, and from Udaipur as well look up for the diverse places to have Pre-Wedding Shoots. Even many ideal photographers suggest Lake City as the first choice to have the Pre-Wedding Shoots because of its regal presence and glamour architectures.

So, here we have found some of the destination spots that are classified as per suitability of the going to be married to define their love story with uniqueness in their captures.

Hotel Destinations

pre-wedding hotel destinations

Udaipur is known for the destination weddings, and some of the hotels have been in the top charts of destination wedding planners as well photographers to have pre-wedding shoots. Here we have some hotels that serve the best occupancy, property, and heritage for the couples to capture their moments of love.

–    Chunda Palace

Surmounted with the lavish interiors and fail architecture exteriors, this hotel is choices of many couples for the pre-wedding shoots. And, if you look at the prices of property for this purpose its 60,000 per day.

–    Hotel Fateh Garh

Royal with the contemporary touch this property is at Sisarma side of Udaipur. Fateh Garh serves with the exotic views and aura that are not just beautiful but worth to click. Relevance to prices per day charge for the property concerning pre-wedding shoot is 31,000 + Tax applicable.

–    Radisson Blu Udaipur Palace Resorts & Spa

Carrying the lake view with supreme architecture, Radisson properties never fail to astound the guests because of its hospitality and surrounding. If you are looking for Lakeside location, it can cost you around 50,000 INR including tax for per day shoot.

–    The Royal Retreat Resort & Spa

Regal frame in every detail of this resort which is definitely a retreat for the couple going to tie the knot soon. Ideal location to have a pre-wed shoot with the tentative charge of Rs.35, 000 per day to have a well spent admire of every corner of it.

–    The Lalit Laxmi Vilas Palace Udaipur

With the captivating view of the valley, lake, and Udaipur skyline this location has all things that one can desire for. And, if you admire luxury so far then, 1 Lakh rupees is not a big deal to spend on your pre-wedding shoot.

–    Shouryagarh Resort & Spa

A getaway for every couple to experience luxury-soaked in tradition. Filled with grandeur architecture and rich history in every corner of the resort, you can have a pre-wedding shoot at a nominal price of Rs.25,000 at this place.



Natural Views


Love for Mother Nature and being at the places that define Lake City even better are the lakes and gardens with opulent views

–    Fateh Sagar

One of the beautiful tourist spot and of course the best place to have the clicks either casually or for the exclusive shots. Fateh Sagar is the heartthrob place for all the youngsters and carries the beauty of its locations namely Moti Magri, Rajeev Gandhi Park, and Rani Road where couples can shoot up the pre-wedding shots in natural lake views.

–    Sajjangarh

Popularly known as Monsoon Palace, this hilltop palatial residence has been the top priority for the pre-wedding shoots because of its grand architecture that reminds of a fairy-tale castle of historical times.

–    Lake Badi

Popularly known as Badi Ki Paal, the lake here is abundant to have the picture perfect views when it comes to having shots indulged in the delicacy of romance.

–    Jagdish Temple Streets

Divine place, filled with the crowd and surrounded by traditional stuff all over the ways. Jagdish Mandir streets accentuate the fascinating view to have the pre-wedding shots completely into the natural markets that are being considered as one of the points nowadays.

–    Ghats of Udaipur

Astonishing and solitary, Ghats of Udaipur namely Gangaur Ghat, Ambrai Ghat, and Lal Ghat are one of the best places to have pre-wedding shots in Morning and Evening time.

–    Doodh Talai

Pichola Pal, Gardens, and Ropeway at the location of Dudh Talai makes it one of the finest place to have the shots for the couples who are going to get married soon.

–    Gulab Bagh

Full of lush greenery and clean roads within the area. Gulab Bagh is not just a morning spot for fitness persons or evening relaxing zone for families but its lot more than that to catch up for pre-wed shoots.



Around Udaipur


In the outskirts of Udaipur also there are many places where people can choose to have their pre-wedding shoots with the alluring views to define their love story in a unique way.

–    Chittorgarh

Easily reachable by road, one of the fascinating place to explore in the municipality of Rajasthan that represents the family history of warrior caste pride, spirit, and Romance. That’s why couples can grace it in one of the destinations for a pre-wed shoot.

–    Jaisamand

This place has got its charm in its second largest artificial lake and of course an Island resort which is a must visit. So, for the couples, it has got all the views that you can just imagine to have in your pre-wedding captures.

–    Eklingji Nagda Village

A getaway to divine place and to have the magnificent captures in the nearby areas like Sastra Bahu Temple, Lake Bagela and Nagda are some of the spots to form a natural romantic view in shots.

–    Kumbhalgarh

One of the renowned places in the outer zones of Udaipur that has got a beautiful fort with splendid greenery and also the best of resorts to look around for royal rocking view. So, what more a couple can desire to have a pre-wedding shoot.

–    Ranakpur

A village nearby Udaipur that is more of a location choice nowadays for pre-wedding shoots because of its luxurious resorts and a symbolic natural arena that have scenic views to capture romantic moments of couples in the frame of memories.


Picture Courtesy: CandidTales and Preach Weddings

Places to Visit Travel

Doodh Talai – Uniquely Defined Water Source

Being a travel freak and exploring historical places keeps your mind storming with the various thoughts all the time. And, when it’s about our Udaipur, the city never fails to astound endless magical history that is covered with the lakes and water sources that are present in and around the city. But what’s more interesting is the uniqueness of their names. Like, Fateh Sagar is named after Maharana Fateh Singh (Mewar dynasty) and Udaipur itself has got its name because of Maharana Udai Singh of Sisodia Clan of Rajput. Same in the series there is centrally located small water pond in the heart of the city, i.e. Doodh Talai (Dudh Talai).

Name and Origination:

doodh talai

Do you ever think that why it is called as Doodh Talai? People in Lake City have subjected many stories behind the name and origination of this water source. But, according to the old citizens, Doodh Talai (A small Milk pond) fulfilled the basic needs of cows that were present in government cow shelters (Raajakeey Goshalas) that carry through the requirement of milk in heritage kitchen. Later on, the dairy was shifted to Goverdhan Vilas area from where the animals were brought daily on grazing, drinking water, and for bathing purpose in Dudh Talai. Hence, it can be concluded that this unique, freshwater reservoir was primarily meant for the Royal concern.

Sites to Explore:

From the location viewpoint, Doodh Talai is located quite near the centre of the Udaipur. And, shares a common link road with another point Lake Pichola. Basically known for its compact and managed shape, it is surrounded by small hillocks that host:

  1. Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Park (Rock Garden or Musical Fountain Garden)
  2. Manikya Lal Verma Garden
  3. The Ropeway
  4. Lake Pichola
  5. Jungle Safari (3.5 km)

Because of scenic greenery, and different tourist attractions it is the famous spot in Udaipur to explore while travelling. One can also enjoy the fast food counters, camel and horse ride, and boat ride at the same location.

Manikya Lal Verma Garden

Manikya Lal Verma Garden

The Manikya Lal Verma Park (also known as Doodh Talai Garden), offers a glorious view of Lake Pichola and Doodh Talai. It was constructed in the year 1995 by Nagar Parishad (Municipal Council) Udaipur and was named after Manikya Lal Verma (Former Chief Minister of Rajasthan). There are stairs constructed to reach to the garden with the separate road for vehicles. And, on the top of it, Karni Mata Temple is located with the white stone idol of the goddess inside the zone.

Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Park

Pandit deen dayal Upadhyay park sunset point

Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Garden is another small park located on the adjacent point to Manikya Lal Verma Garden. It was developed by UIT (Urban Improvement Trust) Udaipur. The best part here is the Rajasthan’s first “Musical Fountain” manufactured by “Yagnik Mechanical Engineering Works”. Also, this park offers a sunset point, from where one can witness the sunset in the lap of Lake Pichola reflecting magnificent light.

The Ropeway (Mansapurna Karni Mata Ropeway)

Ropeway karni mata

There is a ropeway from the top of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Park, which follows the journey of tourists to the Karni Mata temple. The cabin car was developed by business person Kailash Khandelwal in collaboration with UIT. This ride is at the height of around 500 meters and runs over a fixed grip mono cable. It is the first ropeway of Rajasthan that offers a 4-minute ride that is adventurous and joyful to check out the aerial view. The ride gives a panoramic view of the city including Lake Pichola, captivating City Palace, Sajjangarh Fort, and other locations, from its cabin. In addition to the cost, the ticket is quite affordable around Rs.80/- per adult.

Lake Pichola

Lake Pichola Paal

Lake Pichola is the another attraction that can be witnessed by the crowd of tourists and holding the four islands within it (Jag Niwas, Mohan Mandir, Jag Mandir, and Arsi Villas) that represent the royal architecture of Mewar. One can enjoy the scenic view of all the locations by taking a sunset boat ride which costs around Rs.200/- per person. Also, one can also take camel and horse ride on the Lakeside (Paal) of Pichola during any time of the day to enhance the travel experience.

camel and horse ride

In addition to all these explorations, another site that an individual can visit is Jungle Safari which is at the distance of 3.5Km through the road going by the private jetty’s zone of Lake Pichola. Therefore, to cover the diverse locations at a single spot set a plan to know Dudh Talai more closely.

Lake pichola boat ride

To gather and feel the ravishing breeze of this water reservoir, experience the fascinating look by making your evening visit towards the destination.

Places to Visit

Dudh Talai – Deliberate Potency of Aestheticity

Doodh Talai and Lake Pichola

Dudh Talai is a dainty lake in Udaipur studded with enhancements of human pleasures. The lake beautifies the south-east part of Lake Pichola and has an affable view from the twinkling places like City Palace, Jag Mandir etc. The small inlet of this lake, contributes its water to the larger lake Pichola. This place is unique with the presence of conspicuous view of Shiv Niwas Palace on its southern side and is adorned by two parks which adds grace its shore. M.L Verma Garden and Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Park are showcase of modern architecture and allows one to stroll along its beauty. It is located at the coordinates: 24°34’8″N 73°41’9″E

Doodh Talai Udaipur

Manikya Lal Verma Garden :

The Manikya Lal Verma Garden or the Rock Garden, on a hillock near Dudh Talai is the best place to catch a spectacular landscape and is carved out of a rugged rock at an attractive eminence. There are curved stones inducted in the bottom of the garden and the small stream of water goes across through it. It was constructed in year 1995 by Nagar Parhisad (Municipal Council) Udaipur. The blue and white paint is unfortunate but adoption and use as ‘public open space’ is probably the best way of managing India’s brilliant heritage of stepwells. A peep from here gives a panoramic view of sediments of nature. The grandeur of this garden lies in its wall maintained smallness. The scene of dusk, which appears shuddering through the ripplets of the gloomy lake Pichola is astonishing. There are steps constructed to reach to the garden, as well as a separate road for vehicles.

Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Park :

At the same elevation of Maanikya Lala Varma Park there is another garden called Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Park. It was developed by Urban Improvement Trust (UIT) Udaipur. The lake is horizoned by masterpiece like Pichola Lake on west and the beautiful City Palace in the north and the rocky M L V Garden in east. These places together make a chain of ‘must visit’ tourist attraction of the city. It also has Rajasthan’s first “Musical Fountain” manufactured by “Yagnik Mechanical Engineering Works”. In this colored milieu fountains dance according to the tunes of music. On the other hand it is a sunset point, from where the sun sets in the lap of lake Pichola reflecting crepuscular light.

The Ropeway :

A ropeway to Karni Mata temple was constructed between tourist spot Deen Dayal Park, on the top of hill near lake Pichola and the Machhala Hill. Inside the temple there is a white stone idol of the goddess Karni Mata. It was built by the businessman Kailash Khandelwal in collaboration with UIT. It is a delightful ride of 500 meters over a fixed grip mono cable and is the first ropeway of Rajasthan. It is not just a 4 minute ride but a joyful adventure, the altitude bounded with scenery and the people bouncing in the air is so experiencing that one can just fall in short of words. It gives a breath-taking view of the city including Lake Pichola, magnificent City Palace complex, Sajjangarh Fort and many more, from its cabin. Being the major attraction the ropeway system has also developed the ease to visit the temple and other historical sites at Machhala Hill. The ticket costs Rs.69/- per adult.

To add more attractions for tourists, boat rides and camel rides are also introduced near the Dhudh Talai pond, by Udaipur Municipal Corporation.

Being a famous relaxing spot of the city it offers a serene and scenic environment with beautiful lake side drive and one can spend a very intimate quality time here.


Places to Visit

Hangout Plan for the Weekend: Doodh Talai

Be it a school going child or a working man or woman, a college student or a housewife, everyone desperately waits for the upcoming Sunday, from the parting Sunday night itself. Weekend is the time to refresh yourself from a long tiring week and fill yourself up with new energy for a new working week; 2 days to hang out with friends, plan an outing with family and sensationalize your taste buds with delicious cuisines.

Hmmm I know, you must have already started thinking of a weekend plan in its greatest pace but this boiling heat would have put a brake on every plan of yours. But but but “When UB is here, there is nothing to fear”. These 3 years of my college life has made me a graduate in making hang out plans be it summers, winters or monsoon. So we’ll be helping you out for few upcoming weekends with ‘hang out plans’, recipes of some appetizing dishes, and restaurants in the city where to dine with your friends and family, and lots more.

This weekend let’s plan an outing at “Doodh Talai”, popularly named as DT among youngsters. It is at the Pal of Lake Pichola that will soothe you with its calm waters. It’s the place of beautiful gardens, the lush greenery of which will keep you cool despite the rising mercury outside. Be it a hangout plan with your friends, or to spend time with your family, there’s the perfect location and the perfect plan.

You can spend your afternoon in the various gardens of DT like DD Park or Deen Dayal Park and Manikya Lal Verma Park. Put a Reverse Gear in your age and start playing all those games you used to play in your childhood like Pakdam Pakdai, Hide and Seek, Vish Amrit, Nadi Pahad, and many more. You can even play Cards or any board games like Snakes and Ladders, Ludo, Business, Monopoly or the best of all times Antakshari. And I can bet there won’t be a pinch of stress left inside your mind after playing these games. There is also a Love Garden made especially for the love birds in the city but let me warn you – It’s Sunday, a family day. So if you are planning for Love Garden then just plan it on a weekday. 😉

Next in line to visit is Karni Mata Temple by Ropeway. You are sure to enjoy this Ropeway Ride. You can even enjoy over snacks in the Restaurant made over the hilltop. On returning back, you can sip your evening Tea, ek kadak adarak wali chai, at the Pal of Lake Pichola. As the sun sets down behind the scene, you can enjoy Jungle Safari Ride or a Boat Ride in Lake Pichola, capturing the panoramic view of sunset in the Lake.

Doodh Talai | UdaipurBlog
Pichola-Doodh Talai | View from Karni Mata | Image Credits: Deepankshi Chittora

There is also a Musical Fountain Show that plays in DD Park after sunset. You can breathe the scent of water and feel the splashes on your face while tapping your feet and watching the streams of water going up and down and changing its color on the beats of music.

At the end of the day, you can enjoy dinner in your favorite restaurant (PS: If you don’t have a fixed/favourite, There are too many of them nearby), chatting and laughing over the table. Your favorite ice cream scoop will make a perfect ending of a perfect weekend. Take as many photos as you can while posing wildly and stupidly at the camera. Months later, these snaps will help you recollect those golden moments.

Now there will be no more Monday Blues, but only an energetic start of a new week. Wishing you a Happy Sunday and a Happy Week ahead. 🙂