
मिठाइयाँ बांटो – दुनिया के सबसे अच्छे शहरों में उदयपुर को तीसरा स्थान

अब तो ऐसी ख़बरों की उदयपुर वालों को आदत हो गयी है। फिर भी बधाइयाँ तो बनती है। इसके हक़दार हैं हम सभी उदयपुरवाले। Travel & Leisure, एक ट्रेवल मैगज़ीन है जो हर साल दुनिया भर के शहरों का सर्वे करती है और उनमें से चुनिन्दा शहरों की रैंकिंग हम तक पहुँचाती है। इस बार T+L (Travel & Leisure) ने दुनिया के टॉप 15 शहरों की रैंकिंग निकली है। इसमें उस शहर का कल्चर, आसपास की स्थिति, खाने-पीने से लेकर शौपिंग तक यानि की ओवरआल वैल्यू को परखा जाता है। ये सभी 15 शहर दुनिया भर से उठाये हैं जिसमें उदयपुर ने बाजी मारकर 3rd रैंक हासिल की है. यह मैगज़ीन अपने रीडर्स से वोटिंग करवाती है।

ये वही मैगज़ीन जिसनें उदयपुर को 2009 में दुनिया का सबसे बेहतरीन शहर घोषित किया था। इस बार भी टॉप फिफ्टीन में इंडिया से सिर्फ़ उदयपुर का ही नाम आया है। दिल्ली और मुंबई जैसे टूरिस्ट डेस्टिनेशन भी पीछे छूट गए हैं।

Sheesh Mahal overlooking Lake Pichola
Photo By: The Leela Palace

उदयपुर न सिर्फ़ यहाँ पर बने पैलेस, होटल्स, म्यूजियम और आर्किटेक्चर की वजह से फेमस है इन सबके अलावा प्राकृतिक रूप से भी उदयपुर धनवान है।

MMCF के चेयरमैन और मैनेजिंग ट्रस्टी, श्रीजी अरविन्द सिंह जी मेवाड़ का कहना है कि, “ये सभी शहरवासियों के लिए गर्व की बात है। मैं सभी गवर्मेंट एजेंसी और टूरिज्म डिपार्टमेंट को बधाई देना चाहता हूँ जिनके लगातार प्रयासों से उदयपुर इस मुकाम को हासिल कर पाया है।”

Photo Courtesy: Trvl-media

हर साल बढ़ते टूरिस्ट इस बात की गवाही देते है कि वाक़ई उदयपुर ये मुकाम हासिल करने योग्य है। उदयपुर न सिर्फ़ देसी यहाँ तक की विदेशी पर्यटकों की पहली चॉइस बनता जा रहा है। इस बात का सबूत  है ये आंकड़े :-

सन् 2017 में मई  महीने तक कुल देसी पर्यटकों की संख्या 2,74,742 थी वहीँ 2018 में बढ़कर 3,11,442 हो गई। अगर विदेशी पर्यटकों की बात की जाए तो लगभग 89,000 के मुकाबले सन् 2018 में लगभग 96,000 विदेशी पर्यटक अब तक उदयपुर घूमने आ चुके हैं।

Photo Courtesy: d1ljaggyrdca1l

इनके पीछे कई कारण है जैसे झीलों का भरे रहना, टूरिस्ट डिपार्टमेंट और गवर्मेंट का लगातार इस सेक्शन पर फोकस्ड रहना। सिटी पैलेस म्यूजियम का खुद आगे चल कर इनिशिएटिव लेना, म्यूजियम कल्चर को बढ़ावा देना वगैरा-वगैरा।

लेकिन अब जिम्मेदारी बढ़ जाती है। इतने से खुश होने वाली बात नहीं है। सुधार की गुंजाइश हमेशा बनी रहती है। हमारी और आपकी कोशिश यही रहेगी कि सन् 2009 का इतिहास दुबारा दोहराया जाए। 🙂

T+L की रैंकिंग देखने के लिए इस लिंक को क्लिक कर सकते है :-

 News Courtesy: NDTV Beeps


The Women Together Award (WTA) honors Maharana Arvind Singh Mewar

Celebrities don’t need any introduction and this honourable person being discussed here is also fully defined in himself, and here I am talking about Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar of Udaipur who is a recognized and a respectable public figure. Recently, Maharana Mewar Charitable Foundation (MMCF) of whose he is the Chairman and Managing Trustee has been honored with the 8th Women together Award as the Best Organisation.

Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar | UdaipurBlog

A brief introduction about the MMCF would reveal that it is a Public Charitable Trust which was basically settled for the purpose of the sustenance of the duties and responsibilities in democratic India. This is the living heritage of the House Of Mewar, which encompasses a wide range of activities that include environmental protection through water resource management, extensive medical and health care aid, providing pension covers to ex-employees, promoting self-reliance amongst women  and  encourage  financial  support  to  educational  and  cultural  endeavors. MMCF, an epitome of India’s rich Vedic tradition, through its works and service to humanity has now become an inspiration for the generations to come.

So, in the light of so many contributions by MMCF, it was awarded with the VIII Women Together Institution Award in a distinguished ceremony where the prestigious award was accepted by Maharana Arvind Singh Mewar and addressed the distinguished gathering with his golden words which are quoted as follows:

“Greetings from Udaipur !!!

It is a privilege to be present here in the middle of such a distinguished gathering and to receive the VIII Women Together Institution Award for 2012 presented to The Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation,Udaipur. We wish to thank the Office Bearers of the WT Award Committee, the Jury and all those who were instrumental in selecting the MMCF for this singular selection from a land so far away from the HQ. On this occasion we wish to express our deep gratitude to the people of Udaipur and Joint Custodians of MMCF  with  whom  we  share  the  pleasure  and  the  commitment  of  making  Udaipur  an  improved destination through our engagement in academics, eco-management, philanthropy, living heritage and several other areas of socio-economic relevance. Appreciation from prestigious organisations is extremely encouraging. It provides us with an increased impetus to work harder and take the immense challenges that face us head on. Your validation will also provide a greater zeal in all of us who are associated with the MMCF. I would like to use this opportunity to request all of you esteemed guests to visit Udaipur and advise us how we can further improve our beloved city Udaipur. I thank Women Together Association once again for having conferred this award on Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation.”

Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar | UdaipurBlog
His highness delivering his speech

The ceremony was organized at the United Nations General Assembly on 5th June where he dedicated this award not only to the workers and officials of the MMCF but also to the residents of Udaipur. Also, the WTA spokesperson said that Mewar Foundation has held on to the tradition of the Mewar Family towards it emphasis on human values and future preservation for which the credit goes to the multidimensional thinking of Maharana Arvind Singh Mewar.

WTA is a non-government organization which honors people and social organizations from various fields for the renowned and appreciable work done by them and MMCF is being honored by it is a matter of immense pleasure and proud for every Udaipurite. Our entire team extends heartily congratulations for this achievement.


Inputs Courtesy: The City Palace, Udaipur


Eighth Women Together Awardee: Maharana Arvind Singh Mewar

Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar It is the moment of immense proud and pleasure for the royal family and all the people of Mewar, that our own Maharana Arvind Singh Mewar has been selected for the Eighth Women Together(WT) Award for “Contribution to universal Culture” at the United Nations. ‘Women Together’, one of the most prestigious awards of the United Nations is a tribute to his work through the Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation. This award will be received by Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar of Udaipur on June 5, 2012 at the UN General Assembly in New York. He is the second Indian who has bagged this prestigious honour. Maharana Arvind Singh Ji is the present Chairman and Managing Director of the MMCF, which is a charitable foundation, laid by Maharana Bhagwat Singh Mewar, The largest of the nine public charitable institutions set up in 1969 with the motive to sustain the responsibility of the Mewar House towards humanity after the union of the state of Udaipur into the Republic of India in 1947. This foundation is active in sectors like academics, environment, and heritage conservation and is concerned with the people’s welfare. It has a dedicated team of 260 members and has so far invested about 2 million dollars into 32 projects in different sectors. The Women together (WT) is a non government organization, which is a part of the Economic and Social Council of the United States (ECOSOC), selected the Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation (MMCF) to be awarded this year. The goal of this organization is to make the world a better place to live where mankind can aspire to those which present an important and relevant contribution to universal culture and help to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, both in personal and business environment. This unique case study is done by the governance at the highest level. Ela Bhatt is the first Indian who was honored with this award. others who bagged the award in past are Queen Rania of Jordan, Wangari Maathai, Isabel Yanguas, Shirin Ebadi, Barbara Probst Solomon, Louise Bourgeois, Violy McCauslant, Mario Testio, Silvia Earle, Shakira, Antonio Banderas, Katie Ford, Agatha Ruiz de la Parada, and Gaetana Enders (Mary Robinson). Some institutions and companies were also awarded like Grameen Bank, La Caixa Foundation, Aveda, Banco Santander, Toyota, Mango and Mario Santo Domingo. UdaipurBlog congratulates Maharana Arvind Singh Ji for this great achievement, and wishes all the good luck to the Maharana Mewar Charitable Foundation for its prosperity.  🙂