
AIEEE counselling dilemma?? – It just got easier with


Just imagine the dilemma of taking up an engineering College! wouldn’t it be a great advantage and comfort if someone is there to help you in choosing a college which can give wings to your flight?

Yes, is such a venture!

Just like the normal students cracking AIEEE, the members of passkarado had also faced many problems while choosing their college. They felt the need of a proper guide who does not fancy, but showcases the crystal clear scene. Taking up the initiative themselves, they started with passkarado NIT reviews to help others.

Students clear the AIEEE exam after great toil but even after cracking it, counselling turns the good mood onto its head by complicating the process of having to choose one’s college. Which is the best college I can get at my rank? which branch is better? which college has the best facilities and environment for the branch of my choice? and a lot many questions arise in the mind of students. For answers to these, students and their parents keep visiting various websites, read magazines and articles on counselling and analyze the ranking of various NITs provided on websites and ask friends and relatives about these. It happens that sometimes this information is misleading and when the students enter the college with their great aspirations they see a very different picture of the college from what they had assumed. This happens since these people unknowingly guide according to themselves and mostly these people have no connection with the college. How can a person sitting outside the class can tell what the teacher is teaching inside!! ? The only way is to ask the students who attended the class, isn’t it?

So, believing this idea, asked the students pursuing studies at NITs throughout the country to write reviews about their particular branch. In this they were asked about their branch’s positive and negative points, maximum and average packages, faculty, closing rank of their branch, labs, lab attendants, workshops, seminars, branch opportunities, collaborations with other societies and universities round the world, campus, college fests, attendance rules, etc. This information is available to the students free of cost on the website so that they can be guided by the proper mentors for them. has 15 members in its team and they all are committed to help students. Along with the NIT reviews, passkarado is a big name among the websites providing old MNIT, RTU, RPSC papers and full study material. It also provides company and internship reviews for engineering graduates. It is soon going to publish RTU college reviews too and will keep working in the direction of delivering authentic and refined information for students.

So for all those who were hoping that there had to something that could rescue them out of their confusion , here’s something you can reply upon.

Article By : Prithvi Jain 🙂

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पिता: विश्वास प्यार और सुरक्षा का

Happy Father's Day

बहुत सारी छोटी चीज़े मिल कर एक बड़ी चीज़ बनाते हैं, इसी तरह बहुत सारी छोटी चीज़े मिल कर एक रिश्ता बनता है. प्यार, सुरक्षा, विश्वास, शक्ति, बल, ये सब शब्द मिल कर बनाते है एक और शब्द – पिता.

आज फादर्स डे है , वो दिन जो सबने निर्णय किया है अपने पिता को शुक्रियादा करने का, उनसे अपने प्यार का इज़हार करने का. क्या दूँ उन्हें, ये बताने के लिए की हम कितना प्यार करती हूँ मैं उनसे, पापा और मेरे बीच एक रिश्ता है, जो मझे सबसे प्यारा है, जिसकी मैं सबसे ज्यादा इज्ज़त करती हूँ, इस रिश्ते में हर चीज़ पवित्र है. फ़ादर, पिताजी, अब्बा, डैड, पापा, ये सभी एक ही रिश्ते के अनेक नाम है, एक रिश्ता जो बिना किसी स्वार्थ के है. समझ नहीं पा  रही हूँ  की कैसे शुरुआत करूँ आज अपने लेख की? कहाँ से वो शब्द चुन कर लाऊं जो इस रिश्ते को समझा सके? ये दिल का बंधन है, जिसे सिर्फ महसूस किया जा सकता है, जो हमारी यादों में छिपा हुआ है. तो चलिए आज हम सब अपने बचपन की यादों के खज़ाने को खोलते है, जहाँ कुछ चीज़े हमारे चेहरे पर खुशी और हँसी लायेंगी, तो कुछ बातों से आँखें नम होंगी.

आज मेरा जन्म होने वाला है, सब खुश है, पर थोड़ी घबराहट भी है सभी के दिल में, माँ अंदर है, तभी मेरे रोने की आवाज आती है, इसी के साथ एक चेहरा जो सबसे ज्यादा डरा हुआ था वो सबसे ज्यादा खुश है, चरम सीमा की खुशी, पूरा जहाँ जीत लेने वाली खुशी. क्योंकि मेरे इसी रोने के साथ उनका और मेरा एक रिश्ता जुड़ा है, वो आज एक पिता बने है.

सुबह से शाम तक ऑफिस में खूब काम करके वो लौटे है, थके हुए है, पर आपकी बिना दाँतों वाली मुस्कराहट ने उनकी सारी थकान खत्म कर दी . छोटे से हैं आप, आपका कोमल शरीर और पापा के मजबूत कंधे, सवारी वाला घोडा भी बन जायेंगे वो आपके लिए, रोज सुबह ऑफिस जाने से पहले अपनी गाड़ी पर कॉलोनी में आपको घुमाना कभी नहीं भूले वो.

आपको सुबह रोज़ स्कूल तक छोड़ना, अपनी कॉपी पर उनसे अच्छे वाले पेन से अपना नाम लिखवाना, उनके साथ बाज़ार जा कर शक्तिमान और बार्बी वाले बैग खरीदना, हर सन्डे उनसे ज़िद करना की वो हमें घुमा कर लाएं, माँ की सब शिकायतें उनसे करना, ११ क्लास में जब विषय चुनने की बारी आई, तो हमने उन्हीं के पास जा कर सब राय मशवरा किया, कॉलेज में दाखिले की बात आई तो पापा ने ही सब भाग दौड़ की.

उन्हीं के हर नरम और सख्त निर्णय ने हमें आज यहाँ तक ला खड़ा किया. इस चीज़ के लिए हमें हर पल हमारे पिता का धन्यवाद करना चाहिए. जीवन के कठिन पथ पर चलने की शक्ति दी उन्होंने, समझाया उन्होंने, प्यार किया, जरुरत पड़ने पर डांट भी खायी हमने.

ईश्वर ने एक पिता पर भरोसा जताया है की वही घर के मुखिया हो सकते है, मुखिया यानि की जो हर एक बात के लिए जिम्मेदार रहेगा.

Happy Father's Day

हमें पिता से मिलता है एक सुरक्षा का वादा, वो कहीं और से कभी मिल ही नहीं सकता. एक प्यार का एहसास, जो बिना किसी शर्त से बंधा है, वो हमें कभी नहीं नकारेंगे, हमारे सबसे बुरे वक्त में हमारे साथ खड़े रहेंगे, हमारा संबल बन. एक आश्वासन की वो हमें बिना किसी शर्त के प्यार देंगे, हमारी हर खुशी, हर जीत में और हर गम हर दर्द में हमारे साथ हमारे संबल बन खड़े रहेंगे, जिनसे हम अपने दिल ही हर छोटी बात भी बिना किसी हिचकिचाहट के साथ बाँट सकते हैं. जिनके लिए हमारी और परिवार की खुशी सर्वोपरी है, उनकी खुद की खुशी से भी ज्यादा. कोई भी पिता अपने बच्चों से क्या तोफ्हा चाहता है, प्यार का सच्चा इज़हार, एक पूरा दिन उनके साथ, एक बार गले मिलना, उनके आँखों में आंखें ड़ाल कर कहो की में आपसे बहुत प्यार करती हूँ . और मेरे एक दोस्त के लिए, आज तुम्हारे पापा तुम्हारे साथ नहीं है, तो जो सबसे अच्छा तोहफा तुम उन्हें दे सकते हो, वो यह है की तुम्हारे पिता हमेशा जाने जाये उनके आदर्शो के लिए, जो तुम आज भी जिंदा रख सकते हो, उनके सम्मान और प्यार के साथ, जो हमेशा तुम्हारे साथ है, उनके आशीर्वाद के रूप में. हर वो काम करना अपनी जिंदगी में जिसका सपना उन्होंने अपनी आँखों में पाला था.

तो चलिए हम सब आज का ये दिन हमारे पापा के लिए यादगार पलों से भर दें. आप किस तरह से मुस्कराहट लायेंगे उनके चेहरे पे? उदयपुर ब्लॉग को भी शामिल कीजिये अपनी इन खुशियों में, हम सबके साथ बाटें अपने ये खुशी के पल. बताइए हमें की कैसा रहा आपका आज का ये दिन.
और अब अंत में, आलोक श्रीवास्तव जी की दो पंक्तियाँ….

थके पिता का उदास चेहरा, उभर रहा है यूँ मेरे दिल में,

की प्यासे बादल का अक्स जैसे, किसी सरोवर से झांकता है.


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Festivals Food

Father’s Day – Let’s celebrate this Weekend

fathers day picture
Image Credits:

This weekend becomes all the more special as it hosts Father’s Day too. Yes it’s Father’s Day this Sunday; a day to thank the person whom you call “Dad”, “Daddy”, “Papa”, “Baba” etc. etc. etc. By whatever name you call him, whatever the language you may use, the love and respect for father remains the same in each heart irrespective of boundaries and borders.

Children are always more closer to their mother; we share our worries and sorrows and happiness with the lady of the house but very rarely to the man who spends his whole day out working hard to provide us with all luxuries of life. The reason being obvious – he is never at home except at nights and weekends, he always carry that typical silence with him making it all the more difficult for us to share our words with him. But we forget one thing; no matter how less he speaks to us, he loves us and cares for us the same way our mother loves and care for us. We see him as a hard core but no he is also a human being with a heart beating for his children.

So why not break this unspoken silence and tie a bond of loving relationship with this man and make this Father’s Day a memorable one for him. You need not spend a lot of money and have a big show off party or something; you just have to find a way to express your love and respect for him and a glittering smile won’t leave his face the whole day long. If you are confused how to do that then I’ll again say “When UB is here, there is nothing to fear”. 🙂 This weekend we will help you with some plans to make it a remarkable Father’s Day for your family.

Let’s try your hand with ‘karchi and kadai’. 😉 make a dish with your hands for your dad, be it his favorite dish or the one we are sharing with you. And if you are a master chef of your kitchen then you can even make a whole meal for him. Here we are sharing the recipe of “Paneer Chilli” taken out right from the kitchen of “Swastik Restaurant” in Fatehpura. I being a big big fan of it can say that it’s the best Paneer Chilli you can get in Udaipur.


Paneer Chilli
Image Credits:

Ingredients :-

Paneer – 200gm (cut into square pieces of appropriate sizes), Maida – 100gm, Corn flour – 50gm, Capsicum (cut into square pieces of same size as that of Paneer), Onion (also cut into same size), Ginger, Garlic, 2-3 green chilli cut into small pieces, Soya sauce, Ajeenomotto (Chinese salt), Table Salt, Red Chilli Powder, Oil for deep frying


Procedure :-

  • Make a smooth batter (paste) by mixing Maida and Corn flour in one-fourth cup of water.
  • Coat the pieces of paneer in batter and deep fry it in the hot oil till the pieces turn light brown.
  • Take a Frying pan / Kadhai and put it on gas. Add some oil in it and then add garlic, ginger, onion, capsicum and green chilli. Saute over high flame for 1 to 2 minutes.
  • Now add soya sauce, corn flour paste and salt (to taste) and allow it to come to boil.
  • Put in the fried paneer and mix well.
  • Serve hot garnished with green chilli and onion.


Don’t forget to put a hand-made greeting card along with the dish on the dining table. Enjoy the tempting dish with the whole family and make the evening a delicious one. 😉

Who doesn’t like gifts..?? Everyone does and even your father will love to receive a gift from you, no matter how small it may be. Or plan a surprise party for him; but make sure it’s just a family party. Blindfold him and take him to the venue, cut a cake, enjoy a scrumptious dinner and dance till your feet ache. Make sure the special person for the day accompanies you in every activity.

Don’t forget to capture the moments with a click of your camera and share your experiences with us.

Happy Weekend 🙂 and Happy Father’s Day 🙂 🙂


स्वर्ण रथ पर सवार होंगे भगवान जगन्नाथ – छठी भव्य रथयात्रा

हिरणमगरी सेक्टर 7 स्थित भगवान जगन्नाथ धाम से भगवान जगन्नाथ नगर भ्रमण पर 21 जून को निकलेंगे। इसकी तैयारियां जोरों पर है। समिति के भूपेन्द्र सिंह भाटी ने बताया कि सेक्टर-7 स्थित भगवान जगन्नाथ शैशव काल पूर्ण कर बाल्यकाल में प्रवेश कर रहे हैं।



21 जून को छठी रथयात्रा की सवारी करते हुए भगवान जगन्नाथ नगर भ्रमण के लिए सुबह 11 बजे निकलेंगे। बाल्यकाल में प्रवेश कर रहे भगवान जगन्नाथ, सुभद्रा, बलभद्रजी और सुदर्शनजी स्वर्ण रथ में विराजित होकर नगर की सैर करेंगे। भगवान की प्रसन्नता के लिए भक्तजनों का आग्रह था कि इस बार रथ को नया रूप दिया जाए। भगवत् कृपा से जगन्नाथधाम समिति ने अपने सीमित साधनों के अंतर्गत इस दिशा में आंशिक प्रयास किया है, आगामी वर्षों में इसमें और अधिक सुधार के प्रयास किये जाएँगे।


पुरी (उड़ीसा) की तरह सेक्टर-7 से निकलने वाली रथयात्रा में सदा की भाँति जगन्नाथधाम में प्रतिष्ठित महादारु (काष्ठम) की मूल प्रतिमाएं स्वर्णरथ पर विराजेंगी। रथयात्रा का आरम्भ दिन में 11 बजे छेरापहरा (झाड़ू लगाने) की रस्म से होगा, जो ब्रह्मा के समक्ष तन और मन, दोनों की साफ-सफाई का प्रतीक होता है। यात्रा का मार्ग जगन्नाथ धाम, सेक्टर-7 से आरम्भ होकर कृषि मंडी, सेक्टर 11 में स्थित शिवमंदिर, पटेल सर्किल, खांजीपीर, रंगनिवास, भटियानी चौहट्टा, जगदीश चौक से शहर की मुख्य रथयात्रा के साथ मिलकर आरएमवी, कैलाश कॉलोनी तक रहेगा। कैलाश कॉलोनी से अलग होकर गुलाब बाग के पास से उदियापोल, टेकरी (पीपली चौराहा), टेकरी—मादड़ी रोड, मेनारिया गेस्ट हाउस, सेक्टर-6 स्थित पुलिस थाना होकर वापस श्रीजगन्नाथजी धाम सेक्टर-7 पहुँचेगी। जगन्नाथ धाम की स्थापना के प्रेरणा स्रोत स्वर्गीय इं.के.डोरा की स्मृति में उनकी पत्नि माहेश्वरी डोरा की ओर से रथ यात्रा में भाग लेने वाले सभी भक्तगणों के लिए रात्रि भोजन की व्यवस्था की गई है।
रथयात्रा में उत्कल समाज, नारायण सेवा संस्थान, बजरंग सेना, पूज्य सिंधी पंचायत हिरणमगरी, मेवाड़ क्षत्रिय महासभा, जय श्रीराम जय श्रीकृष्णम सेवा समिति, इडाणामाता का रथ, सविना मित्रमण्डल, कृषि मण्डी (अनाज) समिति, पूज्य पंचायत कृषि मण्डी (फलमण्डी) माछला मगरा विकास समिति, मेनारिया समाज, धर्मोंत्सव समिति आदि का विशेष सहयोग रहेगा। विभिन्न देवालयों एवं संगठनों की लगभग 15 झांकियों के भी सम्मिलित होने की सम्भावना है।

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Cadila Pharmaceuticals to invest about 500 Crores in Udaipur

Cadila Pharmaceuticals is one of the largest privately held pharmaceutical companies in India. Headquartered at Ahmedabad, it caters to over 45 therapeutic areas, with presence in over 90 countries.

Cadila-Pharmaceuticals | UdaipurBlog

The news has already caught up attraction in many eyes that the renowned pharma giant has made up its plans to enter the city of lakes for establishing a new medicinal plant. The State Cabinet meeting, headed by the Chief Minister Mr. Ashok Gehlot has sanctioned approval to the company for establishing an Active Pharmaceuticals Ingredients (API) and Manufacturing Unit in Udaipur. The Company will be investing Rs.130 crores in our Udaipur and will be giving employment opportunity to over 850 people. It is noteworthy that this investment might increase to Rs.500 crores in the second phase of the project. The project will prove fruitful for all the Udaipies as far as the employment is concerned. According to the sources the company will be provided a realisation on Entry tax on an approved list of some of its capital goods. As per the decision the company will also be given a 5% planning grant and 70% directive grant so that the project turns out to be a success.

According to a local newspaper, the Cabinet has approved investments valued over Rs. 8800 crores for the state of Rajasthan. The plant will be established in RIICO industrial area, Kaladwas where 30 acres of land has been reserved for the same.


World Blood Donation Day: Let’s estimate the value of 350ml blood

Imagine yourself standing outside a door that says OPERATION THEATRE with a red bulb glowing under that board. You are restlessly pacing in the corridor with drops of sweat on your forehead as your (God forbade) mother or father, brother or sister or your dearest friend lies on the operation table under the eyes of a team of doctors. A nurse emerges from the door and asks you to arrange for a unit of blood urgently as their blood bank is short of that particular blood group. That very moment you will realize the value of just 1 unit of blood.

I remember one advertisement in which a sweet little girl says ‘thank you’ to a group of youngsters sitting in a cafeteria. When asked for what she was thanking them, she replied that she is suffering from some disease in which she needs weekly blood transfusions. She doesn’t know whose blood renews her life every week, so she keeps on thanking every youngster she meets. This shook the heart of one boy who has never donated blood in his life and he decides to donate his blood for people who are in need of it.

If these two instances could not move your legs towards a blood bank, then make a note that God has forgot to put a heart in the left side of your chest.

Blood – it’s the basic fluid in your body that supplies oxygen and nutrients to every cell of your body and takes waste products of metabolism away from it. It neither can be replaced by any other fluid nor can be developed in vitro (outside the body). The need for donating blood and establishing more blood banks increases in the present era as statistics record an increase in the number of accidents as well as in the incidence of diseases such as Thalassemia for which regular blood transfusions is the only way of increasing life expectancy of the patient.

Blood Donation Day | UdaipurBlog

If you are thinking that donating a unit of blood will make you ill or you yourself will fall short of blood then let me tell you that even a lady normally loses some milliliters of blood every month during her menstrual period and there is not a single case where a lady died due to normal menstrual blood loss. Moreover, you all must have read at some time or other that a normal life span of RBCs (Red Blood Cell; cells that form a major part of your blood) has a life span of 120 days, that is, your blood keeps on getting renewed in every 120 days. So even if you donate few milliliters out of your 4.7 – 5.5 L of blood, your body will easily compensate the loss. If you don’t believe me, go ask any doctor around for more guidance.

Its Blood Donation day today; a perfect day to make a decision that we will be donating our blood at regular intervals. You never know whose valuable life your blood might be saving. So it’s in your hands whether to make your 350 ml of blood a mere waste or to make it priceless. Start donating and start saving lives…!!!


Maestro-an Acting Workshop in Udaipur from 20th June

Theatre is regarded as the first step to achieve a full-fledged and a successful acting career, the aspiring actors go in for theatre not only to improve but to enhance their acting skills. It teaches them to present live performances in order to depict the experience of a real or imagined event in presence of a live audience.

The skill of theatre acting is this time being imparted by a workshop called THE MAESTRO to be organized in our Lakecity by Nadbramha to impart the more comprehensive art-process of communicating and interpreting meanings through theatre having their motto as “It’s not about name, fame, money or hobby classes but its all about ACTING” which itself describes what this workshop wishes to achieve. The workshop will be covering the following points so that our young artists can understand the art of theatre in a better way:

  • An introduction to what is acting all about?
  • Definition and origin of acting
  • Who is a actor and what are the tools of an actor in order to grasp the attention of the audience
  • Becoming a better actor through observation, imagination and relaxation
  • Teaching them about the importance of music in acting and also the backstage activities as well
  • How to have a diction and analysis of script
  • Improving their reading skills, body language and self confidence
  • Also includes the various folk styles, puppet making and manipulation
  • Effective use of costumes, properties and make-up
Maestro-workshop | UdaipurBlog
Click to enlarge

The organisers will be providing highly qualified and experienced teaching faculties to their students for their best development and grooming as an actor. A brief introduction of the faculties for the aspiring students of the workshop to know them better goes like this:


Graduated from the National School of Drama, New Delhi; Mr. Pandya has conducted workshops of puppetry, song and street play workshops for school teachers, theatre workshops for children with disabilities. He has also worked in many films including the latest hit flick Vicky Donor, Hazaron Khwahishein Aisi, Dussehara and Jeet and Serials which includes Circus, India’s Most Wanted, Ehsaan, Kabhi aaye na Judaai and Kyunki Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai. He has also done voice over for Pahunchaaye Apki Awaz Ap Tak Aaj Tak, Aaj Tak Channel and have an experience of 7 years in All India Radio.


Mr. Sonwal is a Multi-dimensional and versatile personality who has worked with various legendary directors including Mr. Qayyum Ali Bohra, Mr. Rizwan Zaheer Usman and Mr. Deepak Dixit, etc. From past 5 years has directed 12 plays and all were successful and appreciated. His other productions are Dard Ek shahar Ka, Court Martial, Ajanmi Duniya, Savdhan! Hum Aatmahatya Karte hai…., Hawaalat, Rahogi Tum Vahi…!, Roti ka Jaal, Bechari Aatma and Mughlon ne saltanat baksh di.


He has been trained under India’s Best Theatre Directors Mr. Bhanu Bharti, Mr. Vagish kumar, Miss Rita Ganguly, Mr. Subba Rao and Mr. Ashok Bantiya and has got trained on make-up, lights, backstage, costumes and property.


He has directed many plays namely Tenali Ram, Fatichaar Joote, Kaya Kalp, Andher Nagari, Mahaveer ang Gaj Moti and has conducted many theatre workshops for The Study School, Kendruya Vidhyalaya, ALok School, Central Academy and Sangeet Natak Academy (Rajasthan) and has also acted in 6 films and 5 TV. Serials .


The Chanakya and Khalnayak fame Mr. Moutho will be accompanying the other faculties as a guest faculty at the workshop.

The event is designed and coordinated by The Managers, and supported by Karmashram and Ashraya. The workshop will be conducted at Pacific Campus, Chitrakut Nagar which will be starting on 20th June to 30th June, 2012; forms of the same to be submitted by 19th June. Age Limit of the Would-be actors is 14 years and above. So, all the young and talented Udaipies buckle up and get ready to start your journey of becoming a STAR.

For any sort of inquiry or procuring forms for the workshop, you can contact the following:

  • Karmashram, 1-kha-26, “Ratandeep”, opp. Digambar Jain Temple. H.M. Sec 4, Udaipur
  • The Managers, 597, Bhupalpura Math, St. Pauls School road, Udaipur

The Women Together Award (WTA) honors Maharana Arvind Singh Mewar

Celebrities don’t need any introduction and this honourable person being discussed here is also fully defined in himself, and here I am talking about Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar of Udaipur who is a recognized and a respectable public figure. Recently, Maharana Mewar Charitable Foundation (MMCF) of whose he is the Chairman and Managing Trustee has been honored with the 8th Women together Award as the Best Organisation.

Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar | UdaipurBlog

A brief introduction about the MMCF would reveal that it is a Public Charitable Trust which was basically settled for the purpose of the sustenance of the duties and responsibilities in democratic India. This is the living heritage of the House Of Mewar, which encompasses a wide range of activities that include environmental protection through water resource management, extensive medical and health care aid, providing pension covers to ex-employees, promoting self-reliance amongst women  and  encourage  financial  support  to  educational  and  cultural  endeavors. MMCF, an epitome of India’s rich Vedic tradition, through its works and service to humanity has now become an inspiration for the generations to come.

So, in the light of so many contributions by MMCF, it was awarded with the VIII Women Together Institution Award in a distinguished ceremony where the prestigious award was accepted by Maharana Arvind Singh Mewar and addressed the distinguished gathering with his golden words which are quoted as follows:

“Greetings from Udaipur !!!

It is a privilege to be present here in the middle of such a distinguished gathering and to receive the VIII Women Together Institution Award for 2012 presented to The Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation,Udaipur. We wish to thank the Office Bearers of the WT Award Committee, the Jury and all those who were instrumental in selecting the MMCF for this singular selection from a land so far away from the HQ. On this occasion we wish to express our deep gratitude to the people of Udaipur and Joint Custodians of MMCF  with  whom  we  share  the  pleasure  and  the  commitment  of  making  Udaipur  an  improved destination through our engagement in academics, eco-management, philanthropy, living heritage and several other areas of socio-economic relevance. Appreciation from prestigious organisations is extremely encouraging. It provides us with an increased impetus to work harder and take the immense challenges that face us head on. Your validation will also provide a greater zeal in all of us who are associated with the MMCF. I would like to use this opportunity to request all of you esteemed guests to visit Udaipur and advise us how we can further improve our beloved city Udaipur. I thank Women Together Association once again for having conferred this award on Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation.”

Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar | UdaipurBlog
His highness delivering his speech

The ceremony was organized at the United Nations General Assembly on 5th June where he dedicated this award not only to the workers and officials of the MMCF but also to the residents of Udaipur. Also, the WTA spokesperson said that Mewar Foundation has held on to the tradition of the Mewar Family towards it emphasis on human values and future preservation for which the credit goes to the multidimensional thinking of Maharana Arvind Singh Mewar.

WTA is a non-government organization which honors people and social organizations from various fields for the renowned and appreciable work done by them and MMCF is being honored by it is a matter of immense pleasure and proud for every Udaipurite. Our entire team extends heartily congratulations for this achievement.


Inputs Courtesy: The City Palace, Udaipur

Places to Visit

Hangout Plan for the Weekend: The Celebration Mall

Hello everyone! Udaipur is enjoying its first showers and every face is freshened up in the drizzle of monsoon. Blazing red hot sun has surrendered in front of dense clouds who have taken over the empire of sky. It’s time to celebrate the arrival of monsoons and weekend Udaipies.

So how about a visit to The Celebration Mall this weekend? Here you have lots of points that will suit your interests.

Shopping works as the best stress buster for everyone (especially women). So what are you waiting for? Celebration Mall entertains you with outlets of so many brands. And if you are not a brand freak, then too there are many other options available. Check out the latest monsoon collection and rejoice yourself with new clothes, apparels and accessories. If you don’t want to lighten up your pockets, then too you can kill your stress by window shopping.

For book lovers, Crossword is the cake of the day. You can scan the book store for a nice novel and gift it to yourself or your friend or family member. After a shopping session, you can enjoy burgers at McDonald’s or order some snacks at Nirula’s or Easy Day. And then dive in the melody of yummm.

Now it’s movie time. Rowdy Rathore, starring Akshay Kumar and Sonakshi Sinha, is the best of all, full on paisa wasool, Bollywood masala movie, garnished with spices of romance, comedy and action. It will entertain every age group. You can also opt for newly released Shanghai with Abhay Deol, Emraan Hashmi and Kalki in the lead roles or you can go for Hollywood stuff like Prometheus (3D), MIB, animation lovers can go for Madagascar 3 (3D), Snow White and the Hunts, etc. As Movies are less fun without something to pop inside your mouth, so don’t forget to give yourself a treat of popcorns and cold drinks.

Celebration Mall photo | UdaipurBlog

Our busy schedules have left us with little time to share few words with family. A chit chat holding a cup of coffee in CCD is the best time to discuss your joys and sorrows, achievements and aspirations, dreams and desires with family members. After all “A lot can happen over a coffee!” 😉

Happy weekend Udaipies! 😀 Enjoy to the fullest and don’t forget to share the wonderful moments of your weekend with us.


Photo Courtesy: Mujtaba RG


Sania & Saina: in form at the right time!

2012 French Open | UdaipurBlog

The recent French Open victory of the Indian duo of Mahesh Bhupathi & Sania Mirza has well raised the lost expectations of the Indian sports-lovers from (once) the biggest women sportstar of India, to beg a medal for the country in the upcoming London Olympics. The caliber of her partner needing no introductions, her qualification for the 2012 games now remains the only urgent need!

Saina | UdaipurBlog


On the other side, the star shuttler Saina Nehwal too entered the finals of the Thailand Open today. Though qualified for the London Olympics, another 2 victories will give her a big confidence boost; presently World No. 5th, this diligent Hissar girl is the biggest hope of the country in the 2012 Olympics.

With the name of the 5 times World Women’s Boxing champion, M.C. Marycom already in the final list, fingers are still crossed for Sania Mirza’s wild card entry to the games!

A medal each from these 3 proficient women will easily equal the country’s last Olympic performance. We wish them all the very best 🙂


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