
“Since 1947” – A short film against corruption

This short film was shot in Thada (near salumber) and surpura (near pushkar) it depicts the state of Corruption in India. How the agents and middlemen raise the price of basic things like Passport, Ration Cards etc. threefold. Learn How to verify Ration Card Online.  Every time when someone pays to the agent the corruption grows. This Short movie inspires to carry out work one-self and Stop corruption.

The movie is directed by : Abhishek Sandu who is a resident of Sector 6 and is presently pursuing his MBA from Welingkars, Mumbai.

Since 1947 - A Short Film

Photos and Videos

Rainography 2012 – Monsoon finally arrives in Udaipur

It started with light rain showers when the clock ticked 1 a.m. late night; this series of rain showers continued till late evening today. After such a long wait we can finally say that monsoon has arrived, fulfilling the aspirations of the broken hearts which had left the hopes of Rain. To capture this beauty of Rain, I went down in the City to start with my Monsoon Photography Collection for UdaipurBlog – RainoGraphy 2012. 🙂 Do like, share and comment… 😉















Rainography 2012 _ Udaipur




Just For Updates :-

It rained around : 25mm in Udaipur City, 175mm in Banswara, Dungarpur – 102mm, Jhadol – 9mm, Gogunda – 10mm, Sagwara – 188mm, Madar Bada – 6mm, Swaroopsagar – 19mm, Udaisagar – 16mm, Nai – 4mm, Kherwara – 40mm, Jaisamand – 69mm, Salumber – 62mm


Readers Clicks :

Sector 4 area, behind BSNL Office.


Sector 4 area, behind BSNL Office.


Sector 4 area, behind BSNL Office.


Photos by : Vikas Sharma


Parag Pancholi - Lake Palace

Photo by : Parag Pancholi


If you have captured any Photos of Rain and want to display them here on then Email them on


[Short Film] 28 Rupees… Enough??


With the vast potential for development, abundant natural resources and 1.2 billion population (a lot of manpower), India is worldwide termed as one of the fastest growing economic power of the world. But this “manpower” is lying useless on the streets of the country. Question yourself; have you ever saw a public place, temple or any other place to hangout where you can not spot a beggar sitting nearby?

The estimated unemployment rate in India as on March 2012 is 6.6%. The government further claims that the employment is stabilized. And in reality, most of the employment is masked, particularly under agriculture and allied activities. Furthermore, the Inflation rate of India has reached to 7.55%, and food and fuel are the most effected commodities.

And as cherries-on-top of all the chaos, the government claims that 28 Rs. are enough for a person per day to live.

So ultimately what happens…

The unemployed person is forced to live the life of a beggar. The 28 Rs. that he collects are not enough to fulfill his hunger and thus he has to turn towards alcohol and cheap drugs which further ensures that he never leaves this vicious quicksand of poverty.

The short film, 28 Rs. (Enough???), tries to capture this theme and tries to put up the question over this feel-good figure given by the government.

28 Rs. Enough

The short film is made by a group of engineering students from CDFST, Udaipur (namely, The Thala Boyz Group). The credits goes like this:

Lead Actor and Dialogues: Chanakya Purohit.

Supporting Actor: Yuvraj Singh Sisodia.

Assistance: Sai Yadav.

Camera: Mudit Sharma.

Story and Direction: Ravi Audichya.


 : Youtube link to the short film :

Festivals Photos

[Best Pictures] ठाकुर जी कि रथ यात्रा से पूरा शहर जगन्नाथमय



“चांदी रे रथ थे  चढो रे सांवरिया.. मनमोहक कर ल्यो श्रृंगार, सांवरिया री आरती
आरती संजोयिलो, चर्मृत लेई-लो, ले लो प्रभुजी रा नाम… सांवरिया री आरती “


महलों के पास ऊँचे मंदिरों में बिराजने वाले मेवाड़ के कान्हा “भगवान जगदीश जी” अपने गर्भगृह में बैठे बैठे पूरे साल बाट जोहते है इस खास एक दिन, आषाढ़ शुक्ल पक्ष की दूज का , जब वे खुद उन भक्तों के लिए मंदिर की कठिन सीढियाँ उतरे, जो ये सीढियां चढ नहीं पाते है…


आप क्या सोचते है ? हम भगवान के दर्शन करते है ? जी नहीं , कभी कभी भगवान भी अपने सच्चे भक्तों के दर्शन करने को आतुर रहते है. भक्ति की परीक्षा हितार्थ बिराज तो गए ऊँचे मंदिरों में हमारे ठाकुर जी, किन्तु उनका मन नहीं लगता वहाँ,बगैर अपने “प्रिय” से मिले.. तभी तो रजत रथ में बैठ भगवान इस एक खास दिन निकल पड़ते है अपने सभी सखाओं से मिलने. और जब मंदिर से निकलते है तो ऐसे ही नहीं निकलते, पूरा श्रृंगार करके, इठलाते-बलखाते जगदीश ठाट-बाट के साथ मेवाडी राजधानी के कण कण को स्वयं स्पर्श करते है. दर्शन देते है सभी को…


इस वर्ष भी भगवान ने सभी के मन की मुराद को पूरा करने की ठानी और लगभग दोपहर के तीन बजे छोटे बेवान (रथ) में बैठ कर पहले मंदिर की परिक्रमा करके चारों कोनों में बैठे मित्र देवों से भेंट की. तत्पश्चात मंदिर की सीढियाँ उतरकर प्रभु नीचे रजत रथ में आकर बिराजे. हर मेवाडी ह्रदय ने आत्मीयता से प्रभु का स्वागत किया. हमारे ठाकुरजी ने भी सभी के नमन को स्वीकार किया. दरबार महेंद्र सिंह जी मेवाड़ ने सैकड़ों  सालों की परम्परा का निर्वहन करते हुए रथ के आगे झाड़ू लगाया और प्रभु के मार्ग को साफ़ किया. आज उदयपुर भगवान के प्रिय रंग पीताम्बर (केसरिया) से रंगा रंगा सा लग रहा था. हर एक सर पर पीताम्बरी पाग शोभायमान थी. हर एक महिला ने गोपी का रूप धर लिया. पीताम्बरी साडी या बेस पहने भगवान के पीछे पीछे गीत गाती चल रही थी.


सबसे आगे गजानन के स्वरुप गजराज तो पीछे पीछे शौर्य के प्रतीक अश्व , प्रीत के प्रतीक ऊंट चल रहे थे. चारो तरफ केसरिया ध्वज लहरा रहे थे. सैकड़ों हाथ पीताम्बरी रस्सी को थामे जगन्नाथ का रथ आगे खिंच रहे थे. जैसे जैसे भगवान का रथ आगे बढ़ता, छतों-चौबारों, गोखडों, सड़कों से प्रभु के दर्शनों को तरसती हजारों बूढी आँखे गीली हो जाती.. मुह से आवाज़ ना निकलती..प्रीत में यही तो होता है.. आँखे ही सारी बातें कह देती है. बूढ़े पैरों से मंदिर की सीढियाँ ना चढ पाने का गम भूल कर बस भगवान की बलायियाँ लेती.. म्हारा कान्हा , थाने कन्ही री निजर ना लागे …


सेक्टर सात से निकलने वाली शोभायात्रा, जो मूल रथ यात्रा में शामिल होती है, किसी भी मायने में पुरी रथयात्रा से कम नहीं होती.. प्रभु जगन्नाथ, भ्राता बलराम और बहन सुभद्रा के विग्रह पुरी की याद दिला देते है. शहर में सबसे लंबी दुरी तय करके सेक्टर सात से पुराने शहर तक का सफर तय करके तीनो भाई-बहन  जगदीश जी की रथ यात्रा की शोभा बनते है. यह रथ यात्रा सेक्टर सात से प्रातः 11 बजे प्रारंभ होती है, जो मूल रथ यात्रा के समापन के पूरे तीन-चार घंटे बाद आधी रात को पुनः अपने स्थान पर जाकर विश्राम लेती है


पारंपरिक मार्ग से गुजरते भगवान जगदीश सभी को दर्शन देते है. सभी के मन की सुनते है. और कहते है…मैं तुम्हारे दर तक खुद आया, अब तुम मेरी शरण में आ जाओ,फिर तुम्हारा कोई कष्ट ना रहेगा… आधी-व्याधि ना रहेगी.. अगर रहेगा तो सिर्फ प्रेम.. स्नेह.. मुरली का रस…


“मात-पिता तुम मेरे , शरण गहुँ मैं किसकी…
तुम बिन और ना दूजा, आस करूँ मैं जिसकी.. “
जय जगदीश हरे…
Pictures by : Mujtaba R.G.
Edited By : Arya Manu
Photos Udaipur Speaks

Crime Matters not the Culprit

We and the people around us are very much influenced by celebrities and many of us follow them blindly and their every act whether done personally or professionally becomes a public issue. Apart from being worshipped and followed they are also accused recently for harming the ethical values and breaking the laws, an example of which can be quoted recently when allegations were put on Nation’s Youth Icon Ranbeer Kapoor for smoking publically.

But my matter of writing today is not why Ranbeer smoked publicly rather, the point is should this would be hyped in the same way if an ordinary common man would have smoked in public? Well, I think none of us would have even bothered to even give a second look to the unknown person who was doing it just as if we don’t know him so WHO CARES!!!

Social evils prevailing in our society are very much a concern for all the good citizen. If some influential person commits them, so should I assume that the common man is free to commit all the crimes without coming into notice. Practically speaking and closely analyzing our surrounding environment the case remains the same when it comes to other social evils too. If the judicial system treats every Indian equal, then why aren’t the issues shown below objectionable, even when we witness them quite often, and simply ignore them, as they aren’t our superstars.

  • Apart from smoking Udaipur really needs to focus on other crimes too like child labour. (Photo 1 and 2)
  • Local women washing clothes at Gangaur Ghat which is prohibited. (Photo 3)
  • Beer bottles used by local people drinking publicly without fear at Gangaur Ghat. (Photo 4)
  • The exact place where the superstar was found smoking. Seems it left an iconic influence on Udaipies. (Photo 5)
  • Leisure smoking by couple at Gangaur Ghat, This folk musician sits in this same place daily morning to evening but sad People never noticed this, only saw RANBIR KAPOOR.!!!!! (Photo 6)
  • Time 12.22 noon date 2/6/2012 men smoking at Jagdish Chowk, outside a temple where burning incense sticks is clearly visible. (Photo  7)
Photo 1


Photo 2


Photo 3


Photo 4


Photo 5


Photo 6


Photo 7


Wake up Udaipies. Realise before you repent!


About the Contributor: Niharika R. Sanadhya , aged 21, completed her graduation from Pacific College, and holds a diploma in MAAC Mumbai for Animation and Digital film making as well as First Class in photography from Sir J.J Institute of Applied Arts, Mumbai She holds a good work experience with Channel [V] and is a concerned resident of the city


Edited By: Monisha Talreja

Featured News Photos and Videos

[Pictures] Udaipur celebrated birth anniversary of Maharana Pratap

Yesterday was the day of immense pride and honor for the people of Mewar as we all celebrated 472nd birth anniversary of its greatest ruler, Maharana Pratap. Though respect for him never diminishes in any heart, it seems like the birth anniversary gave an occasion to show their respect for this son of Maharana Udai Singh.

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Udaipur was no behind in showing their pride and gratitude towards Pratap and his beloved horse, Chetak. City Council and Kshatriya Mewar Mahasabha organized a rally that started from Moti Magri and ended at Town Hall passing through Chetak Circle, Hathipole, Moti Chohatta, Clock tower, Sindhi Bazar, Soorajpole, Bapu Bazar and Delhi Gate; the bands playing regional Mewari songs of Maharana Pratap and bravery giving Goosebumps to everyone the way.

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

The Guest of Honor was Mr. Narendra Modi, CM of Gujrat, who along with the royal prince, Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar started the rally by offering flowers in the feet of Maharana Pratap’s statue at Moti Magri. This was followed by the worship of Chetak at Chetak Circle. The shine of rally was increased by the esteemed presence of Mrs. Rajni Dangi, Mr. Mahendra Singh Shaktawat, Prem Singh Shaktawat and many others.

School kids on their skates were moving first followed in sequence by horse and camel riders holding Saffron flags, members of Mahadev Sena, Mewar Kshatriya Mahasabha and Shooldharini Sena. Jawans of Mewar Sindhu Brigade gracefully played the role of soldiers as they walked holding guns. In the last was the statue of Maharana Pratap and Eklingnath Ji placed in an open jeep. Even the statue of Pratap shined so brightly with bravery and self-esteem that every head bowed out of reflex in front of it.

The rally ended with a programme at Town Hall where Narendra Modi addressed the gathering, expressing his respect for Maharana Pratap and his values and commenting on the state of political parties and the corrupt leaders. He also expressed his pride on Rajasthan – Gujarat relationships and on the progress of Gujarat.

The detailed glimpse of the event can be seen here in the pictures, shot by Mujtaba RG

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog



Photos and Videos Social

[Photos] Where devotion conquers All – Khatu Shyam Ji Bhajan Sandhya

Saturday…5th may… Fateh school.. A night that was never meant to be forgotten for Udaipur. Thousands and many with faith in their hearts and hope in their eyes flowed together in the place of lord – Khatu Shyam Ji. “The Lord of Kalyug” was the only name that was chanted all around. If faith is meant to be in the hearts so was in the eyes too of all the thousands gathered around on this occasion.



 Beautiful hymns in different beautiful voices was to be heard all around at the place which was perfectly guided by “Nandu Bhaiya” the man of beautiful voice who came right away from from Ahemdabad to make this evening a memorable one.
Thousands of devotees were to be seen all around who altogether were purely dipped in the river of devotion spreading their fragrance all around.The deity was beautifully decorated with different lights and flowers making every eye eager to have a glance of this incredible view. The task of Shyam Bhakt Mandal Trust was truly praiseworthy and adorable for making an evening that was purely in the feet of lord.






Cable King of Udaipur
Mayor of Udaipur- Mrs.Rajni Dangi





Well, It is truly said in the “eyes and place” of God – All are one. So was our mayor Rajni Dangi, who along with all the other devotees played an equal role in all the processions.

“If the end of all is one,why not make our’s a bit different.” This was what every eye and soul present their was speaking, seeking the blessings of the almighty “Khatu Shyam Ji” I hereby share my love and pay regards to one and all who were present their with their enormous Devotion, Love and Faith and never put a step back in proving themselves.
“May God Bless All” as we are “By him…For him”

Article By : Shubham Jha

Festivals Photos

[Pictures] Mewar Festival – a lively Celebration


Colors of tradition spread out everywhere, Sparkling water of Pichola, Rajasthani women and girls elegantly dressed up, and beautifully decorated idols of Gangaur glittering in the beautiful light. Such was the charm of Mewar Festival at Gangaur Ghat. It felt as if everything around is tinted in rainbow – colorful and vibrant. As the folk tales say, these 16 days of Gangaur were the days when Parvati Ji stayed at her father’s home. These were the days of celebration, days to worship Gauri for a perfect husband and his well being. Today, Gauri Ji was given farewell amidst a big festival – the Mewar Festival.






Look of Mewar







The celebration started with a procession, in which women carried the idols of Isar and Gangaur all the way from Clock Tower to the Gangaur Ghat. Then the Royal boat of Palace was taken out from Bansi Ghat to Gangaur Ghat which was the centre of attraction of the evening. Colorful boat in the glowing water of Pichola was truly worth watching. Then the artists showed various shades of culture in the cultural programme that followed.The Show started by the performance of renowned Maand Singer of Udaipur – “Maangi bai”; Tune of ‘Padharo Mahare Desh’ filled the air and traditional dance forms like ‘Ghoomar’ and ‘Kalbeliya’ took hold of the breath. On the whole, the whole festival served as an eye candy with its striking colors and glorious culture.













The best decorated award were won by the Rajmali Samaj who won the first prize and an amount of Rs. 11000. The second was the Kahar Bhoi Samaj while Maru Kumawat Samaj bagged the third spot.


I was so untouched from one of the best festivals of Rajasthan and that too purely dedicated to womenfolk. For those who are still untouched with its allure, UdaipurBlog have the best of pictures of this celebration. And for those who captured the view in their eyes, these photos will recall those amazing moments.

Photos By Mujtaba Rg & Yash Sharma 

Photos and Videos

[Photos] Vikram Samvat entered its 2069th year

The oldest existing, and proudly Indian calendar, Vikram Samvat entered its 2069th year today. This was not only a celebration, but also a tradition in Udaipur which is kept alive since past 31 years. Here we present a few glimpses of the celebration for those who missed being on the spot – Dudh Talai, Near Lake Pichola. 🙂

Team UdaipurBlog wishes everyone a very happy and prosperous new year.

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Sweetheart enjoying fireworks at Dudh Talai.

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Happy_New_Year_2069 Vikram sanwat_2069_udaipur_fireworks

Video of Fireworks [HD]

Events Photos

[Pictures] PRASHANTAM – 2012 {Annual Function at Pacific Institute of Technology}

“PRASHANTAM-12” was organised by the Pacific Institute of Technology during 12th to 16th March, 2012.

Pacific Institute of Technology_Udaipur_Prashantam_2012_1
The heart throbbing varied performances thrilled the audience. The Programmes like Technical Seminar, Quiz, Junkyard,  Best of Waste, Nirmaan, Band Baza Barat were there the centre of attraction and students took part in them with utmost zeal and enthusiasm.

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Pacific Institute of Technology_Udaipur_Prashantam_2012

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Pacific Institute of Technology_Udaipur_Prashantam

Pacific Institute of Technology_Udaipur_Prashantam

Pacific Institute of Technology_Udaipur_Prashantam

Pacific Institute of Technology_Udaipur_Prashantam

Pacific Institute of Technology_Udaipur_Prashantam

Pacific Institute of Technology_Udaipur_Prashantam

Pacific Institute of Technology_Udaipur_Prashantam

The closing ceremony of “PRASHANTAM-12” was organised on 16th March, which was graced  by the chief guest Prof. N.S. Rathore, Dean CTAE, Udaipur. In his inspirational speech he motivated the students for achieving their goal in life by hard work, proper planning and time management.

Pacific Institute of Technology_Udaipur_Prashantam

Apart from this many vibrant, mirthful and ear soothing performances like solo and group dance, solo and group songs, fashion show, etc. lead it to the peak of enjoyment.

Pacific Institute of Technology_Udaipur_Prashantam



Slideshow of PRASHANTAM 2012









In the esteemed presence of Mr. Rahul Agarwal, Mr. Ashish Agarwal , Mr. Sharad Kothari and Directors of all the institution of PAHER Group. Prof.R.K. Aeron was honoured by the life time achievement award named “Architect of the Technical Education” for establishing more than five engineering colleges, his immense and worth mentioning valuable contribution to the society and education.

Pacific Institute of Technology_Udaipur_Prashantam
Dr. Ritu Vyas was the co-ordinator of the programme and with the dynamic team of PIT’s faculty members she made it a great success.


Some Videos of PRASHANTAM 2012: