
Srashti Welfare Society & The Yuvaz organized Blood Donation camp

Blood Donation camp

Srashti Welfare Society and The Yuvaz organized a Blood Donation camp yesterday at M.B. Hospital. This Blood Donation camp was specially meant for Thalassemic Kids. Thalassemia is a blood disorder that is passed inherited in which the body makes an abnormal form of hemoglobin. This leads to excessive destruction of red blood cells, which leads to anemia.

They collected over 21 Units of Blood, Though the response was not too impressive because of the craze of Cricket Matches. Yet the efforts of Srashti Welfare Society and The Yuvaz is commendable and they plan to regularly organize such camps for the purpose to serve the Humanity. 🙂

You can Find the Srashti Welfare Society on Facebook and Be Updated about their Activities by: Clicking Here

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Indian National Girls Day Celebrated – SAVE THE GIRL CHILD

Rally against Infant Mortality

“SAVE THE GIRL CHILD”                 “SAVE THE GIRL CHILD”                 “SAVE THE GIRL CHILD”

This was the message one could see yesterday morning while moving towards their offices in lanes of Bapu Bazar, Town Hall and Delhi Gate. Some must be thinking or amazed to see the crowd or some must be trying to guess why these people are out  & what was the occasion?? Whereas many people joined in to be the part of the gentle cause without even bothering about the occasion. The hoardings and the banners must clear some of your doubts but the question for what is the incident, remains the same. So let me clear your doubt. It was the occasion of Indian National Girls Day announced in 2009 by the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Government with the hope to spread the awareness against the sex selection, female infant mortality and abortion of girl child. On the day i.e. 24th January in the year 1966 the most powerful lady in the Indian Politics daughter of Pandit Jawharlal Nehru none other than Indira Gandhi joined in as the first woman Prime Minister of the Republic of India is an anecdote behind selecting the date.

An appeal by the leading newspaper Dainik Bhaskar  and thousands of people, ample of organizations formed the part of the rally which started from Town Hall passing through Bapu Bazar, Delhi Gate summed up at District Collectorate where many organization handovered the letter to Additional District Magistrate (ADM, city) Mr. Mohammad Yaseen Pathan in the name of Chief Minister for the state. People from all walks of life joined and appreciated the cause weather it was MLA Raguveer Singh Meena, Congress Representative Neelima Sukhadiya, Dr. Prashant Agarwal of Narayan Seva Sansthan, Mr. Rahul Agarwal of Pacific Group, Mr. Harish Rajani of Sunrise Group and even Mr. B. L. Shekhawat Unit head of Danik Bhaskar Udaipur. There was a massive support to the rally.

Check out the Pictures of this Activity 🙂

Rally against Infant Mortality

Rally against Infant Mortality

Rally against Infant Mortality

Rally against Infant Mortality

Rally against Infant Mortality

Rally against Infant Mortality

Rally against Infant Mortality


Udaipur Against Crime – Bharat Ekta Manch

Bharat Ekta Manch

Bharat Ekta Manch

Hey Udaipurites,

From Last some months there has been a huge increase in crime rate in city of lakes like:

  • Chain Snatching is becoming common day by day
  • Kidnapping is a topic for daily talk in kids
  • Murders are becoming a game now, every day played.
  • Kids are kidnapped and money Is the need for kidnappers. (in most cases)
  • Cops are also being beaten in the front of common people.  Do cops need protection too?
  • Foreign Ladies Are being harassed and We call ourselves “no.1 tourist city”?


Do you think there is a need to control the crime rate?

The Answer Is a Sure “Yes”

For The Purpose, Our “Bharat Ekta Manch” Is organizing a program and We seriously need YOUR support to accomplish a successful full stop on the present crime rate.
You All Are Cordially invited To the Program

The Details of the Program Are As Follows:-

Venue: Shahid Smarak, Town Hall

Time   : 1:00 pm afternoon

Date   : 25/01/2012


Please Report on time and help the city control the crime rate. Because  – “We Love Peace”

This Program Is Organized By “Bharat Ekta Manch


By : Rajendra sharma (Director) +919214061553


बड़ा भावमय- त्यागमय बेटियों का संसार

नाम ख़ुशी …. पांच साल की बच्ची…पहली कक्षा में पढ़ती है… अपने नाम के अर्थ को अभी नही समझती…इसके परिवार में फिलहाल किसी का कोई पता नहीं… कैसी हो बेटा ?…पूछने पर मुस्कुराती है…फिर अगले ही पल कभी नीचे  देखती देखती शुन्य में झाँकने लगती है…बीच बीच में कभी अपने सिर को भी खुजा लेती है… 1 से 20 तक इंग्लिश में गिनती आती है…. ट्विंकल- ट्विंकल लिटिल स्टार भी गाती है ये छोटी सी स्टार…ज़िन्दगी की राह पर अपने कदम बढाती …ख़ुशी .
इशिका… जब दो साल की थी तब दिल्ली के मोरी गेट फुटपाथ से समिति के निदेशक गिरिजा शंकर शर्मा इसे यहाँ लेकर आये. माँ- पिता- बहिन…सब यहीं मिले… नाम भी यहीं मिला……आज इशिका  बारह वर्ष की है..  सातवीं में पढ़ती है…क्लास की मोनिटर है…लडको की तरह बाल रखती है…चंचल है पर अंदाज़ पूरा लडको जैसा….

“क्या लिखूं कि वो परियों का रूप होती हैं…
कि कडकडाती ठण्ड में सुहानी धुप होती है….
वो होती हैं चिड़िया की चहचाहट की तरह…
या कोई निश्छल खिलखिलाहट होती हैं…”

ख़ुशी और इशिका जैसी कई बच्चियां इस दुनिया में है…. इनकी आँखें भी कभी गुडिया मांगने की इच्छा रखती होंगी… माँ की साडी का पल्लू पकड़कर पीछे पीछे भागने की इच्छा या फिर पापा से आँखें न मिलाते हुए एक “5 स्टार चोकलेट” की चाहत…. और भी बहुत कुछ…. पता चला कि उदयपुर से 50 किलोमीटर दूर झाडोल में एक निराश्रित बालघर चलता है जहाँ कई सारी बच्चियां आवासीय विद्यालय में रहती है…सोचा आज “World Girls child Day” की पूर्व-संध्या उन बच्चियों से ही मिला जाये….उनके साथ खुशियाँ बांटी जाये…जब उदयपुर से चले तो तो मन में भाव  थे कि किसी ऐसे स्कूल का दौरा होगा जहाँ बच्चे मैली-कुचैली आसमानी शर्ट और खाकी स्कर्ट पहने मिलेंगी…बाल बेतरतीब, बहती नाक….और भी बहुत कुछ दृश्य पहले ही संजो लिए थे… 1.5 घंटे की ड्राइव के बाद राजस्थान बाल कल्याण समिति का नामपट्ट दिखाई दे ही गया..केम्पस की शांति देखकर महसूस हुआ शायद देर हो गयी…स्कूल की छुट्टी हो गयी होगी.पर स्कूल तो चल रहा था. व्यवस्थापिका चंद्रिकाजी,प्रिंसिपल नीलम जी जैन ने हमारा स्वागत किया. आश्चर्य- केम्पस की सफाई, सलीके से जमे बच्चियों के जूते, अनुशाशन और…बच्चियों की यूनिफार्म…सभी कुछ हमारी उम्मीदों से पूरी तरह अलग…

शुरूआती जानकारी लेने के बाद प्रिंसिपल नीलम जी, वार्डन मंजू जी और नीलू जी के साथ शुरू हुआ स्कूल को विजिट करने का दौर… कक्षा में बच्चियों ने खड़े होकर एक स्वर में “good afternoon sir” कहते हुए हमारा स्वागत किया.मन में ख़ुशी भी थी और हूक भी उठी… क्यों ईश्वर ने इन छोटी छोटी बच्चियों के सर से इतना जल्दी परिजनों का साया उठा लिया…क्या ये ईश्वर कि इन मासूमो के साथ क्रूरता नहीं ??? किसी ने अपने पिता के होने के अहसास को नहीं संजोया तो कोई माँ के आँचल की ममता को आत्मसात नहीं कर पायी. सहसा नज़र पड़ी- दो बच्चियां..शक्ल एक सी..पता चला- जुडवा है.मीनू और तनु. पापा रहे नहीं और माँ ने कोई और घर देख लिया…बच्चियां  नियति के भरोसे. इनका चाचा इन्हें यहाँ छोड़ गया. तब से अब तक…दो साल हो गए…कोई मिलने नहीं आया.. दोनों सात साल की है. तीसरी कक्षा में पढ़ती है. नीलम जी बता रही थी कि बड़ी होनहार है दोनों… अपने सारे काम आप ही कर लेती है. अपने बर्तन खुद साफ़ करती है..कपडे खुद धोने की कोशिश…और अपना बिस्तर भी खुद तह करती है…और हाँ मौका मिलने पर कभी कभी दोनों में झगडा भी…. मैं सोच में पड़ जाता हूँ …क्या समय ने इन्हें सब सिखा दिया है ?? जवाब देने के लिए शायद मस्तिष्क तैयार नहीं है…

रेखा… 14 साल की. झाडोल के ही गोगामारी गाँव की रहने वाली . पिताजी शराब के शौक़ीन और एक दिन नशे में ऐसे सोये कि फिर कभी नहीं उठे. माँ उदयपुर जाकर मजदूरी करे या रेखा को संभाले…सो रेखा अब इसी विद्यालय में रहती है. त्योहारों पर इसकी माँ इसे लेने आती है…
गीता खराडी( 4 वर्ष ) का मानना है कि उसके मम्मी-पापा खूब सारे पैसे कमाने गुजरात गए है..एक दिन आयेंगे और उसे ले जायेंगे..उस मासूम को नहीं पता कि उसका परिवार एक सड़क हादसे की भेंट चढ़ चूका है और खून का कोई रिश्तेदार उसको अपनाने को तैयार नहीं…
237 बच्चियां… और लगभग उतनी ही कहानियाँ…पर सबका मूल एक…

“ये बच्चियां पढाई के अलावा और क्या क्या करती हैं..?? यश की आवाज़ मेरी तन्द्रा को अचानक तोडती है. वार्डन नीलू जी ख़ुशी ख़ुशी उनकी खेलकूद-सांस्कृतिक आदि गतिविधियों के बारे में बताती है. मैं गीत सुनाने की फरमाईश करता हूँ.. एक फुसफुसाहट होती है और स्वर गूंजने लगते है…..

“बापू हमारे…. स्वर्ग सिधारे…
छोड़ चलें हमको…. किसके सहारे…”

किंकर्तव्यमूड होकर मैं और यश सोचने को मजबूर हो जाते है कि गांधीजी के बहाने ये बच्चियां किस दर्द को बयाँ कर रही है….
लाख लाख शुक्रिया अदा करता हु राजस्थान बाल कल्याण समिति के निदेशक श्री गिरिजा शंकर शर्मा जी को..जिनका यह भागीरथ प्रयास इन बच्चियों के जीवन में सतरंगी रंग लाने की सार्थक पहल कर रहे हैं. तो क्या हुआ, ‘गर केंद्र सरकार ने पिछले सत्र में मदद भेजने में देर की और शर्मा जी ने अपनी “ऍफ़.डी” तोड़कर जमा पूँजी को इन बच्चियों के वस्त्र लाने में खर्च करने के लिए दो पल भी नहीं सोचा. नीलम जी बताती है कि एक बार उनकी वार्षिक रिपोर्ट दिल्ली में अटक गयी. अफसर बोले कि आप काम इतना अच्छा करते हो फिर रिपोर्ट किसी “एक्सपर्ट” से क्यों नहीं बनवाते..?? शर्माजी उनको जवाब देते है…एक्सपर्ट को देने वाले पैसो से किसी बच्ची का जीवन नहीं सुधार दूंगा??

इस स्कूल में सब कुछ है…खुशियाँ है…गम भी है.. एक परिवार है..तो बच्चियों की प्यार भरी तकरार भी…टीचर जी कभी स्केल से पिटाई भी करती है..तो वार्डन माँ की याद आने पर गले से भी लगा लेती है…
व्यवस्थित कक्षा कक्ष और छात्रावास के कमरे है तो साफ़-सुथरे शौचालय भी…रसोई में बाहर हवा फेकने वाला पंखा लगा है तो करीने से लगे पौधे..बहुत अच्छे लगते है. सफाई और अनुशाशन तो दिल जीत लेते है. यहाँ इतना अच्छा शायद इसलिए लगता है क्योकि यहाँ “लक्ष्मियाँ” बसती है.

बड़ा भावमय त्यागमय बेटियों का संसार…
प्रेम पगा नित मन मगर, नयन अश्रुओं की धार…

इस स्कूल में फिलहाल कंप्यूटर शिक्षा की कमी है.  237 बच्चियों के बीच कम से कम आठ कंप्यूटर तो होने ही चाहिए. उम्मीद है कि के इन सामाजिक सरोकारों में आप readers भी जुड़ेंगे. शायद तब बच्चियों की खुशियाँ और चहकने लगेंगी.
शाम हो रही थी…हमें उदयपुर लौटना था. अँधेरा छा रहा था. पर अभी अभी उजाले की इतनी किरणें एक साथ देखी थी कि अँधेरे का भय नहीं था. हमारी बाईक स्टार्ट हो चुकी थी…कई जोड़ी आँखें निर्मिमेष हमें दूर तक निहार रही थी…….

ना रोना तू कभी बेटी , सदा ही हंस के तुम जीना….
लगे ‘गर चोट तुमको, उसको भी चुपचाप सहना…

चलते चलते…..
राजस्थान बाल कल्याण समिति फिलहाल राजस्थान, मध्य प्रदेश, गुजरात के आदिवासी क्षेत्रों में सामाजिक न्याय और अधिकारिता मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के सहयोग से 52  शिक्षा संकुल चला रही है. 1981 में 11 बच्चों के साथ शुरू हुआ सफ़र निर्विवाद रूप से बहुत बड़ा रूप ले चूका है. समिति के संस्थापक श्री जीवतराम शर्मा 80  पार हो चुके है. आधे शारीर में लकवा है पर चेह्कते हुए कहते है- अभी बहुत काम करना है… i am retired but not tired. इन्हें ख़ुशी मिलती है जब इनका पढाया हुआ बच्चा कही ऊँचे मुकाम पर होता है और इन्हें पहचान लेता है.
मेरा सर श्रृद्धा से झुक जाता है.

(बच्चियों के नाम परिवर्तित किये गए है)

Article by : Arya Manu , Contribution by : Yash Sharma


Who cares – How Many slept Hungry a Day before!

fdi in india

Permission of 51% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Retail Sector, already suffering value of Rupee in the international market, Price hike in petrol and necessary goods & post all, a day of no work in the whole nation – big things we understand! But does anyone even see what effects these are having on the literally non-existing poor classes! A government may allow any amount of foreign shares in the market (ever checked how many sectors we still have in public hands- just 3!) they never care! It’s a practical fact; our politics is prone to money power! The giant politicians, white elephants in themselves; are if shaken upside down; I bet- you will found 3-4 crores falling down at the moment, no big amount for them.

Government wants to achieve maximum economic growth, of private enterprises they say in their current 5-year plan! What about achieving the 4% agricultural growth rate (targeted since 20 years in every plan, yet not achieved!)– Complicacies of the system, we may still say (to keep our hearts, for sure). Public knows, what growth entrepreneurs have seen. 100 Cr firms are now 150 or 200 Cr but what about firms of minute capital. Money increases money- it’s no big deal when a cabinet of economists is helping that, that’ll happen automatically too. There capability is justified only when they help out the middlemen- the mango people!

We aren’t even that intelligent yet to discuss the fluctuations in rupee-dollar denominations, no need to mention that! So I won’t be discussing that (technically this ‘I’ also lies in the ‘We’).

Directly coming to the Bharat Band – 1 December 2011! Sensex down, a loss of 500 Crores- who cares, damn it! Has one ever thought how many daily-waged labourers must have slept hungry without this one day of work! And many others like them. We have a bigger fraction, crores in number- lying below and almost on the Poverty Line (earning less than even a $ per day). No comments on how much Rupees mean 1$! First a government dealing in (sometimes eating up too- the newspapers say; I’m not against anyone, really) 100s n 1000s of crores; never pays heed to Rs. 50 income earners- why should they, “Intensive Economic Growth” they want! And then our futile ways of opposing them! Lokpal hasn’t been passed yet, despite all measures- we stand helpless; because we are… the Commoners- the mango people!!! The Stupid Common Men!! (Courtesy- Nasiruddin Shah – A Wednesday)

Rather than no work, we could have worked 24*7 continuously, 4 days & the govt. would have surrendered (hopefully). It’s tough to administer without breaks for so long! Who’ll stand for 24 hours to handle the traffic; same goes with banks, colleges & other institutions. And the leaders have to act too that they are with us! How long can obese bodies stand! We are used to working; although nobody cares even if we faint! Force them to work, make it difficult for them, why being in loss ourselves. We as brothers yet understand, whatever we did was the urgent requirement. (May be next time)

The need of our country is a little restricted economy now; else we’ll be market slaves in some time. Nobody ever has a soap wash again when their hairs have smelt a multinational shampoo, a step ahead, conditioner too! And now have come – Hair Perfumes! Wow, what is it needed for! The money MNCs earn goes back to their homes, no company researches for technology in India, we are just a MARKET as I said, just a MARKET; what do we get then – a little employment that causes more disparities, habit of products that’ll make us disregard our own and now finally loss to our integral producers and sellers!

We don’t need such a growth, please!!! If the govt. can’t help us, they should not make our problems worse. We request with folded hands- Take back this decision, rest even the satisfied ones today will be sleeping hungry in a little time.
Sternly, it is of no good in common interests.


Sangini Initiatives Workshop on Back Pain for Senior Citizens

Sangini Udaipur

Under the Sangini  Initiatives of the Rotary Club of Udaipur Meera; a workshop on Back-pain governed by Dr. Chirayu Pamecha (Spine Surgeon) was organized for the senior citizens & women of the city, this 17th in the GBH American Hospital.

Dr. Chirayu in his lecture straightly reasoned out people’s lifestyle for the problem of back-pain. He considered it a matter of great thought that the highest number of such patients is from India. Exercise, Yoga & a diet suffice with Calcium were told as the primary requirements to avoid it. He also stated that to keep the problem under control, timely medical consultation and physiotherapy is necessary.

After the lecture was over, queries of the audience were solved in a separate session.

Club President Dr. Veena Sanadhya made all the welcomes while Dr. Kusum Mathur managed the event. In the end, Chair of the Sangini Initiatives, Mrs. Neelu Javeria, thanked all. On the behalf of the senior citizens, Mr. B. L. Seth bid the thanks.

Social Udaipur Speaks

Eid-ul-Zuha: Symbolizing Sacrifice

Id-ul-Zuha (Bakr-Id), also known as Eid al-Adha or Id-ul-Adha, is a tradition followed from centuries. This festival is celebrated every year and this year in 2011 it falls on 7 Nov. Many Muslims celebrate this festival with special morning prayers, greetings and gifts. This festival is symbolizes sacrifice. Eid al-Adha (Id-ul-Zuha or Bakr-Id), which is on the 10th to 13th days of the Islamic month of Dhul Hijja.
Eid Mubarak | UdaipurBlog Eid-ul-Zuha is a festival that is celebrated with traditional fervor and gaiety in India and the world. They may sacrifice a sheep or goat and share the part with family members, neighbors and the poor. Many Muslims feel that they have a duty to ensure that all Muslims can enjoy a meal during this holiday.

Being a gazette holiday, the national, state and local government offices, post offices and banks shall remain closed on Eid al-Adha. Islamic stores, businesses and other organizations may be closed or have reduced opening hours. Large scale prayer meetings may cause local disruption to traffic. And probably traffic to the Chetak Circle zone remain closed for the special prayer to hold in the morning.

Faith behind celebrating the festival:

Muslims around the world believe that Allah commanded Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son Ishmael. Ibrahim in the way of God agreed to sacrifice his son but impressed by the faith of Ibrahim, a miracle happened, and Allah at the last moment replaced his son by a sheep.  Eid al-Adha is called Id-ul-Adha in Arabic and Bakr-Id in the Indian subcontinent, because of the tradition of sacrificing a goat or “bakr” in Urdu. The word “id” derived from the Arabic “iwd” means “festival” and “zuha” comes from “uzhaiyya” which translates to “sacrifice”.

Team UdaipurBlog wishes all our readers, a very happy and prosperous Eid 🙂


A Diwali from a different perspective

Diwali at Ashram (1)

Yesterday was the festival of lights, everybody was in a joyous and festive mood. The sound of crackers was audible right from the morning, which got amplified more than a million times in the evening. But suddenly, an insight forced me to think that there are children who remain devoid of these luxuries. This thought carried me to Bhupalpura, where I entered the building of Missionaries of Charity, popularly known as the Mother Teresa Ashram, to meet the kids and spend some time with them. But, to my soothing surprise, the children there were celebrating Diwali with crackers, smiling and enjoying. I felt really happy to see the smiles on each face. The nuns were really superb caretakers and guardians of the children, and were too celebrating the happiness with them. Hats off to their care and concern. I spent a little time there with the little friends, and took some pictures, which I felt is worth sharing with you all, as everyone views the brighter side, and very few from the other perspective. This was truly a Diwali apart from other Diwali celebrations for me.

On my way back, I thanked Mother Teresa for setting up this initiative to bring smiles on the needful faces, years ago, and was thinking that there are many other faces who are still needy of a savior, and of course, a smile. We all must desperately spare a moment from our busy schedules and think, and pray for the betterment of them, as they are too a part of our society. Let the mercy of the Almighty shower on them too. Personal thanks to my old friend Siddhartha Jain for accompanying me, and not to forget, heartiest Diwali Greetings to every reader of UdaipurBlog 🙂

Diwali at Ashram (1)

Diwali at Ashram (1)

Diwali at Ashram (1)

Diwali at Ashram (1)

Diwali at Ashram (1)

Diwali at Ashram (1)

Diwali at Ashram (1)


Durga Pooja: Following an Eco-Friendly Tradition

We all see too many colorful idols around us at the time of Navratri, Ganesh Chaturthi, etc. But a really true fact behind all of them is the concern to our ecology. Now a day the idols are made from Plaster of Paris (PoP), which get a nice finish due to the easy and handy spray paint, distinct shine, and easy for mass productions, as the PoP rapid hardening material, as well as casted in moulds.

But an utter truth behind the scene is that the PoP idols do nothing but harm our environment and ecosystem. As after every festival of Ganesh Chaturthi, or the Durga Pooja, the idols are immersed in water body on the last day, Plaster of Paris does not dissolve easily in water and hence the idol floats on water after immersion. Since the idol is not immersed properly, in a way it amounts to dishonouring the deity. Talking about the health factors, PoP idols may take anywhere between several months to years to fully dissolve. In addition, when chemical paints are used to decorate the idols, these paints contain heavy metals such as mercury and lead, which seep into the water as the idol dissolves. Seems I need not elaborate more on the harm that it may cause to our health, as the same water is used for consuming by people of our city.

Durga Puja | UdaipurBlog
Idols being Prepared at Bang Samaj, Udaipur

The Bengali Community, sets forth an example of following a tradition from long time, which is eco-friendly and doesn’t harm the environment. The Bengalis celebrate the Durga Pooja primarily at four places in the city, which I have already mentioned in a post few days back. Special artists and sculptors are called every year from Kolkata, situated thousands of miles away, who spend many weeks in Udaipur, and create very beautiful idols of Goddess Durga with all the bio-degradable material like mud, chaff, jute, bamboos etc. Even the colours they use are water colours. So the water where the idol is immersed neither gets polluted nor it is an environmental hazard to immerse the idol in the lakes.

“I am indeed concerned for the safety of lakes. The idols made of PoP do not dissolve in water and thus pose serious problem for the lakes. Our family has been celebrating Duga Puja in this city more than five decades ago at Bindu Bhavan, but we follow the same traditions for rituals as well as preparation of idols, as was followed since 1956. The sculptors we call from West Bengal for the same purpose put in lots of efforts and spend a lot of time in carving out each and every minute detail of the idols, which is impossible to do with the PoP idols, as it hardens too fast. Hence mud is the primary constituent of the idols prepared. Putting this on record is essential, because every year the question comes up whether the idol should be allowed to be immersed in the lake or not.”

-Apurva Bhattacharya

Bindu Bhawan


“We have been celebrating Durga Pooja since past 20 years, and we have always been celebrating according to the traditions. It is always an idol made from mud which is worshipped, and we spend a major portion of our annual Pooja Budget for idols itself, to ensure that they are eco-friendly.  People must learn to preserve their environment, and shall take an oath to avoid immersing the idols made from PoP in our lakes. PoP idols must not be immersed, or shall be sprinkled with water and kept.”

-Dipankar Chakravarty

President, Bangali Kalibadi Society

We all must learn a lesson from the community, and must take considerable steps to preserve our environment. Afterall we never own our nature, but we owe it.


Forest Department Initiative: Eco-Trekking and Train Safari for Nature Lovers

To add to the experience of nature lovers, as well as to promote the activities like nature trekking, wildlife photography, etc, the Forest Department is now taking new initiatives. In this series the Forest Department is also organising a special eco trekking programme on 25th Sept’11 for all the nature lovers and the ambitious nature explorers.

Wildlife safari |

The programme is to be held at Goram Ghat, where there will be an opportunity to witness an amazing train safari through the inert natural surroundings, peaks, valleys, and waterfalls.

Wildlife safari |

Wildlife safari |

In words of Dr. N.C. Jain, Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife), “It is easy trek with slight hike and people from all age classes can join. However, people with difficulty in walking may take necessary stick etc. Walking or trekking shoes are recommended. Lunch shall be packed and carried by the participant himself.”

The Entry fee has been kept very nominal (Rs. 20 per person, and Rs. 4 for students, on production of an ID) by the forest department to ensure more and more participation in the programme. The orientation and necessary information about the eco-trekking programme will begin at 9:30 A.M. at Kamlighat, which is on Udaipur – Ajmer N.H.8, at about 130 km, along with welcome tea and light snacks. Therefore, interested people must reach Kamlighat sharply by 9:30.

For detailed information of the programme, download the schedule of the trekking programme by clicking here.

Photo and schedule courtesy: Dr. N.C. Jain