
A Chat with Spokesperson of BJP – श्री सैयद शाहनवाज़ हुसैन

shahnawaz hussain

भारतीय जनता पार्टी अल्पसंख्यक मोर्चा के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष श्री सैयद शाहनवाज़ हुसैन अपने एक दिवसीय निजी दौरे पर उदयपुर आये. एक मित्र के पारिवारिक समारोह में शामिल होने आये शाहनवाज़ हुसैन के इस बेहद गोपनीय दौरे की  भनक स्थानीय  मिडिया को भी नहीं लगी, किन्तु उदयपुर ब्लॉग टीम ने उनके निजी कार्यक्रम में से उनका कुछ समय चुरा ही लिया. और जब बात शुरू हुई तो फिर हर बिंदु पर बात हुई. प्रस्तुत है उनसे हुई बातचीत के अंश-

1. आपने राजनीति में प्रवेश क्यों किया ?
श्री हुसैन: मैं बिहार से हूँ. जब छोटा था तो बिहार की समृद्ध विरासत अपने बुजुर्गों से सुना करता था. किन्तु जब थोड़ा समझने लगा तो वर्तमान बिहार को अपने इतिहास से अलग पाया. उत्तर खोजने पर हर अंगुली तत्कालीन राजनीतिज्ञों पर उठती देखी. पाया कि हर कोई राजनीति को हेय दृष्टि से देखता है. फिर सोचा अगर गन्दगी को साफ़ करना है तो गन्दगी में उतरना ही होगा. बस यहीं से निश्चय कर लिया.

2. राजनीति में प्रवेश हेतु ऐसी पार्टी को चुनने की खास वजह, जिसे हिंदुओं की पार्टी कहा जाता है, जबकि आप इस्लाम को मानने वाले है.
श्री हुसैन: देखिये, मैंने भी बीजेपी को ज्वाइन करने से पहले यही सुना था कि ये पार्टी हिंदुत्व की पार्टी है. पर दरअसल ऐसा है नहीं. क्या मुस्लिम बीजेपी को वोट नहीं देते? अगर ऐसा होता तो माननीय वाजपेयी जी लखनऊ से हर बार जीत कर नहीं आते. मुझे ही देख लीजिए. मुझ साधारण कार्यकर्त्ता को पार्टी ने कितना सम्मान दिया. और फिर अगर ऐसी कोई धारणा है भी कि ये पार्टी सिर्फ हिंदुओं की है, तो लीजिए मैंने इस मिथक को तोड़ दिया.

3. तो आपको लगता है कि बीजेपी एक राष्ट्रवादी पार्टी है, साम्प्रदायिक पार्टी नहीं?
श्री हुसैन: सांप्रदायिक वे है, जो ऐसा सोचते है, हम सभी को साथ लेकर चलने वालों में है. बीजेपी में हमेशा से राष्ट्र धर्म सर्वोपरि रहा है.

4. क्या कारण है कि मुस्लिम तुलनात्मक रूप से ज्यादा राजनीति ज्वाइन नहीं करते ?
श्री हुसैन: मुस्लिमो के मुख्य धारा से पीछे रहने का मूल कारन अशिक्षा और गरीबी है. अगर सभी साक्षर होंगे तो सब अच्छा होना शुरू हो जायेगा. जहाँ तक राजनीति को ज्वाइन करने की बात है, ऐसा नहीं है. यहाँ मुस्लिम कार्यकर्ता भी है, और वे अच्छा काम कर भी रहे है.

5. आपके अनुसार देश को बाहरी आतंकवादियों से ज्यादा खतरा है या अंदर पनप रहे क्षेत्रवाद से?
श्री हुसैन:  कोई धर्म नहीं कहता कि किसी बेगुनाह को मारो. ये इसका धर्मं, वो मेरा धर्म…. ये अनपढ़ लोगों की बातें है. क्योंकि सबसे पहले हम सभी भारतीय है. यही बात मैं उन लोगों के लिए कहना चाहूँगा जो क्षेत्रवाद फैलाते है. देश के निति निर्धारकों ने कुछ सोचकर ही नियम बनाये है. हमें उनका सम्मान करना चाहिए, यही राष्ट्रहित में है.

6. क्या सच में राजनीति एक “डर्टी पिक्चर” है ?
श्री हुसैन:  ऊपर से उंगुली उठाना बहुत आसान है. खुद आइये और परखिये…

7. वर्तमान सरकार पर बहुत उंगुलियां उठ रही है ? क्या नेता,क्या संत.. सब पीछे पड़ गए है?
श्री हुसैन:  विपक्ष का काम सरकार की हर खामी हो जनता के सामने लाना होता है. विपक्ष के रूप में एनडीए यह काम बखूबी कर रही है. एक के बाद एक होते घोटालों और कमर तोडती महंगाई ने आम आदमी की आँखे खोल कर रख दी है. हजारों करोड रुपये देश से बाहर भेज दिए जाते है, और जब कोई आवाज़ उठाता है तो उसे आधी रात में डंडो से पीटा जाता है. मैं अपनी कहता हूँ, इस सरकार के इतने घोटाले देख लिए, जितने अपने तमाम राजनितिक जीवन में नहीं देखे. ऐसी सरकार को केन्द्र में रहना का क्या हक है, आप खुद ही बताईये, जिसके मंत्री तिहाड में बंद हो.

8. आपकी पार्टी के बंगारू लक्ष्मण जी भी  को तो  रिश्वत लेते तहलका ने पकड़ा था, अब तो कोर्ट ने भी उनको दोषी करार दे दिया ?
श्री हुसैन:  जिस दिन बंगारू लक्ष्मण टीवी पर रिश्वत लेते पकडे गए थे, अगले ही दिन आलाकमान से उन्हें निलंबित कर दिया. और कुछ ही दिनों पश्चात पार्टी से निष्कासित भी. ऐसा कोई उदहारण कांग्रेस में हो तो बताईये. यहाँ तो कोमन्वेल्थ मेंघोटाले करने वाली मुख्यमंत्री को और ज्यादा तवज्जो दी जाती है. और फिर देखिये, पांचो  उंगुलियां बराबर नहीं होती. बंगारू ने जो किया, उसका फल पाया.

9. आप देश के सबसे युवा सांसदों में से एक है. और सबसे युवा मंत्री भी रह चुके है. युवाओं के लिए कोई संदेश?
श्री हुसैन:  हिंदुस्तान युवाओं का देश है. यहाँ के युवाओं ने तरक्की की नयी इबारत लिखी है. युवा शक्ति को अपने अधिकार समझने होंगे और अपनी शक्ति का पोजिटिव उपयोग करना भी सीखना होगा. हाथ से हाथ मिलाईये, और फिर देखिये, किस तरह देश को नयी दशा और दिशा मिलती है. अन्ना आंदोलन में हम देश की युवा शक्ति का जीता जगता उदहारण देख चुके है.

10. उदयपुर के लिए कोई संदेश?
श्री हुसैन:  उदयपुर मेरे दिल में बसता है. मैं यहाँ आने के बहाने खोजता हूँ. अभी भी मेरे एक मित्र के घर में शादी थी, तो मैं भगा चला आया. जितना सुन्दर ये शहर है, उतने ही अच्छे यहाँ के लोग. मुझे यहाँ के लोगों के दिल यहाँ की झीलों की ही तरह साफ़ और बड़े दीखते है. अगर रिटायरमेंट के बाद कही बसने का मन हुआ तो उदयपुर उसमे सबसे पहले होगा.


Article Contribution: Arya Manu   |   Article Photos: Gaurav Mehta

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Indian National Girls Day Celebrated – SAVE THE GIRL CHILD

Rally against Infant Mortality

“SAVE THE GIRL CHILD”                 “SAVE THE GIRL CHILD”                 “SAVE THE GIRL CHILD”

This was the message one could see yesterday morning while moving towards their offices in lanes of Bapu Bazar, Town Hall and Delhi Gate. Some must be thinking or amazed to see the crowd or some must be trying to guess why these people are out  & what was the occasion?? Whereas many people joined in to be the part of the gentle cause without even bothering about the occasion. The hoardings and the banners must clear some of your doubts but the question for what is the incident, remains the same. So let me clear your doubt. It was the occasion of Indian National Girls Day announced in 2009 by the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Government with the hope to spread the awareness against the sex selection, female infant mortality and abortion of girl child. On the day i.e. 24th January in the year 1966 the most powerful lady in the Indian Politics daughter of Pandit Jawharlal Nehru none other than Indira Gandhi joined in as the first woman Prime Minister of the Republic of India is an anecdote behind selecting the date.

An appeal by the leading newspaper Dainik Bhaskar  and thousands of people, ample of organizations formed the part of the rally which started from Town Hall passing through Bapu Bazar, Delhi Gate summed up at District Collectorate where many organization handovered the letter to Additional District Magistrate (ADM, city) Mr. Mohammad Yaseen Pathan in the name of Chief Minister for the state. People from all walks of life joined and appreciated the cause weather it was MLA Raguveer Singh Meena, Congress Representative Neelima Sukhadiya, Dr. Prashant Agarwal of Narayan Seva Sansthan, Mr. Rahul Agarwal of Pacific Group, Mr. Harish Rajani of Sunrise Group and even Mr. B. L. Shekhawat Unit head of Danik Bhaskar Udaipur. There was a massive support to the rally.

Check out the Pictures of this Activity 🙂

Rally against Infant Mortality

Rally against Infant Mortality

Rally against Infant Mortality

Rally against Infant Mortality

Rally against Infant Mortality

Rally against Infant Mortality

Rally against Infant Mortality


50th Maharana Kumbha Sangeet Samaroh commences

A mesmerizing series of performances by Sarod maestro Amjad Ali Khan, who is known round the globe for his unique style of playing the instrument with his finger nails made the commencement of 50th Maharana Kumbha Sangeet Samaroh more melodious.

Maharana Kumbha Sangeet Samarooh

Shri Amaan Ali Khan and Shri Ayaan Ali Khan the two shinning stars in classical music shared the stage with their father Ustad Amjad Ali Khan made the evening at Sukhadiya Rangmanch, Town Hall more harmonious.

The Guest of the honor Mr. Arvind Singhal, Trustee Singhal Foundation with Mr. Govind Gupta, IG, Udaipur Range accompanied by many other officials of Maharana Kumbha Sangeet Parishad inaugurated the function by lightening the lamp.

The function started with the inaugural speech by the Dr. Yashwant Kothari, Honorary Secretary, Maharana Kumbha Sangeet Parishad. It was followed by traditional Saraswati Vandana.  Amaan Ali Khan and Ayan Ali Khan started the Raag Jhinjhoti on sarod. Anuvrat Chatterjee and Sateesh Talwalkar, the tabla players added life to performance.

After this comes the awaited performance of Ustab Amjad Ali Khan. The magic sarod maestro gripped the audience which made the event more memorable. The performance of  Raag Zila  Kafi and the Rajasthani Raag Maand followed by the Rabindranath Tagore’s Ekla Chalo Re.

Lastly, the two sons Amaan and Ayan with the father Ustad Amjad Ali Khan performed the Raag Kirwani.

In the end Maharana Kumbha Sangeet Award was presented to Ustad Amjad Ali Khan as well as the appreciation letter was also presented to Shubh Laxi Khan w/o Ustad Amjad Ali Khan for her outstanding performance and commitment in Dance.

Maharana Kumbha Sangeet Samarooh

Maharana Kumbha Sangeet Samarooh

Maharana Kumbha Sangeet Samarooh


The 50th Maharana Kumbha Sangeet Samaroh

50th Mahrana Kumbha Sangeet Samarooh

The Maharana Kumbha Sangeet Kala Trust established way back in 1962 with the motive to promote Indian classical music and dance among the people. Since the foundation it regularly organizes an event every year called The Maharana Kumbha Sangeet Samaroh which is eagerly awaited by Udaipies and attracted the lovers of classical music and dances round the globe. After the inception the organization never turned back and now this is the time to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the unending passion of music and everlasting expression of dance.

“In order to make this event more glorious and magnificent the scheduled program has been extended to 5 days this year and approximately 30 to 35 artists are participating form different parts of India” as shared by Dr. Yashwant Kothari, Honorary Secretary, Maharana Kumbha Sangeet Parishad. Program Convener P.P. Chattaraj and Vice President Prem Bhandari discussed the detailed schedule of the program as mentioned below.


11th January

Maharana Kumbha 11th

                    Shri Aman Ali Khan                            Ustad Amjad Ali Khan                          Shri Ayaan Ali Khan

 – Trio Sarod Recital –

12th January

                                        Pt. Vishwa  Mohan Bhatt                                                     Pt. Ajoy Chakraboty

                                            Mohan Veena Recital                                                              Vocal Recital


13th January


Dr. Sonal Mansingh

Odissi Dance

14th Januray

Dr. Kumud Diwan                                                              Ustad Shahid Parvez

Vocal Recital                                                                           Sitar Recital

15th January

 Maharana Kumbha Sangeet Samaroh

Pt. Birju Maharaj

                                                                                    Kathak Dance

All these program will started at 7:00Pm at Sukhdia Rangmanch. There will be an exhibition too presenting the 50 years journey of Kumbha Parishad.


[Pictures] Shilpgram Day 6 – Lok Tarang

Here are the pictures of Shilpgram Day – 6 : Lok Tarang 🙂 Clicked by me… 😀 I Hope you Like them … Check out the Schedule of Shilpgram By Clicking Here. The Shilpgram festival will last till this Friday so enjoy this Cultural Extravaganza 🙂

Shilpgram Day 6

Shilpgram Day 6

Shilpgram Day 6

Shilpgram Day 6

Shilpgram Day 6

Shilpgram Day 6

Shilpgram Day 6

Shilpgram Day 6

Shilpgram Day 6

Shilpgram Day 6

Shilpgram Day 6

Shilpgram Day 6


[Pictures] Shilpgram 2011 – Day 3 – The Goa Day

‘Shilpgram’ literary meaning village/hub for art and craft come alive with the shilpgram utsaav at every year end since its inception. Here one can enjoy the vivid cultures in form of cultural program performed by different artists all round India strongly showing the integrity and prosperity of the nation.

Shilpgram Day 3

In the chain of cultural program after witnessing the culture of Maharashtra now it is the time of its neighbor state, the smallest in all, land of orchards and water GOA. The Third day of Shilgram(23 December, 2011) was celebrated as Goa Day which started with Ganesh Vandana as we Indians believe that while starting the thing let us begin by the name of God. One of the major attractions on this day was Samai Dance form which is associated with the traditional brass lamps, a Goan Handicraft. The balance and the concentration required for holding the lamp on the head while performing the variety of moments amazed everyone present there.  Though a state full of fishermen is small but is vast and vibrant in culture. The event also included performances by Rajasthani Folk Dancers. Check out the exclusive pictures clicked by me 🙂

Shilpgram Day 3

Shilpgram Day 3

Shilpgram Day 3

Shilpgram Day 3

Shilpgram Day 3

Shilpgram Day 3

Shilpgram Day 3

Shilpgram Day 3

Shilpgram Day 3

Shilpgram Day 3

Shilpgram Day 3

Photos and Videos

Pictures of 27th West Zone Inter University Youth Fest

So the 5 day celebration of the 27th West Zone Inter University Youth Fest which began on 5th of December till 9th December ended yesterday. During this Inter University Fest their were various performances by students from all over our Country and Banasthali University, Jaipur bagged the 1st Spot alongwith Mumbai College as the runner up.

Here are some of the pictures that I Clicked. We hope you like it 🙂

WZCC Performance

WZCC Performance

WZCC Performance

WZCC Performance

WZCC Performance

WZCC Performance

WZCC Performance

27th West Zone Inter University Youth Fest

27th West Zone Inter University Youth Fest

27th West Zone Inter University Youth Fest

27th West Zone Inter University Youth Fest

27th West Zone Inter University Youth Fest

27th West Zone Inter University Youth Fest

27th West Zone Inter University Youth Fest

27th West Zone Inter University Youth Fest


Video :



About Muharram: The Month of Sacrifice

muharram image

Muharram is not a particular day, but a whole month that marks the beginning of Islamic New Year. It is one of the 4 months that are defined as holy month in Islamic calendar and the other three are Dhul-Qa’adah, Dhul-Hijjah and Rajab. Muharram derived from the word ‘haram’, which means ‘forbidden’. Hence, it is considered unlawful to fight during this month. Fasting is advised in the month of Muharram.  It is believed that The Prophet has said: “The best fasts after the fasts of Ramadan are those of the month of Muharram.” Although the fasts of the month of Muharram are not obligatory, yet one who fasts in these days out of his own will is entitled to a great reward by Allah Almighty. Fasting on the tenth day of Muharram, called Ashura, is particularly important, as it supposed to lead to great rewards. A person does not have to fast for the whole month. On the contrary, each fast during this month has merit.

The month of Muharram is also associated with many auspicious events in Islamic history. Some of them are:

  1. Allah is supposed to have created the heavens and the earth on this blessed day.
  2. On this day He give His infinite blessings and bounties to many of His Prophets and delivered them from the clutches of their enemies.
  3. Allah created Hazrat Adam (First man on the earth) in this month and pardoned him of his mistake.
  4. Hazrat Noah’s Ark landed successfully on Mount Judi during this time centuries ago.
  5. Allah is also said to have saved Hazrat Ibrahim from fire and
  6. Allah rescued Hazrat Musa from the Pharaoh during the month of Muharram.

One must be wondering what there is to mourn about then?

The tenth day of Muharram or Youm-e-Ashura is of supreme importance for Shia Muslims as they commemorate the death anniversary of Imam Hussain, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. While talking about Muharram how one can forget the tragedy of Karbala. In the month of Muharram many centuries ago, (approximately 680 A.D.), an event took place in Iraq at a place known as Karbala.

Imam Husain’s martyrdom at Kerbala represents a conscious confrontation with anti-Islamic forces and a courageous resistance for a sacred cause. The tragedy was that the one who stood up to defend Islam was cut down in so cruel a manner. It is for this reason that the death of Imam Husain is mourned annually in the Muslim world.
During these days their are regular lessons about how a man can follow good path and people are taught about the Martyr of Karbala.

Peace & Many Blessings Towards All…. ♥

Photos and Videos

[Exclusive Pictures + Videos] Shakira cast her spell in Udaipur’s atmosphere

Shakira in Udaipur

Gaining popularity as the favorite venue of many famous personalities for royal marriages, functions, congregations and shootings, yesterday City of Lakes witnessed one of the biggest ever Birthday Blast when the Real Estate Tycoon Kushal Pal Singh aka K.P. Singh (Chairperson, DLF) stepped in the 80th year of his life. Claimed as one of the expensive birthday parties ever thrown, a billion of money was spent to make the evening a memorable one. Impressed by the beauty and tradition of the city, daughter of Mr. Singh, chose Jag Mandir for the venue of his party over Las Vegas.

Shakira in Udaipur

Shakira in Udaipur

Maharana Pratap Airport gleamed as the celebrities and royal guests landed there one after other to join the Birthday Party. Businessman Prakash Hinduja was the first to step in Udaipur at 1:15 PM, followed by renowned singer Adnan Sami, who was looking great in his slim and smart ‘Avtaar’. Actor Kabir Bedi arrived at 2 PM. Host for the party, Mr. K.P. Singh, arrived with his family at 3:15 PM. Sunil Bharti Mittal (CEO, Airtel) arrived at 4:15 PM.

Shakira in Udaipur

Standing amidst the peaceful water of Pichola, Jag Mandir was glowing under a dim blue light that got hold of every eye, leaving everyone mesmerized with its elegancy. Guests and celebrities were comforted with the luxurious preparations that were made under the head of Piya Singh, daughter of Mr. Singh.  The Guest list listed many popular faces including Adnan Sami, Sunil Mittal, Kabir Bedi, Pawan Kumar Munjal, and of course the most awaited of all Latin Pop Star Shakira. A 15 feet high stage was set up which was flooded with decorative lights and flowers. Colourful floating Fountains were placed in Pichola that took the breath of guests and also of Udaipurites who were standing at the ‘Paal’. A huge balloon was revolving above Pichola Lake from which beautiful angels landed up rendering everyone hypnotized. Crackers worth 2 Crores were brought but Collector Mr. Gera and the administration didn’t give permission for late night fireworks.

Programme started with the performance of Adnan Sami at 8 in the evening as per the schedule and received a huge roar of appreciation from the guests. After his performance, a film casting the various phases of Mr. Singh’s life was shown. Tears welled up in eyes of everyone, especially Mr. Singh. His son and daughter shared the golden moments of their father’s life and called him up on stage. Overwhelmed with emotions and many memories of his long journey from serving in army to this stage in the business world, he cut his 80th Birthday Cake.

Shakira in Udaipur

Shakira in Udaipur

Shakira in Udaipur

Shakira in Udaipur

Shakira in Udaipur

Shakira in Udaipur

Shakira in Udaipur

Shakira in Udaipur

Shakira in Udaipur

Being the Brand Ambassador of UNICEF, Waka Waka girl Shakira also visited SIERT where she met the rural girls and motivated them to get educated and achieve high positions in the society. When she reached at the place, small girls dressed in traditional ‘Lehangas’ welcomed her according to Rajasthani Culture. Despite of being such a famous celebrity, she easily got mixed up with the school girls. She even danced with them and answered each and every question very politely. Girls also sang many folk songs for Shakira and Shakira also encouraged them by clapping and dancing with them.

Pictures: (Credits: UNICEF Press Release)

Shakira in Udaipur

Shakira in Udaipur

Shakira in Udaipur

Shakira in Udaipur

Shakira in Udaipur UNICEF

UNICEF Visit Udaipur

Shakira in Udaipur

Shakira in Udaipur
Media Interviewing Girl from SIRT

After making a promise to visit Udaipur again, she said goodbye to all of them and proceeded for JagMandir where she practiced with her drummer for the evening performance. Shakira mounted on stage at 10:20 PM and thrilled everyone with her sizzling performances. Her voice filled the air and her grace made the breeze to dance with her. She made every feet dance as she performed on her hit and famous songs. Following the rules, the party ended up at about 11:15 PM.

Everyone present for the party was dumbstruck with the charm of LakeCity, its beautiful lakes, warmth present in hearts. Mr. K.P. Singh also said that Udapiur is one of the best city in the world and it feels great to be here. So now it becomes our moral duty that we give the best of impression about us and our city to every tourist and visitors. Let us put this city ahead of all others. 🙂

Here are some more pictures from Jagmandir : Credits : ( Rupesh Mehta )

Shakira performing in Jagmandir

Shakira performing in Jagmandir

Shakira performing in Jagmandir

Shakira Performing in Udaipur

Shakira Performing in Udaipur's Jagmandir

Shakira performing on KP Singh's Birthday Party


Shakira performing on KP Singh's Birthday Party

Shakira performing on KP Singh's Birthday Party

Shakira on Stage

The Superb Pictures of Jagmandir from Outside & Pichola Lake are captured by Yash Sharma 🙂

Article Edited by : Palak Jain

: Few More Photos From HRH Group of Hotels Facebook Page of Jagmandir and Party :

HRH hotels Pictures

HRH hotels Pictures

HRH hotels Pictures

HRH hotels Pictures

HRH hotels Pictures

HRH hotels Pictures

HRH hotels Pictures

HRH hotels Pictures

HRH hotels Pictures

HRH hotels Pictures

The Only Videos of Shakira in Jagmandir Exclusively By Your

Social Udaipur Speaks

Eid-ul-Zuha: Symbolizing Sacrifice

Id-ul-Zuha (Bakr-Id), also known as Eid al-Adha or Id-ul-Adha, is a tradition followed from centuries. This festival is celebrated every year and this year in 2011 it falls on 7 Nov. Many Muslims celebrate this festival with special morning prayers, greetings and gifts. This festival is symbolizes sacrifice. Eid al-Adha (Id-ul-Zuha or Bakr-Id), which is on the 10th to 13th days of the Islamic month of Dhul Hijja.
Eid Mubarak | UdaipurBlog Eid-ul-Zuha is a festival that is celebrated with traditional fervor and gaiety in India and the world. They may sacrifice a sheep or goat and share the part with family members, neighbors and the poor. Many Muslims feel that they have a duty to ensure that all Muslims can enjoy a meal during this holiday.

Being a gazette holiday, the national, state and local government offices, post offices and banks shall remain closed on Eid al-Adha. Islamic stores, businesses and other organizations may be closed or have reduced opening hours. Large scale prayer meetings may cause local disruption to traffic. And probably traffic to the Chetak Circle zone remain closed for the special prayer to hold in the morning.

Faith behind celebrating the festival:

Muslims around the world believe that Allah commanded Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son Ishmael. Ibrahim in the way of God agreed to sacrifice his son but impressed by the faith of Ibrahim, a miracle happened, and Allah at the last moment replaced his son by a sheep.  Eid al-Adha is called Id-ul-Adha in Arabic and Bakr-Id in the Indian subcontinent, because of the tradition of sacrificing a goat or “bakr” in Urdu. The word “id” derived from the Arabic “iwd” means “festival” and “zuha” comes from “uzhaiyya” which translates to “sacrifice”.

Team UdaipurBlog wishes all our readers, a very happy and prosperous Eid 🙂