
When UdaipurBlog Helped


This incident happened about a month ago when some of my relatives met with a road accident near Neemuch. Some of our close relative had expired and to attend the funeral my aunty’s family was going there in a car when this unfortunate incident happened. The car in which they were travelling met with a dangerous accident and all the 4 persons inside the car were injured badly. The worst injury happened to my aunt, Shamim Mansuri. She was hit on the head and chest. Her lungs were damaged and due to severe head injury she was unconscious immediately. All the injured persons were taken to local hospital and the doctors suggested that the condition of my aunt is very critical and she should be taken to Udaipur immediately. The other persons escaped with minor injuries. At about 7 in the evening i was informed about the whole incident. I work in Hyderabad, miles away from Udaipur. the situation was tense and we couldnt do anything but turn towards the almighty for his mercy. The night passed and we were totally unaware of the outside world. I was feeling helpless as i was so far and feeling tense that i could not do anything.

Early morning the doctor told us to arrange blood for our aunt. the blood group was O -ve, a very rare group. Feeling helpless, i reluctantly started searching on the net if i can find some people in the Udaipur city who could come to our rescue. Accidently i hit this blog and dropped a mail to Sanjit requesting him to arrange for O -ve blood. I switched off the net and went back to my room praying to God. Surprisingly i got a call at 11 in the night. It was Lakhan. He assured me that he has got in touch with his other friends Sanjit and Neeraj. These three youngsters, Sanjit, Lakan and Neeraj, passed on our request to the entire city by their UdaipurBlog and by next morning the cell phones started ringing with all the donors. Luckily we could get the required units of blood and soon our aunt was declared out of danger. However she went into coma and she is still in it. It will take another two months for her to recover from the trauma.

O -ve group is a very rare group and whatever blood banks we could reach that day, were all out of stocks for this particular group. We are not from the city too. It was a new place for us. We wonder what would have happened if Lakhan,Neeraj and Sanjit had not helped us. Our blessings and well wishes are always with you guys. Keep up the good work!!.

A Post By Nahid Ahmed Ji 🙂

You can Also Contact Lakhan Khodpia at :

Lakhan’s Facebook Profile: Click Me


Blood Donation Camp on 21 September

I see Many People Thinking this Subject of Blood Donation as Useless and think that Blood Donation is just for the people who are into social activities and all but its more than that .. Its For US.

Let me tell you Some Facts About How Donating Blood Is Advantageous for Us:

  • When We Donate Blood Our Bone Marrows is Stimulated to Produce New red Blood Cells. This Will Lead Our Heart to Function More Effectively and Actively.
  • The New Blood Formed in our body will be quite Robust and Strong.
  • Blood Donation also Burns our Extra Calories and reduces our cholesterol level.
  • We our Informed about our Blood Type or Any Disease in the Blood in Screening Test.
  • We Feel Good that We Have Done Something Noble and Our Blood Might help To save Someone’s Life. 🙂
  • We get a Blood Donor card that is valid for 6 Months and It can be used to Get Blood in Case We or Our Relatives are in need of Blood.

So Are You All Set to – DONATE BLOOD

Invited to donate

In recent you have seen many blood donation camps being organized and in those troops of Young Social Enthusiasts here comes a Name You All Know..

“The Crew” – a Well Renowned Event Management Group of Student from Udaipur Now organises a Blood Donation Camp inviting all the Individuals of Udaipur By Various Mediums for This Noble Cause. UdaipurBlog Always Supports these kind of Noble Causes and Events and Asks you to Donate Blood Because Your Blood can ‘SAVE LIFE

Tuesday, September 21 · 11:00am – 2:00pm

Location Blood Bank, M.B. Hospital, Udaipur

– For More Details You can Contact –

Abhimanyu : +91 9828962704
Siddharth : +91 9680082104
Bhupen : +91 9784094820
Prashant : +91 9460726436

Donate Blood Udaipur

Social Udaipur Speaks

Justice for Bheem Rally

Animal Aid Udaipur

A street-dog who was brutally attacked near Bharam Pole and is now in critical condition. Animal lovers are held awareness programme and protest in his honor from 5-6 PM at Bharam Pole on 1 September 2010.


Watch this fantastic rally of animal-lovers in Udaipur on Sept 1 at Braham Pole, in protest of the brutal beating of a street-dog, named “Bheem” that left him with a broken leg and a severe head-injury. Please circulate it and send prayers for Bheem’s speedy recovery.

‘Please Don’t Hurt Animals Because They are Also a Creation Of The Same GOD who Made Us’.

We Kind Heartedly Thanks Claire Abrams of Animal Aid Unlimited For Raising this Issue and Getting a Warm Response 🙂