हमारा नगर निगम हम लोगों के लिए कितना कुछ सोचता है। कुछ महीनों पहले वाल सिटी में बढ़ते प्रदुषण और भीड़-भाड़ को कम करने के लिए कुछ स्थानों पर अन्य राज्यों की कारों का प्रवेश निषेध कर दिया था। उसके बाद बीच में ये भी प्रयोग किया कि ‘मुंह काला कर दे ऐसा धुंआ छोड़ने वाले ऑटो’ की जगह ई-रिक्शा को चलाया गया। हालाँकि दोनों ही प्रयोग बुरी तरह से नाकाम साबित हुए, और इस कदर नाकाम कि अन्य राज्यों से आने वाली कारों के प्रवेश को निषेध करने वाले प्रयोग को तो बोरी में बंद करना पड़ा। दूसरा प्रयोग भी एक तरह से फ़ैल ही साबित हुआ। शुरू में 80 ई-रिक्शा चलने तो लगे लेकिन अब उनकी संख्या घटकर मात्र 40 रह गई है। बिल्कुल आधी।
नगर निगम द्वारा अब फिर से कोशिश की जा रही है कि ई-रिक्शा की संख्या में बढ़ोतरी की जाए। ताकि प्रदुषण के लेवल में कमी लाई जा सके। इसके लिए निगम न सिर्फ ई-रिक्शा की संख्या में इजाफ़ा करने की सोच रहा है इसके साथ ही शहर में कुछ स्थान ऐसे चुन रहा है जहाँ इन ई-रिक्शा को चार्ज भी किया जा सके। इनके लिए जगह-जगह इलेक्ट्रिक चार्ज प्लग बोर्ड लगाए जाएंगे। ऐसा दिल्ली और कोलकाता में पहले ही किया जा चूका है।
अच्छी बात है कि निगम हम शहरवासीयों के लिए इतना सोच रहा है और देखा जाए तो सोचना भी चाहिए। लेकिन अब बात ये है कि क्या हम इस डेवलपमेंट के लिए तैयार हैं? और उससे भी पहले क्या हम इस डेवलपमेंट के हक़दार हैं? बात हर्ट होने वाली है लेकिन सच भी है। जब 80 ई-रिक्शा शहर में चल रहे थे तब हम में से (मैं, आप, हम सभी) कितने लोगों ने इधर-उधर जाने के लिए इन ई-रिक्शों का उपयोग किया? सच कहा जाए तो न के बराबर। हमारा इन ई-रिक्शा में नहीं बैठना भी इनकी संख्या घटने का एक कारण रहा है।
वो ऐसे… जो 40 ई-रिक्शा बंद हुए हैं उनमें से कई इस वजह से बंद हुए है क्योंकि वो समय से अपना लोन नहीं चूका पाए, और लोन क्यों नहीं चूका पाए क्योंकि उन रिक्शा वालों की उतनी कमाई हुई नहीं जितनी वो लोग उम्मीद लगाए बैठे थे। इस वजह से बैंक ने उनके ई-रिक्शा वापस ले लिए और कुछ ने बेच भी दिए।
इसलिए हमें ये देखना और सोचना होगा कि हम अपनी तरफ से शहर के लिए कितना कुछ कर पाते है! नगर निगम तो हर दिन नयी-नयी योजनाएं लाता ही रहेगा लेकिन हम खुद किस तरह से निगम की मदद कर पाएँगे या यूँ कहे अपने खुद के शहर की हवा-पानी को साफ़ रखने में अपना योगदान दे सकते है।
बात है तो सोचने वाली…बाकि कमेंट बॉक्स में आप लोगों के विचारों का स्वागत है।
पान का इतिहास 5000 सालों से भी ज्यादा पुराना है। अगर आपने कभी गौर किया हो तो पान का ज़िक्र श्रीमद भागवत गीता में भी हुआ है जिसमे श्री कृष्णा पान चबाया करते थे। पान साँसों को ताज़ा करने के लिए और मेहमानों को सम्मान के तौर पर खिलाया जाता है। पान का भारत से सांस्कृतिक रूप से भी काफी जुड़ाव है। पान धूप, दीप के साथ आराध्य देव को भी चढ़ाया जाता है।
इतिहास में पान सुपारी, खैर, चूना, कपूर के साथ खाया जाता था। इन सभी को पान के पत्ते में भर कर इसका बीड़ा बनाया जाता था लेकिन आज कल पान अलग अलग तरह से बनने लगा है। इसके अलग अलग नाम तक हो गए है। जैसे फायर पान, आइस पान, सादा पान, तम्बाकू पान आदि।
और बता दिया जाए की हमारा शहर उदयपुर भी इसमें कोई पीछे नहीं है । पान की बात की जाए तो उदयपुर में भी काफी मशहूर पान वाले है जो अपने स्वादिष्ट पान से सभी का मुह मीठा कर देते है । इन मशहूर पान वालों के यहाँ पान खाने के लिए लोग कई देशों से आया करते है। आइये जानते है कौन है ये पान वाले और किस तरह के पान मिला करते है यहाँ !
शंकर भण्डार
यह पान भंडार उदयपुर का काफी मशहूर पान भण्डार है और इसकी वजह है यहाँ के पान का बेहतरीन स्वाद। यहाँ पर आपको लगभग 10 तरीके के पान मिल जाएँगे जिसमे है रजवाडी पान, फायर पान, आइस पान, चॉकलेट पान, स्ट्रॉबेरी पान, ड्राई फ्रूट पान, सादा पान, मीठा पान और तम्बाकू पान। हमने यहाँ चॉकलेट पान को बनते देखा। एक पूरी कटोरी में भरा ये पान करीब 3 लोगो के खाने के लिए काफी है। हालाकि आपके लिए इस पान को बांटना थोडा मुश्किल होगा क्योंकि आप इस पुरे पान को अकेले खाना चाहेंगे। इसमें साधारण पान की सामग्री के साथ साथ जेली, चेरी, कद्दूकस किया नारियल, चॉकलेट सॉस, चॉकलेट चिप्स, सुपारी, खजूर सुपारी भी डाली जाती है। दिखने में तो ये पान खूबसूरत लगेंगे ही साथ ही इनका स्वाद भी आपकी ज़बान पर ठहर जाएगा।
उदयपुर का ये पान भंडार सबसे ज्यादा मशहूर है। यह पान भंडार करीब 50 साल पुराना है। यहाँ के पान की ये खासियत है की ये अपने पान में ख़ास बनारसी पान की पत्ती का इस्तेमाल करते है जो बहुत स्वादिष्ट और सेहत के लिए भी बहुत फायदेमंद होते हैं। इन पत्तियों में गुलकंद, गुलकंद सुपारी, सौफ और खजूर सुपारी को पत्ते में भर के इसका मीठा पान बनाते है।
रेट- मीठा पान, सादा पान, तम्बाकू पान: रू 20/-
पता- भोपालपुरा सर्किल, भोपालपुरा
मस्ताना पान
मस्ताना पान सादे, मीठे और तम्बाकू पान के साथ साथ ओर भी बहुत तरह के पान बनाते है जैसे फायर पान, आइस पान, चॉकलेट पान। अच्छी कीमत में अगर आपको अलग अलग तरह के पान का मज़ा लेना है तो आपको यह ज़रूर जाना चाहिए। हो सकता है की आप ये सुन के चौंक जाये लेकिन फायर पान आग से भरा पान है। असल में ये एक मामूली पान है जिसमे आखिर में एक लौंग पर आग लगा कर उसे उसी वक़्त खिलाया जाता है। इसमें आपको चिंता करने की ज़रूरत नहीं है ये आपके मूंह में आग नहीं लगाएगा। इसकी आग मुंह में जाते ही मिट जाती है ओर पीछे छोड़ जाती है एक बेहतरीन स्वाद।
रेट- मीठा पान, सादा पान, तम्बाकू पान: रू 20/-
फायर पान – 35 रू
चॉकलेट पान – 30 रू
आइस पान – 35 रू
पता- दिल्लीगेट चौराहा
अरुणा पान
सादे, मीठे, और तम्बाकू पान के साथ अरुणा पान पर आपको कुछ फायदेमंद पान भी मिल जायेगे। यहाँ पर बात-चीत करने पर हमने जाना की गर्मी के मौसम में आम लोगो के मुंह में छाले हो जाते है जिसके लिए ये एक ख़ास छाले वाला पान बनाते है और सर्दी में लोगों को ख़ासी और ज़ुकाम परेशान करते है जिसके लिए भी ये एक खासी वाला पान बनाते है। इस पान की सामग्री पूछने पर हमें उन्होंने बताया की यह एक राज़ है लेकिन इससे आपके छाले और खासी का समाधान ज़रूर निकल आएगा। इसके साथ ही यहाँ पर आपको जर्दा वाला पान भी मिल जाएगा। जर्दा एक तरह का तम्बाकू होता है और इस पान की रेट रू 20 से लेकर रू 150 तक है।
यहाँ मीठा पान, तम्बाकू पान और सादा पान के साथ एक और तरीके का पान मिल जाएगा जो है किमाम पान। किमाम एक तरह का लिक्विड (तरल) तम्बाकू है। इसका रंग काला होता है। इसे बनाने के लिए तम्बाकू में कुछ मसाले और कुछ बाहरी एसेंस मिलाया जाता है और उसके बाद इसका खमीरीकरण किया जाता है। ये तम्बाकू से थोडा ज्यादा ताकतवर है इसीलिए इसकी लत लगाना बुरा है। खैर मेवाड़ पान भण्डार पर आपको एक तरह का इलेक्ट्रॉनिक लाइटर भी देखने को मिल जाएगा।
पता– अस्थल मंदिर रोड, सूरजपोल के अन्दर, कीमतराम पेसुमल के पास
लेक सिटी पान सेंटर
बड़े बाज़ार में ये पान भण्डार काफी जाना माना है। यहाँ का पान बहुत स्वादिस्ट है ओर बाकी पान भण्डार से इसकी रेट थोड़ी सी कम भी है। यहाँ के पान ना केवल दिखने में सुन्दर लगते है लेकिन स्वाद में भी लाजवाब है। अपने मीठे पान पर ये आखिर में बादाम और चेरी से सजावट करते है।
रेट- मीठा पान: रू 15
पता- बड़ा बाज़ार, तेलियों के माता के मंदिर के पास
शास्त्री सर्किल के तीन पान भण्डार
ये तीनों पान भण्डार एक साथ लगे हुए है शास्त्री सर्किल पर। ये चौराहे पर होने के कारण काफी मशहूर है। यहाँ पर हर समय आपको काफी भीड़ देखने को मिल जाएगी। यहाँ के पान भी काफी स्वादिस्ट है। इन तीनों पान भण्डार के नाम है बजरंग पान, न्यू बजरंग पान और ओम पान।
रेट– मीठा पान, सादा पान, तम्बाकू पान: रू 20
पता- शास्त्री सर्किल
अजंता पान
अजंता पान उदयपुर शहर का काफी मशहूर पान भण्डार है। शहर के हर कोने से लोग यहाँ का पान खाने आते है। यहाँ पर आपको कई तरह के पान मिल जाएगे जैसे चॉकलेट पान, चॉकलेट मावा पान, मीठा पान, सादा पान, खासी पान, छाले वाला पान, किमाम पान, आदि। ये ना केवल आपकी ज़बान के लिए दावत है बल्कि यहाँ के पान आपकी आँखों के लिए भी एक दावत है। पान के साथ साथ आपको कई तरह की आइसक्रीम भी यहाँ पर मिल जाएगी।
चॉकलेट मावा पान: 40 रू
चॉकलेट पान: 35 रू
किमाम पान: 25 रू
पता- 20, बापू बाज़ार, दिल्लीगेट, उदयपुर
ऊपर दी हुई लिस्ट उदयपुर के मशहूर पान वालो की है। अभी जाइये और इन अलग अलग पानों का मज़ा उठाइए।
अगर आपके पास भी उन पान वालों के नाम है जो कुछ अलग या बहुत स्वादिस्ट पान बनाते हो तो नीचे दिए हुए कमेंट बॉक्स में हमसे शेयर करे।
The ‘City of Lakes’ is a delight for shopping enthusiasts coming over from around the world. The local markets here have an alluring atmosphere and as soon as you enter a market, there’s absolutely nothing you would not want to buy. Udaipur is full of boutiques, shopping malls, and almost everything is available at a stone’s throw but the real charm lies in its dazzling local markets with beguiling handicraft items, ethnic jewelry, and authentic leather products.
With a little bargaining acumen, and proper knowledge you could tick off each and every item from your shopping list and that too without burning a hole in your pocket. You cannot just deny the fact that shopping in these markets is a lot more fun and lighter on the pocket than actually paying retail for similar items in big shopping malls and designer shops.
Give an end to your shopping woes because we have done the research for you about the famous shopping markets of Udaipur! Pick up your bags and head out to these places. But be careful, you might end up purchasing more than you need. Have a look:
1. Hathipole Market
A must visit place for tourists and the hub of shopping for every Udaipurite, this lively market is swarming with customers from all over the world to buy famous handicraft items, silver jewelry, bandhani print outfits, souvenirs made with brass, marble, etc. You can also find a lot of shops to buy Rajasthani traditional footwear like Mojris, Jootis, and other leather products at very cheap rates.
2. Bada Bazaar
The best traditional gold jewelry, silverware, copperware, and clothing materials can be found here. You just name anything and it’s here. There are a number of shops here selling precious stones, antique items, and so on. You might have to go to a few shops before you find your desired item but it is going to be worth it. Don’t worry about the heat though, there are many street-side shops selling fresh fruit juices, buttermilk (lassi), and other fried items as well. Munch on the go!
3. Sindhi Bazaar
Move a bit farther away from Bada Bazaar and you will enter the Sindhi Market having all sorts of clothes for kids, men, and women on offer. Sindhi Bazaar is thriving during the daytime and way too crowded to explore with a car. Use of a two-wheeler is recommended and with proper bargaining, you can take a dozen shopping bags home.
4. Lakhara Chowk
This shopping market is hugely famous for bangles, artificial jewelry, cosmetic products, and items of personal decor. Lakhara Chowk has a number of shops in narrow lanes of the walled city area and sometimes even the use of a two-wheeler gets cumbersome. Walking through these jolly markets should be the choice. Also, if you want bangles to go with a sari or any other outfit, bring the outfit with you so that the seller can match and suggest accordingly.
5. Mochiwada
The name speaks for itself here! This market is chiefly popular for traditional Rajasthani and leather footwear. This place is never short on varieties to offer. Shopkeepers sell locally produced sports shoes, formal shoes, and so on at very cheap rates. These are often quite durable and made with good quality materials. Also, the bargaining is quite rampant and you can get awesome footwear at very cheap prices.
6. Ashwini Market
Another dynamic market bustling with people all through the day is Ashwini Market. Known for a variety of shops selling attractive home decor items, designer sarees, and electronics, this market is located at a walking distance from Hathipole. The market is also popular for electrical equipment, sanitary, and hardware shops.
7. Bhatiyani Chohatta, Gulab Bagh Road
And as you take a walk down the silent and soothing Gulab Bagh road in the evening, don’t forget to visit the beautiful art galleries, boutiques, and jewelry stores here. These shops are perfect for purchasing souvenirs, Rajasthani miniature paintings, leather journals, bags, etc. Bargaining is quite common here.
8. Bapu Bazaar
Bapu Bazaar is Udaipur in a nutshell! You can find everything you want in this vivacious market. From antiques to electronics, and clothes to books, there’s pretty much everything in this lane. Bapu Bazaar even has some famous street food shops where you can soothe your taste buds while you absorb the surreal sight of life in Udaipur.
9. Maldas Street
This is another age-old market in the walled city area. It has a wide range of shops selling women’s clothing, items of personal decor, and cosmetics. Don’t forget to bargain. The best time to visit this market is during the afternoon.
Needless to say, grab your list and get ready to shop till you drop! These places will leave you breathless and in awe, for sure.
We hope you have a pleasant shopping experience. Do share with us your recommendations and suggestions, if any, in the comments below! I’d love to hear your shopping tales.
With the aim of creating awareness about the importance of preservation of biodiversity among the public, Biodiversity day is celebrated on 22nd May every year. In the year 1992, Earth Conference was organized in Rio De Janeiro in Brazil and a policy for conservation of biodiversity was framed that is being followed by 193-member countries of the world. India has been following it since 18th February 1994.
Biodiversity means the diversity that exists in different forms of life in the universe and includes all forms – man, animals, and plants. In other words, it consists of all sorts of plants and trees (vegetation) wildlife, pet animals, and birds, bacteria etc.
The main reasons for the need of conservation of biodiversity include the right of all the species to survive. Every species givers products that no other can. India is one of the 17 countries – Brazil, China, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, South Africa, United States, Venezuela that are known for their biodiversity. In spite of its uncommon climate, Rajasthan is a rich state so far as biodiversity is concerned. The province has been divided into arid and semi-arid zones by the Aravalli ranges. At present Rajasthan has three national parks, twenty-five wildlife sanctuaries and ten conservation reserves. Where all ecological systems and the animals and plants that inhabit them are being protected.
Outside the protected forest areas rich biodiversity areas have been converted into medicinal plants areas. Gochar, Oran, Ban, Kho, lakes and water bodies, pastures and agriculture land are other treasures of biodiversity.
For the poor the biodiversity is extremely important as it provides basic necessities such as nutrition, clothes, energy, building wood, houses shelter. The position of biodiversity in India and Rajasthan is respectively- flora (45000 and 2500) birds (1200 and 450) mammals (350 and 67) reptiles (453 and 58) and amphibians (182 and 40).
Udaipur, the city of lakes, is rich in biodiversity and has a park dedicated to it. Let’s read about it.
Mewar biodiversity Park, Udaipur
Udaipur has the distinction of having both, a biological park at Sajjan Garh and a biodiversity park on Nathdwara Udaipur NH8 in the densely forested Amberi area spread over 165 hectares. This area showcases the rich biodiversity of Udaipur region. That is a part of Aravali range.
The height of the hill ranges in the north-west parts increases 1200 meters then decreases in the northeast and in south-west part the shape of the mountains goes from gentle to steep.
The area is ideal from the point of view of biodiversity due to its slope, height, soil, humidity and geo-scientific factors. The rich biodiversity includes 63 species of trees, 33 types of shrubs, 37 kinds of creepers, 117 variety of under shrubs and herbs, 38 species of grasses, 3 types of parasites and 2 species of pteridophytes and one variety of bamboo.
Also, can be seen here 300-400 years old mango, ‘mahua’ and ‘bargad’ tree. In addition to this, the park is home to several species of birds, reptiles, and animals viz birds (129), reptiles (17) and amphibians (6). One can also see ‘Neelgai’, jarakh, etc and also lizards, snakes, spiders and so many more.
Due to its congenial conditions, the park is home to a variety of wildlife and 3-4 panthers can be seen wandering here. In this way, the site provides it is an attractive site for students, researchers, bird lovers, bioscientists, nature lovers, and environmentalists.
When looked at separately, the factors that harm the forest do not look very important but together they seem to be extremely harmful. The first set of such factors include natural occupancies such as flood, storm, frost, extreme heat and scant rain or drought.
Other types of factors include fire, heat an illegal cutting, farming, and encroachment, arming over-grazing, mismanagement, insects, fungus, parasites etc.
The main development work done in the park includes a wall fencing, measures for the preservation of water and soil, beautification of roads, and construction of viewpoints, eco trails, entry gates, tickets window, park office, and cafeteria. There are attractive signages at proper places. So also, facilities for eco-tourism and swings for children. For tourists, there are basic facilities such as interpretation center and display of biodiversity. Grooves of different kinds namely orchids groove, tuber groove, endemis groove, cactus groove have been developed. So also climbing and arboretum butterfly home, bird viewpoint, frog pits etc. are also being developed. Adventure sports have included, ground obstacles, zip line, valley crossing, and tree walk. After the failure of all the terrain vehicle that some other kind of vehicle is to bring. Amidst the dense forest and smell of sandal trees, the visitors are able to watch dancing peacocks and groups of frolicking monkeys. For the night stay of the tourists, there is a provision of tents.
In Amberi area, exists Purohito ka Talab that was built in the time of Mewar state and is full throughout the year. It is home to huge variety of birds especially migratory ones during winter. The pollution free, serene and natural ambiance attracts a lot of tourists.
The park is a paradise for visitors and at the same time is a source of income for the local community.
The park timings: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Entry ticket: Rs. 40/- per person | Over student ID Rs. 20/- per person
Distance from Udaipur: 15 km
Have you ever visited the Mewar Biodiversity park? Tell us your experience in the comments section below!
The Taj Lake Palace is one of the most romantic hotels in the entire world and no wonder the unsurpassed beauty of this floating palace is one of a kind! But do you know that before it was a luxury hotel, it was the summer palace for the then Maharana of the Udaipur kingdom? This summer palace, now known as Lake Palace is indeed the most sought after destination in the whole world.
Let us read about the legendary palace built on the lake!
Jag Niwas Palace aka Lake Palace
Formerly known as Jag Niwas, the Lake Palace is built on a natural island of around 4 acres. It was built between the years 1743-1746 by the Maharana Jagat Singh II who ruled Mewar from 1734 to 1751 as the 62nd successor to the royal dynasty of Mewar. The Maharana decided to build a palace and named it Jag Niwas after himself. It’s an east facing palace and was built to enjoy summers.
It is said that the Maharana had friendly relations with the Mughal emperors and hence Jag Niwas was inspired by the Mughal art and architecture. As one can avidly see, the palace has a remarkable Mughal architecture blending seamlessly with Mewar’s beauty.
The Lake Palace was once a Refuge to British Families
It was during the Indian Sepoy Mutiny in 1857 that several European families fled from Nimach and sought refuge in the Mewar kingdom. Maharana Swaroop Singh (reigned 1842–1861) helped these families by keeping them safe at the Jag Niwas (Lake Palace) and wiped out all the boats so that the agitators could not reach the families.
The Journey from Jag Niwas to the ‘Taj Lake Palace’
By the end of the 19th century, time and weather had deteriorated Jag Niwas, and the Palace started losing its fame. A French writer described Jag Niwas as – “slowly moldering in damp emanations of the lake.” Even its furniture and interiors started losing its dignity. Broken old chairs, clocks, and abrupt colored glass ornaments made the palace impassive towards foreign tourists. They described the place totally deserted.
In 1961, Maharana Bhagwat Singh decided to convert Jag Niwas Palace to a luxury hotel in Udaipur. An American artist became the interior designer and consultant of the project. He also mentioned in his words that – the palace was deteriorating and turning it into a hotel was only the way to restore and keep it maintained. He termed it as a job of conservation.
In 1971 the Taj group took over the management of Jag Niwas and the new name came out to be the Taj Lake Palace. Taj added another 75 rooms to it. Jamshyd D.F. Lam became the first General Manager of the Taj Lake Palace. Later in the year 2000, another restoration of the hotel was undertaken.
The art and architecture of the Taj Lake Palace
The upper room of the Lake Palace is a perfect sphere of 21 feet in diameter. Its walls, decorated with Arabic designs similar to Taj Mahal of Agra. However, they all are made according to the Hindu religion. The floor is ornamented with the finest quality of black and white marble. The courtyards lined with columns, pillared terraces, fountains, gardens and exquisitely beautiful domes.
Amenities at the Taj Lake Palace
The Taj Lake Palace has a total of 66 rooms and 17 suites namely Bada Mahal, Khush Mahal, Ajjan Niwas, Phool Mahal and Dhola Mahal. These exotic rooms are bejeweled with carved arches, paintings, crystal work, stained glass work, inland stones of pink and green lotus petals.
The rooms and suites give a magnificent look of the Lake Pichola. There are restaurants which serve Indian as well as European cuisines. This hotel is famous for Jiva Spa, outdoor pool, and yoga center. You can go for a boat ride on Lake Pichola provided by the Taj Lake Palace itself.
The Taj Lake Palace is undeniably one of the most luxurious properties across the country. It is invariably featured in the lists of all ‘Most Luxurious’, ‘Most Romantic’, ‘Best heritage Property’ that can give you an idea how travelers across the world praise the property. The palace’s beauty is well-known in the entire world and makes one of the most sought-after sights for travelers visiting Udaipur!
Have you ever been to the Taj Lake Palace? If yes, then share us your views on the most romantic hotel in the world, in the comments below!
Cheese! Wonderful cheese! Wonderful Cheese. This is one thing that goes with every recipe and if you are a Cheese lover then it literally goes with everything right? Cheese pizza, Mac n cheese, Cheese sandwich, cheese nachos and the list is endless. It is loved and consumed by half of the world. Cheese is not a food, it is a religion and no matter what the faith of Cheese is the most sincere of all. It is one thing that is mouthwatering and amazing in every state, be it liquid, solid, shredded, molten, slice or anything.
Well, since we know your eternal love for Cheese, we have got you heavenly recipes which will not only satisfy your ultimate cheese cravings but whose taste will stay in your mouth until you die.
Double Cheese sandwich at Tick Tock Café
As the name suggests, it contains two types of Cheese. The liquid cheese and processed cheese. Liquid Cheese is mixed with the stuffing of the sandwich and a large amount of shredded processed Cheese rests on the top of this large sandwich. Now if it is not enough to satisfy your cheese craving mouth, the ketchup is topped up with Cheese as well. You will be served ketchup in a shot glass which is further topped with liquid Cheese and shredded processed cheese. Phew! So much of cheese.
Cheese Vadapav at Aqua Lounge
At once they are just some ordinary vada pav served with chilies and ketchup. But then you take a bite of it and a molten cheesefall arrive from the Vada of the vada pav. It is not just a treat for your mouth but your eyes would be charmed as well. It is a mind-blowing innovation of Indian food with an exotic touch.
Cheesy mayo fries at Eat Crave Repeat
Eat Crave Repeat has lately became one of the favorite spots for all the youngsters in the city. It is majorly famous for its potato tornado but that just not it. If you go there and do not have their Cheesy mayo fries, then my friend it was all waste. Cheesy mayo fries are creamy fries because obviously they are covered in mayonnaise and molten cheese and when you are done eating them, they will still linger in your mouth inviting you again and again.
Mac n Cheese at Tick Tock Café
Mac n Cheese is not something that you are only going to look at in Television and magazine. Now you can also savor its deliciousness in Udaipur. It has this creamy texture that is going to play in your mouth for few seconds before it finally enters your stomach. It contains liquid cheese inside it and it is also topped up with lots and lots of shredded cheese and black olives. This pocket-friendly tongue relishing dish is a must try for all the Cheese lovers out there.
Margherita pizza at Jheel Café
Pizza and cheese are two things that go hand in hand because without Cheese, pizza is like the ocean without water. And when it comes to pizza, the first place that pops up in the mind is Jheel café. Jheel has nowadays become a hub for all the youngsters to relax their mind with the café overlooking Lake Pichola and along with all that you can also enjoy your food. It is a woodfired pizza. The entire pizza has two major toppings, tomato, and cheese. When you take the first bite of pizza, it will create strands of cheese between your mouth and the pizza slice and that will make you want to eat the entire pizza all by yourself.
Cheese fire noodle bun at Social Tapri
This huge bun is filled with spicy noodles and lots of liquid cheese in and out. This is a fantasy for all the Cheese lovers. You can have this amazing dish with their mouthwatering chocolate chai. This one bun is enough to fill your stomach for a time and at the end of this, your cheese covered lips will be just left smiling.
Plain Grilled Cheese sandwich
A sandwich is like a soul mate of Cheese and if you love both of them, go and try Plain Cheese sandwich at Bombay market, Fatehsagar. Imagine hot sandwich containing nothing but molten Cheese dripping from it at your very first bite. Doesn’t it sound dreamy? Well, it sure tastes that too. And this fantasy only costs you Rs. 50/- So I am sure you are not going to stop at just one sandwich.
Cheesy nachos at Pizza burst
This is a perfect combination of creamy cheese and crispy nachos if you are yearning for spicy, cheesy Mexican treat. Cheesy nachos is a dish where crispy nachos are topped up with Cheese of course and capsicum, olives, and jalapeno. These nachos are a bundle of flavors that explode in your mouth as soon as you put a piece in your mouth. So flavorsome.
Cheese overloaded club sandwich at Mr. sandwich
If I am told to describe this sandwich, all I would say is LOTS AND LOTS OF CHEESE. This is like a temple for cheese lovers because no matter what you order you will get some or lots of Cheese in every sandwich. Cheese overloaded club sandwich completely justifies its name. It is filled, topped and covered in Cheese. As soon as you pick a slice of this sandwich the strands of cheese resting on the top of the sandwich will begin falling, so now you can imagine the amount of Cheese it has.
Chocolate Cheesecake at Le cakery
After all the spicy finger licking food above, there must be something for the sweet tooth as well right? Well, we haven’t forgotten about dessert and don’t worry it also has cheese inside it. Chocolate Cheesecake is flavorsome dessert exploding with the flavor of Chocolate and Cheese. This sweet cake will melt as soon as you put it in your mouth and will make you go ‘mmm’ altogether.
Now that we have the entire bucket list prepared for you, all you need to do it prepare your appetite, gather your friends and head straight to these places to satiate your unconditional cheese craving. And always remember ‘Life is great but Cheese makes it better’.
How many of them have you tried? Share with us in the comment section below. Also, if you have any more cheesy suggestions, they are always welcomed.
Ramazan, the holiest month of the followers of Islam, has begun. We must have seen our friends and close acquaintances fasting for the entire month. This is the time we know something about this Holy Month of Muslims- Ramzan (or Ramadan); why is it celebrated and what meaning does the month of Ramazan has in the life of a Muslim.
Why is it celebrated?
Ramazan is the ninth month of Islamic calendar which is observed by Muslims worldwide. During this time period Muslims practice fasting for an entire month to commemorate the first revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The legend says that the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by an angel Gabriel which used to recite one teaching to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) at every visit for over 23 years after which the Quran was completed. The holy book was compiled later by Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) followers after his death.
Do’s and Don’ts during Ramazan
Every adult Muslim should practice fasting for the entire month of Ramazan.
All the Muslims during fasting consume food and water after sunset and get done with it before sunrise. No food or water is consumed during daylight.
Prayer is compulsory for five times a day. Wherever you are, find a clean place, spread a clean cloth and you can begin your prayers.
Charity is done on a large scale during Ramzan. Zakat is a kind of spiritual tax which you have to pay in these times. The amount of zakat to be paid is dependent on the amount of his possession. The rate varies between 2.5 to 20% depending on the type of goods. It is additional payable on agricultural goods, precious metals, minerals, and livestock.
Since the Holy Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) at this time, it is the best time to read it and understand its meaning and memorize its verses. It is compulsory to read Quran at this time.
Do not eat or drink water during daytime.
Avoid all the activities such as drinking alcohol, smoking, and having any sort of sexual relations.
Avoid blood cupping, blood donating or blood withdrawal.
Do not curse, lie, abuse, backbite, quarrel, or practice any form of speech that is unnecessary and has no benefit, especially if it is hurtful to someone else. Prophet Muhammad said, “Whoever does not give up false speech and acting upon it, Allah has no need of him giving up his food and drink.” (Al-Bukhari)
Think well. Do not think ill of anybody, do not hold any sort of grudges for anyone, try to spread love and brotherhood everywhere.
Avoid thinking about any sexual fantasy, avoid watching such movies, songs or any other sort of entertainment that distracts your mind from spiritual activities. Ramazan is a holy month and thinking and doing anything which takes you away from Allah is not appropriate.
Eid-al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan. The exact date of Eid depends upon the sightings of the new moon and astronomical calculations. It can also vary according to the place you are in at the time of Eid and when the moon is seen at the particular place.
The festival celebrates peace, happiness, joy, and festivity. This day is for special prayers and extensive forgiveness. It brings together people as companions, friends, family, and relatives are welcomed at homes and offered desserts especially ‘Sewaiyan’. Youngsters are given endowments which are called ‘Eidi’, generally cash. Some Muslims even visit the burial ground, a custom which is known as ziyarat-al-qubur, to pay respect to the left souls. On this day, Muslims gather together at the mosque to ask for blessings, before spending the day with family or friends and wishing one another with the customary ‘Eid Mubarak’ and hugging each other as a mark of brotherhood and love. To know more about Eid-Ul-Fitr, clickhere.
Myths associated with Ramazan
You are not allowed to consume food and water for a whole month.
It is false. One only need to fast during daylight. After sunset food and water can be consumed as usual until sunrise. Families and friends usually break the fast together with a big meal known as ‘Iftaar’.
You can’t brush your teeth.
Totally not true. You can brush your teeth during Ramazan. The only thing which you have to keep in mind before that is that you do not swallow any water or toothpaste during the process. However, if you think there is a bit risk about swallowing, you can brush your teeth during night time.
If you are a Muslim, you have to fast compulsorily.
Fasting during Ramazan is only for those people who are fit enough and doesn’t suffer from any physical and mental illness. Apart from that young children, elderly people, pregnant women, menstruating women, and breastfeeding women are exempted from fasting. Also, those who are on a long journey or whose occupation is such as those in the army can have food and water as normal. People in these categories can make up these days after Ramazan if the conditions allow them to do so.
You are not allowed to swallow your own saliva.
Apart from being untrue, it is also not possible even if you try to do so. Saliva is a natural thing which needs to get swallowed. Ramazan is not supposed to be unrealistic, unattainable and unreasonable.
If you forgetfully eat or drink something, you have ruined your fast.
If you forgetfully sip something or munch something, you have not ruined your fast. However, you should stop right at the moment when you become aware of it. And after that, you can continue your fast, as usual, remembering it for later times.
Ramazan in Udaipur
Ramazan in Udaipur is celebrated on a huge scale. Muslims from all over the city have been spreading love and festive feel for a long time. There are different mosques around the city where people gather to recite their prayers of the day. A usual crowd can be seen at Paltan Masjid situated at Chetak Circle. This masjid can be called as the central masjid of the city. At the time of ‘iftaar’, a large amount of food is prepared here as Tabarruk (a blessed offering to people in the form of food) daily which is majorly shared amongst poor people and is even consumed by rich people as an offering. Various roadside stalls serve great snacks during the evening from where all the Muslims can take home dishes and snacks to enjoy their iftaar.
Here’s everything about Ramazan in a nutshell.
Ramazan Mubarak to all the readers out there. May Allah grants all your wishes and blesses you with good health and future.
Udaipur is known for its limitless beauty and tourist friendly atmosphere. We, the citizens of Udaipur have seen the city when it unfolds its best and most amazing side in front of us, but there were many events or let’s say disasters in Udaipur that not only left us speechless but imprinted memories in our mind so deep that it would take dying to get over it. Many people reading this would be able to recall the events and the incidents which took place in their life at those moments. Life of a large number of people was affected by these disasters and life in Udaipur was distorted.
Let us see when and how Udaipur was seen at its extremities and how did it affect the city and its citizens.
Almost all the citizens of Udaipur can visualize the images of the drought that occurred in Udaipur when I say it. In July 2009 a severe drought occurred in Udaipur. It nearly snatched the beauty of our beloved City of lakes as the main attraction of the city which is Lakes that were all dry. Lake Fatehsagar became cricket field, Vehicles were getting operated inside Lake Pichola to reach the most romantic hotel Lake Palace and other beautiful hotels such as Jag Mandir. This disaster drastically affected tourism in Udaipur, especially the hotel industry. At this time, the temperature of the city was somewhere around 45 degrees.
Udaipur has witnessed heavy rains in past many years but this particular day it was something else. August 2006 was one such day when Udaipur witnessed a heavy flood which disrupted normal life of Udaipur. The city had recorded 111.6 mm of rainfall for a complete week. While the floods affected thousands of people and areas, 6 people were reported to be dead as a result.
All the major Lakes such as Fatehsagar, Pichola, Swarupsagar, and Udaisagar were filled to capacity which damaged the nearby areas and affected the people residing in them. Holidays were announced in schools and colleges and the administration was prompted to alert the army. This flood not just disrupted Udaipur but many other cities and districts such as Barmer, Pali, Jalore, Rajsamand, Chittorgarh, Sirohi, Dungarpur, Banswara, and Jhalawar.
When we talk about earthquakes, one fact that needs to be mentioned is Udaipur is a city which is blessed with an earthquake-resistant land. The reason behind it is that entire city is surrounded by Aravali range which dilutes the effects of earthquakes and thus whatever earthquakes that we have experienced in past years were very mild and didn’t cause any harm to people, place and whatsoever.
Although more than at least 5-6 times Udaipur has witnessed earthquakes, this very time it was a bit different. In March 2014 an earthquake occurred in Udaipur which was measured as 2 on Richter scale. After two days an earthquake with the same frequency occurred again and that’s what makes it a noticeable event. In a period of 3 days, two earthquakes took place in the city of lakes. No harm was reported to persons, animals or places as such.
Power blackouts
July 2012 was the time when India faced its biggest power blackouts. For entire two days that is 30th and 31st, July whole northeast region of India was offline. Udaipur was the victim of this failure too. It happened because three of the country’s five electricity grids failed. The grid failed because of the excessive power withdrawal from the grid. The blackout affected twenty states of the country. Udaipur was affected too and as a result, business, schools and even railways were troubled.
This event couldn’t be described specifically as a disaster rather it created a beautiful sight in the city. It is only a dream for citizens of Udaipur to witness hails all around the city and on April 11, 2015, it came to reality. For some 20-25 minutes, hailstorms were seen in the city which created a beautiful sight everywhere you see. It came as a shock and a surprise for the people as in the season of rains they were able to see hails which is not possible in the city like Udaipur. Although, this hailstorm had adverse effects too for farmers. It caused damage to their crops which brought disappointment on their faces.
The times when the city was all dark and gloomy were the days when the patience of the citizens was tested. At such times a large amount of damage happened to people to which we give our most sincere condolence.
If you have experienced such extremities in the city and want to share the incidents related to them, we are always here for you. Share the experiences of you and your loved ones related to these disasters in the comment section below.
Now that you’ve reached here after reading the title, I’m sure you must have guessed some of these names of Udaipur but there are more names of the city then you actually know. And while we talk about these names there are various reasons behind every name there is of the city. Udaipur is a huge tourist attraction and it is kept safely in the bucket list of all the wanderers from all around the world. The city attracts lots of travelers from different parts of the world and thus these different names provide them with various stories that tell the tale of history and culture of the city.
Let us move forward to know why Udaipur is gifted with the number of synonyms that it has and what story each name is going to tell us.
The city of Lakes a.k.a Jheelo ki Nagri
It is the most common name of the city. Almost every resident of Udaipur and even many tourists know that Udaipur is called the ‘City of Lakes’. Apparently, Udaipur has been gifted with a lot of lakes and that is the reason why it is known as the City of Lakes. But do you know almost all of these lakes are artificial or man-made?
These lakes were constructed by the kings and rulers of Mewar (Udaipur was a part of Mewar back before the 13th century. The residents used to suffer from the problems like water shortage and poor sewage system. They had to survive only on rainwater. To overcome the problem, the rulers constructed these lakes and at present, they form a great lake system which comprises of seven prominent lakes namely Lake Pichola, Rang Sagar, Swaroop Sagar, Fateh Sagar, Badi, Madar and Udai Sagar. These lakes form a chain in the saucer-shaped Udaipur valley in such a way that the water keeps moving forward and doesn’t drown the city. Great mind back then eh?
Venice of the east
Before I tell you why Udaipur is known as ‘Venice of the east’, we need to slightly move our attention from ‘Venice of the east’ to Venice. Venice is the city of Italy which is considered as the most beautiful city in the world. This entire city is surrounded by water and is known as floating city.
Now, there are several reasons why Udaipur is called ‘Venice of the east’. Firstly Udaipur is so beautiful that in a state of a compliment it is compared to Venice. Another reason is that like Venice, Udaipur is also surrounded by water. Water as in lakes. And due to reasons as such, Udaipur would have been named as ‘Venice of the east’.
Kashmir of Rajasthan
There are many possible reasons why Udaipur is called ‘Kashmir of Rajasthan’. One reason amongst all these is that Kashmir is considered as the most beautiful city in India. So as Kashmir is to India, Udaipur is to Rajasthan. Apart from that Kashmir is known for its landscapes, scenic beauty, lake and ever-green fields. Now, as we are reading this we are able to compare Kashmir from Udaipur. Udaipur also is rich when it comes to beautiful landscapes, breathtaking views and of course lakes. One more reason that associates Kashmir to Udaipur is that both of these cities are situated on valleys that results in their outstanding beauty.
White City
Some of us don’t know that Udaipur is also known as ‘White City’. The name got its existence from back then when the kings and rulers made palaces and forts in Udaipur made up of white marbles. As a result, the city is completely filled with Rajput-style palaces and forts. The center attraction of the white city is the palace situated right in the center of the city which is City palace. Apart from City palace, there are other white palaces as well, such as Jag Mandir, Lake Palace, etc. From that part of the city, if you are able to capture an aerial view, you will observe that most of the houses and other buildings of the city are white. White being the color indicating peace and harmony, Udaipur is appropriately named after it.
The romantic city of the east
There isn’t the need to explain the reason behind this one. Udaipur is one such city that takes away all your worries and fears and no matter where you belong from, Udaipur is a home for everyone. The beauty and landscapes of Udaipur capture every couples’ heart and keep it forever. The palaces and the forts add a touch of royalty to their romance. With such amazing grandeur and breathtaking atmosphere, no wonder Udaipur is called as the ‘Romantic city of the east’. From all over the world people come to celebrate their moments of love in Udaipur. It gives them the essence of their relationship and helps them make the most out of it.
Udaipur is not just a city. It’s a feeling. It’s a feeling with a different meaning for every individual that visits this amazing city. Thus, to justify these feelings, there are different names given to the city.
What’s your favorite name of Udaipur and why? Tell us in the comment section.
Disclaimer Time:All these questions below were asked by people on different online social platforms such as Quora, Facebook groups, WhatsApp groups and in person as well. I have selected and filtered out the most interesting and unusual questions people ask about Udaipur, along with the answers that other people have provided them. The content is taken from the above sources originally, Hence, language and grammar shouldn’t be the point of concern.
Here we go (you are free to laugh out loud btw)
Question Udaipur is a lack city so is there only lacks? If yes where do persons live?
Answer ha bhai we have only lakes all around. Human beings live on tapu and we have to swim through the water to go to school, college, work, etc.
Q Bal Vivah sach mein rajasthan mein hota h kya? What is the general age when you get married?
A In reality it happened back in stone age but now, yes, Bal vivah exists but only in serials such as ‘Baalika Vadhu’. Other than that nobody marries before legal age. And even after that one can get married by the age of 28-30 easily.
Q Udaipur, Rajasthan bhi desert h kya? Agar haan to paani kaha milega?
A It would be a bit dfficult to find water in the city.
you can find packaged water in every other shop and we have thousands of shops in the city. If you are not satisfied with just that you can visit several lakes which our city has. So yeah happy journey.
Q Hy, can I travel Udaipur without knowing Mewari?
A Not only can you travel to Udaipur without knowing Mewari but you can travel to Udaipur without knowing Hindi as well. We Udaipur citizen know Mewari, Hindi and English too. So unlike people thinks, we know other languages as well. In fact, only a few people in Udaipur speaks Mewari on a daily basis.
Q Do you eat Dal Baati every day?
A Dal baati is the regional food of Rajasthan but like every other city of India we eat other food too. In Udaipur you can find other national and international cuisines too such as Punjabi, South Indian, Italian, Chinese, Continental, etc. So no WE DO NOT EAT DAL BATI EVERYDAY.
Q Why is Udaipur called Kashmir of rajasthan? Does it have snowfall?
A Why do people even ask such questions? Udaipur is called Kashmir because it is similar to Kashmir in terms of beauty and landscapes not because it is a cold place or it has snowfall.
Q What should one not do in Rajasthan?
A Don’t disrespect warriors of Rajasthan by any manner. specially Maharana Pratap, Prithviraj Chauhan. People respect them a lot.
Don’t think Rajsthani people have only Dal- Bati to eat. We have lot of recipies and all of them are delicious.
Water scarcity is now not a big issue. It’s not like we even drink water in calculative way. We also waste lot of water on Holi.
All of us are not Marwadi and Rajputs. Marwar is just one of the region in Rajsthan and Rajputs are one of the communities.
We are not that Orthodox as we are shown in movies etc. Men and women are treated as equal now.
Don’t think it’s entire desert. It’s just a part that to close to border. Elsewhere you will see modern rajasthan for example in jaipur , udaipur, jodhpur etc.
Don’t ever say literally don’t ever say Kanjoos to a marwadi guy. We get offended. We also spend lavishly on luxaries. If you want to see just attend a wedding of Marwadi family.
Don’t ever try to mess with Gurjars. This is not offend anyone out here. But they are kind of Don in Rajsthan. Hahah..in a positive way.
Don’t judge men if you see him wearing jewellery. Specially earrings. This is tradition.
This one is my personal experience and I got offended on this. Never say that rajasthan and Rajasthani people didn’t play role in our freedom and all the kings surrendered to British for salutation‘ SIR’ in their name. They had no choice or they protected their persons ‘praja’ by doing that. Infact Rajasthan was very prone to warriors from outside like Afganistan and Pakistan. Our kings fought with them and don’t let them inside our territory till their last breath.
We all don’t live in bungalows. ‘Kothi’ or ‘mahal’. We have usual houses.
Don’t underestimate Bhangarh fort. It’s scary and will surely haunt you. Don’t try to be over smart at haunted places like Bhangarh and Kukdhara village in jodhpur. (Haunted Village)
Last but not least don’t underestimate Rajasthan Royals in IPL. After all we have won the title without any big name from cricket world. Rajsthan Royals is for talented youngsters not for big names.
Thank you for reading!!!
Q How social is Udaipur on social media?
A Facebook -I am tired of receiving friend requests from old classmates, acquaintances from coaching classes, neighbors, close relatives, distant relatives, relatives of relatives. Pheww! Mom, Dad please don’t ask me again to create your Facebook profile.
Instagram – I signed up on Instagram just to see that my feed had nothing but repetitive snaps of cold coffee at Fateh Sagar, sunsets at Ambrai Ghat, people leaning over the letters of I.L.O.V.E.U.D.A.I.P.U.R in Pratap Park. Till date, I never logged in again.
Whatsapp – I once happened to scroll through my Dad’s Whatsapp contact list. My thumb started paining but the end of the list never came. Every doctor, every retailer, all the milkmen and newspaper guys we ever had, everyone was there.
They are everywhere my friend. You name the website, they would sign up on it within a minute with a selfie taken at Fateh Sagar set as their profile picture.
On Quora?
A few intellectuals signed up, followed their facebook friends and vanished. Another category includes travel bloggers or tour guides who plan other people’s itinerary here and thereby redirect them to their websites.
Seems like I am all alone here.
Did you go WTF after reading these questions people ask about Udaipur from different parts of the country? Well, it was well intended and it comes as no wonder that people still have many misconceptions about the beautiful city of lakes even after it has such a huge coverage on media every now and then. Meanwhile, all we can do is go on these online platforms and resolve the myths people have in mind about Udaipur.
Did anyone ask you such weird questions about Udaipur too? Share the incident with us in the comment section.