पूरे मेवाड़ के लिए ये काफी गर्व की बात है । कई लोग इस बात से रूबरू होंगे लेकिन जिन लोगो को इस बारे में नहीं पता उन्हें बता दिया जाए की विश्व की सबसे बड़ी शिव जी की मूर्ति अब मेवाड़ में बनने जा रही है । उदयपुर से 48 किमी की दूरी पर मौजूद नाथद्वारा नगर में यह मूर्ती बनने जा रही है । नाथद्वारा पहले ही श्रीनाथजी के मंदिर के लिए पुरे भारत में काफी मशहूर है और अब इस मूर्ती के कारण यह पुरे विश्व में मशहूर हो जाएगा। उदयपुर से नाथद्वारा जाने के लिए करीब 1 घंटा लगता है । नाथद्वारा में यह मूर्ती श्रीनाथजी मंदिर, 120 रोड पर बनेगी । मूर्ती की नींव का पत्थर पूज्य मुरारी बापू द्वारा किया गया था और वहां राजस्थान के मुख्यमंत्री अशोक गहलोत भी मौजूद थे ।
कुछ बातें नाथद्वारा के बारे में
नाथद्वारा नगर उदयपुर से 48 किमी की दूरी पर बसा एक छोटा सा नगर है । नाथद्वारा का मतलब ही है श्रीनाथ जी का द्वार । असल में नाथद्वारा का यह नाम इसलिए है क्योंकि यहाँ एक बहुत ही मशहूर कृष्णा भगवान् का मंदिर है जिसमे श्रीनाथ जी की मूर्ती विराजमान की हुई है । यह मंदिर 17 शताब्दी में बना था और इसकी जगह श्रीनाथ जी के कहने पर ही तय हुई थी । जब भगवान श्री कृष्णा की इस मूर्ती को मुग़ल के शासक औरंगज़ेब से बचाने के लिए वृन्दावन से ले जाया जा रहा था तब ही रास्ते में वह बैलगाड़ी कीचड में फस गई । तभी साथ में चल रहे पंडितों को यह अहसास हुआ की भगवान ने अपने मंदिर के लिए खुद यही जगह तय की है ।
कुछ बातें मूर्ती के बारे में
विश्व की यह सबसे बड़ी मूर्ती की कुल लम्बाई 351 फीट है ।
मूर्ती में शिव जी के चेहरे की कुल लम्बाई 70 फीट होगी ।
भगवान् शिव जी की मूर्ती में शिव जी के हाथो में एक त्रिशूल भी है जिसकी कुल लम्बाई 315 फीट है ।
इस मूर्ती में शिव जी दूसरी मूर्तियों की तरह सामान्य रूप से आशीर्वाद देते हुए एवं त्रिशूल पकड़ते हुए नहीं बल्कि आराम से बैठे हुए नज़र आएँगे ।
इसकी संरचना तैयार हो चुकी है और अब प्रतिमा का काम चालु होगा ।
इस विशालकाय मूर्ती का निर्माण मिराज कंपनी करवा रही है ।
बैठे हुए इन महादेव जी की मूर्ती को कोई भी कम से कम 5-7 किमी दूर से देख सकेगा ।
दूर दूर से आये दर्शको के दर्शन की आसानी के लिए इस मूर्ती पर 74 फीट की ऊंचाई वाली 2 लिफ्ट लगेगी ।
यह लिफ्ट महादेव जी के कंठ तक पहुचेगी ।
इस मूर्ती को तैयार करने का लक्ष्य 1 दिसंबर 2018 तक का है । तो तकरीबन 6 महीनों में यह मूर्ती पूरी हो जाएगी ।
6 लाख 74 हज़ार स्क्वायर फीट में बनेगी जिसमे प्रतिमा का कुल एरिया 27 हज़ार स्क्वायर फीट होगी ।
इसके आस पास 15400 स्क्वायर फीट एरिया में हर्बल गार्डन बनाया जाएगा जहाँ बच्चो के लिए झूले बनेंगे ओर बड़ो के आराम करने के लिए गार्डन बनाया जाएगा ।
3 कीमी लम्बी परिक्रमा मूर्ती के आस पास बनेगी उन लोगो के लिए जो जॉगिंग करना चाहते है ।
पार्किंग सुविधाए यहाँ उपलब्ध होगी ।
इस विशाल मूर्ती के निर्माण में करीब 2200 टन स्टील और 1800 टन लोहा लगेगा और इसमें RCC सीमेंट का इस्तेमाल होगा ।
कुछ बातें मूर्तिकार के बारे में
विश्व की सबसे बड़ी शिव जी की इस मूर्ती का निर्माण मूर्तिकार नरेश कर रहे है । नरेश की तीन पीढ़िया मूर्ती बनाने के कार्य से जुडी हुई है । मूर्तिकार नरेश राजस्थान के पिलानी में रहते थे लेकिन अब वो गुरुग्राम में रहते है । उनका कहना है की शिव जी की मूर्ती बनाने में कुछ ऐसी तकनीक का इस्तेमाल हुआ है जैसा अमेरिका की सबसे मशहूर मूर्ती ‘स्टेचू ऑफ़ लिबर्टी’ में हुआ था । नरेश ने इससे पहले भी कही मूर्तियाँ बनायीं है । आपको बता दे की विश्व की सबसे ऊंची हनुमान जी की मूर्ती भी मूर्तिकार नरेश के ही हाथों बनायी गई है ।
सभी मेवाड़ वासी एवं दुनिया में सभी शिव जी के भक्तों के लिए ये काफी ख़ुशी की बात है की शिव जी अब उन्हें कई बड़े अवतार में दर्शन देंगे ।
Gunjan Jadiya, a resident of Shobhagpura Udaipur, has grabbed AIR 4th in Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) 2018.
She completed her education from DPS Udaipur and then headed to the Blue City Jodhpur for pursuing her dream career’s preparation. She did her preparation from ‘Law Prep Tutorials’ and it took a lot of hard work, Complete separation from social media to achieve this
Gunjan has been a meritorious student and has always made her parents proud. She scored 95% in her higher secondary examinations which was a great achievement for her. Upon asking about the aim of her life she exclaimed that she wants to become the most amazing lawyer!
Below you can find her mark sheet and as you can see she has scored a whopping 150 marks in her examination with the 4th rank all over India in the general category.
Gunjan has not only made her parents proud but also our City. May such talents keep budding in Udaipur and keep making the city’s name highlighted!
We all know that Maharana Udai Singh II was the one who established Udaipur. But do you know who was the one who founded Mewar? Well in this article we are going to tell you about the founder of Mewar dynasty.
In earlier times Mewar was known as Marupradesh and also Medhapat. Maharana GuhAditya (Guhil/Gohil) was the founder and ruler of Medhapat. After Maharana GuhAditya several rulers came and dictated the kingdom of Mewar.
Bappa Rawal became the 8th King or the Maharana of the Dynasty of Guhilot (Gahlot) Rajput after his father Rawal Mahendra-II.
Bappa Rawal founded the Dynasty of Mewar.
Although several ancestors had ruled over this part, they were always confined to some of the hilly regions in the west and southwest only. Bappa Rawal is considered to be the first ruler to expand the limits of this part to its current boundaries.
Who was Bappa Rawal?
Prince Kalbhoj, later known as Bappa Rawal, was born in 713 AD. He spent his childhood at a place called Nagda and afterward made it his capital. Nagda is situated 19 km from Udaipur.
It is said that Bappa was only 3 years old when his father Rawal Mahendra-II was assassinated. It is also believed that after his father’s death Bappa and his mother were in the shelter of the Bheel Tribal community and they helped Bappa in learning warfare tactics, battlefield tips and tricks. At the age of 21, he succeeded to the throne and became the king.
He gave up his name after he ascended on the throne and took the title of Bappa Rawal, where Bappa means father and Rawal is their royal name. Bappa Rawal extended his kingdom to the east by defeating Man Singh of the Mori (Mauryan) clan from Chittor in 734 AD.
Bappa Rawal died in the year of 753 AD at Eklingji. It is said that he was the last king of the Guhilot Clan.
It is also mentioned in historical pieces of evidence that Bappa Rawal was a devoted follower of a sage named Harit Rishi. As per the sage’s instruction, after ruling the kingdom for 19 years, he resigned from the title of the king and left the throne of Mewar for his son and became a devotee to Lord Shiva.
His name is marked in the history as one of the most valorous warriors of the kingdom of Mewar.
More than 900 children from Udaipur, Rajsamand, Chittorgarh, Bhilwara, and Ajmer are participating enthusiastically in summer training camps under the education-related program by Hindustan Zinc. In these training camps, children are being educated with subjects such as science, mathematics, and English as well as physical, sports, intellectual and cultural activities to achieve all-round development of the children. The formal launch of summer training camp was organized in Vidya Bhavan auditorium with the help of Vidya Bhawan Society. 300 children are participating in this residential training camp organized from May 15 to 17. More than 600 children are benefitting from this kind of camp organized in Jawar, Dariba, Debari, Chittorgarh, Aguacha, and Kad by Hindustan Zinc.
The Chief Guest of the program and the secretary of Hindustan Zinc, Rajendra Pandwal, said on this occasion that students should take advantage of this opportunity and focus on their goals and perform best. Education has an important role at the present time and it should also have a spirit of competition. He said that he would like to see the students participating in this camp in the future as engineers and doctors.
On this occasion, Vedanta CSR Head Mrs. Nilima Khetan gave information in detail about the project related to the education and told the students that if any child decides that it is necessary to achieve the success, then nobody can stop it. The only thing he requires is the passion to prove himself superior and for that commitment and concentration is needed.
Pandit Kaushik, Head Corporate Communications, Hindustan Zinc said that Hindustan zinc has always taken the initiative for the overall development of the rural children. Under the education-related program, children who are lack teaching are being benefited for 10 years, and we are very happy that thousands of children have taken advantage of this. Along with the educational improvement, summer training camp is also working on safety awareness, skill, behavior and other activities like sports and cultural programs.
Under the Education related program, students studying in Class 10th and Class 12th are being given education by science, mathematics and English teachers in government schools (where the post is vacant) through Hindustan Zinc. The number of girl students in the summer training camps being held at 7 places this year is 50 percent, which reflects the trust of parents of girls on Hindustan Zinc.
In this residential training camp, the students entering this year in the 10th and 12th classes are being taught by expert teachers so that they can learn general information about these topics in an interesting way. This kind of camp is being organized in Udaipur for the past two years, where 70 children were participants in 2016 and 200 children took advantage of it in 2017. The program was attended by organizing secretary of Vidya Bhawan, SP Goud, senior member Kamal Mahendra, Education Advisor of Vidya Bhawan Society Prasun Kumar and students of all the units of Hindustan Zinc along with CSR officers were present.
We obviously love our pets more than anything and it doesn’t come as a surprise that we do care about them. But at times of emergency with the case of pets, lack of information and panic is not at all a good thing. So, rather than waiting for the time of emergency to come, it is better that we keep the information beforehand and care for our pets completely.
Here is the list of vets and veterinary clinics in Udaipur.
Pashu Chikitsalaya
All type of treatment, surgery, artificial insemination, pregnancy diagnosis are done at Pashu chikitsalaya. It is an animal hospital being run by the government of Rajasthan. Treatment of small as well as large animals is done here such as cattle, cats, donkey, horse, pet dogs, cats, birds, etc. One important thing to note about Pashu Chikitsalaya is that everything is free here. From operation, treatment to medicines, everything is free of cost.
Address: 77, Hospital Rd, Chetak Circle, Opposite HDFC Bank, Hospital Rd, Chetak Circle, Opposite HDFC Bank, Madhuban
Contact: 0294-2418130
Doctor Shakti Singh
Doctor Shakti Singh diagnosis all the small animals such as rats, rabbits, dogs, cats, etc. There are no appointment charges for any animal. Timings of appointments are 11 am to 7 pm.
Address: Shreenath Colony, Q-Hotel Road, Udaipur City, Udaipur-Rajasthan – 313001, Near New Pulia Pula
Contact: 9152966217
Pet services
Pet services are for small pets like rats, rabbits, dog, cat, etc. Appointment charges are Rs 250. Timings for the checkup is from morning 11 am to evening 7 pm.
Address: Veterinary Polyclinic Campus, Chetak Circle, Udaipur City, Udaipur-Rajasthan
Contact: 9414740339
Vets n Care
Vets n care is a clinic which is only for small animals. There are no appointment charges and the timings of appointments is from morning 10 am to evening 7 pm.
Address: Pulla, Shrinath Colony, Q Hotel Road, Udaipur City, Udaipur-Rajasthan – 313001, Near Vaikuntha Sports Academy
Contact: 9152886542
Animal Aid
Animal aid is an organization which is solely dedicated to animals. The mission of this organization is to rescue and treat the unowned animals of the city who are stuck somewhere, got ill, met with an accident, etc. Everyone loves one’s pet but to love and care about street animals is the real thing. So now whenever you see some animal stuck somewhere or hurt severely, you can immediately call animal aid and it will be available on the spot in some time. It is available for all type of animals regardless of their size like cows, dogs, horses, pigs, etc. You can also visit, volunteer and be a part of Animal Aid.
Apart from that Animal Aid also adopts abandoned animals and take care of them. People who don’t want their pets anymore can drop them at Animal Aid. And people who are willing to adopt animals as a pet can adopt them from there. One thing to note about the organization is that everything at the organization is absolutely free of cost. From treatment to operation. The organization completely works on donatory funds.
Address: Near Badi TB Hospital, Badi Village, Liyo Ka Gurha, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Contact: 98298 43726
Now that you have the list of all the vets and animal hospital, you need not worry about the times of emergency because you will have the required data with you which will help you to save and take care of your loved ones. Because a pet is the only thing in the world that will love you more than you love yourself.
Udaipur is known by various names like the City of Lakes, Kashmir of Rajasthan, Venice of the East and so many more. The beauty of the place is evident in the pictures you must have seen all over the internet. Now that you are planning your visit to the spectacular and heavenly City of Lakes, let me help you build your personal itinerary for your first visit to Udaipur. I am aware that some of you won’t be able to cover all the spots enlisted below, but it is worth giving a shot.
Here are the Top 10 Things to Do on Your First Visit to Udaipur!
Start your day by getting a perfect breakfast
Empty stomach won’t get along with you very far. So, first things first, get a perfect start to your day by having some good English breakfast. Although you might find a lot of places to eat in the city, especially if you are staying in the old city, but you obviously need a filtered list.
Thank us later, we are making you equipped with the list of the best places to have an English breakfast in Udaipur. Click here!
Take a bike or car on rent and explore the streets of Old City
As per your convenience, you can take a caror abike on rent and explore the nooks and corners of the Old City. There is a lot that you would see on the streets- from local vendors to artists painting at the roadside and a lot of scenes that you wouldn’t witness anywhere on earth!
Plus, not just for the view, taking a vehicle is quite comfy for your to-and-fro as well and makes it easy for you to touch the extremes of the city effortlessly.
Go shopping!!!
You have come down to Udaipur, would you dare to leave without any ‘oh-my-god-wow’ souvenir from the city? No, right?
Well, the shopping markets in Udaipur are like a color palette. Hundreds of shops selling things that are unique, vibrant and exhibit the very soul of the city. You can get apparels, tribal jewelry, gold/silver jewelry, zinc artifacts, wooden artifacts, leather bag, totes, to bedspreads, upholstery and so much more.
City Palace Complex Udaipur is one of a kind places in the city. It is a grand-majestic-palace and is the official dwelling of the Maharana (king) of Mewar. A part of the palace is closed where the Maharana resides with his royal family while a greater part of the palace is open to the public.
You can take a tour of the City Palace and have a walk through the time. Also, you can watch the light and sound show happening in the City Palace every evening.
Take the Ropeway and watch the sunset from the Karni Mata hill
Karni Mata Temple is situated on a small hillock in Udaipur. The place is also known for its sunset point. You can either take the stairs to the peak of the hill for the sunset point or you can take the ropeway.
Alternative: If you want to have a glimpse of the culture of the city and sunsets do not entice you anymore, then you must pay a visit to the Darohar Show at the Bagore Ki Haveli Museum.
The show starts in the evenings and is a must-watch if you are a fan of cultural dances.
Spend your evenings at the Ghats of Udaipur
Ghats are a noticeable part of the city. There are various ghats in Udaipur which are immensely peaceful and give you a close view of the waters of the lakes. Gangaur Ghat is the most significant and popular ghat in the entire city. It is known for hosting the Ganguar Festival and in recent times the place was seen in various movies in both Hollywood and Bollywood.
Go for a boat ride in the Lake
You can go on a boat ride in Lake Pichola. It is a 20-25 minutes ride in the lake which covers all the places in the lake- I mean, you can have a close look at the Taj Lake Palace which is built in the middle of the lake, if in case you aren’t staying there! Also, you get to have a look at the Jag Mandir, which is also a floating (metaphorically) palace and is known for its beautiful life-size elephants standing at the entrance, carved out of stone.
Alternatively, you can go for a jet boat ride in the Lake Fatehsagar, which is one of the most prominent lakes in Udaipur. It is a great place to hangout and you would get a lot of street food and other delicious snacks just near the lakeside ‘chowpaty’. Also, you can visit the nearby parks and gardens to get a refreshing feel.
Don’t miss Sajjangarh (Monsoon Palace) and the Biological Park
If you aren’t fond of riding in the boat, then taking a brisk tour to the Monsoon Palace would be great for you. Sajjangarh aka Monsoon Palace is perched on a hillock and gives one of the best views of the entire city.
Adjacent to this palace is the biological park of Udaipur which has a variety of flora and fauna. This is a super fun and refreshing place for the nature lovers.
Go to the largest aquarium in India- ‘Under the Sun’
Under the Sun is the largest aquarium in India and is situated attached to the lake Fatehsagar. This is one great place to spend some hours. You would find a huge number of fish here, some of which are even rare to find in the Indian Subcontinent. Plus, you can find a Virtual Reality zone here which lets you enjoy underwater scenes in real time.
Last but not the least, Binge on the luscious food at a lakeside hotel/restaurant
By this time, I am sure you’d be feeling terribly hungry and what is better than having some great authentic Rajasthani or Continental Food at a lakeside hotel/restaurant.
I knew you would be reading this on your first visit to the City of Lakes and hence I have prepared for you a list of the best Lakeside hotels where you can stay as well as eat at utmost peace, enjoying the natural beauty that Udaipur is! 😉
The first thing that comes up in our minds whenever we think about the time back when we were in our school and college is the time when we bunked our classes. Just a mere thought about it takes us to those times with our now long lost friends. The fun we had, the places we visited, the friends we had, everything. And sometimes when we were not lucky enough, we even got caught. At the time being it was a horrible thing but now that we think about it again it just brings a smile to our face.
While all of us always say that Udaipur is very small, the city has never stopped amazing us with the number of places that it has. Most of us were smart enough to invent new places for bunking every time, but there were some places which were more of a ‘bunking adda’ to us. Let us go to those good times and read about all these bunking addas of ours.
Rani Road
This is the one place that is the first option that always used to pop up in our heads whenever we thought about any bunks. Rani road is such a place that has kept so many secrets in itself and one of the secrets are our bunks. The long pal of Rani Road, the never-ending gossips and the unconditional love that we had for the lake, these three things were the main reason why we are always up for the place. Now that it has developed a lot, you could see a lot of people at any point of time in the day.
Badi Lake
Our city is blessed with Lakes and hence we have a lot of places that roam around Lakes itself. Here, I am not discriminating but I think a lot of boys could connect to this one. Badi Lake has been the most famous place for boys bunking their classes here. Even now you can see a lot of young kids having a leisurely time of their life. Be it after school or when they are on bunks. There is one more point of attraction at Badi Lake that has become very famous with people lately. It is the Badi Hill. I don’t know about bunking but people definitely enjoy the trek to reach the hill. It’s not that the hill has got anything special but the view that it has is breathtaking.
Gulab Bagh
The place literally takes me to my school days. Just standing at the huge gate used to excite me. Gulab Bagh is a huge garden where you can just get lost in nature and when we are on a bunk, that’s exactly what we need, isn’t it? The place consists of a lot of activities that you do here. It has a zoo, a toy train that makes you explore the entire place (the garden is that large), a library, a bunch of temples and a shrine, badminton court, swings and slides and vast gardens where you can chat endlessly with your friends.
The best of bests right? Fatehsagar has a beautiful Lake but that’s not just it. Apart from that, there are quite more places which were the favorite spots of the bunkers. The main pal and the one in front of the Bombay market are the main attraction and apart from that, there is a Swami Vivekananda park, temples, Guru Gobind Park which has become the secret spots for all the youngsters.
Ubeshwar Ji
This is the one place that takes a long ride to go there. A lot of children can be seen on the way of Ubeshwar Ji on their bikes and scooters with a group of their friends. If you see Ubeshwar Ji there is nothing much as a place there. There is just a temple and a short waterfall. But the mere way of the place is adventurous enough. Beautiful landscapes, bright colors and fresh air adds up a light mood in every one of us.
Peepliya Ji
While we are talking about Ubeshwar Ji, there is another place, Peepliya Ji which is just some 8 Km ahead of it. Being a bit uncommon there are not many people there at any time of the day. So it is considered as an ideal place to enjoy some quality time with friends. Apart from that, it has a majestic view of the village near it and in whatever season it will give you one amazing sight to appreciate.
No matter how many times we go to this place, we cannot ever get bored of going here. This one place has been the weekend plan for the bunkers. Sajjangarh is a complete package of adventure, to sum up your perfect day. It will take a good ride for you to reach the fort meanwhile which you can enjoy the fresh air and increasingly beautiful sight of the city. Once you reach the top of the fort, I bet you feel like there’s no better place than this.
Did everything just flashed in front of your eyes while reading the article? Well, it’s good to be a little nostalgic, no? It is possible that the friends that we made in our school and college will not be in our touch right now but the memories that we made with them, the enormous amount of fun that we had and the promises to stay together until our last breath is unforgettable. If it is possible, contact all those long lost friends of yours and live the best time of your lives once again for you cannot live those moments again but you can always go back to that time right? And well Bunking is not always bad because after all the most important lessons of your lives are the one that you take outside of your class.
No matter what our age is the one thing that doesn’t let the child inside us die are games. Whenever we look at these games we feel like playing them regardless of what everyone is going to think about us. But sometimes it is not possible for us to buy all these games and play them in our homes until and unless we play them regularly. So there are places where you can play your favorite games and pay according to the time and the games you play. Isn’t that cool?
So here’s the list of the best game zones which lets you play your favorite games like Play Station, Xbox, Billiards and a lot of other types of games whenever you want.
Hungama game zone
Hungama game zone was the first game zone that started a horror house in Udaipur. It has a huge variety of games suitable for all age groups. The prices of all these games are minimal and if one is fond of games, he can happily spend his entire day over here. Hungama game zone contains games like Bumping cars, Vending games (Machine where Mobile Phones, Toys, Teddy Beers, Chocolates and many other gifts items are offered where customer can win directly from the machine), redemption games (games where customers make some points in the machine and collect tickets accordingly. These tickets can be later redeemed at the ticket counter as gifts and gift vouchers.), Video games, and rides and soft games for children.
Yaahooo game zone is Udaipur’s first and only soft play area for kids in the age group of 2 to 15 years. It offers an exciting playtime in a secured and air conditioned area. The play area is open 7 days a week.
It is the largest Play Area in Udaipur with 2300 sqft of space spread across two floors. Kids can crawl, bounce, slide, tumble, jump and have crazy fun in a clean and safe environment. Yaahooo’s activities include a soft play zone, air guns, monkey bar, tunnel and bridge, slides, spiral and swing, toddler area, ball pool, Lego board, boxing bags, basket ball, trampolines, foam pit, climbing wall, rope climbing, Seesaw and a cafe for snacks & refreshments. It also offers Free WiFi, Kid friendly bathrooms, a First Aid Kit and CCTV Monitors on site.
Address: Building 2B, Navratan Complex, 80 feet Road, Near Sanskar 2 Apartment, Udaipur Contact: 9653215949 Website:https://www.yaahooo.in/
Viking entertainment zone
One can find this game zone in the center of the city so that you don’t have to go much far from the city to enjoy your favorite game. It contains games of mostly children. Different types of rides with different artificial animals, merry-go-round, vending games, etc. The gaming zone is situated inside a mall so if you have children along with you who you want to drop at the gaming zone while you can do some shopping, you can consider Viking entertainment zone.
Address: 3rd Floor, Lake City Mall, University Rd, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur
Contact: 0294 242 0056
OMG game zone at Rkaymall
OMG game zone is the biggest indoor game zone of Rajasthan. It offers more than a total of 75 games and rides which is divided into two different sections. One is for young kids and one is for senior kids. The game zone is located right next to OMG food court to make it comfortable for parents so that while their children are playing in the game zone, they can relax at OMG food court having their quick bites or meals according to their requirement.
Games in this gaming zones contain Cars, Bikes, Planes, Shooting to Bull Rides, Horse Rides, and Helicopters & more for young kids and technologically advanced with latest machinery & gadgets games such as 3D Games, 3D simulators & games based on popular Hollywood movies for senior kids.
Hangout – the gaming lounge is situated on the outskirts of the main city so that you can have a leisurely time away from the hustle bustle of your daily life. It contains a large variety of both virtual and indoor games such as PlayStation, PS 4, PS pro 4k, Xbox 1, Counter-Strike, DOTA, PUBG and Snooker, pool, Table Tennis, etc. Soon hangout will be equipped with Chess as well. Entire gaming zone is divided into two sections one for virtual games and other for indoor games.
There is a large projector screen for the game lovers as well just in case you want to see big characters in your games. One more game that the gaming lounge has is PSVR. PSVR is a virtual reality game where you have to wear a mask and that will virtually take you to the world of that game.
Address: Shobhagpura, 100 feet road, opposite Devansh Hotel, near JK Hospital
Contact: 9828143285
CK Gaming Zone
CK gaming zone is a well-equipped gaming zone so much that if you are a game lover and want to spend an entire day here, you would not need a single thing here apart from your crazy gaming instinct. The game zone consists of virtual games such as Xbox, PS 3, PS 2, PS 4, Snooker, and Pool and indoor games such as Table Tennis, Carrom, Chess, etc. PS 3 and PS 2 has an offer as well. On every one hour that you play, you get an extra 30 minutes for free.
Now meanwhile you are enjoying your game, you feel hungry and want a quick bite, you need not worry because you can get snacks right where you are at. Snacks such as Maggi, egg, Vadapav, burger, etc. is available at the gaming zone. Apart from that, there is free Wi-Fi, books to read and some interesting paintings hung on the wall and in this way you can never get bored.
Address:CK Gaming Zone 1st Floor, 100 Feet Road, Venda VadaPav
Contact: 9672122020
Rajeshwar Cyber Paradise
This gaming zone is entirely dedicated to virtual games and it has a large variety of the same such as Counter-Strike Global Offence, DOTA 2, Fortnite, PUBG (Players unknown Battle Ground), Need For Speed driver, Far Cry 5, FIFA, etc. Apart from the games, snacks and free WiFi are also available. One interesting thing that Rajeshwar Cyber Paradise has is it conducts a gaming night out on the demand of people. Timings for night outs would be 12 am to 6 am. Although the prices differ according to the games you choose and the number of people, the average amount would be Rs. 300 per head.
The gaming zone is accessible between 6 am to 12 am.
Address: 26, Shreenath Villa, opp Saraswati hospital, University road
Contact: 092697 10086
Replay Gaming Lounge
During the research for the article, I noticed that almost all the gaming zones were filled with only boys. There was just one girl that I could see in all the game zones. But one thing which is exclusive about Replay gaming lounge is that it has special female staff that encourages female gamers to enjoy gaming. There are even special offers and discounts for female gamers as well as male gamers. Games that are available at Replay Gaming Lounge are Royal snooker, Play Station 4, Xbox One, Play Station 3, Counter-strike Global Offensive (CSGO), DOTA 2, Fortnite, and Player Unknown’s Battle Grounds (PUBG).
Along with games they serve snacks as well such as Pasta, sandwich, French fries, etc. It has a cozy atmosphere which is comfortable for all the age groups.
Address: 13, Tekri Madri Link Rd, Santosh Nagar, Tekari, Gayariawas, Central Area
Contact: 98296 36900
This was the list that of all the best gaming zones in Udaipur that will give you and your friends the fun experience that you have been longing for. Also, if you have any suggestions to add up to the list, feel free to share with us in the comment section below.
Summer is at its peak right now and the intense heat wave has begun in the City of Lakes. The temperature has reached almost as high as up to 42+ degrees Celsius. The most important thing to do this summer is to stay hydrated. So, here we present you a list of water suppliers that provide fresh drinking water.
1. Khajuria Shyam mineral water suppliers in Udaipur
Address: Ganpati Nagar, Udaipur, 313001.
Contact: (+91) 96804 83325
2. Jival water Plant-
Address: Plant at 60, Murshid colony, behind Bhadada petrol pump, Savina, Udaipur.
Contact: 1800 121 2160
3. Akshay Jal water suppliers-
Address: Near Classic Automobiles, sector-6, Hiran magri, Udaipur.
Narayan Lal Gurjar (19 years old), a student of the second Year, studying Agriculture Engineering at Maharana Pratap Agriculture and Technology University Udaipur has developed a polymer that will not dry! The idea of developing this polymer came seeing the dying crops. His father asked him to develop something that can be beneficial for the farmers as Narayan himself is from a farmer family. After a deep research, Narayan came up with a ‘manure’ that retains water and do not let the plants die.
About Narayan Lal Gurjar
Born in a farmer family of Borj village in Rajsamand district, Narayan is the brain behind the eco-friendly water retention polymer. By usage of the same, less water will be required in agriculture and horticulture and it will also prove to be effective in the fields for the low water table, as well as increase productivity of the crop.
Awards and Appreciation
Narayan has up till received a huge number of awards. He has received the Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) at the Rashtrapati Bhawan on March 19, 2018. He has also received an award from IIM-A for the same. Also, the state government has given him a grant of 2.5 lakhs for developing labs for this polymer.
Usage of the Polymer
Narayan told Team UB, that it is a type of manure that can be added to the soil and its moisture can be increased up to five times. His team is working on trying to make it available for the farmers until next year. He has already received an order for 60 Kilograms of polymer for which he is developing his workplace to a bigger level.
Let us now hear it from the inventor himself, Narayan Lal Gurjar: