
Things That You Should Not Do In Udaipur

Udaipur is a city of dreams. People from all around the world have bucket listed Udaipur on a priority and there’s no reason why they shouldn’t. After all, it is one such city which is pretty appealing in every field whether it be history, culture, food, palaces, you name it and it shines already. Oh, and did I tell you it has several other names too such as city of lakes, Kashmir or Rajasthan, Venice of the east, etc.? With all these things, one thing is for sure that when one visits the beautiful city of lakes, he will not only be awestruck by the beauty of the city but on the other hand he will be completely smitten and would want to stay here forever.

But be careful, while you are just getting indulged in the beauty of the city and travelling with all your heart, there are some things which you should better not do, so that at the end of your trip, all that you have is memories and lots and lots of mind-blowing pictures at all the exotic locations.

Do not think of Udaipur as an ordinary city

Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now
Picture by: maximvo

While we get tired of praising the city, there are so many people out there who think Udaipur as a small town with nothing much to explore. You should never ever do that. It is true that the city is not too large in area but, trust me, it is enough. It is not a drop in the ocean, it is an ocean in a single drop. In fact, the size of the city will be very helpful to you. You won’t have to travel for hours to go from one spot to other, unlike metros where you just spend your whole day and get to visit only 1-2 places. Here you can travel almost 50% of the city roughly in 24 hours. Isn’t it an added perk to the City of Lakes?


You should not utter a single bad word about Fatehsagar

Reasons why you shouldn’t visit Udaipur
Picture by: Anusha Bhardwaj

Fatehsagar has been the heart of the city for a very long time. You can spot people chilling at the pal of the Lake at every time of the day, at every season of the year. And on weekends, the place is literally flooded with people. And there’s no reason it shouldn’t. The place, after all, is something where nature shows the most beautiful self. So now that you know the essence of the place, it is quite clear that if you say anything bad about the Lake, the people here might get a bit defensive or it is also possible that they might change your perception towards it.


Do not have some random junk food as your meal

Source: Indobase

While you are on your visit to Udaipur, do not fill your stomach with ordinary food which you can get all around the country. Rather please your taste buds with the exclusive traditional food of Rajasthan which is Dal Baati. You cannot leave Udaipur without having this delicious delight. Other delicacies which you would want to have in here is Ghatte ki sabzi, Laal Maans (if you are non-vegetarian), Rajma, Ker Sangri, etc. These are all the traditional Rajasthani food which are so delicious that at the end of every bite you will keep licking your fingers.


You should not miss going to the palaces

Udaipur is very rich in terms of its history and culture. It is not, in any way, less than any other city when it comes to royal palatial properties and forts. Which is why it is also called the royal city. There are several palaces and forts which are directly connected to the history of its rulers who used to rule Mewar back then (Udaipur and some more cities combined was called Mewar back then). Forts like Sajjangarh Fort, Kumbhalgarh Fort, and palaces such as City Palace, Lake Palace, etc. are the monuments which are standing intact from those times in the city.


If you are a tourist do not go for any other means of shopping instead of street shopping

Reasons why you shouldn’t visit Udaipur
picture by:

If you are someone who doesn’t belong to Udaipur, then it would be a mere waste of money if you opt for any other means of shopping instead of street shopping. The main reason behind that is you will not get such forms of clothing, jewelry, and other handicrafts anywhere so you would not want to waste your money on something which you already have or you can get anywhere. You can get traditional clothing items, modern jewelry, different handicrafts, handmade painted t-shirts, paintings, etc. It is suggested that you go shopping in the old city of Udaipur.


Do not forget to praise the beautiful lakes all around

There are a total of 11 lakes in and around the city. Aren’t you astonished by the fact that in such a small city resides a total of 11 lakes? These Lakes involves famous lakes which are Fatehsagar, Pichola, Badi Lake, Udai Sagar and other Lakes such as Swaroop Sagar, Dudh Talai, Goverdhan Sagar, Purohito ka Talaab, Goverdhan Sagar, Madaar, Jaisamand Lake, and Rajsamand Lake. The shocking fact about these lakes is that most of these lakes are artificial, handmade lakes. These lakes are so beautiful and peaceful that they will just take all your worries from your life. You will be actually forced to praise them for their beauty.

Udaipur offers the same amount of peace and serenity to everyone who visits this city. It will just capture your heart right away and keep it here forever. Once you visit the city, you will always yearn to visit again. Well, these were some things which you absolutely not do while on your visit to the amazing City of lakes.

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History and Culture

उदयपुर की राजकुमारी कृष्णा कुमारी जिसने वंश बचाने के लिए जान दे दी

कृष्णा कुमारी  महाराणा भीम सिंह (1778-1828) की कई पुत्रियों में से एक, 16 वर्षीय पुत्री थी। महाराणा भीम सिंह उस समय के मेवाड़ क्षेत्र में उदयपुर रियासत के राजपूत शासक थे। उस समय, उन्हें एक महत्वपूर्ण राजनीतिक गठबंधन की आवश्यकता थी। इसे प्राप्त करने का एक तरीका शादी के माध्यम से था और राजकुमारी  कृष्णा कुमारी युवा, सुंदर और उपलब्ध थी। इस प्रकार कृष्णा कुमारी की सगाई मारवाड़ की राजधानी जोधपुर के महाराजा भीम सिंह से हुई। हालांकि, जोधपुर के  महाराजा की अचानक और असामयिक मौत के साथ, राजकुमारी की सगाई जयपुर के पड़ोसी और प्रतिद्वंद्वी साम्राज्य के महाराजा जगत सिंह से हुई।

महाराजा की मृत्यु के बाद जोधपुर में भीम सिंह के छोटे भाई, मान सिंह शासक बने। उस समय, मारवाड जयपुर में आश्रय ले रहा था। उन्होंने उदयपुर के महाराजा भीम सिंह को एक तंग संदेश भेजा, जिसमे उन्होंने उपहास दिया और कहा कि मारवार के घर से बेटी का अपने प्रतिद्वंद्वी जयपुर के महाराजा से विवाह किया जा रहा था, ये एक शर्म की बात होनी चाहिए।

Source: Eternal Mewar | Maharana Bhim Singh

मान सिंह ने अपमानित महसूस किया और असिन्द के आमिर खान, जो की किराए पर उपलब्ध एक पठान थे, उन्हें संपर्क किया (उनकी अपनी ताकत थी और वह अपनी सेवाओं के लिए भुगतान करने वाले किसी भी व्यक्ति के लिए उपलब्ध था। आखिरकार, अंग्रेजों ने उन्हें अपनी भावी गतिविधियों को समाप्त करने के लिए टोंक राज्य दिया।) सुन्दर कवच के साथ उसे रिश्वत देने के बाद, मान सिंह ने उन्हें उदयपुर भेजा और एक संदेश के साथ भेजा कि या तो कृष्णा कुमारी की शादी सिर्फ मान सिंह के साथ की जाए, या उसे मार डाला जाए। अमीर खान ने भी महाराणा को धमकी दी कि अगर प्रस्ताव स्वीकार नहीं किया गया था, तो वह खुद मेवाड़ को लूट लेंगे।

महाराणा भीम सिंह को लग गया था कि राजनीतिक रूप से सही और सुरक्षित केवल एक ही समाधान था जो था की उनकी बेटी मर जाए। बेहद निराशा और मजबूती के तहत, महाराणा भीम सिंह ने करजली के दौलत सिंह से राजकुमारी कृष्ण कुमारी को अपने डैगर से मारने के लिए कहा।

दौलत सिंह इस प्रस्ताव से इतने नाराज हो गए कि उन्होंने महाराणा को दंडित करते हुए कहा कि जो कोई भी इस तरह का अमानवीय आदेश देता है उसे अपनी जीभ काट लेनी चाहिए। जब कोई और तरीका नहीं मिला तब महाराणा भीम सिंह ने फैसला किया कि राजकुमारी जहर से मरनी चाहिए, और यह महीन कार्य महाराणा के कच्चेला (हरम) की महिलाओं पर छोड़ दिया गया था।

Source: DailyO | Princess Krishna Kumari

बहादुर छोटी राजकुमारी ने चुपचाप अपने भाग्य को स्वीकार कर लिया कि उसे उसे यही सही लगा की उसे अपने पिता के सम्मान को बचाने के लिए उसे मर जाना चाहिए । वह महल के पास एक निजी उद्यान में गई और प्रार्थनाओं के साथ खुद को तैयार किया। जब महिलाओं में से एक महिला, जो की उसकी चाची ही थी, ने उसे अपने पिता के नाम पर घातक विष दिया, राजकुमारी ने अपना सर झुकाया, अपने पिता के जीवन और समृद्धि के लिए एक और प्रार्थना की, और वह ज़हरीला विष पी लिया।

आश्चर्य की बात है, उस ज़हर का राजकुमारी पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ा। एक और ज़हरीला कप तैयार किया गया और राजकुमारी ने इसे भी पी लिया, फिर भी उसके शरीर ने जहर को खारिज कर दिया। इसी परिणाम के साथ तीसरी बार फिर इस काम की कोशिश की गई। ऐसा लग रहा  था कि कोई जादुई ताकत युवा कुंवारी की रक्षा कर रहा थी।

अंत में, एक बहुत ही शक्तिशाली ओपियेट (अफीम युक्त) के साथ एक कप प्रस्तुत किया गया था। इस डरावने कार्य को ख़त्म करने की इच्छा रखते हुए, कृष्ण कुमारी ने इसे मुस्कान के साथ स्वीकार कर लिया, उसे पी लिया, और एक गहरी नींद में सो गई…जिससे वह कभी जाग नहीं पायी।

Source: Welcome to Rajasthan | City Palace

महाराणा भीम सिंह को इस कार्य के बाद राजनीतिक रूप से तो राहत मिल गई लेकिन व्यक्तिगत रूप से दुःखग्रस्त, उसके पिता ने कृष्णा के महल को एक मंदिर में बदल दिया, जिसे उन्होंने कृष्णा के साहस की याद में समर्पित कर दिया । कृष्णा महल आज भी उदयपुर के सिटी पैलेस में देखा जा सकता है जो की कृष्णा कुमारी के लिए एक स्मारक है, जहां उस बहादुर छोटी राजकुमारी को सम्मान दिया जा सकता है जो राजनीतिक परिस्थिति का शिकार बन गई।

कृष्णा कुमारी की कहानी रोमियो जूलिएट की तरह ऐतिहासिक नहीं बल्कि काफी दुखदायी है। हम रानी और राजकुमारियों की कहानी पढ़ते, सुनते और आजकल तो फिल्मों में भी देखते हुए बड़े हुए है लेकिन एक असली राजकुमारी को ऐसे कई संघर्षों का सामना करना पड़ता है।


Respect Your City Because It’s Your Udaipur!

Udaipur is flooded with natural and scenic places and some are still unexplored. A great number of tourists flock to the City of Lakes as they have seen immensely alluring pictures of these places in our city on the internet. It is our duty to keep these places like in photographs.

Udaipur is a beautiful place, right? We, on a daily basis, promote our city- boast about the city- talk about the laurels of the city and think that we do a lot for our homeland. And that’s true! People are doing a lot for the city like spray painting nuisance on the walls around the city and spoiling the public places, littering where ever they wish to and the list goes on.

Respect Your City Because It’s Your Udaipur!
Source: Gajendra Kumawat

Exploring the city isn’t bad. Coming up with beautiful places inside the city and letting your mates know is also not bad after all places are meant to be explored. But why aren’t we just exploring them? Why are we making them places of drinking liquor or messing around with the natural beauty?

People of the city, our beautiful Udaipur, are making it rot! Where ever you go you can find bottles of alcohol or packets of chips and snacks. If not these you can find messages like “I love you…”, “Happy Birthday…”, some random group name on the rocks or walls and so on. But why?

Badi Hill spoilt by some people

Have we ever thought that by doing all this we aren’t getting any better? The city isn’t getting any better. It is just GETTING SPOILT!

Travel and explore the hidden places, this makes you learn and experience a lot about the city and as well about life and nature. Respect Your City Because It’s Your Udaipur.

Also, if you find someone doing something wrong and nonsensical at these beautiful spots, tell them to stop! It is our city and it is our responsibility to keep it clean and healthy!

I hope you all agree to this and adhere to the responsibility of cleaning and keeping the natural beauty of Udaipur intact.


Is Miniature Art in Udaipur Dying?

The indigenous art forms are the soul of any place. They make up the city’s beauty in the same manner as the landscape does. Udaipur is indeed quite beautiful with the landscape part and also has a lot of artforms coexisting beneath the layers of modernization and technology. Well, there are many art forms such as handcrafted wooden toys, zinc artifacts, and others. Paintings take up a bigger portion of the art of the city and are one of the things not to be missed.

Mewar (Udaipur) is famous for its paintings. Miniature art is one such artform that is quite popular in the subcontinent and is aboriginal to Udaipur.

There are hundreds of miniature painting artists in the old city of Udaipur who are making their living by selling these arts to locals, foreigner and to bigger retailers.

I happened to come across one such artist who is painting miniatures since ages and makes his living through his art. The meager amount of money and newer generations not opting to learn the art is making this art of Miniature paintings drift into oblivion.

Let’s hear it from him- Is Miniature Art in Udaipur Dying?

(earphones recommended)


What are thoughts about the same? Do you also think that the artists are not valued much and hence are losing their art in the hands of inflation?

Share your inputs/queries at


World Environment Day 2018 | Let Us Read What the Experts Have to Say

Fortunately for us, nature has blessed Udaipur region with abundant water resources in the form of several huge lustrous lakes such as Pichola, Fateh Sagar, Udaisagar, Rajsamand and Jaisamand and rivers like Ayad, Berach, Som, Jawai, and Sabarmati. Udaipur is surrounded by the hills of Aravali ranges of different heights such as Nimach Mata, Bhuwana, Balicha, Odi, Eklinglji, Chorbavari, thoria, Machla Magra and Sajjangarh. In addition to this, there are several small lakes and baris(stepwells) and kunds. There are wildlife sanctuaries such as Sajjangarh, Jaisamand, Phulwara Ki Nav, Kumbhalgarh Sanctuary, Sitamata Sanctuary. It is the only area that has both a biological park (Sajjangarh) and a biodiversity park (Amberi).

All these places are home to a huge variety of fauna and flora. In addition to these, the city has two big gardens viz Gulab Bagh and Saheliyo Ki Bari.

These natural resources are not only sources of sustenance of Udaipurites but also attract a lot of tourists both inland and foreign. In turn, it becomes our duty to save the environment.

world environment day
Source: World Atlas

According to S.K Verma, former IFS, the crisis has been caused due to rapid urbanization that is the outcome of some important factors such as natural increase of population as was the inclusion of adjoining rural areas of nearby villages. The migration s due to many activities of mining manufacturing trading etc. that attract rural people seeking jobs and availability of opportunities for good education and better living conditions in urban areas.

Environment degradation is basically caused due to fragments or pieces of work an at times even work at cross purpose, giving rise to further complications in conservation and use of land, forests, grazing land, water bodies and environment. Things become worse when the public joins the neglect and misuse of lakes system, and air water and noise pollution. Eco-friendly architecture is being replaced with multistoried complexes that are becoming heat islands.

world environment day
Put a smile back on the Earth’s face today
Source: dribbble

In the master places of the city terms such as biodiversity sustainability and conservation of spaces habitats for biodiversity are yet to find a meaningful place. The impact is obvious – air toxicity is causing health hazards, groundwater is being used thoughtlessly, forests are decreasing fast, heat islands are multiplying, migratory birds are giving Udaipur a miss and animals like the Panthers are being killed when they come to human habitats in search of water and food.

According to Prof. NS Solanki Agro metrology dept. Rajasthan College of Agriculture Udaipur as in other parts of the country and the world, global warming is having an adverse impact on the pattern of the monsoon in Mewar- Vagad Region. A survey of monsoon in 30 years has revealed that monsoon in this area is being delayed by 14 hours every year and thus in the last 30 years by about 20 days. Before 30 years rains used to start between 15 and 19 June. Then the monsoon arrived on 25 or 26 June. If this trend continues, after 30 years would come in August. The rainy days in the southwest monsoon season from June t September that used to be 21.9 between 1961 and 1990 have come down to only 17.6 now. The number of non-seasonal rainy days has increased. all this affects the crops adversity. If the preservation of the environment is not taken seriously crop pattern would have an extremely adverse effect.

Source: pinterest

There are several ways in which global warming and pollution can be controlled. People traveling to the same place carpooling to reduce air pollution public transport and not personal cars should be used. Cloth bags can be used in place of plastic ones. Planting saplings to keep the earth green is a useful way. Rainwater harvesting is also an effective way to solve water. There are several measures to reduce CO2 emission and reduce electricity bills such as switching to CFL, LED bulbs, using a table lamp while studying for provides more effective lighting; going out to play for a couple of hours every day instead of watching TV or computer. Switching from a desktop to laptop, turning off lights and fans at the plug point when not in use.

Use of energy efficient electrical appliances such as frost-free refrigerator, split air conditioner and solar water heater would help. To reduce unnecessary use of microwave oven it is better to eat together. To save trees it is advisable to minimize the use of paper by using one side paper and passing on used textbooks. It is better to switch all the off ignition at traffic lights and inflate vehicle tyres regularly.

The common man should become aware of the hazards of not conserving the environment and contribute in various big and small ways of preserving it.

History and Culture

Sanwariaji Temple – Know everything about it!

Sanwariaji temple is situated on the Chittorgarh-Udaipur Highway in the town of Mandaphia. It is at a distance of around 70 Km from the Udaipur city. Tourists from all over the country visit the temple to worship Lord Krishna in the temple. The idol of Lord Krishna is of ‘Dark Krishna’ also known as Sanwariya Ji with a flute. This is the reason why the temple is named so. Actually ‘Sanwariya’ means the color black and since the idol of Lord Krishna is also black, the name justifies itself.

The temple holds a great importance to the followers of the Vaishnava section. Devotees have boundless faith for Sanwariya Ji and they come in the number of hundreds every day. The architecture of the temple has been very great. The temple is grand in both area and height. Once your eyes will see the huge temple you will be left astonished. There is a ‘Shikhar’ on the main temple of Sanwariaji which has a remarkable height. The carvings on the walls of the temple are no less attractive. One can clearly see how much of plan, creativity, and efforts the makers had to put in there.

It is believed that the temple is the luckiest for the businessman. There are a surprising number of wealthy businessman coming from all around the country and have struck a deal of profit sharing with the god.

Sanwariaji Temple - Know everything about it!

Legends about the Sanwariaji temple

There is a famous legend which is believed by the local people there regarding the construction of the famous ‘Sanwariaji temple’. Back in the year 1840, there was a man in the town Mandalphia, named Bholaram Gurjar who was a milkman by profession. On one night, he had a dream that three statues were buried under the ground in the Chapar village of Bhadsoda Bagund. The shocked villagers started digging the place which Bholaram saw in the dream. To their surprise, they found exactly three beautiful and mesmerized statues buried inside the ground right there. These three statues were of Lord Krishna.

From these three statues, one statue was taken to Mandaphiya, one was taken to Bhadsoda and the last one remained at the same place where it was dug out from. All these three locations, to where the statues were taken to, became temples afterward. In Mandaphiya, the village head back then Shree Rodulalji Jain built a small temple consisting of four walls and a shade with the help of other villagers. He then placed the statue in that temple after performing all the necessary rituals.

After some time, the temple became quite renowned between the people and people started visiting the temple in a large number. The historic city of devotion and charm ‘Mandhaphiya’ is now known as Shree Sanwaliya Dham which means the home of Lord Krishna. People believe that all their wishes and desires will be fulfilled if they truly wish for it in Sawaliya Seth’s darbar (Sawaliya Seth’s court).

 Sanwariaji Temple - Know everything about it!

How to reach and what to expect?

  • Now that you know the story behind the temples it would not trouble you knowing that there are two temples. One is on the highway and the other one is 4 km inside the main highway.
  • There are absolutely no entry fees for any of the temple.
  • The temple is facilitated with free parking zone.
  • There are some festivals which are celebrated with a blast at the temple. These festivals include Janmashtami, Holi, Diwali, Ekadasi, etc.
  • Photography is allowed.
  • Best time to visit – Oct to Feb
  • Daily darshan and live darshan are available online.
  • Timings of the temple are 5 am to 12 pm on weekdays and 2:30 pm to 11:00 pm on weekends.
  • Time to be taken to explore the temple – 1 hr.
  • There are some must eat food items that everyone should try there which includes besan laddoos made up of less sugar, sweet kachori, Sagar, Mysore Pak, etc.
  • There are two canteens on the major temple which contains lunch for just RS. 25 which includes Roti, rice, 1 veggie, dal, and achar.
  • There is a dharmshala in the premises of the temple for the accommodation of devotees coming from all around.

Sanwariaji Temple - Know everything about it!

When you feel the divine energy when you enter the temple, you will experience nirvana for a second. The positivity inside is so intense that you will feel very peaceful. Devotees chanting energetically inside the premises is one of the best things that you can witness. If you feel a bit nauseous with your monotonous life then this is the best escape to experience serenity and divine energy of the god.


Vaibhav Khater from Udaipur will represent India in Thailand for International Earth Olympiad

Vaibhav Khater, a student from Udaipur will represent India in the 12th International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO). This event will be organized in Thailand, from 8th August -17th August 2018, at Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus. The Geological Society of India conducted an objective-type Entrance Test (ET) in which 20 students were selected to attend a Training Camp. A team of four students has been selected to represent India in the final stage of which Vaibhav Khater is a part.

Vaibhav Khater

The Earth Science Olympiad has a four-stage procedure for selection:

  • National level Entrance Test,
  • Training Camp culminating in the Indian National Earth Science Olympiad,
  • Pre-departure training camp and
  • International Earth Science Olympiad.

What is the International Earth Science Olympiad?

International Earth Science Olympiad or IESO was founded as one of the major activities of the International Geoscience Education Organization (IGEO). It is an annual competition for secondary school students. The main aim of the IESO is to encourage students’ interest and increase public awareness on Earth Science and to enhance Earth Science learning/teaching at the school level.

Aren’t you proud of the students of the City of Lakes? If Yes do share this article to let your friends and family know.

History and Culture

Maharanas of Udaipur

“Many Indian capitals have greater claims of size or grandeur, many are wealthier by far, But none can boast a proud heritage. His Highness Maharana of Udaipur, direct descendant of the Sun God, a natural leader by birth and tradition of all the Indian princes of the Hindu faith…….and no city could be more lovely”   
                                                                      -The Secrets of India
                                 ( Gaumont-British Picture Corporation Limited, 1934)

Maharanas of Udaipur were indeed magnificent. Hereby we bring all about the Maharanas of Udaipur.

Eternal Mewar

                    Maharana Bhim Singh of Mewar (r. 1778-1828)

Maharana Bhim Singh Ji, Son of Maharana Ari Singh II, was the First Maharana of Udaipur and Twenty-Fifth Maharana of Mewar. He became King at a minor age of 10 years and during his minor years of age and even adulthood, he ruled under the inspection of his mother Rajmata Sardar Kunwar Jhali Ji. He inherited an unstable kingdom and it was the same during his reign. Marathas took off from the region, taking along all the riches and farmers too abandoned the region. Apparently, Maharana too was very broke to even get his sons married, which arguably were 32 in number. To deal with the financial mess, Maharana signed a treaty with Britishers which gave them full power over the kingdom. According to the treaty, a British agent will be appointed in the kingdom to see all the affairs with no interference of the King. It was a fortunate stroke of serendipity when Col. Tod was appointed as the British agent and during his time in Udaipur, kingdom experienced good returns on revenue. He believed that Maharana was rather slothful and least interested in ruling the kingdom effectively. Maharana died at an age of sixty in 1828.


Eternal Mewar

                    Maharana Jawan Singh of Mewar (r. 1828- 1838)

Maharana Jawan Singh Ji, son of Maharana Bhim Singh Ji, inherited a bankrupted kingdom and ruled for a very short time span of 10 years. The treaty signed by Maharana Bhim Singh Ji turned out to be insignificant as it did not serve the purpose. Maharana Jawan Singh Ji too tried hard to lift kingdom financially but failed and kingdom did not prosper significantly. At a young age of 17, Maharana died with no designated Heir.

                    Maharana Sardar Singh of Mewar (r. 1838-1842)

Due to the failure of the preceding king to choose an heir, Maharana Sardar Singh Ji, the successor of Maharana Sangram Singh Ji II, was chosen as the King. He then went on to rule Udaipur but he died only after 3 years of sitting on the throne and left behind obsolescent kingdom.

Eternal Mewar

                    Maharana Swaroop Singh of Mewar (r. 1842-1861)

Maharana Swaroop Singh Ji, younger brother of Maharana Sardar Singh Ji, was adopted and appointed the Heir as Maharana had no son. Swaroop Singh Ji inherited an unstable kingdom but brought about some reforms to get the state back on track. He introduced a new coinage, outlawed “Sati” tradition and brought some administrative reforms. He also gained the trust of Britishers by terminating rebellion in Nimbahera and Neemuch and providing the roof to British refugees. Kingdom started uplifting. He died soon after adopting Shambhu Singh as his appointed heir.


Eternal Mewar

                    Maharana Shambhu Singh of Mewar (r. 1861- 1874)

Maharana Shambhu Singh Ji, the successor of Maharana Sangram Singh Ji II, became a minor king of the comparatively progressive kingdom and when he attained full power, introduced various policies and reforms and the state blossomed. He got Military reassembled under his rule, formalized various policies to arrange administrative resources, institutionalized offices for temples and holy places and the first-ever school for girls was established in the state. “Sati Pratha” was on the path of termination as a legal practice and fines were introduced for practitioners. Infrastructure saw a surge this time as roads and railway tracks were constructed. He died at an early age of 27 years, leaving behind no heir.

Eternal Mewar

                    Maharana Sajjan Singh of Mewar (r. 1874- 1884)

Maharana Sajjan Singh Ji, the first cousin of Maharana Shambhu Singh Ji, inherited the kingdom after Shambhu Singh Ji’s death. Under his rule, true prosperity set its foot in the kingdom. Development of railway tracks, roads, and water supply took place, Schemes for afforestation, farming techniques, and irrigation were formalised, di-siltation of Lake Pichola was done post- floods in the region, the magnificent Sajjangarh Palace aka “monsoon palace” was built and Udaipur became the second city in India to have the Municipal Corporation after Bombay. Medical and educational institutions were developed, corruption was checked and guilty were executed. On the contrary, Maharana had a profound fondness for Art and Culture and he used to compose Dohas and Sawaiyas in Thumri, Folk, and Ghazal style. The book “Haqiqat Bahida” was the version of his daily journal. He had a short yet a remarkable reign period of a mere 10 years and these 10 years are written in Gold in the history of Udaipur.

Eternal Mewar

                    Maharana Fateh Singh of Mewar (r. 1884-1930)

Maharana Fateh Singh Ji, the descendant of the fourth son of Maharana Sangram Singh Ji II, was adopted by Maharana Sajjan Singh Ji as his appointed heir. He shaped and brought to life all his vision during his reign. He worked towards the path of the betterment of kingdom by modernizing and improving roads, railways, settlements, medical and educational facilities. He built the Majestic Shiv Niwas Palace, which is now a luxury hotel. Fateh Sagar Lake too came into existence after the extension of Dewali Lake when Connaught dam was built. He was a true Suryavanshi King, who did not believe in the graciousness of the “the Queen”. With an extraordinary life as “the Maharana”, he died at the age of 80 years.

Eternal Mewar

                    Maharana Bhopal Singh of Mewar (r. 1930-1955)

Maharana Bhopal Singh Ji, son of Maharana Fateh Singh Ji, became king when India was struggling for independence. He wholeheartedly supported the political and social modifications that were taking place in the country. He institutionalized schools and colleges in the kingdom, especially for girls and also took care of the natural beauty of Udaipur. He constructed Bhopal Singh Dam and several projects for afforestation in the Aravalli region. After independence, he merged the kingdom with the Rajasthan Union and was appointed as “Maharaj Pramukh” of it by Indian Government. Even though being physically inefficient, as he was paralyzed from the waist down, he was no less than any ruler in terms of greatness and courage. He adopted Bhagwat Singh as his appointed heir and died soon after.

Eternal Mewar Blog

                    Maharana Bhagwat Singh of Mewar (r. 1955-1984)

Maharana Bhagwat Singh Ji, the fourth son of Maharana Sangram Singh II, steered the kingdom according to the changing times as independent India was witnessing a number of transformations then. In 1970, Royal titles and grants were being abolished and Maharana became Mr. Bhagwat Singh Mewar. A true visionary who believed in the welfare, he decided to sell the royal forts and palaces in order to maintain them the way they were. Jag Niwas was converted into Lake Palace Hotel and other estates on the shore of Lake Pichola like Fateh Prakash and Jag Mandir too were sold off. He died in 1984 and thus was the last Maharana of Udaipur.

With the intellect and initial efforts of our Kings, Udaipur is now amongst the most beautiful cities in the world where people live in harmony with each other. Culturally, traditionally, naturally and in every aspect, a city could be, Udaipur is perfect!




Tiffin services in Udaipur

University students and office goers often struggle with the fact that from where to order food. Several questions arise in their mind like what to order today? Will the food be hygienic? Is this place overpriced? And many more. Therefore, we are here to solve your food-related problems.

Here we present you a list of best tiffin services that offers hygienic yet delicious food in Udaipur.

Tiffin services in Udaipur
Source: INDIAmart

Lovely tiffin center

Lovely tiffin center is a vegetarian food delivery tiffin service that serves both hygienic and budgeted food. Their tiffin service will surely satisfy your taste buds. It offers veg food from cuisines like Rajasthani and Punjabi.

Contact: 0294-2462961

Address: 335, Mayur Complex Rd, Chanakya Puri, Sector 4, Pooja Nagar, Hiran Magri, Udaipur


Shivani tiffin services

The food prepared by Shivani tiffin services is healthy, delicious and just like any home-cooked meal. Reasonable pricing and delicious food make them the best at what they do.

Contact: 098289 39143

Address: Prabhat Nagar sector-5, Hiran Magri, Udaipur


Jain tiffin center

Jain tiffin center offers healthy and wholesome meal suitable for all the office goers. It is currently the most popular tiffin center in Udaipur with great taste, quick service, and hygiene.

Contact: 09461186181, 09460826252

Address: 381/9, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur


Shreenath tiffin center

The menu of the tiffin is two vegetables, dal, curry, rice, papad, buttermilk, and salad. Price of the full thali is Rs. 50.

Address: Main Road, Saving Railway Gate, Udaipur City, Railway Crossing

Contact: 9152664475

Tiffin services in Udaipur
Source: jaigurugtiffinservice


Shree Ashapura tiffin center

Established in the year 2013, Shree Ashapura tiffin center believes in customer satisfaction and works according to customer’s requirement. Home delivery services are available.

Address: Main General Store, Gali No.8 Santosh Nagar, Udaipur City, Near By Madri Link Road

Contact: 9152685737


Shree sai tiffin center

It provides a variety of food items so that you do not get bored of eating the same food repeatedly. Payment method is quite flexible from cash payment to cheque payment.

Address: 28, Street No-2, Udaipur City, Krishna Pura, Near Saint Paul School

Contact: 9166223080


Sharmila’s kitchen

A number of cuisines are available for tiffin at Sharmila’s kitchen. It is quite popular amongst the locals and people from outside the city. It offers tiffin services for Bengali food, Rajasthani food, sweets, tiffin services at the office, etc. The food prepared is very tasty and hygienic.

Address: 22, Hiran Magri, Udaipur-Rajasthan – 313002, Behind Vijaya Bank

Contact: 9352505511


Khalsa restaurant

If you want to have some spicy and delicious food, this is the best place for you. You will have the entire thali for your tiffin in just Rs. 99/-

Address: 837, university road, Udaipur HO, Near Navkar Complex, University main road

Contact: 9828066786


Mateshwari tiffin service

The menu of the tiffin consists of 6 chapatis, gravy vegetable, Dal, and rice. The price of the tiffin is Rs 25/- Home delivery services are available as well.

Address: Sector 3 near BSNL office

Contact: 9414358065


Vaishnav tiffin center

The menu of the tiffin is 6 chapati, one vegetable, dal, rice, and onion salad. The price for this tiffin service is monthly which is Rs. 1500/- Home delivery facilities are available.

Address:  Kalka Mata Road Payada Udaipur

Contact: 9001368659

Tiffin services in Udaipur

Hukkam tiffin services

Contents of the tiffin are 6 Chapati, 1 vegetable, Dal, and rice. Prices for the tiffin are Rs 30/- Home delivery services are available too.

Address: Inside Chandpol chowraha


Padmavati tiffin center

Tasty and hygienic food is prepared at Padmavati tiffin center. It is a pure veg tiffin service.

Address: 331, Vivek Nagar, Sector 3, Hiran Magri, Udaipur City, Near Accent Coaching Institute

Contact: 9521774069


Jayhoo tiffin center

Homemade food prepared for students, office workers, and other. It is a pure veg tiffin center where steaming hot food is delivered to your home and office.

Address: Building No. 3 T 40, Sector 5, Hiran Magri, Near By Amba Mata Park

Contact: 9664271043


Food Gennie

Address: 18 C Kanchan Niwas, Rahat Hospital Road, Madhuban, Near Madhuban Circle

Contact: 9460493007, 9460493006


That was the list of all the finest tiffin services in Udaipur. If you are an outsider and have to search for a good tiffin service, you do not have to roam here and there anymore.

If you have any more suggestions regarding some more good tiffin services, feel free to share with us in the comment section below or e-mail at 

Places to Visit

Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now

City of lakes, Udaipur is full of beautiful places and palaces. Lots of lakes and the greenery around it has just only added to the beauty of the place. Thousands of tourists arrive in the city in every season of the year and along with that locals are too fond of the lakes, palaces, and forts in and around the city. But there comes a time when you are just bored of going to the same places again and again. It mostly happens with the local citizens of the city. On every weekend, there is the same question that we ask all of our friends and it is ‘where to go’?

It is true that the love of us for Lake Fatehsagar, Ambrai and Rani Road is limitless but it is not possible that we go to these places every now and then without getting bored. And at these times, we literally yearn for places which are new to us and which not many people have visited because believe it or not we all have this ‘keeda’ to be one of the first people to go and discover some new place. So, we have compiled you a list of places which are rarely visited and still a bit uncorrupted from much of the city people.


Rathasan Mataji Mandir

Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now

Very few of you would know about this temple. It is situated near to Chirwa tunnel. To reach the place one would need to ride through some village roads. You can spot the place on google maps easily. However, the temple is situated on a hill so it is necessary that you keep yourself a bit prepared to climb up the place. Stairs are available there so it won’t be a difficult task to do that. The trek is of around 2 km. But every drop of sweat you toil would be worth when you reach the top and look at the immense beauty all around. The cold wind that caresses your body after the trek is such a pleasure.


Alsigarh Dam


Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now
Picture by: dimpyb2

Alsigarh Dam is situated in a village named as Alsigarh. It is ahead of Nandeshwarji temple. It is at a distance of approximately 30 km from the city. So, if you plan to visit the place make sure that you are ready to travel well. But when you finally reach the place, every second of the travel would seem worthwhile. The long stretch of the lake, lush green mountains and the beautiful dam will make your day. It is quite far from the business of the city and that makes it exclusive. You can just spend some time with nature without worrying about getting caught in the hustle bustle of the city.


Kundeshwarji temple

Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now
Picture by: arpit vijayvargia

Kundeshwarji temple is situated on the Pindwara highway. It is at a distance of 26 km from the city. The temple seems quite shady and mysterious in the lap of nature. As you proceed inside, you will see there is a small waterfall as well as ‘Jalkund’ flowing through it. It is quite an adventurous place to spend your day at with your friends. And the place is full of things and spots where you might want to take hundreds of selfies. But some things that you need to keep in mind is that you might suffer there with lack of proper parking facilities and make sure that you do not keep any of your precious belonging in the vehicle as there are possibilities that they might get stolen.



Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now
Picture by: Pratish Kapil

Raayta is small village ahead of Kodiyat. The way to reach the village can be a bit tricky but you can spot it on google maps and the most traditional way of navigation which is ‘ask the villagers’. It may seem like what’s new in a village? Well, there is a hill which is Raayta hill and that is the main point of attraction. From the top of the Hill, you can capture a breathtaking view of the landscapes around you. The wind will just go with it. It is preferable that you visit the place in monsoon because at that time rain and the hill looks like soul mates. Above is the picture of Raayta Hill at the time of the night. Clear sky could make it possible to look at the Milky Way clearly.


Nandeshwarji temple and dam

Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now
Picture by: Pritesh Sharma

Nandeshwarji temple and dam is about 2-3 km ahead of the Araliyas Resort. The major attraction here is the temple and dam. Since there is a Dam, the peak time to visit here would be the monsoon when the water flow would be at its height. The mountains and the lush green landscapes that your eyes would be able to capture would seem unbelievable for a moment. Nandeshwar Lake can be seen from the point and the Lake is stretched so wide till the capacity of your eyes to see it. There won’t be many people in summers and winters so you need not worry about the excess crowd, however, at peak season, you can see a large amount of crowd having their leisurely time.


Sas Bahu Temple

Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now
Picture by: rakshith09

Sas Bahu Temple is a short name for Sahastra Bahu temple which means ‘the one with thousand arms’. The temple is dedicated to God Vishnu. It is situated in Nagda standing at a distance of 17 km from the city. It was built in early 10th century AD. The temples are now in ruins but one can still look at the magnificent architecture of the temples once. It oversees Bagela Lake and that adds to the immense beauty of the place that it already has. The road to reach the place is quite well conditioned which makes the place easily accessible.


Ahar museum and cenotaphs

Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now
Picture by: maximvo

Ahar museum and cenotaphs are situated at a distance of 3 km from the city. It is an archeological site which is believed to be built 350 years from now. Around 19 Mewar rulers were cremated here and the total number of Cenotaphs here is 250. Apart from the cenotaphs, there is a museum which preserves antiques from the 10th century which are iron objects, earthen pots, skin scrubber, grain pot, stone weights, animal figures, terracotta toys, statues and other excavated artifacts. If you are one of those people who have a keen interest in the history of a place, then this would actually take you back to history.


No matter how much we think that we have explored all the places, the city will never stop surprising us with new wonderful places. There are actually so many places apart from the usual spots that we prefer to hang out at. So, now that you have a list of all the less explored places, get ready to give a treat to your eyes and also share this list with your friends and make a plan of one awesome weekend now.

Also, if you have visited any place like such share with us in the comment section below or e-mail at We’ll be glad to hear from you.