Places to Visit

Chunda Palace Café: The Hunger Savior at Sajjangarh

Overlooking the city and also famous for its beautiful picturesque atmosphere, Sajjangarh Fort has always topped the traveler’s bucket list. The expedition to the lakecity is incomplete if one hasn’t explored this fort. The magnificent view from the best and the highest point around the city is unforgettable.

The only thing that was being missed by the tourists, as well as the local public, was a proper food junction.

The Chunda Palace Café:

We are glad to share the good news with you that this magnificent place now also has a café reloaded with new cold beverages. The cafeteria is managed by the grand Chunda Palace so the legacy of the hotel follows the café too. It caters to the needs of local public and tourists which makes sure that there is an increase in the graph of positive reviews.

This café is the new addition to everyone’s go-to list as one can enjoy peaceful evenings with delicious food at a single place. The café is loaded with many irresistible delicacies which can be enjoyed amidst the breathtaking view of the city.

Customer satisfaction has always been the motivation for the café owners. Keeping in mind the upcoming summer season, the café has introduced many delicious smoothies, mocktails, Ice teas and shakes as well making this café a perfect place to hang out with your friends, family and loved ones. The new menu makes the place more happening than ever.

So what are you waiting for?

Go out and capture the essence of this city with your DSLR’s in one hand a cold refreshing drink in the other only at the CHUNDA PALACE CAFÉ.

For any queries, Call at : 0294-2430252

History and Culture

प्राचीन उदयपुर का शासन प्रबंध

उदयपुर का इतिहास व्यापक है| इसके कुछ पहलू अब तक अन-छुए हैं|  इनमें से एक पहलू ऐसा है जिनके बारे में शायद हम सब ने कभी ना कभी ज़रूर सोचा होगा कि प्राचीन समय में उदयपुर व राजा के महल में शासन प्रबंध किस प्रकार रहा होगा| किस प्रकार उदयपुर के कारखाने व न्यायालय कार्य किया करते होंगे| इसका कुछ हाल महामहोपाध्याय कवि राज श्यामल दास द्वारा रचित मेवाड़ के इतिहास की प्रसिद्ध किताब “वीर विनोद” में मिल जाता है| वह हाल कुछ इस प्रकार है-

“कपड़े का भंडार–  कुल राज्य में जितना कपड़ा खर्च होता है वह सब इस कारखाने में से ख़रीद कर जमा होता है| कपड़े के मामूली खर्च के सिवा अगर विशेष खर्च हो तो यह अधिकारी के हुक्म से होता है

कपड़े द्वाराइस कारखाने में खास महाराणा साहिब के धारण करने के वस्त्र रहते हैं|

रोकड़ का भंडार–  यह राज्य का मामूली ख़ज़ाना है| कुल राज्य में रोकड़ का खर्च यहां से होता है|

हुक्म खर्च-  यह कारखाना खास महाराणा साहिब के जेब खर्च का है| प्रतिदिन जो खर्च महाराणा साहिब के ज़बानी हुक्म होता है, उसके हिसाब पर दूसरे दिन खुद महाराणा साहब अपनी मुहर कर देते हैं|

पांडे की ओरी–  (“ओरी” हमारे यहां मेवाड़ी में छोटे कमरे को कहा जाता है|) इस कारखाने में पहले तो बहुत ही प्राचीन चीजें रहती थी लेकिन उसके हिसाब किताब और जमा खर्च में गड़बड़ देखकर महाराणा शंभू सिंह जी ने कुल ख़ज़ाने की मौजूदा चीजों को मुलाहज़ा फरमाने  के बाद जो चीज जिस कारखाने के लायक पाई गई उसको वहां पहुंचा दी और जो चीजें नीलामी वह बख़्शीश लायक थी, उन्हें बख़्शीश दे दी गई| महाराणा साहिब के पहने हुए जेवर और तस्वीरें भी इस कारखाने में रहती है|

सेज की ओरी इस कारखाने में महाराणा साहिब के खास आराम करने के पलंग वगैरह की तैयारी रहती है|

रसोड़ाइस कारखाने में सभी राजसी जन के लिए भोजन तैयार होता है|  पुराने समय में वही पर भोजन किया जाता था| जिसका रिवाज़ इस तरह था की राणा साहब अपने चौकी पर विराजमान होकर  भोजन करते थे| रिवाज़ तो बना लेकिन उसके बाद किसी कारण से उस कारखाने में भोजन करना बंद हो गया| वर्तमान समय में महाराणा अपनी इच्छा अनुसार पासवानों को अपने सम्मुख पंक्तियों पर बिठा कर भोजन करने की आज्ञा देते हैं|

पनेराइस कारखाने में महाराणा साहिब के पीने का जल, खुश्क, और तर मेवा, नाथद्वारा व एकलिंगेश्वरजी वगैरह देवस्थानों का महाप्रसाद और दवाखाना वगैरह रहता है|  

सिलहखाना– इस कारखाने में तलवार, बर्छी और तीर- कमान वगैरह कई प्रकार के शस्त्र रहते है, जिनमे खड्ग भी है। इसके अतिरिक्त, वह तलवार भी है जो बेचरामाता ने शार्दूलगढ़ के राव जशकरन डोडिया को और उन्होंने महाराणा लक्ष्मणसिंह को दी थी। इस तलवार को बाँध कर महाराणा हमीर सिंह ने किला चित्तौडग़ढ़ मुसलमानों से वापिस लिया और इसी तलवार से महाराणा प्रताप अव्वल ने अकबर बादशाह के साथ कई लड़ाइयां लड़ी। उपरोक्त शस्त्रों के अलावा कई प्रकार की ढाले, तोप, कवच वगैरह भी है।

बंदूकों का कारखाना– इस कारखाने में कई प्रकार की तोड़दार बंदूक और जुजावले रहती है, इनके अलावा नए फैशन की कई तरह की टोपीदार व कारतूसी बंदूके और पिस्तौलें वर्तमान महाराणा साहिब (महाराणा सज्जन सिंह जी) ने इकट्ठी करी है। पहले यह कारखाना बाबा चंद्र सिंह के निगरानी में था और अब प्रताप सिंह की संभाल में है।

छुरी कटारी की ओरी– इस कारखाने में कई प्रकार की छुरी व कटारियां रहती है।

देवस्थान की कचहरी–  इस कारखाने में कई छोटे-मोटे देव-स्थानों के जमाखर्ची का प्रबंध है, जिनके पुजारियों के लिए कुछ ब्न्धात नियत कर दिया गया है, जो कुछ उनको इस कचहरी के द्वारा मिलता रहता है। जो कुछ बचत जिस मंदिर की आमदनी से होती है वह उसी मंदिर की समझी जाती है।  केवल निगरानी मात्र राज्य की ओर से मालिकाना तौर पर रहती है। यह कचहरी महाराणा स्वरूपसिंह जी के समय से जारी है।

Shambhuniwas [Shambhu Niwas] Palace, Udaipur
Shambhuniwas [Shambhu Niwas] Palace, Udaipur
शंभूनिवास– महाराणा शम्भुसिंह जी ने शंभूनिवास नामी अंग्रेजी तर्ज़ का एक महल बनवा कर उसकी तैयारी व रौशनी वगैरह का सामान तथा बहुत सी किस्म की प्राचीन चीज़ें इसी महल के दरोगाह रत्नलाल के सुपुर्द कर दी थी, जिससे यह एक बहुत बड़ा कारखाना बन गया।

जनानी ड्योढ़ी –  यह कोई कारखाना नहीं है, बल्कि एक अलग ही सरकार है। सैंकड़ो औरत व मर्द इस ड्योढ़ी से परवरिश पाते है। ड्योढ़ी का कुल काम महता लालचंद व प्यारचंद की निगरानी से होता है और इनके त्तहत में महारानियो के कामदार, मौसल, और दास, दासिया वगैरह सैंकड़ो मनुष्य है|

Elephant fight, Odeypur
Elephant fight, Odeypur

फ़िलख़ानाह– इस कारखाने के निगरान पहले बाबा चन्द्रसिंह हुए, बाद में महाराणा स्वरुपसिंह जी ने इसकी बागडोर ढीकडियां राधाकृष्ण के हाथों सौंप दी जो उनके बाद उनके बेटो ने बखूबी संभाली। इस कारखाने मैं पैंतीस से लेकर पचास हाथी रहते है।    

Stables in the palace, Udaipur
Stables in the palace, Udaipur

घुड़शाला– इस कारखाने में ख़ास महाराणा साहिब की सवारी के और सभ्यजनों के घोड़े तथा बग्घियों के घोड़े-घोड़िया रहती है।

फर्राशखानह– इस कारखाने मे राज्य के कुल डेरे, सरायचे, कनाते, परदे, फर्श वगैरह व महलो का सामान रहता है।

छापाखानह– यह कारखाना बैकुण्ठवासी महाराणा सज्जनसिंह जी ने कायम किया था। इसमें “सज्जन कीर्ति सुधारक” नामक अखबार, अदालतों के इश्तिहार, समन वगैरह कागज़ात छपते है। आपको बता दे की यह किताब (वीर विनोद) भी इसी कारखाने में छपी है।

पुस्तकालय– इस राज्य में दो मुख्य पुस्तकालय है, एक नवीन पुस्तकालय जिसका नाम “श्री सज्जनवाणी विलास” है, जिसका महाराणा सज्जनसिंह साहिब ने निर्माण किया है और दूसरी प्राचीन “सरस्वती भण्डार” के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है। इनके अलावा मदरसे व विक्टोरिया हॉल का पुस्तकालय अलग है।

ऊँटो का कारखाना– रियासत में ऊँटो के दो कारखाने है। एक ढिकड़िया नाथूलाल के त्तहत में है जिसमे नौकर ऊंट और हज़ार-बारह सौ सरकारी ऊंट है। और दूसरा मेरे (कविराज श्यामलदास) त्तहत है जिसमे 40 ऊंट और 10 घोड़ियां है। यह चौकी के उन पचास सरदारों की सवारी के लिए है जो मेरे त्तहत में है। इन सरदारों की नौकरी ख़ास महाराणा साहिब के हुक्म से ली जाती है।

The Victoria Hall, Udaipur
The Victoria Hall, Udaipur

विक्टोरिया हॉल– यह कारखाना महाराणा साहिब ने अपनी क़द्रदानी और महारानी क्वीन विक्टोरिया की यादगार ज्युबिली के निमित्त सज्जन निवास बाग में एक बहुत अच्छा महल बनवा कर कायम किया है। इसमें दो और भाग है- एक संग्रहालय और दूसरा पुस्तकालय।

टकशाल– पहले राज्य में दो टकशाले थी- एक चित्तौड़ में और दूसरी उदयपुर में। फिरहाल उदयपुर की टकशाला ही जारी है जिसमे स्वरूपशाही अशर्फिया और स्वरूपशाही, उदयपुरी और चांदोड़ी रुपया बनता है।

जंगी फ़ौज– यह क़वायदी फ़ौज है। इसकी बुनियाद महाराणा शम्भुसिंह जी के समय पड़ी थी।  लेकिन महाराणा सज्जनसिंह जी ने इसको बढ़ा कर और भी दुरुस्त कर दिया। इसमें क़वायदी पल्टने, रिसालह, तोपखाना, और बैंड-बाजा वगैरह शामिल है।

मुल्की फ़ौज– इस फ़ौज से मुल्क़ी पुलिस का काम लिया जाता है।  


महकमे ख़ास के सभी कारखानों का बयान तो हम ऊपर लिख चुके है, अब दूसरा भाग अदालती रहा। उसका वर्णन कुछ इस प्रकार है-

महद्राज सभा– इसे मेवाड़ की “रॉयल कॉउन्सिल” समझाना चाहिए। दो बैठके मिलकर फैसलानामा बनाती है जो महाराणा साहिब के सामने पेश किया जाता है फिर उनकी मंजूरी के अनुसार ही फैसले जारी किये जाते है।

महकमह स्टाम्प व रजिस्ट्री– इसमें स्टाम्प छप कर जारी होते है। मकानात व ज़मीन जायदाद की खरीद फरोख्त के विषय में रजिस्ट्री की कार्रवाई भी यही होती है।”

गौरतलब है की पुरातन शासन प्रबंध आज के उदयपुर का आधार है। शान्ति और एकता हमेशा से ही यहाँ बसी है और आशा है की उदयपुर युहीं दुनिया में अपनी पहचान बनाये रखेगा।


उदयपुर के कुछ और प्राचीन और रौचक तस्वीरें देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें-

76 Superb Classic Photos of Old Udaipur




Things That You Should Not Do In Udaipur

Udaipur is a city of dreams. People from all around the world have bucket listed Udaipur on a priority and there’s no reason why they shouldn’t. After all, it is one such city which is pretty appealing in every field whether it be history, culture, food, palaces, you name it and it shines already. Oh, and did I tell you it has several other names too such as city of lakes, Kashmir or Rajasthan, Venice of the east, etc.? With all these things, one thing is for sure that when one visits the beautiful city of lakes, he will not only be awestruck by the beauty of the city but on the other hand he will be completely smitten and would want to stay here forever.

But be careful, while you are just getting indulged in the beauty of the city and travelling with all your heart, there are some things which you should better not do, so that at the end of your trip, all that you have is memories and lots and lots of mind-blowing pictures at all the exotic locations.

Do not think of Udaipur as an ordinary city

Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now
Picture by: maximvo

While we get tired of praising the city, there are so many people out there who think Udaipur as a small town with nothing much to explore. You should never ever do that. It is true that the city is not too large in area but, trust me, it is enough. It is not a drop in the ocean, it is an ocean in a single drop. In fact, the size of the city will be very helpful to you. You won’t have to travel for hours to go from one spot to other, unlike metros where you just spend your whole day and get to visit only 1-2 places. Here you can travel almost 50% of the city roughly in 24 hours. Isn’t it an added perk to the City of Lakes?


You should not utter a single bad word about Fatehsagar

Reasons why you shouldn’t visit Udaipur
Picture by: Anusha Bhardwaj

Fatehsagar has been the heart of the city for a very long time. You can spot people chilling at the pal of the Lake at every time of the day, at every season of the year. And on weekends, the place is literally flooded with people. And there’s no reason it shouldn’t. The place, after all, is something where nature shows the most beautiful self. So now that you know the essence of the place, it is quite clear that if you say anything bad about the Lake, the people here might get a bit defensive or it is also possible that they might change your perception towards it.


Do not have some random junk food as your meal

Source: Indobase

While you are on your visit to Udaipur, do not fill your stomach with ordinary food which you can get all around the country. Rather please your taste buds with the exclusive traditional food of Rajasthan which is Dal Baati. You cannot leave Udaipur without having this delicious delight. Other delicacies which you would want to have in here is Ghatte ki sabzi, Laal Maans (if you are non-vegetarian), Rajma, Ker Sangri, etc. These are all the traditional Rajasthani food which are so delicious that at the end of every bite you will keep licking your fingers.


You should not miss going to the palaces

Udaipur is very rich in terms of its history and culture. It is not, in any way, less than any other city when it comes to royal palatial properties and forts. Which is why it is also called the royal city. There are several palaces and forts which are directly connected to the history of its rulers who used to rule Mewar back then (Udaipur and some more cities combined was called Mewar back then). Forts like Sajjangarh Fort, Kumbhalgarh Fort, and palaces such as City Palace, Lake Palace, etc. are the monuments which are standing intact from those times in the city.


If you are a tourist do not go for any other means of shopping instead of street shopping

Reasons why you shouldn’t visit Udaipur
picture by:

If you are someone who doesn’t belong to Udaipur, then it would be a mere waste of money if you opt for any other means of shopping instead of street shopping. The main reason behind that is you will not get such forms of clothing, jewelry, and other handicrafts anywhere so you would not want to waste your money on something which you already have or you can get anywhere. You can get traditional clothing items, modern jewelry, different handicrafts, handmade painted t-shirts, paintings, etc. It is suggested that you go shopping in the old city of Udaipur.


Do not forget to praise the beautiful lakes all around

There are a total of 11 lakes in and around the city. Aren’t you astonished by the fact that in such a small city resides a total of 11 lakes? These Lakes involves famous lakes which are Fatehsagar, Pichola, Badi Lake, Udai Sagar and other Lakes such as Swaroop Sagar, Dudh Talai, Goverdhan Sagar, Purohito ka Talaab, Goverdhan Sagar, Madaar, Jaisamand Lake, and Rajsamand Lake. The shocking fact about these lakes is that most of these lakes are artificial, handmade lakes. These lakes are so beautiful and peaceful that they will just take all your worries from your life. You will be actually forced to praise them for their beauty.

Udaipur offers the same amount of peace and serenity to everyone who visits this city. It will just capture your heart right away and keep it here forever. Once you visit the city, you will always yearn to visit again. Well, these were some things which you absolutely not do while on your visit to the amazing City of lakes.

If you have any feedback regarding the article share with us in the comment section below or send an email to


Planning a one-day Udaipur trip? Here’s a list of some must visit places

Udaipur has an unparalleled splendor and remains one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is a city famous for its bewitching architecture, scrumptious Rajasthani cuisine, and striking monuments that hold rich history behind its walls. Such is the charm of the city that a one-day visit seems incomplete just by the mention of it. There are simply so many places to explore in and around the city and each place is so alluring, it feels as if it just doesn’t want to let go of you.

Millions of tourists travel to the beautiful City of Lakes every year to find out what the fuss is all about, and much to their amazement, go back with a truckload of memories and stories worth giving an ear to! It is one of the most sought-after places for travel enthusiasts and a popular backpacking destination as well.

Planning a one-day Udaipur trip? Here's a list of some must visit places
Source – Trans India Travels

Most of the tourists visiting Udaipur throughout the year are backpackers and budget travelers who visit the city for merely a day and search for places to go to that can make their traveling videos and photo albums a lot more colorful. Well, Udaipur never disappoints, and for the same purpose, we have come up with a list of places you must visit during a day’s trip (supposedly, morning to evening). Have a look:

1. Fatehsagar Lake:

Planning a one-day Udaipur trip? Here's a list of some must visit places
Source – Welcome2Rajasthan

A trip to Udaipur would be a trip in vain if you do not visit the majestic lakes in the City of Lakes! You must not miss the sight of the rising Sun and the tranquility that is during morning around these lakes. The sound of the chirping birds and water hitting the shore is soothing and with a plate of ‘Poha’ and sizzling hot ‘Chai’ (tea), should you even ask for more? You can spend the morning hours here as well as at Lake Pichola overlooking the City Palace, Jag Mandir, and Lake Palace from Karni Mata as the rest of the city becomes operational mostly after Ten.

2. The City Palace Museum:

Planning a one-day Udaipur trip? Here's a list of some must visit places
Source – Rajasthan

And to take a deeper look into the rich history of Mewar kingdom and all of its rulers, a trip to the Palace is a must. After you have had your breakfast, you must move on to the City Palace complex. The City Palace complex is a splendid example of Rajasthani architecture and the cultural heritage of Mewar built by Maharana Udai Singh II. A visit to the museum typically takes 2-3 hours and entry to the museum is chargeable at a fee of ₹300 for adults and ₹100 for children aged 5-18. The museum opens at 0900 hours and closes at 1730 hours. Also, check out Palki Khana Restaurant inside the palace complex.

3. Sajjan Garh (Monsoon Palace):

Planning a one-day Udaipur trip? Here's a list of some must visit places
Source – Tripsbank

Painted with white artistic domes on top of a hill is the glorious Monsoon Palace. It is named after Maharana Sajjan Singh Ji who built the palace chiefly to visit during the Monsoon season. It provides a panoramic view of the city and surroundings which a delightful sight. A visit here takes 2-3 hours and entry to this Palace is at a nominal cost of ₹80-90 for each person whereas vehicles are charged too. The preferred timing to visit Sajjangarh is from 1000 hours to 1700 hours. You can also visit the Sajjangarh Biological Park and Zoo located at the foot of the hill.

4. Old City Tour and Shopping:

Planning a one-day Udaipur trip? Here's a list of some must visit places
Source –

A visit to Udaipur is incomplete without some shopping from the local markets. Udaipur is famous for wooden handicrafts, traditional jewelry, brassware, pagadis (turban), mojadis (ethnic footwear), leather items, etc. Visit these local markets at Hathipole, Bapu Bazaar, and Palace road and treat yourself with some amazing collection of items from the local nearby villages. Don’t forget to treat your taste buds with some lip-smacking Rajasthani food as well. And don’t worry if you are left with some more time, try visiting Jagdish Temple, Vintage Car Museum, Bagore ki Haveli, Maharana Pratap Smarak (memorial), you will be left in awe!

5. Dinner by the Lake – ending it in style!

Planning a one-day Udaipur trip? Here's a list of some must visit places
Source – Travel Triangle

As the day closes to an end, there is one thing that will haunt you for the rest of your lives if not done, while in Udaipur, and that is a blissful candle-lit dinner by the lakeside overlooking the City Palace as it lights up in all its glory. There are several lake-facing restaurants by Pichola serving cuisines from all over the world with an ambiance worth every penny that you shell out. Dig in at any of these places and don’t forget to click pictures as you are definitely going to be making this trip, a trip of your lifetime!

A lot remains unexplored during this one-day trip to Udaipur. Take out some time and come back soon because one visit just ain’t enough!

Tell us how your trip to Udaipur was and share your memories with us. I will be glad to see all of them!

Have a great day.



Places to Visit

A list of the Best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Fortunately enough, Udaipur has been gifted with some of the most beautiful and scenic places on Earth and it wouldn’t be fair if we do not get a chance to experience this beauty at least once in our lifetime. Well, thanks to the jaw-dropping set of hotels and resorts, we not only rank among the top in the list of the most beautiful cities of the world but in the list of some of the best hotels as well.

Time and again, the hotels and resorts in Udaipur have won many national and international awards for breathtaking architecture and spectacular hospitality, the main reason behind so many vacation and destination wedding plans for some of the major celebrities, politicians, business tycoons, and head honchos of the world.

No wonder Udaipur leaves a lasting impression on everybody with its unparalleled beauty and the calmness that resides within the heart of the city. Here’s a peek into some of the most stunning hotels and resorts of the town and how they’ve left every guest in awe!

1. Taj Lake Palace

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Elegantly built as the pleasure palace for Maharana Jagat Singh II in 1746, Jag Niwas is now known as the Taj Lake Palace and has been voted as the Best Hotel in Asia and the Indian Sub-Continent by readers of UK’s Conde Nast Traveller magazine 2016. Equipped with 83 luxurious rooms, this hotel has been the shooting spot for Octopussy and many other films and TV serials. It is built in the middle of Lake Pichola offering a wondrous view of the palace and the mountain ranges. You’ve got to visit it once to experience the glory!

For Reservations:  The Taj Lake Palace

2. The Oberoi Udaivilas

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Another sublime beauty located on the bank of Lake Pichola is the majestic Udaivilas. It is infamous for winning a horde of awards and hospitality that leaves you speechless. It has been ranked #1 hotel in the world by popular magazines like TripAdvisor (2014), The Outlook Traveller (2015), Travel + Leisure (2015 and 2016), etc. time and again. It became much popular after KJo’s Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani was shot here. It spreads across a 50-acre sprawling campus with lush green gardens and interconnected domes. You have to be there to witness the beauty.

For Reservations: The Oberoi Udaivilas

3. The Leela Palace

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Again on the bank of Lake Pichola is the astonishing modern palace hotel, The Leela Palace. Known for its intricate designing and serene views, the hotel is equipped with 80 luxurious rooms that cater to every aspect of ‘beauty’. It is a popular destination wedding spot for people all over. Experience the beauty overlooking this beautiful lake.

For Reservations: The Leela Palace

4. Trident

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Spread over an area of 43-acre with huge lawns and unmatched peace and tranquility, Trident offers beautiful 137 rooms and 4 suites with amazing hospitality and a multi-cuisine restaurant that offers a wide variety of food. You’d love to be in the lap of nature here.

For Reservations: Trident

5. Radisson Blu Udaipur Palace Resort and Spa

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Overlooking Lake Fatehsagar is the beautifully constructed and elegantly standing Radisson Blu. With 245 spacious rooms and restaurants serving pan-Asian food, Radisson is a popular choice for tourists from around the world. It looks spectacularly lit in the evenings and it is as beautiful as it gets.

For Reservations: Radisson Blu Udaipur Palace Resort and Spa

6. Shiv Niwas Palace

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

A stay without royal treatment in Udaipur is a stay in vain. Shiv Niwas Palace, a part of HRH group, housed in the city place premises offers an unprecedented Rajputana experience with 17 decorated suites with original portraits and furniture belonging to the Royal family. Stayed here?

For Reservations: Shiv Niwas Palace

7. Fateh Prakash Palace

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Another feather in the cap of HRH is Fateh Prakash Palace with 21 rooms and 44 elegant suites. It puts you in the shoes of the kings, with royal experiences when you sit on furniture from toshkhanas and replica paintings of the kingdom of Mewar. You become a part of the legacy and the royal lineage when you stay here.

For Reservations: Fateh Prakash Palace

8. Jag Mandir Island Palace

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

A historic 17th-century palace built in the middle of Lake Pichola adjacent to Jag Niwas. This beautiful palace is the most popular choice for weddings and is known for some of the most lavish, royal, and extravagant weddings ever organized. The place houses 7 suites and guests are ferried here enjoying the picturesque Lake Pichola.

For Reservations: Jag Mandir Island Palace

9. The LaLiT

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Another beautiful property overlooking Lake Fatehsagar is The LaLiT Laxmi Vilas Palace that stands proudly in the heart of the city offering a delightful view of the historic city of Mewar. It offers a good 55 rooms redesigned after this royal palace was built in 1911 for His Highness Maharana Fateh Singh Ji. It is a popular choice for royal weddings and parties.

For Reservations: The LaLiT

10. Hotel Fateh Garh 

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Built on a hilltop, Fateh Garh offers a breathtaking view of the city overlooking city palace and the lakes. It has been on the list of top hotels since 2009 by Conde Nast Traveller magazine and is often viewed as a luxurious heritage hotel. It is a sought-after choice for tourists and destination weddings. The swimming pool here has been ranked among the six sexiest swimming pools in the world in a survey.

For Reservations: Fateh Garh

11. The Willows Club – Jagat at Vivanta by Taj

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Another recently opened lavish property by Taj is The Willows Club – Jagat at Vivanta. They strive to offer a rare club-like experience with acres of bliss in pristine nature. The club has several recreational spots, cabanas, restaurants, pool, and numerous other activities to keep you enthralled. It is located in Kodiyat, Udaipur.

For Reservations: Willows Club – Jagat

12. Chunda Palace

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

This hotel belongs to a noble family of the Mewar kingdom and reportedly took 16 years of time to be fully constructed. No wonder the architecture amazes every guest and the incomparable hospitality leaves you spellbound. It conserves the rich Rajasthani culture and is a great choice for boutique hotels across town. It has 46 rooms including 16 suites that offer a delightful view of the Aravalli ranges.

For Reservations: Chunda Palace

13. Ramada Udaipur Resort and Spa

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Built with traditional stonework and height varying from the highest to lowest point by 40 meters in a sprawling 6.6-acre campus is Ramada Udaipur. It provides scintillating views of the city along with 72 multi-tiered rooms and suites. It surely puts your search for romantic hotels to an end.

For Reservations: Ramada Udaipur

14. Shouryagarh Resort and Spa

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

This recently established resort is a sought-after destination for weddings and events these days. It offers impeccable hospitality and 40 acres of peaceful and lush green orchards and landscaped gardens. It even boasts of a revolving restaurant which is a head-turner!

For Reservations: Shourya Garh

15. Ananta Udaipur

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

This resort caters to your every need with 75-acres of gigantic premises housed with 206 contemporary villas and lots of other facilities. It is set amidst the backdrop of Aravalli ranges and offers a respite from the hustle and bustle of the city. This truly is the place to be!

For Reservations: Ananta Udaipur

16. Labhgarh Palace Resort and Spa

A list of the Best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur


Located in the foothills of Cheerwa Ghat, amidst the Aravalli ranges is this scenic resort offering all the modern facilities and convenience. Enjoy your stay with sumptuous food and swimming in the garden pools and enjoying in the sports lounge.

For Reservations: Labhgarh

17. RAAS Devigarh

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

This exhilarating heritage property which served as a pass into the valley in the 18th century has now been restored to a premier five-star property of Rajasthan. Located in the countryside, housing 39 spacious and exuberant rooms, this campus is a treat to stay in. It was transformed into a hotel in 1999 and has been attracting people from all over the world ever since.

For Reservations: RAAS Devigarh 

18. The Royal Retreat Resort and Spa

A List of The Best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Yet another place to soothe your soul and rejuvenate yourselves is The Royal Retreat Resort and Spa located in Hawala Village near Badi. The resort boasts of 100 well-equipped rooms which are connected through walkways around the swimming pools. This place is a hotspot for destination weddings.

For Reservations: Royal Retreat Udaipur

We hope your stay in Udaipur is as royal as its history. 

Tell us about your stay in our city and how was your experience! We’d love to hear your story of Udaipur.

Happy Staying!


What all to take away from Udaipur with just ₹500?

Udaipur has always enchanted us with its beauty and it becomes next to impossible to forget once you have been here. Such is the charm of the city that people often refer to this place as the ‘Kashmir of Rajasthan’ or ‘Venice of the East’. No wonder why this city is compared with some of the most beautiful places on the planet.

Visiting this majestic city surely is one-of-a-kind experience but what really strengthens this experience are the memories of Udaipur and more so in the form of collectibles, antiques, handicrafts, jewelry, wearables and many more items. Udaipur has been gifted with a rich history and unlike any other place, puts it on with pride, in the form of some famous intricate artworks and keepsakes that have since long, become the popular choice for reviving the royal Rajputana feel and a chance to reanimate the luxurious lifestyle of the ancestors of Mewar. And not just this, these things are nowadays used to decorate houses and other places as well.

But ‘the paradox of choice’ is as true as it gets and Udaipur is filled up to the brim with loads of varieties of items to take and one often gets confused as to what to buy and what to leave behind. Additionally, a substantial amount of money is what it usually costs to buy these items because things can get really expensive sometimes.

But as they also say, ‘Hakuna Matata’, or simply, ‘Don’t worry!!!’ because we have got your back and here we are with the list of some of the best items to take away from our beautiful city of lakes and what else, when you just have ₹500 to shell!? Wait, what!? Yes!

Here’s the list of items you can check out and take away without having to make a hole in your pocket:

  1. Refrigerator Magnets:

These are one of the best things you can take when you travel to a new city. It makes all the more sense if you are an avid traveler and love to see how many places you have visited yet! Have a look at some of these available here. Aren’t they beautiful?

What all to take away from Udaipur with just ₹500?

Estimated cost – ₹20/- onwards

Shop at – Taiyabi Handicrafts Emporium, 123-G, Pannadhay Marg, Hathipole, Udaipur

  1. Marble items:

Udaipur, apart from its palatial beauty and grandeur, is known for Marbles and you can easily find items made out of them in the local markets here. The marble industry employs a large population of the city and is one major business of Udaipur. Some really popular ones are mortar, pestle, lamp stand, incense stick holder and God idols. Have a look at some of these!

What all to take away from Udaipur with just ₹500?

Estimated cost – ₹50 onwards/-

Shop at – Jharokha, Rajasthan Art Industries, 123-J, Hathipole, Udaipur

  1. Wall hanging:

These are the popular choice for tourists visiting Udaipur as they provide a distinctive look to your house and have a Rajasthani feel to it. These are made out of copper, wood, etc. They are often considered good for Vastu too. Have a look at some these here.

What all to take away from Udaipur with just ₹500?

Estimated cost – ₹100/- onwards

Shop at – Taiyabi Handicrafts Emporium, 123-G, Pannadhay Marg, Hathipole, Udaipur

  1. Wooden Handicrafts:

The most popular item of choice for tourists and commonly available at Hathipole bazaar are the wooden handicrafts that have a range of objects from key chains to sculptures and mannequins. These are locally produced in and around Udaipur employing a large rural population which has now become professionally skilled and have passed this on to the succeeding generations. Take a look at some of these here! (These are available in different sizes and can be as small as the palm of the hand and as big as your height.)

What all to take away from Udaipur with just ₹500?

Estimated cost – ₹50/- onwards (for mannequins and handicrafts) ₹10/- onwards (for keychains)

Shop at – Taiyabi Handicrafts Emporium, 123-G, Pannadhay Marg, Hathipole, Udaipur

  1. Ittar (Perfume):

‘Ittar’, ‘Attar’, or ‘Itra’ is known world-over for its aroma and largely believed to treat numerous health disorders. It has been a part of the cultural lifestyle of our predecessors for decades. These are made by plants and flowers or a mixture of oil and herbs. Udaipur is famous for Gulaab Ittar (Rose perfume), Mogra (Arabian Jasmine) and Harsingar Ittar (Night Jasmine) and is commonly available in small bottles. Take a look!

What all to take away from Udaipur with just ₹500?

Estimated cost – ₹50/- onwards

Shop at – Prince Perfume Centre, Opp. Hathipole, Udaipur

  1. Rajasthani dresses:

Any trip to Rajasthan is incomplete without at least a photo in our local attire. Rajasthani traditional dresses are available at Hathipole market and are in major demand as they give a unique look to a person. Take a look at this Kedia dress here!

What all to take away from Udaipur with just ₹500?

Estimated cost – ₹200/- onwards

Shop at – Satyam Shivam Sundaram, Opp. Hathipole Gate, Udaipur

  1. Bandhani saris and dupatta:

If you were thinking how all the dresses are only meant to be worn by men then you are mistaken. We have something in store for all the females too. The ‘Bandhani’ is a type of tie-dye textile whose origin dates back to the 6th century where Bandhani dots can be seen in paintings and are extremely popular among Rajasthanis. Commonly known as Bandhej, it involves dyeing a fabric and tying it tightly with threads at several points which results in patterns like Chandrakala, Shikari, Bavan Baug, etc. The main colors used are yellow, red, blue, green and black. Take a look at some pieces from Udaipur’s local market here.

What all to take away from Udaipur with just ₹500?

Estimated cost – ₹100 onwards/- (available at different costs for different fabrics)

Shop at – Bandhej Art Plaza, 76, Behind Urban Bank, Hathipole, Udaipur

  1. Jewellery:

Rajasthan is one of the culture capitals of India and the jewelry here is drool worthy! Locally crafted jewelry can be found in shops at the old city market in Udaipur and are quite a choice among women as they provide a gorgeous look and have pretty unusual designs. Popular options include bajubandh, nath and long, rakhdi, bangadi or acrylic kade (bangles), surliya or earrings with kundan work, etc. Here’s an example!

What all to take away from Udaipur with just ₹500?

Estimated cost – ₹50/- onwards (for earrings) ₹200 onwards (for bangles and other items)

Shop at – Gujarat Jewelers, Hathipole, Udaipur

  1. Pagri and other Rajasthani accessories:

Traditionally, the turban is called ‘Pagri’, ‘Paag’ or ‘Saafa’ and it was then worn by Rajput families at rituals and special occasions. The way of tying a turban changes every few kilometers in Rajasthan and varies from tribe to tribe! Nowadays this tradition has been reduced to villagers but still remains an amazing experience for the tourists. Also, delicately designed women’s handbags (or jholas) and purses are some popular choice among tourists with varied Rajasthani designs of elephants, horses, depict the rich cultural heritage with colorful details. Here, take a look!

What all to take away from Udaipur with just ₹500?

Estimated cost – ₹120/- onwards (pagris) ₹50/- onwards (purse and handbags)

Shop at – Hathipole market, Udaipur

  1. Jootiya/Mojari:

Jootiya/Mojari is a traditional footwear ethnic to Rajasthan and is a hot favorite among both men and women. They symbolize the royal culture of Rajasthan since they were worn by Rajput kings and queens. Here’s how beautiful they look!

What all to take away from Udaipur with just ₹500?


Estimated cost – ₹200/- onwards

Shop at – Mojri Collection, Panna Dhay Marg, Hathipole, Udaipur

  1. Earthen clay items:

They are commonly available in the old city market and also at Shilpgram. The utensils made with usually depict the old-style cooking and are usually considered better than food cooked in the utensils we use nowadays. They are made up of earthen clay and can be still seen in use in villages. There are other items available as well. Here’s how they look!

What all to take away from Udaipur with just ₹500?

Estimated cost – ₹50/- onwards

Shop at – Shilpgram, Udaipur

These things would surely make your confusion a little less confusing and you take the best of things you can without digging your pocket! We hope your stay in Udaipur becomes a memorable one for life.

All the best!

We hope you liked the collection of items and we would love to see more such things. Please comment down below with your suggestions and anything that you think we might have forgotten! 

Have a great day. Thank you!






[Friendship Day Special] Screening of Singham for entire Police Force

This Friendship day, 7th August 2011, Ashoka Cinema and Picture Palace Cinema organised a free special show of the movie Singham (starring Ajay Devgn and Prakash Raj, directed by Rohit Shetty) for the entire Police Force of Udaipur. The show started at about 10:15 a.m. and the management got a whopping response from the entire department, with around 700 officers and other members of the Police coming to see the movie at Picture Palace.

Special screening of Singham | UdaipurBlog

Singham – The film is set in a small village in Maharashta, where corruption is rife and crooked politicians call the shots. Ajay Devgn’s character Bajirao Singham is an honest police officer who has the single minded mission to eradicate all the corruption by any means possible. He is inspiring and defines the role of a Police officer. He exemplifies honesty and the will to drive a positive change. These are the traits we all wish to see in our Police.

It is a belief that today Cinema is the most influential form of entertainment. Films are creating an unprecedented impact on our generation and socially-responsible-movies like Singham are taking lead. On the Friendships Day, and a few days before Independence Day, the initiative to bring the entire Police force together under one roof, reminding them that they are the friends of the society and it is their utmost responsibility to maintain our freedom, is absolutely a great thinking and implementation by the management.

Ashoka Cinema & Picture Palace Cinema have been providing quality entertainment to the City of Udaipur since 1945 and shall continue to do so for times to come. We always hope that inspiring movies, motivational movies, and movies with a message continue to release at our cinemas and entertain the people. We express are happiness and pride that Udaipur’s Police have been always around in times of trouble and have kept this city safe and peaceful. We express our gratitude towards them on this Friendship Day for being with us always. We also thank the department for allowing us to have this screening as our humble contribution towards betterment of our society.” said Mr. Mukund Sanghi, on behalf of Ashoka Cinema & Picture Palace Cinema.

here are a few glimpses from the screening:

Special screening of Singham | UdaipurBlogSpecial screening of Singham | UdaipurBlogSpecial screening of Singham | UdaipurBlogSpecial screening of Singham | UdaipurBlogSpecial screening of Singham | UdaipurBlogSpecial screening of Singham | UdaipurBlog