
उदयपुर के नि: शुल्क योग केंद्र | International Yoga Day 2018

हम में से बहुत से लोग वास्तव में योग करना चाहते हैं लेकिन समस्या ये है कि हमें ये नहीं पता की हमें कहाँ जाना चाहिए? समय क्या होगा? क्या कक्षाएं मेरे बजट में फिट होंगी या नहीं? इसलिए, जानकारी की कमी के कारण, हम उसे टालते रहते हैं और वास्तव में इसके लिए कभी नहीं जाते ही नहीं। तो, यहां उदयपुर के कुछ स्थानों की सूची दी गई है जो नियमित योग प्रथाओं को प्रदान करती हैं और ये सभी बिल्कुल मुफ्त हैं।

राजकीय आदर्श आयुर्वेद चिकित्सालय

योग केंद्र अस्पताल की शीर्ष मंजिल पर स्थित है जहां स्थानीय लोग योग का अभ्यास करने और स्वयं को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए हर सुबह आते हैं। यह योग केंद्र पूरे साल उपलब्ध है। योग के समय हर सुबह 6 बजे से 7 बजे होते हैं।

पता: आयुर्वेद अस्पताल, सिंधी बाजार आरडी, नाडा खाडा, उदयपुर, राजस्थान 313001

फ़ोन: 9414343757

योग सेवा समिति - उदयपुर में नि: शुल्क योग केंद्र
Source: times of India blogs

आर्य समाज हॉल

हिरणमगरी के क्षेत्र में रहने वाले लोगों के लिए, हर सुबह मुख्य शहर तक योग करने के लिए जाना काफी मुश्किल है। तो ऐसे में, यह उनके लिए एक अच्छा विकल्प है। योग केंद्र के लिए समय सुबह 5:30 से 7:30 और शाम 5:00 से 6:00 बजे तक है।

पता: आर्य समाज हॉल, सेक्टर 4, उदयपुर राजस्थान

फ़ोन: 9414001922


रेड क्रॉस सोसाइटी

अगर आपको लगता है की आप सवेरे इतना जल्दी रोज़ नहीं जाग सकते तो ये जगह आप ही के लिए है । यहाँ योग के शुरू होने का समय सुबह 7 से 8 बजे तक है। साल भर लोग यहाँ योग प्रयास करने के लिए आते है और खुद को स्वस्थ रखते है ।

पता: 5, गायत्री नगर, सैटेलाइट अस्पताल के पास, सेक्टर 5, प्रभात नगर, हिरण मगरी

फ़ोन: 8875278867


योग सेवा समिति - उदयपुर में नि: शुल्क योग केंद्र
Source: indiawest

सामुदायिक भवन

काफी लोग उदयपुर की कई जगहों से यहाँ पर योग करने के लिए आते है । शहर के पास ही स्थित इस योग केंद्र का समय सुबह 6 से 7 है ।

पता: धानमंडी

फ़ोन: 9636591311


प्रकाश योग केंद्र

प्रकाश जी पिछले 30 सालों से योग कर रहे है । यहाँ पर सुबह और सवेरे दोनों समय क्लास होती है । यहाँ पर आपको देशी और विदेशी दोनों तरह के लोग मिल जायेगे योग करते हुए । ये क्लास डोनेशन पर चलती है । तो क्लास के अंत में अगर आप चाहे तो अपने अनुसार डोनेशन बॉक्स में डोनेट कर सकते है ।

पता: चांदपोल, गाडिया देवरा मंदिर के पास, उदयपुर (राज) 313001

फ़ोन: 96605 67621


शिव पार्क

योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 6 से 7 और शाम 4 से 5:30 है

पता: शिव पार्क सेक्टर 6 हिरणमगरी नगर निगम पार्क

फोन: 941458958, 94143480199


चाणक्य पार्क एवं पूजा पार्क

चाणक्य पार्क का समय है सुबह 5 से 7 और पूजा पार्क का समय है सुबह 6 से 7

पता: सेक्टर 4 हिरणमगरी

फोन: 7742261383, 9352501897

योग सेवा समिति - उदयपुर में नि: शुल्क योग केंद्र
Source: omexchange

धूलकोट चौराहा

योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 6 से 8

पता: 76, जयश्री कॉलोनी, धूलकोट

फ़ोन: 9928350303


कला सदन

योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 6 से 7 है

पता: सेक्टर 8, हिरणमगरी

फ़ोन: 9462474178


सामुदायिक केंद्र

योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 6 से 7 है

पता: पुरोहितों की मादड़ी

फ़ोन: 7413987880



योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 6 से 7 है

पता: गणेश मंदिर, गणेश टेकरी, गली नंबर 152, कृष्णपुरा, भोपालपुरा

फ़ोन: 9414758214


राजकीय प्राकृतिक चिकित्सालय

योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 6:30 से 8 है

पता: भट्टियानी चौहट्टा

फ़ोन: 8107771222


हेमराज राष्ट्रीय व्यायामशाला

योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 5:30 से 6:30

पता: रावजी का हाटा

फ़ोन: 9460082822


यूनिवर्सिटी रोड

योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 6 से 7

पता: 16, यूनिवर्सिटी रोड, हीराबाग़ कॉलोनी

फ़ोन: 9166328584


सिन्धु भवन

योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 6:30 से 7:30

पता: सिन्धु भवन, जवाहर नगर

फ़ोन: 9829611851


सनातन मंदिर

योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 6:30 से 7:30

पता: सनातन मंदिर, शक्तिनगर

फ़ोन: 9414164062


सी ए सर्किल

योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 6 से 7

पता: सी ए सर्किल, सेक्टर 14, हिरणमगरी

फ़ोन: 8003893118

उदयपुर के नि: शुल्क योग केंद्र
Source: getty images

पालीवाल समाज भवन

योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 5:30 से 6:30

पता: सेक्टर 9, हिरणमगरी

फ़ोन: 9414758973


सामुदायिक भवन

योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 5:30 – 6:30

पता: सामुदायिक भवन, मनवा खेडा, बी एस एन एल कॉलोनी

फ़ोन: 9413454950


संस्कृत महाविद्यालय

योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 5:30 से 7

पता: संस्कृत महाविद्यालय मंदिर का चौक, चांदपोल

फ़ोन: 9413263414


सामुदायिक केंद्र

योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 6 से 7

पता: सामुदायिक केंद्र, पोलो ग्राउंड

फ़ोन: 8741994674


सामुदायिक केंद्र

योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 6 से 7

पता: अहिंसापुरी, फतेहपुरा

फ़ोन: 7976189214



योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 5:30 से 6:30

पता: सुन्दरवास

फ़ोन: 9166226669



योग शुरू होने का समय है शाम 4 से 5

पता: प्रेम नगर, कृष्णा वाटिका, तितरडी

फ़ोन: 9649976763



योग शुरू होने का समय है सुबह 5 से 6

पता: गायरियावास

फ़ोन: 8741051213

क्या आपको आपके लिए सबसे उपयुक्त योग केंद्र मिल गया? तो आज ही से तय कर लीजिये की अपने शरीर और अपनी मन का ख्याल अब से आप रोज़ करेंगे ।

Places to Visit

Karni Mata Temple- Legend and History

The beauty of the city which one can devour from the hillock of Karni Mata Temple is one of the many angles from which Udaipur is captured every day. I’d say this one is a better angle. Shri Mansapurna Karni Mata Temple, located on Machla Hills near Din Dayal Upadhyaya Park, is at a perfect height which is accessible through either around 150 m of stairs starting from Din Dayal Park and reaching straight up to the temple or a 4 min. Ropeway route. Surprisingly, the temple has a large well- maintained area covering most part of the hillock. The panoramic view of Lakes, Palaces, whitewashed, closely placed houses, Gulab Bagh and all the area surrounding the hill is addictive. One can actually see the shades of water of Lake Pichola from here.



The main Temple of Karni Mata in Deshnok, also known as “ the Temple of Rats”, is 30 km from Bikaner. Karni Mata was basically a Hindu sage who was born as the seventh daughter of Charan Rajput clan in 1387 AD in Suwap village of Jodhpur district. She was believed to be the incarnation of Goddess Durga. Her original name was Ridhu Bai. She was married to Depoji Charan of Sathika village but after just two years of married life and despite the initial mockery from her husband, she married off her sister Gulab to her husband and left the village forever in order to fulfill her desire to leave all the worldly affairs and live life like a Nomad. After wandering for some time with her followers and herd, she reached Deshnok and finally settled here and also by then she became Karni Mata. The temple is famous for its enormous population of 25,000 rats which are religiously known as “Kabbas”. The story behind the rat population is that once the stepson of Karni Mata, Laxman, fell and died in the Kapil Sarovar in Kolayat Tehsil in attempt to drink water. After continuous pleading from Karni Mata, Yama, The God of Death, agreed to retrieve her son as a Rat and also permitted all her male children to be reincarnated as Rats. The Kabbas are known to be very holy and feeding them with sweets and eating the food nibbled by them is considered as “prestigious”. The temple in Udaipur too has a considerable number of white and black Kabbas. Karni Mata laid the cornerstone of two major Forts of Rajasthan that is Fort of Jodhpur and Fort of Bikaner. On March 21, 1538, while returning Deshnok, the Convoy halted in order to drink water near Kolayat Tehsil. When the followers got back to her she was nowhere to be found and after much search, she was never found hence she just disappeared then and there at the age of 151 years.

Indo Vacations


The temple in Udaipur was built by Maharana Karan Singh to mark the boundary and safety of Udaipur when the area of Machla Magra was built for residency purposes between 1620-1628. The temple was abandoned for a long time before 1997 when the temple committee restored and renovated the premises and it is still in progress. The temple premises is quite large and peaceful. The stairway path to the temple is a 10 min long journey and it is fulfilled with viewpoints, rest shelters, and water cooler. To the left of the stairway, at a bit distance, lies a high structure with holes in the walls. The structure used to be the place where kings used to hide and hunt and place their guns out through these holes. It can be visited but only at your own risk as it is not maintained and might have snakes and other animals. If you take the stairway, you might also sight peacocks and their symphony is the loudest in the morning. Apart from the temple structure, there are elongated premises up to the ropeway station and one should be extremely careful about the monkeys as they chased me not once but twice. The  4 min. Ropeway journey in bright red, yellow and green cabins start from the banks of Lake Pichola to the Hill of Machla Mangra along the 387 m long cable.

“Shri Mansapurna Karni Mata Temple” is a must visit as it does hold the powers to fulfill wishes and offers more than just peace and tranquility, it offers Udaipur at its best.



Swaraag An Indo Western Fusion Band | Capturing Hearts with Their Soulful Music

We can’t forget the way we swayed on the music and the rustic voice of the band Swaraag in the ULF 2017. And why not! The band is just too awesome and lively that it captures the heart of the music lovers.  Rajasthani Folk Fusion with Vocal, Sufi Fusion, Indo Western Instrumental Fusion are some of the genres that the band is brilliant in.

How many of you were blown away by their ‘Mere rashk-e-Qamar’ song performance?

I am sure we all were overwhelmed by their performance and could feel the energy they filled in the atmosphere. Swaraag established themselves in 2014 and since then, they have ruled the hearts of many!

If you are curious about who all the band members are, we are introducing each one of them to you. Have a read;

Team Swaraag

Arif Khan | Zitar Maestro of Swaraag

Arif is a great sitar player and has spread his compositions not only in various parts of India but also has traveled extensively in many cities of Germany, France, Gulf, and Austria.

Asif Khan | The Voice of Swaraag

Swaraag Performing at a private event

Sufi and Indian folk lead singer and composer of the band Swaraag, he began his singing career at the age of just six with the blessings of his father. Ustad Mahmood Khan, his father, always acknowledged the importance of music in his life and groomed Asif in the classical music.

Members | Who make the vocals amalgamate with music

Other than these two, Sajid Khan plays impeccable Drums and Shahid Hussain is the Tabla Player for the band Swaraag. Tasruf Ali plays mind-blowing Saxophone and Arif also plays Khartal. Last but not the least, Rishabh takes care of the Guitar.

What makes Swaraag different?

With Superstar Ram Charan at its family event

Swaraag is a Folk-rock & Sufi Fusion Band.  Swaraag’s Music Team is specialized in Indo Western fusion music and has an immense experience of performing for corporate events, Private parties, Public concerts and many more that makes them a multifaceted music band. The backbone behind the huge success of Band is their Founder and Manager Mr. Pratap Singh Nirwan. He is the one who is the actual creator of a complete team and the reason behind the existence of Swaraag. The Manager, Mr. Giriraj Purohit says that its the team management that makes a band go miles in the path of success.

The Band Swaraag makes the crowd groove over their music!! Swaraag aims at keeping the vernacular music alive through their composition. They even recreate the magic of folk music in current Bollywood songs as well. Swaraag has a passion for singing not only Rajasthani Folk music but also various folk music from states that appeal to different musical tastes.

To know more about Swaraag


Let us know how much you liked the musical performance of Swaraag Band, in the comments section below or drop a mail at


Udaipur Villagers Save Dying Fish! | News

18 June 2018 marked a special day in the history of humanity. 50 km away from Udaipur lies a small town called Menar which is famous for bird watching. Recently, the place has observed high degrees of temperatures which are drying out the small ponds and lakes in the village of Menar.

Due to the same, the fish in the area are dying under the scorching sun.

Dying Fish
Source: Times of India

“This drying out of ponds shall directly affect the birds here”, says a local. “As the birds feed on fish present in the ponds, and if all the fish die because of drying ponds the birds will also suffer”, he added.

The locals here call themselves “Pakshi Mitra” or Friends of Birds.

The villagers pooled in money to get water tankers to fill up the drying ponds. Watching the efforts of the villagers a lot of people from the nearby area came up to help the dying fish. Up till now, 20 water tankers have been used to fill the ponds.

Also, the forest department has taken measures identifying the fragility of the situation. They shifted some of the struggling fish to a nearby pond named Brahma Sagar, which has a greater level of water. As per the forest department, almost 3 quintals (in weight) of Carp Fish has been relocated.

People Helping to Relocate Fish
Source: Times of India

The College of Fisheries at Maharana Pratap University for Agriculture and Technology helped the forest department in shifting the fish.

The nature lovers of Udaipur have done a very commendable job!


News Source: Times of India

Your Summer Guide to Beat the Heat! | Travelling to Udaipur in Summers Made Easy

It is mid-June but the sun is still blazing! How can we combat such heat without getting tossed in the sun? Here is a brief guide for you if you are traveling to Udaipur in the summer months! We haven’t made it the obvious summer guide you would have read everywhere on the internet, rather it is custom made for Udaipur!

Although Udaipur doesn’t experience soaring temperatures throughout the summer months, but from mid-May to end June the temperatures are quite harsh and it is not recommended to leave your home/hotel without proper ‘beat-the-heat’ tools.

Here are some tips or you can call a guide for traveling in Udaipur in summers.

#5 Drink More

By drinking, I mean hydrating juices and Jal Jeera 😉Beat the heat - The best fruit juice shops in Udaipur

There are a lot of places in Udaipur where you can get freshly prepared juices and Jal Jeera which are really helpful in retaining the amount of water lost during your outdoor visit in the sun.

Get the list here

#4 Eat less and more often, Cafes can be your pick!

5 Best coffee places in Udaipur
Source: Justdial

Eating a lot doesn’t help in summers. I know you would be enticed by the luscious delicacies in the city but you need to take them in small quantities. This helps your body to maintain its metabolic activity at the same time won’t let you bloat.

Get the list of cafes here

#3 Dive in the pools

Top 10 Things to Do on Your First Visit to Udaipur

Take a bath or shower especially before bedtime. You can also indulge yourself in a brief dive in the pool which shall compensate your day’s heat. There are various pools in and around the city where you can enjoy your summer trip.

Get the list of pools here

#2 Be chic in summer clothes from Hathipol

Famous Shopping Markets of Udaipur
Source – My Udaipur City

Wear lightweight, light-colored cotton clothes in the summers. And where can you find these other than the market of Hathipol? The whole market shall receive you well when it comes to shopping. There are other markets as well and if you are new to the city you can go to these markets in Udaipur to have a good shopping experience.

Get the list of markets here

#1 Get yourself Tan Proof! 

Men and women traveling to Rajasthan often get a bad tan due to the excessive heat they are subjected to. And not just them even the locals get tanned and trust me it’s not a nice feeling ☹ One must swap their usual body moisturizer with a cooling Aloe-Vera Gel which will help lower the temperature of the skin.


So, these were the tips that you can keep in mind when traveling to Udaipur in summers. Also, you can always read about the best time to visit Udaipur so you never have to compromise with the weather. Monsoons in Udaipur are great for people who love rains, the city is covered with great greenery and the weather is also beauteous. For people who are comfy in winters, the best time to visit Udaipur is winters according to me. The weather is great, the sun is not harsh at all and you can enjoy every bit of the city.

Tell me in the comment section below, when are you coming to Udaipur?


Guess these Hotels of Udaipur using their aerial photographs

Start the quiz and play all the 8 questions. If you guess all of them correct, post the screenshot of the result sheet in the facebook comments. If you are one of those lucky contestants, you might win an ‘I love Udaipur’ band.

[quiz-cat id=”20958″]

Places to Visit

Know about Haldighati Museum on Maharana Pratap Jayanti

Located on a high hill on the west of Chetak Magri between Khamnore and Balicha village on the border of Udaipur and Rajsamand district is the splendid Maharana Pratap Museum. It covers an area of about 15000 sq. meters and is about 40 km from Udaipur. Situated near Chetak Smarak built in the memory of Pratap’s faithful steed Chetak, the area used to be deserted. Impelled by a stray remark that this place near Haldighati where the famous battle between Maharana Pratap and Raja Man Singh was fought deserved a museum. Mohan Shrimali who belongs to Balicha village took up the stupendous task of building a museum to showcase the life and achievements of legend Maharana Pratap. In this project, Shrimali got the support and guidance of the great freedom fighter and member of the constituent assembly, Balwant Singh Mehta. He resighted from his well-paid govt. job sold his parental farmland and pucca house and took a loan to complete his dream two crore project in 12 years. The museum was inaugurated by the erstwhile governor of Rajasthan Anshuman Singh on 19th January 2003 in the presence of other dignitaries.

Haldighati Museum
Source: Tripadvisor

The museum displays in the form of attractive models, pictures are tableau of the royal emblem of Mewar, the sacrifice of Panna Dhai, Mahara Pratap discussing his strategies with his ministers and chiefs, Pratap’s union with his horse Chetak, scenes of Pratap’s life in the jungle, eating bread made of grass, the vow taken by Gadia Lohars not to live in houses, scenes of Chittorgarh and other events related to Pratap’s life. The models some of which are made from fiber are operated by electricity and become lively by the accompanying music, sound and light effects. Also highlighted are those persons who were associated with the battle of Haldighati. Mansingh Jhala, Hakim Khan Soori, Ramshah Tanwar, Shalivahan Tansror, Pratap Singh Tanwar, Bhilu Rana Punja, Veer Pradhan Bhamashah, Veer Purohit Jagannath, Kalyan Podiyar, Mansingh Sajjawat (Delwarora), Tarachand Kavedia, Rana Sangha Chundawat, Bheemsingh Dodia, Ramdas Rathore, Mansingh Sonagora (Pali), Mahasahani Jagannath, Purohit Gopinath Rawal, Krishnadas Chundawat, Mehta Jaimalla, Barkat Jaisa Sauda, Barkat Kesav Sonda, Bhawani Singh Tanwar, Mehta Ratanchand Charan, Roma Sandhu, etc.

Haldighati Museum

Also on display are portraits of Meera Bai and Maharanas of Mewar dynasty including Maharana Kumbha Singh, Maharana Sangram Singh, Maharana Amar Singh and Maharana Udai Singh. Objects that are associated with our ancient culture such as Rahat that was used to draw water from wells Kolhu to extract oil, Chadas, Telki, Ghani, Rath, Bullock cart, Agriculture implements, musical instruments, dresses, utensils, locks, etc. are also there in the museum. Also on display are the traditional lifestyles of different castes and several kinds of weapons. There is also a huge library to which 6000 books have been added recently that is a treasure house of knowledge, especially for researchers. Films are screened in the 50 sealed theatre where it is proposed to double the capacity. Light and sound show is another attraction. Also showcased are rural industries and handicraft products such as the attractive Molela Terracotta items. A small artificial Lake also attracts the visitors.

Balicha area is famous for Cheti Gulab that flowers only once in a year in the month of Chaitra. It is said that the species was brought here by the army of Akbar and that is why the area is called Shahi Bagh. Not only is the process of making Gulab Sharbat, Gulab Jal and Gulkund displayed in the museum but villages have been trained to make a living out of it.

Haldighati Museum
Source: hopping miles

No wonder the museum has not only been visited by big personalities such as President Pratibha Devisingh Patil, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav, Central Ministers like Jaipal Reddy, CP Joshi, Hansraj Bhardwaj, and several governors and Chief Justices of India but also highly praised by them. The number of visitors has now shot up to lakhs.

Mohan Shrimali founder of the museum

For his commendable efforts, Mohan Shrimali has been honored at national and state level by several government organizations.


To know about Pratap’s journey to Haldighati – click here.

To know about Haldighati battle- click here.


5 Best coffee places in Udaipur

Coffee is one drink which is the cure for several regular phenomena such as depression, laziness, sleepiness, etc. There are a number of people who cannot even get up from bed until they do not get served with a cup of hot steaming coffee and then shall their normal functions of the day proceed. Apart from that, there are other wonders that this ordinary drink can do. It is quite rich in antioxidants and can literally increase the amount of energy in an individual.

But it wouldn’t satisfy you until the coffee is prepared according to your taste. Hot or cold, the one brewed best is welcomed any time and any day. Since we know the cravings you have for Coffee we have segregated from a number of places and bring to you 5 best places that will serve you coffee just according to your taste.



5 Best coffee places in Udaipur
Source: twitter

It is not at all possible that we talk about coffee and Fatehsagar is not on the list. The one place which is liked and visited by a number of local and tourist people daily. And one thing that is most consumed here is coffee. There are a number of places in Bombay market (Fatehsagar) that is popular because of their coffee. Be it Sai Sagar for its Cold coffee or Vinod café for its kulhad coffee. Not only that, there is a number of other places there too and several people have several preferences about it whether which one is the best. This actually gives you a chance to try all of them to find out what place treats your tongue best with its coffee.

To know more about Lake Fatehsagar, click here


The chocolate room

5 Best coffee places in Udaipur
Source: Justdial

If you are a true coffee lover, then I bet you that you won’t be able to resist the coffee at this place. A large number of options in front of you would make it really very difficult for you to choose which one to go for. But at the end when you settle for one, your tongue would say thank you to you. Hot coffee, frozen coffee, espresso, frappe, you name it and it’s there. Pair up your favorite coffee with a chocolate muffin and you are just ready for the day.

Address: 14-C, Madhuban, ICICI Bank Lane, Panchwati, Udaipur

You may also want to read 5 cafés/restaurants in Udaipur that offer a gorgeous view of the sunset


Café Goodfellas

5 Best coffee places in Udaipur
Source: Zomato

The dark coffee, brewed at its best and served in front of you will just take away your heart. It is so good that before you can treat your tongue with it, you have to treat your eyes with it. Americano, Latte, Mocha, Greek Frappe and the list is endless. You will find a number of varieties there, ones whose name you will hear for the first time.

Address: CA Circle, Sector 14, Near Federal Bank, Hiran Magri, Udaipur


Royal Brewmen

5 Best coffee places in Udaipur
Source: Zomato

The moment you enter the café, the aroma of fresh coffee getting brewed will get filled in your nostrils, watering your mouth and leaving you craving for coffee. If you are one of those whose day doesn’t start without having a cup of steaming hot coffee, then you do not dare miss this place.  It serves the best freshly brewed coffee with a number of add-ons in it and this place will surely bring an end to your coffee craving. Want to know more about Cafe Royal Brewmen? Click here

Address: Shop 4, Hitawala Complex 2, Saheli Marg, Panchwati, Udaipur


Café Lazy beans

5 Best coffee places in Udaipur
Source: Zomato

From seedhi saadi coffee to flavored cappuccino you will get all the variants of coffee here. So one thing is for sure that you will not be able to leave the place without filling your stomach and mind with coffee. Apart from that, the café has a cute theme of panda. So you can spot panda paintings, panda soft toys, and pandas all over the café. There are some games like Uno and foosball that will help you have a leisurely time while sipping on to your favorite coffee.

Address: Shiksha Bhawan Chouraha, Near Swaroop Sagar Lake, Chamanpura, Udaipur

We know the feeling of hot coffee in your hand, lips covered with coffee froth and eyes having a mind-blowing view of the city in monsoons and so these were some suggestions from us to all the coffee lovers of the town if they are still searching for their ideal coffee place. Head out with your friends right now and find out what place from these is going to be your coffee pilgrim.

If you didn’t find your favorite coffee place in the article then share these places with us in the comment section below. You can also write to me at


उदयपुर में पहलवानों की दंगल | उस्ताद श्री लक्ष्मण सिंह का अखाड़ा

हरियाणा के महावीर सिंह फोगाट को तो सब जानते होंगे? आखिर जानेंगे भी क्यों नहीं कुश्ती में उन्होंने देश भर में अपना नाम जो रोशन किया था । उदयपुर में भी कुछ इसी तरह की हस्ती रही थी । महावीर सिंह जी ने तो केवल अपनी बेटियों को कुश्ती के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया था । लेकिन इन्होंने पुरे शहर के लोगों का कुश्ती में प्रवेश कराया ।  इस हस्ती का नाम है उस्ताद श्री लक्ष्मण सिंह जी ।

दंगल फिल्म के बाद सबसे पहला सवाल यही आता है की क्या वाकई में ये सब असल जिंदगी में होता होगा? क्या पहलवानों की जिंदगी वैसी ही होती है जैसी फिल्मो में दिखायी गयी थी? वैसे इन बातों के अलावा और भी काफी सवाल मेरे मन में आये थे और उनमे से सबसे पहला ये था की आखिर उदयपुर में कुश्ती या wrestling की क्या स्थिति है? क्या यहाँ भी लड़के और लड़कियों को कुश्ती करने से रोका जाता है?

कुछ ऐसे ही सवाल हम सभी के मन में होते है । यही सवाल मुझे खींच कर ले गए उदयपुर के सबसे मशहूर अखाड़े पर जिसका नाम है ‘उस्ताद श्री लक्ष्मण सिंह का अखाड़ा

अखाड़े पर मेरी मुलाक़ात उस्ताद अर्जुन राजौला जी से हुई । उस्ताद की उम्र 64 साल की है और वह बचपन से ही कुश्ती करते हुए बड़े हुए है । इस मुलाक़ात में कई सवाल जवाब किये मैंने उस्ताद से अखाड़े और कुश्ती के बारे में और उन्होंने हर एक सवाल का काफी सटीक और बखूबी जवाब दिया । आइये पढ़ते है हमारी बातचीत के बारे में ।


इस अखाड़े की स्थापना कब हुई?

“अखाड़े की स्थापना सन 1966 से भी पहले हुई थी । यह अखाड़ा पहले हाथीपोल में हुआ करता था उसके बाद अब स्वरुप सागर पुलिया के पास है । उस्ताद जी ने कहा की उदयपुर में 60 के दशक में करीब 27 अखाड़े हुआ करते थे । धीरे धीरे वे सब बंद होते गए और अब यह संख्या घट कर सिर्फ 5 रह गई है ।”


यहाँ पर क्या क्या कार्यकलाप होते है?

यहाँ की प्रमुख गतिविधि कुश्ती है और उसके अलावा सहस्त्रकला और प्राणायाम होते है ।


आपकी कितनी पीड़ियाँ कुश्ती में रह चुकी है?

“पूरा रजौरा खानदान कुश्ती के लिए ही जाना जाता है । ऐसा समझ लीजिये की कुश्ती का पर्यायवाची ही रजौरा है । राजौरा खानदान की 5-6 पीड़ियाँ कुश्ती में रही । अभी मेरे बेटे कुश्ती के कोच है और अब मेरे पोते भी कुश्ती के अभ्यास में ही लगे हुए है ।”


इस अखाड़े की शुरुआत किसने और क्यों की? क्या रही इस अखाड़े के पीछे की कहानी?

इस अखाड़े की शुरुआत उस्ताद लक्ष्मण सिंह जी ने की थी । असल में उस ज़माने में कुश्ती सिर्फ महलों तक सीमित थी । सिर्फ राजसी लोगों को कुश्ती करने की इजाज़त दी जाती थी । इसके बाद हर समाज के लिए अलग अलग अखाड़े बने । हिन्दू के लिए अलग, मुस्लिम के लिए अलग और छुआछूत की परेशानी के कारण कई समाज के लोगो को अखाड़े में प्रवेश तक नहीं करने दिया जाता था । उस्ताद लक्ष्मण सिंह जी ने फिर इस अखाड़े का निर्माण किया जिसमे पहली बार हर जाति के लोगो को आने की इजाज़त थी । जिन लोगों को पहले किसी भी अखाड़े में नहीं आने दिया जाता था उन्हें भी इस अखाड़े ने स्वीकार किया । उस्ताद लक्ष्मण सिंह जी अपने समय में इतने शक्तिशाली और सज्जन आदमी थे की अखाड़े के पास में मौजूद पुल का नाम उन्ही के नाम पर रखा गया । इस तरह उस्ताद लक्ष्मण सिंह जी भी उदयपुर के महावीर सिंह फोगाट कहे जा सकते है ।


क्या उदयपुर में भी बहुत लोग कुश्ती में दिलचस्पी रखते है?

उदयपुर के लोग कुश्ती में ज्यादा दिलचस्पी नहीं रखते है । इसके पीछे कई कारण है । सबसे पहला तो क्रिकेट जैसे खेलों के चलन के बाद सभी उसी तरह के खेल खेलना चाहते है । बचपन से ही बच्चो के हाथो में बल्ला और गेंद थमा दिया जाता है जिससे आगे चलकर भी वे ऐसे ही खेलों में दिलचस्पी रखते है । ऐसे में कुश्ती को बिलकुल नज़रंदाज़ कर दिया जाता है ।

दूसरा कारण यह भी है कुश्ती जैसे खेल को कई मिथकों का सामना करना पड़ता है । लोग कहते है की कुश्ती करने से इंसान बेवकूफ़ हो जाता है । जबकि असल में कुश्ती एक ऐसा खेल है जिसमे बल के साथ साथ दिमाग का भी इस्तेमाल उतना ही ज़रूरी है जिससे वह एक अच्छी राजनीति बनाकर उस मैच को जीत सके । लोगों का ये भी मानना है की इससे शरीर को कई तरह के नुक्सान होते है । ऐसा नहीं है । एक पहलवान को उच्च आहार लेना होता है जिसमे घी, सूखे मावे जैसी चीज़े होती है । ऐसे में उनका शरीर और ज्यादा अच्छा और मजबूत हो जाता है ।


शहर के सभी युवा सदस्यों को आप क्या सन्देश देना चाहेंगे?

मैं शहर को सभी युवा और उनके माता पिता को भी यह कहना चाहूँगा की कुश्ती कोई बुरा खेल नहीं है । अगर आप स्वस्थ रहना चाहते है, अच्छे आचरण पाना चाहते है, अपने धर्म का पालन करना चाहते है तो कुश्ती ज़रूर कीजिये । कुश्ती आप में ब्रह्मचार्य की भावना पैदा करता है । इसमें आपको काफी उच्च आहार दिया जाता है जो की आपको बुरी आदतें जैसे धुम्रपान, शराब जैसी चीजों से दूर रखता है । उस्ताद श्री लक्ष्मण सिंह के अखाड़े में प्रवेश और अभ्यास करने के लिए किसी तरह का मूल्य नहीं लगता । लगता है तो सिर्फ कड़ी मेहनत और दृढ आत्मविश्वास ।


एक और सवाल पूछा मैंने उस्ताद अर्जुन से की जैसा की भारत में कई जगह होता है और हम फिल्मों में भी देखते ही हैं की लडकियों को कुश्ती नहीं करने दी जाती । उनके माता पिता उन्हें इस तरह के खेल नहीं खेलने देते तो इस पर आप क्या कहना चाहते है ?

उनके इस दिलचस्प जवाब को मैंने कैमरे में कैद कर दिया । अगर आप भी जानना चाहते है तो नीचे दिए हुए विडियो को देखिये ।

लक्ष्मण अखाड़े में जब मैं पहुची तब मुझे एहसास हुआ की वहां एक सिटी बेस्ड टूर्नामेंट चल रहा है । शायद ये मेरी अच्छी किस्मत रही होगी की मुझे इस तरह का मुकाबला देखने को मिला । वहां मैंने बच्चे, जवान, लड़के, लड़कियों सभी को कुश्ती करते हुए देखा । मुझे पता चला की इस मुकाबले में जीतने वाले लोग जिला स्तर पर कुश्ती के लिए अजमेर जायेंगे।


कुछ ऐसे विचार रखने वाले पहलवानों को मैं दिल से सलाम करती हूँ । एक पहलवान की ज़िन्दगी बहुत ही मेहनत, दृढनिश्चय और आत्मबल से भरी होती है । कुश्ती कतई एक आसान खेल नहीं । इसमें भारी बल के साथ तेज़ दिमाग की आवश्यकता होती है ।

आप क्या सोचते है इस बारे में? हमसे शेयर करे नीचे दिए हुए कमेंट सेक्शन में । अगर आपके पास कोई फीडबैक है जो आप हम तक पहुचाना चाहते है तो मुझे मेल करे पर ।

                             Pictures and video by: Juhee Mehta


Dhadak’s Trailer is out and it’s all about Love and Udaipur!!!

Dhadak Movie’s Trailer starring Janhvi Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter is out and the romance entwined with the magnificence of Udaipur is a must-watch!

The shooting of the movie Dhadak started somewhere at the end of November 2017 in Udaipur. A lot of people had gathered then to watch the shoot. Udaipurites witnessed the sight of Late veteran actress Sridevi Kapoor with her daughter Janhvi Kapoor at Gangaur Ghat.

Source: Patrika

The Dhadak Couple shared a lot of pictures from their Udaipur shoot.

There have been a lot of movies, both Bollywood and Hollywood, shot in Udaipur. Dhadak makes an addition to the list! The movie showcases ornate architecture and grandeur of Udaipur at its best!

Watch the trailer for the Movie Dhadak Here:


The movie is directed by Shashank Khaitan is all set to rock the screens on 6th July 2018.

Tell us in the comment section- Will you go to watch this movie in theatres?