
जानिए उदयपुर की ऐसी जनजाति जिसने हल्दी घाटी युद्ध में दिया था अपना महत्वपूर्ण योगदान

भील यह राजस्थान की सबसे प्राचीन जनजाती हैं। भील शब्द की उत्पति “बिलू” शब्द से हुई है, जिसका शाब्दिक अर्थ है ‘कमान’। यह जनजाति तीर कमान चलाने में काफी निपुण होती हैं। मुख्यतः यह जनजाति उदयपुर के साथ-साथ बांसवाड़ा, डूंगरपुर, चित्तौड़गढ़ और प्रतापगढ़ में रहती है।। ये मेवाड़ी, भील तथा वागड़ी भाषा का प्रयोग करते हैं।

भीलों की जीवनशैली बहुत ही अलग ढंग की होती हैं, यह उबड़-खाबड़ पहाड़ी क्षेत्र तथा वन में रहते हैं। इनके मकानों को टापरा, कू, फलां और पाल भी कहते हैं।

पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार भील जनजाति की उत्पत्ति भगवान शिव के पुत्र निषाद द्वारा मानी जाती है। कथा के अनुसार एक बार भगवान शिव जब ध्यान मुद्रा में बैठे हुए थे, तब निषाद ने अपने पिता के प्रिय बैल नंदी को मार दिया था तब दंडस्वरूप भगवान शिव ने उन्हें पर्वतीय क्षेत्र पर निर्वासित कर दिया था, वहां से उनके वंशज भील कहलाये। इसके साथ यह भी कहा जाता है की रामायण के रचयिता वाल्मीकि भी भील पुत्र थे। महाभारत में वर्णित गुरु द्रोणाचार्य के भक्त एकलव्य भी भील जनजाति के थे। रामायण में शबरी जिसने राम को अपने झूठे बेर खिलाए थे वह शबरी भी भील जाति से ही थी। इस जाति की कर्त्तव्यनिष्ठा, प्रेम और निश्छल व्यवहार के उदाहरण प्रसिद्ध है। 

हल्दी घाटी युद्ध के समय महाराणा प्रताप की सेना में राणा पुंजा और उनकी भील सेना का महत्वपूर्ण योगदान था। इसी कारण से मेवाड़ राजचिन्हों में एक तरफ महाराणा प्रताप तो दूसरी तरफ राणा पुंजा भील का नाम भी आता है। महाराणा प्रताप को भील लोगो द्वारा पुत्र भी कहा जाता है इसके पीछे भी एक कहानी है, दरअसल मुस्लिम आक्रांताओं द्वारा बार-बार आक्रमण किए जाने पर महाराणा प्रताप के पिता महाराणा उदय सिंह समझ चुके थे कि, चित्तौड़गढ़ दुर्ग अब सुरक्षित नहीं रहा इसलिए उन्होंने सुरक्षा के लिए पहाड़ियों के बीच एक नया शहर बसाया। इसमें पहले से ही वहां रह रहे भील बस्तियों के निवासियों ने महाराणा उदय सिंह का यथोचित सहयोग किया। इसी दौरान भीलों के बच्चे व महाराणा प्रताप एक साथ रहते थे। महाराणा प्रताप ने भीलो को इतना प्रेम, स्नेह व अपनत्व दिया था कि भील उन्हें “कीका” कहने लगे जिसका सामन्य अर्थ पुत्र होता है। भीलों के साथ महाराणा प्रताप के संबंध अंत तक बने रहे। इसी वजह से सीमित संसाधनों के होते हुए भी भीलों के सहयोग से महाराणा प्रताप ने मुस्लिमों के विरुद्ध अनेक युद्धों में विजय प्राप्त की। भीलों के साथ महाराणा प्रताप के संबंध मेवाड़ राज्य के लिए बहुत लाभकारी सिद्ध हुए। महाराणा प्रताप भीलों के साथ राजा- प्रजा का नहीं बल्कि बंधुत्व का संबंध रखते थे। भीलों द्वारा किये गये सहयोग एवं वीरतापूर्ण कार्यो के सम्मान स्वरूप उन्होंने भीलों को मेवाड़ के राज चिह्न में जगह दी।

आइये जानते है और भी बहुत कुछ भील जनजाति के बारे में –

वस्त्र – भील पुरुष सामान्य तंग धोती पहनते है जिसे भील भाषा में ठेपाडु कहते है और सर पर साफा पहनते है जिसे पोत्या और फाडिंयु कहते है। भील स्त्रियों की वेशभूषा आम तौर पर वे लुगडी, घाघरा और चौली पहनती है। 

नृत्य– गैर नृत्य, घूमर,गवरी नृत्य इस जनजाति के प्रसिद्ध नृत्य हैं। 

मेले– गौतमेश्वर मेला, बेणेश्वर का मेला, ऋषभदेव का मेला 

 प्रमुख प्रथाए-

  • दापा प्रथा – इस प्रथा के अनुसार विवाह के समय लड़के के पिता द्वारा लड़की के पिता को कन्या का  मूल्य चुकाना होता है।  
  • गोदना प्रथाइस प्रथा के अनुसार भील पुरुष और महिलाएं अपने चेहरे व शरीर पर गोदना गुदवाते हैं जिसमे महिलाएं अपने आँखों के ऊपर सर पर दो आड़ी लकीरे गुदवाती हैं जो उनके भील होने का प्रतिक माना जाता हैं। 
  • गोल गोधेड़ा प्रथाभील जनजाति में एक प्रथा है जिसे गोल गोधेड़ा प्रथा कहते है, इस प्रथा के अनुसार यदि कोई भील युवक अपनी वीरता और शौर्य को प्रमाणित कर देता है तो वह युवक अपनी पसंद की लड़की से शादी कर सकता है। 

भील जनजाति में लोकगीतों, लोकनृत्य, लोकनाट्य का काफी प्रचलन है – इसमें से एक गवरी नृत्य जो उदयपुर संभाग में सावन-भादो के समय किया जाने वाला एक धार्मिक नृत्य है, जो केवल पुरुषों द्वारा किया जाता है। इस नृत्य को राइ नृत्य भी कहते है क्योंकि इसमें नृत्य के साथ मादल व थाली भी साथ में बजाई जाती है। 

भील लोग देवी-देवताओं का बहुत मानते हैं और उनकी पूजा करते हैं। ये लोग साहसी, वचन के पक्के, निडर और स्वामिभक्त होते हैं। आर्थिक दृष्टि से देखा जाए तो भील जनजाति अत्यंत निर्धन होते हैआर्थिक व सामजिक रूप में यह जनजाति समाज का बहुत ही पिछड़ा वर्ग है पर फिर भी इनका इतिहास अति रोचक साहसी एवं प्राकृतिक वातावरण से पूर्ण रहा है। इतिहास के पन्नो पर अगर देखो तो भील समाज की सम्पन्नता शूरवीरता एवं आर्थिक सम्पनता के बखान मिलते है।

Places to Visit

10 Interesting Places to Visit Near Udaipur

Done watching the lakes and palaces of Udaipur? Depending on how much time you have, there are various destinations to explore around Udaipur that make fantastic day expeditions. Here are some of our favourites.

Top 10 Places to Visit Near Udaipur

Udaipur is on the “must-see lists” of most voyagers and is one of the most popular vacation spots for both Indians as well as international travellers. This city is a perfect blend of hill stations, hiking places, and animal reserves. There are multiple destinations in and around Udaipur that are an ideal weekend getaway for both relaxed tourists and adrenaline-fueled junkies. Let us walk you through the 10 most interesting places to visit near Udaipur that highlight the city’s charm and provide an excellent vacation experience.

1.) The Chittorgarh Fort

BestPlaces to Visit Near Udaipur: Chittorgarh

Chittorgarh, the most significant fort of the Mewar dynasty, was the capital of their empire for almost 800 years until it was seized by Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1568. Its history dates back to the 7th century when local Mauryan rulers began making it. In June 2013, Chittorgarh was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a large fort, and the monuments are conveniently accessible by car. There are historic palaces, temples, towers, a pond (with feedable fish) and a royal cremation site inside the fort. The Victory Tower provides spectacular views of the fort and town. There is a music and light show in the evening time, that tells the narrative of the fort (but in Hindi only.)

Location: Approx. 110 Km North-East towards Udaipur- Chittorgarh Road.

Timings: 10:00 AM – to 5:00 PM daily

2.) The Ranakpurji Jain Temple

Places to visit near Udaipur: Ranakpurji

Jain temples are reputed to be the most magnificent in India and the temple in Ranakpur proves it all. It is simply one of the most mesmerizing Jain temples across India. It’s the country’s largest and most important Jain temple, dedicated to the first Tirthankar (saviour and spiritual teacher) Rishabh Dev Ji. Chaumukh Mandir, the principal temple, was constructed in the 15th century and was built out of white marble featuring 1444 carved pillars, 29 halls, and 80 domes! It will take you around an hour to admire its heritage beauty and construction. Both men and women must dress appropriately (legs and shoulders covered) to visit the temple and must not carry any leather items (including belts), shoes, food, and cigarettes with them. Menstruating women are also not permitted to enter the temple. It is feasible to visit Kumbhalgarh, which is close by, from Ranakpur. You can also explore the Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary which is quite nearby Ranakpur.

Location: 93 Km Northwest of Udaipur, which will take approx. 2 hours to reach this place.

Timings: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Non- Jains are also allowed to visit the temple)

3.) Mount Abu:

Places to Visit Near Udaipur- Mount Abu

Mount Abu- the only hill station of Rajasthan, is located in the Aravali range. The Dilwara temple- a stunning piece of architecture, is located in Mount Abu and is definitely a must-visit tourist place. Travellers may enjoy peaceful and relaxing boating on the Nakki Lake, as well as enjoy the view of the sun setting from vista spots. Enjoy the local cuisine at the restaurants and cafés with fantastic locations. Guru Shikhar, the tallest mountain in the Aravali Range, is also located in Mt. Abu. Mount Abu Forest Sanctuary is another highlight of this place, with its diverse flora and animals.

The Dilwara temple’s incredibly ornate design is the major attraction of this place, and you may spend hours and hours admiring how these temples were created over two centuries, about 1000 years ago. The temples were intentionally made simple from the outside, or deter the burglars.

Location: 161 Km from Udaipur (takes about 3 hours via road to reach this place).

Timings: Anytime

4.) The Pushkar Lake

Places to Visit Near Udaipur- Pushkar

Pushkar Lake is a recognized pilgrimage place in Pushkar, Rajasthan, that attracts worshipers and spiritual individuals from all across the globe. In the evening, one may either watch the evening aarti on the ghats of this magnificent lake or take a plunge in the afternoon to wash away their sins. Whatever you do, you’ll find that this lake is one of the most gorgeous spots in Pushkar and one of the calmest tourist destinations located near Udaipur.

Location: 277 Km from Udaipur takes approx. 4.5 hours to reach this place.

Timings: Anytime.

5.) Kumbhalgarh Fort

Places to Visit near Udaipur- Kumbhalgarh 

Situated 85 Km towards the Northwest of Udaipur amid the beautiful Aravali hills, is the Kumbhalgarh Fort, which is the second most significant fort in Rajasthan. There are a series of temples built inside the Fort by The Mauryas. Badal Mahal, which is also the most magnificent part of the fort, should not be overlooked.

Kumbhalgarh’s amazing vistas of the surrounds are a visual feast, and its breathtaking grandeur makes it one of the most popular tourist destinations near Udaipur.

Location: Approx 85 Km Northwest of Udaipur, which takes about 2 hours to reach this destination.

Timings: 9 AM- 5 PM

6.) The Ekling Ji Temple


If you’re looking for a spiritual experience, visit the Shri Eklingji Temple. The temple is made out of marble and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Large, colourfully painted statues of Lord Shiva’s Nandi Bull may also be found there. Bapa Rawal, the founder of the Mewar Dynasty, designed this temple. Every Monday, the head of the royal family of Mewar visits the temple and worships Lord Shiva by performing the Grand Aarti. Please do not carry your smartphone or camera as photography is prohibited inside the temple. Take a stroll around the back of the temple to get a spectacular perspective of the lake. You can also visit the ancient Saas Bahu temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu located nearby the temple.

Location: Kailashpuri, about 21 Km away from Udaipur and takes approx. 30 Min. To reach this place.

Timings: 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM and 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM

7.) The Shrinath Ji Temple

shrinath ji temple nathdwara

If you continue driving towards the north on the National Highway 8 for about 45 minutes till you reach the little holy town of Nathdwara. This temple was built in the 17th century for the worshippers of Lord Krishna and has a beautiful idol of Shreenathji. Traditional Pichwai paintings depicting incidents from Lord Krishna’s life are very interesting and can be seen on the walls of buildings all across town. They’re repainted every year right before Diwali, giving Nathdwara a unique site to enjoy the Indian celebration. There is also a captivating market Near the Shrinathji Temple, where you can find almost everything, from jewellery to bags to colourful clothing. It truly is a shopper’s paradise.

Location: NH 8 Nathdwara is about 45 Km away from Udaipur, and takes about 1 hour to reach this place.

Timings: Morning 4:30 AM – 7:00 AM and 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM

Evening: 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM

8.) Jawai 

leoprd safari in jawai

Located approx. 170 km away from Udaipur in the Pali region is the Jawai Wildlife Sanctuary, which is home to a variety of wild animals, including leopards, Crocodiles to name a few. Jawai is also known as “Leopard Hills,” There are many luxury camps in its close proximity, and you can also go on a jungle safari to see these leopards.

Location: Approx. 170 km away from Udaipur in Barawal Village, Pali.

9.) Mahi Dam

mahi dam banswara

Dams are among the most intriguing tourist attractions around Udaipur since they allow visitors to view not only the greatest artistry but also the surrounding natural wonders. And Mahi Dam is one such Dam near Udaipur that you must visit. Inspired by the name of Shri Jamnala Bajaj this dam is also known as Mahi Bajaj Sagar Dam. It is the second-largest dam in Rajasthan and is located on the Mahi River. Moreover, it is also a very important source of water and hydroelectricity for Rajasthan state. The dam’s gates are open during the monsoon season, and visitors may see the spectacular vistas of water flowing out furiously through the 16 gates in full force. inspired the name.

Location: Approx 172 km away from Udaipur in Banswara district, and take around 3.5 hours to reach this place.

Timings: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

10.) Haldighati

haldi ghati udaipur

Haldighati is a mountain range in the Aravali Hills around 50 kilometres away from Udaipur. Its name is inspired by the soil’s golden colour. The Battle of Haldighati fought here in 1576 between the army of the third Mughal emperor, Akbar, and the ruler of Mewar, Maharana Pratap Singh, is historically significant. The Chetak Horse Memorial and the Maharana Pratap Museum are also worth visiting.IT perhaps is one of the most essential destinations to visit near Udaipur for all those history buffs out there.

Location: Approx 65 Km away from Udaipur and takes around 1.5- 2 Hrs to reach this place.

Timings: 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM

If at all heaven on earth exists, it perhaps is in, and around 200 km diameter of Udaipur. Unleash the traveller inside you and come visit Udaipur. Also, feel free to drop your suggestions at

Places to Visit

Scenic Places near Udaipur you can Visit in a Day: Part 1

Source: Trans India Travels

It’s famously believed that a beautiful thing leads to another beautiful thing. Udaipur is one such thing, rather a place, neighboring with surplus beautiful destinations. All we need from a monotonous week is a trip that resembles a chain reaction leading to bliss. A day to stock mental energy that lasts the whole week ahead. You deserve that off-day, travel as you mean it.

Places to visit in Udaipur are innumerable, but this piece of writing serves you a list of places encompassing Udaipur. It includes places that are almost or a bit more than at 2 hours of distance from Udaipur. If you are a tourist, then we hope that we have successfully extended your trip to Udaipur.

Jaisamand Lake 

Source: Clear Holidays

Planning a day trip to Jaisamand, you can expect breathtaking scenery, beautiful resorts, maybe haunted summer palaces, both flora, and fauna. It’s the second-largest artificial lake in Asia. You can relish in a serene boat ride at Jaisamand lake and have a lovely stay at Jaisamand Island Resort.

Jaisamand is at a distance of 75km (1hour and 40 minutes) from Udaipur.

Haldighati + Kumbhalgarh day out

Source: TFIPOST Haldighati
Source: Culture Trip Kumbhalgarh Fort

Kumbhalgarh is a magnificent fort near Udaipur. It is also a world heritage site included in Hill Forts of Rajasthan. It is the second-largest wall after the Great wall of China. The fort is as glorious as its tales and makes a suitable place for a day trip. On the way to Kumbhalgarh, Haldighati can also be visited. The ferocious war between Mughal emperor Akbar and Mewar King Maharana Pratap was fought here. Your time here can share with you the gore behind the name Haldigathi.

Haldighati is 50 km from Udaipur and on the way towards Kumbhalgarh. Distance between Udaipur to Kumbhalgarh is 85 km

Ranakpur Village 

Enchanting Travels

Ranakpur is an antiquated and charming village situated inside the cozy hug of Aravalli Mountain Range. It also has an artistically appealing and famous Jain temple. The temple is widely known for its intricate carving, exquisite finesse and not one pillar being identical to the other in terms of patterns chiseled on them. When you travel here, you can also visit the attractive Ranakpur Dam and Ranakpur Fort.

Ranakpur village is at a distance of 94km (1hour and 50 minutes) from Udaipur. 

Chittorgarh Fort 

Source: Housing

One of those great forts near Udaipur, it’s also called the Water Fort as a result of having 84 water bodies inside. Vijay Stambh and Kirti Stambh are the main attractions of the fort. A day trip to Chittorgarh will make you privy into the folds of history and severity of Jauhar.

At a distance of 115km (2 hours) from Udaipur, this fort stands tall atop a low mountain. 

Mount Abu District

Source: The Statesman

Acknowledge your desire to breathe in the crisp air of a hill station by planning a drive-up to this hill station near Udaipur. Anciently known as Arbudaanchal, you’ll be the spectators of gorgeous scenic beauty. There are various tourist attractions at Mount Abu, you may feel the need to extend your trip from a day to at least two days to revel in its tranquility. Dilwara Temple is one such marvel of Mount Abu.

Mount Abu is 163 km (3 hours) far from Udaipur.


Source: Instagram

Nathdwara is a fascinating city with a river flowing along with it. It is brimming with spirituality and purity. It is also a festive city at certain times. It is advisable to not leave Udaipur before visiting here. The temples in this city are alluring, artistic, and simply beautiful. Worshippers of Shreenath Ji, flock here several times a year.

Nathdwara is 46km (1 Hour) afar from Udaipur. 

Ekling Ji Temple 

eklingji temple
Source: Rajasthantourismbuzz

Also known as Kailashpuri, this temple is excellent in its allure. It’s exquisite and makes one quite thoughtful. A day out for spirituality will undoubtedly cleanse the tiresome week you must have had. Ekling Ji temple is one of a kind in terms of architecture. 

Ekling Ji Temple’s distance from Udaipur is 21 km (25 minutes).


Source: Patrika

Rajsamand is a small town with a famous artificial lake. For anyone who desires to spend a peaceful day, the lake is quite scenic. It has the ever-golden backdrop of the Aravalli Range. There are a few more tourist spots in this town, it would make for a great day to spend as a holiday.

Rajsamand is at a distance of 62 km (1 hour 10 minutes) from Udaipur.

Plan a one-day trip to any of these places for your deserved holiday. Breath in the beauty and exhale the worry. Let yourself detoxify from the burden of the week spent working. For more such gorgeous places read part 2 of this article.

Places to Visit

Know about Haldighati Museum on Maharana Pratap Jayanti

Located on a high hill on the west of Chetak Magri between Khamnore and Balicha village on the border of Udaipur and Rajsamand district is the splendid Maharana Pratap Museum. It covers an area of about 15000 sq. meters and is about 40 km from Udaipur. Situated near Chetak Smarak built in the memory of Pratap’s faithful steed Chetak, the area used to be deserted. Impelled by a stray remark that this place near Haldighati where the famous battle between Maharana Pratap and Raja Man Singh was fought deserved a museum. Mohan Shrimali who belongs to Balicha village took up the stupendous task of building a museum to showcase the life and achievements of legend Maharana Pratap. In this project, Shrimali got the support and guidance of the great freedom fighter and member of the constituent assembly, Balwant Singh Mehta. He resighted from his well-paid govt. job sold his parental farmland and pucca house and took a loan to complete his dream two crore project in 12 years. The museum was inaugurated by the erstwhile governor of Rajasthan Anshuman Singh on 19th January 2003 in the presence of other dignitaries.

Haldighati Museum
Source: Tripadvisor

The museum displays in the form of attractive models, pictures are tableau of the royal emblem of Mewar, the sacrifice of Panna Dhai, Mahara Pratap discussing his strategies with his ministers and chiefs, Pratap’s union with his horse Chetak, scenes of Pratap’s life in the jungle, eating bread made of grass, the vow taken by Gadia Lohars not to live in houses, scenes of Chittorgarh and other events related to Pratap’s life. The models some of which are made from fiber are operated by electricity and become lively by the accompanying music, sound and light effects. Also highlighted are those persons who were associated with the battle of Haldighati. Mansingh Jhala, Hakim Khan Soori, Ramshah Tanwar, Shalivahan Tansror, Pratap Singh Tanwar, Bhilu Rana Punja, Veer Pradhan Bhamashah, Veer Purohit Jagannath, Kalyan Podiyar, Mansingh Sajjawat (Delwarora), Tarachand Kavedia, Rana Sangha Chundawat, Bheemsingh Dodia, Ramdas Rathore, Mansingh Sonagora (Pali), Mahasahani Jagannath, Purohit Gopinath Rawal, Krishnadas Chundawat, Mehta Jaimalla, Barkat Jaisa Sauda, Barkat Kesav Sonda, Bhawani Singh Tanwar, Mehta Ratanchand Charan, Roma Sandhu, etc.

Haldighati Museum

Also on display are portraits of Meera Bai and Maharanas of Mewar dynasty including Maharana Kumbha Singh, Maharana Sangram Singh, Maharana Amar Singh and Maharana Udai Singh. Objects that are associated with our ancient culture such as Rahat that was used to draw water from wells Kolhu to extract oil, Chadas, Telki, Ghani, Rath, Bullock cart, Agriculture implements, musical instruments, dresses, utensils, locks, etc. are also there in the museum. Also on display are the traditional lifestyles of different castes and several kinds of weapons. There is also a huge library to which 6000 books have been added recently that is a treasure house of knowledge, especially for researchers. Films are screened in the 50 sealed theatre where it is proposed to double the capacity. Light and sound show is another attraction. Also showcased are rural industries and handicraft products such as the attractive Molela Terracotta items. A small artificial Lake also attracts the visitors.

Balicha area is famous for Cheti Gulab that flowers only once in a year in the month of Chaitra. It is said that the species was brought here by the army of Akbar and that is why the area is called Shahi Bagh. Not only is the process of making Gulab Sharbat, Gulab Jal and Gulkund displayed in the museum but villages have been trained to make a living out of it.

Haldighati Museum
Source: hopping miles

No wonder the museum has not only been visited by big personalities such as President Pratibha Devisingh Patil, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav, Central Ministers like Jaipal Reddy, CP Joshi, Hansraj Bhardwaj, and several governors and Chief Justices of India but also highly praised by them. The number of visitors has now shot up to lakhs.

Mohan Shrimali founder of the museum

For his commendable efforts, Mohan Shrimali has been honored at national and state level by several government organizations.


To know about Pratap’s journey to Haldighati – click here.

To know about Haldighati battle- click here.


Things only an Udaipurite can relate to

Even after exploring all the places in the world, at the end of the day, every Udaipurite will only say ‘There’s no better place than Udaipur’. No matter how much fun we have otherwise but the feeling of home can only be felt in this city. So, there are few feelings that only an Udaipurite can connect to-

Evenings at Fatehsagar

Back in my school days, I remember, I and my friends used to bunk our coaching and used to go to Fatehsagar. There is something in this place that doesn’t tire your eyes even if you are visiting here for the millionth time. The serene feeling you get while sitting on the pal, looking at the sunset and cool breeze taking all your worries away, for a moment it feels like it’s the only thing you’re living for.

Things only an Udaipurite can relate to
Picture by: walking_captures

Streets of Old city

Old city doesn’t look old any day. It is one part of the city which always looks decorated with different colors in the shops and all the traditional clothes and jewelry on the display of the shops. While walking in the streets of Old City with all the foreign travelers accompanying you it seems like you are walking in a different part of the city.

Things only an Udaipurite can relate to
Picture by: meamtarn

Monsoon and Peepliya

Whenever sky pours Udaipur with drops of heaven the first place that comes to mind is Peepliya. While I am writing about it I can literally visualize the entire road and place surrounded by fog. One cannot see more than a meter on the road, the fog is that thick. Tiny droplets of water will neither completely wet you nor will keep you dry. It feels like you are entering a place in the sky via road.

Things only an Udaipurite can relate to
Picture by: micro.1993

School picnics at Haldighati

When I was 11, the school announced a picnic to Haldighati. The first thought that came to my mind was that does this place has Haldi (turmeric) instead of sand? Well, to my disappointment it wasn’t. But I’m sure every other child would’ve thought the same. I was in awe of Maharana Pratap when I learned the history of him back then. The name of the place still takes me to one of my favorite memories of childhood.

Things only an Udaipurite can relate to

Family outings at Ubeshwarji and Chandni Village

In the season of outings, these are the places that come to the mind of everyone’s family members. I’m sure all of you have visited this place with your entire family at least once. Sometimes we even take all the eatables there and make it a day. Jumping into the water with your siblings and coming back with empty stomachs to hot pakoras is not a distant memory, is it?

Things only an Udaipurite can relate to
Source: bcm touring


Things only an Udaipurite can relate to
Source: Tripoto

Weekends at Sukhadiya Circle

Boating in the pond of Sukhadiya Circle, having ‘chana jor garam’ in the garden and eating at one of the stalls outside was the plan on almost all weekends back then. Every Udaipurite has one favorite stall at Sukhadiya Circle. Although the craze for boating has reduced in Udaipur a bit, the kid in us still enjoys this place.

Things only an Udaipurite can relate to
Picture by: ravijune

While every city is beautiful, there’s no place like Udaipur. What connects you to Udaipur? Tell me in the comment section below, I’ll be glad to hear.

Places to Visit

No Not Just The Battle, Haldighati Is also Known For Something Interesting!!!

Since childhood we have read about Haldighati, majorly in context with the Battle of Haldighati (Fought on 18 June 1576). In all the textbooks and every journal we read, it was all just about the bloodshed. In this article, I am going to focus on the merrier and rosy side of Haldighati.

Now, for all those who are missing out on what and where is Haldighati, here a quick brief. Haldighati is a mountain pass in the Aravali Range which connects Rajsamand, Udaipur and Pali districts. The name ‘Haldighati’ has originated from the turmeric colored soil of the hills of the area. Turmeric is haldi in Hindi, which has an orangey-ochre color.

Haldighati is known for its cultivation of roses!

No Not Just The Battle, Haldighati Is also Known For Something Interesting!!!
Source: Natural Perfume Home Haldighati

The place is one of the biggest exporters of rose products in India. Haldighati has one of the finest varieties of roses; the Chaitri Roses. These roses are a breed of pink rose, bloom in plenty in the month of March-April (a period of approx one month) in a year.

The name of Chaitri Rose is derived from the Hindu month Chaitra, which falls in April, hence the name.

Chaitri Roses cultivated in this region form the world’s finest perfumes as well as Gulkand (Rose Jam), Gulab Jal (rose water), and several other products, including a special medicine for diabetes.

No Not Just The Battle, Haldighati Is also Known For Something Interesting!!!

The major production of rose products is done around Badshahi Bagh. This place is well known for its cultivation of roses, especially the Chaitri Roses. The farming of these roses is done at very large scale in Haldighati. The ‘Gulkand’ (Rose petals Jam) made from the rose at Badshahi Bagh has great medicinal value and tastes good too. It is primarily used in ‘Pan’ and other eatables. It has proven therapeutic benefits and has a cooler efficacy which helps in summers from getting relief from the searing sun of Rajasthan.

No Not Just The Battle, Haldighati Is also Known For Something Interesting!!!

While Rose water is also known for its health and beauty benefits, it is also Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, contains high amounts of vitamin C, natural oils found in roses help lock moisture into the skin, has a pleasant natural fragrance, helps in relaxing and toning the skin. Many medicines are also prepared from roses which are exported worldwide.

Aren’t you amazed? Such a small pretty looking flower can do so much!

How to Reach Haldighati?

Haldighati is about 40 km from Udaipur and lies on the route between Udaipur-Eklingji.

Let us know in the comments below if you have ever been to these farms of roses at Haldighati or bought any rose product!!!

Events Featured Lifestyle Photos and Videos Places to Visit

[Pictures] Ritz Jeele Ye Pal: A TV Reality Show shot entirely in Udaipur

Udaipur, also known as Lakecity or The city of Dawn, with land around the immense water lakes, folded with hills of the Aravalis. A dream come true location of romance and beauty. I must say words are not enough to define the beauty of Udaipur. It can be verified by the fact that it’s one of the best tourist places not only in India but all over the world. Anyways that’s a fact which most of us know. But what’s more interesting is people from all over the world not only love to come and visit Udaipur but also like to watch Udaipur in Movies, Pictures and daily television shows/soaps. As Udaipur is a fascinating blend of sights, sounds and experiences – an inspiration for the imagination of artists.

The latest notification is about “Ritz Jeele Ye Pal”, which is an auto adventure reality television show, where 6 celebrities will pair with 6 young Indians from various regions of India to experience the great outdoors across different locations of Udaipur. There are twelve participants in the show including six celebrity participants who are Kinshuk Mahajan, Karan Wahi, Gaurav Khanna and beautiful leading ladies like Rati Pandey, Anupriya Kapoor and Pavitra Puniya. The show is based on team race in their smart Ritz cars and some other tasks to win points, according to the concept of the show the real winners are they who savour and live every moment of their experience in the show, to the fullest.

Ritz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlog

This show is produced by Lin TV Advertising Pvt Ltd (Lintas media group) and Spil A Tale Entertainment Pvt Ltd. The complete series of the show including the Grand Finale was filmed at Udaipur which was organized and coordinated by The Crew (Sanjay Soni & Siddharth Soni). The show was shot at more than 40 different prime sights of Udaipur such as Badi pal, Hotel Fathegarh palace, Shilpgram, Dhudh Talai, Fatehsagar, Haldighati, Havala point, Ubheshwarji, Krishi Mandi etc.

Ritz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlog

The show has 12 episodes in total which is to be telecasted in 6 weeks with its first telecast on 10th September, 2011 at 7:30 pm on star plus (Saturday and Sunday). The show was hosted by Yudi and Roshni Chopra. Director of the show is Arun Sheshkumar. Complete series of show was coordinated by THE CREW. Sanjay Soni (Owner-The Crew) played a role of Sarpanch of a village (as a judge for a task) shot in 1st episode.


Few glimpses of the show have been given below. For more details and entertainment must watch the show right from its first telecast on 10th September, 2011 at 7:30 pm on Star Plus.

Ritz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlog
Hosts of the Show

Ritz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlog

Ritz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlog
Roshni Chopra with Sanjay Soni

Ritz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlog