
मिठाइयाँ बांटो – दुनिया के सबसे अच्छे शहरों में उदयपुर को तीसरा स्थान

अब तो ऐसी ख़बरों की उदयपुर वालों को आदत हो गयी है। फिर भी बधाइयाँ तो बनती है। इसके हक़दार हैं हम सभी उदयपुरवाले। Travel & Leisure, एक ट्रेवल मैगज़ीन है जो हर साल दुनिया भर के शहरों का सर्वे करती है और उनमें से चुनिन्दा शहरों की रैंकिंग हम तक पहुँचाती है। इस बार T+L (Travel & Leisure) ने दुनिया के टॉप 15 शहरों की रैंकिंग निकली है। इसमें उस शहर का कल्चर, आसपास की स्थिति, खाने-पीने से लेकर शौपिंग तक यानि की ओवरआल वैल्यू को परखा जाता है। ये सभी 15 शहर दुनिया भर से उठाये हैं जिसमें उदयपुर ने बाजी मारकर 3rd रैंक हासिल की है. यह मैगज़ीन अपने रीडर्स से वोटिंग करवाती है।

ये वही मैगज़ीन जिसनें उदयपुर को 2009 में दुनिया का सबसे बेहतरीन शहर घोषित किया था। इस बार भी टॉप फिफ्टीन में इंडिया से सिर्फ़ उदयपुर का ही नाम आया है। दिल्ली और मुंबई जैसे टूरिस्ट डेस्टिनेशन भी पीछे छूट गए हैं।

Sheesh Mahal overlooking Lake Pichola
Photo By: The Leela Palace

उदयपुर न सिर्फ़ यहाँ पर बने पैलेस, होटल्स, म्यूजियम और आर्किटेक्चर की वजह से फेमस है इन सबके अलावा प्राकृतिक रूप से भी उदयपुर धनवान है।

MMCF के चेयरमैन और मैनेजिंग ट्रस्टी, श्रीजी अरविन्द सिंह जी मेवाड़ का कहना है कि, “ये सभी शहरवासियों के लिए गर्व की बात है। मैं सभी गवर्मेंट एजेंसी और टूरिज्म डिपार्टमेंट को बधाई देना चाहता हूँ जिनके लगातार प्रयासों से उदयपुर इस मुकाम को हासिल कर पाया है।”

Photo Courtesy: Trvl-media

हर साल बढ़ते टूरिस्ट इस बात की गवाही देते है कि वाक़ई उदयपुर ये मुकाम हासिल करने योग्य है। उदयपुर न सिर्फ़ देसी यहाँ तक की विदेशी पर्यटकों की पहली चॉइस बनता जा रहा है। इस बात का सबूत  है ये आंकड़े :-

सन् 2017 में मई  महीने तक कुल देसी पर्यटकों की संख्या 2,74,742 थी वहीँ 2018 में बढ़कर 3,11,442 हो गई। अगर विदेशी पर्यटकों की बात की जाए तो लगभग 89,000 के मुकाबले सन् 2018 में लगभग 96,000 विदेशी पर्यटक अब तक उदयपुर घूमने आ चुके हैं।

Photo Courtesy: d1ljaggyrdca1l

इनके पीछे कई कारण है जैसे झीलों का भरे रहना, टूरिस्ट डिपार्टमेंट और गवर्मेंट का लगातार इस सेक्शन पर फोकस्ड रहना। सिटी पैलेस म्यूजियम का खुद आगे चल कर इनिशिएटिव लेना, म्यूजियम कल्चर को बढ़ावा देना वगैरा-वगैरा।

लेकिन अब जिम्मेदारी बढ़ जाती है। इतने से खुश होने वाली बात नहीं है। सुधार की गुंजाइश हमेशा बनी रहती है। हमारी और आपकी कोशिश यही रहेगी कि सन् 2009 का इतिहास दुबारा दोहराया जाए। 🙂

T+L की रैंकिंग देखने के लिए इस लिंक को क्लिक कर सकते है :-

 News Courtesy: NDTV Beeps


Are We Easily Accepting the Insane Decisions of Government? | Internet Ban in Udaipur

Rajasthan is witnessing an action that is unprecedented in the history of a democracy anywhere in this world. Rajasthan officials enforced a two-day statewide internet ban with arbitrary geographical boundaries. The reason for this was to deter cheating at the Rajasthan State Constable Examination.

Administrators in each district had to pass orders to shut down the cellular internet (and home broadband services too maybe) on the last weekend from 8AM-5PM in the day [copy of an order from Divisional Commissioner, Udaipur]. This is the first time something of this scale happened but Rajasthan is no stranger to regional internet bans. We are being normalized for what is an extreme action. This time the reason for the shutdown was to deter cheating at a government examination. Shutdown internet for the whole state to stop cheating at an exam makes perfect sense.

Folks at Software Freedom Law Centre (SFLC) have been tracking the Internet Shutdowns across India for last four years. According to, state of Rajasthan has seen 25 shutdowns in this duration which is second highest for any state in India after J&K! SFLC’s handbook on Internet Shutdowns in India is fairly useful policy primer on the issue.

This meant a loss of livelihood to many (cab drivers, mobile recharge shops, food delivery businesses, remote employees, freelancers, the list goes on). Approximately, the transaction of around 20 crores was interrupted, 14,000 e-tickets were not booked, roadways tickets suffered a loss of 5% and similarly, numerous people suffered from the ban. This directly negated the whole idea of digital India and the push to digital payment that came after demonetization. This is probably harmful in a hundred more ways. None of these shutdowns are properly communicated. The government simply is not even interested to gauge in the economic and other losses as a result of these bans to a state of 6.89 Crore people!

It is even more important that you make yourself heard because there is no framework or metric right now that the Office of District Magistrate or any official higher in the ladder uses to decide what events/occasions duly require a blanket ban (if any at all!). By not speaking, you are surrendering your rights to access the internet which is equivalent only to let the government decide when you get to be online and when not.

I am not sure if you or your friends are directly affected but we still need to hold our administration accountable at this moment. Only because this is an immense power exercise!

We need our government to answer a few really basic questions:

  • What is the process of arriving at the conclusion of such a blanket ban?
  • How are geographical boundaries in ban enforced? Who is enforcing these boundaries?
  • What all exams in the future will require a blanket ban?
  • What is significantly different about these exams that we have to resort to an action of this scale? An order like this is unprecedented in the history of our country (or any country probably)

To put things in perspective, internet bans are used around the world even by authoritarian regimes only in dire needs and at times of revolt (think Arab spring). We are a liberal democracy seeing this enforced so casually. This is normalization!


9 Techno NJR students selected for Silicon Valley Visit

9 students of Udaipur based engineering college Techno NJR  have been selected for Student Startup Exposure Program of Government of Rajasthan under which 100 students of Rajasthan colleges will be sent to Silicon Valley situated in California, USA for 15 days exposure to entrepreneurship. All expenses for the visit will be paid by the Department of Information Technology. This is the highest number of students selected from a single college.

Selected Techno NJR  students have been working on their startup ideas and created a video of their work and submitted to the Department of Information Technology. Based on their videos they were shortlisted and called for a final interview at Jaipur. Techno NJR has created a culture of Startup and entrepreneurship through the establishment of Incubation Centre at the college where students work on real-life problems in the area of  Cloud, Machine Learning, Artificial intelligence, Business Analytics, Augmented and Virtual Reality, IoT and 3D Printing. 

Winning students are doing their B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering ( CSE)  and Electronics & Communications (ECE). Three selected students have just completed their first year of Engineering only.


Honorable CM Vasundhara Raje and Shri Akhil Arora, Principal Secretary of Rajasthan government’s Department of Information Technology and Communication have been relentlessly making efforts to nurture the state’s startup ecosystem and have been attempting to turn the state into the heart of India’s startup ecosystem. During Rajasthan Digifest 3.0 held in Udaipur on 3-5 December 2017, Hon’ble CM had mentioned about this scheme. In this Digifest, Techno NJR students had won the first Runner up prize of Rs. 10 lacs.

( Techno NJR students team receiving Prize of Rs. 10 Lacs from Hon’ble CM in Rajasthan Digifest)


There Will Be NO INTERNET in Udaipur for 2 days!!! Know Why!

To avoid fake candidates and cheating, district administration will ban internet services in Udaipur on 14th and 15th July. Rajasthan Police Constable Entrance Exam is going to get conducted at various centers in Udaipur. On these two days, internet services will not be available between 8 am to 5 pm. Considering the possibilities of irregularity at the centers, CCTV camera and jammers are installed.

These exams would be conducted in two slots on 14th and 15th July. The first slot would be from 10 am to 12 noon and the other one would be from 3 pm to 5 pm. At 24 centers in the city, around 14232 candidates will be appearing in the exam in every slot.

According to SP Rajendra Prasad Goyal “On both 14th and 15th July, internet services would be unavailable in the city. Initially, we tried to ban internet services in only those areas of the city where the centers of these exams were. But since the city has 24 exam centers, it would be difficult to ban internet in specific areas. Hence, it is possible that the internet would be unavailable in the entire district”.

Looks like this is how we are headed to become a ‘smart’ city and ‘IT’ hub. Not too much of smartness here, eh?

News Source: Dainik Bhaskar


Air Quality in Udaipur is Becoming Harmful to Children and Elderly People!

Monsoon has whizzed in to show the most beautiful side of the city and we are all set to explore all the corners of the city this season on our two and four-wheeler vehicles. We all are even too excited about all that already, aren’t we? But we have forgotten the fact that lately, the air quality of the city have been plunging downwards.

The above fact is justified by the Air Quality Index in Udaipur. Air quality index or AQI is a scale used by the government agencies to show the people of the city how polluted the air currently is in their area or how much it is going to be. The AQI is numbered from 0 to 500. Increase in the AQI is the indicator that the air around you is getting more polluted and that it will have an adverse effect on the health of a large number of people in the city.

Air in Udaipur is harmful to Children and Elderly people
Source :Hindustan times

There are a number of reasons why the AQI can increase in your city like rush traffic conditions, forest fire nearby, stagnant air caused by anticyclone, temperature inversion, low wind speeds that keep the air pollution in the local area, high concentrations of pollutants, chemical reactions between air contaminants and hazy conditions.

The National Air Quality Index or AQI was launched on September 17, 2014, in New Delhi under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. It covers 240 cities of the country including Udaipur. This air quality sensors are set up at four places in the city namely Pratap Nagar, Sukhadiya Circle, Surajpole and Hadi Rani Chouraha that covers an area of 3 to 5 km in the neighborhood.


How do the AQI works?  

The AQI considers 8 air pollutants PM10, PM2.5, NO2, SO2, CO, O3, NH3, and Pb. The ambient concentrations, corresponding standards, and likely health impact are measured and based on that, a sub-index is calculated for each of these pollutants. The worst sub-index out of all of them reflects the overall AQI. Along with that, some health advice is suggested by the medical experts for the possible sufferers of the Air pollution.

Air in Udaipur is harmful to Children and Elderly people
Source: Wikipedia

Here’s what the number of the AQI says about its associated health impacts on people:

Good (0–50) – The air quality is excellent with minimal impact on anyone.

Satisfactory (51–100) – It is good. However, it may cause minor breathing discomfort to hypersensitive people.

Moderately polluted (101–200) – It may bring breathing discomfort to children, older adults, people with heart disease, and people with lung disease such as asthma.

Poor (201–300) – Serious conditions will occur for sensitive people. Heart and respiratory systems of healthy people may be affected. Prolonged exposure is not advised.

Very poor (301–400) – Healthy people will show symptoms, people with lungs and heart diseases will be significantly affected. It may cause respiratory illness to the people on prolonged exposure.

Severe (401–500) – Healthy people will experience reduced endurance in physical activities and may show strong symptoms and are severely prone to other illnesses. Elders and sick people are strongly advised to stay indoors and avoid any physical activities. Healthy individuals should avoid outdoor activities.


AQI in Udaipur

Air in Udaipur is harmful to Children and Elderly people
Air quality in Udaipur

AQI in Udaipur shows that Air in Udaipur is moderately polluted. It is numbered from 100 to 105, varies at different parts of the city. The main pollutant is PM 10. This indicates that the air is harmful and may bring discomfort to children, elderly people and people with heart diseases and lung diseases such as asthma.

According to the figures released by Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board for 2018, the level of pollution in January 2018 in Madri Industrial Area, Ambamata, Townhall area and Delhigate was 291, 80, 123 and 328, respectively while in February it was 288, 115, 126 and 243. The figures for March 2018 were 254, 110, 165 and 203 whereas, for April 2018, they were 299, 101, 124 and 222. In May 2018, the level was 300, 80, 142 and 217. This shows that from February 2018 to May 2018, The Madri Industrial area of Udaipur was more polluted than Delhi. In the industrial area, the level is three times higher than normal that is extremely harmful to the inhabitants of these areas.

One main reason for air pollution in the city is the big number of autos and tempos. Their number in the town is over 5000, out of which the time limit of 1000 has already expired and they do not meet the pollution benchmark. Under the Swiss development funded project, the municipal corporation encouraged E-Rickshaws in the town. It was proposed to set up over 20 electrical charge plug boards at different places in the town and persuade people to sell diesel autos and rickshaws running in villages and buy e-rickshaws.

According to Dr. Shanti Lal Choubisa, Professor NIMS University, Jaipur and regional Editor International Flouride Journal, a research study of pollution in Aravali Hills has revealed that air pollution is increasing rapidly as there are several industries in this region that emit fluoride in addition to smoke.

Now that everything has been said, what are we waiting for? It is high time that we start thinking about it and mend our habits because if we keep doing what we are doing then it is only going to be worse. And unless any of us want to leave such environmental conditions for our future generation where they cannot even breathe properly then it would be appropriate to do something about it.


What can we do?  

Here are some tips you should do to contribute in regaining the quality of air in the city.

  • Grow a habit of using public transport instead of taking your own vehicle, it will even save some of your bucks.
  • Choose walking over riding or driving, if your destination is around a km. It will directly reflect on your health.
  • Grow more trees, encourage your closed ones to do so too.
  • Have a keen eye on any source which is causing strong air pollution and contact authorities regarding that.
  • Stop burning garbage and stop anyone who is doing so.
Air in Udaipur is harmful to Children and Elderly people
Source: Hindustan times

If you want to check the AQI too, type air quality on google and you will find air quality of your area in the radius of 1 km. So, what is your say about it? Share it with us in the comment section below or if you have any feedback regarding the article, then you can write to me at You can also share the screenshots of the air quality of your region in the comments section to make everyone aware of it.

Inputs by: Ashok Mathur


Udaipur scores a position in top 100 cleanest cities of India

Udaipurites seem to be highly elated as Lake City has made tremendous progress in the recent Swaccha Bharat ratings. From last year’s ranking of 310 out of 434 cities, it has jumped up to be 85th out of 485 cities this year. In Rajasthan also, it has jumped to the 2nd position from 10th. Only two cities of Rajasthan are there in the first 100 at a national level in cleanest cities – Udaipur and Jaipur.

State-wise, Rajasthan is at number 8 in the cleanest province in the nation with its two towns in the first 100 list. Jharkhand occupies the top position with its 9 cities in the top 100 while Maharashtra with 29 cities among top 100, Chhattisgarh with 7 towns in top 100 and Madhya Pradesh with its 19 cities among top 100 are placed second, third and fourth respectively. In the first phase of ranking on the basis of cleanliness 4203 big and small cities were evaluated. Small cities were divided into five groups. Those of Rajasthan were included in the west zone. Out of 4000 total marks for ranking, 1200 were allotted to documentation, 1400 to direct observation and 1400 to citizen feedback. The percentage of marks for ranking was: collection and transport – 30%, ODF – 30%, processing, and disposal – 25% and innovation, IEC, and capacity building got 5% marks each. In west zone, Jhalrapatan secured the first position in Rajasthan (102nd in zone), Ratangarh got the second position in the state (115th in zones, Dungarpur secured the third position in Rajasthan (126th in zones) and Pratapgarh secured 4th position in Rajasthan (153 in zone), Rajsamand and Banswara got 572nd 790th position respectively. Among big cities, Chittorgarh was placed at the 323rd position.

Udaipur scores a position in top 100 cleanest cities of India
Source: Hindustan Times

In the service level progress, an on-the-spot inspection was done by the swacchta survey on the basis of a document prepared by the municipal corporation. The city secured 564 marks out of 1400. The score was extremely low as compared to the marks given by the corporation itself. This may be due to negative marking under direct observation, the team from New Delhi visited railway station, bus stands, markets as lakes and took feedback. The score was 940 out of 1200. A lot has been done for cleaning the lakes. The corporation has made joint efforts with the railway and roadways authorities for cleanliness. Awareness among the public was also created. For citizen feedback, swacchata app was downloaded.

The corporation had made a large number of people download the app with the help of Parshads and had made full preparation for citizen feedback. The city was evaluated on the basis of the resolution of public complaints and the time taken by the employees of the corporation in doing so. Out of 4000, the city scored 1118.47 marks that is much higher than the average 1986.27 of Rajasthan and 1913 of the country.

Udaipur scores a position in top 100 cleanest cities of India
Source: The Indian Express

The rank and score of some other small places of Udaipur division were: Salumber 445 with 2003 marks, Fatehsagar 779 with 1407 marks, Bhindar 796 with 1352 marks, Kanode 847 with 1456 marks.

The positive factors that contributed to the good rank included the declaration of city as ODF, launch of door-to-door collection of garbage is good progress in solid waste disposal, use of AP, public awareness about the campaign, fixing up of targets of work, effective presentation of the work done, focus on regular cleaning increase in the number of trippers and biometric attendance of workers.

Some weak areas included the lack of proper functioning of online services such as building permission and collection of urban development. The city doesn’t have a proper system of solid waste management as good bidders are not available. Due to lack of public awareness hoardings and banners are placed in wrong spots. There are no toilets at several places. The existing ones are not properly maintained. No decentralized system exists for transport and segregation of garbage. The number of trippers has to be increased and the public should learn to use the services of trippers and dustbins.

Udaipur scores a position in top 100 cleanest cities of India
Source: Udaipurtimes

In the opinion of the municipal commissioner, Siddharth Sihag, the city deserved to be among the top 20 in the country. The city has done well in spite of the fact that it lacks proper transport, solid waste management, and door-to-door garbage collection facilities. He appreciates the contribution of the public and his team City Mayor, Chandra Singh Kothari says that the corporation analyzed the weaknesses and then worked on them. The focus was on coming up to standards laid down for evaluation. The huge public support has been a big positive factor in getting good ranking.

In the ranking under Rajasthan health programme, Udaipur has secured 9th position in the state. The areas included in the ranking done for the first time are child health, maternity health, prevention of diseases, patient feedback, family planning, seasonal diseases, vaccination, safe delivery, waterborne diseases, leprosy, TB, etc. The marks allotted for evaluation were: Input-25, Intermediate-50, output-25. On the basis of this evaluation, the first ten districts were marked green, the next ten were marked yellow and the last ten as red. In all the programmes, there were cut off benchmarks and the districts that did not meet the benchmark and the districts that did not meet the benchmark in each head were given zero marks.

Udaipur got high marks in disease control. The performance in child health care was also good. Out of 58 PHCs, only one gave feedback. The weak areas were maternal health, sterilization, and delivery system. The first ten districts in order of merit were: Sikar, Ajmer, Sriganganagar, Bhilwara, Kota, Rajsamand, Junjhunu, Jodhpur, Udaipur, and Chittorgarh.

The aim of the programme, according to medical and health department, is to generate healthy competition and improve performance in weak areas.

In the opinion of Dr. Sanjeev Tank, CMHO, Udaipur the aim of the district is to rise to the top rank, weak areas would be strengthened with hard work. This year the district was not able to do well due to lack of proper data entry. The patient feed was also a weak area. In disease control, the performance was good. All the officers would now be able to perform better as their ranking in the programme would be made available on the desktop.


मिसाल: घर से मिलने वाली पॉकेट मनी से ज़रूरतमंद बच्चों की मदद करता है ये कॉलेज ग्रुप ‘सिद्धम्’

‘सिद्धम्’ – एक ऐसा ग्रुप जो हर माह अपनी पॉकेट मनी से ज़रूरतमंद बच्चों के लिए कॉपी, किताब तथा अन्य खाने की सामग्री खरीदते हैं और उसे उन बच्चों में बाँट देते है।

educate india
photo courtesy: world bank

सिद्धम् मिलकर बना है, हर्षवर्धन सिंह चौहान, प्रियांश सिंह, सिद्धार्थ सोनी, अभिजीत सिंह, नरेन्द्र सिंह नरुका, गौरव वर्मा, प्रद्युम्न सिंह और गजेन्द्र सिंह, जैसे लोगो से। चूँकि ये सभी अभी कॉलेज में ही है तो शायद ही किसी की उम्र 22-23 बरस से ऊपर हो! एक और ख़ास बात ये भी है कि ये सभी छात्र राजनीति में भी सक्रिय हैं। इतनी कम उम्र में समाज के उन वर्गों के लिए कुछ कर गुजरने का ज़िम्मा उठाना जो अपनी ज़रूरतों की भरपाई खुद नहीं कर पाते है, अपने आप में ही काबिल-ए-तारीफ़ काम है। ऊपर से छात्र राजनीति में सक्रिय होना भी उन लोगों पर कटाक्ष है, जो हाल ही में छात्रों को राजनीति से दूर रहने की वकालात कर रहे थे।

कैसे काम करते है ये? :- ये सभी मिलकर हर महीने 500-500 रुपये जमा करते है, जो कि अनिवार्य है। उसके बाद ये सभी मेंबर्स अपनी इच्छा से इन 500 रुपयों के आलावा और रुपयें भी डाल सकते हैं। इन रुपयों से ये लोग ग़रीब-बेसहारा, सरकारी स्कूलों, कच्ची बस्ती के बच्चों के साथ-साथ अन्य ज़रुरतमंदों बच्चों में स्टेश्नरी, जूते, खाने की चीज़ें खरीद कर बाँटी जाती है। इस काम को ये पिछले एक साल से कर रहे है।

बच्चों को पढ़ते भी है :- सिद्धम् टीम के मेंबर्स खेल के माध्यम से इन बच्चों को पढ़ते भी है। ढीकली स्कूल से इस काम की शुरुआत की थी। इस दौरान न सिर्फ़ पढाया जाता है बल्कि साफ़ रहना और खेल खेलने के महत्त्व को भी बताते है। इस नए शुरू किए गए प्रोजेक्ट को अब और स्कूलों तक ले जाने की कवायद की जा रही है।

indian children getting education
photo courtesy: new internationalist

क्राउड फंडिंग भी करती है टीम :- सिद्धम्, पॉकेट मनी के अलावा क्राउड फंडिंग का भी सहारा लेती है। इसमें ये लोग शहर के लोगों से अपील करते हैं और उनसे इच्छानुसार राशि लेते हैं। कम से कम ग्यारह रुपयों का डोनेशन आप कर सकते हैं। अच्छी बात ये है कि शहर के कई लोग अब जागरूकता दिखा रहे है और सुखाडिया विश्वविद्यालय में पढने वाले इनके दोस्त तो खैर इनके साथ हैं ही। 🙂

News Courtesy: Rajasthan Patrika


Udaipur Villagers Save Dying Fish! | News

18 June 2018 marked a special day in the history of humanity. 50 km away from Udaipur lies a small town called Menar which is famous for bird watching. Recently, the place has observed high degrees of temperatures which are drying out the small ponds and lakes in the village of Menar.

Due to the same, the fish in the area are dying under the scorching sun.

Dying Fish
Source: Times of India

“This drying out of ponds shall directly affect the birds here”, says a local. “As the birds feed on fish present in the ponds, and if all the fish die because of drying ponds the birds will also suffer”, he added.

The locals here call themselves “Pakshi Mitra” or Friends of Birds.

The villagers pooled in money to get water tankers to fill up the drying ponds. Watching the efforts of the villagers a lot of people from the nearby area came up to help the dying fish. Up till now, 20 water tankers have been used to fill the ponds.

Also, the forest department has taken measures identifying the fragility of the situation. They shifted some of the struggling fish to a nearby pond named Brahma Sagar, which has a greater level of water. As per the forest department, almost 3 quintals (in weight) of Carp Fish has been relocated.

People Helping to Relocate Fish
Source: Times of India

The College of Fisheries at Maharana Pratap University for Agriculture and Technology helped the forest department in shifting the fish.

The nature lovers of Udaipur have done a very commendable job!


News Source: Times of India

Dhadak’s Trailer is out and it’s all about Love and Udaipur!!!

Dhadak Movie’s Trailer starring Janhvi Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter is out and the romance entwined with the magnificence of Udaipur is a must-watch!

The shooting of the movie Dhadak started somewhere at the end of November 2017 in Udaipur. A lot of people had gathered then to watch the shoot. Udaipurites witnessed the sight of Late veteran actress Sridevi Kapoor with her daughter Janhvi Kapoor at Gangaur Ghat.

Source: Patrika

The Dhadak Couple shared a lot of pictures from their Udaipur shoot.

There have been a lot of movies, both Bollywood and Hollywood, shot in Udaipur. Dhadak makes an addition to the list! The movie showcases ornate architecture and grandeur of Udaipur at its best!

Watch the trailer for the Movie Dhadak Here:


The movie is directed by Shashank Khaitan is all set to rock the screens on 6th July 2018.

Tell us in the comment section- Will you go to watch this movie in theatres?


Vaibhav Khater from Udaipur will represent India in Thailand for International Earth Olympiad

Vaibhav Khater, a student from Udaipur will represent India in the 12th International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO). This event will be organized in Thailand, from 8th August -17th August 2018, at Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus. The Geological Society of India conducted an objective-type Entrance Test (ET) in which 20 students were selected to attend a Training Camp. A team of four students has been selected to represent India in the final stage of which Vaibhav Khater is a part.

Vaibhav Khater

The Earth Science Olympiad has a four-stage procedure for selection:

  • National level Entrance Test,
  • Training Camp culminating in the Indian National Earth Science Olympiad,
  • Pre-departure training camp and
  • International Earth Science Olympiad.

What is the International Earth Science Olympiad?

International Earth Science Olympiad or IESO was founded as one of the major activities of the International Geoscience Education Organization (IGEO). It is an annual competition for secondary school students. The main aim of the IESO is to encourage students’ interest and increase public awareness on Earth Science and to enhance Earth Science learning/teaching at the school level.

Aren’t you proud of the students of the City of Lakes? If Yes do share this article to let your friends and family know.