
Satyapal Singh of Pacific Engineering gets placed at an annual package of 15 Lacs!

Satyapal Singh Ranavat, a student of mechanical engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of Pacific University, has been selected as a Marine Engineer on a 15 lacs annual package at Great Eastern Shipping which is India’s largest shipping company. Great Eastern Shipping Company Limited holds the leading position in the world of transportation of crude oil, petroleum products, gas etc.

The student achieved this success by successfully completing the various steps taken by the company in the selection process.

Satyapal Singh Ranawat

Institution director Piyush Javaria gave best wishes to Satyapal for a bright future and informed us that the selected student has been appointed at the Lonavla (Maharashtra) campus of the company.Faculty Head Ahsan Habib said that Satyapal Singh has been at the top in studies since the beginning.Apart from this, in the last year of engineering, he has worked on a project related to DRDO and has also built an automatic ground vehicle. Regular workshops are organized for Aro-modeling and Marine areas in the Institute so those interested students can obtain help in getting good placements and large packages.

Places to Visit

No Not Just The Battle, Haldighati Is also Known For Something Interesting!!!

Since childhood we have read about Haldighati, majorly in context with the Battle of Haldighati (Fought on 18 June 1576). In all the textbooks and every journal we read, it was all just about the bloodshed. In this article, I am going to focus on the merrier and rosy side of Haldighati.

Now, for all those who are missing out on what and where is Haldighati, here a quick brief. Haldighati is a mountain pass in the Aravali Range which connects Rajsamand, Udaipur and Pali districts. The name ‘Haldighati’ has originated from the turmeric colored soil of the hills of the area. Turmeric is haldi in Hindi, which has an orangey-ochre color.

Haldighati is known for its cultivation of roses!

No Not Just The Battle, Haldighati Is also Known For Something Interesting!!!
Source: Natural Perfume Home Haldighati

The place is one of the biggest exporters of rose products in India. Haldighati has one of the finest varieties of roses; the Chaitri Roses. These roses are a breed of pink rose, bloom in plenty in the month of March-April (a period of approx one month) in a year.

The name of Chaitri Rose is derived from the Hindu month Chaitra, which falls in April, hence the name.

Chaitri Roses cultivated in this region form the world’s finest perfumes as well as Gulkand (Rose Jam), Gulab Jal (rose water), and several other products, including a special medicine for diabetes.

No Not Just The Battle, Haldighati Is also Known For Something Interesting!!!

The major production of rose products is done around Badshahi Bagh. This place is well known for its cultivation of roses, especially the Chaitri Roses. The farming of these roses is done at very large scale in Haldighati. The ‘Gulkand’ (Rose petals Jam) made from the rose at Badshahi Bagh has great medicinal value and tastes good too. It is primarily used in ‘Pan’ and other eatables. It has proven therapeutic benefits and has a cooler efficacy which helps in summers from getting relief from the searing sun of Rajasthan.

No Not Just The Battle, Haldighati Is also Known For Something Interesting!!!

While Rose water is also known for its health and beauty benefits, it is also Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, contains high amounts of vitamin C, natural oils found in roses help lock moisture into the skin, has a pleasant natural fragrance, helps in relaxing and toning the skin. Many medicines are also prepared from roses which are exported worldwide.

Aren’t you amazed? Such a small pretty looking flower can do so much!

How to Reach Haldighati?

Haldighati is about 40 km from Udaipur and lies on the route between Udaipur-Eklingji.

Let us know in the comments below if you have ever been to these farms of roses at Haldighati or bought any rose product!!!


‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक “पुकार” के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!

हम ज़िन्दगी में जो भी काम करते हैं उसका फल देर-सवेर हमें मिल ही जाता है।  धर्मराज युधिष्ठिर ने सम्पूर्ण जीवन धर्म और सत्य की रक्षा को समर्पित किया, लेकिन जीवन में सिर्फ़ एक बार, एक अर्धसत्य की वजह से उन्हें भी यह दृश्य (जो कि काल्पनिक रूप में था) दिखाया गया कि उनका परिवार नर्क की निर्मम यातना से गुज़र रहा है। मतलब ज़िन्दगी में चाहे कितने ही अच्छे काम किये हों, लेकिन यदि एक भी बुरा काम किया है तो उसका नतीजा भी हमारे खाते में अवश्य आयेगा। कुछ ऐसा ही हुआ एक गाँव के सरपंच ‘नानका’ के साथ! कहाँ? कब? कैसे? इन सब सवालों का जवाब मिला 7 दिसम्बर, रविवार को, पश्चिम क्षेत्र सांस्कृतिक केंद्र द्वारा आयोजित मासिक नाट्य संध्या “रंगशाला” के तहत, जयपुर के कलाकारों द्वारा मंचित नाटक “पुकार” में!‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!

यह नाटक, राजस्थान की लोक नाट्य शैली- “तमाशा” से प्रेरित है। विशेष तौर पर गीतमय, एवं तुकबंदियों वाले कवितामय संवादों के साथ, मंच पर उपस्थित कलाकारों ने उम्दा अभिनय से प्रस्तुति को सशक्त बनाया। नाटक में मुख्य रूप से “सम्मान के लिये हत्या” (Honor Killing) जैसे गम्भीर और ज्वलन्त विषय को, गहरे और सार्थक कटाक्ष के माध्यम से रेखांकित किया गया, कि किस तरह लोग इज़्ज़त और मर्यादा के नाम पर किसी निर्दोष की साँसें रोकने को राष्ट्रभक्ति समझते हैं। बीच-बीच में दर्शकों को हँसाने, गुदगुदाने के साथ ही समाज की विभिन्न बुराईयों पर गहराई से सोचने पर विवश कर दिया।‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!

नाटक का कथानक कुछ ऐसा है कि एक गाँव का सरपंच, जिसका नाम “नानका” है वह अपने विवाह पर अपनी पत्नी “धानका” को वचन देता है, कि वह हमेशा सत्य का साथ देगा, कभी किसी निर्दोष के साथ अन्याय नहीं होने देगा, और हमेशा गाँव की भलाई के लिये ही कार्य करेगा। कुछ वक़्त बाद धानका अचानक विक्षिप्त/पाग़ल हो जाती है। तब उसे ठीक करने के लिये एक ओझा को बुलाया जाता है। ओझा कहता है, कि धानका की इस हालत का ज़िम्मेदार ख़ुद सरपंच ही है! सरपंच ने कोई ग़लत काम किया है जिसकी वजह से धानका पर ईश्वर का प्रकोप टूटा और वह पाग़ल हो गयी, लेकिन लोग नहीं मानते कि उनके गाँव का रखवाला कुछ बुरा भी कर सकता है। तब ओझा सरपंच से अतीत में उसके द्वारा किये गये कार्यों के बारे में पूछता है, तो एक-एक करके सरपंच बताता है कि कैसे उसने एक विधवा को नयी ज़िन्दगी देने के लिये उसका पुनर्विवाह कराया, दो अबोध बच्चों का विवाह रुकवाया, एक विधवा को नाता प्रथा के तहत अपने ही देवर से ज़बर्दस्ती विवाह के बंधन में बंधने से बचाया! तब ओझा कहता है कि सारे अच्छे कामों के बारे में तो बता दिया, लेकिन जो बुरा किया है उसका क्या??

‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!
तब आख़िरकार सरपंच बताता है, कि एक बार गाँव के एक युवक-युवती ने प्रेम विवाह किया, तो उनके परिवार वाले बहुत ज़्यादा क्रोधित हो गये, कि इन दोनों ने हमारी इज़्ज़त धूल में मिला दी, इन्हें फाँसी की सज़ा दो, जलती हुई भट्टी में झोंक दो। तो सरपंच उस प्रेमी जोड़े को समुदाय और गाँव से बेदख़ल करने की सज़ा सुनाकर उन्हें बचा लेता है। लेकिन यह फ़ैसला उनके परिवारों को स्वीकार नहीं होता, और प्रतिशोध की आग में अंधे होकर वे लोग उन दोनों की हत्या कर पेड़ से लटका देते हैं। –“यह पूरी घटना सरपंच देख रहा होता है, पर ना तो वह उन लोगों को रोकता है, और ना ही किसी अन्य व्यक्ति को इस बारे में बताता है।”–
इस तरह जब सरपंच सबके सामने अपने द्वारा इस एकमात्र ग़लत कार्य का हो जाना स्वीकार करता है, तब होता है एक चमत्कार- धानका पहले की तरह ठीक हो जाती है।‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!

1. जो कलाकार मंच पर रहे- विशाल भट्ट, अन्नपूर्णा शर्मा, अखिल चौधरी, आशुतोष पारीक, तपन भट्ट, शिवेन्द्र शर्मा, रिमझिम, संवाद भट्ट, विष्णु सेन, साक्षात दवे, झिलमिल, मुकेश कुशवाहा, नवीन टेलर, गौरव मीणा, और अभिषेक शर्मा।
2. पर्दे के पीछे वाले जादूगर-
संगीत संचालन- अनुज भट्ट, शैलेन्द्र शर्मा (जिन्होंने तबला, हार्मोनियम, और झाँझ के साथ नाटक में संगीत घोला)

प्रकाश व्यवस्था- शहज़ोर अली (जिन्होंने विभिन्न रंगों के उजाले लेकर, नाटक के दृश्यों, और क़िरदारों के जज़्बातों को और प्रभावी बनाया)

लेखक- तपन भट्ट (जिन्होंने सरल, सार्थक शब्दों के प्रयोग से संवादों को सशक्त और प्रभावी बनाकर इस नाटक को दो दिन में ही निपटा दिया)

निर्देशक- सौरभ भट्ट(जिन्होंने अपनी कल्पना को, बाक़ी सब कलाकारों की कल्पना के साथ विवाह के सूत्र में पिरो दिया)

‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!कुछ ख़ास बातें-

– नाटक में दृश्य परिवर्तन, एवं पूर्व समय (FlashBack) के दृश्यों को दिखाते समय, किसी भी प्रकार के फ़ेड-आउट (मंच पर कुछ पल का अंधेरा, और फिर उजाला) का प्रयोग नहीं किया गया, जिसने निरंतर रूप से दर्शकों को नाटक से जोड़े रखा।‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!

– जब गाँव वाले एक विधवा की दूसरी शादी करने को तैयार नहीं होते, कि इसे जीवन भर अपने पति की याद में अकेले ही रहना होगा, तब सरपंच का यह कहकर विरोध करना, कि अभी तो इसके सामने पूरी ज़िन्दगी पड़ी है, जिसे ख़ुशियों और उम्मीद के रंगों से भरना ही हमारा कर्तव्य है।

– प्रेमी युगल के विवाह के दृश्य में, पण्डित जी द्वारा अपना चश्मा घर पर ही भूल जाने से उत्पन्न परिस्थितियों में, दर्शक हँस-हँस कर लोट-पोट हो जाते हैं।‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!

– बाल विवाह के दृश्य में भी दोनों बच्चे, अपने नटखटपन से पंडित जी की नाक में दम कर देते हैं, और दर्शकों को एक और मौक़ा मिल जाता है ठहाके लगाने का! इसी बीच सरपंच का यह विवाह रुकवाना, परिवार के विरोध का कारण बन जाता है। जब उन दोनों बच्चों से पूछते हैं कि “शादी का मतलब” क्या होता है बताओ? तब बच्चे “बैण्ड-बाजा” और “गुलाब-जामुन” का नाम लेते हैं। यहाँ उन बच्चों की मासूमियत हमें सोचने पर मजबूर कर देती है, कि जिनके लिये ज़िन्दगी अभी मौज-मस्ती, और खिलौनों से ज़्यादा कुछ नहीं, जिन्हें अपने अच्छे-बुरे की समझ नहीं, जिन्हें “विवाह” शब्द का अर्थ तक पता नहीं, वे इतनी बड़ी ज़िम्मेदारी को कैसे निभायेंगे!! उन अबोध बच्चों से उनका बचपन छीन कर, उनके सपनों के अंकुर कुचलकर, उनके वर्तमान और भविष्य का गला घोंटना सर्वथा अनुचित और अन्यायपूर्ण है।‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!

नाता प्रथा- (वह प्रथा जिसमें परिवार की बहू को उसके पति की मृत्यु के बाद, पति के ही बड़े या छोटे भाई से विवाह करने के लिये बाध्य किया जाता है) के दृश्य में विधवा स्त्री को अपने से कई वर्ष छोटे, अपने देवर से विवाह करने हेतु मजबूर किया जाता है, लेकिन वह कहती है कि मैंने जिसे  पुत्र की तरह स्नेह किया है, उसे कैसे अपना पति स्वीकार करूँ? वह बालक भी अपनी भाभी को अपनी माँ समान ही मानता है, और सरपंच भी इनके साथ हैं। संदेश यही है कि एक स्त्री भी एक इंसान है, उसे भी वे सब अधिकार प्राप्त हैं जो बाक़ी सब इंसानों को प्राप्त हैं, और उन्हीं अधिकारों में से एक है “स्वतंत्रता का अधिकार”! अपनी इच्छानुरूप कपड़े पहनने की स्वतंत्रता, कहीं आने-जाने की, या जीवनसाथी चुनने की। वह कोई जानवर नहीं है जिसे बिना उसकी मर्ज़ी के किसी भी खूँटे से ज़बर्दस्ती बाँध दिया जाये।

अब “मन की बात” (हाँ, कभी-कभी हम भी कर लेते हैं, जब आप जैसे प्यारे पाठक मिलते हैं)–
1. हम बड़ों को एक छोटा सा helmet भी बोझ लगता है, तो छोटे बच्चों पर बड़ी ज़िम्मेदारियों का बोझ डालना सही है क्या? नहीं है ना? हाँ! इसलिये “नो बाल विवाह!!”
2. “भारत मेरा देश है!
समस्त भारतीय मेरे “भाई-बहन” हैं!” विद्यालय के दिनों की इस प्रतिज्ञा की “दूसरी पंक्ति” को कुछ ज़्यादा ही गम्भीरता से लेने वाले समाज के सम्मान के, परिवार की प्रतिष्ठा के, तथाकथित रक्षकों के लिये एक महत्वपूर्ण सूचना—
जितनी प्रेम, स्नेह, सुरक्षा, की भावना और शक्ति “रक्षासूत्र” में है, उतनी ही “मंगलसूत्र” में भी है!‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!

अन्त में कुछ अल्फ़ाज़-
जब वसुधा की आँखों में आँसू, होंठों पर धिक्कार हो,
उस वक़्त शायद वक़्त भी, ख़ुद को कोसे, शर्मसार हो,
खोखले सम्मान की ख़ातिर बहा कर ख़ून जब
इन्सां मनाये जीत, पर इंसानियत की हार हो…


The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur

When I come across people of Udaipur, I come to know that the city is too huge to explore and extends deeply in a dark background having a variety of communities that once fostered in the arms of the city; deeper than we can perceive. One such community is ‘Ranchi’ that claims to be a community of the Darbar.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
A man of the Ranchi Community cutting bamboos into usable size

The reason why they caught hold of my attention was their incredible art. Amidst the hustle bustle of the old parts of the city, inside the ‘Mandi’ of Delhi-gate resides and works this community of people who make a living by their ancestral business of making bamboo baskets. This group of people have around 5-6 shops on the ground floor of their houses and run their ‘business’ from home.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
Can you spot me making/weaving a basket with them? 🙂

Parking my vehicle, I came towards a group of ladies sitting on the dirty ground, both ripened women and adolescent girls, who were rigorously making baskets by cutting and peeling bamboo barks. Spotting a camera they went a bit apprehensive and asked, “आप नगरपालिका से हो क्या? हमें यहाँ से हटवाना चाहते हो?” Explaining them generously why I came there brought them at ease.

And then I came to know how kind and friendly these ladies were! They asked me to sit on the ground with them and weave a basket. The girls and their mothers were excited and weren’t much shy of the camera.

How These Baskets Are Made:

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
Bamboos stuffed and stacked in the window of their house

24 feet long bamboos are procured from Assam. The cost of per bamboo is about 200 rupees and one bamboo can be made into only 5-7 baskets of moderate size.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
A woman of the Ranchi community slicing bamboos

Peeling the bamboo and taking out thin and long wafers is the first step. Cutting them to a size that can be used for making a basket (Tokri) is their step two.

After that, these pieces are given to another woman whose work is of making the basket. This is done firstly, by arranging 12 straight pieces to make a circle and then wrapping around thin, long, a bit elastic bamboo peels to give it a shape of a basket.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
Arranging 12 straight pieces to make a circle

Each step of making a basket, from taking out the bamboo till the finished product, is carried out by different women of the community.

The Plight of the Ranchi Community:

Running into a conversation while weaving a basket, I came across their plight.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
A basket being completed

Once these baskets were used to store fruits, ‘Chappati’, ‘Poori’ and all kinds of Indian bread but today with advancement, usage of plastic and other fiber utensils (boxes), their bamboo baskets are suffering a downfall.

These baskets are also used in taking ‘Prasad’ for the deity Shree Nath Ji. Also, these baskets are used in taking various marriage-related offerings such as fruits, dry fruits and much more.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
A hopeful smile

They sell these for Rs. 10 a basic basket and goes up to a maximum of Rs. 100, depending on the size. Men women both work together to achieve a living through making these baskets.

So probably you can estimate their monthly remuneration.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
stacks of baskets made from bamboo

Their max earning is in the wedding season when people, due to tradition, buy these ‘Tokri’. Another is when people buy it for offerings made to their deity as mentioned above.

Apart from these they also sell wood curtains, baskets with lid, mats, broomsticks etc.

What are we doing?

The concern is that this community and its art of making baskets are becoming extinct. Soon they won’t be having a mode of income and hence might opt out of this and look for something more lucrative.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
The enthusiastic face of a woman accomplishing her task

It is not just this art or work that is meeting its end; there are so many things around us that are under the dust of ignorance.

Storing your food probably fruits in these baskets would give a kick to their dying business as well as prove a bit environment-friendly. The material used is bamboo, which is obviously eco-friendly. Disposing of these can also be easy as bamboo is a bio-degradable substance. If not helping the community, we can help ourselves and our environment by simply using these.

Well, did you get the point? All lies in the fact of ‘helping each other’ and maintaining a mutual harmony. While buying baskets will help them survive, keeping these will help our environment.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur

Have you got a basket yet?

Photos by: Siddharth Nagar


Things Which Every St. Marian Can Relate To!

When we talk about the most established schools of Udaipur, we come across several names. In these, the only girls’ convent school in Udaipur is St. Mary’s Convent Sr. Sec. School. It is the school where every parent in the city wants their daughter to be educated, and as mentioned above it is the only girls’ school in the city and yes, undoubtedly this is the significance of this school.

‘St. Mary’s of the Angels’ as they call it! There are certain things only and every St. Marian can relate to.

Things Which Every St. Marian Can Relate To!
When they ask us? Are you a Marian?

‘St. Mary’s we Love You’

This is the school anthem of St. Mary’s and this anthem is something that every Marian has learned by heart.

Here it goes: “…And now we give you thanks,

For all we have and are,

We know you’ll guide us well,

Until we have crossed the bar”

Tying the ‘Blue Ribbon’ 🔷

Things Which Every St. Marian Can Relate To!Daily checking of the Blue Ribbon in the assembly was something every Marian was afraid of. And let me add, more afraid than being caught for riding without a helmet! Tying the Blue Ribbon on pony-tails and braids was a part of wearing a perfect uniform!

Late Comers Making a Separate Line! 😒

Things Which Every St. Marian Can Relate To!Making a separate line and standing until the assembly got over and then listening to the yelling PT Sir; filling the latecomers’ remarks in the diary, who can forget it!

Sick Room and the Green Curtains 😐

Things Which Every St. Marian Can Relate To!The sick room is where all of us (I mean we all Marians) have been to once every year; some coz of being really sick and some coz of skipping physical training periods!

Games Period Shenanigans 🎾 

Things Which Every St. Marian Can Relate To!Not playing and hanging out with friends and talking about life- yes, literally life, was the motive behind going for a Games Period.

The Fear of the Term ‘SISTER’ 👀 

Things Which Every St. Marian Can Relate To!Shouting in the class and enjoying would suddenly come to an end as soon as we heard: ‘Sister is here’. Even the teachers used to scare us taking their names! Mostly it was referring to Sister Principal.

Do you remember how many times you were caught by sister principal!?

Preparations for the Assembly 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 

Have you ever come across a St. Marian preparing for her assembly? Oh no, you would like it haha. The brainstorming to get an apt topic for assembly, the rehearsals, the selection of musical instruments and making it as top-notch as possible was something I did until my end years at the school!

Houses at the School 🏠 

Why am I in Shastri House this time? I wanted to be in Pratap! Gosh…! I know you people can easily relate to it!!!!

Cultural week followed by the 25th December Celebration 🎅

Things Which Every St. Marian Can Relate To!The cultural week was one of the biggest events in my school time. And a great escape from studies and a way to showcase our talents.

That Craze of Wearing a Saree on the Day of Farewell 👸

Things Which Every St. Marian Can Relate To!The best part of being in the 12th class was wearing a Saree (with a lot of restrictions back then in school) on the day of farewell.

The Random Bag Checking 😁

Yeah, I still mourn over my lip-balms and combs!

The Ego Issue, as they say! 😎

Things Which Every St. Marian Can Relate To!In our lives, we have always listened to this- ‘St. Marians have an Ego Issue’! Haven’t you ever heard this? :p

Things Which Every St. Marian Can Relate To!

And how can we forget our domestic staff, office staff and all the teachers and PT drills and parade practices? We have all gone through this to become what we are today. Kudos to us and to St. Mary’s!

Tell your memories of being in St. Mary’s Convent; I shall love to read ‘em all 🙂 

PS: I’m Also a Marian 😇


Alternative Places That Can Replace McDonald’s in Udaipur

McDonald’s is closed in Udaipur! Then where can we go to satiate our cravings of burger, fries….!? Taking into consideration, the plight of the McD lovers, we have come up with  Alternative Places That Can Replace McDonald’s! Have a look at these spots which might have you saying ‘I’m Lovin It’.

Shakes and Bites

The Burgers at Shakes and Bites starts from Rs.120 to Rs.750 (The Big Challenge Burger) are truly finger-licking good! And guess the added advantage? They serve a portion of fries and salad with every Burger!

5 Alternatives Places That Can Replace Mc Donald’s in Udaipur
Shakes and Bites

Where: Hitawala Complex – IInd, 1/A, Saheli Marg, Opposite Soni Hospital, Panchwati, Udaipur

Soo Foody (Vinod’s Café)

We all love Vinod’s Café at the RK Mall, the food quality and quantity is amazing and it is one of the oldest food joints in Udaipur. The burgers at Soo Foody are Sooo Delicious!  And not just burgers, Vinod’s Café is famous for its variety of dishes from every cuisine. The range of their burgers varies from Rs. 60 to Rs. 100.

5 Alternatives Places That Can Replace Mc Donald’s in Udaipur
Soo Foody. Vinod’s Cafe

Where: RKay Mall, Ground Floor, Udaipur

Crave Eat Repeat

The first in Udaipur serving ‘twisted potatoes’, Crave Eat Repeat is the place where you will find a huge array of twisted potatoes in Udaipur. The flavors they give: Peri peri, Noodle stick, Spicy mint, Garlic Potato, Lime pepper, Magic Masala and they serve at a nominal price of Rs. 70.

5 Alternatives Places That Can Replace Mc Donald’s in Udaipur
Eat. Crave. Repeat

Where:  5 New Fatehpura, UIT Circle, Panchwati, Udaipur

Ice & Spice

Ice & Spice can spice-up your taste buds with their Aloo Tikki Cheese Burger. It can easily make you feel full as the Aloo Tikki Cheese Burger has enough calories to do so! The burger would cost you a mere Rs. 100 will full of taste!

5 Alternatives Places That Can Replace Mc Donald’s in Udaipur
Ice n Spice

Where: RKay Mall, Ground floor, Udaipur

Brewberrys Udaipur

Brewberrys burger is one that can make you re-visiting the place every now and then. The burger is priced Rs. 115 and is a delectable pick.

5 Alternatives Places That Can Replace Mc Donald’s in Udaipur

Where: 56, New Fatehpura, Panchwati, Udaipur

OMG The Food Court

Burger priced @ 50/- and a Combo @ 110/- which has a cold drink as well, OMG gives one of the best burgers in Udaipur.5 Alternative Places That Can Replace Mc Donald’s in Udaipur

Where: RKay Mall 4th Floor, Udaipur

Café Lakecity

Located at a happening place in the Old city, Café Lakecity offers delectable food and also provides the facility of takeaways. The burger is really nice and juicy and is priced at Rs. 90/- only.5 Alternative Places That Can Replace Mc Donald’s in Udaipur

Where: 60, Gangour Ghat opp Bagore ki Haveli Museum, Gangour Ghat, Udaipur

Café Good Fellas

Yet another spot to relish some good burgers is Café Good Fellas. They have a very interesting double story burger, and the burgers range from Rs. 90 to Rs. 280. These are available in both veg and non-veg.5 Alternative Places That Can Replace Mc Donald’s in Udaipur

Where: 100 Feet Rd, Sector 14, Hiran Magri, Udaipur

These places are sure to keep you full while McD is gone. Tell us which place you are heading to today evening!

Festivals News

Shilpgram Utsav: An Alluring Summation of Indian Handicrafts Ends with a Promise to Come Next Year

Shilpgram Utsav In Udaipur • December 21 to 30 December 2017

All roads led to Shilpgram, craftsmen’s village, a huge ethnographical museum that comprises over 31 rural dwellings from the four-member Western States of India viz Goa, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Rajasthan, re-erected in 70 acres of picturesque countryside amongst the foothills of the Aravalli range, just 5 km west of Udaipur. The ten-day long Shilpgram Utsav in which 600 folk artist from 18 states and 400 artisans participate was inaugurated on Dec. 21st by Rajasthan Governor Kalyan Singh.

According to Mohd.Furqan Khan Director West Zone Cultural Centre Udaipur, the annual festival was organized with the aim of displaying the handicrafts of craftsmen from all over the country and marketing their products directly without any middlemen.The Shilpgram Utsav was staged with the cooperation and contribution of the seven zonal cultural centers, the ministry of Culture Govt. of India, Development Commissioner Handicrafts New Delhi, Development Commission Handlooms, New Delhi and National Wool development Board New Delhi and in it over 1000 folk artists participated.Shilpgram Utsav In Udaipur

A new feature introduced this year in the Utsav was the Kamal Kothari Memorial (Life Time Achievement) Lok Kala Award. Dr. Kamal Kothari was born in Jodhpur and educated in Udaipur, devoted his whole life to the preservation of Rajasthan’s folk arts, folk music, and folk music instruments, research in folk arts and their development collection of folk songs and research in all these areas. With Indian’s one of the greatest story writers are Vijaidan Detha he launched Prerna Magazine with the aim of collections, recordings and making a musical notation of folk songs. He worked for Rajasthan Sangeet Natak Academy. It was due to him that Langa Mangniiyar musicians became famous all over the world. He was honored with Padma Shree and Padma Bhushan Awards. He was given Nehru Fellowship for the collection of Rajasthani Literature, folk songs, folk tales etc. The Govt. of Rajasthan honored him with Rajasthan Ratna in 1989 Columbia University, made a documentary named ‘Kamal Da’.Shilpgram Utsav In Udaipur

This year’s Kothari Life Time Achievement Award worth 2.51 Lac was given by Rajasthan Governor on 21st December to folk artist Bansi Lal Khiladi of Chvee village of Degana in Mansaur district, who has acted as Raja in folk plays. He has been a Mand singer and Ramleela player. Looking to his proficiency in Kuchamani Khayal style, his guru Nath Dasji made him the leader of the troupe. He has given thousands of presentations organized by different places. He has been honored by Rajasthan Sangeet Academy and Sangeet Natak Academy, New Delhi. His presentations on the first three days of Shilpgram Utsav were greatly appreciated by the audience.Shilpgram Utsav In Udaipur

One of the main attractions of the Utsav this year was the fusion of three kinds of styles, out of which the fusion of two classical and one semi-classical style was presented in place of that mixings of one ‘raga’ and ‘tal’ of two different styles. In this special presentation were added Lavni of Maharashtra, Gotipua of Orissa and classical Kathak. In this Lavni exhibited classical element with folk element while Gotipua was a fascination of classical elements that was mesmerizing. Kathak was a mix of beautiful step work and facial expressions. There was a similarity of musical instruments; the three styles produced a highly enjoyable effect.

Shilpgram Utsav In Udaipur
Performances in the Shilpgram Utsav In Udaipur

The exhibition of wood statues prepared by artists from different parts of the country during a wood sculpture workshop organized earlier turned out to be another big attraction. Also on display in the Darpan hall were different paintings by well-known painters from all over the country painted in a workshop organized by the Centre from time to time.

For the first time in Utsav were on display the different characters such as Devi Amba, Raee, Budiya, Banjara, Chor-police, Bhiyawa of Gavari; made of sand. Gavari is a folk festival of the Bhil caste of Mewar that is min. Of dance, music, and actions and celebrated enthusiastically in the month of Shrawan.Shilpgram Utsav In Udaipur

Visitors got an exciting opportunity to showcase their talent in the ‘Hiwda Ki Hook’ programme when every afternoon they sang, danced and related their interesting experiences before a big audience. They were also able to win prizes in the Sanskritik Quiz.

For their own use and giving gifts, visitors were seen busy buying different handicrafts products from Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Jammu and Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Bengal, Goa etc.Shilpgram Utsav In Udaipur

The crowds swelled during the last few days as they were able to get products they liked at a much lower price. Young and old were seen riding camels and horses with the huge variety of cuisine foodies had a whale of a time. A large number of tourists, both inland and foreign, also enjoyed themselves immensely.Shilpgram Utsav In Udaipur

With better marketing, this big Mela can easily become an even bigger national level Mela that would also boost tourism.

Photo Credits: Dimpy Chundawat & Fouzia Mirza


The Celebration Mall Udaipur Might Soon Become FORUM Mall

Soon after the news of McDonald’s closing, comes another one about the Celebration Mall Udaipur. The largest mall in Udaipur is to be acquired by Prestige Group from South India and mall shall get a name change soon; then it would be called as FORUM Mall.

Celebration Mall photo | UdaipurBlog

The Celebration Mall Udaipur was with CapitalLand and has been taken over by the Property Group from Southern India – Prestige Group which also runs a well-known group of malls – FORUM Malls.

Prestige Group will attain CapitaLand’s stake in seven units that are engaged in retail real-estate. The acquisition is of Rs 342 crores, which shall include 100 percent stake in Flicker Projects Pvt. Ltd. that possesses and runs The Celebration Mall, Udaipur. Prestige group is one of the most famous and pioneering groups in properties.

Lo and behold! Rumour even has it that name of The Celebration Mall may also be changed as a new parent company acquires the property and this might lead to a name change.

It has been just a couple of days that McDonald’s in Udaipur is closed for the time being and now even the mall containing the flagship shall get a new name!


5 Resolutions Every Udaipurite Must Take This Year!!!

Every year in the month of January we take a lot of resolutions for ourselves. Some of us follow these resolutions strictly while some don’t. This year let us take some resolutions for our beloved city!!! I know everyone is excited about the New Year and all the new stuff, but there are things that really need the attention of each one of us.

Can’t Imagine Life Without Internet? See What Udaipur’s 90's Kids Did!
Source: Holiday Plans

So, get ready to read these 5 Resolutions that every Udaipurite must take seriously and follow to make our city all-the-more healthier, beautiful and prosperous.

Resolution #5

So resolution number 5 is one of the most basic one but un-followed extensively. This is NOT throwing litter around us.

Our city is one of the most beautiful cities in India, but unfortunately, Udaipur doesn’t stand in the list of cleanliest cities of the country. This is quite a shameful thing for the residents. We must not throw any sort of rubbish, garbage, trash on the roads or in your neighborhood and especially in our lake.

Udaipur is known for its Lakes, and we must not destroy them! Hence take this resolution of keeping the city clean and beautiful.

Resolution #4

Be Tourist-Friendly…

Remember, first, Udaipur is developing as a tourist hub; and second, it is us who are developing it as a major tourist hub of the state. So why lose temper and patience while driving in the ‘tourist season’.

Be patient while driving, don’t curse people around you. They are new to our city and of course, Udaipur wouldn’t be the same if there happen to be no tourists from across the globe coming and feeling welcomed in the city.

Resolution #3

Say NO to rash driving and follow safety rules.

It is important to acknowledge safety on roads. Wear helmets and follow safety rules; you might end up having an accident but why take some other poor guy with you! Learn to know the meaning of ‘Speed Limit’ and follow that strictly. Keep rules and regulations in your mind while driving and not cause any inconvenience to other people around you.

Resolution #2

Endorse your City – Be a smart citizen of the Smart City!

Promote your city and learn to appreciate the developments in the city- instead of rambling around why things are changing; be grateful for the changes that are leading to a better and smarter Udaipur.

And here we come to #1…!

Resolution #1

Keep Yourself Updated With The Happenings Of The City with

UdaipurBlog Logo

Yes, the most important point is that you must be aware of the happenings in and around Udaipur. A lot of people, maybe due to ignorance, have no clue what is happening in our city. It is quite crucial that you know what is going on near you, which developments are taking place in our city, what are the new constructions going on, which roads or bridges are getting build and everything of-n-about the city. BE UPDATED!

Still, if you are someone who is unknown to all the happenings in the city, follow UdaipurBlog on Instagram, Facebook and Website to know everything about our precious City of Lakes.


Are you gonna follow these resolutions? Tell me how many can you strictly follow and if you have been following any resolution mentioned above, do let us know that too. We’ll be delighted!


2018: 8 developments in Udaipur you must know!

The face of Udaipur is changing with increasing tourist footfall. And henceforth the government is also taking measures to enhance the beauty of the city; various projects are to be undertaken and fulfilled this year to make our City all the more developed. These plans are under the Smart City Project by which the look of the City would be changed.

Let us have a look at these projects that will change the entire look-n-feel of our City.

Wall City, Heritage Look

What will we get?

24 hours water supply, good sewerage facility.

How much it would cost the government?

480 crore monetary assistance tender to 18 wards, which shall get finished up to 80% by the end of the year 2018.

Benefit to the people:

24 hours water supply and electricity, an end to sewerage problems. The area of the Wall city would be painted with white color and some places shall be adorned with traditional motifs to give the city a beautiful look.

Pratapnagar – Balicha Highway Finishing This October 2018

What will we get?

A six-lane road at Pratapnagar – Balicha highway

How much it would cost the government?                   

This shall cost the government about 13.5 crores.

Benefit to the people:

This shall make the way for Ahmedabad to Pratapnagar a lot better and the connectivity will also be smoother. This will also lower the congestion and traffic on the highway, as it shall divert the load of heavy vehicles.

Eklingpura Underpass Finishing by September

What will we get?

An underpass at Eklingpura.

How much it would cost the government?

This shall cost about 6.5 crores to the government.

Benefit to the people:

The benefit of this is that the underpass shall lower the levels of congestion and henceforth making it a smoother drive; also lowering cases of road accidents.

Multipurpose Indoor Stadium

What will we get?

We will get a multipurpose Indoor Stadium at the Khelgoan Udaipur.

How much it would cost the government?

This shall cost about 28 crores to the government and will be 75% completed by the end of this year.

Benefit to the people:

The indoor stadium will have 12 courts of different types of games. This stadium will be one of a kind stadium in Rajasthan and by the end of this year, 5-7 courts will be completed.

Swaroopsagar Development

What will we get?

We will be a ‘Chaupati’ on the sides of Lake Swaroop Sagar.

How much it would cost the government?

It will cost about 3.5 crores and the project will be completed by the month September this year.

Benefit to the people:

This shall make available a public spot for the people of Udaipur and also will create another oxygen pocket in the city.

Jogi Talaab Development

What will we get?

Jogi Talaab and Nandeshwar channel will be developed under this project for increasing tourism.

How much it would cost the government?

The government shall spend about 1.5 crores on Jogi Talaab and 50 lacs on Nandeshwar channel.

Benefit to the people:

This has an overall benefit of increasing tourism in and around Udaipur.

Ayad – Chandpole Bridge of 12 Crore

What will we get?

Under this project, there shall be two bridges constructed viz., Ayad – Chandpole.

How much it would cost the government?

The government shall spend about 6 crores and 6.25 crores on Ayad and Chandpole bridges respectively. The project will be started in February 2018.

Benefit to the people:

This project shall provide a better to-and-fro of the transport in Udaipur hence lessening congestion on roads of the city.

35 Low Floor City Buses

What will we get?

35 new low floor city buses will be introduced in Udaipur.

How much it would cost the government?

The government will spend 20 crores on these buses which will be on the roads by March 2018. Apart from that 100 bus shelters will also be made.

Benefit to the people:

This will obviously work towards getting a better transportation system in Udaipur. And now people could travel on a lower fare in the city.

Waste Management Plant of 17 Crore

What will we get?

Under this Udaipur will get a Waste Management Plant.

How much it would cost the government?

This is one important decision by the government which shall utilize about 17 crores and would be functional by March 2018.

Benefit to the people:

Trash collected door to door will effectively be processed by Decantation.

Inputs via: Dainik Bhaskar

Are you excited by the changes in the city? If yes, then do let us know your views on the changing face of Udaipur in the comments below.