
Amenities worth 6 crore installed at Udaipur Railway Station

The city/Udaipur Railway station witnessed the installation of new facilities worth 6 crores INR for passengers traveling from Udaipur Railway station. The initiative was taken by Home Minister of Udaipur, Mr. Gulab Chand Kataria and Ajmer authorities of North Western Railways.

Facilities included two escalators, a lift and a platform for shade purpose. The escalators can carry approximately 100 passengers at a time with a speed of 0.5m/sec. The lift and escalators are equipped with ultra-modern technologies and in case of any failure during operation of escalators, automatic brakes are also installed for passengers’ safety. Apart from the brakes, the escalators have an emergency switch, overload detection, electromagnetic breaking, and handrail safety.

Installation of foot overbridge has been done between platform no. 2 and 3, which can carry 20 passengers at a time.

A solar plant of 100 kWp was also installed at platform no. 4 and 5 under Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the railways for 25 years. Now, Railways will have to pay only Rs. 5.5 per unit instead of Rs.7 per unit. Hence, this will be helpful as it will generate 4.48 lakh units per year saving 6.5 lakh Rupees.

That is definitely some good news for all the Udaipurites!!

What are your thoughts on having a more modernized railway station in Udaipur?

Places to Visit

उदयपुर की प्रमुख गुफाएं

उदयपुर अरावली पर्वतमाला की गोद में बसा हुआ है, इस शहर में महलों, झीलों, ऐतिहासिक इमारतों, के आलावा कई प्राचीन गुफाएं भी है, जिनसे अधिक्तर पर्यटक अपरिचित हैं। प्रकृति ने इन गुफाओ का निर्माण प्राचीन काल में अरावली पर्वत माला के साथ ही किया था। हम उदैपुरिये खुशकिस्मत हैं की हमारे शहर पर प्रकृति ने इतने उपहार बरसाए हैं।

वेसे  तो इस शहर मैं अनेक छोटी-बड़ी गुफाएं हैं, लेकिन कुछ विशेष गुफाएं है जो की हम उदयपुर वालो के हृदय के बेहद करीब है, इनमें से अधिक्तर गुफाओ में पुराने समय में ही कुछ खास मंदिरों की स्थापना की गई है, आईये जानते है इनके बारे में –

गुप्तेश्वर महादेव गुफा

यह उदयपुर की सबसे प्राचीन एवं प्रमूख गुफा है, आध्यात्म की दृष्टि से भी इसका प्रमूख स्थान है, इसे “उदयपुर का अमरनाथ”  भी कहा जाता है। यह प्राचीन गुफा उदयपुर के बिलिया गाँव में ओड़ा पर्वत के शिखर पर स्थित है, जो की तितरडी के पास है| यहाँ भगवान शिव का प्राचीन मंदिर है, उपर पहाड़ पर यह मंदिर बड़े ही विस्तृत क्षेत्र में फैला हुआ है, इस गुफा की एक खासियत यह भी हें की इस तक चढ़ाई का रास्ता टेढ़ा-मेढ़ा हैं जो की आगन्तुको को अति आनंदित करता है!caves in udaipur

यह एक गहरी गुफा है जिसके दुसरे छोर पर शिवलिंग हें, इस गुफा में प्रवेश करते समय हमें हजारों चमकादड़े गुफा की दीवारों पर उल्टी लटकती हुई दिख जाती हैं, साथ ही पत्थर के  प्राकृतिक सर्प भी दीवारों पर दिख जाते हैं। इस मंदिर से अक्सर अखंड मंत्रोचार की आवाज़े आती रहती हैं कुछ विशेष अवसरों  पर पूरा पहाड़ सुन्दरकाण्ड, भजनों व मंत्रो से गुंजायमान रहता हैं। हर माह यहाँ 48 घंटो का अनवरत जाप होता  है।

इस गुफा का भ्रमण करने से एक विशिष्ट आध्यात्मिक आनंद का अनुभव होता है तथा यहाँ के सम्पूर्ण मंदिर परिसर में छाई शांति हमें खुद  में एक उर्जा का अनुभव करवाती हैं। इस गुफा के अंदर एक और छोटी  गुफा है जो की एक रहस्यमयी गुफा है, यह दूसरी गुफा इतनी बड़ी और लम्बी है की इसके दुसरे छोर पर आज तक कोई नहीं पहुच सका हैं, बड़े बुजुर्ग कहते हें की यह दूसरी गुफा काशी तक जाती हैं।

इस मंदिर का एक आश्चर्यजनक प्रभाव यह है की जब हम पहाड़ की चढाई से थककर गुफा में पहुचते हैं तो गुफा में कुछ ही क्षण बिताने पर हम फिर से खुद को उर्जावान महसूस करते हैं। यहाँ शांत वातावरण, शुद्ध एवं ठंडी हवा के झोके हमें चिंता मुक्त कर देते हैं, साथ ही सारी मानसिक थकान भी दूर हो जाती हैं। यहाँ पहाड़ से देखने पर पूरा उदयपुर दिखाई देता हैं, यहाँ एक सुन्दर बगीचा और एक भव्य हनुमान मंदिर भी हैं। इस गुफा में हर पूर्णिमा की रात को भजन संध्या होती हैं जो कि एक संगीतमय रात्रि जागरण होता हैं।

मायरा कि गुफा –

यह गुफा उदयपुर में गोगुंदा के निकट स्थित हैं। इसके आस-पास घना जंगल हैं, क्षेत्रफल कि दृष्टि से यह मेवाड़ कि सबसे बड़ी गुफा हैं। बारिश के मौसम में यहाँ  लगातार झरने देखने को मिलते है। इस गुफा कि संरचना भूलभुलैयाँ कि तरह है। इस गुफा में लंबी, टेढी-मेढी, संकरी गलिया हैं। हल्दिघाटि के युद्ध के दौरान यहाँ महाराणा का निवास स्थान था। इसकि जटिल संरचना के कारण ही महाराणा प्रताप ने इसे अपने शस्त्रागार के रूप में चुना था। caves in udaipur

इस गुफा में गुसने के तीन रास्ते है, लेकिन इसकि बाहरी संरचना कुछ इस प्रकार है कि बाहर से देखने पर इसका प्रवेश द्वार नज़र नहीं आता। इस गुफा के एक कमरे में महाराणा प्रताप अपने प्रिय घोड़े चेतक को बाँधा करते थे। इस कमरे के पास माता हिंगलाद का मंदिर भी है। यह राजस्थान के ही नहीं अपितु संपूर्ण भारत के सबसे अनछुए स्थानों में से एक है। अगर आप एक साहसिक भ्रमण पर जाना चाहते है तो यह आपके लिए एक सर्वोत्तम स्थान हैं।

झामेश्वर महादेव मंदिर गुफा –caves in udaipur

यह गुफा उदयपुर में झामर-कोटडा नामक स्थान पर है। यह एक बड़ी गुफा है,  इसके आस-पास पानी व हरियाली हैं। यह पूर्ण रूप से प्रकृति कि गोद में स्थित है। इसके आस-पास का वातावरण बहुत शांत एवं खुशनुमा हैं। लंबे-लंबे पैडो, पक्षियों कि आवाज़ों के साथ यहाँ सैकड़ों बंदर भी देखने को मिलते हैं। इस गुफा के अंत में एक प्राचीन प्राकृतिक शिवलिंग हैं, जिसकी खोज आज से करीब 600 वर्ष पहले हुई थी। यह मंदिर परिसर एक विस्तृत क्षेत्र में फैला है, हर दिन यहाँ कई श्रद्धालुओ व पर्यटको का आवागमन होता हैं।

उभैश्वर महादेव गुफा –

यह गुफा उदयपुर की बहुचर्चित एवं सर्वप्रसिद्ध गुफा हैं। उभैश्वर जी जाने का रास्ता मल्लातलाई चौक के दाई तरफ कुछ दूरी पर स्थित रामपुर चौक से जाता है। यह गुफा एवं मंदिर एक ऊँचे पहाड़ की चोटी पर स्थित हैं, यहाँ तक जाने के रास्ते में एक जोखिम भरी खड़ी व गुमावदार चढाई आती हैं। जो की बड़ी खतरनाक है, कयोंकि उस रास्ते पर एक तरफ पहाड है तो दूसरी तरफ खाई है। साथ ही यहाँ जंगली जानवरों का खतरा भी रहता है।caves in udaipur

अतः हमें वहाँ जाते समय रास्ते में सावधानी पूर्वक जाना चाहिए। अगर हम वर्षा ऋतु में वहाँ जाते है तो हमें प्रकृति की विशेष सुंदर छटा निहारने का विशिष्ट सौभाग्य प्राप्त होता हैं। ऊपर पहाड से नीचे देखने पर हमें कोई घर, कोई इमारत दिखाई नहीं देती, चारोतरफ दुर -दुर तक सिर्फ पहाड ही पहाड दिखते  हैं। पहाड पर एक सुंदर सरोवर हैं जो “कमल तलाई” नाम से विख्यात है।

यहाँ सुंदर श्वेत कमल खिलते है यहाँ से बहता हुआ पानी आगे जाकर झरने के रुप में गिरता है, जो की और आगे जाकर सिसारमा नदी में मिलता हैं। इसी तलाई से थोड़ा आगे एक बड़ी व लंबी गुफा स्थित हैं। जो की उभैश्वर महादेव मंदिर गुफा के नाम से विख्यात हैं। इस गुफा में शिव पूजन के समय सिर्फ कमल तलाई से प्राप्त पुष्प ही अर्पण किए जाते है।

तिलकेश्वर महादेव गुफा –caves in udaipur

यह प्राचीन गुफा उदयपुर में गोगुंदा हाई-वे के किनारे स्थित एक गाँव बैरन में स्थित हैं। यह एक दुर्गम गुफा है, इसमें प्रवेश के लिए हमें एक चेन के सहारे नीचे गुफा में उतरना पडता हैं। जहाँ नीचे एक झरना एवं जलाशय हैं इस गुफा में एक प्राचीन शिव मंदिर है जिसके बारे मे कहा जाता है कि, यहीं पर महाराणा प्रताप ने शक्ति सिंह का राजतिलक किया था। यहाँ पास ही में एक खाई है जिसके किनारे अधिक्तर पर्यटक फोटो खिचवाते हैं। यहाँ आसपास कई मनोरम दृश्य हैं  ।

पातालेश्वर गुफा-

यह गुफा उदयपुर में टाइगर हील से लगभग तीन किलोमीटर दूर, बडगाँव में नहर के पास स्थित हैं। इस गुफा की विशेषता यह है की ना तो यह गुफा पहाड़ पर स्थित हैं ना ही इसके आस-पास कोई पहाड़ हैं। यह गुफा जमीन में पाताल की दिशा में बनी है, इसीलिए इसका नाम पातालेश्वर रखा गया। इस अंधेरी गुफा में भी एक प्राकृतिक शिवलिंग है जिसकी सुरक्षा एवं देखभाल की जिम्मेदारी एक अघोरी ने अपने कंधो पर ले रखि हैं। इस गुफा के अंदर भी एक खुफिया सुरंग है जिसका दुसरा छोर आज भी एक रहस्य हैं।


Best Areas to stay in Udaipur

Udaipur is undoubtedly city that attracts plenty of tourists throughout the year, so if you are heading to Udaipur, you would want to know about the best areas to stay in the city for accommodation.

Below is a list of different areas suitable for you  to stay:

1. Near Jagdish temple (old city):

For every traveler and curious person who loves to explore and wants to know about the culture and heritage of the city, then this is the perfect zone for you to stay. The narrow alleys, colorful shops, and the hustle bustle are an altogether different experience that makes you feel the vibe of the old city of Udaipur. The place has a whole lot of tourist attractions to visit which include City Palace, Jagdish temple, Gangaur Ghat.

Popular Hotels include:

Fateh Prakash Palace, Shiv Nivas Palace.

A view of the old city

2. Near Fateh Sagar Lake:

If you are vacationing in Udaipur with family and you haven’t visited Fateh Sagar lake yet, then you are definitely missing out on a lot of things.  A much better idea is to find an accommodation somewhere near lake Fateh Sagar. The calm atmosphere and cool breeze soothe your soul. One can enjoy the boat ride and a walk at Fateh Sagar lake.

Popular Lakeside hotels include:

The Lalit Laxmi Vilas, Hotel Lakend, Radisson blu, Hotel Swaroop Vilas Palace etc.

source: Getaroom India
View of Fateh Sagar Lake from The LaLiT

3. In the residential portion of the city (Hiran Magri):

Hiran Magri is the largest residential colony in Udaipur, further divided into sectors and is home to thousands of people. This area is recommended to tourists because it is quite safe, provides easy access to all the necessary things and has some really cheap hotels.

Some popular hotels are:

The Fern Residency (sec-3), Hotel Paras Mahal (sec-11), Meenakshi hotel (sec-5)

source: Hotel Paras Mahal

4. Near City Railway Station:

For tourists who prefer to travel by train or Bus to Udaipur, need not worry about the accommodation facility as there are enough hotels in that area at affordable prices. The tourist attractions and famous places to visit are also not very far.

Popular hotels include:

Hotel Le Roi, Hotel Vishnupria

source: Agoda

5. Hari Das Ji ki Magri, Mulla Talai:

Apart from its exquisite beauty and marvelous history, one thing that attracts tourists from all over the world towards this city is it’s luxurious and larger than life hotels, out of which some of them are located at Hari Das Ji Ki Magri. So, if you want to visit these illustrious hotels and experience their royal hospitality then you must choose your accommodation in this area.

Prominent Hotels include:

The Oberoi Udaivilas, Hotel Chunda Palace, Trident, Hotel Jaisingarh.

View from the Oberoi Udaivilas

6. Near Badi Lake:

Want your stay to be extremely private and peaceful, what better place to stay rather than Lake Badi. Located on the outskirts there are some very beautiful resorts. Some of the handpicked resorts are:

Shouryagarh Resort and Spa, The Royal Retreat, Amantra Shilpi resort, Park Exotica Resort.

source: Shouryagarh Resort and Spa

7. Near Lake Pichola:

Last but not the least, the most favorite destination of tourists, Lake Pichola is famous for innumerable reasons. Pichola lake area is surrounded by a budget to luxurious, all kinds of accommodation suitable for both domestic and international tourists. One can simply view the sunset, do photography and enjoy a boat ride. Some popular hotels that provide a stunning view of the Pichola lake are:

Jag Mandir Island Palace, Taj Lake Palace, The Leela Palace, Hotel Ambrai, Udai Kothi. 

Taj Lake Palace Hotel

(P.S. Most of these Hotels are always booked, so make sure that you do the respective pre-bookings)

This was our list of popular areas to stay in the city of lakes. Do tell us, what you think about this list? We would love to hear from you.


Smart India Hackathon 2018 | World’s largest Hackathon held in Udaipur

Smart India Hackathon 2018 (World’s largest Hackathon ) organized on March 30-31, 2018 in Udaipur. Techno NJR is the Nodal Center for Ministry of Railways.

It is a matter of pride that Udaipur was chosen as one of 28 Nodal Centers for organizing Word’s largest Hackathon. Udaipur based Techno India NJR Institute of Technology was chosen as a Nodal Center again this year after their successful performance in Smart India Hackathon 2017.

What is a Hackathon?

A Hackathon is an event, usually hosted by a tech company or organization, where programmers get together for a short period of time to collaborate on a project. The participants work rapidly and often work without sleep to achieve their task, as the events generally only last 24 hours to 36 hours or take place over a weekend.

Why Smart India Hackathon 2018?

Our Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, envisages a Digital India to bridge the digital divide in our country and further promote digital literacy in order to make development a comprehensive mass movement and put governance within everyone’s reach in India. In order to work towards our PM’s vision, MHRD, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Inter-Institutional Inclusive Innovation Center (i4C), and Persistent Systems organized Smart India Hackathon 2017, a unique initiative to identify new and disruptive digital technology innovations for solving the challenges faced by our country. The initiative was a huge success. To reiterate the efforts towards our PM’s vision, MHRD, AICTE, i4C, and Persistent Systems is proud to propose the 2nd edition of this initiative – Smart India Hackathon 2018.

Smart India Hackathon 2018 is a non-stop digital product development competition, where problems are posed to technology students for innovative solutions

What makes it Largest in the World?

27 Union Ministry & Departments, 17 State Ministries are participating in this event who gave 1060 Problem statements. More than one lakh students submitted their digital solutions out of which 1296 teams consisting of 10300 students were shortlisted for Grand finale to be held at 28 Nodal centers across India Simultaneously. Techno NJR was the Nodal center for Ministry of Railways.

Techno NJR saw the arrival of 40 teams consisting of 300+ students and mentors arriving at their campus on 29th March. Teams came from Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai, Pune, Goa and also from smaller places like Medak, Jalgaon, Kunoor etc.  A team of 60 dedicated volunteers led by Umangini of the 3rd year worked day and night for 4 days to ensure guests comfortable stay and food arrangement.  Coordinator for Udaipur Nodal Center Aaditya Maheshwari along with his team of 15 faculty members ensured that all required infrastructures like Labs, telecommunication network worked without any problem.

Smart India Hackathon 2018
Registration Desk

The event was judged by a panel of 16 judges including 7 judges from Railways led by Director Rajiv Gupta. Other judges included Mr. Lalit Yagnik, ex-director IBM worldwide, Mr. Narendra Sharma, ex CEO, Hexaware, Mr. Damodar Dani, ex MD Modi Tyres, Dr. Raghuveer of GITS and others.

Smart India Hackathon 2018
Judges Meeting
Smart India Hackathon 2018
Judges Meeting Participant

Hon’ble Prime mister was so enthused about this event that he decided to talk to students at all 28 Nodal Centers at 8 PM on 30th March when students were working hard to find solutions. PM’s talk when he addressed students as Problem Solvers of the country filled students with confidence. Techno NJR organized a Zumba Session for participants at 10 pm through Leni & Group. Early morning at 6 AM on 31st April, a session on Yoga was organized.


Smart India Hackathon 2018
Hon’ble PM addressing students


Smart India Hackathon 2018
Zumba Dancing by Participants


Smart India Hackathon 2018
Yoga Session in progress


Smart India Hackathon 2018
Winners with Their Cheques

There were three prizes of Rs. 1 lakh, Rs. 75,000/- and Rs. 50,000/- for Winner, First Runner-up, and Second runner-up.

Winning Teams

Team Electric Sheep of Bengaluru won the first prize of Rs. 1 lakh for their solution of Public address system on platforms to be done on FM radio frequency so that passengers can hear the announcement on their mobile phones, Radios, and personal MP3 players. This will ensure that every passenger hears the announcement and do not miss their trains.

Team Janmitra of IIT, Dhanbad won the second prize of Rs. 50,000/- for their Machine learning algorithm-based solution to recognize the type of complaint and send it directly to concerned official. This work has been difficult to be done manually as the volume of complaint received via letter, email, Facebook, Twitter and other social media is very high.

Third prize of Rs. 25,000/- was won by Team RangersZ from VJTI, Mumbai for their solution to predict Railway Telecom Network failures and thereby minimize downtime. This is very important as entire reservation system and freight operations depend on efficient telecom network.

Health & Fashion People

Aakanksha Luthra is making heads turn | Fashion Blogger-Entrepreneur from Udaipur

Aakansha Luthra or you can call her by the name ‘Curvy Diva Chic’, is all about body positivity, travel, plus-size fashion blogging, make-up and so much more. Her Instagram feed imparts positive vibes and so many colors that you would get mesmerized. I ran into talking to her and had so many questions to ask! So here is a brief about who is the Curvy Diva Chic and all that you must know about her.

Aakanksha Luthra is making heads turn | Fashion Blogger-Entrepreneur from Udaipur

How would you define yourself?

I am an everyday Plus size fashion blogger who loves long, flowing, breezy maxi dresses and skirts. If I were to define myself, I would sum up within these points;

♥ I am someone who would pick skirts over pants.

♥ Someone who loves to dress up for herself, love red lipsticks and coral pink being my soul color.

♥ I love cooking and travel to stay sane!

Tell our readers about your Blog- Curvy Diva Chic.

CURVYDIVACHIC.COM is an Everyday Curvy Girl’s Blog about Fashion, Travel, and Lifestyle. I started my blog in the year 2014 with a vision of boosting the self-esteem of plus size women through the silent language of fashion. My blog boasts plus size body positivity and encourages women to love their bodies.

How Did You First Get into Blogging?

I started my blog when I realized my love for fashion and I believe we are lucky to be in the era where fashion is more about embracing your personal sense of style rather than following the path of predefined “trends” set by someone else. Fashion helped me with my self-esteem, and I thought my voice may help others like me to be who they are. I was into writing already; fashion brought out the hippity-hop personality I never knew existed in me.

Plus size fashion is fun.

I get to talk constructively about things I always wanted to share, like doing what you really want to do and not thinking about what others have to say, because everyone has an opinion, and we are a population of 7 billion!Aakanksha Luthra is making heads turn | Fashion Blogger-Entrepreneur from Udaipur

Tell me some of your strengths that really helped you in blogging?

It all started with an urge to express me. Further, excellent communication skills, being an extrovert and a strong will to do it helped me out a lot. Thanks to being fat a major part of my life, I am now immune to others opinions about me. So yeah, nothing matters and I get to do what I want to do!

How would you describe your blogging style?

Expressive, Chic, Elegant. I work on boosting self-esteem, mine as I boost others’.

Tell me about your proudest achievement?

For me, the proudest achievement was when I was featured in The Hindu for my work.Aakanksha Luthra is making heads turn | Fashion Blogger-Entrepreneur from Udaipur

What was the most challenging moment in your blogging journey so far? Were your parents supportive of your career choice?

The most challenging moment in career was the decision of starting a blog. My parents have been a strong support for my entire career.

What would you say that is the biggest challenge for fashion blogging?

Fashion Blogging is an expensive affair.  Further, conceptualization of the blog post is harder than it looks.Aakanksha Luthra is making heads turn | Fashion Blogger-Entrepreneur from Udaipur

Who is your fashion inspiration?

Adele! She is the reason I fell in love with fashion in the first place.

What are some of your current fashion obsessions?

I am committed to the Long Flowy Maxi dresses. Anything classic and chic, especially vintage! I believe that if you don’t find something good to wear go for Off Shoulders, they are instant fixes. When I talk about colors, I go for corals and yellows, trust me these can do way more than just brighten your ensemble.Aakanksha Luthra is making heads turn | Fashion Blogger-Entrepreneur from Udaipur

Where would you like to be in blogging five years from now?

I perceive myself as a successful Social Media Influencer and becoming the voice that I am.

Mention the brands or people you have collaborated with.

Daniel Wellington, Stalkbuylove, FabAlley, Lastinch etc.  to name a few.


We hope the Curvy Diva Chic makes a difference and spreads tons of body positivity through her fashion. It was a pleasure talking to such an amazing girl with so much to share. If you wanna know more about her, you can follow her on Instagram and Facebook and check out her website as well.


Instagram: @curvydivachic_official

Facebook: curvydivachic



MUST READ | Daily Dump and Eco Hut will make you manage your waste!

If you want to change the world, begin that change from yourself.

Waste management has become the need of the hour and it’s crucial that we act upon it! We tend to throw around a lot of trash, which is basically called littering. In India, littering is an offense and is often fined. But apart from being fined or stopped by someone, we must be aware of how drastically and exponentially it is affecting our lives and nature. Being living in one of the most beautiful cities in India, we must take steps not to generate any more of litter. Udaipur is a beautiful city but often we find heaps of litter around fine-looking areas of the town. Our lakes face a lot of troubles due to the same reason.

Petite waste becomes huge if not recycled or reused. For instance, take our kitchen waste; if every day 20 houses in a colony dump 2 dustbins of kitchen waste at a place every day, think of how much litter would be accumulated at the end of a year. Accounting that, let’s see what Daily Dump teacher us.

Daily Dump, Udaipur

Mr. Anant Nigam, the Udaipur store owner of Daily Dump, gives us a new way to make a greener and healthier environment at home by just dumping our kitchen waste. All you have to do is grab earthen pots from them and change the way of your kitchen waste dumping errand.

These earthen pots are made to be kept at home as they do not give out any foul smell while they perform their task of creating compost from your kitchen discards. These do not require any electricity or any other source of power. Once you start putting discarded materials from your kitchen in these pots, you don’t even need to stir or keep a compulsive check- just keep filling and leave.

The initial compost making would take 40 to 45 days but once the process takes it rotation, you can get organic compost every 15 days. So now, for all those who love gardening, such kind of compost is close to gold!

And yes for all those of you who are wondering what’s fertilizers are for? These compost making pots are totally organic, they do not involve the use of any kind of inorganic material and are way eco-friendly than the conventional fertilizers.

We need to understand that a one-time investment can keep us away from big losses in the future.

A customer with a 3 tier compost pots

Q: How much I need to pay to get these?

Each pot set comes for INR 2,800/- and includes a mud pot, lid, remix powder, Neem Khull, and Microbes.

Q: Where can I get these pots?

No.5/6, Patanjali Vihar, New Bhopalpura, Behind CPS School, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Q: Whom to contact?

Anant Nigam (+91- 9829769043)

For more information, click: Sujaan Inc – Daily Dump


Another serious issue is of throwing waste that can be upcycled. The meaning of upcycling is transforming, waste materials, useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products of better quality. In other words, you creatively mould a discarded thing to make it useful for you again.

An organization in Udaipur is upcycling products for 2 years now and pledge to make Udaipur better and waste-free.

Eco Hut, Udaipur

Run by Guddi Prajapat, Ritesh Shekhawat, and Vishal Singh, Eco Hut is a nonprofit social business which aims to make Udaipur a zero-waste city. Started in the year 2014, the organization conducts workshops with children and youth on how to upcycle waste and make something creative out of it. They sell Eco-friendly products, provide services, tours, workshops about upcycling.

Guddi Prajapat has more than 6 years of experience in designing handmade products and natural herbs, while Ritesh Shekhawat is a management graduate; she has an expertise in handmade jewelry design, Vishal Singh is a self-design learner who helps in bringing new ideas to the venture.

Source: thalagiri Left to Right: Ritesh, Guddi, Vishal

Their products include herbal items, handmade jewelry, upcycled creative products, décor items and so much more. They also put their stalls in various fairs and festival across the city.

For more information, click: Eco Hut – Facebook Page

Q: Where can I meet them?

1, Dhaibhay Ji Ki Haveli, Mahavat Marg, Ganesh Ghati, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Q: Time of availability?

Eco hut opens at 11 am and closes 6 pm

Q: Whom to contact?

Call them on +91-90018 09638

Recycling and upcycling is a crucial need of today. Our city is beautiful and let’s keep this beauty intact. As initiated by Eco Hut, let us make our City of Lakes a zero-waste city.

If you know any other organization or any individual who is doing their part for nature in Udaipur, do mention them in the comments below. We would love to know them!

Places to Visit

Top 5 free things to do in Udaipur

The city of lakes is a tourist hub and has a lot to offer for people who love to explore and travel. This is a beginner’s guide for any traveller or tourist who wishes to visit Udaipur. Here are top 5 free things to do in Udaipur.

1. Begin your day by visiting Jagdish temple-

Nothing better than starting your day by visiting Jagdish Temple and paying respect to God. Located in the heart of the city, Jagdish temple is another architectural wonder by the Mewar Dynasty and is probably the most famous and oldest temple in the city. The temple stands tall at 79 ft high and gives the most stunning view of the old city. One should not miss the Aarti that takes place at every sunrise and sunset.


4:15am to 1pm.

5:15pm to 8pm.

Jagdish temple

2. Roaming around the local market-

A visit to a local market in the old city can be a perfect and altogether different experience for all the tourists and backpackers. The local market represents the tradition and rich culture of Mewar. The famous shopping items that can exclusively be found in old city market are handicrafts, paintings, leather products, journals, and diaries.

You can visit the local market at Hathi pole bazaar, Bada Bazaar, and Jagdish Temple street.

source: Travel triangle

3. Visit lake Pichola and Ambrai Ghat-

Undoubtedly, the most visited place in Udaipur by the tourists, Lake Pichola is surrounded by hills, magnificent temples and hotels. Tourists can enjoy the beautiful sunset and alluring city lights.

Situated on the banks of Lake Pichola, Ambrai Ghat is a paradise for photographers. The best thing about Ambrai Ghat is that it gives the best view of the city from every direction. The place is often crowded on weekends. Best time to visit Ambrai Ghat is during sunset.

source: TripAdvisor
sunset view from ambrai ghat

4. Evening walk at Gulab Bagh Garden-

Spread over 100 acres of land, Gulab Bagh garden is the largest garden of Udaipur and it is heaven for all flora lovers. Approximately 3000 people visit the garden every day. There are dozens of activities one can do in the Garden. The best time to visit Gulab Bagh is during early morning or evening as the temperatures are comparatively cooler.

For all the avid readers, you can visit the historic Saraswati Bhawan library.

Gulab bagh garden and Saraswati library

5. Chilling at Fateh Sagar Lake-

What better way to end the day than spending an evening at Fateh Sagar lake. The lake looks stunning during the night and it attracts thousands of visitors during the day. If you are a coffee lover then you can spend the best time having coffee on the pal side and enjoy the cool breeze. The place is a lot of fun and crowded atmosphere makes you feel alive.

fatehsagar lake

This was our list of top five free things you can do in Udaipur. Do try it, trust me you won’t regret.

Feel free to share your opinion, we would love to hear from you.


Getting along with the food truck fad – Here’s a list of Udaipur’s food trucks

Udaipur has seen an upsurge in the number of food trucks coming up these days and it is, with no doubt whatsoever, the most hygienic way to chow down on some of the best dishes without having to burn a hole in your pocket. While munching at food trucks is definitely clean and better, there are other perks to it too; as the lack of space in the city increases, and people becoming averse to the idea of sitting down at a cafe and chewing on food leisurely, food trucks gain significance. Besides, it is often costlier to rent a place and start from scratch.

Food trucks are a one-time investment and it’s just a lot easier and fun to drive around places exploring different spots of the town and giving the taste of your food to almost everyone. They are very cost effective in the long run. Food trucks have become a trending topic in the whole country and almost everywhere there is a growing inclination towards eating at these trucks that have rewritten a new page in the history of culinary evolution.

As the mobile kitchen industry booms across the nation and more people venture into this area (most of them being millennials), we present to you a list of the major food trucks in the town, serving mouth-watering food. We bet you must have not heard of some of these before! Have a look:


Getting along with the food truck fad - Here's a list of Udaipur's food trucks

This food truck has become the talk of the town not only because they serve good food but the innovative and outstanding concept they have come up with. Gudduz serves dishes like Veg. Meat Tikka, Veg. Meat Biriyani, etc. but you don’t have to worry as the names are only deceptive. It is a 100 percent vegetarian food truck owned by Mr. Abhishek Sinha and Mr. Deepak Parihar, that uses a special technology to turn grains and plant proteins into food that tastes like meat, looks exactly like meat, and is a lot better for your health. The food truck stands from 6 pm to 10 pm every day and the average cost of eating for two here ranges around ₹200-300/-

Contact – +91-7412053927

Location – Bombay Chowpaty, Sukhadia Circle


Getting along with the food truck fad - Here's a list of Udaipur's food trucks

With amazing dishes like Maggizza (pizza with a base of Maggi), hot dogs, and fries, this food truck has made a mark on every person in the city. This truck is owned by Mr. Asad Meraj, Mr. Arpit Mangal, and Mr. Amay Bhatnagar, and it boasts of a creative menu that will want you to come back again. It is a pure vegetarian food truck and opens from 5.30 pm – 10.30 pm. The average cost of a meal for two is ₹250-300/-

Contact – +91-9004003640

Location – Shobhagpura road, Opp. Dosa Plaza


Getting along with the food truck fad - Here's a list of Udaipur's food trucks

Another food truck owned by two energetic Punjabis who welcome you with open arms and a big smile, Mr. Siddak Soni and Mr. Agam Soni, have been here only for two weeks but their food is much talked about already. They have a really economical menu with a major focus on mocktails and shakes, along with burgers and other combos as well. They are soon going to come up with a revamped menu. It is a pure veg. food truck operating from 5.30 pm – 11 pm, every day. Meal for two costs around ₹250-300/-

Contact – +91-7023993578

Location – Shobhagpura Circle, Udaipur

The Indian Pizzeria:

Getting along with the food truck fad - Here's a list of Udaipur's food trucks

Pizza is the first love for most people and we cannot honestly go a day without pizza. We are so thankful to Mr. Ahmed Khan for coming up with this amazing truck that caters to pizza lovers as well as a variety of other things. It is pure veg. and serves Indo-Italian fusion dishes, mocktails, etc. The average cost of a meal for two is ₹300-400/- and it opens from 5.30 pm – 11.30 pm. They even deliver lip-smacking pizzas between 12 – 4 am but with an added delivery cost on a minimum order value.

Contact – +91-9910873811

Location – Sukhadia Circle, Opposite Big Bazaar

Ranaji on Wheels:

Getting along with the food truck fad - Here's a list of Udaipur's food trucks

Another pure veg food truck with savory food up for grabs from 4 – 11 pm, and owned by Mr. Prashant Jain is Ranaji on Wheels. It is a unit of Ranaji restaurant and serves delicious Dal Makhni, Paneer Handi, Chur Chur Naan at really affordable prices. They are soon coming up with Paneer Tikka, Kulchas, etc.The average cost of a meal for two is ₹150-200/- Have you visited this food truck yet?

Contact – +91-9828882111

Location – Sukhadia Circle, Near Baskin Robins

RK Chinese Corner:

Getting along with the food truck fad - Here's a list of Udaipur's food trucks

This is yet another popular vegetarian food truck in town serving the best of Chinese dishes, momos, soups, fried rice, etc. It opens from 6 – 11.30 pm and is owned by Mr. Shakir Khan. A meal for two costs around ₹200-250/-

Contact – +91-8432352531

Location – Panchwati, Opposite Royal Motors

Meals on Wheels:

Getting along with the food truck fad - Here's a list of Udaipur's food trucks

This food truck is lit with LEDs and probably noticeable from a distance. So is the food and the specialties include paneer, chilly, momos, pizzas, and tikkas. It is owned by Mr. Rashid Sheikh and operates from 5 – 11 pm every day. It is a pure vegetarian food truck and a meal for two costs around ₹200-250/- here.

Contact – +91-9887982253

Location – Bhopalpura, Near PC Jewellers and another one at 100 ft. road, Opposite Petrol Pump

Fresh and Healthy Foods:

Getting along with the food truck fad - Here's a list of Udaipur's food trucks

Situated adjacent to the lifeline of the city, Fatehsagar, this pure veg. food truck owned by Mr. Pradeep Sahu is known for its Chinese dishes like Hakka noodles, paneer chilly, and pizzas, burgers, etc. It operates from 2 – 10 pm every day and a meal for two costs somewhere around ₹200-300/-

Contact – +91-7597926621

Location – Rani Road, Near Sanjay Gandhi Park

Chef on Wheel:

Getting along with the food truck fad - Here's a list of Udaipur's food trucks

One more food truck spreading its wings across the city is Chef on Wheels. Owned by Mrs. Asha Kumawat and operating from 2 – 11 pm, this vegetarian food truck serves tasty Rathori Maggi, sandwiches, fried rice, etc. The average cost of a meal for two comes to around ₹200-300/-

Contact – +91-9828512321

Location – Rani Road, Opposite Radisson Blu building

Prem Chinese:

Getting along with the food truck fad - Here's a list of Udaipur's food trucks

This recently opened vegetarian food truck serves yummy food from 5 – 11.30 pm and serves amazing Chinese dishes, along with, pav bhaji, pasta, spring rolls, etc. It is owned by Mr. Prem Somai and the average cost of a meal for two is ₹200-250/-

Contact – +91-7339832856

Location – Ashok Nagar, Opposite Maya Mishthan

Indian Chinese Fast Food:

Getting along with the food truck fad - Here's a list of Udaipur's food trucks

Another little vegetarian food truck serving momos, paneer chilly, spring rolls near Panchwati is this one here. Owned by Mr. Mohsin Khan and open between 5.30 – 11 pm; this place serves decent food ranging from ₹150-200/- for two people.

Contact – +91-9694313486

Location – Panchwati Chouraha


We hope you have a gala time munching on some tasty dishes from these food trucks.

Tell us about your suggestions and feedbacks. We’d love to hear from you.

Happy Eating!


Choosing The Right Courses And Careers- Expert’s Advice

As the board exams of RBSE & CBSE are over, this is the time when students will choose what courses to take and the careers these courses will lead to. It will be time for them and their parents to learn about them.

Choosing the right courses and careers at the right time is essential for success in life. One important thing is that parents should be wary of imposing their wishes on their children as the interest and capability of the learner is also a vital factor. Students also should not be swayed away only by the choices made by their classmates and friends. Other factors that impact the option include aptitude, mental ability, and financial position of the parents. One way to make the right choice is to study all the courses carefully and their eligibility for jobs. It is always better to make use of the services of career guidance specialists.

After Secondary

For students passing class 10th (Secondary), there are a whole lot of courses and careers. They can take a three-year course for Diploma in Engineering. They can become govt. contractors, civil or electrical. After passing an exam. they can become RTO inspectors. Another opening is Merchant Navy. Other options include Associate Membership of Institute of Engineers (A.M.I.E.) and Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (I.E.T.E.). For entry into Army, Navy, Air Force (Defence) and Police Deptt. exams. have to be taken. Yet another option is Diploma in Fine Art and Commercial Art. After IIT courses one can become fitter, welder, electrician, fire, and safety, diesel mechanic etc. Exams. conducted by Railway Service Commission can be taken to become railway ticket collector, commercial clerk etc. There are jobs in banks, commercial bodies, insurance etc. if one can qualify for an exam. Passing in Govt. Clerical Grade exam. makes one eligible for govt. jobs. Certified Building Supervisor is yet another opening for the Secondary exam. A 6-month or one-year diploma in Farm Management and Animal Husbandry would get one job in agriculture and allied fields. For art lovers, there are diploma courses in music and dance. Those interested in the medical profession can go for two-year courses in Medical Laboratory Technician, Certificate Course (MLT). Then there are 2-3- year courses in Interior Design, Fashion Design, Stenography, Private Secretary, Beauty Culture and Hair Dressing and Garment Technology. For several other govt. jobs there are RPSC and UPSC exams.

Senior Secondary With Arts

Source: YouTube

Students who have passed the Senior Secondary exam. with Arts have several options. They can do Bachelor of Law and then LL.M. They can do Bachelor of Physical Education, Bachelor of Journalism or Bachelor of Library Science. Diploma in Advertising and Commercial Management are some other options for them. Those desirous to be teachers can do B.Ed. and then M.Ed. Other useful Diploma courses include Event Management, Dramatization, and Foreign Languages.

For aspiring teachers, Diploma in Education is a must. Those interested in being lawyers can do LL.B. BBA is good for future managers whereas Bachelor of Social Work is yet another option. BCA is suitable for IT lovers. Student Pilot Licence, Professional Pilot Licence, and Commercial Pilot Licence course are for those interested in flying. Sub Inspector Exams. are for those who like jobs in Border Security Force Central Reserve Police Force etc.

Senior Secondary With Commerce

They are a lot of things that students can do after passing the Senior Secondary exam. with Commerce. Among others they can study for, Association of Charted Certified Accountancy, Chartered Accountant, B.B.A., Company Secretary, Bachelor of Computer Application, Laboratory Technician Diploma, Hotel Management Diploma, Diploma in Education, Diploma in Travel and Tourism. They can become an air hostess, flight steward, LIC Agent or work in a Call Centre. For them, there are two-year courses like M.B.A. (Marketing Finance, Retail etc.) and Manager Businessman.

Source: YouTube

After passing class 12th exam. they can get jobs in banks or work as Insurance, Probation Development Officer. Bachelor of Law and Master of Law are other choices. Those interested in teaching can opt for B.Ed. and later on M.Ed.To become Accountant one can take Institute of Cost and Work Accountant courses. To be a librarian a degree in Library Science is essential. Import Export Diploma is another option. For computer, software and hardware jobs one can take Bachelor in Computer Management Courses. For Indian Administrative Services, Indian Police Services, State Administrative, services Police, Revenue  Services etc. one can do graduation and then take competitive exams. One may also join Indian Military Academy.

Senior Secondary With Physics, Chemistry, Maths, And Biology

Students who have passed Senior Secondary Exam. with Physics, Chemistry, Maths. and Biology has a lot of options. They might take 4-year courses like B.Sc. in Dairy Technology, B.Tech. in Agriculture, B.Sc. Bio-Technology, and B.Sc. in Agriculture. There is also a 3-year course in Bachelor of Pharmacy. Later on, they might take 2-year postgraduate degrees in these subjects. The trend is to add MBA degree to all these is also increasing.

Senior Secondary With Physics, Chemistry, And Biology

The four one-a-half-year courses that Senior Secondary pass outs with Physics-Chemistry and Biology can take include MBBS, Bachelor of Homeopathy Medicine and Surgery, Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery, Four- year Bachelor of Dental Surgery, three-and-a-half year Paramedical courses, B.Sc. Nursing, three-year Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology, B.Sc. Home Science, B.Sc. (Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Physics, Chemistry etc.) and several 2-year PG courses. The period of Bachelor of Veterinary Science is 5 years.

Senior Secondary With Physics, Chemistry, And Maths

There is no dearth of courses for those who do their Senior Secondary with Physics, Chemistry, and Maths. The courses on offer are five-year courses of Bachelor of Architect, and Bachelor of Planning and Design, four-year courses of Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Technology, Hotel Management Degree, three-year courses of B.Sc., BCA, B. Architecture, Technical Entry in Indian Army, National Defence Academy (Army Navy, Airforce). The other options include jobs in the railways and govt. services. After 1-2 year diploma in films and Television one can get jobs in Film Editing, Film Processing, Cinematography, film production TV Channels etc.


UIT BUDGET 2018 | The annual budget of Urban Improvement Trust

The annual budget of Urban Improvement Trust becomes an eagerly awaited event for Udaipurites as it reveals how the city is going to be developed in a different way. In the Urban Improvement Trust, Udaipur for the next financial year the expenditure is 309crore while the revenue income is 308 crores. The budget this year is 20.17 crore more than that of last year. The biggest portion of budget i.e. 82.82 crores is to be spent on houses for the needy.UIT BUDGET 2018 | The annual budget of Urban Improvement Trust

Housing Scheme| Budget

According to Home Minister Gulab Chand Kataria, one survey has shown that 4800 houses are needed in the city and efforts are to be made to provide them soon. Under the new housing schemes, about 3500 houses are to be built in Umarda, Titardi, and Bhilon ka Bedla. Tenders have already been invited for the construction of 984 flats on an area of 4379 hectares near Umarda railway station.

The work on 304 EWAS flats under the proposed Mukhyamantri Aawas Yojana at the cost of 1200 lac in Dangion ki Pancholi would start in April this year and will be completed in about two years in the surrounding areas of Udaipur city. Under the mega housing scheme, 1696 houses in Bedwas and 464 in Satodi Magri Bedwas are to be handed over to the allottee in the next financial year. This year 1900 houses are to be built under the Shahri Jan Awas Yojana.

The budget for Roads and bridges and underpasses

Construction of roads, over bridges, and underpasses is to get priority. For smooth traffic, an underpass in Sector 9 Hiranmagri, RK Puram, and Gokul Village is to be built at a cost of 2.25 crore. Rupees 2.60 crores are to be spent on the road from NH8 to Bhuwana. A 100 ft. road to connect Bhuwana Chouraha to Bedla Pulia is to be built at a cost of 1.1 crores. An amount of 1.48 cr is proposed to be spent on construction of 160 ft. link road between Aapni Dhani and Old RTO office Dhikali. This would reduce the pressure of traffic on Pratap Nagar road as those living in these areas would use this road. Rupees 1 crore is to be spent for linking the roads from NH76 to Gewa Aawas to Pindwara bypass.

For extension of the two-lane road from Rampura Chouraha to Sisarma a sum of rupees, 1.1 crore is to be spent. An amount of 56 lacs has been proposed for Manoharpura Chikalwas road. Rupees 1.10 crore have been earmarked for improvement of the road from Devdham to Mewar Hospital and to one from Paras Tiraha to Reti Stand. For the repair of Rani Road, 1.9 crore has been allotted. The construction of overbridge at Thokar Chouraha gets 3 crores.

Rupees 325.86 lac have been earmarked for construction of ‘nullah’ by the side of 100 ft. road in Shrinath Nagar Bedwas, and 100 ft. road from J.C Bose Hostel to Mali Colony. Extending the proposed 100 ft. road between Bedwas Mount View School and Mega Aawas Yojana to Pindwara Bypass would cost 1 crore. An amount of 260 lac is to be spent on the road for those entering the city from the side of Jodhpur and Abu Road.

The budget for Tourism| Development of Tourism in The City

A lot of projects are being undertaken for the development of tourism in the city. There would be plantation on the road to Neemach Mata, High-tech musical fountains are to be set up in Rajiv Gandhi Park and Vibhuti Park. Jogi Talab, Badgaon Hills, Badbadeshwar Mahadev Mandir, Amrakhji dumping yard, Nandeshwar Mandir and Thoor ki Paal are to be developed. The amount earmarked for Nandeshwar and Thoor ki Paal is 60 lacs, for Badbadeshwar Mahadev is 1.8 crore, for Amrakhji and Hirwa Ground 75 lac and for development of Badgaon Hill and dumping yard as tourist spots Rs. 75 lacs.

UIT initially proposed to spend 5 crores on the construction of a flyover on the Pratapnagar Chouraha. But on the insistence of Home Minister Gulab Chand Kataria, the amount was raised to 15 crores. The construction work of this project would take a practical shape only after the completion of Debari-Kaya bypass. UIT has decided to complete the survey, demarcation, utility shifting etc. in advance.

UIT is also to focus attention on the development of 130 villages that fall in its periphery. Rupees 9 crore is to be spent on construction of link roads, CC roads, drains etc. in these villages.

It is proposed to spend 10 crores on solving the problem of water supply in areas of Pratap Nagar, Bedwas etc. The budget has also been set aside for water supply in colonies near Rakampura, Bedwas (375 lac), Housing colony of Satodi Magri (110 lac), Mukhyamatri Jan Aawas Yojana in South Extension (3 crores) and other areas (1.95 crores).

It is proposed to spend 5 crores in addition to the amount sanctioned in the Smart Project for the development of Ayad river in works such as the construction of boundary wall, ancients, fencing, and plantation.

The budget for several other programs

Budget has also been earmarked for several other programs such as provision of facilities in Govt. schools (2.6 crore), consultancy of development projects (50 lac), development of Shamshans and Kabristan (56 lac), drainage and electrification (13.15 crore), repair of Udaisagar Paal, development of Roopsagar Talab, construction of ‘nullah’ in areas of Madri-Manwakheda and R.K Chouraha, Mewar Hospital, Mewar Hospital, Meera Nagar, Bhuwana, and construction of playground in Savina.

It is also proposed to set up a statue of Maharana Bhupal Singh in Govt. MB Hospital and that of Sant Chatarsingh Bhoj.

The budget allotted in different hands is development of Nyas Yojanas (3673 lac), development of road network and Chourahas (2781 lac), affordable housing project (8282 lac), conversion (1363 lac), water supply project (1045 lac), development of ‘Kuchi Bastis” (10 lac), Sahabhagita Yojana (30 lac), cleanliness of roads (100 lac), and non-plan item (8872 lac).

According to UIT Chairman, Ravindra Shrimali, the budget has been prepared to keep in view all the sections of the society and the whole city. Efforts are being made to provide houses for all. Construction of roads is being taken up for better transportation. Steps are being taken to boost tourism in the city. Priority is being given to the development of road network and housing. Home Minister Kataria is of the opinion that the UIT budget would help in the all-round development of the city. There would be no shortage of money for development.