उदयपुर रेल्वे स्टेशन पर यात्री सुविधाओं का विस्तार किया गया। 8 करोड़ की लागत से बनी नई सुविधाओं का लोकार्पण रविवार को किया गया: स्टेशन पर यह सुविधाएं बनाई गयीं:…
If a confirmed ticket was booked from IRCTC website but had to be cancelled because there's no option to change the boarding station, here's good news! Passengers travelling by rail…
The city/Udaipur Railway station witnessed the installation of new facilities worth 6 crores INR for passengers traveling from Udaipur Railway station. The initiative was taken by Home Minister of Udaipur,…