शहर में नगर विकास प्रन्यास द्वारा 101 करोड़ रुपए से भी ज़्यादा के कई निर्माण कार्य शुरू होंगे। बुधवार को कलेक्टर और UIT अध्यक्ष ताराचंद मीणा की अध्यक्षता में एक…
शहर में 20 अप्रेल से संशोधित लॉकडाउन यानि मॉडीफाइड लॉकडाउन लागु हो गया जिसके तहत सरकारी विभागों को भी खोला गया। संशोधित लॉकडाउन में उदयपुर यूआइटी और नगर निगम सहित…
Udaipur being the most preferred tourist destination particularly in the monsoon season is attracting large number of people all around the world. Not only the tourists but locals also frequently…
Confused about what is UIT and Nagar Nigam and what is the difference between both of these government organizations? Then this article is entirely for you. This article explains the…
Poor road conditions lead to too many problems for the citizens. Especially during the monsoon, people living at a distance from the city face the problem of potholes filled with…
The annual budget of Urban Improvement Trust becomes an eagerly awaited event for Udaipurites as it reveals how the city is going to be developed in a different way. In…
UIT alongwith District Administration organized a 2 Day Painting Exhibition at Fatehsagar Paal where more than 40 Artists Participated. For all those who have missed here are the glimpses of nearly…