
नगर निगम कार्यालय में मेन गेट से प्रवेश बंद

  • नगर निगम कार्यालय में मेन गेट से प्रवेश बंद।
  • ज़रूरी काम के लिए रोकड़ शाखा के सामने वाले गेट से दिया जाएगा प्रवेश।
  • गैर ज़रूरी काम के लिए नहीं दिया जाएगा प्रवेश।

काेराेना के लगातार बढ़ते मामलाें काे देखते हुए नगर निगम कार्यालय पर व्यवस्थाओं में बदलाव किया है। इसके अंतर्गत अब गैर ज़रूरी कामों के लिए आने वाले लाेगाें को निगम कार्यालय में प्रवेश नहीं दिया जाएगा। इसके लिए निगम आयुक्त ने आदेश जारी कर मेन गेट से प्रवेश बंद कर दिया है।

अब से निगम स्टाफ के अलावा जरूरी काम से आने वाले लाेगाें काे राेकड़ शाखा के सामने वाले गेट से प्रवेश दिया जाएगा।

निगम आयुक्त ने निगम की सभी शाखाओं के प्रभारियाें काे उनकी शाखा में बिना वजह लाेगाें काे नहीं बैठने देने के निर्देश भी दिए। डिप्टी मेयर और स्वास्थ्य समिति अध्यक्ष ने भी स्वास्थ्य अधिकारी और स्वास्थ्य निरीक्षकों काे काेराेना से बचाव के निर्देशाेें की पालना नहीं करने वालाें पर जुर्माना लगाने काे कहा है। साथ ही, स्वायत्त शासन विभाग ने निकायाें काे उदयपुर के शहरी क्षेत्रों में एक महीने तक जागरूकता अभियान चलाने के निर्देश दिए हैं।

गैरतलब हैं की यूआईटी परिसर में यह व्यवस्था पिछले लंबे समय से चल रही है। जिसके अंतर्गत लोगों को कोई अतिआवश्यक काम होने पर ही परिसर के अंदर प्रवेश दिया जा रहा है। प्रवेश से पहले सभी की थर्मल स्कैनिंग की जा रही है और एक बार में 10-10 लोगों को ही कार्यालय में जाने दिया जा रहा है। बता दे कि यूआईटी में पिछले दिनों कई कार्मिक संक्रमित भी पाए गए थे।


अब घर-घर कचरा संग्रहण के लिए देने होंगे 20 रुपए

  • अब घर-घर कचरा संग्रहण के लिए देने होंगे 20 रुपए।
  • विवाह पंजीयन के अब 10 की जगह 50 रुपए लगेंगे।

नगर निगम की शुक्रवार को हुई बैठक में तय हुआ की अब से घर-घर कचरा संग्रहण के पैसे जनता से लिए जाएँगे। इसके लिए निगम ने 20 रुपए प्रति मकान शुल्क तय किया है। निगम का मानना है की इसके इससे लाेगाें में स्वच्छता जागरूकता आएगी।

उदयपुर नगर निगम द्वारा व्यावसायिक प्रतिष्ठानों, दुकानों और होटलों से भी कचरा संग्रहण का शुल्क लेना शुरू किया जाएगा जिसकी शुल्क की दरें भी जल्द तय होंगी।

इसके अलावा विवाह पत्र जो पहले 10 रुपए में बनाया जाता था अब उसके 50 रुपए लगेंगे।

ये सभी प्रस्ताव नगर निगम बोर्ड की शुक्रवार को हुई बैठक में पास हुए।

इनके अलावा कुछ और अहम प्रस्ताव भी पास हुए।

सभी छोटे उद्योग जिनसे 10 रुपए प्रति हॉर्स पावर की दर से शुल्क वसूला जा रहा है उनसे अब 1000 रुपए प्रति वर्ष लिया जाएगा।

शहर के अंदर बने हेरिटेज भवनाें का स्वरूप बचाने और संरक्षण के लिए कमेटी बनाई जाएगी जिसमे सीनियर टाउन प्लानर, आर्किटेक्ट और तकनीकी जानकार सेवानिवृत्त अधिकारी भी होंगे।

टूरिस्ट टैक्स के रूप में 3000 पर रूम पर डे से ज्यादा रूम रेंट लेने वाली होटलों से हर बुकिंग पर 200 रुपए पर रूम, 5000 तक के 300 और 10000 या इससे महंगे कमरे की बुकिंग पर 500 रुपए टूरिस्ट टैक्स के रूप में लिया जायेगा।

फ़िलहाल बैठक में शहर को साफ़ स्वच्छ बनाने के लिए केवल सुझाव लिए गए हैं कोई निर्णय नहीं लिया गया।


UIT resumes Pratap Nagar flyover work

After the Modified Lockdown came into effect from Monday, UIT and Municipal Corporation began to resume their unfinished tasks of fly-over and repair and maintenance of roads in the city.

UIT has commenced the work of flyover at Pratapnagar Choraha while the Udaipur Municipal Corporation is has started with the road repair work.

Since the roads are almost empty due to the lockdown effect, it has become easier for the departments to carry on the tasks of in the absence of traffic.

It is noteworthy that the state government of Rajasthan has brought modified lockdown into effect in the selected regions of the state. The city administration has also laid stringent guidelines on modified lockdown in order to curb the spread of novel coronavirus.

Following the guidelines laid by the state government and city administration, the government offices have also resumed to carry out the pending tasks.

Since the company which the contract for the flyover had enough resources available like material and labour, the UIT began work of flyover construction on Tuesday morning.

UIT started the 450 metres long and 15.7 metres wide flyover work from Bhuwana to Eklingpura in April 2019 with a budget of 18.52 crores. Before the lockdown came in to effect on March 24, almost 75 per cent of the work was over.

Now, the department is availing the modified lockdown facility to complete the remaining construction work.

On the other hand, Udaipur Nagar Nigam also issued directives to resume the pending tasks. After which, the corporation started the repair work of roads from Tuesday.

The UMC has started the road repair work at Court Circle after which it is planning to complete the repair work at all other Chorahas in the city.

UIT is said to hold a meeting to discuss a layout plan for completing all the pending works.

The administration and other organisation who have resumed their work after the modified lockdown came in effect, have to ensure that social distancing and the required norms of modified lockdown are being followed.


Udaipurites join hands with the administration to fight COVID-19

As the lockdown has affected hundreds of labourers from the unorganised sector, it is becoming difficult for them to arrange for adequate food even for a day. To help these needy people, Udaipurites are joining hands with the administration in fighting the COVID-19 crises by donating ration and food to the people in need.

Many social organisations along with economically secure residents of the area have decided to distribute food items to the needy.

While the battle against coronavirus is underway in full swing, hunger has come to haunt many due to the economic crises that has followed. Organisations and individuals are supporting the administration by serving food and also providing financial aid.

13 teams of UIT and Udaipur Municipal Corporation are engaged in distribution work in the urban areas. A Booth Level Officer has also been engaged with each team.

However, some areas are still facing the problem of food being not reaching to the needy people. Citizens are requested to inform about such people to the administrative officials.


उदयपुर को स्वच्छ बनाने के लिए निगम कर रहा है यह प्रयास

नगर निगम की बुधवार को हुई बैठक में शहर को साफ़-सुथरा बनाने के लिए कई मुद्दों पर चर्चा हुई और सुझाव भी रखे गए। उप-महापौर एवं स्वास्थ समिति अध्यक्ष पारस सिंघवी की अध्यक्षता में हुई इस बैठें में सभी समिति अध्यक्षों ने अपने-अपने विचार प्रस्तुत किये।

स्वच्छ उदयपुर के लिए निम्न प्रस्तावों को लिया गया:

  • शहर के छोटी व तंग गलियों और ऊँची घाटियों वाले इलाक़ों से में कचरा संग्रन के लिए 500 हाथ-गाड़िया लगाई जायेगी।
  • नगर निगम की सीमा के बाहर कोई भी सफाईकर्मी अपनी सेवाएं नहीं देगा।
  • वार्ड पार्षद और जमादार मिल कर तय करेंगें की वार्ड में कितने सफाईकर्मियों की ज़रूरत है।
  • शहर के होटलों और रेस्टोरेंट्स की नयी सूची बनाई जाएगी और लाइसेंस की जांच की जाएगी।
  • जो ज़मीनें अभी खली पड़ी हैं उसकी सफाई निगम करवाएगा और नियमन के बाद भूखंडधारी से पैसे लिए जायेंगे।
  • जो कर्मचारी लगन और ईमानदारी से काम कर सम्बंधित इलाक़े की सफ़ाई की सुचारु व्यवस्था रखेगा, उसे एक लाख रुपए से पुरस्कृत किया जाएगा।
  • कचरा संग्रहण के वहां चालक वर्दी में कचरा संग्रहण के लिए जायेंगे।
  • सार्वजनिक शौचालयों की सफाई पर नियमित कार्य किया जायेगा।

उदयपुर को स्वच्छ बनाने के लिए नगर निगम के इन प्रयासों में हम भी अपना योगदान दे सकतें हैं।

अपने इलाक़े में काम करने वाले सफ़ाईकर्मी को प्रोत्साहित करें ताकी वो अपना काम मेहनत और लगन से करे और इनाम का हक़दार बने साथ ही हमारा शहर भी साफ़ बने।


Udaipur Nagar Nigam Starts Encroachment Removal Campaign

Udaipur Nagar Nigam has started a drive to remove all the temporary encroachments that are narrowing the roads of the city. The municipal corporation of Udaipur has started this campaign to widen the streets of the city which are causing trouble to the commuters.

The special thing about this campaign is that it is not pre-scheduled. The Municipal Corporation team is reaching the market every day without giving any prior notice. This will not allow the businessmen and shopkeepers to remove the encroachment at the time of action and put it back once the Municipal Corporation team is gone.

According to the Mayor of Udaipur, G S Tank, the corporation will take this action in all the major markets of the city and it will continue doing it till the businessmen and shopkeepers get into the habit of keeping the roads encroachment free.

So far, action has been taken from Surajpol to Mukherjee Chowk.


Udaipur will soon have City Buses for intra-city commuting

The year 2020 will fulfil the long-pending wish of Udaipurites to have a robust public transport system for the city commuters. By July 2020, Udaipur city will have city buses running in the city for intra-city commuting.

On the initial level, around 26 buses will be deployed to run on different routes with the city. Udaipur City Transport Company Ltd. drafted the above plan during a meeting held at the Smart City Company office last week. The meeting was presided by the Chairman of the company, Mayor Govind Singh Taak, who drafted the entire plan of action for the project.

As per the plan, the committee has also decided upon the tentative fare for different routes which would be in the range of Rs. 5 to Rs. 15 depending on the distance of travel.

Besides, the company also plans to run AC buses from Dabok Airport for people travelling to the city by air. These buses will run according to the flight arrival timings.

The committee has finalised the following route for the buses:

Route 1 – Balicha to Badgaon

Route 2 – Titardi to Badgaon

Route 3 – Rampura to Dabok

Route 4 – Amberi to Balicha

Route 5 – Goverdhan Vilas to Hiranmagri, Pratap Nagar and Pratap Gourav Kendra


No rains No strong wind flow: Still increasing cases of falling electric poles have become a major issue

slashed power pole

Udaipur,Even no heavy rainfall or strong wind flow has been observed during the past two weeks, still there are increasing cases of falling of power poles in Udaipur. Recently the falling of a power pole in Badgaon Panchayat, took a toll on lives of two innocent kids. Even after the mishap, local authorities and Nagar Nigam are taking no serious actions to avoid further damages.

A second similar case has been observed on Saturday morning when an electric pole fell on the ground in Dhar Panchayat region. The pole also had a small transformer affixed on it and luckily there were no vehicles or individuals standing near it, otherwise it could have done enormous damage to life and property. As per one of the witnesses “the pole suddenly started shuddering, observing which the people nearby distanced themselves from the pole and in a few seconds the pole flattened down on the road. After, observing the increasing number of such incidences a major question has been raised upon the work of Nagar Nigam. In such case people should remain alert and should not stand near any kind of poles, as even there are chances of getting electrocuting.


New Authorities Kick-start Projects in Udaipur | Read to Know

Recently many transfers took place in the State which has given new authorities to the Udaipur city including the new and first women collector of Udaipur – Ms. Anandhi along with the new Nagar Nigam commissioner – Anjali Rajoria. Due to the same reasons, existing projects, as well as new projects, are kick-started in the city. Let us look through the recent two projects which are going to be undertaken in the city.


Public Cycle Sharing System in Udaipur

A meeting was held on Tuesday by Udaipur Smart City Ltd. where the officers of smart city project gave information about the cycle sharing system to Udaipur’s new Collector Anandhi. Moreover, a brief about all the proposed projects as well as the completed projects were also given. According to the CEO of Smart City, tenders are being invited for the 25 low-floor and 10 low-floor AC buses.

Source: getfitso

Under the public sharing system, cycle sharing will be provided at public places and for the same, cycle stands will be constructed. From these cycle stands, any person can pick cycles and leave them at the nearest cycle stand once they are done with their work.


Foot Over Bridge at Hospital Road

On the other hand, Udaipur Municipal Corporation (UMC) will begin the construction of Foot Over Bridge at the MB Hospital Road. This bridge will connect the entrance of the hospital to the medical shops at the other end which will make it very convenient for the patients and their relatives to move to the other side during heavy traffic on the road.

Source: Gohoardings

Along with that, 18 more Foot Over Bridge will be constructed in the city which will cost Rs. 75 Lakh Rupees. These FOBs will be constructed of the Iron-steel material on a single pillar which will be placed on a divider. The work for the same would probably begin by 10th January 2019.

Looks like acche din’ have finally arrived, eh?

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Anjali becomes New Nagar Nigam Commissioner and Ravindra Shrimali Removed from Chairman of UIT

The state government of Rajasthan transferred 3 divisional commissioners, one collector, 21 IAS officers and 16 officers of Indian Police service at 12 midnight on Wednesday. In the 20 days of the formation of a new government in the state, 129 IAS has been transferred. This is the fourth transfer list of IAS and second transfer list of IPS.

Anjali Rajoria

Ajmer SDO Anjali Rajoria will now be commissioner in Udaipur Municipal Corporation, while Pankaj Kumar Singh, CEO of Chittorgarh Zilla Parishad has been made Managing Director of RSMM. Kota Divisional Commissioner Kailash Chand Verma will be the Divisional Commissioner of Jaipur. Municipal Commissioner Municipal Corporation has appointed Vijaypal Singh as Commissioner.

Principal Secretary Rajat Kumar Mishra has given additional charge of UDH. Shyamsingh Rajpurohit will be the new collector in Pratapgarh. In the IPS transfer list, DG NRK Reddy has been given the responsibility of DG Jail. Dr. Bhupinder Singh has been imposed as DG in ATS and SOG from DG jail.

Whereas on the other hand, later in the month of December 2018, 8 UIT Chairmen were removed including that of UIT Udaipur, Ravindra Shrimali. As per the orders released on 31st December 2018, UIT Chairman of Udaipur, Kota, Sawai Madhopur, Jaisalmer, Bhilwara, Chittorgarh, Sikar, and Sri Ganganagar was removed.

Ravindra Shirmali

Until the next orders, this additional responsibility will be the taken by their respective collectors.

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