
मौसम ने ली अंगड़ाई

udaipur lake palace

आज दोपहर में बाज़ार निकला, आदतन अच्छा खासा स्वेटर डाल कर और सच मानिये धूप ने पसीने छुड़ा दिए। वापस घर आ कर चैन की सांस ली और थोड़े वक़्त में फिर से नार्मल हुआ। गर्मी के मौसम की दस्तक होने लगी है। दिन में धुप सताने लगी है और रात में सर्दी का आलम बरक़रार रहता है। गर्मी की आहट  हर ओर से सुनाई दे रही है। सूर्य देव के तेवर थोड़े रूद्र हुए हैं, दिन में प्यास अब ज्यादा लगने लगी है, सरसों पर पीले फूलों की कोंपले फूटने लगी हैं, पेड़ पौधे अपना कलेवर बदलने की तैयारी कर रहे हैं। पेड़ों की शाख से पत्ते गिरने लगे हैं जो पतझड़ के आने का संकेत है। प्रकृति अपनी ओर  से  हर संभव सन्देश देने का प्रयास कर रही है के – उठो जागो एक नया सवेरा हुआ है नए मौसम के रूप में।

अभी पूरी तरह से निश्चिन्त होने की आवश्यकता नहीं है, अभी लापरवाही ठीक नहीं। अभी सिर्फ शुरुआती दौर है मौसम के बदलने का, अभी थोडा इंतज़ार और कीजिये और फिर बेफिक्र हो कर घर से बहार निकलिए। अगर अभी बाहर आना जाना होता है तब भी गर्म कपड़ों को अलग मत रखिये। यह बीमार करने वाले हालात हैं। रोज़ समाचारों में आ रहा है स्वाइन फ्लू फिर से सक्रिय हो रहा है। आज भी समाचार पत्र में पढ़ा दो और स्वाइन फ्लू पॉजिटिव मरीज़ अस्पताल में दाखिल हुए हैं। सजगता, सतर्कता और सक्रियता अभी बेहद ज़रूरी है। जहाँ एक ओर मौसम करवट बदल रहा है वहीँ दूसरी ओर बीमारियाँ अपने पैर पसार रही हैं इसलिए अब पहले से ज्यादा सावधान रहिये।

नए मौसम के आने पर हमारी दिनचर्या पर भी इसका प्रभाव पड़ता है। जहाँ सर्दी के मारे जो काम दूभर थे वो अब हम सहज ही कर सकते हैं मसलन सुबह की सैर। पतझड़ के आने से लोगो की व्यस्तता और बढ़ेगी जिनके घर में पेड़ पौधों की बहुतायत है। रोज़ ढेरो पत्तियों का अम्बार लग जायेगा जिसे रोज़ साफ़ करना अपने आप में बहुत बड़ा काम होगा। इस समय बड़े पेड़ों की छटनी की जा सकती है। बरसात के मौसम में वे स्वत: ही अपने पुराने रूप में दिखने लगेंगे साथ ही रोज़ रोज़ की साफ़ सफाई से भी थोड़ी रहात मिलेगी।

दुपहिया वाहन चालकों के लिए परेशानी शुरू हो गयी है। नहीं समझे? अरे भाई सरसों के फूलों के साथ साथ चेंपा भी तो आने लगता है। और दुपहिया वाहन चालकों को उसने परेशान करना शुरू कर दिया है। हाँ अभी थोडा कम है मगर अब धीरे धीरे यह भी बढ़ेगा। प्रकृति का जीवन चक्र तो यूहीं चलता रहेगा और इसके साथ साथ हम भी। जब चेंपा अलविदा कहेगा तब मच्छर मक्खियाँ लौट आयेंगे। हिट, आल आउट इनका मार्किट भी तो है। इधर कीड़े मकोड़े शुरू और उधर इन्हें मार भगाने की कवायद शुरू। अभी फिलहाल पंखे, कूलर साफ़ कर लीजिये अपने ए सी को दुरुस्त करवा लीजिये। ना ना अभी चलाइयेगा बिलकुल नहीं, वर्ना लेने के देने पड़ सकते हैं।लीजिये ए सी के नाम से याद आया, इधर पंखे, कूलर  ए सी  शुरू हुए नहीं की बिजली की खपत बढ़ेगी और लौट आयेंगे दिन कमबख्त बिजली कटौती के। आप सोच रहे होंगे की किस क़यामत को याद कर लिया। दोस्तों सही कहूं तो मुझे भी अभी से से सोच कर बहुत बुरा लग रहा है की बिन बिजली कैसी हालत होती है। सब काम रुकते हैं सो अलग गर्मी में बेहाल होना पड़ता है और सहन करना तो बाप रे बाप! इस पंखे कूलर की बात से बात याद आ गयी वर्ना बिजली कटौती तो मैं भूल ही गया था।

खैर दोस्तों जो होना है सो होगा। परिवर्तन आते हैं और आते रहेंगे। ये हमारी ज़िम्मेदारी है की इस परिवर्तन को हम किस प्रकार से अपनाते हैं। सहज रहें और समय रहते अपने सभी काम पूरे करें। खान पान,पहनावा, साफ़ सफाई बस इन छोटी छोटी बातों का ध्यान रखें और प्रकृति के इस अनमोल उपहार को सहर्ष स्वीकार करें। जिस प्रकार परिवर्तन हमारे जीवन में ज़रूरी है ठीक उसी प्रकार से धरती पर मौजूद हर तत्व के लिए भी ये नितांत आवश्यक है। आइये इस परिवर्तन का तहे दिल से स्वागत करें।

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24th Road Safety Week 16 Jan to 22 Jan 2013

road safety week

Just a few days back I started off my bike and drove though a busy road in Udaipur. Weather was quite chill that morning and I had packed up myself thoroughly. On a crossing I stopped my bike at red signal. After two or three seconds later a car stopped behind me. And to my surprise the car owner started honking. He was asking me to give way to cross the road. I had no choice so gave him the way and he started crossing in the red signal itself. The other vehicles and two wheelers also followed the suite. Meanwhile a girl, pedestrian, was also crossing the road and her eyes, ears and hands all were occupied in her cell phone. And she had no idea of how many vehicles were approaching to her. Anyways, she escaped from any mishap. The next moment the signal turned green and I left to my way.

This is a common story, almost every day we see at our roads and crossing of Udaipur. In my case nothing vulnerable happened, but is everyone lucky like that girl who managed herself and safely crossed the road. You might have seen on a TV channel like Discovery and Animal Planet when a flock of millions of birds fly and migrate. They fly keeping a minimum distance but they do not collide with each other. They fly in sync and remain safe. This is not the case with humans. We cannot drive on road in a tandem. We have got different vehicles, different speed limits, different direction and a different purpose to drive. We cannot be in rhythm on road. Due to this diversity in our driving habits; traffic rules were made to keep a control on us. Situation becomes worse when we do not follow them even.

When things fall out of place then another layer is laid down to teach us a lesson – how to behave and how to be a good human being. The initiatives are then taken by the Government and different NGO’s which are committed to improve the statistics of road accidents that happen every year. Road Safety Week is an example of such initiative.

The Road Safety Week is an initiative that is being observed every year from 1 Jan to 7 Jan. It is initiated by the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. The National Safety Council supplement the efforts of the Ministry, the Council from the year 2011 has started producing promotional materials like cloth banners, safety posters, pocket guides, safety films, etc to help its Members / Patrons to observe Road Safety Week effectively.

The state government at times modifies the date set by the Ministry and they declare a new date for the Road Safety Week in the state. This year the 24th Road Safety Week would be observed from 16th Jan 20 22nd Jan in Rajasthan. The Transport Department, Government of Rajasthan in collaboration with Traffic Police and other NGOs would work together to make this Road Safety Week successful. Many different activities would take place during the week to impart traffic and traffic rules awareness among the mass.

In the city like Jaipur the helmet was made compulsory a decade back, followed by helmet for pillion and they have also planned to launch the penalties for pedestrians who do not follow the rules on road. We, the people of Udaipur must take and learn the lesson from Jaipur and we should ask our self where we stand in terms of following the traffic rules and what driving sense we have on road.

Although it’s not too late yet, learn something new and enhance your knowledge during this Road Safety Week. Be an active participant and also help the administration to make this week a success.


Forecast about Udaipur 2013

We have all bid a good bye to year 2012. Lot of hope and lot of wishes we accumulate in our heart & soul, but not everything come true in an expected time frame. Some are carried forward to the next year.

As we have welcomed the New Year 2013; we are ready with a new list of hopes for our city Udaipur. Some old, some new and some awaited gifts to the city all are eager to bless Udaipur to touch the new heights of development. Let’s take a look to some of the heartiest expectations of the citizens of Udaipur for this year i.e. 2013.

new year 2013

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City Infra Structure

Lake City Mall: Another feather in the crown of the Lake City is Lake City Mall. People are waiting for this Mall to get completed and its heart throbbing inauguration. The location is the main attraction of it as it is situated in the heart of the city i.e. Durga Nursesy, Ashok Nagar. Although; the mall has been opened partially as Pizza Hut and KFC have started their operations. It would spread its beauty when it would run in full swing.

Elevated Road: A survey would be conducted to build the first elevated road of Udaipur from Udiapole to Court Chouraha. The route has become one of the busiest roads of Udaipur because both City Railway Station and Bus Stand are located on this road.

Railway Over Bridge: Another most congested crossing in midst of Udaipur is Thokar Chouraha. Pratap Nagar road is the entry point to Udaipur. Vehicles from bypass usually enter through this road. Thokar is the place where thousands of employees pass through to attend their office in the industrial area. When railway crossing get closed at Rana Pratap Nagar railway station, a jam could be observed several times during the day. Citizens of Udaipur are demanding to build the railway over bridge at thokar to get rid of the problem. 

Ayad River: The River Ayad has no longer left as a river and has been converted into the city’s main drainage channel. A detail project report would be made and submitted soon to return the authentic look of Ayad as a river. This would change the face of our city.



INOX Cinema: INOX would be the second branded multiplex cinematic experience in Udaipur after PVR. As PVR is operational in Celebration Mall the INOX would get open in Lake City Mall very soon.

Titanic in Udaipur: The Titanic made in year 1912 had sunk deep into the sea during its first journey, but for sure Udaipur’s Titanic won’t sink. A ship look like three storied structure is being made in Goverdhan Sagar Lake. It would be open for public this year. The ship would be having a Hall covering 800 square feet area, an Art Gallery, a Lobby and a Garden.


Hopes from 2013

Extension of Shatabdi Express: Citizens of Udaipur now has a strong belief in their heart that this year Shatabdi Express, which runs through Delhi and Ajmer, would get an extension till Udaipur. Let’s see how their strong belief converted into a reality. Keep your fingers cross Udaipurites.

Udaipur Nagar Nigam: The Nagar Parishad Udaipur needs to be converted into Udaipur Nagar Nigam. The districts having population over 5 Million, there Municipal Council is eligible to get converted into Municipal Corporation. Yet another eligible conversion we all are seeking for Udaipur. This would enable the development of Udaipur city on a broad and wider spectrum.



Tribal University: Udaipur would be gifted with the first Tribal University of the city. The location finalization is in last stage. Recruitments of Professors, Chancellor and Vice Chancellor would take place very soon.

IIM Building: Construction of the new building of State’s first IIM would going to be start this year in Baleecha. This mega project has been allotted to Shri Vinayak Construction a firm from Ahmedabad. The project is likely to cost around 700 crores.

There is lot of treasure which is left to be explored in year 2013. The time to come would reveal the mystery and let us know what it has stored for Udaipur and the people of Udaipur. Another series of Royal Weddings, Film Shooting, Celebrity Walk Ins, Events, New places for Fun and Frolic, Plenty of Rainfall and huge opportunities in form of Foreign Tourists. This is what Udaipur is likely to have for all its year coming through. Have a Prosperous and Happy New Year 2013.  🙂


Udaipur Deprived of Pontoon Tourism

pontoon tourism udaipur


A pontoon refers to a floating dock which drifts in water, a decorated platform where people can enjoy some good time. Providing services like a table for lunch or dinner over a pontoon by a hospitality institution such as a hotel or resort refers to pontoon tourism.

Have you ever wondered such kind pontoon tourism in Udaipur? Probably not, but true to the fact it was there few years back in our city. The luxury hotel Taj Lake Palace was providing pontoons to its guests in Lake Pichhola. Later, at some point of time the pontoons were banned by the government for several reasons.

Still there are other countries where the royal services over pontoon are available and people look around for such treasure and to lock their memorable experience. Just imagine if our Udaipur too offers exclusive lunch or dinner over pontoons. This would make Udaipur an exquisite destination for pontoon tourism.

There are evidences where in some other countries pontoons were either banned or their number was locked to a minimum number but there were some environmental reasons involved behind it. Here in Udaipur they were banned for no such reason. They were stopped years back due to illegal use of land according to the land use laws.

It is evident from a study of Great Barrier Reef Australia, the pontoons in this region were banned, removed or made limited because it include damage to coral during installations and followed by subsequent loss of coral due to shading and human use impacts. The scale of direct environmental impact of a pontoon is dependent on the size of pontoon.  Pontoons provide millions of visitors a year with safe and convenient access to Marine Park.

The summary of the entire discussion is Pontoon Tourism is a unique form of tourism which can bring a lot of foreign revenue in the state. The factors which are making it a difficult task could be studied and if found any harmful effects of pontoon tourism then they could be controlled or minimized, as we have seen in the case study of Great Barrier Reef Australia. If there are some administrative issues, which do not allow use of water boundaries or the use of land, those too could be brought on some viable decision by discussing with the government officials, local administration, tourism department and the hotel which could be given exclusive authority to run the tourism business. Of course a monitoring should also be made available which can control illegal use of pontoons in the lake.

The pontoon tourism can also make Udaipur a unique destination in the tourism map of the world.

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Health & Fashion

Having Fever..?? CAUTION – It Can be Dengue!

Understanding Dengue :

Dengue!! The name itself scares us to death. Is this fear justified? Unfortunately to some extent yes. It manifests as simple fever but progress to hemorrhagic fever with shock which maybe lethal if not treated on time. The disease is transmitted by bite of Aedes mosquito and is caused by an Arbovirus. Usually viral infection causes lifelong immunity to the host, but this virus has four subtypes plus subsequent infections only worsen the risk of complication. This is of importance to us as India being an endemic nation people is prone to repeated attacks.

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Dengue Symptoms :

The symptom includes fever, bodyache, and skin rash. The body ache is severe and hence it is called break bone fever. There are three manifestation Classical dengue, Hemorrhagic fever without shock and Hemorrhagic fever with shock. Only the last form is lethal as it causes low platelet levels resulting in bleeding and decreased blood pressure. The treatment of dengue is supportive. It includes fluids, either oral or intravenous, and Paracetamol. In case of shock blood transfusion is required. If the patient has any concomitant illness it can cause complications and death.

Dengue Transmission :

The transmission cycle is man-mosquito-man; hence it is cardinal that patients are kept under mosquito net unless fever is controlled. Since we are yet to have a vaccine to prevent dengue or a medicine that is directed at the virus it is imperative that we take measures to control the disease. Every individual must take steps to protect himself, the family members and the community members. Simple measures like emptying water from stagnant cans and coolers will curtail the breeding sites of mosquito. For personal protection one must wear long pants and sleeves. Use of mosquito repellants, sprays and ointments is also helpful. One important fact to note regarding dengue is that mosquito bites during day, especially at dawn and dusk, hence avoiding outdoors during these hours is a simple protective measure.

Every fever is not dengue and every dengue patient will not die, but still fever with severe body ache and rash has to be investigated by a doctor to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment. We recently lost the ‘The King of romance’ Mr. Yash Chopra to dengue. Probably we can show some love to our loved ones by sharing information about dengue.

So protect yourself and the community from Dengue and enjoy these winters to the fullest…. Happy Winters…!!! 🙂

Article by :

Dr. Simmy Roy Mishra

(Department of Community Medicine – Geetanjali Medical College & Hospital)


Diwali celebration with Fascinating Indian Beliefs

India is a country with a heritage culture wherein lots of festivals are celebrated every other month. These festivals are celebrated with great zeal and are related to some or the other deity.  Likewise, Diwali or Deepawali, festival of lights, is celebrated enthusiastically and brings hope and ecstasy among the Indians. It comes with the motive of triumph of good over evil and symbolizes the demotion of darkness and showing the path of light. It is not a one day celebration but an extension of five days. These five days are of much importance as every day is celebrated merrily in India and has its own significance.

It is believed that many events took place in the historic time which ultimately got connected with this festival over time. Various legends have contributed their part in merrymaking of this carnival and the reason behind celebrating Diwali varies in different parts of the country.

diwali beliefs
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Some of the Mythological stories which are associated with the festive of lights are shared below. These stories are really interesting to know and everyone should at least have a look at them once.

  • Return of Lord Rama and Sita Maiya to Ayodhya

The most common and substantial reason behind Deepawali celebration was the return of Lord Rama to Vrindavan after saving Mother Sita from the clench of Ravana (the demon king of Lanka) and defeating him at his hometown. Ravan had kidnapped Sita during their exile after King Dashratha sent them to live in the woods for 14 years. After their return, the citizens of Ayodhya celebrated their come back and lit the whole city with lighting diyas.


  • Demolition of Demon Narakasura by Lord Krishna

The demon king of Pragjyotishpur (a province to the south of Nepal), Narakasur had managed to acquire ultimate powers and with these powers he began to threaten the three worlds. Eventually, he was defeated and killed by Lord Krishna. To symbolize the triumph, Lord Krishna smeared his forehead with the blood of Narakasur. He returned early morning on the day of Chaturdashi. After that, the lady folks massaged his body with scented oil and washed his body to remove the demon’s blood. Since then, this custom of taking oil bath early in the morning has become a traditional practice in different parts of the country.


  • Apotheosis of Mother Goddess Lakshmi

According to a historic mythology, the Mother Goddess Lakshmi on the new moon day (Amaavasya) of Karthik Shukla Paksh emerged from the ocean of milk called as Sheer Sagar during Sagar Manthan by the Gods (Devtas) on one side and demons (Rakshasa) on the other. She came with the gifts of wealth and prosperity for the humankind. In honor, Goddess Lakshmi’s pooja was done and as such from that day, this tradition is followed by the Indians.


  •  Story of King Bali and Vaman Avatar

One of the stories includes King Bali and Lord Vishnu in the avatar of Vaman (a dwarf). King Bali was a generous hearted person in nature but he was very arrogant and boastful too. Many of the Gods approached and requested Lord Vishnu to teach the king a lesson.

Vishnu thus took the avatar of a dwarf priest and went to meet King Bali. He complimented the King with the world’s most powerful person and asked the king to give him that piece of land of land which covers his three footsteps. The king without thinking agreed to do the same. Thus, Lord Vishnu converted into his real avatar and covered the whole land, sky and the universe. The rest which was left for Bali was underground. So, King Bali was finally sent there.


  • Return of the Pandavas

Mahabharta, the Hindu epic says that the five Pandava brothers- Yudhishthhira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahdeva were sentenced to 13 years of exile after being defeated by the Kauravas- Duryodhana and his ninety nine brothers. After spending 13 years in forest they returned back to their kingdom on the new moon day i.e. on Karthik Amaavasya. To welcome them, the people of the kingdom celebrated their happiness by lighting lamps/diyas all over the city.


  • Crowning of King Vikramaditya

This is another story which again connects to the foundation for Diwali celebration. The greatest Hindu King- Vikramaditya was coroneted on this day of Karthik Amaavasya and his kingdom’s people celebrated this moment with the blessings of lighting tiny diyas.


Below are the festivals which are celebrated in five days along with Diwali and the some of the above mythologies are associated with these days.

Hope these stories help everyone in knowing the cause of celebrating this bright festival.

  • The first day of Diwali starts with Dhanteras which is also known as Dhanvantri Triodashi.  It is in fact the 13th day of Krishna Paksh and it is said that on this day Lord Dhanvantri came out of the ocean with Ayurveda for the benefit of mankind. This day marks the beginning of Diwali.

As we all know, “Dhan” relates to money, wealth. So, on this day, people buy new things from the market specially made of metal in the hope of bringing happiness and prosperity to their family.

  • The second day is also known as Choti Diwali or better known as Narak Chaturdashi. On this day, Lord Krishna destroyed Demon Narkasur and made the world free from its fear.

So, on this day, people take oil bath in the morning and light lamps in the night and burn crackers.

  • The third and the most important knock the entry of main festival Diwali or Deepawali.  On this day, divine Goddess Lakshmi is worshiped by the people to achieve blessings of wealth and prosperity from her. This day is celebrated as the day of victory of goodness over evil and light over darkness. So, people merrily light lots and lots of diyas or lamps on this day and visit the market to enjoy the decorations of the market.
  • Next day of Diwali comes the day of Govardhan Puja or Padwa. On this day, devotees build heaps of cow dung to symbolize the Govardhan Mountain that Lord Krishna lifted up with his finger to save the villagers of Vrindavan from rain. Also, this day is celebrated as Annakoot by the North Indians which represents as mountain of food.
  • The fifth day is celebrated as the festival of Bhai Dooj. This is special day for all the sisters. It is believed that on this day, Yamraj(the Lord of death) visited her sister Yamuna. He blessed her sister with a gift that whoever visits her on this day shall be freed from all the sins.

From that day, brothers visit their sister’s house on this day and present gifts to them and enquire for their welfare.

This day also marks with the end of lighting lamps and celebrating five day festival.

Interestingly, in Jainism, the next day of Diwali is also embraced with the day of Mahavira Swami’s Nirvana. On this day, Lord Mahavira attained the knowledge of omniscience (Keval Gyana) and achieved Moksha at Pavapuri on Oct 15th ,527 B.C., on Karthik Chaturdashi. Thus, this day is also celebrated as the day of New Year by the Jainis.

All these Indian beliefs are considered to be the vital cause of celebration of the most awaited fiesta i.e. Diwali/Deepawali. After reading them, I think everyone will gain a little bit of knowledge for Diwali and the reason behind celebration it.


Dussehra-Diwali Fest : What’s Good & Whats Bad in it !!

The City of Lakes is known for its exotic beauty and taste of culture. And Udaipurites have a great enthusiasm for different occasions and festivals and are active planners and participants for organizing different programs at any level. So in Udaipur, there is custom or simply a culture of organizing fests on every one or the other occasions.

Following the same fashion, every year in the time span of Dussehra to Diwali a special fest known as the “Dussehra- Diwali Mela” is coordinated at Town Hall, Udaipur for making the festival season more delightful and colorful for the citizens of Udaipur.

People from all the areas of the city along with nearby areas and bags of tourists with great zeal come to visit and enjoy the charm and awesomeness of the fare.

The fest being organized at such a great level has its own goods and bads.

Beginning with the arrangements, the overall condition of the fest is grooming every year with new and better facilities in it. After that too, some changes are still mandatory for the betterment of the fair.

  • Firstly, discussing about the water serving facility; this has been improved a lot from the past few years as before there were no such arrangements made for the convenience of the hoi polloi. The good part is water supply tanks have been provided in almost every area of the fair. But the bad part is that these tanks are continuously leaking water and are not being well maintained as a result of which the surroundings of these tankers have become dirty and full of mud.  Thus, there is no maintenance regarding water savage and sanitation of the fair campus.

Leaking Water tank

  • Apart from this, at other places too which are far from water containers, puddles of mud can be seen making the place dirtier and crummy. Due to this, people have a lot of problem in roaming. Everyone has to be careful and step ahead so as to save themselves from stepping down in the slush. Eventually, this has become the biggest and the worst problem which people are facing in the fete.

water puddle

  • The best thing about the fete is its security management. A police force has been set up for the security and proper management of the fest as well known celebrities are called up for their performances specially for this fete and also for the safety of Udaipurites. So to keep everyone in mind, fest has been highly secured.
  • As it is a fest, so to have a swing section for kids is natural and a must. All the arrangements regarding this part have been done well as always. But this section is being messed up by the people only as they throw tickets here and there and make the place dungy and thus make a bad impression for everyone else.

tickets thrown away

  • To add on, to maximize the elegance of the fiesta, water fountains have been embarked along with awesome preparations of lights. But again the sad part is during the period of fest these fountains are kept well maintained but rest of the year they are not even looked upon. These fountains should be regularly cleansed and made into work so that at the time of this season they don’t have to be sanitized every year and work only for the fest time.

Well, these are some of the issues to keep an eye on and the one’s having the negative side should be mended for the amelioration of the fest and the city to increase the craze of every individual for this fair and for enhancing the charm of tourists to visit our city at this time point of time.

I may have forgotten some of the points to add. So, now I want something from the Udaipurites to convey. Replies would be awaited gladly. Up till then, adios.  🙂


Ghare – Relax with a Snack

Ghare Udaipur



Heart is where the home is…”

Born out of a desire to be beyond the usual… what it offers is a home away from home… Ghare.  An elegant setting for every mood, a cosy ambience to unwind, a place to put your feet up..sit back and relax..!! Ghare is a homely yet amazingly stylish roof top cafe which offers delectable snacks with an array of refreshing beverages..

Now the boring evenings can be much more lively, when the routine hang-outs with friends can be enjoyed in an uber-cool place, with the choicest of savouries at the best of prices.. just perfectly. So, right when the clock strikes 4, get ready to have your share of delightful moments for the day, only at Ghare

The ambience is sure to leave every person completely mesmerised. And the Indian, Chinese, Italian and Continental refreshments on offer will definitely tingle the taste buds of one-and- all.

And yes, do not give the pasta a miss..It’s wonderfully delicious, and truly worth dying for..!!

“ It’s not a known brand name… not even a popular chain…
But freedom from the boring and mundane…
Relax…Relish…Rejoice; & put all your worries at bay..!!
Coz now, just at a stone’s throw away…
is the awe-inspiring rooftop cafe Ghare..!!! ”

Address: Near Ajanta Hotel Lane, Opp. Apsara Tent House

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‘Chor’ In The City

shoplifting -

The retail industry is one of the biggest and fastest moving industries of the Indian economy. It is been evident from the developments that have been made in past decade. A series of chain retail stores have been established across the country. Big brands like Reliance Fresh, More, Big Baazar and Easy Day etc. are the few examples, which prove the growth of the retail sector in India.

Apart from this fact of fast growing movement; there also exist a challenging threat for the retail outlets which is weakening its strength from the roots like a termite. The threat is well endorsed as Shoplifting and few related terms are Pilferage or Shrinkage. The threat is not affecting only India rather it is an addressable issue across the globe.  According to the recent studies the rate of shrinkage has been noticed highest in India.

Not only customers but there are other factors which contribute to shrinkage and pilferage. There are internal causes such as theft by employees, internal losses, breakage and shortage etc. But the loss incurred by the external factors such as shoplifting contributes to a higher extent.

If we try to find out that who executes or actively involved in the act of shoplifting; there comes out to be interesting results. Yes, both amateurs and expert professional & skilled people are executing the act. Some just do it to satisfy their urge to do it. For a segment money might not be the major cause to do. May be they have developed a habit of doing so. Well, at the end for rest of them ‘money matters’.

The products which attract shoplifters the most are (a) having a higher price tag (b) small enough to hide in their pocket. These are the few items which are always on the verge to be picked very quickly like deos, sprays, cosmetics, perfumes, chocolates, electronic gadgets and liquor etc.

Shoplifting has emerged as a major threat for the retail industry which has led to shrink the size of the retail business. Even big brands are suffering huge loss and of course the level has risen to the neck.

To overcome the mega loss the companies are investing more capital towards installing security measures and surveillance systems. Different modes of implementing security cover CCTV camera, Security Guards, RFID and bouncers. Indeed after tightening the grip of security at the places the so called ‘chor’ is still wandering in the city. May you find him next to you, executing his magical hands while you are checking this post on your tablet during shopping in a mall. Chow!


Doctor’s Day Special – Excerpts from the life of a Doctor

Happy Doctor's Day
Picture Credits –

It’s 1st July – it’s Doctor’s Day, a day dedicated to doctors in the honor of great Indian Physician Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy as this day was his birthday. It’s a day to thank doctors for their services, a day to show them the importance they hold in our lives. On this occasion, we have collected some touching memories from the diary of a doctor; it sees a youngster growing into a respectable citizen, a complete trail of emotions and feelings attached with the life of a doctor. Read it and try to feel it.

“I am standing outside a big campus, my eyes enlightened with many new dreams and filled with immense pride as they read the words “Medical College and Hospital”. Yes, I am a medico now. My feelings-too much mixed; there is a ‘fear’ of new city, new friends, new life but I’m ‘happy’ too as I reap the fruit of 2 years of hard work; ‘excited’ to explore new folds with a sense of ‘responsibility’ towards mankind; I’m missing my classmates also who have failed to clear PMT this year.”

“Every time I wear a white lab coat and put a stethoscope around my neck, it fills me with a new vibrant energy and my heart swells with pride. But today, as I stepped inside the Hospital for my first Clinical Postings, I felt the real meaning of a doctor. I realized that from now on each day I’ll come across people suffering with pain, each day I’ll have to fill many eyes with tears as I tell them the disease they or their relatives are suffering from, each day I’ll be in war with many diseases. I shuddered at the thought. But as I got acquainted with my field, I got to know why people say that ‘Doctors are God on Earth’; it’s the only field where one can directly serve the sick and needy and I’m proud of my profession.”

“Today we were taken to Labor Room; the room was filled with the cries of a lady who was waiting to hear the cries of her first baby. Amidst those painful cries, that could leave almost anyone weeping, doctors were so alert and quick in their every step and decision; they were deaf to those cries but the moment baby cried, the smile that spread over their faces was worth the efforts it took; the satisfaction and happiness of bringing a new life in this world was simply priceless.”

Operation Theatre – even the name fills mind with dreadful thoughts and the body goes numb. It was during my posting in Surgery Department that I realized what a Surgeon goes through during his practice. Long hours in OT when you have to be completely focused, where one small mistake can kill a precious life, emergency night calls, complicated cases that have to be dealt with complete perfection; but when patient thanks you and leaves your chamber smiling, no fees can compete with the satisfaction that smile can give you.”

“Today we got our farewell and during the function, past four and half years of my M.B.B.S. flashed in front of my eyes. I was overwhelmed with emotions as I recalled the best ever days of my college life; those lectures and our bunks, endless fights with friends aur wo masti bhare moments, yuck food in mess and meri hostel wali Maggie, movies till 4 in the morning, and the night before exam, and most of all I’ll be missing the carefree and tension free life as the life from here is going to be more tougher.”

“Damn!! I didn’t get selected in any of the PG exam. :’( A one year loss matters a lot as it already takes 10 long years to be a Doctor. I’ll have to put in extra efforts this time so that I can get a good branch in PG.” “Yipppieee!! Finally I have cracked my PG Entrance and got my favorite branch – Paediatrics 🙂 ”

“We are preparing for tomorrow’s practical of PG final year. We all are hell nervous because we have heard that the external is a miser in giving marks but my roommate is crying. Tomorrow is her sister’s marriage and she is stuck here with exams and books. We all tried to make her happy by organizing a mini-sangeet in our room. A couple of year back we were strangers, but now we are a family; this is the irony of our profession – it gives us many new relations by keeping us away from our blood relations.”

“I’m sitting in my chamber; it’s my first day in Hospital as a Doctor. The corridor outside my room is bustling, a bit with the cries of children and more with the shouts of their parents growing restless in the queue. And then tongues won’t stop complaining that now-a-days doctors don’t give enough time per patient during checkup. God!!  How can I attend my patients with these sounds ringing in my ears?”

“Today I entered the third decade of my life and I celebrated this birthday with some old friends. While chatting about our lives and jobs, I realized I’m just at a starting level while my classmates have already got promoted 2 times and some even 3 times. My present salary stands nowhere in front of their several lakhs plus incentives. No, I am not greedy and I don’t expect an increase in my salary, but am I wrong if I wish that people stop saying “Ye doctors khoob maal kamate hain”.”

—– —– —–

Did you notice in these excerpts that a medical student never ever thinks of a good salary, perks and all; he just wants to serve the society and the nation. But as responsibilities falls over his shoulder and one has to face the realities of life, he needs money in hand to support himself and his family. What’s wrong if a doctor takes 100 Rs per patient after 10 years of struggle and hard work? You call doctors ‘God’ but they are mere humans; when our leaders can gulp down crores of public money, why can’t we charge a fees worth our efforts and act a bit selfish? I don’t deny that there are some doctors who have sold the serenity of this noble profession for few green and red notes. But what is the point in blaming thousand honest doctors because of few culprits??

I humbly request everyone on behalf of all doctors and medical students to once think calmly and with open minds on both sides of this coin and you yourself will know the truth. If ever in your lifetime a doctor cured your illness then today, give your 1 billion dollar smile to us that shows your trust in us, because that smile will be the best greetings for Doctor’s Day which will motivate us for even better services.

Happy Doctor’s Day to every medico… 🙂 Today let’s say these lines, not to the world but to ourselves, and keep repeating it every day. “The responsibility to take care of the health of mankind is on my shoulders and I’ll always serve under this responsibility with full dedication and honesty.” Be proud of ourselves and our profession. \m/