Festivals Photos

कृष्ण के विविध रंग सजे कृष्णाष्टमी पर

“नन्द के आनंद भयो, जय कन्हैया लाल की..!!”

“मुरली मनोहर श्री कृष्ण जी की जय..!!!”

कुछ ऐसे ही जयकारे आज पूरे देश ही नही अपितु पूरी दुनिया की फिज़ाओ में गुंजायमान हो रहे है जिनसे चारो ओर बस कृष्ण का ही नाम है, हर मुख पर कृष्ण की ही महिमा है, हर आँखों में कृष्ण की ही छवि है और हर कर्ण आज बस कृष्ण की मुरली की मधुर तानों को सुन रहे है… या यूँ कह ले की आज हर कोई कृष्ण के रंगों में रंगा हुआ…. और हो भी क्यों ना आज श्री कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी जो है; भादवा मास की कृष्ण पक्ष की वह मंगलमय अष्टमी  जब भगवान श्री कृष्ण देवकी और वासुदेव के नंदन के रूप में अवतारित हुए थे और उस घनघोर वर्षा वाली रात्रि में नन्द और यशोदा के घर भी अपार खुशियों की वर्षा कर दी थी…..



कृष्ण के इन रंगों से हमारा उदयपुर कैसे अछूता रह सकता था… और जब नाथद्वारा और जगदीश मंदिर में कृष्णाष्टमी का रंग चढ़ता है तब के माहौल की छठा के तो क्या ही कहने… जगदीश मंदिर में सजी झांकी के दर्शन मध्यरात्रि में खुलते ही भक्तो का अम्बार लग गया, कान्हा के नाम के जयकारे गूंजने लगे और भगवन जगदीश की आरती कर उन्हें भोग लगाया गया और फिर भक्तो में प्रसाद बांटा गया. आज रात को दूध दही की हांड़ी को फोड़ने की प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन हुआ जिसमे सभापति रजनी डाँगी, प्रशांत अग्रवाल, हरीश राजनी  आदि अतिथि के रूप में शामिल हुए. बरसते हुए बादलों के बीच मटकी फोड़ने का आनंद दोगुना हो गया, हालांकि कुछ विलम्ब हुआ कार्यक्रम शुरू होने में पर फिर कलाकारों ने अपनी प्रस्तुतियों से वह मौजूद भक्तों का दिल जीत लिया . जगदीश चौक ॐ साईं राम ग्रुप ने झांकी सहित नृत्य प्रस्तुत किया. कृष्ण जन्मोत्सव में देश विदेश से आये  पर्यटकों ने लिया जमकर  आनंद . दीवाना ग्रुप के शाहनवाज़ [उदयपुर के बंटी] ने भजनों का ऐसा समां बंधा के वह उपस्तिथ लोग अपने आप को झूमने से नहीं रोक पाए, इन्द्र देव की कृपा बराबर भक्तों पे बनी रही उसी बीच दही हांडी फोड़ का कार्यक्रम शुरू हुआ , कुछ गीरे कुछ पड़े , फिर उठे फिर चढ़े और पूरी तरह उत्साहित होकर बार बार कोशिश की और फिर  चामुंडा ग्रुप, गोवेर्धन विलास से आई टोली  ने मटकी फोड़ी, जीतने वाले दल को Pacific University की तरफ से २१,००० रूपए नकद दिए  गए तथा ११००० रूपए का नकद पुरस्कार पंकज बोरना की तरफ से दिया गया.



पालनों में विराजित सजे-धजे लड्डू गोपाल, घरों के आँगन में बने नटखट बाल कृष्ण के नन्हे नन्हे कदम और साथ में रंगीली रंगोली, बरसते गुलाल और पानी की मार की बीच दही-हांड़ी और उसको फोड़ने के लिए ग्वालों की टोलियों में मची होड़ , कृष्ण जीवन की सजीली झाँकिया, रासलीला में सजता हुआ अलग ही संसार, दूध मलाई से बने पकवानों का भोग…. कितनी जीवन्तता है इस त्यौहार में, एक अलग ही हर्षो-उल्लास उमड़ता है; ठीक वैसा ही जैसा कृष्ण जी का जीवन था – कई रंगों को अपने में समेटे हुए, जीने की अदभुत कला सीखाने वाला और हर कठिन परिस्थिति से निकलने की राह दिखाने वाला. श्री कृष्ण जी में कुछ तो था जो उन्हें सबका चहेता बना देता है, हर किसी के दिल में बसते है वे – बच्चो के शरारती साथी, देवकी और यशोदा के लाल, वासुदेव और नन्द की आँखों के तारे, राधा के प्रिय, गोपियों के माखन चोर, सुदामा के मित्र और गोकुलवासियों के मन मोहन. उनका हर रूप उनके व्यक्तित्व का आईना था, हर आईने से अलग शिक्षा मिलती है.









दुर्घटना की प्रतीक्षा में


Choga Lal Bhoi - Mewar Channel - Udaipur
छोगा लाल जी भोई [मेवाड़ चैनल] का सम्मान किया गया

याद है उनकी नटखट शरारते – कैसे वे माखन चुराते थे, कभी गोपियों की मटकिया फोड़ दिया करते थे तो कभी मिट्टी खाया करते थे; पर उनकी हर शरारत भी प्यारी लगती थी, गोपिया उनकी शिकायत तो किया करती थी पर साथ ही अपने घरों के दरवाज़े भी नन्दलाला के लिए खुला छोड़ दिया करती थी. इससे पता चलता है कि जब दिल साफ़ होता है तब हर गलती भी छोटी होती है. कृष्ण ने अपने बाल्यकाल में ही कई दानवो और बुरे लोगो का विनाश करा था और हमे ये सिखाया था कि विप्पत्ति चाहे कितनी भी बड़ी हो पर मन की हिम्मत से हर कठिन राह भी आसान हो जाती है. आज दोस्ती की परिभाषा बदल गयी है – फेसबुक, इन्टरनेट की बनावटी दुनिया में सखा साथी कही खो से गए है और दोस्ती में स्वार्थ, अहम् इतना बढ़ गया है कि कृष्ण-सुदामा जैसी दोस्ती जाने कहा खो गई है. अपने परिवार और नगरवासियों की मदद के लिए हमेशा तत्पर रहना, सभी का आदर सम्मान करना, हमेशा अपने हँसमुख स्वाभाव से सबको खुश रखना, आदि कई गुण थे कान्हा में. कलियुग की तथाकथित “Personality Development Classes ” से कई गुना ज्यादा सिखाता है कान्हा जी का जीवन….. जरुरत है तो बस उन्हें मन में बसाने की और उनके रंगों में रंग जाने की…

सेक्टर 11 शिव मंदिर में भी कन्हैया का जन्मोत्सव धूम धाम से मनाया गया. बाल गोपाल की झांकी बनायीं गयी, 20 सालों से चली आ रही परंपरा के अनुसार भजन संध्या का आयोजन भी  किया गया जिसमे सभापति रजनी डांगी और प्रमोद सामर ने कार्यक्रम का आनंद  लिया.




Photos By : Yash Sharma
उदयपुरब्लॉग( की ओर से सभी को जन्माष्टमी की हार्दिक शुभकामनाए…!!! जय श्री कृष्णा..!!! 🙂


Some More Photos by Chirag Mehta





जय श्री कृष्णा..!!!

Places to Visit

Let’s turn the City of Lakes into City of Gardens this Weekend – Weekend Hangout

Monsoon has already knocked our city; these soft breezes brushing our hairs, tiny rain drops that falls on our body and touches our soul; seems like everything around is tinted in green and blue. So what else, other than Lakes, could be a better option to hangout in this super awesome weather?? Well actually there can be one more happening weekend plan to celebrate this monsoon and get closer to nature.

Udaipur is the city of lakes; but it’s the City of Gardens too, with many picturesque lush green gardens ready to cast their spell on you with dew drops on leaves, soft wet grass and cool and pleasant air. These gardens, grown more charming in monsoon breeze and dampness, can be an excellent hangout option with family and friends. You will be amazed to find so many choices; in fact options even more than Lakes. You can choose any one out of many as per your choice or plan a whole day out exploring these green retreats.

Nehru Garden - By Ashwin jain
Nehru Garden – By Ashwin jain

Nehru Garden :-

Situated amidst Fatehsagar Lake, this island garden is truly an eye candy with its fountains and flower gardens. Though these fountains won’t soothe you by splashing water (for which I really thank our sleeping government officials), but with Fatehsagar all around it, you won’t be missing those splashes. Even the boat ride to the garden can be enjoyed when the only rides we enjoy now-a-days are bike or car ride on dusty roads.


Rajiv gandhi park - Gaurav bohra
Rajiv gandhi park – Gaurav bohra

Rajiv Gandhi Garden :-

This newly developed garden, located on Rani Road, is emerging as a new hot-spot in the city, particularly for couples in weekdays and families on weekends. Its different theme, the children park and the exotic views of city which it serves makes it a favorite weekend option for city dwellers.


Maharana pratap statue @ Moti Magri - Mujtaba R.G.
Maharana pratap statue @ Moti Magri – Mujtaba R.G.

Moti Magri :-

With a statue of brave Maharana Pratap riding his beloved horse Chetak, this age old garden overlooks Fatehsagar Lake. It has many gardens built in the memory of Maharana Pratap and other brave warriors of Mewar.


Sahelion ki Badi :-

Built with a different concept of providing a place where royal ladies can relax and rejoice, this garden is famous for its greenery, marble architecture and fountains. Its fountains (mind you, if they are working properly) are sure to drench you without rain. While in the garden, you will feel as if you are in a fairy-land and your feet won’t leave its lanes and lawns.


Gulab Bagh - Yash Sharma
Gulab Bagh – Yash Sharma

Gulab Bagh :-

Spread over an area of 100 acres, Gulab Bagh or Sajjan Niwas Garden is the biggest of all gardens in Udaipur. It has a zoo, a museum and a public library along with many beautiful gardens, the greenery of which is well maintained by the authority. It is ever blooming with people of various ages even on weekdays, especially in the morning and evening hours.


Doodh Talai - By Deepankshi Chittora
Doodh Talai – By Deepankshi Chittora

Doodh Talai :-

DT offers many gardens and places to hangout like Deen Dayal Upadhya Park, Manikya Lal Verma Park, Ropeway to Karni Mata, Pichola, Jungle Safari and many more.

Adding to the list of the gardens, there are many more like Sanjay Gandhi Garden, Nehru Bal Udhyan, Sukhadia Memorial Park and Sukhadia Circle.

So what are you waiting for Udaipies?? Just pack your picnic bags, put on a bright and colorful tees, take an umbrella or a raincoat, start your vehicle and off you go for a rocking and happening weekend…!! Oooppss!! Turn back, turn back; you forgot your camera that will capture the best smiles of the day…. 🙂


Happy Weekend and Happy Monsoon…!! 🙂


Doctor’s Day Special – Excerpts from the life of a Doctor

Happy Doctor's Day
Picture Credits –

It’s 1st July – it’s Doctor’s Day, a day dedicated to doctors in the honor of great Indian Physician Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy as this day was his birthday. It’s a day to thank doctors for their services, a day to show them the importance they hold in our lives. On this occasion, we have collected some touching memories from the diary of a doctor; it sees a youngster growing into a respectable citizen, a complete trail of emotions and feelings attached with the life of a doctor. Read it and try to feel it.

“I am standing outside a big campus, my eyes enlightened with many new dreams and filled with immense pride as they read the words “Medical College and Hospital”. Yes, I am a medico now. My feelings-too much mixed; there is a ‘fear’ of new city, new friends, new life but I’m ‘happy’ too as I reap the fruit of 2 years of hard work; ‘excited’ to explore new folds with a sense of ‘responsibility’ towards mankind; I’m missing my classmates also who have failed to clear PMT this year.”

“Every time I wear a white lab coat and put a stethoscope around my neck, it fills me with a new vibrant energy and my heart swells with pride. But today, as I stepped inside the Hospital for my first Clinical Postings, I felt the real meaning of a doctor. I realized that from now on each day I’ll come across people suffering with pain, each day I’ll have to fill many eyes with tears as I tell them the disease they or their relatives are suffering from, each day I’ll be in war with many diseases. I shuddered at the thought. But as I got acquainted with my field, I got to know why people say that ‘Doctors are God on Earth’; it’s the only field where one can directly serve the sick and needy and I’m proud of my profession.”

“Today we were taken to Labor Room; the room was filled with the cries of a lady who was waiting to hear the cries of her first baby. Amidst those painful cries, that could leave almost anyone weeping, doctors were so alert and quick in their every step and decision; they were deaf to those cries but the moment baby cried, the smile that spread over their faces was worth the efforts it took; the satisfaction and happiness of bringing a new life in this world was simply priceless.”

Operation Theatre – even the name fills mind with dreadful thoughts and the body goes numb. It was during my posting in Surgery Department that I realized what a Surgeon goes through during his practice. Long hours in OT when you have to be completely focused, where one small mistake can kill a precious life, emergency night calls, complicated cases that have to be dealt with complete perfection; but when patient thanks you and leaves your chamber smiling, no fees can compete with the satisfaction that smile can give you.”

“Today we got our farewell and during the function, past four and half years of my M.B.B.S. flashed in front of my eyes. I was overwhelmed with emotions as I recalled the best ever days of my college life; those lectures and our bunks, endless fights with friends aur wo masti bhare moments, yuck food in mess and meri hostel wali Maggie, movies till 4 in the morning, and the night before exam, and most of all I’ll be missing the carefree and tension free life as the life from here is going to be more tougher.”

“Damn!! I didn’t get selected in any of the PG exam. :’( A one year loss matters a lot as it already takes 10 long years to be a Doctor. I’ll have to put in extra efforts this time so that I can get a good branch in PG.” “Yipppieee!! Finally I have cracked my PG Entrance and got my favorite branch – Paediatrics 🙂 ”

“We are preparing for tomorrow’s practical of PG final year. We all are hell nervous because we have heard that the external is a miser in giving marks but my roommate is crying. Tomorrow is her sister’s marriage and she is stuck here with exams and books. We all tried to make her happy by organizing a mini-sangeet in our room. A couple of year back we were strangers, but now we are a family; this is the irony of our profession – it gives us many new relations by keeping us away from our blood relations.”

“I’m sitting in my chamber; it’s my first day in Hospital as a Doctor. The corridor outside my room is bustling, a bit with the cries of children and more with the shouts of their parents growing restless in the queue. And then tongues won’t stop complaining that now-a-days doctors don’t give enough time per patient during checkup. God!!  How can I attend my patients with these sounds ringing in my ears?”

“Today I entered the third decade of my life and I celebrated this birthday with some old friends. While chatting about our lives and jobs, I realized I’m just at a starting level while my classmates have already got promoted 2 times and some even 3 times. My present salary stands nowhere in front of their several lakhs plus incentives. No, I am not greedy and I don’t expect an increase in my salary, but am I wrong if I wish that people stop saying “Ye doctors khoob maal kamate hain”.”

—– —– —–

Did you notice in these excerpts that a medical student never ever thinks of a good salary, perks and all; he just wants to serve the society and the nation. But as responsibilities falls over his shoulder and one has to face the realities of life, he needs money in hand to support himself and his family. What’s wrong if a doctor takes 100 Rs per patient after 10 years of struggle and hard work? You call doctors ‘God’ but they are mere humans; when our leaders can gulp down crores of public money, why can’t we charge a fees worth our efforts and act a bit selfish? I don’t deny that there are some doctors who have sold the serenity of this noble profession for few green and red notes. But what is the point in blaming thousand honest doctors because of few culprits??

I humbly request everyone on behalf of all doctors and medical students to once think calmly and with open minds on both sides of this coin and you yourself will know the truth. If ever in your lifetime a doctor cured your illness then today, give your 1 billion dollar smile to us that shows your trust in us, because that smile will be the best greetings for Doctor’s Day which will motivate us for even better services.

Happy Doctor’s Day to every medico… 🙂 Today let’s say these lines, not to the world but to ourselves, and keep repeating it every day. “The responsibility to take care of the health of mankind is on my shoulders and I’ll always serve under this responsibility with full dedication and honesty.” Be proud of ourselves and our profession. \m/


An Interview with new SP of Udaipur – Mr. Hari Prasad Sharma

Superintendent Police of Udaipur - Mr. Hari Prasad Sharma

Standing outside the SP’s chamber, I was hell nervous regarding my first interview and that too of none other than but Mr. Hari Prasad Sharma, who recently joined as Superintendent Police of Udaipur a few weeks back. But the way he so easily accepted his short hand in the technical field including blogging, social networking and all, it reflected how down to earth he is. The clarity and the confidence with which he answered my questions, was worth a ‘salute’.


Here is the conversation with him.

Q1. A very warm welcome to the Udaipur City Sir!! How do you find this city and how are you feeling after coming here?

A. Thank you. Udaipur is a calm and serene city. It’s a pleasure to serve the people of this city.


Q2. Everyone in the City wants to know about your education and service background.

A. I did my B.Sc. in Mathematics in 1979 and then M.A. in Economics. I worked in Reserve Bank of India for one year. Then I joined Administrative Services and served as RPS and DYSP till 1993. Then I became IPS in 2001 and worked with United Nations for 1 year. After that I became SP Jhunjhunu, SP Ajmer, SP Jodhpur, and SP Nagaur and then got posted in Udaipur.


Q3. After joining as SP of Udaipur, what are your priorities or the areas of focus?

A. Firstly, we’ll try to speed up the investigations and provide the population with a better and unbiased system of justice and administration. Secondly, we’ll make sure that there is a reduction in the number of crimes in the city.


Q4. “Tourism is the spine of Udaipur”. What will you do to provide a secure environment to tourists?

A. Basically, State Tourist Board deals with the matters relating to tourism. But in a working system, it becomes a job of local police. I’ll try to help tourists in every possible way and see to their security.


Q5. From past few months, there has been an increase in the number of crimes ranging from Chain Snatching to land-mafia and alcohol smuggling. People got no satisfactory results from the interventions taken by police against these crimes and criminals. What will be your strategy to deal with them?

A. It’s always the easiest job to sit in the couches and blame the system for not functioning effectively. But people need to stand over the ground of facts and then speak. According to India Today analysis, Rajasthan holds the fourth position in the list of peaceful states, only after Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh and Kerala. In the last 15 days, I have myself gone through the records of the city and found that there has been a minimal increase in the crime rate. Still I and my department will work to control the crime. See the situation today and see it after 2 months, compare them, and then you will no longer ask this question.


Q6. Sir, maybe the communication gap between the general masses and the police is the reason that people are unaware of the measures and the steps taken by your department and that’s why they are not satisfied with the working system.

A. Obviously this gap will be visible when you have only 2619 constables and a few inspectors and officers for a population of approx 32 Lakhs.


Q7. Udaipur is no longer a peaceful city as it used to be, reason being the growing traffic. How are you going to manage this terrific traffic?

A. Traffic management can never be successful unless the drivers themselves follow the traffic rules. If you wish to have a swift traffic as in European countries, then you need to drive like Europeans. They don’t even break the red light at midnight with not even a single vehicle around and we can break red light even with hundreds of vehicles around.


Q8. Female feticide is a serious matter of concern even for Udaipur. How will you work to stop it?

A. Female feticide is a social problem. Neither Police nor any law can save female fetus from being killed in the womb itself. People need to be educated; awareness must be spread. This is the only single way of combating this problem.


Q9. Most of the time, undue political pressure and interference of politicians hinders the effective functioning of police department. Your comments on this matter?

A. Politicians in Rajasthan are quite good and away from those political games. Moreover, it depends on the officer whether he wants to do the right thing or not. No one can hold your hand and make you sign on a wrong document.


Q10. What motivated you to join police services?

A. In a small area near Jaipur, Administrative services and police department are the most respectable professions. That’s why I joined Police Services.


Q11. Any message for the people of Udaipur?

A. People should have civic sense and must bind by the law. Moreover, they should have faith in the Department and I hope to have their support with me always. And I wish, all the very best to excel as an online media, effectually acting as a bridge between the administration and the people.


Article Contribution: Munmun Rajora, Drishti Soni   |   Photograph By: Mujtaba R.G.