Udaipur speaks is a special platform where all the Udaipur’s citizens can share their views over all the different topics which are going on in the city. This platform gives a platform to the citizens of Udaipur to speak & discuss their problems and share with all the citizens. This helps all the citizens to understand the conditions which are faced by all the citizens & can come towards a conclusion towards the end.
This platform is a major platform to share & get the best result out of this social discussion platform. This people help themselves on this platform and help each other which increase love and respect for the citizens as well as for the foreign travelers to the city as well. On this platform one can get all the major details for the city by the views of the local peoples which help travelers to understand the city by the views of native peoples.
Yesterday I was merrily scooting, in my car, around the city for some work. While crossing a road, a person driving saw me doing the same but didn’t make an…
Photo Courtesy : ibnlive.in.com Again a new propaganda!!!! A country piled upto the brim with corrupt and felon ministers, conjures another economic problem aka social problem, affecting common people the…
Almost everyone these days is perturbed with the queer 5 message/day rule. With no great practical utility & waste of a big monetary amount of the citizens in the…
In the recent days I read in newspaper that the Bollywood’s hot celebrity Ranbir Kapoor had been found guilty for smoking at a public place. Also he had been captured…
“Intake Of Gutka Is Injurious To Health”, how many times do we all have read this line displaying on tv and pre-film commercials of Gutkas? But, does any one of…
Photo Credits: indiaskytours.com The first thing I always noticed about it was the smell...The unique earthy smell of the early morning soil around me. I would inhale it wholly and…
We and the people around us are very much influenced by celebrities and many of us follow them blindly and their every act whether done personally or professionally becomes a…
Today, one of the most burning issues of concern is how to tackle global warming and raise global awareness of the need in order to take positive environmental action. 5th…