Udaipur speaks is a special platform where all the Udaipur’s citizens can share their views over all the different topics which are going on in the city. This platform gives a platform to the citizens of Udaipur to speak & discuss their problems and share with all the citizens. This helps all the citizens to understand the conditions which are faced by all the citizens & can come towards a conclusion towards the end.
This platform is a major platform to share & get the best result out of this social discussion platform. This people help themselves on this platform and help each other which increase love and respect for the citizens as well as for the foreign travelers to the city as well. On this platform one can get all the major details for the city by the views of the local peoples which help travelers to understand the city by the views of native peoples.
Rajasthan is a beautiful blend of eclectic cultures. Several fests are organized to celebrate the love for the State in the City of Lakes. This Valentine’s season Udaipur showed its…
What can be the most amazing feeling for you? Hitting a jackpot, or making someone feel proud! Well answer is way simple if you think on an emotional note. If…
The word father does not require any introduction. He is the savior who never asks for a favor but, completes his duty just by sensing our existence in the mother’s…
The New AD Campaign by Rajasthan Tourism 2016 is making everyone Crazy and We have been getting a lot of request for the Music Track & Lyrics. The work for…
Its always confusing when we have to plan stay for our guests coming to Udaipur, A Hotel that comes with the Best of Facilities but into our Budget. The plan during the…
ROSAVA – WATER FOR LIFE Water is the driving force of all nature. It is one of the most important forms of life on which human life is majorly dependent.…
Udaipur had witnessed many annual public events held in past and even till now; most of these events are organized by either local government and administrative authorities or the dominating…
As the new year starts we should learn to incorporate new habits by taking certain pledges rather then resolutions that will benefit us as well as our City. Here are…