Udaipur speaks is a special platform where all the Udaipur’s citizens can share their views over all the different topics which are going on in the city. This platform gives a platform to the citizens of Udaipur to speak & discuss their problems and share with all the citizens. This helps all the citizens to understand the conditions which are faced by all the citizens & can come towards a conclusion towards the end.
This platform is a major platform to share & get the best result out of this social discussion platform. This people help themselves on this platform and help each other which increase love and respect for the citizens as well as for the foreign travelers to the city as well. On this platform one can get all the major details for the city by the views of the local peoples which help travelers to understand the city by the views of native peoples.
Fret Beats at a glance Started its journey way back in 2007 from Pink City - Jaipur, the heart of Rajasthan, Fret Beats came up in Udaipur in year 2011…
Anmol Meghwal (February 5, 1989 - May 5, 2012) Even now when He is gone after the mishap that took place this Saturday, 5th May, 2012, after drowning in Kathar…
Mohan Lal Sukhadia University has become curse for the students these days. Studying in MLSU at 1970-80 was more like getting a good job and a good life but these…
One of the largest telecom providers in India - Vodafone - announced 3G data services in India back in 2011. These days, everyone is aware of the 3g data services…
Today, most of the tuition-going students on the Durga Nursery faced a problem to turn back around from their regular Shiv Colony path. A barricading has been done on one…
Heya Udaipies, I am back with a new post now this is regarding our Udaipur's Official NIC maintained website: udaipur.nic.in This site is among one of the Top Results on…
Panache’2012 - 'Iconoclastic Sixties' is an Annual Techno-Cultural Festival of Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur, celebrating the underlining nature of all human activities. That is the passion to improvise, the…
Drought & water-borne diseases in many parts of our state due to shortage & pollution of water should be tackled through disaster management policy. Special emphasis should be laid on…