
4th World Living Heritage Festival in Udaipur | Know Everything About it

World Living Heritage Festival (WLHF) is a 4-day mega festival which brings together a variety of artists, academicians, activists and student delegates of India as well as overseas and works as a forum of Knowledge exchange. The event is organized by the Maharana of Mewar Charitable Trust (MMCF) and the venue of the same will be The City Palace.

The 4th edition of the World Living Heritage Festival is meant to celebrate the rich cultural diversity of Mewar, India as well as the world. Moreover, the event will witness a variety of speakers including scholars from architecture, urban planning and heritage conversation, scholars from humanities and social sciences, representatives from Government of India, Government of Rajasthan, foreign government, and representatives from UNESCO, ICOMOS, IHCN-F, national and international institutions, organizations, and NGOs.

Source: TopYaps

The schedule of the 4-day festival beginning from 17th October will be as follows:

17th October 2018 (Day 1)

  • The event will start with Ashwa Poojan which is an old tradition for the house of Mewar and is the expression for gratitude.
  • The art and craft bazaar known as ‘Srajan’ will be inaugurated.


18th October 2018 (Day 2)

  • The second day of the event will include sessions – Identifying Approaches to Living Heritage, workshops with local artists and artisans, musical concerts and dance performances.


Mudra School of Indian Classical Dance, Ahmedabad

Jogiyaar Mahabharata / Panduan Ke Kadde, New Delhi


19th October 2018 (Day 3)

  • Heritage walk, sessions on temples, discussions, workshop with Sikligars and on Living Heritage documentation, concert, dance performance will be incorporated in day 3.


Kala Ashram College of Performing Arts, Udaipur

Nooran Sisters, Jalandhar


20th October 2018 (Day 4)

  • Sessions on Oral traditions, their role, and impact, Workshop on the confluence of crafts, concert and a heritage walk.


Bharatanatyam by Kalangan Dance Company, New Delhi
(Disciples of Guru Jamuna Krishnan and Smt. Ragini Chandershekar)

Swarathma – Indian Folk Rock Band, Bengaluru


To know the full detailed schedule of the event, click here.

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History and Culture

Mavli: A Small Town with a Rich History of Medieval and Mughal Era

Mavli is a town situated at a distance of 26 km from Udaipur. In the history of Mewar and the prominent places in Udaipur district, Mavli town owns a significant role in the commercial as well as administrative point of view. Very few people are aware of the rich history and politics associated with the town. According to former historians, there was a pastoral land, which was won by the then Maharaja of India, Udai Singh in the battle with Banveer during the Mughal era. In the medieval period, the town was known as Maholi.

Source: India Rail Info

One of the noticeable places in the town includes a Baori (step wall) known as Baiji Raj ki Baori which has a very interesting story behind itself. The Baori was built by the mother and sister of Rana Bhim Singh Ji between the years 1772 and 1780. According to history, Maharana’s mother was Rajmata Sardar Kunwar Jhali. She belonged to the Jhala family of Gogunda and got married to Maharana Ari Singh Ji II. The only daughter of Maharana Ari Singhji-II was Baisa Chandravati Ji who got married to Maharaja Parbat Singh of Ratlam. The Baori was given in dowry to Baijiraj Chandrawatiji.

The historic ‘Bai Ji Raj Ki Baori’ and the pavilions present in the town still seem to sing the saga of Mewar’s history and bravery. As Mavli was given in dowry, many Kshatriyas of the Mewar Raj family still do not accept food and water in the town.

Source: Udaipurtimes

There are some places and temples in the town that can be visited by the travelers which include Laxmi Narayan temple, Shriramji- Seetamata- Laxmanji (Akhada), Thirthankar Chanda Prabhu Swami (Jain Temple), lok temples like Adra Bavji, Radaji Bawji and Chamunda Mata.

The town was visited by the officer of the British East India Company, Colonel James Tod in the year 1820 who writes the following about the town: Maowlee, 26th, October 1820. Seven and a half miles. — As usual, all was barren between Sunwar and Maowlee; though at each are the traces of reviving industry. This was formerly a considerable town, and rated in the books at seven thousand rupees’ annual rent, but now it yields not seven hundred. Its population consists of about eighty families of all classes, half of which have “been recalled from their long exile in Malwa and Candeish, and have already given a new aspect to Maowlee in its sugar-canes. Her Highness’ steward, however, is not

[p.629]: …one of the faithful. There is a very fine bawari, or reservoir, of course, marble, constructed by Baeji Raj, ‘ the royal mother’ of the present Rana and his sister, in whose appanage it is. — An inscription, dated S. 1737, recorded an ordinance in favor of the Jains, that “the oil-mill of Maowlee should not work on the four rainy months;” in order to lessen the destruction of animal life.

According to Veer Vinod, Maharana Udai Singh won his battle against Banbir is the Chaprada (which is currently a fair spot) of Mavli and saved the Sisodia clan. He later founded the city of Udaipur. From the time of princely era, Mavli has been the main center of transportation of Mewar. Due to the absence of traffic resources, people of the entire country used to come here including Mewar, Waagad, and Malwa. For this reason, Rabri also received fame all across the country. It is said that Maharana Bhupal Singh was fascinated with the rabri (a sweet, condensed-milk-based dish) of Mavli, hence Rabri was sent to Rajmahalas through bullock carts.

The “rabri” made here in Mavli city, keeps its unique identity from the time of Rajwadas throughout the state. Every year, on the occasion of Sharad Poornima, a fair known as ‘Chamunda Mata Pashu Mela’ is conducted which is attended by people from far-flung places for business.

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Source: Wikipedia
Mangal news

उदयपुर में यहाँ लगता है माता का 55 फीट ऊंचा पंडाल | नवरात्री स्पेशल

नवरात्री के त्यौहार पर उदयपुर के लगभग हर कोने में माता रानी के पंडाल सजाये जाते है और गरबे की धुन में सभी उदयपुरवासी झूम उठते है। लेकिन इसी शहर की एक जगह ऐसी है जहाँ पिछले 25 सालों से उदयपुर का सबसे बड़ा पंडाल सजाया जाता है। आइये जानते है की ये कौन सी जगह है।


उदयपुर का सबसे बड़ा पंडाल

25 सालों से सजते आ रहे इस पंडाल की शुरुआत एक सामान्य रूप में हुई थी। समय और दर्शनार्थियों की श्रद्धा के साथ इसकी लम्बाई बढ़ते बढ़ते आज तकरीबन 55 फीट है। इसके स्थापन के लिए बंगाली टीम को बुलाया जाता है। दिलचस्प बात ये है की ये पूरी बंगाली टीम मुस्लिम समुदाय की है। माता रानी के दरबार में सभी समाजों के लोग आमंत्रित रहते है। इसी वजह से हिन्दू, मुस्लिम, बोहरा आदि समाजों के लोग आप को वहां देखने को मिल जाएंगे। वहीं सजावट का काम स्थानीय लोगों के जिम्मे रहता है।

पंडाल के निर्माण की शुरुआत नवरात्री के 10 दिन पहले से हो जाती है क्योंकि इसे पूरा होने में लगभग 10 दिन लग जाते है। लोगों को माता के दर्शन में कोई तकलीफ ना आए इसके लिए मूर्ती के दोनों तरफ 55 फीट की सीढियां लगवाई जाती है जहाँ नवरात्री के पूरे 9 दिन श्रद्धालुओं की भीड़ लगी रहती है। हर साल दर्शन के लिए लगभग तीन हज़ार से ज़्यादा लोग आते है।


माता का श्रृंगार

Photo by: Sayyed Ahmed

नवरात्री में हर तीन दिन में माता रानी का श्रृंगार कर उन्हें एक नया रूप दिया जाता है। हर साल एक थीम को चुना जाता है और उसी के हिसाब से श्रृंगार होते है। थीम कुछ इस प्रकार होती है – मोर, राधाकृष्ण, श्रीनाथजी आदि। इस साल श्रृंगार की थीम मोर की रखी गई है। साल 2011 में नवरात्रि के आखिरी दिन माता का श्रृंगार आभूषण और फूलों के साथ नोटों की माला से हुआ था जिनका मूल्य लगभग 7 लाख था।


नवरात्री के कार्यक्रम

सुथारवाडा में नवरात्री के कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत आमतौर पर 21 तोपों की सलामी, ढोल नगाड़े, पटाखे और आतिशबाज़ी के साथ नवरात्री के पहले दिन होती है जिस दिन माता की मूर्ती की स्थापना होती है। रोज़ शाम 7:30 बजे और 10:30 बजे आरती होती है। इसके बीच डांडियों के कई राउंड होते है जहाँ शहर के अलग अलग हिस्सों से लोग काफी उत्साह के साथ माता के सामने नवरात्रि का जश्न मनाते है।

इन नौं दिनों में यहाँ कई तरह के कार्यक्रम होते है जिसमें डांस, डांडिये, ड्रामा शामिल है। अष्टमी के दिन यहाँ महाआरती का आयोजन होता है जिसके तुरंत बाद ही महाहोली मनाई जाती है। आम होली की तरह इसमें गुलाल का नहीं बल्कि फूलों का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। इसमें सभी लोग माँ अम्बे के अवतार में सजी एक बालिका पर फूलों की वर्षा करते है।

9वें दिन विसर्जन का कार्यक्रम रहता है जिसमें कई मशहूर लोग अपनी कला का प्रदर्शन करने आते है। इंडियाज़ गोट टैलेंट का निशान-ए-ग्रुप, दिल्ली के मनोज डांस ग्रुप जैसे जाने माने लोगों ने भी यहाँ कई बार डांस किया है।

इन सभी कार्यक्रमों के बीच इस बात का ध्यान रखा जाता है की आने जाने वाली गाड़ियों, लोगों और दुकानदारों को कोई तकलीफ ना हो। इस पूरे कार्यक्रम का आयोजन सुथारवाडा मित्र मंडल करीब 150 वालंटियर के सहयोग से करवाते है जिनके आयोजक श्री तुलसी राम माली और सह आयोजक लक्ष्मी लाल जी माली है।

अगर आप वहां जाएंगे तो आप पाएंगे की पंडाल की आस पास की सभी बिल्डिंग और घर भी बत्तियों से जगमगा रहे होते है। इसके साथ साथ पूरे प्रांगण में CCTV कैमरों की सुविधा है जिससे कोई भी अनचाही घटना ना हो।

अगर आपको यह आर्टिकल पसंद आया या आपके पास ऐसी ही कोई दिलचस्प कहानी है जो आप हमारे साथ शेयर करना चाहते है तो मुझे लिखे पर।

Places to Visit

Delwara- The ‘Town of The Gods’ Near Udaipur

Do you know why Delwara is known as the ‘Town of the Gods’?

Not just the city of lakes is beautiful but also its surrounding area is awestriking. Located just 26 KM away from Udaipur is a small town named Delwara (not to be confused with Dilwara Temples of Mt. Abu). Delwara is quite famous because of the architecture of the monuments and buildings there but majorly it is known for being named as the ‘Town of The Gods’. Let us read why the place is known with such an unusual name.

Delwara is known as the ‘Town of The Gods’ simply because of the fact that the place has a high density of temples. It is evident that the town contains almost 2 to 3 temples in every street. Originally, it is said that Delwara had as many as a thousand temples out of which 400 were Jain Temples. Due to the same, Delwara was once known as ‘Devkul Paton Nagri’ which means the town of the gods.

There are various temples which still exist in Delwara in good condition, and are in fact great places to visit in Delwara near Udaipur.

Some of the sacred place in Delwara are enlisted below:

Palera Talab:

This Talab (small lake or pond) was built in AD 1800 by Rani Sajjan Kumari in the fond memory of her husband, the Jhala prince Mansingh, who died at a very young age. It is after his name, that the lake is also known as Mansarovar Sagar and is the major source of water of the town.

Statue of King Man Singh III:

Another thing made for the king Mansingh is this beauteous white marble statue, standing 2 meters high, in the center of Sajjan Vatika opposite the Bhagwan Vaikunthnathji temple.

Parshvanath Bhagwan Temple (Jain Derasar):

This temple is dedicated to Bhagwan Parshwanath, the 23rd Tirthankara of the Jains. One amazing feature of this temple is a chamber about 5 meters underground, which houses 13 stunning idols of Jain Tirthankaras.  The main temple has a gratifyingly carved idol of Bhagwan Parshwanath made in black marble.

Trimukhi Bawdi/Vav:

The name of this stepwell is due to the fact that it has triple entrances. It was built by the Shrimali Brahmins for performing the traditional rituals related to the temples of Vaikunthnathji and Hanumanji which are situated nearby the Vav.

Indra Kund:

Source: Trip Advisor

Indra Kund is one of the major attractions in the Delwara and was built by the king Rana Bairisalji. The kund was blessed in AD 1856 and a month-long festivity was held to the mark the blessing. The kund has stunning examples of stone carving and has a depth of 15 meters.

Shiva temple:

The temple is located close by to the Indra kund is also known as Kundeshvar Mahadev. This Shiva temple was built before the Indra kund and was under the local ruler’s terrain.  The temple has a lingam encircled by three faces of Lord Shiva covered by a cobra, the idols of his companion Parvati and the bull Nandi which was his vehicle.

Lakshmi Narayan Mandir:

According to a folktale, an idol from Dwarka flew on its own from and landed at the mandir. The shrine is said to have built here. The builder of the temple was a devotee of the lord, his was known as Shri Padmaji and has statue installed in the premises of the mandir. This temple is temple belongs to the Teli community; Shri Padmaji was also a Teli.

Other than these temples some other prominent names are:

Kasheshvar Mahadev:

It stands on a platform 16 steps high and was restored by the King of Delwara Raghodev II in the year 1927.

Kheda Mata Mandir, Bhil-Vas:

This temple is a sacred place for the Gametis which is a sub-caste of the Bhil community.

Rishabhdev Bhagwan Temple (Jain Derasar):

The temple is built in white marble and has 149 pillars and 52 shrines. The main shrine is dedicated Bhagwan Adinath, the first Tirthankara.

Source: Raas Devigarh

Another noteworthy place is the heritage hotel Raas Devigarh palace, which is the prime attraction other the temples here. Devigarh was once the residence of the kings of Delwara, from mid-18th century till mid-20th century. Delwara, the ‘Town of The Gods’, no wonder is a beautiful destination near Udaipur which is not much explored by the travelers coming to the city of lakes.

How to reach Delwara: 

You can take a public transport such as a bus from Udaipur or if you have your own vehicle, Delwara is approximately a 35-Minutes (26 KM) drive from Udaipur via NH58.

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Spice Jet to Start Direct Flight from Udaipur to Varanasi

November seems like the golden month for all the air travelers of the city several direct flights are getting introduced in this month. After the direct flight to Bengaluru, Lucknow, and Surat, Spice Jet is launching another direct flight to Varanasi which will be initiated from the next month. The price of the flight starts from Rs. 4,607.


This flight will depart at 3:35 pm from Maharana Pratap Airport and arrive at 5:25 pm at Lal Bahadur Shastri Airport. The same flight will depart from Varanasi at 5:45 pm and reach Udaipur at 8:25 pm.

So many new direct flight from Udaipur assures a happy Diwali to all the traveler Udaipurites.

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Places to Visit

Ambika Mata Temple – The Khajuraho of Mewar

At a distance of around 50 km from Udaipur, rests a rarely known gem of a temple which is known as Ambika Mata temple. The village named Jagat houses the architectural temple. Ambika Devi, who is the form of Goddess Durga is the chief deity of the temple. Goddess Ambika is worshipped as goddess Shakti is believed to be the primordial source of energy. She is associated with Durga through her lion mount and is connected to the Jains when a vision from the temple advised Vimal Shah, a minister of the Chalukya King of Gujarat, Bhimdev I, about building a temple of Lord Adinath at Dilwara, Mount Abu.

Source: Astrolika

This ancient temple is said to be constructed in 961 AD, the period when Laxman Mandir at Khajuraho was being constructed. An inscription on the temple suggests that a person named Sabpura who is the son of Vellur has restored the temple in Vikram samvat 1017. The beautiful idols, the posture of the idols, ornaments and the Nagar architectural style of the temple resembles that of Khajuraho temple which is why it is also called – The Khajuraho of Mewar.

Source: Travel with sharad vyas

There are innumerable inscriptions on the pillar and the wall of the temple which charms the eyes of every visitor. The unmatched and eclectic sculptures include Mahishasurmardini, Navdurga, Veenadharini, Saraswati, Ganpati in the dancing posture, Yama, Kuber, Vayu, Indra, erotic sculptures and other figures engaged in their chores. As a Devi temple, most of the temples here represents Goddess Durga, Goddess Laxmi, Brahmani, and other goddesses.

Source: Tour My India

The temples have been perfectly preserved by the State Department of Archaeology and Museum, Rajasthan. It has a pentagonal shape with a gigantic rampart wall in its surroundings which makes it completely exhilarated. One surprising thing about the architecture of the temple is that the unique architectural style doesn’t belong to its surrounding region in any manner. There is no solid evidence of North Indian Hindu temple architectural features or any Rajasthani architectural characteristics in it. It isn’t also blended with local or regional architectural features and characteristics.

Source: Travel with sharad vyas

Apart from the beauteous architecture and sculptures the temple own, it is famous for the fair that is conducted here during the time of Navratri and other functions during Durga puja etc. Along with the religious people all around the world, the temple holds a unique significance for the people interested in archeology, sculptures, and idols.

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Navratri dress rentals in Udaipur

Navratri season has arrived and so is the season of rocking those Garba nights with your friends. But these days are absolutely incomplete without those colorful lehengas and traditional chaniya choli. If you have a single worry about getting those dresses on rent, then you do not need to worry because we have got it all covered for you.

Below is the list of places where you can get all kind of garba apparels and jewelry on rent for the perfect Navratri selfies and pictures you’ve been dreaming of.

RK Kala Sadan

You can find a number of garba dress style to select from such as Gujarati style, folk style, Kathiyawadi style, etc. Dresses for annual function, folk dance, different kinds of short and long lehengas are available too. Jewelry of all kinds is available on rent.

Address: 123, Shakti Nagar Rd, Shakti Nagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Contact: +91 294 241 5169


Rasm by Supriya Sharma

Apart from the usual traditional dresses of Garba, Indo western dresses and lehengas are available here. Handmade pom pom jewelry and other kinds of jewelry can be found at Rasm.

Address: 05, 1st Floor, Shivam Residency Complex, Durga Nursery Road, Udaipur

Contact: +91 90014 45111



All kind of traditional as well normal printed lehengas and jewelry can be found at Odhani. Apart from that, bridal dresses and other folk dance dresses are available here too.

Address: 151, Hiranmagri sector – 11, opp. Alok School, Udaipur (Raj.)

Contact: 9782934331


Mahalaxmi fancy dress

Mahalaxmi fancy dress stocks a large variety of dresses which involves Garba dresses as well as annual function, folk dresses, casual lehengas, and jewelry.

Address: Opposite Neelam Restaurant, Bohra Ganesh Ji Chouraha, University road, Udaipur

Contact: 9667906664


Fashion Closet Rental Boutique

Trendy Navratri dresses and jewelry are available here and apart from that, you can also buy dresses for other occasions on rent. Different style of dresses and jewelry is the highlight of the place.

Address: 3rd floor, Celebration Mall, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Contact: 7728887066


Creation dress collection

Creation stocks a wide range of garba dresses which include both male and female dresses as well as jewelry. Apart from that, you can find fancy dresses, dance dresses for kids and adults. Dresses can be designed as per your requirement too.

Address: I road, Bhopalpura Main Road, Udaipur, above vijeta studio

Contact: +91 98283 38838



Traditional dresses for kids, adults, male and females are available at fancyano. The jewelry is provided along with the dresses itself. All kind of fancy dresses, wedding dresses, and jewelry are available at Fancyano.

Address: 23, 1st floor, 100 Feet Rd Kamla Nagar, Shobhagpura, Opp. Ashoka Palace

Contact: 99505 45800


Kala Sadan

All types of traditional dresses and jewelry are available at Kala Sadan. Apart from Navratri dresses, fancy dresses, play dresses and western dresses are available here along with jewelry.

Address: 171, Bhamashah Marg, Opp. Oswal Bhawan, Udaipur (Raj.)

Contact: 9214504064

Source: vishvagujarat

Konika Hastkala Kendra

You can get all kind of Navratri dresses and Rajasthani apparels and jewelry here at Konika Hastkala Kendra. Apart from that, handicrafts made here is the main highlight of the place.

Address: 20, Hameer Bhawan, Fatehpura, Bedla Road, Opp. Shreenath hospital

Contact: 9214465071


Royal Collection

All kind of Navratri apparels and jewelry is available here. Apart from that, Indo western apparels, traditional Rajasthani dresses for people of all ages are available.

Address: 4, Gulab Bagh Road near Royal ice factory, Udaipur

Contact: 9413263241


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Kailash Kher to Make a Comeback in Udaipur Along with Raju Shrivastava. Know Where!

After World Music Festival 2017, Kailasha Kher will make our feet groove and heart sing again with his musical rendition at this year’s Diwali-Dushehra Mela which will be conducted at town hall Nagar Nigam campus. The music artist will be accompanied by the great Indian comedian Raju Shrivastava in the fair. The fair will begin from 28th October stretching all the way for 14 days and coming to an end on 11 November 2018.

Udaipur Municipal Corporation has announced a week-long schedule which will include lots of entertaining elements for people of all ages.

On 28th and 29th October, the stage of the fair will serve all the local talent of the city that will involve singers, dancers and other performers. People interested to participate in the activity can register their names at Nagar Nigam by 11th October.

The next day i.e. on 30th October Kailash Kher will melt the hearts of all Udaipurites with his sweet melody. On 31st October, a Raas Leela would be performed on Shree Krishna’s life followed by Raju Shrivastava’s performance the next day i.e. 1 November 2018. The schedule for the rest of the days would be as such – 2nd November: Ghazal and Bhajan, 3rd November: Kavi sammelan where artists like Surendra Sharma, Suman Dubey, Vineet Chauhan, Kumar Sambhav, Ashok Charan, Dinesh Banti, Sunil Jogi, Abdul Gaffar, Gaurav Golcha, etc. will perform. On 4th November, Performance by Prince Gupta and dance group will be held.

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Do You Know About this Beautiful Art at our Railway Station?

At a distance of around 50 km from Udaipur, near the religious town of Nathdwara rests a village named Molela. Molela, also known as ‘potters village’ is quite popular for its unique art form called Molela Terracotta. A settlement of around 40 families belonging to a pottery background lives there. And almost every potter residing in the village has excelled the art of creating Molela terracotta.

Source: India Rail Info

What is Terracotta?

Terracotta is a ceramic material which is used in construction as well as decorative arts since ancient times in many of the cultures all around the world. The word terracotta can be translated as ‘Baked earth’ in English. It is formed from the natural clay which is why it has the characteristic reddish-brown color.

Source: studiopottery

The Potters of the Molela makes multiple kinds of terracotta which include devotional plaques, large panels, temple bells, domestic ware, etc. and out of all that, the hollow votive plaques is the most famous artistry. The art form generally depicts rural village scenes and charming visual narratives and culture of their everyday life.

The inherent charm of these terracotta sculptures attract a plethora of buyers from different places but the demands for these plaques tend to be seasonal. Vessels and statues of the lord are required during the time of harvest or festive seasons. So, to sustain themselves during the lean months, the artisans turn themselves into farmers.


The process of making Terracotta

The process of making a terracotta can be divided into 3 steps:

  • Clay Preparation – the clay used to prepare the sculptures is sourced from local ponds and drains. There two types of clay – Nada, and Alu. Both the clays are mixed with each other along with 20% dried and sifted donkey dung. The clay is then wedged and kneaded by the feet and the hands respectively. This clay is then laid flat on the ground and evened out using water and wooden tools. This then works as the base surface of the sculpture.
Source: DSource
  • Crafting – The wet clay is then cut into the desired shape using a stencil and measuring scale. Incarnations of Durga, Dashavatars, Shrinathji, Gauri nritya, scenes from Ramayana, and everyday village life is the most popular depiction in terracotta. Parts of these forms such as limbs, face, and body are made by the basic techniques such as squeezing, pinching and coiling. These parts are then attached to the wet clay to create a firm shape. Once, the figures get a firm shape, ornaments, eyes and other details are added to the sculpture.
Source: DSource


  • Firing – The dried sculptures are then stacked in a circular opening meant for firing. This is the most convenient form of firing the sculptures. This kiln is constructed with bricks. The sculptures are loaded in the kiln on cow dung cakes and is sealed with a few layers of pottery shards. The temperature of the kiln is around 600-700 centigrade and the products are fired for a period of 4 to 6 hours.
Source: DSource

People of Molela

‘Murtikala’ is the art form which has been passed from generation to generation, getting evolved with generation. Amongst numerous artisans in the village, one of the pioneers of this art form is Mohanlal Chaturbuj Kumhar who has been practicing and teaching the art to his family members and other people of the village from around a decade. His sons, Dinesh and Rajendra has been actively involved in this craft work.

Source: DSource

For the same, Mohanlal Ji has been awarded several national and international awards. In 2012, he was awarded by the prestigious Padmshree award by the former president of India Ms. Pratibha Patil. Moreover, Mohanlal Ji founded an institution named ‘Mohan Terracotta Art Research & Development Centre’ to teach the people of the world, the unique art of Molela Terracotta. 

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Another Internet Shutdown in Smart City Udaipur

In the book of internet shutdowns 2018 of Udaipur, another internet shutdown is going to take place tomorrow i.e. 7th October 2018. The time for the same is 9 am to 5 pm. The order was released by the office of the divisional commissioner on 5th October 2018.

You ask why? This time the reason for the shutdown is Deputy Inspector General of Police Recruitment examination 2018 which will be conducted on Sunday. Like always, the decision has been taken in order to prevent the leakage of the examination papers and mass copying during the examination. And so, the most convenient option from the administration’s end was to shut down the internet.

However, some questions that raise in every commoner’s mind is that ‘Is this the most effective solution to control cheating during the examination? Is there completely no alternate for the same? Before taking such measures, does the amount of loss faced by the citizens ever cross the administration’s mind? Is it necessary to ban the internet of the entire district rather than putting jammers on the examination spots?’

Picture by: Fouzia Mirza

A thing to note:

Within a period of 3 months, the city has faced internet shutdowns for 4 days. It seems like the city is facing internet bans at a frequency at which it faced power cuts earlier. At such rate, more shutdowns like such can be expected in the upcoming month.

During the period of this internet ban, the lease line services will remain unaffected.

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