In the book of internet shutdowns 2018 of Udaipur, another internet shutdown is going to take place tomorrow i.e. 7th October 2018. The time for the same is 9 am to 5 pm. The order was released by the office of the divisional commissioner on 5th October 2018.
You ask why? This time the reason for the shutdown is Deputy Inspector General of Police Recruitment examination 2018 which will be conducted on Sunday. Like always, the decision has been taken in order to prevent the leakage of the examination papers and mass copying during the examination. And so, the most convenient option from the administration’s end was to shut down the internet.
However, some questions that raise in every commoner’s mind is that ‘Is this the most effective solution to control cheating during the examination? Is there completely no alternate for the same? Before taking such measures, does the amount of loss faced by the citizens ever cross the administration’s mind? Is it necessary to ban the internet of the entire district rather than putting jammers on the examination spots?’

A thing to note:
Within a period of 3 months, the city has faced internet shutdowns for 4 days. It seems like the city is facing internet bans at a frequency at which it faced power cuts earlier. At such rate, more shutdowns like such can be expected in the upcoming month.
During the period of this internet ban, the lease line services will remain unaffected.
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