
उदयपुर के रोड साइड फेवरेट फ़ूड स्टाल्स [Part 1]

आप सुबह पार्क एवेन्यू के साबुन से नहाते हैं। एक्स का डियो छिड़कते हैं। एरो की शर्ट व किलर की जीन्स पहनते हैं, बालों में सेट वेट का जेल, आँखों पर रेबेन का चश्मा और पावों में ऐडीडास के जूते पहन कर निकल पड़ते हैं अपनी यामाहा आर 15 पर अपने दोस्त के साथ उदयपुर की सड़को पर तफरी करने के लिए। ठेठ भाषा में तफरी को शायद आप कुछ और भी कहते हैं, खैर रहने दीजिये। कुछ देर बाद आपकी बाईक के पीछे बैठा आपका दोस्त कहता है – यार भूख लगी है कुछ खाते हैं। और आप अपनी मनपसंद डिश खाने के लिए अपनी बाईक सड़क किनारे एक ठेले पर रोक देते हैं। श्रीमान जी ऊपर से नीचे तक आप पूरा शॉपिंग मॉल लेकर चल रहे हैं। जहाँ हर एक ब्रांड आपके पहनावे में झलक रहा है वहां खाने के लिए रोड साइड स्टाल? कुछ समझ नहीं आया। इसका मतलब कुछ तो जादू है उनके स्वाद में जो आप वहां रुक कर खाने के लिए लेश मात्र भी नहीं झिझकते। इसी बात के चलते हमने पड़ताल की उदयपुर के कुछ खास स्टाल्स की और जाना के वे इतने पॉपुलर कैसे हो गए, और हाँ कुछ समय के साथ साथ पॉपुलर हो रहे हैं । आइये उदयपुर शहर के अलग अलग हिस्सों के कुछ रोड साइड स्टाल को ज़रा करीब से जानें।

भैंरूनाथ टी स्टाल

bherunath tea stall udaipur


भैंरूनाथ टी स्टाल सुखाडिया सर्किल पर स्थित है। इनकी चाय पर यकीन करने से पहले मैंने एक चाय आर्डर की। सर्दी के मौसम में चाय कौन नहीं पीना पसंद करेगा बशर्ते की वो बनी शानदार हो। मैंने चाय का एक घूँट भरा, वाकई मज़ा आ गया। लगा तन में जैसे नयी जान आ गयी हो। स्टाल के मालिक भैरू जी ने बताया कि वे 10 साल से ये स्टाल चला रहे हैं। वे सुबह 9 बजे से रात 8 बजे तक चाय पिलाते हैं। भैरूं जी वैसे फ़तेह नगर के रहने वाले हैं और व्यापर के सिलसिले में फिलहाल यही रहते हैं। तो दोस्तों 5 रुपये में एक कप बढ़िया चाय कुछ बुरा सौदा नहीं है।


शंकर मद्रासी डोसा सेण्टर

shankar madrasi dosa udaipur


चलिए अब हम आपको ले चलते हैं सरदारपुरा रोड की तरफ। इस रोड की साइड में आपको मिलेंगे शिवलाल जी जो पिछले 8 साल से ये स्टाल चला रहे हैं। जैसा की नाम से पता चलता है वे साउथ इंडियन डिशेस का स्टाल लगाते हैं। यहाँ मसाला डोसा 30 रुपये व इडली (2 पीस) केवल 20 रुपये में मिल जाती है। 20 से 30 रुपये में अगर पेट भरता है तो मेरे हिसाब से ये बेस्ट डील है। शिवलाल जी इडली, डोसा बनाने से लेकर परोसने तक साफ़ सफाई का खासा ध्यान रखते हैं। साउथ इंडियन फ़ूड का स्टाल उदयपुर में बहुत कम ही देखने को मिलता है।


जय श्री भैरूं भवानी चायनीस

bheru bhawani chinese food udaipur


यहाँ पहुचते ही सबसे पहले मुझे मेनू कार्ड थमा दिया गया। सच बताऊँ तो मेनू में 21 आइटम लिखे थे। मैंने तुरंत पूछा क्या सब मिलेगा? तो सामने से जवाब आया 17 – 18 तो आइटम तो मिल ही जायेंगे। हैं न ग़ज़ब की बात। एक छोटे से स्टाल पर 17 – 18 वैराइटी एक साथ मिलना। ये हैं गोगुन्दा के रहने वाले निर्भय जी जो चायनीस खाने में महारथ हासिल रखते हैं। ये पिछले 5 साल से RMV स्कूल (गुलाब बाग रोड) के बाहर चायनीस खाने की स्टाल लगा रहे हैं। मंचूरियन, पनीर चिल्ली से ले कर सूप तक मिलता है। और रेट हैं 15 रुपये से लेकर 45 रुपये तक। निर्भय जी की स्टाल पर ज़्यादातर आने वाले लोग स्कूल व कॉलेज के बच्चें ही है।


अमेरिकन भुट्टा


american bhutta


बैंक तिराहा बापू बाज़ार में मिलने वाले अमेरिकन भुट्टे से उदयपुर का कौन शख्स वाकिफ नहीं है? इस स्टाल के ओनर शंकर जी पिछले 10 सालों से भी ज्यादा से ये स्टाल लगा रहे हैं। सुबह 11 बजे से कच्चे भुट्टे और फिर शाम 5 बजे से भुट्टे से बनी अलग अलग चीज़ें बेचते हैं जिनमे बॉयल्ड भुट्टा, स्वीट कॉर्न, चीज़ कॉर्न, कॉर्न चाट और राब शामिल है। शंकर जी ने बताया की मॉल में मिलने वाले कॉर्न में अधिकतर फ्रोजेन कॉर्न इस्तेमाल किया जाता है जबकि वे सब कुछ फ्रेश भुट्टे से बनाते हैं। अमूल बटर का इस्तेमाल करते हैं यानि की सेहत से किसी भी तरह का खिलवाड़ नहीं किया जाता। पूछने पर बताया की ज़्यादातर भुट्टा वे गुजरात व महाराष्ट्र से मंगाते हैं। इनके यहाँ मिलने वाले प्रोडक्ट्स 10 से 40 रुपये तक के हैं व सभी वर्ग के ग्राहक इनके यहाँ आते हैं।


सांवरिया चाट सेण्टर

sanwariya patase


TRI ऑफिस के बाहर अशोक नगर मेन रोड पर श्री रोहित साहू जी सांवरिया चाट सेण्टर नामक स्टाल लगाते हैं। चटपटी चाट का मज़ा आप शाम 5 बजे से ले सकते हैं। अक्सर इनके स्टाल पर भीड़ भाड़ दिखाई देती है। यहाँ मिलने वाली चाट में सूजी के पतासो से बनी पानी पूरी, आलू टिक्की, भेलपुरी व दही पूरी शामिल है। पानी पूरी के लिए ख़ास हींग व जीरे का झोल बनाते हैं। व आलू की टिकिया शुद्ध देसी घी में पकाते हैं। रोहित जी पिछले 8 सालो से उदयपुर के लोगो को चाट के चटखारे लगवा रहे हैं। रोहित जी गंगापुर भीलवाडा के रहने वाले हैं।


बॉम्बे पाव भाजी

bombay pav bhaji

100 फिट तिराहा यूनिवर्सिटी रोड पर नाथूलाल जी की पाव भाजी की स्टाल है। इनके हाथ की पाव भाजी वाकई लाजवाब है। दोपहर 3 बजे से लेकर रात 10 बजे तक आप यहाँ पाव भाजी और दाबेली का लुत्फ़ उठा सकते हैं। पिछले 2 – 3 महीनो से उन्होंने कश्मीरी पुलाव भी अपने मेनू में शामिल कर लिया है। बटर पाव भाजी 40 रुपये व सादा पाव भाजी 30 रुपये में उपलब्ध है। फ़तेह नगर के रहने वाले नाथू जी पिछले 4 वर्षों से स्वादिष्ट पाव भाजी खिला कर उदयपुर के लोगों के दिलों में अपनी विशेष जगह बनाने में जी जान से जुटे हुए हैं।



पंडित जी के आलू बड़े

pandit ji aloo bade

फ़तेह स्कूल के बाहर एग्रीकल्चर यूनिवर्सिटी के सामने आलू बड़े का स्टाल चलाने वाले प्रह्लाद शर्मा जी से शायद ही कोई उदयपुर वासी नावाकिफ हो। खैर मेरी उनसे मुलाक़ात का पहला मौका था। जब भी वहां से गुज़रता था हमेशा उनके स्टाल के बाहर भीड़ नज़र आती थी। आज भी यही हाल था। मेरे सामने शर्मा जी ने करीब 50 आलू बड़े कढ़ाई से निकले। सिर्फ 3 मिनट के अन्दर सब साफ़ हो गए। वे फिर से आलू बड़े की दूसरी खेप निकलने में लग गए। शर्मा जी सन 1994 से यहाँ के निवासियों को चाव से आलू बड़े खिला रहे हैं। यदि आपको इनके हाथ के आलू बड़े चखने हैं तो आप दोपहर 12 से शाम 6 बजे तक इनके स्टाल पर पधार सकते हैं। वैसे शर्मा जी नागदा रतलाम से ताल्लुक रखते हैं।


Read the English Version of the Above Post : Click Here


A New Year Resolution

New Year Resolutions

Yet another day, another new year is on our doors. It’s a time for celebration, a time to recollect our memories of the past year, a time to add one more year to our life full of experience of 365 hectic and productive days. All of us know that the end of this year 2012 has poured a very painful experience in our lap. A pain from which every citizen’s heart is crying. Perhaps many of us might have planned to pay homage to the brave girl Damini by not celebrating on this New Year’s Eve. And it should be because it has now become a matter of National shame.

We have also experienced and waited for the Doom’s Day, but it has also passed and paved us the way to re-think about our own planet, our home. It was a warning for all of us and we still have time to recover the loss that we have made to our mother nature.

Many of us would be busy in planning for their activities for coming year. Some of them have utilized their winter break with their family and to plan their business calendar for the coming year. Well, many of us would certainly have decided to take certain resolution for this New Year, which we do not follow most of the time. Let us take a look on some very popular New Year resolutions you can choose from:

  • I would go for a morning walk.
  • I would wake up early.
  • I would join a gym.
  • I would quit smoking / tobacco.
  • I would avoid liquor (Just after the New Year’s celebration).
  • I would eat healthier food.
  • I would not eat Junk food.
  • I would study and would do a lot of hard work.
  • I would learn something new.
  • I would save money.
  • I would be helping.
  • I would be organized and plan my work.

We know our self better than anyone else. It does not mean that you would never be able to follow the targets you have set for yourself. At times you may fail or might forget doing the things. Sometime you do irregular things to get out of your daily boring schedule. Everybody needs a change and there should be a change in your daily routine too. This is why we have one Sunday to enjoy a day to give rest to our body and to spend a full day with our family. Resolution is not a rule to get bound with. We make resolution to make our self a well organized human being. A human being who is responsible for himself, for his family, for his relatives, for his society and for his nation.

The kind of resolutions we have seen above must not be only mere resolutions, rather these must be our part of regular life. We are free to live our life in our own way, we must understand our priorities and we should know how far we can go with our decisions. Where it would be right and where it would get converted to wrong, this is all in our hands.

Let us start thinking in a broader way. The every resolution that we take is related to you only. Have you ever wondered to take a resolution which would make effect on a broader platform and would work in a greater scope? Yes, think upon it and give some time over it. Take a resolution this year which would help others to live in better surroundings. What could be such resolutions, which would not even help others but would also make you an active and responsible social human being? Let’s have a look on such resolutions:

  • I would learn to respect women and would protest others who do so.
  • I would plant a tree and take care of it as a child.
  • I would be caring for the nature and give respect to every creature on this earth.
  • I would not spread any kind of pollution in my city whether air, noise or any other form of it.
  • I would try to keep my city neat and clean.
  • I would behave while I drive on road.
  • I would obey the traffic rules sincerely.
  • I would help others if I found someone injured.
  • I would make my city a best tourist place and would not spoil our lakes.
  • I would involve myself in some social activity to help others.
  • I would not encourage street beggars.
  • I would not humiliate elders and would listen to them.


I think these are more than enough to describe here. Even a single resolution from the entire list is enough to change your life and others. It is evident that you cannot change others, but you can change yourself and then others would start following you. This is the best practice to change others. So, which resolution you would take at this New Year?

Image Credits:


Rest in Peace… The most Beautiful Angel – Damini

rip damini



After bravely fighting with death for 12 days, Damini finally lost her battle at Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Singapore due to internal injuries and multiple organ failure. On December 16th, brutally raped by six men in the heart of the National Capital and beaten up in a manner so beastly that trying to write it in itself brings tears to the eyes, the paramedical student was still in I.C.U. battling for her life; and it was late night today that her breaths finally stopped.

Us jameen par bhi maut manzoor nahi, jo apni beti ke liye mehfuz na thi…

It wasn’t the first time that a case like this happened to be but the way it occurred has turned out to be a threshold for everyone. Shaking the parliament, the whole nation; initiated by the students, the whole country came up to protest against the particular as well as the persisting sexual violence. It’s shameful for the government of the N.C.T., even after being ruled by a lady Chief Minister since more than a decade to host the highest number of rape cases in the nation. It was the long run process of delayed justice that today we had to see this day.

Some are asking for death sentence for the accused (do they deserve just this!), some opposing the system, some trying to develop their political prestige; but what all for now! She’s slept now….! Ours, has turned into a country that just serves the powerful.

We as common people, peacefully protested at India Gate, got beaten up with sticks & water cannons. The already crying eyes were targeted with tear gas shells; we candle marched against the mishap, our political leaders termed it a “fashion”; and when we demanded the responsible ministers to come out with a pledge, got the connotation of being “Naxalites”!

Khade huye the jo mere lahu ke liye, unhi ka lahu bahaake kyun mujhe aur sataya…

His honorable President is yet to come up with his words! It seems as though we are living in a country not belonging to us. As if the actually responsible representatives don’t have daughters in their houses. One after the other, rapes reported on a daily basis…! At a place, a 5 year innocent becomes the victim, somewhere else a 40 year old married woman turns a prey. It is enough for us, we are educated, gently brought up by our parents! We can slain such people but it is the same system that stops us from doing so.

No big words, no post-reformatory sentences, just lots of prayers and blessings for the innocent girl and her family. You were an angel for us, who despite going opened everyone’s eyes. All of us feel extremely sorry for the pains you had to take. We still just wish if the clock could be turned back.
May your soul rest in utmost peace…

Khone na dena kisi aur phool ko, apni pankhuriyaan kisi darinde ke haath..
Aaj is duniya mein nahi to kya hua, ab bhi pura desh khada hai mere saath..


Delhi rape case : A wake up call

Gang rape protest

This brutal and shocking incident has shaken the whole country from a long sleep. A 23 year old physiotherapy student was gang raped, beaten, tortured and then thrown on road in a well populated area of the capital city of India, Delhi. Delhi, where a female chief minister is ruling since many years & where females are considered most unsafe. But females are not safe in every part of India.

What was wrong? Why was she victimized? Because she was a girl, she was out at night (at just 9:00pm) or because she resisted the lewd comments of drunken male citizens of this country.

Students are on road, female organizations are on road, & those who are not there are also agonized & agitated. Everyone is demanding justice, but nobody knows when the justice will arrive? Well being of the girl & getting justice for her is the most important priority for today. But then what for tomorrow? Will justice in one case will solve the whole problem, this case is only the tip of iceberg.

We Indians can glorify females as Maa Durga, Maa Lakshmi & with many more titles, but we Indians cannot protect our female citizens. We instruct our daughters not to go out in night, not to go out alone, not to wear jeans, not to interact with males. Why??? Why there is need for so many instructions??? Yes, there is need because our society, our system has failed to provide protection to our females. This case has happened at night, tomorrow when it will happen in day light, we will ask our girls to wear burka. I hope most of the citizens will admit that this is not the solution.

The solution is better protection, better law & order management and quick justice. One more thing which is required, that is change in values in the society. This case shows failure of law & order, but it also shows failure of our society. We have to accept that we have failed to inculcate proper values in our youth. This is a wake up call not only for police & government, but also for our society. We need to teach are sons, brothers & male friends to respect females & to consider females as human beings. The gentle man walking next to a female should stand with her for justice. And this is required not only in rape cases, but also in every case of eve teasing, groping & other sexual harassments.

Let us hope that this wake-up call does not go wasted…

Article by : Dr. Apurva Agrawal


Contributing my Black Dot against Inhumanity

Black Dot against Inhumanity

…and I’m writing after long. I know today I am writing off the topic, off Udaipur, off parties and glamour, but on a purpose, on a serious note, on my heart’s cry, and on my conscience’s call. It had been a little time, when I logged in to my facebook account. The newspapers, television sets already had been yelling about it. Different channels, different voices, different opinions. Logging in to facebook took hardly a few seconds, and then I saw a new style of revolution.

I found few big dots, few medium, and small sized dots. To my amaze, almost my entire friend list had transformed into a black dot! Every dot was on purpose, representing a voice. Despite of the size of the dots, every voice, a strong and equally effective demand for punishment of the culprits. To this crowd of dots symbolizing protests, I contributed mine too. My contribution is a contribution of a photograph to facebook, a contribution of sympathy to the victim, a contribution to the voice against the culprits and the hideous crime, and a contribution to sharing the shame equally. Out of this grief, anger, pain, and shame, I thought to write. Everyone has been thinking the same, everyone has been talking the same, yet I decided to write. Words, though similar, I believe can create a wider impact, and that’s why I decided to write. But only question, write what? Against whom? And why? What I feel personally is that most of the social media users are not only literate, but also sensible. I might be wrong, and time to time incidents happen that say loudly that I am wrong. That’s why, I am using the phrase “most of”. That is, the majority of people who need to be taught, and/or punished haven’t been reached yet. I still decided to write something. Being shared the grief, pain, anger and shame; I wished to share my voice, and their voices via this platform. The social media has organised our voices for sure. But are they making an impact truly? Are they reaching the actual authority that they should? Or are they are limited by the boundaries of internet and social media by just getting tagged on someone else’s black dots, writing something, obtaining few good number of likes and comments over it? Answer is NO. Being a person seriously associated with online media, this is a statement against my job, my professional conscience, but truth prevails at its every fraction. An agitation has soared off the internet, but its impact is limited. Only a black symbol is a hint of our anger, and not our actual rage. Yes, we are boiling, but with one incident that just happened in the capital of the nation? Our agitation and anger also prevailed when we witnessed the Guwahati molestation case, I still remember to what extent media, facebook posts and tweets went viral. And soon it was a forgotten incident. There are many incidents that happen across the nation, in small cities and villages which are sometimes more brutal than the incident happened, but being from a smaller city, they fail to come into notice. We often come across small and tiny lettered headlines across newspapers which once informed a similar brutal deed with even a 11 month old girl. My request is, that the fight shall not be against the culprits of Delhi gang rape case only, but against culprits of entire nation, spread here and there, everywhere.

Yes, everyone is shocked after hearing about the incident; women worried, and their parents, a lot more. A wave of mixed emotions, all negative has hit almost every Indian. We have been writing, sharing, shouting, protesting. Candle marches, silent rallies, loud slogans, everything in action, everything in against. But against what? The government? System? People? Laws? Courruption? Or entire country? Being an Indian blood, we do complain. Even I do. But only complains and hoping never yield fruitful amendments against whatever we have been complaining about. Steps need to be taken. Reforms need to be made. In a male dominated patriarchal society, boys have always been getting more priority than the girls since childhood. Incidents of Female foeticide and female infanticide give a better proof to my statement. I feel ashamed to be a part of the society where we worship a goddess, and almost every abusive slang contains the words of “mother” and “sister” in it. Our issues begin with women empowerment and we end up with songs or characters like “Munni, Sheila, Chameli” and what not. On weekends, to my regular visits to FatehSagar, I find young girls merrily walking or driving by, and pairs of gleaming eyes staring them, at minimum to begin with. Sometimes comments, sometimes even few guys are the next on list that start following. So, I keep asking myself, is laughing out loud a crime? Or being smart or roaming freely at public places a crime? And everywhere it’s the same scene. I can guess if a small city like Udaipur is so affected, Delhi is of course a greater story to deal with. Being proud citizen of the country, it is our most generous expectation and right to get safety and protection. Constitution ensures it, but I never feel it. Only reason is the catastrophic affairs that continuously happen around us. Not to forget the student murder case that took place few days back. Once the system is strict enough, crime rates can be curbed easily instead of the victims which is actually happening in today’s hour. Education is only way to salvation, and only literacy can’t be achieved. Discrimination needs to be stopped, pervert minds need to be transformed, communications need to be made stronger. Endless points on the task list, but starting with one at least will help rather than discussing each and every one of them.

Being survived the so called dooms’ day, its a fair judgement that humans are alive but humanity has certainly died even few days before it. We are day by day getting more detailed info on the incident that happened, and day by day being ashamed for what we witnessed. This is the time to bring a change in ourselves. Let us be better humans, be more understanding. Towards our family, our kiths and kins, our fellow colleagues, seniors, subordinates, all around. The online words and series of candle marches might not bring a rise in processing speed and honesty level in the bureaucrats who are in the law making and justice imparting processes, but might nicely spread the message of acting as humans which we are forgetting in our day to day life. I did deviate from the topic quite a lot of time, but I wish to make sure, words of all my fellow countrymen is out via my pen, that the society is from us, we ourselves being responsible and sensible is a beginning of a positive transformation. Despite the series of endless pain the victim has suffered, her reply to all the questions were, “I want to live.” If she can silently raise her voice against the crime in such a severe situation, why can’t our loud voices and furnace wraths bring a difference? Let our voices not only remain series of black dots on facebook, let them not faint like previous incidents. Keeping our voices raised demanding the punishment of the culprits, I would like to conclude with three words, in every optimistically possible way: “YES, WE CAN!”


Winners of Honey Singh Event FREE Passes

honey singh udaipurblog


Contest Ends, The Winners are:


Neha Dadich, Charu Sharma, Aakash Patel

(Winners Should Contact to : +91-9772236555 for their FREE Passes, and verify their identity)

Congrats to the Winners & for other people keep visiting, we will keep organizing such contests now and then, we hope you Win Next Time 🙂

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Udaipurites get ready for yO yO Honey Singh’s Event in Udaipur on 13 December, 2012. An Event by Evershine Event at Pacific Hills. gives 3 people a chance to WIN FREE passes for the Event. Yes!! Thats true, here is your chance to win free passes for this event. Just Enter the Contest by simple steps given below and we will select 3 winners, The Winners of this contest will be chosen Randomly on Participation basis and declared here.

 It is Necessary to Share & Like the Post and also Comment Below that :

Why You Should Win the FREE Pass to the Concert ??


  • For More Details about the Event : Click Here
  • For Details Contact: 9772236222, 9772236333, 9772236444, 9772236555, 9772236888



Universities in Udaipur – The Campuses

Though Udaipur has been basically known for its tourism & cultural wealth but seeing the growing number of colleges in the city & a lot of outsiders getting attracted to study in a peaceful environment, here are a little details about the Universities in Udaipur.


Mohan Lal Sukhadia University:

mlsu udaipur

The biggest university in South Rajasthan with its 4 constituent campus colleges as University College of Social Sciences & Humanities, University College of Science, University College of Commerce & Management Studies and University College of Law along with the Faculty of Management Studies. The broad green campus has a life in itself. Low fees, large infrastructure, high class faculties, regular visits by dignitaries and day to day national & international seminars are the major attractions in this University. Having completed its Golden Jubilee Year, MLSU has been seeing a complete rejuvenation now leaving behind the slow years of the previous decade. The appointment of Assistant Professors in the current session has brought in its own kind of freshness in the campus programmes. Student politics is given a fair importance & it has turned out to be a good platform to start one’s political career as well as grow students’ political consciousness. Apart from the colossal number of affiliations, MLSU is also the current location of the prestigious Indian Institute of Management.

Find More Details about MLSU, Udaipur on :


Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology:

mpuat udaipur

Less colleges but more quality. College of Technology & Engineering, College of Dairy & Food Science Technology, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, College of Fisheries & College of Home Science constitute the University in Udaipur (College of Horticulture & Forestry is located in Jhalawar). CTAE & CDFST have made a good name with their regular placement record with prestigious firms. College of Fisheries & RCA dwell upon excellence in the innovative & limited-market careers. CTAE, situated within the MLSU has one of the most beautiful campuses in the area with well maintained buildings and scattered departments in the greenery.

Find more details about MPUAT, Udaipur on :


Indian Institute of Management:

iim udaipur

An IIM in Udaipur, a compensation for the demands of IIT brings promising returns. Though there are no direct admission benefits to Udaipur students (for obvious reasons!) but this institute will indirectly help a lot in the growth of industrial sector & improvement in the management & management education standards. First batch yet to pass out next year but as all know, be it any IIM; it creates a brand in itself.

Find more details about IIM, Udaipur on :


Pacific University:

pacific university udaipur

The private University that has attracted the most number of students from surrounding areas & Gujarat in the recent years… With already 3 engineering colleges along with the same number of management colleges, the place has become the very first choice for average students opting professional courses. Though the placements provided aren’t too huge but at the time when some colleges are leaving their technical graduates with lost hopes, providing a job from campus without much workload is in itself a good sign. The campus is close to city. But with a large number of colleges rapidly established, expecting a big & maintained college building may disappoint you.

Find More details about Pacific University on :


Geetanjali Medical College:

geetanjali medical college

With the first batch yet to come up with their MBBS degrees, the grand campus of GMCH is visibly clear from most parts of Udaipur. Having faced admission related criticism in its first year, the College is now on a smooth function. Though students still complain of lack of impartment of practical knowledge but seeing it as an establishing college, we can accept it as a fundamental shake down.

Find More details about Geetanjali University/Medical College on :


Sir Padampat Singhania University:

singhania university

University for the rich yet carries a risk. Campus situated on Chittorgarh route with courses offered in engineering & management. With a full mandatory residential programme, the establishment of this University took place 6 years back. Be it placement or faculty issues, the density of controversial rumors has been on a wide ground from this campus.

Find More Details about SPSU, Udaipur on :


 Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidhyapeeth University:

jrnrvu udaipur

The deemed University was last year on the verge of its recognition cancellation. Offering courses in Homeopathy, Physiotherapy, Social Sciences, Commerce, Management, Computers & Technology; the campus of JRNRVU lies outside Pratap Nagar. Relatively old establishment but not taken as a favorite option by most of the students.

Find More details about Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidhyapeeth University on :




Apart from these on-campus colleges, there are numerous other colleges too in the city affiliated to the above mentioned Universities or RTU & RUHS. Udaipur as a city presents a hub of academic education; the need of the time is to update the quality to the metro standards leaving behind the notions of theoretical emphasis.


All the Photos are taken from the Respective websites/Facebook Pages of the Given Colleges.


The Automobile Concept & Human Body

human body as engine
Photo By : Christoph Niemann(

Ever had a thought how much nature and scientific inventions are interconnected. In a way, most of the logics and principles of both these; apply to, as well as explain each other. Whether be the basic screw and pulley movements or the gadgets of the most complexity- all relate to the natural life cycle and activities. Although nature is the fundamental of every scientific concept, still when it comes to understanding, it is often easier to go through the reverse path- that is, understanding the nature from machines rather than taking out mechanics from nature.

There are many pre, post and process problems associated with body building like muscle damage, flexibility loss, gain of weight, loss of shape during long duration leaves; which can be understood and taken care of scientifically in a proper manner. It’s a known fact that our human body functions basically on a mechanical basis. Although it requires a variety of applications to understand it, one way to get it; is on the basis of an automobile, take a Bike…

Whenever a bike is bought new, the engine is totally unaccustomed to the environment. To prepare the vehicle for a longer duration, it has to be given the taste of every type of drive; starting from slow and gentle in the initial stage and after the engine gets stabilized, simple and steady accelerations above the former values of speed; thus bringing a higher pace and keeping it up constantly for sometime. And then the time comes for the actual speed test i.e. increasing the speed rapidly and maintaining it; to check the emergency requirements. If the former conducts are done properly; there won’t be any damage in the latter test. Only then the vehicle will become ready for different situations and attain higher mileage. And continuance of this setup will give proper maintenance. Practical examples show that both can neither be achieved at a slow velocity nor at a swift speed every time- variety is what matters! Else sudden situations may lead to mechanical breakdown.

When it comes to human body, the starting days of workout should never be of a heavier schedule. Rather, just like a vehicle, the body should be first made familiar with little frequency exercises on lower weights. For example, single set of 30-40 sit-ups is enough for a person who has never been into much physical activities. And that too, when the body is showing no great resistance to the movement, as soon as a tension with severe pain starts developing on the joints or the muscles, it should be stopped else the tissue may get ruptured and ultimately the organ may lose its flexibility permanently.

So, light schedules must be done in the initial period in order to acclimatize the body in the exertion format. After that, steady increase should be taken in the number of repetitions, say, an increase of 10 repetitions every 3rd day. It is exactly the same as increasing the bike’s speed steadily while also keeping it constant for some time. And now when the body is totally into the exertion format, the peak value should be judged and practiced. After all this, the body (to a good extent) becomes ready for sudden loads. The efficiency (mileage) of the body increase; at the same time, regular continuance keeps up the shape and beauty (maintenance).

Maintenance too depends on certain factors. As in a bike, trying to drive fast without any engine oil will eventually cause damage to the efficiency of the vehicle and the motor parts. Similarly, without proper nutrition, if stressful exertions are carried out; there will be a serious loss to the flexibility of the body and an ultimate damage to the muscles.

Here is the instance, where the importance of Balanced Diet comes into play. Just like the engine oil; after a certain level, it may not increase the performance of the body but it is mandatorily required to keep up the efficiency! Going to the advancement level, as higher quality petrol and engine oils are available with certain boosters to enhance the bike’s performance; similarly specific food supplements like ginseng, glucosamine, amino acid supplements, etc. in addition to the necessary balanced diet may also increase the body efficiency.

When it comes to movement; there are some auto-parts which can never be directed in the positions not intended for them. Take an example, a clutch can be moved only back-and-forth; you can’t move it either up-down or rotate circularly. Even if it is done, there’s no great use due to our general palm and finger hold! So is the case of our organs. Thighs can’t be strengthened in a better way than the to-and-fro movement of legs with weights (speed gets maintained). Even if other exercises are carried out with different direction of motions, there won’t be that great benefit of it. A man comes out from his basics! In general cases, effectiveness should be developed in the regular movements rather than trying new, different and advanced ones.

And finally, as regular service is required for a vehicle to maintain its quality; similarly the human body too requires a rest routinely, from its daily schedule. It can be taken on a weekly basis, most preferentially on Sundays. In addition, just like a vehicle is fully checked, greased and oiled during the service; our body should also be given proper massage and oil treatment for relaxation, also wear-and-tear check should be gone through with further remedies.

When it comes to the human anatomy; there certainly are many explanations, beyond any length, but in an easy way to be understood by a common mass- this one at the base, holds quite well!


C2Cconnect: Pledged to make an ‘Educated’ student ‘Employable’

Engineers!! Invariably, the most demanding and the most required individual in the field of technology. From several years, these curious and ambitious minds have played a huge role in building the present world’s infrastructure.

Various companies beholding distinct aspirations search for engineers who can fulfill their requirements and skills. But due to the deteriorating level of education day by day, quality engineers are not being produced which could now meet the proficiency of the companies recruiting them.

According to a national survey, a shocking fact has come upon showing that only 17.45% of all the engineers are in a state of getting employed.

Thus, taking an initiative, “ C2C CONNECT” , an Udaipur based Consultancy cum Educational Firm has taken the responsibility to enlighten the techies with their guidance and knowledge and provide these graduates (or pursuers) with an environment for grooming their overall skills. All these elements will help them a lot in boosting their moral and confidence for various rounds in companies and easily grab the offers by creating a very good impact in the minds of the recruiters.

jobs |

Now, with a discussion based with the minds behind this startup, continuing with what this company is all about.

Motive behind the startup: The Principle Objective of C2C Connect is to deal with the problem of employability and onboard orientation among engineers. Started by two experts from IT industry with more than 6-7 years of corporate experience they are the perfect guides to shape one’s career in the right direction.

The challenge for Engineering graduate is to get hired before they pass out form college. There are many colleges where students do not get chance to appear for placement. In case company visits the campus, Student miss the life time opportunity because they are not equipped with skills which company is seeking.

The challenge for a company is to recruit a right fresher. After getting short listed, the finalized candidates have to go through a training session of at least 6-12 months for their orientation as required by the company. Thus, companies have to spend lots of money and time in this process to meet the pressure of competitiveness in market.

C2C Connect is solving problem for both, student by inculcating right skills then placing and companies in hiring right fresher which helps them is saving cost and accelerating their business.

A future prospect of C2C is to establish its services in Northern parts of India and finally covering all the remaining regions .

Methodology: The Company’s Focus is on the issues of techies regarding employability and really wants that all the students should start working on their skills from the first year itself rather than waiting and doing it in the 11 th hour of the last year.

Thus, for the well being of the students, the entire C2C program has been divided into three parts:

  1. Getting ready for entire selection procedure

  2. Industry exposure

  3. Recruitment

I t is certain that each and every company has its own selection criteria for choosing a promising candidate for their company. So, various rounds or tests have to be cleared by the seekers to occupy a position in the company. These basically include:

  • Aptitude Test

  • Technical Test

  • English Writing Test

  • Group Discussion

  • Technical Interview

  • HR Interview

Every section is a knock out round. So, if you are good in any one of the areas and not good in the others then you miss the chance of getting into your dream job.

C2Cconnect accommodates the students with both online and offline services. In the online system, profile of each student is created. On enrollment, pre assessment test of each student is taken and the student is parameterized on the basis of the all the above tests. Finally, score obtained by the individuals is attached with their profile and based on the score card their areas of weaknesses are focused upon and groomed.

For aptitude, technical and English tests are conducted online. For GD, Technical interview and HR interview, mock GD-PI’s are taken by the company’s expert panel. After each assessment, scores of the students are updated in their profile so that they can check their progress regularly and find in which areas they are weak or strong.

These are ordained in a series of mock tests to help the students to become confident and self reliant.

c2c |

Industry Exposure

C2C Connect has experts connected from various large companies from IT, Mechanical and Electronics across the globe on almost all the technologies. Students have opportunity to connect with these experts on carrier guidance and technologies.

C2C connect offers offline corporate simulation programs for IT graduates as of now. Soon C2C Connect is planning to start corporate simulation for other engineering streams as well.

C2C also offer corporate simulation programs for application development just like Microsoft and Google follow such as working in small teams, understanding the requirement, coding, testing, bug fixing then deployment. The company directs the students to work in live projects with their sister concern company Siddhiwebs. A mentor is assigned to each student who grooms the student on complete Software development life cycle.

After the student becomes apt for the industry then by the Recruitment process, C2C Connect helps in placement of the students. Several companies are associated with C2C for recruiting the job seekers.

Future Plans and Upcoming Events

  • For more details, students can log on to C2C connect website :

  • You can visit at C2C Connect Centre, Udaipur to get free carrier guidance and assessment on their employability after 10 th of November.

  • Student help line numbe r is 09660789908 for free counseling and recruitment guidance.

  • Get free 4 hours GD and selection process classes.

  • C2C connect is launching an online portal for online assessment in December first week. Student can practice selection process and continuously check their rating.

Last and most importantly, C2C Connect is coming up with its First off campus drive for IT , Electronics and Mechanical Student in December-January 2012 with big companies, whose names are listed in C2CConnect Website. Few majors include The students who can not make it in the first round can appear in the Second drive to be held in March 2013 .


Psychology : The Ever Growing Scopes

Photo Courtesy :

With growing tendency of finding the need for mental & emotional redressal, stress & depression freeing exercises, enhancement of work efficiency and systematic counseling for the multifarious aspects of life; the stream of Psychology has found a rejuvenation in practice & applications!

A recent survey in America rated it as the safest employment in the States with 0% unemployment in Counseling.

Though a subject basically included in Humanities, this science of behavior finds its application & implication almost in every area of work, academia & day-to-day life. It is believed that students of Psychology generally pertain to an evenly matured conscience with well-balanced rationality & intellect. Counting the elements of grace in personal life may go endless, we hereby throw some light on the career prospects in Psychology:

Photo Courtesy :


A Psychiatrist is a medical practitioner (MBBS) with post-graduation in Psychiatry- use of medicines to treat psychological disorders. A Psychiatrist doesn’t generally counsel patients & is assisted by a team of Psychologists for the same. His main work is to prescribe medicines & so this branch is reserved solely for the medical Doctors.

Clinical Psychology:

B.A. or B.Sc. with Psychology as an optional at Undergraduate level is the basic requirement for becoming a Clinical Psychologist. A specific PG is available in it in both the streams. The work of a Clinical Psychologist is the treatment of behavioral abnormalities such as depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Paranoia, Schizophrenia and various other problems of neurosis & psychosis; by means of therapies, counseling sessions, tests, etc.

A professional can run his independent clinic as well as posts are kept for the same in all quality hospitals.

Counseling- Child Counseling & Industrial Psychology:

The utmost demand of the current century! Surrounded by busy schedules, monotonous work routines, emotional up-downs and social/family upheavals, almost every 5th person needs a counselor today. Seeing the intensity of problems faced by teenagers these days, Child Counseling has gained a mass preference. Schools hire Child Counselors, private companies too in order to keep the workers united, spot the loopholes & improve their efficiency have started hiring Industrial Psychologists.
M.A./M.Sc. in Counseling Psychology or a precise specialization in Child Counseling or Industrial Psychology meets the requirement.

Sports Psychology:

Every national & professional team has a permanent psychologist in the supporting staff to cope up the players with the pressures & stresses. Who hasn’t seen the effects on the Kolkata Knight Riders team in the last IPL after the psychologist Rudy Webster’s appointment! 4 time flop-showers emerged as the clear winners. Specified institutes offer this branch & it’s not everywhere that a person can specialize in sports psychology.


The traditionally preferred field, a PhD in Psychology or clearing NET/SLET; or both after post-graduation are the basic requirements for being a teacher at college level, need not to be told that schools yet don’t offer psychology on a proportionate level!

Other streams:

Developmental Psychology, Statistical Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Management Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Parapsychology, Environmental Psychology are the other branches with research being carried on for the evolution of other sub divisions.