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C2Cconnect: Pledged to make an ‘Educated’ student ‘Employable’

Engineers!! Invariably, the most demanding and the most required individual in the field of technology. From several years, these curious and ambitious minds have played a huge role in building the present world’s infrastructure.

Various companies beholding distinct aspirations search for engineers who can fulfill their requirements and skills. But due to the deteriorating level of education day by day, quality engineers are not being produced which could now meet the proficiency of the companies recruiting them.

According to a national survey, a shocking fact has come upon showing that only 17.45% of all the engineers are in a state of getting employed.

Thus, taking an initiative, “ C2C CONNECT” , an Udaipur based Consultancy cum Educational Firm has taken the responsibility to enlighten the techies with their guidance and knowledge and provide these graduates (or pursuers) with an environment for grooming their overall skills. All these elements will help them a lot in boosting their moral and confidence for various rounds in companies and easily grab the offers by creating a very good impact in the minds of the recruiters.

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Now, with a discussion based with the minds behind this startup, continuing with what this company is all about.

Motive behind the startup: The Principle Objective of C2C Connect is to deal with the problem of employability and onboard orientation among engineers. Started by two experts from IT industry with more than 6-7 years of corporate experience they are the perfect guides to shape one’s career in the right direction.

The challenge for Engineering graduate is to get hired before they pass out form college. There are many colleges where students do not get chance to appear for placement. In case company visits the campus, Student miss the life time opportunity because they are not equipped with skills which company is seeking.

The challenge for a company is to recruit a right fresher. After getting short listed, the finalized candidates have to go through a training session of at least 6-12 months for their orientation as required by the company. Thus, companies have to spend lots of money and time in this process to meet the pressure of competitiveness in market.

C2C Connect is solving problem for both, student by inculcating right skills then placing and companies in hiring right fresher which helps them is saving cost and accelerating their business.

A future prospect of C2C is to establish its services in Northern parts of India and finally covering all the remaining regions .

Methodology: The Company’s Focus is on the issues of techies regarding employability and really wants that all the students should start working on their skills from the first year itself rather than waiting and doing it in the 11 th hour of the last year.

Thus, for the well being of the students, the entire C2C program has been divided into three parts:

  1. Getting ready for entire selection procedure

  2. Industry exposure

  3. Recruitment

I t is certain that each and every company has its own selection criteria for choosing a promising candidate for their company. So, various rounds or tests have to be cleared by the seekers to occupy a position in the company. These basically include:

  • Aptitude Test

  • Technical Test

  • English Writing Test

  • Group Discussion

  • Technical Interview

  • HR Interview

Every section is a knock out round. So, if you are good in any one of the areas and not good in the others then you miss the chance of getting into your dream job.

C2Cconnect accommodates the students with both online and offline services. In the online system, profile of each student is created. On enrollment, pre assessment test of each student is taken and the student is parameterized on the basis of the all the above tests. Finally, score obtained by the individuals is attached with their profile and based on the score card their areas of weaknesses are focused upon and groomed.

For aptitude, technical and English tests are conducted online. For GD, Technical interview and HR interview, mock GD-PI’s are taken by the company’s expert panel. After each assessment, scores of the students are updated in their profile so that they can check their progress regularly and find in which areas they are weak or strong.

These are ordained in a series of mock tests to help the students to become confident and self reliant.

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Industry Exposure

C2C Connect has experts connected from various large companies from IT, Mechanical and Electronics across the globe on almost all the technologies. Students have opportunity to connect with these experts on carrier guidance and technologies.

C2C connect offers offline corporate simulation programs for IT graduates as of now. Soon C2C Connect is planning to start corporate simulation for other engineering streams as well.

C2C also offer corporate simulation programs for application development just like Microsoft and Google follow such as working in small teams, understanding the requirement, coding, testing, bug fixing then deployment. The company directs the students to work in live projects with their sister concern company Siddhiwebs. A mentor is assigned to each student who grooms the student on complete Software development life cycle.

After the student becomes apt for the industry then by the Recruitment process, C2C Connect helps in placement of the students. Several companies are associated with C2C for recruiting the job seekers.

Future Plans and Upcoming Events

  • For more details, students can log on to C2C connect website :

  • You can visit at C2C Connect Centre, Udaipur to get free carrier guidance and assessment on their employability after 10 th of November.

  • Student help line numbe r is 09660789908 for free counseling and recruitment guidance.

  • Get free 4 hours GD and selection process classes.

  • C2C connect is launching an online portal for online assessment in December first week. Student can practice selection process and continuously check their rating.

Last and most importantly, C2C Connect is coming up with its First off campus drive for IT , Electronics and Mechanical Student in December-January 2012 with big companies, whose names are listed in C2CConnect Website. Few majors include The students who can not make it in the first round can appear in the Second drive to be held in March 2013 .


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