
This Duo From Udaipur Will Give You A Chance To Record Your Own Song!

Rajasthan is a land of eclectic music and musicians. The state has diversified and unique talents hidden beneath the blanket of lack of opportunities. This Duo from Udaipur, Aikarth Purohit, and Sahil Thakur, is taking an initiative to bring these hidden talents to the mainstream. Aikarth, who is the owner at Baselard Studios, is himself a Music Producer, Guitarist, and Composer. Sahil, too, has set up Frozen Apple Records which allows musicians to spread their talent across all platforms. As both of them have started their musical journeys from scratch, they are well aware of the tribulations a budding artist has to face.

This Duo From Udaipur Will Give You A Chance To Record Your Own Song!
Baselard Studios | Aikarth Purohit

Also, they run an organization called FAAM which helps artists to perform on various platforms like social events and concerts.

This music enthusiast team is helping artists from scratch to make them a well-known face in the music industry. Managing Frozen Apple Artist Management, Sahil and Aikarth are looking for passionate and zealous people who are willing to give a shot in the music industry. Prime yourself and your skills to make it large with this duo!

What is the aim behind this thought?

The prime objective is getting local artists to the mainstream. Artists who have never gotten the break to record their composition in a studio can actually live up to their dream. A professional recording studio can, in fact, boost their talent as well as can be a turning point in their lives. The aim revolves around the ideology of bringing up new talents in the domain of music.

This Duo From Udaipur Will Give You A Chance To Record Your Own Song!
Sahil Thakur

How are you going to get selected for the recording?

If you wish to get your composition recorded at the Baselard Studios then you would face an audition. Post-audition one can easily get their song recorded. So if you are a budding artist and want to enter into the world of mainstream music then you must not miss this opportunity.

Thinking how to reach to them?

Well, you can call or direct message them on the following given handles. Just click on the below-given links.

Instagram: baselardstudios

Facebook: Baselard Studios



This Duo From Udaipur Will Give You A Chance To Record Your Own Song!
This Duo From Udaipur Will Give You A Chance To Record Your Own Song!

A great opportunity for the singers and music composers! So what are you waiting for? Prep yourself and get ready to enter the mainstream of the Indian Music Industry!


जाणो, आपणे राजस्थान रा संगीत ने!

Update Yourself with the Music of Rajasthan

Dancing to the beats of international artists, we enjoy a lot. And why not! The beats are electric and so energetic that it compels us to dance and we get carried away. I am sure everyone reading this would agree with my opinion. But sometimes, we need a more subtle music which is away from the hustle and takes us back to our roots, takes us back to the very foundation- that ties us to our birthplace. In the same way, a lot of people prefer listening to folk music, whether they belong to any place; they crave for raw voices, ‘desi’ instruments, and vernacular dances and music.

Everyone has a different taste in music, but when it comes to folk music- we enjoy it hands down.

The music of Langa and Manganiyar of Rajasthan

Know the music of Rajasthan: Langa and Manganiyar  
Mangniyar Musicians

Who are Langa and Manganiyar?

Langa and Manganiyar are folk musicians who follow a rich oral tradition which they have inherited from their forefathers. These balladeers from Rajasthan sing of everyday chores and emotions. They become highly relatable and probably that is the reason why they are able to mesmerize their listeners.

Manganiyars have expertise over percussion instruments like Dholak and Khadtal, whereas Langas are known for Sarangi, Murali, Surnai, etc. Their musical compositions are masterpieces and are quite complex. The word Manganiyar means those who ask for charity. On different occasions, they would go to patron’s house and sing songs and in turn, would be awarded.

Know the music of Rajasthan: Langa and Manganiyar  
Langa community musicians

If you go through the roots of these musical groups then we come to know that these Langas and Manganiars were groups of professional musicians, whose music was supported by wealthy landlords and aristocrats. This tradition and hierarchy are maintained till now.  Both the groups sing in the same language but their styles differ. This difference of style came into existence as per the tastes of their patrons. Both the communities belong to the Islamic origins but many of their songs are in praise of Hindu deities. Similarly, they are known to celebrate Hindu festivals such as Diwali and Holi. The Manganiar performers evoke the Hindu God Krishna and seek his blessings before the commencement of their music recital.

Know the music of Rajasthan: Langa and Manganiyar  
Khartal- a music instrument majorly used by both the communities of musicians

It is also believed that the Manganiars were musicians of the Rajput courts. They used to accompany their chiefs to war and providing them with entertainment before and after the battles. In addition to this, these singers and musicians also performed at the event of the chiefs’ death and would perform at the ruler’s vigil day and night until the mourning was over.

Coming to the second music community of Rajasthan, the Langas which literally means a song giver is a group of poets, singers, and musicians from the Barmer district of Rajasthan. The Langas are versatile players of the Sindhi Sarangi and the Algoza (double flute), which accompany their magical voices. They used to perform at events like births, and weddings, exclusively for their patrons, who were cattle breeders, farmers, and landowners.

Know the music of Rajasthan: Langa and Manganiyar  
Langa community musicians

Today, these musical groups perform in various realms and acquire major acclamations not just in the country but also internationally. Rajasthan hosts one of the most energetic and redolent music cultures of the world. The land of sand dunes and camels imparts the fragrance of vernacular music and folklores that touches the hearts of many. These musicians have such an impact on the listeners that they are bound to listen to them again and again.

Know the music of Rajasthan: Langa and Manganiyar  
Mangniyars performing in Shilpgram Udaipur

In Udaipur, you can find these musicians in Shilpgram during the annual Shilpgram Festival quite commonly.

It’s said that music transcends time and space, and indeed it holds true in the case of these folk musicians.

Such is the music of Rajasthan!

If you have ever listened to any Langa or Manganiyar, do let us know your experience in the comment section below.


आख़िर कैसे गरबा (Garba) और डांडिया-रास (Dandiya Rasa) एक होते हुए भी अलग है..!!

“तारा विना ‘श्याम’ मने एकलो लागे … रास रामवा ने व्हेलो आवजे …!!!”

अब आने वाले नौ दिनो तक शहर की ‘गोपियाँ’ ऐसे ही अपने-अपने ‘श्याम’ के लिए सज-धज कर ये गीत गाती और इंतज़ार करती दिखेंगी। वैसे श्याम भी कम नहीं है अपने शहर के… उनका भी क्रेज देखने लायक होता है। वो भी अलग ही टशन में दिखते है। वैसे उनका ध्यान नाचने में ज़रा कम ही होता है। न जाने कितने दिलों को मिलाया है इस नवरात्री ने। कब गरबा खेलते-खेलते..डांडिया रास करते-करते कोई रास आ जाए कुछ कह नहीं सकते। मन बावला जो होता है।

अच्छा ये लिखते-लिखते ख्याल आया कि गरबा और डांडिया रास कितने अलग है ये एक दुसरे से? लिखना कुछ था पर मन इसी बात पर अटक गया..बताया तो था, मन बावला जो होता है। कब किस पर अटक जाए कौन कब रास आ जाए किसे पता?

खैर हमनें भी सोचा कि अब इसी पर खोजबीन शुरू की जाए…खोजते हुए कई पॉइंट्स, फैक्ट्स निकल आए। वही सब आप को बता दे रहे है-


गरबा क्या है? –

India Navratri Festiva
Photo credit : Ajit Solanki

गरबा एक गुजराती फ़ोक डांस है जो यहीं से फेमस होता हुआ पुरे उत्तर भारत और महाराष्ट्र में पहुँच गया। ‘गरबा’ संस्कृत शब्द ‘गर्भ’ और ‘दीप’ से निकला है।

दरअसल एक मिट्टी के बर्तन में ‘जौ’ और ‘तिल’ की घास उगाई जाती है, इसे एक पटिये पर रख एक जगह स्थापित करते है, उसी बर्तन को गरबा कहा गया है। इसे किसी खुले स्थान में रखा जाता है साथ ही इसके साथ एक दीपक भी जलाया जाता है। इसके इर्द-गिर्द एक गोला बनाकर डांस किया जाता है। उसे गरबा डांस कहते है। हालाँकि ‘गरबा बर्तन’ बनाना गुजरात में ही देखने को मिलेगा। अन्य दूसरी जगह जहाँ गरबे किए जाते है वहाँ बीच में अम्बा माँ की तस्वीर या मूर्ति रख और दीपक जलाकर गरबा किया जाता है। स्थापित करने के दसवें दिन गरबा का विसर्जन किया जाता है।

photo credit : discover India


गरबा डांस –

कभी सोचा है कि गरबा केवल सर्किल में ही क्यूँ किया जाता है?garba-ras

इसके पीछे एक ज्ञान छिपा है वो ये है कि “ मनुष्य जीवन भी एक वृत्त(साइक्लिक स्ट्रक्चर) के समान है, इंसान जन्म लेता है …अपना जीवन जीता है… मर जाता है…फिर जन्म लेता है…। मतलब वो जहाँ से शुरू करता है वहीँ वापस आ जाता है। बीच में रखा ‘गर्भ दीप’ ये बताता है कि हर इंसान के मन में एक देव तत्व छुपा हुआ रहता है। हम सभी के मन में देवी का निवास होता है, बस ज़रुरत है तो उसे खोजने की। इसी वजह से इसके चारो और डांस किया जाता है। बीच में रखा गरबा एक जगह रहता है जो बताता है, देवी शास्वत सत्य है और हम सब यहाँ अनिश्चित(टेम्पररी) रूप से रह रहे है।

garba ground in gujrat


तो फिर ‘डांडिया रास’ क्या है? –dandiya dance

ये भी गुजराती फ़ोक डांस ही है, पर गरबे से थोडा अलग है। ‘डांडिया रास’ भगवान् श्री कृष्ण से जुड़ा है। रास शब्द संस्कृत के ‘रसा’ से आया है। ये डांस गुजरात और राजस्थान में किया जाता है, ख़ासकर दक्षिण राजस्थान और पश्चिम मध्य-प्रदेश और पुरे गुजरात में। इसमें गरबा डांस के उलट पुरुष और स्त्री साथ मिलकर एक या दो सजे हुए डांडियों से डांस करते है।

डांडिया रास को एक और कहानी से जोड़ा जाता है जो कि माँ दुर्गा की है। इस कहानी के अनुसार माँ दुर्गा और महिषासुर के बीच भयंकर युद्ध छिड़ गया था। ये नौ दिनों तक चला। इस वजह से इसमें यूज़ होने वाले डांडिये को ‘तलवार’ से भी जोड़कर देखा जाता है।dandiya ahmedabad

ऐसा बताते है… जब अफ्रीकन गुलाम(स्लेव्ज़) सौराष्ट्र बंदरगाह पर आये थे तब उन्होंने ये डांस देखा। इन अफ्रीकन गुलामो ने इसे अफ्रीकन ड्रम(जेम्बे) पर करना शुरू किया। चूँकि ये लोग मुस्लिम थे तो इन्होने इस ट्रेडिशन सौराष्ट्र में मुस्लिम तरीके से अपनाया।


कितने अलग है डांडिया और गरबा एक दुसरे से? –

  • गरबा डांस ‘डांडिया आरती’ से पहले किया जाता है, डांडिया आरती के बाद डांडिया रास खेला जाता है।
  • गरबा केवल महिलाओं द्वारा किया जाता था(हालाँकि अब ऐसा नहीं है) जबकि डांडिया संयुक्त रूप से किया जाता है।
  • डांडिया रास डांडिया आरती के बाद शुरू होता है, उससे पहले तक गरबा ही खेला है।
  • गरबा तीन तरह से खेला जाता है, एक ताली गरबा, २ ताली गरबा और तीन तली गरबा। आज से 10-15 साल पहले तक तीन ताली गरबा ही किया जाता था, ये थोडा कॉम्प्लेक्स था। वेस्टर्न गरबा दो ताली/एक ताली गरबा और डांडिया रास से मिलकर बना है जो आजकल काफी पोपुलर है।
  • डांडिया रास में बजने वाले गीत मुख्यतया श्री कृष्ण और राधा के ऊपर होते है जबकि गरबा में बजने वाले गीत अम्बा माँ के ऊपर बने होते है।
  • गरबा गुजरात और महाराष्ट्र में ज्यादा खेला जाता है जबकि डांडिया राजस्थान और मध्यप्रदेश में ज्यादा खेला जाता है।
  • दोनों ही डांस फॉर्म्स में औरतें रंगबिरंगी पौशाके पहनती है, जिनमे चनिया चोली, ब्राइट कलर से बने घाघरे, कमरबंध, बाजुबंध, मांग टिक्का आदि होते है।Dandiya-Garba
  • गरबा और डांडिया खेलने वाले आदमी गोल छोटा कुर्ता, कफनी पायजामा, पगड़ी और मोजरी पहनते है।
  • डांडिया के मुकाबले गरबा भारत के बहार ज्यादा फेमस है। ये फोक डांस अमेरिका, कनाडा, ब्रिटेन सहित दुनिया की 20 से भी ज्यादा युनिवरर्सिटीज़ में खेला जाता है।
  • ब्रम्हा ने महिषासुर को वरदान दिया था कि उसे कोई आदमी नहीं मार पाएगा, जब उसका धरती पर अत्याचार बढ़ गया तब उसका संहार माँ दुर्गा ने किया।
  • साउथ इंडिया में नवरात्री के त्यौहार को ‘गोलू’ बोला जाता है।


गरबा और डांडिया रास भले ही हिन्दू मान्यता से जुड़ा हुआ है पर इस त्यौहार को मानाने के लिए आपका हिन्दू होना ज़रूरी नहीं है। इस डांस को किसी भी धर्म के लोग कर सकते है। इसकी ख़ासियत यही है कि ये अलग-अलग जगहों और धर्मो के लोगो को एक साथ लेकर आता है और नृत्य की भावना से सोहाद्र और प्रेम-भाव जगाता है।

ऊपर दिए गए फैक्ट्स और पॉइंट्स सिर्फ इनके बारे में बताने के लिए थे, आसान भाषा में ये थ्योरी थी पढ़ लो और जान लो। नाचना तो कल से है ही, प्रैक्टिकल में तो माहिर ही अपन। अंत में माँ दुर्गा और श्री कृष्ण को याद करते हुए उदयपुर ब्लॉग की तरफ़ से आप सबको नवरात्री की ढेर सारी बधाइयाँ। ये पर्व आपके और आपके परिवार में खुशियाँ लाये। भारतवर्ष को आगे बढ़ाये।


The 300 Years Old ‘Jal Sanjhi Art’ Is Something Every Udaipurite Must Know!

Udaipur is well-known for lakes and natural beauty of its landscape. The Old city of Udaipur is a hub of various art forms that are unique to Udaipur. Local artists create these paintings and sculptures following traditions of their forefathers. To relive these cultures one has to visit these areas to have a glimpse of the folk customs from their own eyes.

One such art form is ‘Sanjhi’.

This exclusive art form where the canvas is not any cloth or paper, but sheer water is called Jal Sanjhi.  Sanjhi is made from the patripada to Amavasya of Ashwin for fifteen days but the preparations start a day earlier on Bhado Purnima.

As one legend says, these paintings came into origin when Lord Krishna’s image was seen in the water by ‘Radha’ in a pond, and the image was outlined with flowers to make a picture of the Lord. Since then it has evolved as Sanjhi which are made to honor the Lord Krishna’s ‘Leela’ in the form of pictorial depiction on water.

In accordance with the above information, Sanjhi paintings are made complimenting Lord Krishna before the onset of the festive season of Navratri. Over 300 years old, this rare art has been kept alive by just a family in Udaipur, who has been practicing it for generations now.

The 300 Years Old ‘Jal Sanjhi Art’ Is Something Every Udaipurite Must Know!

Rajesh Pancholi is the artist that we came in contact; the family has been practicing this art since generations and as per his nephew, Gunjan Pancholi, he is the fourth generation practicing and observing this art.

How are these paintings made?

As described by the Pancholi family and what I watched, I am going to describe it for all you curious people.

We searched for the family and finally got to know where they stay. We waited for the month before the onset of the Navratri season so that we could see it happening in front of us.

As per Gunjan, this art was started in Mathura by his ancestors. These paintings were earlier created for 15 days but due to lack of interest of people and rising inflation (the colors have become expensive), it is quite difficult for them to meet the expenses.

The tale of Lord Krishna with the ‘Shesh Naag’ known as the Naag Leela is what we watched, step by step. It took around three and a half hours to complete the entire painting- floating on clear water.

First and foremost the water is treated one night prior and then placed in a huge vessel where it is made to settle. Once settled, a base color is made to float on water.  The base color is spread on the water by the use of a fine sieve little by little. The colors are true stone colors which are used after processing, which turns them turn into a fine powder and increases the ease of use.

The 300 Years Old ‘Jal Sanjhi Art’ Is Something Every Udaipurite Must Know!
Outline Stencil

After the completion of the base (generally white color), the stencils are kept cautiously on the base to execute the process.The 300 Years Old ‘Jal Sanjhi Art’ Is Something Every Udaipurite Must Know!

Now talking of the stencils, these used by the Pancholi family are made from thin rice papers and are almost 300 years old. Their forefathers drew on them and cut them. These stencils are preserved by the family and used till date.

One by one these stencils is kept gently on the base color taking reference points. Slowly and gradually the painting emerges into its full shape and exquisiteness. For each step, there is one stencil, even for the flowers and ornamentation. It took 9 stencils to complete the Naag Leela. The last stencil was just for the outline. Real flower petals and sparkles also are included in embellishing the painting.

The 300 Years Old ‘Jal Sanjhi Art’ Is Something Every Udaipurite Must Know!

After Jal Sanjhi being made for three days, the fourth day a more elaborate Sanjhi is made of wood, which carries more intricate work of colors and stencils. The fifth day again marks a creation of Jal Sanjhi. It is a must see!

I was enthralled by the finesse, precision, and patience these artists have. Their hands work very tenderly creating a very fragile art. The beauty lies in the details and the delicacy with which they perform this sacred ritual of creating a divine folk art.

Wanna see these paintings?

Jal Sanjhi is a delight for every art lover. These paintings are open for public viewing every evening at their temple in the Old City during the course of the ‘Shrad Paksha’.

The wood Sanjhi will be made on 19 September 2017. You can visit and see this amazing art form live! Let us know if you went and watched the Sanjhi Art Form.

Address:  Shri Radha Vallab Ji Mandir, 14 Jagdish Mandir Road.

Time: 7 pm to 10 pm

Have a look at this amazing painting!

The 300 Years Old ‘Jal Sanjhi Art’ Is Something Every Udaipurite Must Know!

The 300 Years Old ‘Jal Sanjhi Art’ Is Something Every Udaipurite Must Know!

The 300 Years Old ‘Jal Sanjhi Art’ Is Something Every Udaipurite Must Know!

The 300 Years Old ‘Jal Sanjhi Art’ Is Something Every Udaipurite Must Know!

The 300 Years Old ‘Jal Sanjhi Art’ Is Something Every Udaipurite Must Know!

The 300 Years Old ‘Jal Sanjhi Art’ Is Something Every Udaipurite Must Know!

The 300 Years Old ‘Jal Sanjhi Art’ Is Something Every Udaipurite Must Know!


Beautiful Pictures Captured by Siddharth Nagar


गवरी (Gavri) – मेवाड़ का पारंपरिक डांस थिएटर फॉर्म

राजस्थान न सिर्फ अपने कल्चर और रजवाड़ो के लिए बल्कि फोक म्यूजिक और फोक डांस के लिए भी जाना जाता है। इन्ही में से एक है मेवाड़ का ‘गवरी’ नृत्य। हालाँकि इस पर हुई रिसर्च के बाद ये साफ़ हुआ है कि ये सिर्फ नृत्य में नहीं है दरअसल गवरी एक म्यूजिकल ड्रामा है जो मेवाड़ में भील कम्युनिटी कई सौ सालों से इस परंपरा को निभाती आ रही है।

photo credit : Traditional Indian Music

गवरी शब्द माँ गौरी से निकला है। गौरी माँ यानी माँ पार्वती जिसे भील जनजाति देवी गौरजा नाम से पुकारते है, उनके अनुसार श्रवण मास की पूर्णिमा के एक दिन बाद देवी गौरजा धरती पर आती है और धरती पुत्रों को आशीर्वाद देकर जाती है। इसी ख़ुशी में ये लोग गवरी खेलते है।

भीलों में एक कहानी बड़ी चर्चित है। कहानी के अनुसार भगवान् शिव से सृष्टि निर्माण हुआ है। पृथ्वी पर पहला पेड़ बरगद का था जो कि पातळ से लाया गया था। इस बरगद के पेड़ को देवी अम्बाव और उसकी सहेलियां लेकर आई थी और इन्होने उदयपुर के हल्दीघाटी के पास स्थित गाँव ‘ऊनवास’ में स्थापित किया जो आज भी मौजूद है।

राजस्थानी भाषा में ऐसे नुक्कड़ पर गानों के साथ किए जाने वाले नाटक को ख्याल कहा जाता है। ख्याल एक तरह की नाटक शैली है जैसे जयपुर में तमाशा है। गवरी भी ख्याल ही है।

photo credit : Pramod Soni

कैसे शुरू होती है गवरी

भील लोग गौरजा माता के देवरे जाकर पाती(पत्ते) मंगाते है। ‘पाती मांगना’ मतलब गवरी खेलने की इजाज़त मांगना होता है। पाती मांगना एक परंपरा है जिसमे देवी की पूजा की जाती है उसके बाद उनसे गवरी खेलन के लिए पूछा जाता है। देवरे में मौजूद भोपा में जब माताजी प्रकट होती है तो उनसे गवरी खेलने की इजाज़त मांगी जाती तब जाकर गवरी खेलना शुरू होता है।

ये खेल नहीं आसां बस इतना समझ लीजे –

ये भील लोग 40 दिनों तक अपने-अपने घरो से दूर रहते। इस दौरान ये लोग नहाते नहीं है, एक टाइम का खाना खाते है और हरी सब्जी, मांस-मदिरा से परहेज रखते। यहाँ तक की ये चप्पलों-जूतों को त्याग देते और नंगे पैर घूमते है। इनका ग्रुप हर उस गाँव में जाकर नाचता है जहाँ इन लोगो की बहन-बेटी ब्याही गयी होती है। इन 40 दिनों तक ये दुसरे लोगो के घर ही भोजन करते है। गवरी के बाद उसे न्योतने वाली बहन-बेटी उन्हें कपडे भेंट करती है जिसे ‘पहरावनी’ कहते है। एक ग्रुप में बच्चो से लेकर बड़ो तक कम से कम 40-50 कलाकार तक होते है। ये सभी कलाकार पुरुष होते है और इन्हें ‘खेल्ये’ कहा जाता है। एक गाँव हर तीसरे साल गवरी लेता है।

गवरी के अलग-अलग पात्र

‘बूढ़िया’ और ‘राईमाता’ – ये दो मुख्य पात्र होते है । बूढ़िया भगवान् शिव को कहते है और राईमाता माँ पार्वती। इसलिए दर्शक भी इन दोनों की पूजा करते है। गवरी का नायक बूढ़िया होता है जो भगवान् शिव और भस्मासुर का प्रतीक होता है जो हाथ में लकड़ी का बना खांडा, कमर में मोटे-मोटे घुंघरू की बनी पट्टी, जांघिया और चेहरे पर मुकौटा लिए होता है। ये बाकी पात्रो के विपरीत दिशा में घूम कर नृत्य करता है। राईमाता नाटक की नायिका होती है। चूँकि सभी कलाकार पुरुष होते है इसलिए राईमाता का किरदार भी एक पुरुष कलाकार ही निभाता है।

अन्य प्रमुख किरदारों में झामटिया और कुटकड़िया होते है ।

photo credit : Fouzia Mirza


photo credit : Fouzia Mirza


गवरी में खेले जाने वाले मुख्य खेल इस प्रकार है –

  • मीणा–बंजारा
  • हठिया
  • कालका
  • कान्हा-गूजरी
  • शंकरिया
  • दाणी जी
  • बाणीया
  • चप्ल्याचोर
  • देवी अम्बाव
  • कंजर
  • खेतुड़ी और
  • बादशाह की सवारी
  • एक ऐतेहासिक खेल भी होता है जिसे बीबी,बादशाह और महाराणा प्रताप नाम दिया गया ।



गवरी का समापन ‘गड़ावण-वळावण’ से होता है। ‘गड़ावण’ के दिन पार्वती माँ की मूर्ति बनाई जाती है और जिस दिन इसे विसर्जित करते है उस दिन को ‘वळावण’ कहते है। गड़ावण के दिन शाम में गवरी के कलाकार गाँव के कुम्हार के पास जाते है और उनसे मिट्टी के घोड़े पर बिराजी गौरजा माता की प्रतिमा बनवाते है। इस मूर्ति को फिर घाजे-बाजे के साथ देवरे ले जाया जाता है जहाँ रात भर गवरी खेली जाती है। अगले दिन गाँव के सभी जाति के लोग मिलकर गौरजा माता की यात्रा निकालते है। प्रतिमा को पानी का स्त्रोत देख कर वहाँ विसर्जित कर दिया जाता है। इसके बाद इन कलाकारों के लिए उनके रिश्तेदार कपड़े लाते है जिसे ‘पहरावनी’ कहा जाता है। विसर्जन के बाद लोगो को पेड़ो की रखवाली का सन्देश देने के लिए नाटक ‘बडलिया हिंदवा’ खेला जाता है इसके आलावा ‘भियावाड’ नाटक भी होता है।

और इस तरह लगातार 40 दिनों तक की जाने वाली गवरी का समापन होता है। इन 40 दिनों तक कलाकार पूरी तरह से अपने पात्र को समर्पित रहता है और उसके साथ न्याय करता है।

गवरी  के बारे में कुछ जानकारियों के लिए राजस्थान स्टडी ब्लॉग का शुक्रिया।


Weighing 607 Grams; Rajasthan’s Smallest Premature Baby Dishika Is Now a Healthy Child

A girl child born after 27 weeks of pregnancy with a weight of 607 grams is said to be Rajasthan’s smallest premature birth. Dishika was born a premature to a couple, Geeta and Rajesh Lohar, married for 17 years. She was a twin to her sister who was 1275 grams.

She was born so early that it led to subsequent complications; Dishika had severe respiratory distress, given delivery room CPAP and transferred to Jivanta neonatal ICU on Neopuff. She required respiratory support for a period of about 1 month.

During her course in the hospital, she underwent several functional echocardiograhies and Neurosonographies to assess and modulate her heart and brain development. In addition to this, she also went through ophthalmic examination (ROP screening) frequently. These all procedures were performed by Jivanta’s expert Neonatologist, Dr. Sunil Jangid, under whose supervision she was medicated at Jivanta Hospital’s NICU for almost 85 days.

Dishika’s story started when her mother, Geeta suffered uncontrollable blood pressure and the ultrasonography revealed fetoplacental insufficiency; she was taken up for emergency cesarean section. Geeta gave birth to twin girls and one of them was Dishika. The early birth was followed by a period of uncertainty. Initial days were difficult for the baby as her birth weight dropped down to 500 grams. It was tough to maintain her health as she was struggling to breathe, so was immediately put on a ventilator and given surfactant.

She was started on supportive care like intravenous fluids, parental nutrition, antibiotics. Gradually, she began digesting few drops of milk. She was able to start drinking from spoon only after 10 weeks of birth.

Dishika was called the ‘miracle baby’ by Jivanta’s Team, as she miraculously survived extreme health implications being born as a premature twin. The latest technology, high-end equipment and expertise of the Jivanta’s NICU team made it possible to give life to the smallest preemie of Rajasthan.

Jivanta is now consistently having more than 90% survival rate of extremely low-birth babies.

Dishika is healthy now and is of 2+ years of age. She comes to the hospital for regular follow-up and has normal hearing, normal vision, and normal developmental milestones.

Contact Details:

Address: Panchsheel Market, Hiran Magri Sector 5, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India

Helpline: 7727866011




Have a look on Dishika’s Journey


Much Awaited ‘Passport Seva Kendra’ Opening in Udaipur!

After the announcement of Udaipur being taken under the ‘Smart City Plan’ segment, the central government has announced the opening of ‘Passport Seva Kendra’ or PSK in Udaipur.

As per the tweet of the Minister of External Affairs of India, Sushma Swaraj the much awaited ‘Passport Seva Kendra’ will be shortly opening in the City of Lakes. The tweet says, “We announce Passport Seva Kendra for Udaipur earlier. It will be inaugurated in the first week of March.”

psk in udaipur

The event was on hold since one and a half year and now is finally being executed. After a long wait and lot of trepidations over the opening of a PSK center in Udaipur, the Central Government has fulfilled the wishes of the residents of the Southern Rajasthan. This is a happy moment for all the people of Udaipur who earlier had to travel all the way to Jaipur and Jodhpur for getting their Passports done.

The long-scheduled PSK service was first to be inaugurated in the month of February but then faced regular postponing, and now finally Sushma Swaraj’s posts confirm the commencement of the service by early March this year. The announcement is finally going to solve the troubles of passport and other related problems for the residents of Southern Rajasthan. The same shall cut the cost of traveling to Jaipur and Jodhpur as a lot of people were unable to.

People have also spent a lot of money and time on agents in following them and sometimes they come across frauds as well. All the hassles shall come to an end with the beginning of a Passport Seva Kendra in the City of Lakes. This is was among the various services which were lacking in the city. The city is among the most visited in the State of Rajasthan by tourists around the globe; with no provision for the residents to avail a passport was a loophole in the given facilities for the people of Udaipur.

This indeed is good news for the residents of Udaipur.

passport office udaipur


{Part 3} Let’s Admit it… Udaipur

Guys, I am back with Let’s Admit it Udaipur Vol. 3. After Lets Admit it Udaipur Vol.1 and Vol. 2, hope you all gonna like the following classics too. Do share your views and comments for the same.

City Palace, Udaipur
Image Via :


  1. Even after directing for an address properly, a “HAND-PUMP” always remains our all-time favorite landmark. 😀
  2. Two signals which majority of Udaipurites strictly adheres to are: “Suraj Pole” and “Delhi Gate”.
  3. That delightful moment when we could finally land our vehicle in an empty space at Emerald tower parking. ^_^
  4. Though we are part of the same crowd still we always look for a “Khali Jagah” to sit at Fatehsagar’s Paal and Rani Road.
  5. We harbour no ill feelings for our fellow riders on the road but that exchange of dirty look is a defaulter when either they don’t respond to our signals and honkings or when we get into you-were-about-to-hit-me moment with them.
  6. We all have this one cranky friend who wants to go hangout at FS when everyone else nods for Bansi (or anywhere else) or vice versa; who always wants to walk at Paal when everyone else has decided to sit or vice versa.
  7. [A Fact from the Back] That odometer deceleration when crossing the Swapnlok Cinema JUST to check the title of the latest “A” rated movie.
  8. We have DISH TVs, HD TVs, and other technologies to access the television programs but we, the Udaipurites, trust Mr. Chogha Lal Bhoi more than any of these technologies.
  9. Listening to music on our Autowalas’ woofers is much more entertaining than via headphones.
  10. You can escape from the eyes of a traffic policeman but you cannot show a clean pair of heels to the people who collect the parking charges, especially at our very own MB Hospital.
  11. Wherever we stay in Udaipur but at least once we all have heard that train’s whistle at break of dawn or rather that siren which many may still wonder where it really comes from!!
  12. The show time for everyone when there is a dog catcher municipal vehicle in our Mohalla.
  13. Whether we plan a long drive or a picnic, chances are high that we would end up at FS by the end of the day.
  14. Helmet rule in Udaipur is on and our minds work faster than any map application to look for shortcuts and alternative routes to our destination.
  15. Lastly, let’s admit it Udaipur that our city is truly rocking.


Cheers for the spirit of our city and people. ☺ ☺


About Author:

Salam Udaipur, myself Hasan Ali Gumani, born and brought up in Udaipur. Had my schooling from St. Paul’s, graduation from M.B. College and post-graduation from IBS Hyderabad. Being passionate about writing I have contributed articles at such as “Let’s Admit it Udaipur Vol. 1”, “Let’s Admit it Udaipur Vol. 2” and recently authored a fiction “…and they called it A Love Story.


{Part 2} Let’s Admit it… Udaipur

With the Successful list of Compilation in the last Article : Lets Admit it Udaipur, Here I have framed a new list of 15 Things we all might Admit that we did them 😉 Share your comments if you feel the same.

  1. At least once, we all have counted the network towers or the black water tanks from our rooftops.
  2. It always scares us when ‘108’ is running just behind us.
  3. When we are near to any choraha our eyes are more on the traffic lights than on the roads, so as to increase or decrease the speed according to the seconds left in changing of the lights.
  4. Though we have PVR and INOX in our city but still we all miss our very own Chetak Cinema.
  5. We all have this habit of calculating gross and net income of famous ‘Thelawalas’ of our city and this happens while enjoying the edibles offered by them.
  6.  In case a traffic policeman is present at any signal, even if he is not checking for anything, but still we try to hide our vehicle by halting it beside an auto or a van so that he could not see us.
  7. We call it ‘The Sunset Point’ but no one has ever been there for the view of sunset.
  8. Once at the top of Sajjangarh, we try to look for our residence first though everyone knows that it is not possible.
  9. Also at Sajjangarh, there is a staircase somewhere at the bottom but no one has ever got down from that staircase because after 4 to 5 stairs it becomes completely dark. Even the torch and flashlight does not work over there.
  10. In Udaipur, people waiting in second or third queue at traffic signals are actually more attentive in observing the traffic light as compared to those who are waiting in front.
  11. Even though we have KFC, Mc Donald’s and other food brands in our city but having something at sukhadiya circle is altogether a marvelous experience.
  12. At crossword bookstore, people of every age get attracted more towards the stationery and toys section rather than the book section.
  13. When deciding a place to sit at Fatehsagar’s paal we generally cross the whole paal in the search of a place.
  14. No one has ever seen the navy boats, tied at FS, in action.
  15. And finally lets admit it Udaipur..our city is Beautiful.


lets admit it udaipur

Post By : Hasan Ali Gumani


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About Hasan Ali Gumani:

Salam Udaipur, Myself Hasan Ali Gumani, born and brought in Udaipur only. Had my schooling from St. Paul’s, graduation from M.B. College and right now pursuing my Post Graduation from IBS Hyderabad.”



A Dream Come Reality – Wagon of Dreamzz

A new Hindi Rock Band “Wagon of Dreamzz” from Ajmer rocked in Udaipur a few weeks ago in Singhania University’s annual fest Panache’ 2013. An event was organized, which was the part of the annual fest and that was Woodstock. It was a war of bands in which various rock bands from different parts of Rajasthan participated and wrestled to bag the title of Woodstock. WoD succeeded to grab it as they claimed the first position.

It was their first performance at Udaipur. Their performance amazed the students of Udaipur and the band members were got amazed towards the beauty of Udaipur. They praised this marvelous city and its people. The scenic panorama, the historic realm, adventurous milieu is something that makes Udaipur very special. Speaking to our correspondent the band members assured that they would love to come again to perform for the people of Udaipur.

wagon of dreamzz

Speaking about their band they said that the band was formed in year 2011 with three guys Priyank, Anshul and Ujjawal. Later Utsav also joined the team to support vocals followed by the lead guitarist Dev. Dev also owns his own home sound studio at Ajmer.

WoD did not emphasized sticking to specific genre and they started their session for free style performance. They showcased their first performance at VIT Jaipur followed by BMIT and after that there was no looking back. They gave several performances at their home town Ajmer and also composed their own music and songs for performing into various shows. Now the band has started giving priority to Hindi Rock version. They have performed for FM stations, local TV channels and represented Western Railway Majdoor Union’s annual award ceremony.

They mark it as an end of a spell when the band was split. Dev finished his music production course and composed a track at his home sound studio. The lyric of the same were written by Priyank. They almost waited for one year to perform their own composition. With the joining of Ujjawal; the team planned for the reunion and this is how WoD rejuvenated. After their reunion they performed at SPSU Udaipur and won the title of Woodstock. WoD is now planning to release a full EP and they have titled it as “Safar” which depicts their journey and experience twisted around their band Wagon of Dreamzz.

wagon of dreamz 2

There is lot to be seen and experience by Wagon of Dreamzz. The entire team of WoD is working very hard to keep their entire fleet of wagons keep running at full pace. The typical thing about the band is unlike others they are not just repeating the songs. They are working on their own music which makes them special.