Weighing 607 Grams; Rajasthan’s Smallest Premature Baby Dishika Is Now a Healthy Child

Weighing 607 Grams; Rajasthan’s Smallest Premature Baby Dishika Is Now a Healthy Child

A girl child born after 27 weeks of pregnancy with a weight of 607 grams is said to be Rajasthan’s smallest premature birth. Dishika was born a premature to a couple, Geeta and Rajesh Lohar, married for 17 years. She was a twin to her sister who was 1275 grams.

She was born so early that it led to subsequent complications; Dishika had severe respiratory distress, given delivery room CPAP and transferred to Jivanta neonatal ICU on Neopuff. She required respiratory support for a period of about 1 month.

During her course in the hospital, she underwent several functional echocardiograhies and Neurosonographies to assess and modulate her heart and brain development. In addition to this, she also went through ophthalmic examination (ROP screening) frequently. These all procedures were performed by Jivanta’s expert Neonatologist, Dr. Sunil Jangid, under whose supervision she was medicated at Jivanta Hospital’s NICU for almost 85 days.

Dishika’s story started when her mother, Geeta suffered uncontrollable blood pressure and the ultrasonography revealed fetoplacental insufficiency; she was taken up for emergency cesarean section. Geeta gave birth to twin girls and one of them was Dishika. The early birth was followed by a period of uncertainty. Initial days were difficult for the baby as her birth weight dropped down to 500 grams. It was tough to maintain her health as she was struggling to breathe, so was immediately put on a ventilator and given surfactant.

She was started on supportive care like intravenous fluids, parental nutrition, antibiotics. Gradually, she began digesting few drops of milk. She was able to start drinking from spoon only after 10 weeks of birth.

Dishika was called the ‘miracle baby’ by Jivanta’s Team, as she miraculously survived extreme health implications being born as a premature twin. The latest technology, high-end equipment and expertise of the Jivanta’s NICU team made it possible to give life to the smallest preemie of Rajasthan.

Jivanta is now consistently having more than 90% survival rate of extremely low-birth babies.

Dishika is healthy now and is of 2+ years of age. She comes to the hospital for regular follow-up and has normal hearing, normal vision, and normal developmental milestones.

Contact Details:

Address: Panchsheel Market, Hiran Magri Sector 5, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India

Helpline: 7727866011

E-mail: info@jivantahospitals.com

Website: www.jivantahospitals.com


Have a look on Dishika’s Journey


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