
All the Best Udaipur

Photography By Prasun Bannerjee


Exams! Either a controversy, or a thrill, or a success, or sadness. It always brings a nostalgic memory, the exam fever, the syllabus fear, late night studies, combine studies and many more. This word is truly a word that always adds a spice to our life.

It’s the beginning of the exam season with month of March today. The most important exam for the first step of career, i-e the (CBSE) board exams are starting from today.

The first paper for CBSE 2011 board examinations will be of physics, which is meant for the science stream of class 12th. For a detailed time-table, click on the links given below (Source: CBSE)

We, at UdaipurBlog, wish every candidate appearing for their exams “All The Best”. May your luck and preparations, both favour you at their best. Work hard and fight for every mark, and don’t try to use any unfair means. 🙂


Birthday Regards to Sanjit Chohan : UdaipurBlog Founder


On 25, January 1993 the little internet maestro of Udaipur – Sanjit Chohan was born. With the modest knowledge and interest he started the internet search and brought a huge internet revolution in the City of Lakes-Udaipur.

He’s none other than then the founder of UdaipurBlog – Sanjit Chohan. Sanjit founded UdaipurBlog a year later at 17 which today is the number 1 blog site of Udaipur. Sanjit is also a designer (watch his design collections at Gfxlovers ), developer (as a co-developer of  WebUdaipur etc). Actually in my view he’s  a perfect example of an internet geek. Yeah, he’s a true internet nerd of Udaipur who at the age less than 18 developed more than 5 successful websites.

Sanjit presently is a student of class 12th at St. Anthony Senior Secondary School and  he wants to be an Engineer. He’s a bright student with 80+ % in 10th. I hope he’ll score his target 85+ % marks this year in 12th boards. My wishes are with you bro (Good Luck 😉 )

Sanjit Chohan

His interests here’s to the crazy one – Planning future development of websites in the peak exam times, social networking, drawing/designing, music, cricket, and hangouts with friends.

Sanjit  by nature also is a very kind, open, helping, funny and communicative person. He also knows the tips and tricks to manage a (going to be) company (as planning to make UdaipurBlog a company very soon). He also likes to connect and share with people. He strongly believes and follow revolutions, information flow, and minimalism.

Lastly I can just say, He invents. He sometimes has a bad temper. He heals. He creates. And he keeps inspiring. Or at least, he inspires me.

So on this 18th (adult/legal) birthday of your’s. I wish you a very Happy birthday on behalf of me , UB team and the whole of Udaipur. May God Bless you and fulfills all your dreams and desires. May you live long !!

All the best for the near approaching Exams and Life 🙂 Love u , take care and Enjoy 😉

Sorry  Sanjit and everyone as I became very late in sharing this post  due to some personal burden/ reason.

Once again a very Happy 18th birthday, <3 Sanjit <3

Note: You can wish him at 9929067498 and his Facebook and Twitter account.


Text Messaging – Top Trends 2010

SMS Trends

Now while reading the title of this write-up, you might be thinking what must have entered in my mind that i have chosen this topic, which may be catchy for some, irrelevant for some, and so on.
Everyone sends text messages, for communicating, keeping in touch with old pals, for informing people about locations, updating about some news, to exchange greetings, or even for fun, and many more reasons.
To add up a few facts, the CTIA survey 2009 states that

  • More than 1.5 Trillion Text messages were sent in 2009,
  • Almost 5 billion Text messages sent per day.

This is a very mind blowing figure in itself.
The year 2010 also saw a great fall in the prices of text messages in the competitive telecom market; as a result there was a great boom in the sms incoming and outgoing rates in mobile phones. Sms hence became cheapest communication method, far cheaper than voice calls.
Udaipies use messaging services to the extreme, specially the youngsters. I, being a regular sms (short message service) user often come across many of the messages from various origins, popularly termed together as “Forwarded messages”, mostly pre-generated from internet or creative sources and are just forwarded to people for information or fun purposes.
Many of the messages were popular throughout the year or for a part of it. To give a quick wrap up of the 2010 top messaging trends, I hereby list few of the topics that will keep 2010 a much remembered year.

  • Sardar jokes were replaced in majority by Santa and Banta. Good to have two imaginative characters, instead of cracking jokes on an active part of our country and society.
  • Despite of the blackouts (telecom companies charging extra money per sms) on special occasions such as holi, diwali, new year, etc, the Udaipies have found a smarter way to deal with the situations. Now be it diwali, holi, valentine’s day, rakhi, or any such expected event, wishes and greetings are sent in advance, ranging from a day before to almost a week before.
  • The year saw a little less inclination of people towards the so called Religious Spam which claimed good luck if passed to many people and worst ever luck if the message was deleted. A FeelGood moment to see Udaipur realising what the truth is.
  • When Udaipur witnessed rains, daily updates on the levels of the famous lakes Pichola and Fateh Sagar were top blockbusters of the season. Inch-by-inch update was conveyed throughout the city, the chain ended when the lakes finally overflowed.
  • Next chapter was jokes and shayaris. An existing sub-part of a combination of both, PJ (which meant silly jokes, generally in poetry form) were much circulated.
  • Specially the year saw spread of series messages, generally the abovementioned PJs’, most remarkable of which was on the daily television soap CID.
  • Near the release of the south Indian blockbuster flick ROBOT, the focus of Udaipur shifted from all the jokes and poems to messages based on Rajnikant.
  • Last but not the least, messages based on two songs that were most popular throughout the year- Munni and Sheila were also seen entering the inboxes very often.
  • The current topic of the messages has shifted apart from all, to new year resolution and greetings.

Team UdaipurBlog too wishes its readers a very happy and prosperous New Year.  🙂

More Reviews

Soul Meet Café – A Café With Soul

Soul Meet Cafe udaipur

A peaceful place with soothing music, awesome view and psychedelic ambiance for delightful conversations. When One cross’s the Lake Pichola by the Dayaji’s walking bridge. Soul Meet Café stands on strikingly with its bright color theme.

Entering the place you are greeted by a splendid view of lake pichola the mixed sitting arrangements means you may either sit the English way or go desi with cushions aplenty.

Soul Meet Cafe

Perched at this crow’s nest scudded by the blissfully calm waters of the lake pichola.

You are free to engage in board games with sipping on one of the finest Coffee in Udaipur, you can strum the open acoustic guitar, chatting away with the friends you’ve just made .

The food offering is mainly Indian and continental with the Chef being real magician with the curries and the gravies.

They have Free Wi-Fi zone and entirely intoxicating flavors in our Sheesha bar.

The place doesn’t impose itself upon your tempts; it lets you blend yourself the way you want…

UdaipurBlog Comments –

We Would Recommend You to Do Visit this Cafe if you are in Udaipur to Enjoy the Splendid View of Lake Pichola With Your Soul.. 🙂

More Pictures :


Shilpgram Festival 2010 – Schedule

The Shilpgram Festival By Western Zone Cultural Centre Is Organised Every Year. This Time It is Scheduled to Be From 21 December to 30th of December. 600 Folk Performers and Art Crafters will be Participating. You can Enjoy the Various Taste of Real Culture of Western India.So What Are you Waiting For Just Enjoy the Shilpgram 2010 Festival.

Shilpgram 2010

Various Stage Shows to be organised every Evening at 6pm are as Follows:

21 December – ‘Welcome Day’

22 December – ‘Himalaya ki Vaadiyo Mei’

23 December – ‘Gaatha Rajasthan Ri’

24 December – ‘Sufi Night’

25 December – ‘Merry Christmas’

26 December – ‘Anutha Sansar’

27 December – ‘Lok Dhara’

28 December – ‘Srajan’


Dignity and justice for all of us

The Human Rights Day is observed on the 10th December every year. On this day in 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The Declaration is recognition of the fact that the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family are the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world and reaffirmation of faith of the peoples of United Nations in the fundamental human rights.

What are human rights?

Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.

Universal human rights are often expressed and guaranteed by law, in the forms of treaties, customary international law, general principles and other sources of international law. International human rights law lays down obligations of Governments to act in certain ways or to refrain from certain acts, in order to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals or groups.

All human rights are indivisible, whether they are civil and political rights, such as the right to life, equality before the law and freedom of expression; economic, social and cultural rights, such as the rights to work, social security and education, or collective rights, such as the rights to development and self-determination, are indivisible, interrelated and interdependent. The improvement of one right facilitates advancement of the others. Likewise, the deprivation of one right adversely affects the others.


  • All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
  • Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it is independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
  • Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
  • No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
  • All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
  • Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
  • Everyone has the right to a nationality.
  • No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.
  • Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
  • No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.
  • Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
  • Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
  • Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
  • No one may be compelled to belong to an association.
  • Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
  • Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
  • Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.

Indian Govt. is no less concerned about human rights. Human Rights Act 1993 created “The National Human Rights Commission” with the following provisions:

(a) The commission is authorized to conduct enquiry on a petition presented to it by a victim or into complaint of violation of human rights or abetment thereof or negligence by some public servant in prevention of such violation.

(b) The National Human Rights Commission can also intervene in any proceeding involving any allegation of violation of Human Rights pending before some court with the permission of the court.

(c) The commission can visit any prison in the country to study the living conditions of its inmates and make recommendations thereabout.

(d) The commission can review the existing safeguards and laws protecting Human Rights and can make suggestions for effective implementation thereof.

(e) The National Human Rights Commissions encourages NGO’s and institutions and promotes research in the field of Human Rights.

Surely, there are some remedies available against violation of human rights. You can make complaint of violation of human rights to State Human Rights Commission, National Human Rights Commission etc.  However, the aggrieved parties whose human rights have been violated must be alert about their human rights.  Therefore, many times justice is denied to poor, weak persons and human rights remain only in statutory books. The downtrodden group of society is compelled to suffer endless trouble.

Guidelines on how to file complaint with the NHRC :

1. Complaint may be made to the Commission by the victim or any other person on his behalf.

2. Complaint should be in writing either in English or Hindi or in any other language included in the eighth schedule of the Constitution. Only one set of complaint needs to be submitted to the Commission.

3. Complaint may be sent either by Post or Faxed at Nos. 91-11-23382911/ 23382734 or through e-mail

4. No fee is chargeable on such complaints.

5. The complaint shall disclose i) violation of human rights or abetment thereof or; (ii) negligence in the prevention of such violations, by a public servant.

6. The jurisdiction of the Commission is restricted to the violation of human rights alleged to have been committed within one year of the receipt of complaint by the Commission.

7. Documents, if any enclosed in support of the allegations in the complaint must be legible.

8. Name of the victim, his/ her age, sex, religion/ caste, State and District to which the incident relates, incident date etc. should invariably be mentioned in the complaint.

9. Please submit the complaint preferably in the enclosed format.

10. Following types of Complaint(s) are not ordinarily entertain able:

i. Illegible

ii. Vague, anonymous or pseudonymous;

iii. Trivial or frivolous in nature;

iv. The matters which are pending before a State Human Rights Commission or

Any other Commission;

v. Any matter after the expiry of one year from the date on which the act

Constituting violation of human rights is alleged to have been committed;

vi. Allegation is not against any public servant;

vii. The issue raised relates to civil dispute, such property rights, contractual

Obligations, etc;

viii. The issue raised relates to service matters;

ix. The issue raised relates to labor/industrial disputes;

x. Allegations do not make out any specific violation of human rights;

xi. The matter is sub-juiced before a Court/ Tribunal;

xii. The matter is covered by judicial verdict/decision of the Commission.

11. As far as possible complainants are encouraged to make use of the format given above to file their complaints. The guidelines indicate the kind of information, which would facilitate in processing a complaint.

Contact Details :


Faridkot House,Copernicus Marg,

New Delhi-110001, India

For Complaints-filing / status, General queries

MADAD: 91-11-23385368, +919810298900 (mobile)

Fax Nos. 1. 91-11-23384863 (Administration)

2. 91-11-23386521 (Law Division)-For Complaints-filing

3. 91-11-23073876 (Investigation)



Rajasthan State Human Rights Commission, Jaipur.

102, 120 – A, S. S. O. Building, Secretariat, Jaipur

Phone      :  2227868 {Chairperson}, 2227565 {Secretary}

Fax          :  91+0141+ 2227738 {Office}

E-Mail     :

Website   :


Internet Threat and Ways To Escape

Internet Threat

The Internet is a powerful medium that allows millions of users to chat, play games, download music, gather important information, and perform other various activities. All this has made the Internet an indispensable part of our daily lives. Although the Internet is useful, it also puts our personal and confidential information at substantial risk. Using the Internet unwisely may make your system vulnerable to malware infections and an easy target for hackers. This article lists the most common threats that exist when using the Internet. Although you might think you will never face these threats it is clear that everyone should be aware of them. The purpose of this article is to analyze the most common security threat faced by Internet users. There was an estimated 360,985,492 Internet users in world in 2009 which increases to 6,845,609,960 in 2010. Currently 81,000,000 users are using Internet in India. Due to large number of Internet users, it is probable that many of them are unaware of these common threats.

1. Suspicious E-Mail with attachments –The most common technique used by hackers is to send malware to their targets, and when the targets turn on their computers or run certain programs, they will trigger a Trojan horse or Remote Administration Tool (RAT) which hackers can use to gain remote access to the targets’ machines.

A report says that 90% of messages are spam messages. If you receive a suspicious e-mail from a stranger or even from your friend remember to be cautious with the attachment files. You all heard about lottery scam these days. It is unexpected email with notification “You have won!!” It asks you to contact agent for details. After contacting the agent, the target of the scams will be asked you to pay “processing fees” or “transfer charges” so that winnings can be distributed, but will never receive any lottery payment. It is wise not to believe such lottery E-Mail.

If the language used in the message is not normal, it contains a lot of spelling errors, or the message is written by foreign language, it is wise not to open the attachment file. It can be a spam message sent by a virus or even someone trying to get you runs a program in order to gain access to your computer. 95 percent of these files have the extensions of .pif, .scr, .exe, .com, .vbs, .bat, .cmd or .hta and users should immediately delete any such files without running them, unless they are explicitly aware of their origin and purpose.

A new technique that is gaining in popularity sees hackers hide malicious code within common file types such as Microsoft Word (.doc), Microsoft Excel (.xls), and Adobe Acrobat (.pdf). Installing anti-malware software and using it to scan even trusted file types is essential, although it cannot guarantee 100 percent protection against such threats.

If you are not sure that the attached file is safe it’s a good idea to send a reply and ask more info about it. If the message is clearly pure spam – which can be usually determined just by looking at the subject of the message – just ignore it and delete the message without even opening it.

2. Social network attacks are a serious cyber security threat due to the popularity of social networks, which users can access not only by computer, but also by mobile phone.


”The more personal information you put out, the easier hackers can reach you,”

Hackers use new techniques called ”intelligence information gathering”, which is more advanced than searching by Google, to carry out targeted attacks. Hackers use software that can link to the back-office of Facebook and Twitter and can search in-depth information from web servers. Many users also don’t know that the information they publish on social networks is easily searched by Google. Users must use social network programs conscientiously and avoid unnecessarily publishing any sensitive or personal information, the expert noted.

The greatest Internet threat in 2010 will be social network attacks and hacking. Social Engineering is one of the largest preventable threats. Hackers can call or email members pretending to be from legitimate institutions and ask the member to verify personal information or passwords.

How to protect yourself from social engineers:

a)     Be careful not to disclose information to someone you don’t know over the phone, through email, or when using the Internet.

b)     Don’t share personal information though Internet chat rooms.

c)      Understand how information will be used before sharing it with merchants.

d)     Know if you have a choice in how your information is used and shared.

e)     Don’t include your Account Number, Passport details or other personal information on requests.


3) Communication – Internet is a great medium for being in touch with people. And just like you do in you normal everyday life you should pay attention to who are you giving your personal information. You should pay perhaps even more attention since you can’t tell anything about the other person as you do in real life eye-to-eye situation. Anyone can pretend to be anything in the Internet. Pay very careful attention when giving up your personal information. You can compare the situation in Internet to having a conversation in telephone. If you are going to meet someone you’ve met online, you would like to do it in a public place.

These are the most common risks almost everyone will face when using the Net. Even if you don’t run into any of these threats it is important to realize that they exist. Now that you are aware of all this you can forget your futile fears and focus on the essential – what ever you do – this is the way you will be able to get the most of using the Internet.


4) Automatically downloading programs – Some websites try to install programs or add-ons to your computer. Usually you will be prompted by a window asking rights to the installation. A good rule of thumb is to always decline the installation. It is unlikely that you will need any extra programs for viewing the information you are looking for in the first place. However, sometimes a program or an extra plugin can be needed. If the web site is hosted by some big and trusted company you can rely on it is okay to install the software. However, you should always pay careful attention to what you install to your computer.

5) Fake pages – These pages are made for pretending to be something they are not. User may receive a fake e-mail with a link to a page that looks just like an authentic webpage of some service he/she is using. The user is tricked to enter the fake page and when he/she enters the confidential information e.g. username and password, the data is not send where the user supposes it is, but instead collected and afterwards used for illegal purposes. Pay always close attention that the page you are visiting is what it claims to be. One way to be sure of it is to always write the address to the address bar by yourself or use your own bookmarks when entering confidential websites.
6. Misleading popup windows – A popup window is a window that pops up in front of the other windows when you are browsing the web. Because of their great visibility popup windows have become a common way to show advertisements in the Internet. The popup windows you should avoid are the ones that open automatically when you enter a webpage. Nowadays the ways advertisers use the popup windows to catch the surfers attention have come to the limits. In some messages user may be showed an official-looking window announcing the user’s computer is infected by a virus or an ultra colorful blinking message telling they have just won a million dollars. These are nothing but blatant lies trying to get the user to click on the ads – and that are especially what you should avoid the most. If you click one of those messages it is most likely that you are brought to a webpage that tries to install some software, very likely containing some nasty things such as adware or spyware. It’s a good idea to enable a plugin that blocks unwanted popup windows if your web browser supports it.
7. Lack of security awareness/Changing cultures of Generation Y. The majority of Internet users are teenagers and people of working age, which includes ”Generation Y”, or the so-called ”Click-Through Generation”. These people are usually not concerned about security of information. The Gen-Y just clicks ‘Yes’ or ‘OK’ on Internet pop-ups and they always put personal information on social networks without realizing that this could be dangerous. Many people are deceived in this way into transferring money over the Internet. Awareness of threats is thus essential when accessing the Internet.

Ways you can protect yourself from viruses, worms and trojans:

a)     Purchase or install free Anti-Virus software and update it daily before checking your email.

b)     Obtain all Microsoft security updates.

c)      Be SUSPICIOUS.

d)     Do not open ANY unexpected email attachments.

e)     Do not download or install unauthorized software.

f)        Do not leave a Pen Drive in the floppy disk drive when you shut down or restart the computer. Write-protect your floppy disks after you have finished writing to them.

g)     Verify that the author of the email has sent the attachments. Newer viruses can send email messages that appear to be from people you know or sites you routinely visit.

Conclusion: Internet, while very useful, is not to be taken lightly. Every Internet user should be aware and educated of the threats and vulnerabilities that surround the Internet and know what to do to protect themselves against these known threats. New Internet security threats will likely arise in the coming months and years, and therefore will require users to become even more proactive in defending their computer systems. It is always important to know the risks of any activity a person chooses to pursue in life, and the Internet is no exception. There are many good sources on the Internet for current and past threats and how to setup a defense against them. The irony is that you can use the Internet to learn how to make your Internet surfing more secure. In conclusion, the Internet is full of useful material but this comes at a risk. It is important to develop safe surfing habits and a strong security plan before connecting to and utilizing the Internet.

computer security

Some good and common free antivirus list

  • Panda Cloud Antivirus – Free Cloud Antivirus Software
  • Immunet Pro – Free Cloud Antivirus Software
  • AVG 9 Antivirus Free Edition – Free Windows Antivirus Software
  • Comodo Internet Security – Free Windows Internet Security Suite
  • BitDefender 10 antivirus Free Edition – Free BitDefender antivirus
  • Microsoft Security Essentials


Cloud-based antivirus software does not store the virus definitions on your Windows computer. Rather than using your computer’s processing power, this cloud based antivirus sends data about potentially malicious files to the company’s servers for analysis. This approach is intended to take advantage of the latest signatures without the need for signature-database updates. You do not need to be connected to the Internet all the time in order to be protected. Cloud Antivirus stores a “local cache copy” of Collective Intelligence for offline operation. As soon as you disconnect, Cloud Antivirus still works in the background, checking every file against its local cache of detections.


Diwali Pooja Timings

I was thinking for the Auspicious Pooja Timings for Diwali So I enquired  our Udaipur Astrologer and here is the Auspicious Timings Graphic which might also be Useful for you. 🙂

Auspicious diwali timings for Pooja

Diwali Quotes:

You are the light of my Life…
I wish the full of Smile
Diwali for you
Happy Diwali

Wish you a sparking
and glowing Diwali
On this Diwali may god shower
his blessings and love on you…

This Festival may illuminate
your days in the year ahead…
hoping it brings Success and Happiness
Shubh Diwali

You are the light of my Life…
I wish the full of smile Diwali for you
Happy Diwali

May this divine festival
make your heart bloom.
Wish a very happy and
Prosperous Diwali

May Goddess Lakshmi Drive away Darkness
and spread brightness all around you on
this Diwali and always…
Diwali The Festival of Light
Happy Diwali

On this Auspicious festival of lights
May you be blessed with
Prosperty and happiness
sending warm wishes on Diwali
Happy Diwali

May this diwali bring lot of joy
and happiness to your life

Heartfelt wishes for you and your family
on this auspicious occasion

Hope this diwali brings contentment to your life
along with the doorway to success

Diwali Wishes for you and your family
enjoy diwali to the fullest

You are the light of my Life…
I wish the full of Smile
Diwali for you
Happy Diwali

Wish you a sparking
and glowing Diwali
On this Diwali may god shower
his blessings and love on you…

This Festival may illuminate
your days in the year ahead…
hoping it brings Success and Happiness
Shubh Diwali

You are the light of my Life…
I wish the full of smile Diwali for you
Happy Diwali

May this divine festival
make your heart bloom.
Wish a very happy and
Prosperous Diwali

May Goddess Lakshmi Drive away Darkness
and spread brightness all around you on
this Diwali and always…
Diwali The Festival of Light
Happy Diwali

On this Auspicious festival of lights
May you be blessed with
Prosperty and happiness
sending warm wishes on Diwali
Happy Diwali

May this diwali bring lot of joy
and happiness to your life

Heartfelt wishes for you and your family
on this auspicisou occasion

Hope this diwali brings contentment to your life
along with the doorway to success

Diwali Wishes for you and your family
enjoy diwali to the fullest

More News

Dainik Bhakar Lakecity Carnival on 10th October


Finally all waiting is over!!! The much awaited Date for Lakecity Carnival that was somehow not declared due to the Ayodhya-Babri Masjid Verdict but after the upshot Of the Verdict and much anticipated Peace in the whole Country including Udaipur has filled every heart with joviality and liberty hence the date for The Lakecity Carnival has been declared and Finally we gonna have The Biggest Ever Event in the History of Udaipur on 10th of October. Ya all our lingering should now be ended. After all, it’s time for Fun and festivity.

“Lakecity Carnival” more or less everyone had heard about the Carnival and even will be aware about certain fact(s)about it or rather got an image in mind that how it’s gonna be. But now let us show everyone the real picture. Exactly, the time has arrived. Although from now onwards we will not say anymore that it’s gonna be a huge event in the history of Udaipur and blah blah blah  instead we will like to hear all that from you. What say??? No!!

OK then let us provide a little information about the proceedings to be transpired in the Carnival. Starting with the Fireworks, we are conceited to tell you that it will be the first event which will have many Fireworks  Surprised??? No???  ok 50 Unique exquisitely decorated Floats of science, art, culture, dance, drama, music, television, sports, history, heritage, statehood, nationality, folklore, custom & traditions etc. And first ever Marshal Art performance by a group of several 60 people (approx.), Various Unique Performances by West Zone Culture, Fire stunts, Hot air Balloons and Kites, Various Group Dance performances including western, cultural and many more (by kids, women and other professionals), Horse & Camel display rally, skating performance & stunts and lot lot really lotsss more about Tourism, Nationality, Folklore, Customs & traditions etc. We promise you that it’s gonna be an Event to be engraved with gold or even you can say with diamonds in Udaipur’s history.


Moreover, many eminent personalities will also be invited to grace the occasion and judge performances of the competitors and announce winners. Awards will be given to best performers.

Award categories in the Carnival are:

  • 1st Prize : 51,000 cash,
  • 2nd Prize: 21,000 ,
  • 3rd Prize: 11,000 ,

*And three consolation Prizes of 5100 each.

For more details Contact: 9672872968, 9672862405.



We invite and advice you to participate and attend the First ever Carnival of Udaipur on 10th October. Make sure you don’t miss the prestigious & most pleasant Event of the City.

For more info keep reading Dainik Bhaskar &


Central Academy – Best School 2010

Central Academy Udaipur

The Results Of The Online Competition is Out And Central Academy, Udaipur Bags The BEST SCHOOL OF UDAIPUR.

UdaipurBlog Team Congratulates Central Academy Team Lead by Lokesh Motwani who did a Lot of Hard Work to Get Maximum Votes to his School. We Feel That is was Great Response Of Many School Students who Voted Online.

We Would Also Like to Congratulate Other Team. We Will Keep On Conducting Such Fun and Masti Polls , Quizzes Online. With Your Support. 🙂

And The Results Follows:

  1. Central Academy School (27%, 80 Votes)
  2. St. Pauls School (22%, 66 Votes)
  3. St. Anthony’s School (14%, 40 Votes)
  4. Kendriya Vidhyala (13%, 38 Votes)
  5. Alok School (7%, 20 Votes)
  6. St. Mary’s School (4%, 13 Votes)
  7. Other(Please Tell in Comment) (4%, 13 Votes)
  8. St. Gregorious School (3%, 9 Votes)
  9. Maharana Mewar School (3%, 8 Votes)
  10. Delhi Public School (2%, 5 Votes)
  11. The Study (1%, 3 Votes)

Total Voters: 295