
National Doctor’s Day: History and Significance

“God cannot be everywhere, so he sent doctors.”

National Doctor’s Day was created by the Indian Medical Association in 1991 to highlight the contributions made by doctors to society. But this day is celebrated on different dates in different countries. India celebrates this wonderful day on July 1. Moreover, this day also coincides with the birth and death anniversary of Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy, the second chief minister of West Bengal who was also a physician.


The Theme of National Doctor’s Day 2022

“Family Doctors on the Front Line” is this year’s National Doctor’s Day theme. This theme highlights the contribution made by the medical professionals towards their families and the whole community as well.

History of National Doctor’s Day

This day was originated in 1991 in the memory of Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy. He was a distinguished physician and the second chief minister of West Bengal, whose birthday and death anniversary coincide on the same day that is July 1. Hence, he was the inspiration behind the creation of this day in 1991. Besides honouring Dr, Bidhan Chandra Roy, The Doctor’s day is also celebrated to felicitate all the medical professionals for all their hard work, perseverance and dedication to their patients.

Who was Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy?

Born in West Bengal Dr Roy was a well-known physician and civil rights, activist. Furthermore, he was also honoured with the Bharat Ratna award in 1961, as the nation’s highest civilian.

Significance of National Doctor’s Day

The purpose of celebrating National Doctor’s Day is to honour doctors for their commitment to improving and saving the lives of patients. Their roles and duties are acknowledged respectfully on this day.

Doctors and other medical professionals have been working hard, risking their lives, and desperately trying to save their patients throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Hence this day has gained more significance, considering the nonstop services provided by these real superheroes.

This day also honours their spirits and commitment, since they kept up their tireless effort at the most critical moments of the pandemic.

How is National Doctor’s Day Celebrated?

National Doctor’s Day is celebrated by both public and private healthcare organizations. Multiple medical check-up camps, general screening test clinics, and consulting workshops are organized on this day. Moreover, both high school and college students are urged to pursue careers in medicine. Patients send cards, presents, flower bouquets, and other kinds of gifts to their doctors. Besides conducting free medical check-ups, these organizations also organize patient awareness programs and other honorary awards for the doctors.



सोशल मीडिया डे – जानिए क्या है सोशल मीडिया

सोशल मीडिया एक प्रकार का ऐसा मीडिया संसार है, जहां सूचना का अपार महासागर है। यहाँ पर जो जानकारी चाहिए हो वो तुरंत एक बटन दबाने पर ही मिल जाती है। पिछले कुछ वर्षों में सोशल मीडिया के उपयोग में अप्रत्याशित रूप से वृद्धि हुई है तथा इसने दुनिया भर के लाखों उपयोगकर्ताओं को एक साथ जोड़ लिया है। सोशल मीडिया अपनी सकारात्मक भूमिका अदा करता है, जिससे किसी भी व्यक्ति, समूह, देश, संस्थान आदि को आर्थिक, सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक, राजनितिक रूप से संपन्न व समृद्ध बना सकता है। सोशल मीडिया की वजह से कई सारे विकासात्मक कार्य हुए है, जिसने समाज को लाभ पहुंचाया है, समाज की आर्थिक स्थि‍ति को सुधारा है।

सोशल मीडिया ने आज आदमी के लाइफस्टाइल को पूरी तरह से चेंज कर दिया है। कोई भी छोटा या बड़ा काम हो वो पूरा होगा तो सिर्फ सोशल मीडिया की वजह से ही। शॉपिंग, कम्यूनिकेशन, ब्रैंड प्रमोशन और अपने दोस्तों और परिवार वालों से जुड़ने जैसी तमाम चीज़े सोशल मीडिया के जरिए पूरी हो जाती हैं। 1997 में पहला सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म, Sixdegrees लॉन्च किया गया था, जिसकी स्थापना एंड्रयू वेनरिच (Andrew Weinreich) ने की थी। इस वेबसाइट में यूजर्स के लिए अपने दोस्तों और परिवार वालों से कनेक्ट रहने के लिए लिस्टिंग, बुलेटिन बोर्ड और प्रोफाइल जैसे तमाम फीचर्स दिए गए थे।

सोशल मीडिया समाज में आज इसका बहुत ही बड़ा योगदान है। इसके साथ ही सोशल मीडिया समाज के सामाजिक विकास में भी सहयोग करता है। आज कल का जो दौर है, उसमें सोशल मीडिया एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। जो व्यवसाय में मददगार होने के साथ-साथ कई सारी गतिविधयों में संचार का एक सशक्त माध्यम है, जिसका प्रभाव हर व्यक्ति पर पड़ता है। जिस प्रकार सोशल मीडिया ने आज समाज में अपनी पहचान और जो जरुरत बनाई है जिसके बिना तो जीवन की कल्पना करना बहुत ही मश्किल है, अब मुश्किल तो होगा ही, क्योंकि सिर्फ एक बटन दबाते ही तुरंत आपके पास सुचना का अथाह सागर जो मिल जाएगा। आप कुछ सेकेंड में पूरी दुनिया की खबरों से वाकिफ हो सकते हैं।

इन दिनों सोशल नेटवर्किंग साइट से जुड़े रहना सबको पसंद है, भले वो बूढ़ा हो या बच्चा। सोशल मीडिया के कई सारे उपयोग है जो व्यवसाय से लेकर, उच्च शिक्षा, ऑनलाइन रोजगार, समाचार माध्यम, सामजिक मुद्दों पर जागरूकता पैदा करना और भी कई सारे ऐसी जगह है जहां सोशल मीडिया अपना वर्चस्व रखता है।

सोशल मीडिया के माध्यम से ही राजनितिक पार्टियों का चुनाव के लिए प्रचार हुआ है। किसी को न्याय दिलाने में मदद की है तो किसी जरुरतमंद तक जरुरत पहुंचाई है। सोशल मीडिया की वजह से कोई भी व्यक्ति लोकप्रिय हो सकता है, इंस्टाग्राम, फेसबुक, ट्विटर जैसे कुछ प्रमुख प्लेटफॉर्म्स है जिस से अपना टैलेंट को बाहर दिखाया जा सकता है और मशहूर बना जा सकता है। साथ ही सोशल मीडिया लोगो तक विज्ञापन पहुंचाने का बहुत ही अच्छा जरिया है जिससे व्यापार में अच्छा मुनाफा पाया जा सकता है।

लेकिन जिस चीज़ के फायदे हैं, उसके कई नुकसान भी होते है। छोटे बच्चे लत के रूप में इसका अत्यधिक उपयोग कर रहे है, जिससे उन्हें अनिंद्रा व कमजोरी जैसी बीमारियां हो जाती है। ये बच्चों में खराब मानसिक विकास का भी कारण बनता जा रहा है। अगर देखा जाए तो सोशल मीडिया समाज में एक बहुत ही उपयोगी चीज है, जिसने हमारे कई सारे कामो को आसान बना दिया है। पर कुछ लोग है वो इसका उपयोग सही रूप में नहीं करते है जिस वजह से सोशल मीडिया एक अभिशाप के रूप में समाज में उभर कर आता है। एक कहावत भी है की ‘अति हर चीज की बुरी होती है’ उसी प्रकार सोशल मीडिया का भी ज्यादा या गलत उपयोग करने से आपको इसके नकारात्मक नतीजे ही मिलेंगे।

सोशल मीडिया आज समाज में बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण है। हर सिक्के के दो पहलु होते है कुछ सकारात्मक तो कुछ नकारात्मक उसी प्रकार सोशल मीडिया के कही सारे नुकसान भी है पर वो तो व्यक्ती व उनके विचार पर निर्भर करता है की वे सोशल मीडिया का किस प्रकार से उपयोग करते है। यदि सोशल मीडिया का सही तरीके से उपयोग किया जाए तो ये मानव जाति के लिए वरदान साबित हो सकता है।


How to register for COVID-19 vaccine if you are travelling abroad?

Rajasthan Government issued guidelines for people who are planning to travel internationally for education, work opportunities or as part of the Indian contingent for the Tokyo Olympics. The state government has allowed early administration of the second dose of Covishield for such beneficiaries if their travel dates fall before the period of the 84-day gap.

Who all are eligible to take an early second dose of vaccine?

  • Students who have to travel abroad for the purposes of education.
  • Individuals taking up jobs in foreign countries.
  • Athletes, sportspersons and accompanying staff of the Indian contingent attending the International Olympic Games be held in Tokyo.

In normal cases, the recommended gap between two doses of Covishield is 12 weeks minimum. However, the government issued new guidelines for those who have to visit abroad before August 31. These people can get the second dose after 28 days (4 weeks) of receiving the first dose.

People are required to meet the following criteria to avail the second dose vaccination, earlier than the recommended scheduled:

  • The date of international travel should fall between the 84 days waiting period of the two doses
  • People need to produce proof of travel, such as employment letters for work and enrollment or acceptance letters for educational opportunities. They can also show proof of an interview call
  • Nomination to participate in the Tokyo Olympics.

These beneficiaries must link their passports as ID document for vaccination. If any other document was attached during the first dose, the details of the same will be printed on the final certificate. Authorities have been tasked to issue another document, linking the passport to the vaccination certificate, in such cases.

How to register for vaccination if you are travelling abroad.

The beneficiaries will be slated for an early jab after they upload the required documents. According to the sources, the CoWIN portal will soon allow people to schedule the 2nd vaccination slot, for the exceptional cases mentioned above.


Earth Day 2021 – How to make Earth a better place to live?

Weather conditions are shifting, posing a danger to food security, and increasing sea levels could result in devastating floods across the world. Countries must take urgent measures to avert permanent threats too large habitats and the global environment in the future. What about people, though? What will we do to contribute to the Earth’s survival? You can do many activities on a daily basis to help minimise greenhouse gas emissions and your carbon footprint, thus reducing your environmental effects. Taking care of the environment is not only a duty but also a requirement.

Earth has constantly given us every comfort and necessity of life. Now, it’s our duty to hand over the earth in a better and healthier shape to our coming generation. So, on the occasion of Earth Day, let us not wait for others to save the planet; instead, we pledge to take care of our planet by planting trees, by controlling pollution to protect it from all negativities. Let’s do our bit and restore our Earth!

What can we do to protect our Planet Earth?

Protecting our planet starts with you, and there are small things that we can do to save the planet Earth. Sustainability is our topmost priority, and this Earth Day, let’s take a resolution to protect the environment at any cost! We all know that we can’t go out due to the pandemic, so why not do some tiny little things at home that can save and protect our precious earth!

In that spirit, UdaipurBlog has come up with some tips on this Earth Day to protect our planet. These tricks work wonders if you adopt them in your daily lifestyle or routine.


Use reusable items to complete your daily chores so that they can be recycled. Juice or milk cartons can be used to make decorative items or can be even converted into storage boxes for a few days. Simply by throwing the soda can in the recycling bin, you can help to minimise waste. It makes a massive difference. Also, there’s paper! They produce enormous quantities of waste. Often, look for items manufactured from recycled materials. These little things do make a difference!


It is incredibly important to avoid plastic at any cost! I can’t stress this enough. Try to use less plastic; it just impacts the environment and hurt animals if consumed. Plastic is a non-biodegradable item and causes twofold pollution. Use cloth bags instead of plastic bags; they are reusable, washable, and even keep your food items fresh for a long time compared to plastic warps.


Open your windows and take some fresh air by switching off the Air Conditioner for a while. If it is too hot outside for you to open the windows or in a closed space, increase the AC temperature to 26 Degrees or above. This will help you switch to Eco Mode and help reduce the carbon footprint.


I don’t have to educate you all about why it is utterly important to save water as we are learning about the same since childhood. As the saying goes, “Jal Hi Jeevan Hai”, we will tell you a very easy technique through which you can save tons of water. Use 1 mug of water while brushing your teeth as 1 mug of water is sufficient for a person to brush his or her teeth. My family and I do I every day, and so should you! The smallest details will make a significant difference. You’re doing something positive any time you turn off the tap when brushing your teeth. If you have a dripping faucet? Every day, you might be pouring as much as 90 gallons (340 litres) of water down the sink. So, take care of it! It’s easy and inexpensive. Also, don’t drink bottled water. Replace your bottled water with filtered drinking water. You’ll save a lot of money while still reducing a lot of plastic waste at the same time!


Since we can’t go out for a plantation drive due to lockdown, why not plant a tree in our garden! You can even get pots and have a small plant growing at your windowsill or lobby. It will purify the air around you as well as bring positivity.


Don’t wait anymore. Go for it and adopt these things in your life and make a difference individually! If you have any other ideas to save our planet, then do suggest them in our comment section or write to us at Till then, Stay at Home & Stay Safe! Happy Earth Day to Everyone!


[Covid Wedding Permission] Know how to obtain permission for a wedding in Udaipur

In the wake of a disturbing wave in the COVID-19 cases in Udaipur and beyond, the Rajasthan government has imposed new guidelines in order to put a lid on the rising cases each day. Keeping in mind the alarming rate of COVID-19 patients, the Rajasthan government announced a Jan Anushasan Pakhwada from 19th April to the 3rd of May 2021, which is a lockdown with some restrictions lifted on essentials.

Check out all the details about the Jan Anushasan Pakhwada (lockdown) here

Procedure to Conduct Weddings: Public Events and Wedding Restrictions in Udaipur

Now, we know that many of you have scheduled your weddings in the coming weeks, and due to the second wave of COVID-19, you are doomed to put a lid on the number of invitees. However, many of you must not be aware of the procedure to conduct weddings in hotels, resorts, banquet halls, gardens, etc. You may have a lot of questions surging through your mind, such as – Do we need to seek the government’s permission before conducting the wedding at any venue? If yes, then whom should we consult or inform about it? How many people are allowed at the wedding? What about the other people included in the wedding, such as caterers, orchestra, band players, etc.; are they included in the number of people allowed?

Well, we have come to your rescue to help you find the answers to all these questions.

First things first, as per the new guidelines imposed by the Rajasthan government, only 50 people are allowed at a wedding. The state government has limited the number of guests allowed at weddings to 50, which must be met by the hotels, banquet halls, and gardens that host the events. The state government has threatened to seal the property if the hotels/banquets/gardens do not follow the rules. These guidelines will be effective from 16th April to 31st May 2021.

Dos and don’ts to organize a wedding during COVID-19 in Udaipur:

  • The band players not be counted in the said 50 members or invitees to the wedding.
  • To conduct the wedding, one needs to just inform the administration beforehand (One can inform via email in prior, no physical appearance in front of the authorities necessary. More information below)
  • Maintaining social distancing at the event is a must.
  • A face mask is a priority, and “No Mask, No Entry” will be strictly followed at the wedding.
  • Screening and sanitization will be ensured: Thermal Scanning will be compulsorily done at the entry and exit of the event; provisions will be made for hand wash and sanitization at the event.
  • Alternate seating will be arranged (one after one person) at the wedding reception.
  • Railings, door handles, and other things that come in constant human contact would have to be sanitized repeatedly.
  • The wedding organizer must film the entire wedding and be handed over to the Subdivision Officer whenever asked.

How to inform the authorities for a wedding in Udaipur/How to obtain permission for a wedding in Udaipur

To ease the hassle of public, one has to simply intimate the organizing of the wedding event well in advance to the administration, that too over email.

To do this, you need to send a scanned/soft copy of the complete wedding invitation, as well as an application/request letter where you need to provide the details of the weddings, which include:

  • Applicant’s name and number,
  • Name and age of bride and groom,
  • Name of parents, date(s) of the event,
  • Name of the venue (hotel/resort/marriage hall)
  • Complete address of the venue
  • Name of the associated police station of the zone
  • Expected number of guests

The above details have to be mailed to the email id of Assistant District Magistrate (ADM) City. If you are conducting the wedding outside of the city limits but within Udaipur division, you need to send the email to both ADM City and the associated Sub Divisional Magistrate office of the zone. The email ids for the same are mentioned below:

Sub-Divisional Officer/Office E-Mail ID Phone No
Additional District Collector & Magistrate, Udaipur 0294-2413308
Sub Divisional Officer – Girwa 0294-2413454
Sub Divisional Officer – Badgaon 8739881107
Sub Divisional Officer – Kotra 02958-229789
Sub Divisional Officer – Lasadiya 02950-293111
Sub Divisional Officer – Kherwada 02907-260177
Sub Divisional Officer – Sarada 02905-262011
Sub Divisional Officer – Jhadol 02959-220023
Sub Divisional Officer – Mavli 02955-264020
Sub Divisional Officer – Salumber 02906-232813
Sub Divisional Officer – Vallabhnagar 02957-240228
Sub Divisional Officer – Gogunda 02956-282035
Sub Divisional Officer – Rishabhdeo 02907-230001

You can download a sample application from below.

Click here to Download Sample Application Format

Please note that the document is a sample format, and is not issued by administration. The guidelines mentioned above might change from time to time, which we will try to update at the earliest.


Srajan International School of Finance – Global Accountancy and Finance Courses

Founded in 2016, Srajan International School of Finance or SISF is the first educational body across Rajasthan that offers on-demand Computer Based Examinations (CBE). SISF is the training arm and Silver Learning Partner of one of the most forward-thinking and globally acclaimed Accountancy and Finance course – ACCA. The institute aims to offer beneficiary programmes and courses along with graduation to give you the required flexibility.

What does SISF Offer?

SISF offers a wide range of internationally acclaimed courses that can go along with B.Com, including an Entry Certificate in Business Analysis (ECBA) by International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA-Canada), Corporate Development Training Program (CDTP) and B.Sc (Hons.) in Applied Accounting by the Oxford Brookes University. Over the years, SISF has been working as a provider of placement assistance and multiple other career planning tools to help students get the most from their additional courses with B.Com.


Under the supervision and assistance of renowned faculty members (CS & CMA Manish Kapoor – Chairman SISF & CA Shivin Nalwaya – Managing Director), SISF is marking its excellence year by year. With a pursuit of quality and finesse, SISF aims at providing top-notch professional accounting and finance qualifications to the students, thereby helping them build a successful career.

Srajan International School of Finance – Unique Features

  • Offers most sought-after courses for students as well as professionals that go along with their graduation.
  • Assists the students to uplift their career by providing them with globally recognized training and certification.
  • Provides a premium educational environment through their proficient and professionally qualified team of teachers who help you with ACCA’s subjects and syllabus.
  • Extends placement assistance.
  • Provides industry-institute collaborative advantages, thereby keeping the students well acquainted with the latest technological developments.

SISF team consistently strives to offer the best learning experience to the students. From knowledge to a professional level, every source portrays excellent teaching standards and clarification to the students.

SISF’s team of certified tutors are vigilant about their teaching quality, thereby offering standardized training to the students across the globe. Hence, all these extraordinary qualities empower SISF to produce creative and strategic-thinking accountants in the fast-changing economy.

Course offered by SISF


ACCA is a globally recognized course offered by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants of the UK. With a simple aim to provide industry-specific training to the applicants, this foundation was created to develop finance and accounting students for meeting the industrial requirement and make them understand ACCA subjects and levels.

Initiated in 1904, ACCA has now gained global recognition with its exclusive principles of innovation, diversity, reliability, and accountability. All these values are synced with the industrial requirements, thereby ensuring to prepare accounting professionals for the business.

Although a plethora of accountancy courses are being offered worldwide, it is important to understand the difference between ACCA and CA, and what are its unique characters. Moreover, the best part about this course is that it offers a diploma certificate at every level, thereby making the students’ job ready even before completion of the entire course. Hence, the students can start working based on their cleared ACCA levels and sort out their ACCA exam dates according to suitable time and duration. After completing the second level of the ACCA qualification, the students can even apply for Graduation from Oxford Brookes University. In Fact, they can also apply for a Master’s degree from the renowned University of London after completion of the ACCA course.

Eligibility Criteria of ACCA

ACCA comes with very simple eligibility criteria that allow the applicants to pursue this course right after finishing their higher education (12th), which they can pursue along with the graduation degree (B Com/BBA/ BMS). Below mentioned are the eligibility criteria of this course:

  • 10+2 (Commerce) certificate
  • 65% marks in at least two subjects
  • Above 50% of marks in subjects


Hence all these unique characters make SISF an exceptional place that produces innovative, forward-thinking and strategic accountants to cope-up with the ever-changing world.

For more information about accountancy and finance courses, you can contact SISF at +91-7567247499 or visit 


तनाव को हराने के लिए शहरवासियों बना रहें हैं ‘मिनी फारेस्ट’

उदयपुर में इन दिनों ‘मिनी फारेस्ट’ का चलन ज़ोरों पर है। शहर के अंदर और आस-पास खली पड़ी ज़मीनों, फार्महाउस जैसे जगहों पर शहरवासी मियावाकी पद्धति से लोकल और देशी प्रजातियों के पेड़-पौधे लगा कर शहर के लिए एक छोटा सा इकोसिस्टम बना रहें हैं।

जापानी बॉटनिस्ट डॉ अकीरा मियावाकी के द्वारा विकसित इस पद्धति में छोटी और सीमित जगहों पर ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोकल पेड़ और पौधे लगाकर छोटे जंगल तैयार किये जाते हैं। शहर में लोग इसी पद्धति के साथ सार्वजनिक स्थानों और पर्सनल फार्म हाउसेस में ऐसे मिनी फारेस्ट विकसित कर रहे हैं।

उदयपुर में मिनी फॉरेस्ट का चलन साल-भर पहले यानि मई 2019 से शुरू हुआ था जब यहाँ के एक वरिष्ठ नागरिक अब्बास अली बंदुकवाला ने जिला शिक्षा और प्रशिक्षण संस्थान (DIET) के गोवर्धन विलास स्थित कार्यालय में इसे विकसित करने की योजना बनाई थी।

बंदुकवाला ने अपनी दोहिती के जन्म पर दावत या समारोहों में पैसे खर्च करने के बजाय पेड़ लगाने का निर्णय लिया। उन्होंने इसके लिए एक विशेषज्ञ से संपर्क किया, जिसने उन्हें जंगल स्थापित करने के लिए एक सार्वजनिक स्थान ढूंढने में मदद की।

उनका कहना है की वें अपनी निजी ज़मीन पर मिनी फारेस्ट विकसित कर सकते थे, लेकिन तब उसका आनंद केवल उनके परिवार तक ही सीमित रहता। सार्वजनिक संपत्ति पर ऐसे जंगल बना कर अन्य लोग भी इससे प्रेरित हुए जिन्होंने बाद में अपनी निजी ज़मीनों और खली पड़े फार्म हाउस पर अरावली रेंज में उगने वाले पेड़ और पौधों की प्रजातियाँ उगाईं।

इन ‘मिनी फारेस्ट ’के मालिकों का कहना है की ये न केवल पर्वावरण के लिए फायदेमंद हैं बल्कि जीवन में तनाव कम करने में भी मददगार हैं।

उदयपुर के एक बिजनेसमैन जतिन सुहालका, जिनका डबोक में एक फार्महाउस है, उन्होंने भी अपने फार्म पर ऐसा ही एक मिनी फारेस्ट विकसित किया है। अपने छोटे-से फारेस्ट में समय बिताना जतिन को बेहद “डिलाइटफुल एक्सपीरियंस” लगता है और इसलिए वें यहाँ ज्यादा से ज्यादा समय बिताना पसंद करतें हैं।

जतिन के इस मिनी फारेस्ट में करीब 350 से अधिक देशी पेड़-पौधों की मिश्रित किस्में हैं। 2019 से शुरू किये उनके इस जंगल के कई पौधे अब तक 20 फीट तक ऊंचे हो गए हैं। उन्होंने इसमें महुआ, आम, कचनार, कीकर और अरावली में पाए जाने वाले और भी कई किस्मों के पौधे लगाएं हैं।

वहीं शहर के एक और नेचर लवर, विनू हिरन भी अपने मिनी जंगल से काफ़ी खुश हैं। उनका कहना है की किसी के लिए भी अपना एक प्राइवेट हरा-भरा जंगल होना बहुत ही सुखद एहसास है।

उदयपुर की एक संस्था, पुकार फाउंडेशन, जो स्थानीय वनस्पतियों के रोपण और रखरखाव को बढ़ावा देने के लिए काम कर रही है, वह भी ऐसे मिनी फारेस्ट बनाने की इच्छा रखने वाले लोगों की मदद कर रही है।

पुकार के एक टीम मेंबर, भुवनेश ओझा के मुताबिक एक मिनी फॉरेस्ट बनाने के लिए 20×20 वर्ग फीट की न्यूनतम होल्डिंग पर देशी पेड़ों की 40 किस्में उगा सकतें हैं।

उदयपुर के लोगों द्वारा की गई यह पहल न केवल उनके खुदके, बल्कि पुरे शहर और इकोसिस्टम के लिए फायदेमंद है। हम उम्मीद करतें हैं कि ऐसे मिनी फारेस्ट न सिर्फ उदयपुर बल्कि दुनिया भर के लोगों को अपने आसपास हरियाली और शुद्ध वातावरण स्थापित करने के लिए एक प्रेरणा बनेंगे।

Health & Fashion More

Treat Yourself Right With These Pedicure Tools

With frequent walking and inadequate skincare, our feet appear to get rough. And, staying inside for weeks might have led your toenails to look a little less than their best. If you are yearning for that smooth feeling that a good pedicure leaves you with, get your pedicure gear in motion. It is possible to get a professional-seeming pedicure without stepping outside, with all the essential pedicure tools at home.

The first step to giving yourself a perfect pedicure at home comprises some basic dos and dont’s.

Given below are steps to get dainty looking feet in no time:

Gather the Essential Pedicure Tools

Make sure that your pedicure kit tools are up-to-date. For an at-home pedicure, you should have the following pedicure tools:

  1. Nail clipper and file
  2. Nail polish remover
  3. Cuticle pusher
  4. Nail buffer
  5. Pumice stone
  6. Exfoliating Scrub and foot mask
  7. Cuticle nippers and toe separator

Trim Your Toenails

Using a straight nail clipper, create a straight line, and avoid ingrown toenails. Once done, file the toenails smooth in one direction. 

Go Gentle on Cuticles

Repeat less is more as a mantra while treating your cuticles. Be gentle with your cuticle pusher while using it. Push back any waxy build-up on your natural toenail plate and clear the cuticle area. This pedicure tool detaches cuticle build-up from the natural nail. It also helps nail polish stay longer on your nails. After this step, use the cuticle trimmer and trim only the dead skin.

Exfoliate Rough Heels

Start by soaking your feet to soften and help remove dead skin. Using your foot file, buff the rough areas of the feet. Focus on the cracks of the heel edges since calluses tend to occur there.

Treat Feet to a Foot Mask

An essential pedicure tool, the foot mask, helps to extend the life of your baby-soft skin days after a pedicure. For dry feet, opt for a moisturizing mask that will nourish your skin on the soles and leave them silky-smooth. Soak your feet for an extra ten minutes for added relaxation after rinsing off the mask.

Base Coat is a Must

Always follow the rule of using a base boat before coloring your nails. Do not skip this step as it prevents chipping and yellowing nails caused by using dark nail polishes. It does not take more than a few extra minutes for application.

Apply Nail Polish

Toes are a great place to play with bolder nail polish shades as you can hide them if required. There are nail polish trends that range from bright colors to subtle ones and then there is nail art too. You can always go for a pop of color that looks good on all skin tones. Otherwise, if you prefer to keep things classic, sheer nude color is a safe bet. Make sure not to apply a thick layer and instead layer on thin coats with adequate time in between for drying. Doing so will provide you with perfectly polished nails without scratches or marks.

Seal Your Color 

To ensure that your nail polish does not chip off easily, always apply a long-wear top coat. This hack will keep your toenails shiny for a long time.

Do Not Forget Cuticle Oil 

If you want strong and healthy nails, cuticle oil is key. Always remember to apply some of it after painting your nails.

Give yourself a salon-worthy pedicure at home by following this regime and treat your feet right. It is essential to maintain proper foot health. And, to ensure that nothing hampers your at-home pedicure, make sure that you have the latest pedicure kit tools. If you want a variety of options to choose from, opt for luxury brands like Vega. They have all the newest pedicure tools with variations like their 4-in 1 pedicure tool product and pumice stone and brush in one product.

Become a nail pro with ease!


Jayant Golechha – Writer from Udaipur on Disney+ Hotstar

The small and beautiful city of Udaipur is also the city full of talent. And to add-up to this talent pool, we have this young boy from the city of lakes, named, Jayant Golechha. A Screenplay Writer & Script Writer, Jayant has worked on music videos and short films which are streaming on some of the popular platforms. His short film, DEEN, is now streaming on Disney+ Hotstar – India’s largest premium streaming platform.

Talking about his journey as a writer, Jayant says:

“My journey as a writer began in 2017 when I was 18 years old and had just finished my 12th Board Exams. I posted a series some random stories on my Instagram from which I got amazing response.”


Jayant started enjoying writing and kept on sharing his work in the form of stories, poems, blogs, articles etc. on his social profile. He also started contributing in college magazines and other blog sites.

His passion for writing deviated him from his engineering studies which got reflected in his results which were not so good. By that time, Jayant had made up his mind to become a writer, so the results did make much of a difference to him.

To convince his family for taking writing as a career, he stepped in the field of commercial writing. He shared his work portfolio with a few production houses in Mumbai and got his first break as a Screenplay Writer for STAY by Cryosis. STAY is a music video released by a Mumbai based trio, Cryosis.

Jayant, who did his schooling from St. Paul’s School, Udaipur, has many successful projects under his sleeves including STAY, DEEN and an upcoming web series for the same production company, for which the script is done and the shooting will start in November.

Talking about aspirations, Jayant says,

“Name and fame is by-product of good and hearty work. I am here to stay and work hard. Whatever I have today, is from my hard work and dedication towards my talent. I look forward to better and more versatile and diverse work.”


Here are the links to his popular work:



Here Are 5 Things You Should Know About Contact Lenses

Using contact lenses is a great eye care option for you if you struggle with the inconvenience and discomfort of wearing glasses. Contact lenses instil more confidence in you and get over any inhibitions you might have about your appearance. No more hiding or shying away because glasses make you feel embarrassed.

When you use contact lenses, they become a part of your eye. They move when you move your eyes to provide peripheral vision. Also, they are effortless to use and absolutely comfortable to wear. To enjoy the freedom that contact lenses offer, one needs to practice proper care when wearing and cleaning contact lenses.

Reducing the risk of infections and safely using contact lenses doesn’t take much – if you know these five things about contacts.

  • Coloured Contact Lenses Don’t Damage Your Eyes

Many believe that coloured contact lenses are harmful to the eyes. But that is incorrect. Nowadays, you can use coloured lenses not only for enhancing the look of your eyes but also for vision correction.

Popular coloured contact lens designs from reputable brands such as Lacelle from Bausch+Lomb are both safe and stylish, as long as they properly fit your eyes. Thus, while purchasing colour contact lenses, it is prudent that you get in touch with your optometrist and review the right option for your eyes.

  • Water Harms Your Contact Lenses

Cleaning contact lenses need careful rinsing, cleansing and disinfection with a contact lens solution. Rinsing your contact lenses with tap or bottled water is a serious mistake as it does not disinfect your contacts. Using water to clean your lenses can cause severe eye infections.

  • Diabetic Patients Can Wear Contact Lenses

There is a prevalent misconception that a diabetes patient cannot use contact lenses, which isn’t true1. The choice of contact lenses for someone with diabetes is going to be different from the regular ones. 

If you are diabetic, consult with an ophthalmologist and inform them about your condition to get appropriate advice and recommendation for contact lenses. It is also important that you follow their suggestions and instructions on contact lens maintenance thoroughly.

  • Remove Contact Lenses Before Sleeping

Wearing contact lenses while you sleep is an absolute no-no. The same is applicable for naps, even if it is for just for a short while. Failing to remove contacts before sleep restricts the eyes from getting enough oxygen. Eye care professionals strongly advise not to wear contact lenses during sleep as it can cause severe sight-threatening problems.

  • Contact Lenses Are Pretty Affordable

Often, we wonder if getting contact lenses can be expensive? Well, millions of people use contact lenses, so it is safe to assume that they are not too expensive or costly. It mostly depends on your prescription, conditions related to your eyes, how often you need to replace lenses and the material of the lenses.

Deciding If Contact Lenses Are Right for You

Whenever you plan to get contacts, consider your lifestyle and consult with an eye care practitioner before you make any decision. If you are a person who likes to be out and about, contact lenses make more sense than using glasses. 

Contact lenses are invisible to the naked eye, and hence you can be yourself without any notions of social shyness or embarrassment. If having to push your glasses up the nose bridge is an inconvenience, then using contact lenses can be a refreshing experience for you.

Amongst the multitude of options available, it is essential that you purchase your lenses from a reliable and trusted brands such as Bausch+Lomb to start your journey towards a more precise vision.