
Badola Hyundai launched its first showroom in Udaipur

Badola Hyundai a trusted name from Rajsamand operating since 2012 opens its Showroom in Udaipur at Shobhagpura Circle on 26th August’19. The opening was done by Managing Director Mr. SS KIM and Executive Director Mr. SJ HA of Hyundai Motors Pvt. Ltd. along with other Hyundai officials.

Mr. SS KIM also addressed & interacted with staff post cake cutting & lamp lighting ceremony.

The all-new Hyundai Grand I10 NIOS was also delivered to the first customer by Mr. Amil Rajeev, Area Sales Manager.

Badola Hyundai director’s also thanked Regional Manager Mr. Rajat Goyal & Mr. Sarabjeet along with Mr. Pratul, Mr. Siddharth & Mr. Sohan for all the support extended to Launch Badola Showroom in Udaipur.

  • Badola Hyundai also opened its Service Center behind DPS School, old RTO road, 100 ft for Hyundai buyers, which is equipped with latest technologies & machines to take care of your Hyundai car.
  • Different zoning for Accidental cars & regular service has been made to ensure the delivery to the customers can be done as soon as possible with less wait time, which has been a challenge which customers face.

Our team can also guide you on how to take care of your car during MONSOON meanwhile you can get your car under washed which is most recommended in Monsoon season.

  • All Hyundai car owners are invited to visit our Service Center & our team of qualified experts will guide you to the best possible recommendations. Book prior appointment by calling at 8279092021, we are open 9.30am to 6.30pm.

If you are not existing customer of HYUNDAI and planning to add HYUNDAI to your family then visit our showroom on your next outing with your family or friends for a coffee, dinner, kitty or any other celebration, we will be glad to see you & welcoming you at BADOLA HYUNDAI SHOWROOM, Shobhagpura Circle. You can also call on 8279092009 (9.30am to 9pm) to know more or Google us & we are sure you won’t miss finding us.


30 कंटेस्टेंट, सपना सिर्फ एक “मिल जाए दो लाख कैश”

“पैसों के पेड़ की डाल थामे और 2 लाख का सपना संजोए”

94.3 MY FM ने उदयपुर में पिछले 12 सालों मे हर तरह से उदयपुरवासियों का दिल जीता है, फिर चाहे वो सितोलिया प्रिमियर लीग हो या दिल वाली दीवार, रंग्रेज़ या फिर एक प्याला खुशी। इसी कड़ी को आगे बढ़ाते हुए और बड़े बुज़ुर्गों की कहावत को जुठला कर 94.3 माय एफएम ने सीज़न वन (2018) में पैसों का पेड़ लगाया, जिसने उदयपुर में अलग ही धूम मचा दी थी। उदयपुर के लोगों का उत्साह देखते हुए, 94.3 माय एफएम एक बार फिर इस साल पैसो का पेड़ सीजन 2 लेकर आया है, आइए जानते है आखिर ये पैसों का पेड़ है क्या:

पैसों का पेड़ अपनी ही तरह कि एक अनोखी प्र्तियोगिता है जहाँ 30 कंटेस्टेंटस को 72 घंटों तक पैसों के पेड़ से चिपके रहने को कहा जाता है, और जो प्रतिभागी, यह चैलैंज पूरा कर लेता है उन्हें माय एफएम की और से 2 लाख रुपये दिए जाते है। इस साल  निम्न प्रतिभागियों को इन कारणों से चुना गया:


Vijay Soni Vijay Soni स्टूडेंट हैं और इन्होंने योगा में एमए किया है
Ravi Menaria Ravi आधा पैसा दान करना चाहते है, और बाकी पैसों से मॉ बाप को तीर्थ पर भेजना चाहते है
Prashant Lalwani Prashant sector 6 में रहते  है और इन्हें Tomorrow Land जाना है
Anuj Kumar Lakhan Anuj को जिमिंग पसंद है और इन पैसों से परिवार की मदद करना चाहते है
Daulat Mewari Daulat, you tube channel चलाते है और इन पैसों से मेवाड़ की संस्कृति को internet पर प्रमोट करेंगे
Dhnanjay Joshi Dhnanjay स्वयं12वीं पास है और छोटे भाई की पढ़ाई में मदद करेंगे
Bahadur Singh 21 वर्षीया Bahadur Singh पेसिफ़िक  कॉलेज के स्टूडेंट हैं और अपने ड्रीम्स पूरे करना चाहते हैं
Shakti Singh Panwar बेड़वास निवासी Shakti Singh मुंबई जाकर मॉडलिंग करना चाहते हैं
Rytham Panwar कुछ महीनों बाद Rytham की माता जी का इलाज होना है, इन पैसों से उन्हें कफी मदद मिलेगी
Nihal Sahu Nihal सीजन 1 के विनर मनोज से प्रभावित हैं और अपना नाम कमाना चाहते हैं, मात्र 21 वर्ष की उम्र में ही फेमिली को काफी सपोर्ट कर रहे हैं
Avish Jain Avish इन पैसों को स्टॉक मार्केट में लगाना चाहते हैं
Bharat Kalra Bharat अपना बिज़नेस शुरू करना चाहते हैं और साथ ही वह बहुत अच्छे डांसर भी हैं
Himanshu Khokhawat Himanshu नेशनल पॉवरलिफ्टर हैं और इन पैसों से फरवरी में होने वाली प्रतियोगिता की तैयारी करेंगे
Kaushal Rao Kaushal  के सपने बड़े हैं उन्हें मिस्टर राजस्थान एटेम्पट करना है, साथ ही अपना जिम खोलना है, स्वयं जिम ट्रेनर हैं
Vishal Gawariya Vishal की आर्थिक स्थिति ठीक नहीं है, और उन्का मानना है कि यह पैसा परिवार की मदद करेगा
Aayush Soni बेदला निवासी Aayush को बिज़नेस आईडिया बड़ा करना है और जल्द ही स्टार्टअप शुरू करना है
Suresh Kumar Jat Suresh भुवाना में स्पोर्ट्स टीचर हैं और स्पोर्ट्स अकादमी लांच करना चाहते है, ताकि खिलाड़ियों को नेशनल लेवल पर पंहुचा सकें
Surbhi Upadhyay Surbhi पैसों के पेड़ को लेकर काफी क्रेजी हैं और परिवार की मदद से एनिमल शेड बनवाना चाहती हैं
Sonika Jain आमिर खान के साथ विज्ञापन में नज़र आ चुकी, और Miss Udaipur, Miss Mewar, Femina Miss India में पार्टिसिपेट कर चुकी Sonika Jain एनिमल ऐड का काम करना चाहतीं है
Nisha Singh Shaktawat Nisha को अपनी सिस्टर को नेशनल प्रतियोगिता में भेजना है
Priyanka Lohar टेकरी निवासी Priyanka को अपने गांव में घर बनवाना है और कुछ पैसों से वह अपनी पेंटिंग को इम्प्रूव करना चाहती है
Tara Janwa Tara अपने पिताजी का अपने गाँव में नाम रौशन करना चाहतीं हैं
Milan Kunwar Shaktawat पढ़ाई कर रहे Milan अच्छे सिंगर हैं और अपने परिवार को प्रूव करना चाहते हैं कि वो कुछ अलग कर सकते हैं
Rimjhim Sharma Rimjhim को खुद के लिए शॉपिंग करना है और फैशन डिज़ाइनिंग कोर्स की फीस भी वह इन्हीं पैसों से देंगी
Khushbu Nayak Khushbu अपने पापा को मोटरसाइकिल दिलाना चाहतीं हैं
Nutan Sengar Nutan की सोच और सपने दोनों बड़े हैं; वह विदेश जाकर इंडियन डांस कल्चर प्रमोट करना चाहती हैi
Jenya Singh Jenya अपने दोस्त की माता जी का किडनी ट्रांसप्लांट का इलाज करवाना चाहती हैं
Deepika Lodhi हिरण मगरी की रहने वाली Deepika गर्ल पावर को प्रमोट करना चाहती है
Mrs Ankita Soni Zee marudhara Nach le show में पार्टिसिपेट कर चुकी Ankita Soni अपने पति की मदद करना चाहती हैं
Reena Jain Reena ऋषिकेश में होने वाले 200 घंटों की ‘योग टीचर ट्रेनिगं’ लेना चाहती हैं

paiso ka ped MY FM

इस साल विशाल गवारिया ने अपने जुनून से 72 घंटों की यह जंग जीती। गुरुवार शाम 7 बजे शुरू हुई 72 घंटों की जंग पर आखिरकार रविवार शाम 7 बजे के बाद विराम लगा जब  94.3 MY FM को रेडियो कि दुनिया के फर्स्ट रियलिटी शो यानी पैसों का पेड़ का विजेता मिला। अंतिम क्षणों में जब फाइनल दो प्रतिभागियों को उनका फाइनल मूव होल्ड करने के लिए दिया गया, तब आखरी वक्त तक दिल की धड़कन थामे दोनों प्रतिभागी किसी भी स्थिति में हार स्वीकार करने को तैयार नहीं थे, और Lakecity Mall उस वक़्त Udaipur की जनता से खचाखच भरा था। आख़िरी टास्क मैं विशाल ओर सोनिका के बीच कॉम्पिटिशन हुआ। अंत में दूसरे स्थान पर रहने वाली सोनिका का फ़ोकस हिला और इस तरह winner बने शोभागपुरा के रहने वाले विशाल गवारिया।

Paiso ka ped winners

paiso ka ped MY FM

विशाल गवारिया ने पूरे 2 लाख रुपये जीत कर पैसों का पेड़-2 अपने नाम कर लिया! दूसरे स्थान पर रही सोनिका जैन को नाहर एलेक्ट्रोनिक की ओर से वॉशिंग मशीन दी गई। ज्ञात हे कि सोनिका ने अपना पुरस्कार सुरेश, जो कि पैसों का पेड़ के अन्य प्रतिभागी रहे,उन्को भेंट कर दी, जो अपनी स्पोर्ट्स Academy खोलना चाहते हैं। तीसरे स्थान पर रहे भरत कालरा को इंडीयन ऑयल कि तरफ से 5000 का फ्युल वाउचर दिया गया।

इस मौके पर सांसद अर्जुन लाल मीणा ने प्रतिभागियों का हौंसला बढ़ाते हुए, अपना खुद का किस्सा बताया और कहा की “एक बार उन्हें संसद में जाने से एक गार्ड ने रोका था तब उन्होने अपनी मेहनत से वहाँ का सफ़र तय करना चुना था”।

सभी विजेताओं को  94.3 माय एफएम और UdaipurBlog की ओर से हार्दिक बधाई!




From Localities to Tourists, this Udaipur travel guide is your savior this monsoon

Monsoons around Udaipur, if defined in words can be described as actual freedom from scorching hot summers. Light rain showers are boosting for us, and a pleasant welcome to the upcoming joy and pleasure. Late, but Monsoons have arrived in our beautiful Lakecity, and we Udaipurites are all set to welcome them with a warm heart. The scorching summer is finally coming to its drastic end.

PC: Siddharth Nagar

Udaipur looks best in the monsoon season and masses, including national and international tourists arrive in the city of lakes to enjoy the beauty of Udaipur which increases fourfold right now.

Here’s a quick and complete Udaipur Travel Guide on how to enjoy Monsoons:

Places to Visit:

  • Monsoon Palace: Sajjangarh Fort or so-called Monsoon Palace become the hotspots for all the tourist visiting Udaipur during the rainy season. The picturesque view of the city from the top is enthralling.
Pc: Siddharth Nagar


  • Fatehsagar Lake and Ambrai Ghat: As soon as the drops from the first rain touch the city, these two places get flooded. With water too, but more with people!

PC: Siddharth Nagar
  • Bahubali Hill: If you wish to witness Sunrise and a Sunset in utmost peace, Bahubali Hill is the way to go for you. The place is situated in the Aravali Ranges surrounding our lake city.
PC: Siddharth Nagar


  • Rayta: Majorly known for the sharp curves, surrounded by the natural valleys and greenery, Rayta gives a magnificent and unseen view of the city. A drive to this place gives a blissful view of Udaipur.

  • Keleshwar Ji: Situated just a few kilometers away from Pipliya Ji, Keleshwar Waterfall becomes a paradise for all the nature lovers. A bike ride to this place is equally refreshing and rejuvenating as a hot mug of coffee is for a caffeine addict.


The above-listed locations are just a few, we have listed below a few more places that are a must-visit during Monsoons:

  1. Nandeshwar Ji
  2. Madaar Dam
  3. Chandni Village
  4. Jhameshwar Ji
  5. Kundeshwar Mahadev Ji
  6. Kavita Village


Food to eat:

  • ·Pakode (पकोड़े): Whenever we talk about rains in this city, the first thing that’ll ever cross an Udaipurites mind is ‘Pakode’. We won’t be wrong if we call ‘Pakode’, the staple food for the monsoon season.
PC: Dimpy Chundawat


  • Vegetable Maggi: Hot and freshly cooked Maggi fully loaded with veggies is the perfect food for all the foodies who wanna enjoy great taste instantly.
PC: Fooodsnifffer



  • Chai: For all the chai-holics, tea has always been an inseparable part of the daily routine life. Chai becomes of utmost importance while it’s raining out there during.
PC: Spoon n Snap


  • Bread-Bada: Hot Bread-Bada or Bread-Pakoda are seriously a must-try while you are enjoying the monsoons in Udaipur.
PC: Dimpy Chundawat
  • Corncob (भुट्टा): Bhutta’ is the most enjoyed food when it comes to haveing some light snacks in the rainy season when you are at Fatehnagar. Various stalls and vendors can be spotted near the famous tourist destinations selling sweet corn and corn cobs. These are specially prepared on coal which gives the corncobs a natural taste and aroma.
PC: Dimpy Chundawat
  • Sandwich:  We all are mad about cheesy sandwiches filled with our favorite creamy veggies, topped up with lots of cheese and that too in monsoons, wouldn’t it be the best thing ever?
    PC: Spoon n Snap



A guide for safety while you are enjoying Monsoons out there:

  • Take out your raincoats, umbrellas, waterproof shoes and always keep plastic bags handy to avoid your belongings from getting wet.
  • A shower after you get wet in the rains is a must.
  • Avoid wearing wet clothes without proper cleaning.
  • Before cooking green veggies, firstly wash them thoroughly.
  • Carry and drink boiled and purified water, juices and soups prepared at home only.

We hope this guide will help you to stay fit, healthy and enjoy the refreshing monsoons while you are in the Lakecity.

UdaipurBlog wishes everyone a very HAPPY, HEALTHY and UNFORGETTABLE MONSOON.





40 Day Long Gavri Fest begins with the onset of Monsoon in Udaipur

Once again, Gavri, the famous folk dance-drama fest has commenced with the advent of monsoon in Udaipur. A 40 day long festival of the Bheel tribe initiated from 16th August. The folk dance includes people from all ages starting from 8 to 80’s, who will dance and play to please the Goddess. During the Gavri festival, the Bheel community usually performs invocation rituals, which are conducted in Shravan month of hindu calendar; and thus the fest mostly falls in the months of August-September.

It may be noted that during the 40-day Gavari season not only the players avoid alcohol, meat and sex but also avoid wearing shoes, beds, bathing, and eating greens (which they believe might harm insects).  Also, some of the tribes observe fast on the “paancham” and “saatam” while the tribes of Bedla region have pledged to fast for the entire 40 days of celebrations. The Gavri troupes will uncross several regions while giving performances at different T-points of the town.


For those who missed Udaipur Food Drive season 3: Everything you want to know

There is no sincere love than the love of food.”  – George Bernard Shaw

Most people cherish monsoons because of its rain and the heart-pleasing weather, while there are others, like me who crave, crave and just crave for food. UdaipurBlog knowing this, successfully conducted the most awaited event Udaipur Food Drive 2019, which was its 3rd edition. Also, UdaipurBlog which has always nurtured innovative ideas to bring people together, be it ULF (Udaipur light festival), UBPhotowalk, fashion contest, or any other event, the central idea has remained the same for years – let’s connect.

Udaipur Blog

 Food Drive (“food+drive”) is one such amazing event which provides a platform for food enthusiasts to connect & share their experiences, amazing food journeys, and explore the unexplored world of flavors.

Let’s know how this started- 

It was a Saturday evening, and the Udaipur folks were in a weekend mood. The sun was playing hide and seek with clouds, while the drizzling rain was in no mood to stop even for a while, whereas the clouds were resting on every big and small hill around Udaipur to make people come out of their houses and get selfies with them. This was the time when team UdaipurBlog was uniting people from all spheres of life to share a common table and feast on toothsome food at different corners of the town.

Our first stop was Twist Bar and Lounge. This spectacular place is located near Shobhagpura circle and offers the perfect ambience for anyone looking to hang out with friends and family. In no time, the place was occupied with more than 40 food lovers, all excited and ready to eat. Soon the staff at Twist emerged with the food which not only tasted heavenly but also looked spectacular. Everywhere you could see was people eagerly waiting to grab a quick bite.

Twist Bar & Lounge


Next we drove to The Bungalow, a multi-cuisine restaurant located near Sukhadia Circle. The much-needed warmth due to the rainy season was provided, not only by the place’s ambiance but also the service and humbleness of the staff. Upon arrival, we were greeted with a welcome drink. After a small introduction about the place and its history, the food was served. The fusion of different cuisines definitely caught our attention but the Veg Pad Thai Noodles, in particular, stole our hearts.  

Food at The Bungalow

Indian-Continental food

The Bungalow Udaipur

It’s said that ‘all is well that ends well’, and our last destination did just that. Panna Vilas Rooftop Restaurant  is a beautiful property that offers a mesmerizing view of Lake Fateh Sagar. The alluring ambience of the place was complemented with the flavorful food that was served. The Chicken Banjara, which they say is the queen of their menu, took the limelight. The tandoori aroma was enough to trigger the mood and taste buds of all foodies. No doubt, the food was sumptuous together with the atmosphere it offered.

When the weather is on its full charm and the soul is filled with so many flavors, how could one forget to seize the moment? All the attendees flooded their phones and cameras with hundreds and thousands of selfies and images of food, beautiful faces in binging mood and of course the picturesque views. Here are some of the memories compiled for you:

Food Craving

Food at Twist restaurant

Food and view



What Is Alzheimer’s | How is Forum Group spreading awareness for this disease

When we think of the most deadly diseases prevailing in the world, our minds directly think about fast-spreading, and the incurable ones that grab the headlines from time to time. But according to researches, many of such diseases don’t even rank in the top 10 reasons for worldwide deaths. The majority of people all around the world passed away due to diseases that progress slowly.

And one of the major causes that account for deaths which also made the top 10 list is: ‘Alzheimer’s’.

Forum Group is always concerned about the well-being and health of the people associated with the group. For this, the group always comes up with various marathons and events in order to keep citizens fit and healthy. One such initiative is,

Forum Purple Run’19:

We Udaipurites shop and always have a tremendous time at the Forum Celebration Mall. Now, it’s our turn to make our mark present in Udaipur’s history as well, history to create awareness about this common yet unknown disease: Alzheimer’s. It’s time to make it real BIG by participating in Forum Purple Run’19. Everyone can be part of such a noble cause.

It is India’s first-ever run organized by renowned Forum Group, for creating awareness about Alzheimer’s disease. The main aim is to create awareness, sensitivity, and dignity towards this disease.

Now let us understand what Alzheimer’s is:

It is a syndrome which is associated with the decline of brain functioning specifically amongst the people aged 50 or above. It majorly affects the memory storing capacity, thinking, logical skills and other mental abilities.

The exact cause of this disease is not yet known, still, several factors are thought to increase your risk of developing this disease.

These include:

  • Growing old,
  • Hereditary conditions,
  • Depressions, and many more.

Various Stages of Alzheimer’s disease:

•Stage 1: Normal Outward Behavior

When your loved one is in this early phase, he won’t have any symptoms that’ll show that they have got Alzheimer’s. But as they move into the further stages, you will see major changes in their thinking and reasoning.

•Stage 2: Very Mild Changes

You still might not notice major changes, but they might be picking up on small differences. This could include forgetting a word or misplacing objects.

•Stage 3: Mild Decline

At this point that you may start to notice changes in the patient’s thinking.

•Stage 4: Moderate Decline

During this time, the problems in their thinking and reasoning that you noticed in the stage get more obvious. They might forget important details about themselves.

Though Alzheimer’s has no cure as such, treatments for symptoms are still available and research to find a cure continues. Current Alzheimer’s treatments cannot stop this disease from progressing, but they can temporarily slow the worsening of the symptoms and improve quality of life. Today, there is a worldwide effort under experiment to find better ways to treat the disease, delay the disease’s onset, and prevent it from developing further.

How to Register:

You can register online at

Offline registration: Information desk, Ground floor, Forum Celebration Mall

Come join us in our mission to create a world without Alzheimer’s.

Run to Remember, Run to END Alzheimer’s






Get your driving licence and vehicle registration letter (RC) at your Doorstep

According to recent directives issued by the Government, the transport department will be dispatching driving licences and vehicle registration certificates directly at the applicant’s postal address. Just like passports, people now are no more required to visit the transport office a multiple number of times to collect their documents.

The increasing intervention of middle-men and agents create hassles, and as such, the step has been taken to avoid troubles faced by consumers. The directives were issued on 1st of August, following which the Udaipur Transport Department has enforced the same from 7th August Wednesday.

Applicants are required to give the exact postal address for the delivery of their certificates. If the address is found to be incorrect or incomplete, the post will return to the RTO office.


Rajasthan Government won the battle of possession of historic Udaipur House in New Delhi

Rajasthan government’s long-awaited battle for the possession of historic Udaipur House in New Delhi has come to rest with the recent directives of Supreme Court. The property is situated near the Tees Hazari court at Civil Lines in Delhi. The Historic building was built before Independence by the then ruling Maharana of Mewar, which was occupied by Delhi government post-independence.

The majestic building is sprawling over 12000 meters of land at a prime location of Delhi, whose current worth is evaluated around 1500 crore. Before Independence, when Luteyn’s  Delhi was being designed, the property was built by Udaipur’s Royal family. That time the British asked the Maharana of Udaipur to build a mansion in Delhi like other princely houses.

The Udaipur House, Delhi

Post-independence Delhi government was granted the possession only for use. However, in 2010, Ashok Gehlot, the then Chief Minister of Rajasthan held talks with Delhi government to hand over the property back to Rajasthan, but the plea was declined. Following which the government took the issue to Supreme Court.

Recently Supreme Court issued directives to both the governments to settle the issue. After which a meeting among the representatives from Rajasthan and Delhi was held, where it was decided to hand over the property to Rajasthan government.



Hariyali Amavasya Mela 2019: Udaipur’s way of welcoming Monsoon

If you have ever heard about Udaipur, its culture and traditions, there are hardly any chances you haven’t heard about the Mela (fair) of Hariyali Amavasya. Hariyali means greenery while Amavasya refers to the no-moon day as per Hindi terminology. It is a festival to rejoice rains due to which the earth gets covered with a blanket of greenery. Every year this festival is celebrated with high energy and enthusiasm in the Mewar region. There are many rituals associated with this fest, and people in Northern states of India celebrates this with great fervor.

Hariyali Amavasya Mela 2019
Credits: Siddarth Nagar


As it is a known fact that rains are considered as blessings of God and to show gratitude towards nature and its blessings, people celebrate Hariyali Amavasya to welcome the onset of monsoon. Like Rajasthan it is also celebrated in other Northern states of India such as Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Maharashtra. In Maharashtra it is celebrated as ‘Gatari Amavasya’, in Andhra Pradesh as ‘Chukkala Amavasya’ and in Orissa it is known as ‘Chitalagi Amavasya’. As with the names, the rituals and traditions vary in different parts of the country, but the spirit of celebrations remains same.

Hariyali Amavasya Mela 2019
Credits: Siddarth Nagar

Being an Udaipurite I still remember, how eagerly as kids we used to wait for this day. The chief thing that attracted us the most about this festival was the Mela (fair) and which still is. We eagerly used to wait for this day which was marked by a school holiday and it was customary to visit the fair to enjoy rides and food with family. Everywhere you could see, are the vibrant colors, the bustling crowd and the vendors shouting out loud. While the women folks mainly loved to shop at the fair stalls, however, we as kids would make it sure not to miss out any of the rides and food was ofcourse our motto of life. The interesting part is, still after so many years nothing has really changed except the climatic changes.


Hariyali Amavasya Mela 2019
Credits: Siddarth Nagar

Let’s know some interesting facts about this Mela:

  • It is believed that the first Hariyali Amavasya Mela was set up by Maharana Fateh Singh, to celebrate the completion of a reservoir near Dewali pond, which eventually became a tradition and is still continuing.
  • Hariyali Amavasya is a two day celebration where the last day is usually reserved for women.
  • Like any other festival, this festive fair is not confined to a particular religion but gathers people from all the religion, class and castes which is certainly a mark of cultural integration.
  • The famous dish of Rabdi-Malpua is the showstopper of this mela. Most people just visit to palate the renowned dish which is also considered as a monsoon cuisine by locals.
  • Public places such as Moti Magri, Saheliyon ki Baari etc which usually have an entrance fee during other days of the year are kept free for these two days.
  • The Mela is more of interest to the tribals and rural crowd near Udaipur region, who comes up in huge crowd in traditional costumes and jewelry.
  • Also elderly folks of this region have a strong belief, that it will definitely rain on the day of Hariyali Amavasya.
  • The wooden sword wrapped with colorful papers, a colorful feathered hat and small trumpets of paper called Poopadi in native language are the souvenirs which validate your presence at Mela.
  • Women collectively pray for good rainfall and bountiful harvest.
  • Green is the color of the day and ladies in the Mewar region wear green which represent their love for nature.
  • Several schools and social groups & organizations celebrate it a day before, organizing cultural programs.
  • It is considered auspicious to plant a sapling on this day which is also having religious significance as per Hindu community.

This year Hariyali Amavasya will be observed on 1st of August, which will also be a collector declared holiday for schools, colleges and all government organizations. Observing the increasing popularity of this festival among domestic and international tourists,efforts are also made by Municipal Corporation of Udaipur to have this historic fair registered in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Hariyali Amavasya Mela 2019
Credits: Siddarth Nagar

While the festival is the time to rejuvenate and rejoice, there is an increasing threat as well from past few year, about depleting rainfall and vanishing forests in the Aravali region. As true Udaipurites lets join hands to protect our environment and trees so that our future generations could also enjoy this historic Mela.


7 Tips To Play a Social Media Strategy for Your Wedding

Social media platforms offer everyone an opportunity to talk to the world about an event, product or service. After getting engaged, people tend to think of how to make people aware of the wedding plans and the like.

There’s so much to do through social media to get people to notice your event, but there are tips that make it easy to succeed in your social media strategy. The good bit is, it doesn’t cost a fortune to work out the tips. 

The following are social media strategy tips for your next wedding. 


  • Create an Instagram Business Account


The reason why I am insisting on a business account is that it has lots of useful options that ordinary accounts don’t have. An Instagram business account has the following options:

  • Contact buttons

With a business account, your profile will displace CTA features like Call, Email and Directions buttons directly above your feed. This makes it easy for visitors to contact you with a click of a button. You definitely grab the attention of many visitors with a click.

  • Link Your Pages

If you didn’t know, the owner of Instagram owns Facebook as well. Additionally, it is easier to link your Instagram business account to Facebook. Then it will be easy to share your feed in both places, respond to messages and reply to comments from inside Facebook.

  • Analytics

Analytics is apparently the best feature with a business account. This is because your account can track your engagement on your posts and display the statistics. This is the most useful information for generating new content, creating your Ad’s and engaging with your audience.

  • Swipe Up

It has been rumored that soon all Instagram business counts will receive the swipe up feature sooner or later. Currently, swipe up is only given to those with 10 thousand followers or more. 


  • Create A Hashtag


Hashtags work. They make your content viewable by anyone who has an interest in your event as it goes beyond just your followers. Hashtags can help you engage with friends by joining the conversation about your wedding. 

A hashtag in twitter helps you to reach beyond your follower list. While hashtagging about your wedding, use short word hashtags like #marywedspeter. Also, be careful to fill your content with too many hashtags, this may portray you as desperate and certainly dilutes your message. 

Even though hashtags are useful and drive engagement, they don’t always work on every single social media platform. They are not meant to be used on Facebook or LinkedIn. 


  • Design Ad’s To Promote The Event


Ads require little to no investment regarding money. However, if done correctly, it can help you reach a larger audience who you may not have connected with yet.

With Facebook Ads, for example, you can target a specific audience which is likely to get interested in your event.  

Always design a professional-looking Ad to give the best first impression. You can use a customizable template to help your event stand out. 


  • Post Images On Event Preparations


If you have a blog, the better. But that doesn’t mean social media can’t be of help.

There are plenty of plugins that prompt visitors to use or share the image. This will often lead to a reader sharing the image and spreading the word.

Ensure you post a beautiful and relevant image that your readers will be proud to pin, so use bright colors and sleek graphics to people to love and share. 


  • Relevant Quotes From Guest 


Guests and friends will definitely grace your wedding. A wedding without one or two guests speakers may be dull and so you need to feature one guest quote about your event. Although it’s not reasonably okay to disclose who your guests are, much of your audience may not even know who this person is or what they’re about.

By posting their quotes, you’re telling your audience what to expect on your big day and that they will learn a relevant lesson. Make the quotes and images shareable, most importantly.  


  • Post Continual


Of course, your audience needs an update of anything towards the wedding. They expect an update on the dates, theme, and venue details. 

Grab the photos of your wedding spot and talk about it continually. Choose a romantic getaway from the Caribbean and get your audience want to visit here early in advance. Who can resist the charm of Royal Barbados, a perfect spot for a total romance and relaxation, under the Caribbean sun!


  • Host a live video session on Facebook or Snapchat


Live videos are currently gaining immense popularity. Live videos will make your viewers ask questions which you can answer immediately concerning your event. You could also host a Snapchat story Q&A session to encourage participants to ask you questions about your big day. 

While doing a live video, use a beautiful image to catch followers’ attention and make you definitely stand out to your Facebook fans definitely. Encourage them to interact with you on other social media platforms to foster trust in you and your wedding event.