
Don’t miss the Auto Fair at Celebration Mall this Weekend

Biggest Auto fair of Udaipur with top end cars and motorbikes has been conducted by the Auto Turff – Lap Medi Network.

The 3 day fair will run from 20th April till 22nd April at Celebration Mall.

Brands such as BMW, Ford, Volvo, KTM, Royal Enfield, Honda, Tata Motors, Triumph Motobikes, Toyota and Hyundai have participated in this fair showcasing their Cars and Motorbikes.

History and Culture

पन्ना धाय के बलिदान की कहानी

चित्तौड़गढ़ के इतिहास में जहाँ पद्मिनी के जौहर की अमरगाथाएं, मीरा के भक्तिपूर्ण गीत गूंजते हैं वहीं पन्नाधाय जैसी मामूली स्त्री की स्वामीभक्ति की कहानी भी अपना अलग स्थान रखती है।

बात तब की है‚ जब चित्तौड़गढ़ का किला आन्तरिक विरोध व षड्यंत्रों में जल रहा था। मेवाड़ का भावी राणा उदय सिंह किशोर हो रहा था। तभी उदयसिंह के पिता के चचेरे भाई बनवीर ने एक षड्यन्त्र रच कर उदयसिंह के पिता की हत्या महल में ही करवा दी तथा उदयसिंह को मारने का अवसर ढूंढने लगा। उदयसिंह की माता को संशय हुआ तथा उन्होंने उदय सिंह को अपनी खास दासी व उदय सिंह की धाय पन्ना को सौंप कर कहा कि,

“पन्ना अब यह राजमहल व चित्तौड़ का किला इस लायक नहीं रहा कि मेरे पुत्र तथा मेवाड़ के भावी राणा की रक्षा कर सके‚ तू इसे अपने साथ ले जा‚ और किसी तरह कुम्भलगढ़ भिजवा दे।”

पन्ना धाय राणा साँगा के पुत्र राणा उदयसिंह की धाय माँ थीं। पन्ना धाय किसी राजपरिवार की सदस्य नहीं थीं। अपना सर्वस्व स्वामी को अर्पण करने वाली वीरांगना  पन्ना धाय का जन्म कमेरी गावँ में हुआ था। राणा साँगा के पुत्र उदयसिंह को माँ के स्थान पर दूध पिलाने के कारण पन्ना ‘धाय माँ’ कहलाई थी। पन्ना का पुत्र चन्दन और राजकुमार उदयसिंह साथ-साथ बड़े हुए थे। उदयसिंह को पन्ना ने अपने पुत्र के समान पाला था। पन्नाधाय ने उदयसिंह की माँ रानी कर्मावती के सामूहिक आत्म बलिदान द्वारा स्वर्गारोहण पर बालक की परवरिश करने का दायित्व संभाला था। पन्ना ने पूरी लगन से बालक की परवरिश और सुरक्षा की। पन्ना चित्तौड़ के कुम्भा महल में रहती थी।

चित्तौड़  का शासक, दासी का पुत्र बनवीर बनना चाहता था। उसने राणा के वंशजों को एक-एक कर मार डाला। बनवीर एक रात महाराजा विक्रमादित्य की हत्या करके उदयसिंह को मारने के लिए उसके महल की ओर चल पड़ा। एक विश्वस्त सेवक द्वारा पन्ना धाय को इसकी पूर्व सूचना मिल गई। पन्ना राजवंश और अपने कर्तव्यों के प्रति सजग थी व उदयसिंह को बचाना चाहती थी। उसने उदयसिंह को एक बांस की टोकरी में सुलाकर उसे झूठी पत्तलों से ढककर एक विश्वास पात्र सेवक के साथ महल से बाहर भेज दिया। बनवीर को धोखा देने के उद्देश्य से अपने पुत्र को उदयसिंह के पलंग पर सुला दिया। बनवीर रक्तरंजित तलवार लिए उदयसिंह के कक्ष में आया और उसके बारे में पूछा। पन्ना ने उदयसिंह के पलंग की ओर संकेत किया जिस पर उसका पुत्र सोया था। बनवीर ने पन्ना के पुत्र को उदयसिंह समझकर मार डाला। पन्ना अपनी आँखों के सामने अपने पुत्र के वध को अविचलित रूप से देखती रही। बनवीर को पता न लगे इसलिए वह आंसू भी नहीं बहा पाई। बनवीर के जाने के बाद अपने मृत पुत्र की लाश को चूमकर राजकुमार को सुरक्षित स्थान पर ले जाने के लिए निकल पड़ी। स्वामिभक्त वीरांगना पन्ना धन्य हैं! जिसने अपने कर्तव्य-पूर्ति में अपनी आँखों के तारे पुत्र का बलिदान देकर मेवाड़ राजवंश को बचाया।

Source: gyandarpan

पुत्र की मृत्यु के बाद पन्ना उदयसिंह को लेकर बहुत दिनों तक सप्ताह शरण के लिए भटकती रही पर दुष्ट बनबीर के खतरे के डर से कई राजकुल जिन्हें पन्ना को आश्रय देना चाहिए था, उन्होंने पन्ना को आश्रय नहीं दिया। पन्ना जगह-जगह राजद्रोहियों से बचती, कतराती तथा स्वामिभक्त प्रतीत होने वाले प्रजाजनों के सामने अपने को ज़ाहिर करती भटकती रही। कुम्भलगढ़ में उसे यह जाने बिना कि उसकी भवितव्यता क्या है शरण मिल गयी। उदयसिंह क़िलेदार का भांजा बनकर बड़ा हुआ। तेरह वर्ष की आयु में मेवाड़ी उमरावों ने उदयसिंह को अपना राजा स्वीकार कर लिया और उसका राज्याभिषेक कर दिया। उदय सिंह 1542 में मेवाड़ के वैधानिक महाराणा बन गए।


आईये उस महान वीरता से परिपूर्ण पन्ना की कहानी को इस कविता के माध्यम से समझते है ।।

चल पड़ा दुष्ट बनवीर क्रूर, जैसे कलयुग का कंस चला

राणा सांगा के, कुम्भा के, कुल को करने निर्वश चला


उस ओर महल में पन्ना के कानों में ऐसी भनक पड़ी

वह भीत मृगी सी सिहर उठी, क्या करे नहीं कुछ समझ पड़ी


तत्क्षण मन में संकल्प उठा, बिजली चमकी काले घन पर

स्वामी के हित में बलि दूंगी, अपने प्राणों से भी बढ़ कर


धन्ना नाई की कुंडी में, झटपट राणा को सुला दिया

ऊपर झूठे पत्तल रख कर, यों छिपा महल से पार किया


फिर अपने नन्हें­मुन्ने को, झट गुदड़ी में से उठा लिया

राजसी वसन­भूषण पहना, फौरन पलंग पर लिटा दिया


इतने में ही सुन पड़ी गरज, है उदय कहां, युवराज कहां

शोणित प्यासी तलवार लिये, देखा कातिल था खड़ा वहां


पन्ना सहमी, दिल झिझक उठा, फिर मन को कर पत्थर कठोर

सोया प्राणों­का­प्राण जहां, दिखला दी उंगली उसी ओर


छिन में बिजली­सी कड़क उठी, जालिम की ऊंची खड्ग उठी

मां­मां मां­मां की चीख उठी, नन्हीं सी काया तड़प उठी


शोणित से सनी सिसक निकली, लोहू पी नागन शांत हुई

इक नन्हा जीवन­दीप बुझा, इक गाथा करुण दुखांत हुई


जबसे धरती पर मां जनमी, जब से मां ने बेटे जनमे

ऐसी मिसाल कुर्बानी की, देखी न गई जन­जीवन में


तू पुण्यमयी, तू धर्ममयी, तू त्याग­तपस्या की देवी

धरती के सब हीरे­पन्ने, तुझ पर वारें पन्ना देवी

तू भारत की सच्ची नारी, बलिदान चढ़ाना सिखा गयी

तू स्वामिधर्म पर, देशधर्म पर, हृदय लुटाना सिखा गयी

सत्य नारायण गोयंका


Maharana Pratap Airport | Flights to and from Udaipur

Udaipur is well connected by roads, railways, and air. Every year lacs of tourist flock to the City of Lakes and if you too are planning to spend your vacations here then this article will come handy. Udaipur has a domestic airport named after the famous Mewar ruler, Maharana Pratap and is called the Maharana Pratap Airport after him.

It is also colloquially known as Dabok Airport as it is located in the area called Dabok. The airport is spread over an area of 500 acres with the new terminal building covering 2,500 square meters. It was a military airport used for transportation of ammunition to the soldiers. The Dabok Airport is reputed for the ILS system that is used by the ATC (air traffic control).

Major Flights from Udaipur

Destination City Time Taken
New Delhi (DEL) 1h
Mumbai (BOM) 1h 20m


Jaipur (JPR) 1h


Chennai (MAA) 2h 35m

nformation About All the Flights

The Maharana Pratap Airport is well-connected to major cities of India including Mumbai, Delhi, Jaipur, and Kolkata, Goa, Cochin, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, and Chennai.

You can see the arrival and departure timings HERE

Maharana Pratap Airport Terminals

  • One boarding gate on the ground level
  • Two aerobridges on the first level
  • The total area of the terminal is 12,000 square meters
  • 6 check-ins and 3 security counters.
  • The capacity of the domestic terminal is 300 each for departures and arrivals.
  • Chartered airlines provide services for the Indian Air Force and the Border Security Forces.

Services and Facilities at the Maharana Pratap Airport

  • Free trolleys
  • Childcare room
  • Wheelchairs and other medical facilities
  • ATM services and phone booths
  • Tourist information center

Distance from the City

The Maharana Pratap Airport is located at a distance of 22 km from the city center.

How to Reach the Airport

Public, as well as private taxis or cabs, can be taken to reach the airport.


History and Culture

जाने मेवाड़ी संत कवि चतुर सिंह जी बावजी के बारे में

हम सभी ने अपने-अपने शिक्षकों अथवा घर के बड़े बुजुर्गों से महाराज चतुर सिंह के बारे में तो सुना ही होगा, व उनके दोहे एवं शेर भी सुने होंगे । आईये जानते हैं उन महान मेवाड़ी कवि संत चतुर सिंह जी बावजी के बारे में ।

महाराज चतुर सिंह जी बावजी मेवाड़ के लोक संत के रूप में जाने जाते हैं, इन्हें चतर सिंह जी बावजी भी कहते हैं ।       इनका जन्म 9 फरवरी 1880 को हुआ था , अर्थात (विक्रम संवत सन 1936 माघ शुक्ला चतुर्दशी)। योगीवर्य महाराज चतुरसिंह जी मेवाड़ की भक्ति परम्परा के एक परमहंस व्यक्तित्व थे । इस संत ने लोकवाणी मेवाड़ी के माध्यम से अपने अद्भुत विचारों को साहित्य द्वारा जन-जन के लिए सुलभ बनाया। इनके लेखन की विशेषता यह थी की यह अत्यंत गूढ़ से गूढ़ बातों को आसान शब्दो में बयां कर देते थे।

Chatur Singh ji Bawji | Udaipurblog
Chatur Singh ji Bawji

बावजी का जन्म एक राजपरिवार में हुआ था, इनकी माता रानी कृष्ण कँवर एवं पिता श्री सूरत सिंह थे। इनका जन्म स्थान कर्जली उदयपुर था । इनके गुरु ठाकुर गुमान सिंह जी सारंगदेवोत थे, जो कि लक्ष्मणपुरा से थे।

चतुर सिंह जी बावजी ने लगभग 21 छोटे बड़े ग्रंथो की रचना की। जिनमे से मेवाड़ी बोली में लिखी गईं गीता पर गंगा-जलि एवं चंद्र शेखर स्त्रोत  विश्व प्रसिद्ध  हैं। –

  1. अलख पचीसी
  2. तू ही अष्टक
  3. अनुभव प्रकाश
  4. चतुर प्रकाश
  5. हनुमत्पंचक
  6. अंबिका अष्टक
  7. शेष चरित्र
  8. चतुर चिंतामणि: दोहावाली/पदावली
  9. समान बत्तीसी
  10. शिव महिम्न स्त्रोत
  11. चंद्रशेखर स्त्रोत
  12. श्री गीता जी
  13. मानव मित्र राम चरित्र
  14. परमार्थे विचार 7 भाग
  15. 15. ह्रदय रहस्य
  16. बालकारी वार
  17. बालकारी पोथी
  18. लेख संग्रह
  19. सांख्यकारिका
  20. तत्व समास
  21. योग सूत्र


चंद्रधारक चंद्रधारक चंद्रधारक पालजे, चंद्रधारक चंद्रधारक चंद्रधारक राखजे

रत्न पर्वत धनुष कीधो मुठ रूपागिर कर्यो,करयौ वासक नाग डोरो  बाण अग्नि विष्णु रो ।।

बालन्हान्यो त्रिपुर पल में देवता वंदन करे , चन्द्रधारक आसरे मु काल मारो कई करें ।।


चंद्रधारक चंद्रधारक चंद्रधारक पालजे, चंद्रधारक चंद्रधारक चंद्रधारक राखजे

      मादा हाथी री मनोहर ओढ राखी खाल ने,विष्णु ब्रम्हा चरण कमला में जणीरे  धोग दे।।

     जटा गंगा री तरंगा सु सदा भीजि रहे, चन्द्रधारक आसरे मु काल मारो कई करें ।।


उनकी रचनाओं में ईश्वर ज्ञान और लोक व्यवहार का सुन्दर मिश्रण है। कठिन से कठिन ज्ञान तत्व को हमारे जीवन के दैनिक व्यवारों के उदाहरणों से समझाते हुए सुन्दर लोक भाषा में इस चतुराई से ढाला है कि उनके गीत, उनमें बताई गई बात एक दम गले उतर कर हृदय में जम जाती हैं, मनुष्य का मस्तिष्क उसे पकड़ लेता है।


एक बात और है। बावजी चतुर सिंहजी के गीत और दोहे जीवन की हर घड़ी, विवाह-शादी, समारोह, आदि अवसरों पर गाये-सूनाये जाने योग्य है। उन्हें सुनने, सुनाने वाले के मन भी शान्ती, शुध्दता और नई रोशनी मिलती है।


आप सभी सज्जनों से निवेदन हैं कि इस महान् सन्त कवि बावजी चतुर सिंहजी की कविताओं को पढ़े अन्य बालक बालिकाओं और लोगों को पढ़ावे और समाज में अधिक से अधिक प्रचार कर लोगों के मन और मस्तिष्क को नया ज्ञान, पृकाश, ओर नया आनन्द दे।

प्रस्तुत है बावजी की कुछ रचनाएँ ।।


कोई केवे मु करु कोई केवे राम

न्यारा न्यारा कोई नि मु मारो राम ।।


रेंट फरे चरख्योफरे पण फरवा में फेर।

वो तो वाड हर्यो करे ,वी छूता रो ढेर ।।


धरम रा गेला री गम नी है, जीशूँ अतरी लड़ा लड़ी है ।।

शंकर, बद्ध, मुहम्मद, ईशा, शघलां साँची की’ है ।

अरथ सबांरो एक मिल्यो है, पण बोली बदली है।।


आप आपरो मत आछो पण, आछो आप नहीं है।

आप आपरा मत री निंदा, आप आप शूं व्ही है।।


नारी नारी ने जाणे, पर नर सू अणजाण ।

जाण व्हियां पे नी जणे, उद्या अलख पहचाण ।।


कृष्ण कूख तें प्रकट भे, तेज लच्छ हिमतेस।

ब्रहम्मलीन हैं चतुर गुरु, चतुर कुँवर सुरतेस॥


मानो के मत मानो, केणो मारो काम।

कीका डांगी रे आँगणे, रमता देखिया राम॥

पर घर पग नी मैलणो, बना मान मनवार। अंजन आवै देखनै, सिंगल रो सतकार॥

ऊँध सूधने छोड़ने, करणो काम पछाण। कर ऊँधो सूँधो घड़ो, तरती भरती दाँण॥

भावै लख भगवंत जश, भावे गाळाँ भाँड। द्वात कलम रो दोष नी, मन व्हे’ ज्यो ही मांड ।।


पगे पगरखी गांवरी, ऊँची धोती पैर। कांधे ज्ञान पछेवड़ो, चतुर चमक चहुँफेर॥



 जय महाराज चतुर सिंह बावजी  की ।।


14 Places To Have The Best Pani Puri in Udaipur

When we think of eating Indian street food, Pani Puri is the first thing that comes to our mind and within no time does it make our mouths salivate! Pani Puri is the signature Indian chowpaty dish and the most loved delicacy in almost every part of the country. It is known by various names like Puchka, Pani Patashe, Gol Gappe, Phulki, Patashi, etc. in different parts of the country.

Go to any place and there’s one thing you are surely gonna find; these palatable deep fried little bowls made of wheat or semolina (suji), filled with all kinds of crunchy mouth-watering fillings and tangy sauces that leave a lasting flavor on your taste-buds. Pani Puri is more like an addiction for Indians and every street food sojourn in incomplete without gulping down at least one pani puri. Well, one is obviously never enough!

The taste and flavors of Pani Puri vary from region to region and yet they never fail to hypnotize the taste-buds of each one of us. Udaipurites have a crazy inclination towards pani puri and almost every major street in the city has dozens of pani puri sellers lined-up to satisfy your desi-food cravings.

Although it seems like a Herculean task to mention each and every pani puri seller of the city, we still tried our best and made note of some of the best ones in town. Here’s a list:

1. Shreenath Chaat Center

Craving Pani Puri? Here's a list of some places to go to

One of the most famous pani puri vendors in town. They serve a lip-smacking variety of street food and you can always find a lot of people binging on pani puris here.

Location: Shakti Nagar corner, Ashok Nagar Main Road, in front of Shree Ambe Mata Mandir

Varieties served: Bhel Puri, Dahi Puri, Chole Tikiya, Pani Puri

2. Chotu Bhai Chaat Wala

Craving Pani Puri? Here's a list of some places to go to

Another famous stall at the Sukhadia Circle chowpaty serving delectable varieties. One of the most popular choice for residents as well as tourists for eating pani puri.

Location: Sukhadia Circle Chowpaty

Varieties served: Bhel Puri, Dahi Puri, Chole Tikiya, Pani Puri, Chinese food items

3. Bhole Chaat and Fast Food

Craving Pani Puri? Here's a list of some places to go to

Another prominent pani puri seller at Sukhadia Circle also famous for South Indian food and other varieties.

Location: Sukhadia Circle Chowpaty

Varieties served: Bhel Puri, Dahi Puri, Chole Tikiya, Pani Puri, South Indian food items

4. Shree G Gujarat Pani Puri

Craving Pani Puri? Here's a list of some places to go to

A one-of-its-kind pani puri stall serving six different types of ‘pani’ along with deliciously filled crunchy puris.

Location: Sukhadia Circle, Opp. Big Bazaar

Varieties served: Pani Puri with 6 different types of pani

5. Sawariya Chaat Center

Craving Pani Puri? Here's a list of some places to go to

Location: Ashok Nagar Main Road, Outside T.R.I

Varieties served: Bhel Puri, Sev Puri, Aloo Tikki, Pani Puri

6. Purnima Chaat

Craving Pani Puri? Here's a list of some places to go to


Location: Bapu Bazar Main Road, in front of Peter England Showroom

Varieties served: Chole Tikiya, Pani Puri, Dahi Puri, Chowmein, Paneer Chilly, Pav Bhaji, etc.

7. Bhawani Chaat Corner

Craving Pani Puri? Here's a list of some places to go to

Location: Bapu Bazar Main Road, Near Brand Corner

Varieties served: Bhel Puri, Sev Puri, Aloo Tikki, Pani Puri

8. Jodhpur Mishthan Bhandar

Craving Pani Puri? Here's a list of some places to go to

Location: Opp. Town Hall, Udaipur

Varieties served: Bhel Puri, Sev Puri, Chole Tikki, Pani Puri

9. Shri Santosh Chaat Corner

Craving Pani Puri? Here's a list of some places to go to

Location: RMV road, Gulab Baagh

Varieties served: Bhel Puri, Chole Tikiya, Pani Puri

10. Ganesh Chaat Center

Craving Pani Puri? Here's a list of some places to go to

Location: Math Road, Bhopalpura

Varieties served: Dahi Puri, Aloo Tikki, Pani Puri

11. Payal Chaat Center

Craving Pani Puri? Here's a list of some places to go to

Location: Ahead of Ayad Puliya, Opp. A-One Sr. Sec. School

Varieties served: Bhel Puri, Dahi Puri, Aloo Tikki, Pani Puri, Pav Bhaji, Faluda

12. Sahu Chaat Center

Craving Pani Puri? Here's a list of some places to go to

Location: Shastri Circle, outside V-Mart

Varieties served: Bhel Puri, Sev Puri, Pani Puri

13. Radhika Chaat

Craving Pani Puri? Here's a list of some places to go to

Location: Ashwani Bazaar, in front of Hospital Gate

Varieties served: Sev Puri, Chole Tikiya, Pani Puri

14. Gokul Chaat Center

Craving Pani Puri? Here's a list of some places to go to

Location: Maldas Street, near Jain Temple

Varieties served: Dahi Puri, Aloo Tikki, Pani Puri

There are many other street-side vendors serving pani puri at every nook and corner of the city such as 100 ft. road, Durga Nursery road, etc.

How many of these have you tried yet?

Tell us about your experience in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.

Happy Eating!

History and Culture

Udaipur- Then, Now and Further

On this day, 18 April, The Foundation Day of Udaipur- let us know about our beautiful city of lakes. Udaipur- Then, Now and Further!


We all know that Maharana Udai Singh II founded Udaipur in 1553 but do you know how? In the 16th century, Maharana Udai Singh II wanted to move his capital from Chittaurgarh due to ongoing attacks of Mughal. One day while hunting in the foothills of the Aravali Range, Udai Singh Ji came upon a monk who blessed him to build a palace at a spot which is now Pichola. He rejected the idea of building it at Ayad as it was the flood-prone area at that time. Further, to protect Udaipur from the enemies he built a six-kilometer-long wall with main gates known as Surajpole, Chandpole, Udiapole, Hathipole, Ambapole, Brahmpole and so on. The area within the wall is still known as the old city. Udaipur remained safe afterward as it was a mountainous region and it was difficult for the Mughals to carry their heavy weapons and horses up there.

Udaipur- Then, Now and Further
Source: Wikipedia

Our ancestors put in great mind in the making of Udaipur. The majestic beauty and safety of the city were all in their brains back then. There’s a reason why there are so many man-made lakes in Udaipur. In ancient times, people of Udaipur had no source of water apart from rainwater. To solve this problem man-made lakes were formed which made a lake system with seven lakes. All these lakes were interconnected to each other so that in case of heavy rainfall, the water can travel further and doesn’t drown the city. The lake system comprises of Lakes Pichola, Rang Sagar, Swaroop Sagar, Fateh Sagar, Badi, Madar and Udai Sagar. All the lakes of Udaipur form a chain in the saucer-shaped Udaipur valley.

Timeline of Udaipur

1553 – Founded by Udai Singh II and Ruled by Sisodia clan of Rajput for next 265 years.

1678 – Fateh Sagar Lake built by Maharana Jai Singh which was improvised later by Maharana Fateh Singh.

1818 – Became the British princely states under British rule.

1884 – Ruled by 73rd Rana when Udaipur saw major development with railway, college, schools, hospitals, and dispensaries all established.

1947 – After independence, the Maharaja of Udaipur granted the place to the government of India. Mewar was merged into the state of Rajasthan.

Udaipur- Then, Now and Further
Photographer: Lala Deen Dayal
Udaipur- Then, Now and Further

Now –

After Independence, Udaipur is constantly developing and now has become the dream destination of every tourist in the world. Udaipur, also known as ‘The City of Lakes’ or ‘Kashmir of Rajasthan’ is the romance fantasy for all the couples out there. The city has also been excelling in its massive historic forts and palaces, museums, galleries, natural locations and gardens, architectural temples, as well as traditional fairs, festivals, and structures.

Udaipur- Then, Now and Further
Photographer: Lala Deen Dayal
Udaipur- Then, Now and Further


And further 

After the smart city mission launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 25 June 2015, there has been latest changes and developments that all the Udaipurites can see:

  • New public parking constructed at various places like townhall, Nagar Nigam parking near Gulab Bagh, etc.
  • Many tourist spots have been renovated lately. If you have noticed Fatehsagar has been renovated completely in last few years.
  • Place similar to Fatehsagar is been constructed around Daiji footbridge near gangaur ghat where you can enjoy your evenings by simply walking and pleasuring your eyes with the amazing view.
  • Udaipur is also developing itself with the comforting hospitality that it provides. The city is filled with all kind of hotels and places where a tourist can find peace and enjoy his journey.

Now that you know all about Udaipur, go and please your body and soul in the charm of the city.


Best Places to have summer drinks in Udaipur

‘Summer is coming’, rather it has already arrived. Although Udaipur city is known for its pleasant weather, the summers can be really brutal. Now, we are really left with the scorching heat and increasing temperatures which result in sweaty and exhausting days. So, with the sun beating mercilessly on us, we crave for cool and refreshing drinks and that is where Udaipur restaurants and cafes have come to our rescue. Let’s take a look at some places that serve the best summer drinks in Udaipur.

The best places to beat the heat are-

1. Jheel ginger café bar-

Jheel Ginger cafe

A prominent café of Udaipur, Jheel ginger café is located on the banks of Lake Pichola and it is considered as the best place to chill, eat and drink. The café provides a variety of soft drinks and mocktails to go with and the food here is just finger licking’ good.

Address: 52-56 gangaur ghat, Jheel Guest House, Udaipur.

Price: Rs. 400 for two (approx.)

UB Tip:

Use UB Life card to avail Flat 10% up to Rs 500/-

Flat 15% above Rs. 500/-

2. Dialogue café-

source: my udaipur city.

The café has nothing but good vibes to offer. Complimented with awesome ambience, great food, delicious shakes and mocktails, the place is a must visit in summers.

Address: Shobhagpura 100 ft. road, near Shubh Kesar Garden, Udaipur.

Price: Rs. 350 for two (approx.)

UB tip: Use UB life card to avail Flat 10% above Rs. 300/- and flat 15% above Rs. 500.

3. Keventers-

Keventers, Celebration Mall.

With its branches located all over India, Keventers came to Udaipur somewhere in 2017, and since then it has been the talk of the town. It provides a great variety of shakes which is quite impressive and makes it stand out of the league.

Address: Food court, celebration mall, bhuwana, Udaipur.

Sukhadia circle, Big Bazaar, Udaipur.

Price: Rs. 300 for two (approx.)

4. Royal Brewmen-

source: my Udaipur City. Royal Brewmwn

When the summer is really killing us, Royal Brewmen’s shakes, Ice tea, and mojitos come as a whish of fresh air. Friendly atmosphere, the great ambience makes this place worth every penny.

Address: No.4 Hitawala complex, Saheli marg, Udaipur.

Price: Rs. 400 for two. (approx.)

5. Brewberrys café bar-

Brewberrys cafe.

The beautiful café, since its establishment has garnered eyeballs of both the young generation as well as families. What makes it attractive is its decent ambience and calm atmosphere. Everyone should make a visit at least once.

Address: 56, New Fatehpura, Panchwati, Udaipur.

Price: Rs. 300 for two (approx.)

UB tip: Use UB card to avail flat 10% above Rs. 300-550/-

Flat 20% off above Rs. 550/-

6. So Foody, Vinod’s cafe-

So Foody, vinod cafe

A small yet beautiful kiosk situated outside the RK Mall is the best place to beat the heat as it serves delicious cold coffee and thick shakes complimented with mouth-watering snacks.

Address: Outside R kay Mall, Panchawati road, Udaipur.

Price: Rs 250 for two (approx.)

UB tip: Use UB card to avail Flat 10% off.

7. Shakes and Bites-

Shakes and Bites Cafe

As the name itself suggests, the place is well known for its thick shakes. Summers are the best time to visit this place and to treat yourself to delicious shakes and fast food.

Address: Ground floor, Hithawala complex, Saheli marg, Udaipur.

Price: Rs. 300 for two (approx.)

And a special mention!

8. Happinezz-

When it comes to escaping the blazing heat how can we forget the oldest and yet very popular in the list i.e. Happinezz ice cream parlor. The famous Sundays and Ice creams are a must-have.

Address: New Fatehpura, Opposite Allahabad Bank, Udaipur.

Price: Rs. 250 for two (approx.)


The most important tip for this summer is to stay hydrated. So, drink lots and lots of water.

There you have it- a list of places that provide the best summer drinks in the city. Do you know of any others? We would love to hear them.

Places to Visit

Wildlife Sanctuaries and Nature Parks Udaipur

Udaipur is a green city which is a home to a lot of flora and fauna. Neighboring areas of Udaipur too are lush green have a lot of sanctuaries preserving an indigenous species of animals, birds, and plants. These sanctuaries are open for public and can be visited for exploring and learning about wildlife. Have a look at these strikingly beautiful and magnificent abodes of nature.

Sajjangarh Wildlife Sanctuary

Monsoon Palace or better known as Sajjangarh, perched on a hillock, is encompassed by thick forest. It is gifted with rich indigenous flora and fauna. In the year 1987, the Government converted the area into a Wildlife Sanctuary. The sanctuary has many wild animals like Panther, Sambhar, Chital, Jackal, Blue Bull etc. The sanctuary is also a habitat for a wide variety of birds and other terrestrial animals.

Wildlife Sanctuaries and Nature Parks Udaipur
Source: Pinterest

How to reach: It is located not far from the city center Tourists can book a taxi or take a private cab to reach there.

Timings: 10 AM – 6 PM


Mount Abu Sanctuary

The Mount Abu Sanctuary is located across the Aravali range and covers a huge area. It is a habitat for a huge variety of wildlife- flora, fauna, and avian species. The sanctuary has a rich vegetation and is a home to a number of rare and endangered species of animals, like leopards, jungle cats, sambhar, wolves, Indian civets, hyenas, Indian foxes, jackals, bears, wild boars, common langurs, pangolins, Indian hares, mongoose, hedgehogs, porcupines and so many more. With the over 250 species of birds, the sanctuary is also a preferred destination for bird watchers.

Wildlife Sanctuaries and Nature Parks Udaipur
Source: Tripadvisor

How to reach: Take cabs or bus from Morthala railway station which is 18 km from Mt. Abu

Timings:  9 am to 5:30 pm



Kumbhalgarh National Park

Lying in the Rajsamand district, Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary is 100 kilometers from Udaipur. It spreads over a sprawling area of 578 square kilometers and covers the partial parts of Udaipur, Rajsamand and Pali districts. Kumbhalgarh Wildlife sanctuary is home to animals like Leopards, Hyena, Jackal, Jungle Cat, Sambhar, Chinkara, Chausinga, Hare and other Antelopes. Avian species such as Peacock, Doves, Kingfishers can also be seen. Further, birds like Red Spur Owls, Parakeet, White Breasted Kingfisher could also be spotted.

Wildlife Sanctuaries and Nature Parks Udaipur
Source: Wildlife of India

How to reach:

By Air: Udaipur Airport is the nearest airport which is about 85 km from the Wildlife Sanctuary.

By Rail: Falna Railway Station is the nearest Railway Station.

Timings: 7 am – 6 pm



Jaisamand Wildlife Sanctuary

Built in 1957, the sanctuary spreads over an area of 62 square kilometers and is a home to a variety of migratory birds. Crocodiles are also found in this sanctuary. Animals like Panther, Wild Boar, Deer and other Antelopes, Leopard, Jungle Cat, Hyena, and Fox etc. are also there. The lake has various reptiles and amphibians like Crocodiles, Turtles and a wide variety of fish. It is one of the best and the nearest sanctuaries in Udaipur.

Wildlife Sanctuaries and Nature Parks Udaipur
Source: Rajasthantrip

How to reach: Best to go by your personal vehicle or a taxi

Timings: 9 am to 5:30 pm



Bagdarah Nature Park

Bagdarah Nature Park is situated 15 kilometers from Udaipur and is the nearest place to enjoy the beauty of nature. The nature park is famous for being a for a great number of crocodiles. It is sometimes also known as Baghdara Crocodile Reserve and is quite famous for the Crocodile Breeding Project of Rajasthan. The word ‘Bagh’ is the Hindi word means Tiger and as per the legends Tigers were also found in this area and thus it got the name Bhaghdara.

Wildlife Sanctuaries and Nature Parks Udaipur
Source: patrika

How to reach: Best to go by your personal vehicle or a taxi

Timings: 10 am to 5:30 pm



Bassi Wildlife Sanctuary

situated near Bassi Village, the Bassi Wildlife Sanctuary is surrounded by the Vindhyachal Ranges in the west. Due to an abundance of wild animals like panthers, wild boars, mongoose, and antelopes the place is a great destination for nature lovers. The place also attracts various migratory birds and a lot of avid bird watchers. Apart from the sanctuary, Orai Dam and Bassi Dam located within the sanctuary are also renowned attractions of the place.

Wildlife Sanctuaries and Nature Parks Udaipur
Antelope in Bassi Wildlife Sanctuary

How to reach: Best to go by your personal vehicle or a taxi

Timings: 6:30 am – 5:00 pm



Sita Mata Wildlife Sanctuary

The farthest, Sita Mata Wildlife Sanctuary is located 165 km from Udaipur. Situated in Pratapgarh district the sanctuary spreads over an area of 423 square kilometers. It was declared as protected forest by the Rajasthan Government in the year 1979. Having more than 100 varieties of medicinal herbal plants it has a wide variety of trees like peepal, bad, neem, kachnar, babool, amaltas, ashok, khejdi, semal, bamboo etc.

Wildlife Sanctuaries and Nature Parks Udaipur
Source: UdaipurTimes

The sanctuary is famous for the Flying Squirrel and nearly 130 varieties of migratory and resident birds can be seen here. Herons, egrets, storks, spoonbills, partridge, quail, crane, peafowls, kingfishers, woodpeckers, sparrows, robins are some of the species found here.

How to reach: One can take a cab or go by bus

Timings: 9 am to 5:30 pm



Out of these wildlife sanctuaries, how many have you visited? 

Places to Visit

Golden Park, Udaipur

Commonly referred to as ‘The City of Lakes’, it seems like Udaipur city has got a new name for itself ‘the city of gardens’. The city has got some lush green gardens that appeal to the aesthetic sense of any viewer and a recent addition to its list of beautiful Parks is the ‘Golden Park’. The newly formed park is a neighbor to popular tourist attractions like ‘Jungle Safari’ and the famous ‘Pratap Park’.

The park was inaugurated on 23rd December by Home Minister Gulab Chand Kataria. The mesmerizing garden is located at Sisarama road on the banks of Lake Pichola and is home to scenic hills, meadows, playgrounds and herbal garden.
Built with a budget of Rs. 46 Lakhs, the Park is spread around 2 hectares said to be a discovery of Home Minister Mr Gulab Chand Kataria.


One amazing fact about the park is that during sunset as the sun rays fall on the park, everything turns into shimmery gold and gives an enticing view. The park has become favorite among the localities as it offers pleasing view complimented with an eco-friendly environment. The park has been made keeping in mind the interest of children and for this purpose wooden sculptures of different species of animals have been placed in the park to amaze the children and to further increase their knowledge.


Major Attractions-

Selfie zone
Herbal garden
Adventure point
Walking track
Sunset point


Set against a backdrop of woodland, you will find a mix of formal and informal planting. This is good news for every Udaipurite as the city just added another feather in its cap. If you are a tourist in Udaipur, definitely visit this place.
Have you visited the ‘Golden Park’ yet? How was your experience? Do tell us. We would love to hear from you.


Identify These locations in Udaipur!!!!

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