Health & Fashion

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस – 2022

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस प्रत्येक वर्ष 21 जून को मनाया जाता है। योग का अभ्यास एक बेहतर इंसान बनने के साथ एक तेज दिमाग, स्वस्थ दिल और एक सुकून भरे शरीर को पाने के तरीकों में से एक है। योग अपने अद्भुत स्वास्थ्य लाभों के लिए जाना जाता है। हमारे ऋषि-मुनि भी कह गए हैं, ‘पहला सुख निरोगी काया’। योग, मन, शरीर और आत्मा की एकता को सक्षम बनाता है। योग के विभिन्न रूपों से हमारे शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को अलग-अलग तरीकों से लाभ मिलता है। अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस इस अनूठी कला का आनंद लेने के लिए मनाया जाता है।

हमारे दैनिक जीवन में योग को जन्म देने से हमारे जीवन में सकारात्मक परिवर्तन आ सकता है। यह हमारे तनावपूर्ण जीवन के लिए एक बड़ी राहत प्रदान करता है। योग अभ्यास करने के मुख्य लाभों में से यह एक है कि यह तनाव कम करने में मदद करता है। आज कल की जो युवा पीढ़ी है जो हर छोटी-छोटी बातो का तनाव लेती रहती है जो किसी प्रकार की कठोर स्थिति से जीवन में आए तनाव से मुक्ति पाने के लिए वे आत्महत्या जैसे कदम उठाने को बाध्य हो जाते हैं।

दैनिक जीवन में योग को जन्म देने से हमारे जीवन में सकारात्मक परिवर्तन आ सकता है। यह हमारे तनावपूर्ण जीवन के लिए एक बड़ी राहत प्रदान करता है योग एक व्यक्ति को ध्यान और साँस लेने के व्यायाम से तनाव कम करने में मदद करता है और एक व्यक्ति के मानसिक कल्याण में सुधार करता है। योग नियमित अभ्यास मानसिक स्पष्टता और शांति बनाता है जिससे मन को आराम मिलता है।

international yoga day
International day of yoga illustration

आंतरिक शांति
आंतरिक शांति जो मनुष्य को ऊपरी मन से खुश होने से ज्यादा उसे आतंरिक खुश रहने से ख़ुशी मिलती है पर वो शांति आज कल की व्यस्त जिंदगी और शहर के चकाचोंध में कही खो सी गई है। इंसान अंदर से खुश रहेगा तो वह स्वस्थ रहेगा। सिर्फ 10-20 मिनट का योग हर दिन आपके स्वास्थ्य को अच्छा रहने में मदद कर सकता है। बेहतर स्वास्थ्य का मतलब बेहतर जीवन है।

बीमारियों से बचाव
जिस प्रकार आजकल के लोगो का खान पान उस तरीके से तो इंसान कितनी सारी बीमारियों को साथ ले रहा है। योग गंभीर से गंभीर बीमारियों से हमारा बचाव करने में मददगार होता है। इतना ही नहीं अगर कोई व्यक्ति गंभीर बीमारी से पीड़ित है, तो योग उससे भी लड़ने की शक्ति देता है।

शरीर को लचीला बनाए
योग पूरे शरीर में ब्लड सर्कुलेशन को बेहतर बनाता है, जिससे सभी अंग सुचारू रूप से काम करते हैं।

हमारे ऋषियों और आयुर्वेद द्वारा दी गयी क्रियाओं और चिकित्सों का लाभ उठाएं इसी से तनाव कम होगा और देश की प्रगति भी होगी और युवाओं की मौतें भी नहीं होंगी और यह बीमारियाँ पूरी तरह ख़त्म हो जायेंगी और देश के युवा निरोग रहेंगे और तनाव भी ख़त्म हो जाएगा। 21 जून को मनाया जाने वाला अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस प्राचीन भारतीय कला के लिए एक अनुष्ठान है।

इस रोज की भाग दौड़ मर्रे वाली जिंदगी में अगर खुश रहना है तो दिन में सिर्फ थोड़ा समय निकल कर 15 से 20 मिनट योगा करना ही चाहिए जो हमारे शरीर के साथ हमारे मन को भी स्वस्थ रखेगा। जीवन के तनाव को कम करने में मदद करेगा, चेहरे पर निखार लाएगा, फ्लेक्सिबल बॉडी बनाएगा जो हमे जल्दी बूढ़ा नहीं बनाएगा। मन को दिमाग को शांत रखेगा कई सारी गंभीर बिमारियों को आने से रोकेगा, रोग प्रतिरोध क्षमता को बढ़ाएगा।

Health & Fashion

Top 10 Gyms in Udaipur

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live in- Jim Rohn

One of the rising trends among men and women nowadays is keeping their bodies in shape by doing regular workouts and exercise. Having a good physique makes you look good and feel confident. Udaipur city has not been able to escape from this rage, which is indeed a good thing as now the people are more focused on staying fit and healthy.

Therefore, for all the Gym enthusiasts and fitness freaks, we present to you a top 10 gyms in Udaipur and fitness centers that you should give a try.

1. Arth Skin and Fitness Gym

This gym is fully armed with the latest equipment and technology, fitted to modern infrastructures which come with various facilities making workout comfortable yet fun. It is an ideal place to reach your fitness goals.

Address: 3rd floor, 4C Arth building , behind Bhartiya Lok Kala Mandal, Udaipur

Contact: +91 8559855945

Timings: 9 am to 7 pm

2. Metroflex

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Metroflex brought the true culture of modern gyms to Udaipur. Metro Flex club offers the right kind of encouragement you need to achieve your goals. The gym also has a Thai Spa and a diet kitchen.

Address: 1st floor, gokul tower, ner CA circle, Sector 14,Udaipur

Contact: +91 9680664789, 6376745058

Timings: 5 am-12 pm to 4pm-11 am

3. 4 Sure Fitness

Established in 2016, 4 Sure fitness certainly lives up to its name and is currently the largest Gymnasium in Udaipur. The gym is loaded with all the latest machines and fitness equipment and is ranked among the top gyms in Udaipur.

Address: MP enclave, Shobhagpura circle, Udaipur

Contact: 07232826777

Timings: 6 am to 10 pm

4. Anytime Fitness

The most popular name on the list. This gym has continued to add newer ways to increase its portfolio and enhance its overall momentum. and to increase The gym offers personal training and nutrition counseling. Rest assured, you are given the best training from certified fitness trainers.

Address: Apex Chamber, 4C, Madhuban Near Lok kala Mandal, Udaipur

Contact: +918448444723

Timings: 6 am to 11 pm

5. Rnold Fitness Club

Rnold gym is a one-stop destination for all the people who wish to lose weight or get in shape but fail to find the proper guidance. The gym has its own professional certified trainers who will push you to your maximum limit to bring the best results out of you.

Address1: Rnold Fitness Club, Plot No.5, 80 feet, main road, near sanskar -II, Udaipur

Address2: Rnold Fitness Club, Plot No.5, 3 rd Floor, Above SBI Bank, Near Paras Choraha, Hiran Magri, Sector no.11 Udaipur

Contact: 91-91191-16169, 80058-81438, 86964-25866.

Timings: 6 am-12 pm to 4pm-11 am

Sunday Closed

6. Trans Gym

This could be your one shop stop for all-around health and fitness programs. The gym offers every facility and training program that you need with guidance from experienced coaches.

Address: 377 378 Ashok Nagar Near Shreeniketan First Floor, Above Supplement Factory, Udaipur

Contact: 07627083456

Timings: 6 am-11 am, 4 pm-10 pm.

Sunday closed.

7. Oxygen plus

A new addition to this list is Oxygen Plus and this gym provides great gym equipment. Various programs organized are lean body fitness, muscle body fitness and full body transformation fitness program.

Address: 48, ABC, 2 FLOOR RKAY MALL, Panchwati, Udaipur

Contact: 07597974499

Timings: 5 am-10 am, 4 pm-10 pm.

Sunday closed.

8. Fitness Avenger

This health club is the talk of the town, especially for people residing in sectors. Equipped with first-class amenities, it is surely a delight for people who enjoy their workouts. The gym is famous for its quick results and transformation.

Address: Near Menaria guest house sector no. 4, Udaipur

Contact: 9549045301, 7737883838.

Timings: 6 am to 10 pm.

Sunday closed.

9. Udaipur Fitness Club

Udaipur Fitness Club is well equipped with essential machines. They also provide Zumba dance classes, yoga and aerobics. So if you happen to be in the vicinity and looking for a new fitness journey then this is for you.

Address: Sector No.11, Hiran Magri, Udaipur

Contact: +91 9549337867

Timings: 6:00 am to 12 am

Sunday closed.

10. Healthline Fitness Studio

The gym with the most satisfactory results. Health line Fitness studio began as a small physiotherapy clinic by Dr Vyom Bolia in the year 2008. With a team of over 30 physios, yoga and fitness professionals and now it has become a leader in its league.

Address1: 3rd Floor Govardhan Plaza, Opp. Lok Kala Mandal, Panchwati, Udaipur

Contact: +91-9928568676, 07665551678

Timings: 6 am to 10 pm.

Sunday closed.

For best deals and membership plans, you can contact the respective phone numbers. If you wish to get your gyms listed, contact on

This was our list of top gyms and fitness clubs in Udaipur. What do you think? We are eager to receive your kind feedback.


Reaching out: NGOs in Udaipur

In a world where money defines happiness and success of an individual, we often tend to forget there are people who have put a lot of work into bringing a smile on other people’s face and that, for them is their earning of a lifetime. Nothing gives them as much happiness as helping others. India accounts for the largest number of people living below the international poverty line, as suggested by a study in 2013, with 30 percent of its population living under the $1.90-a-day poverty measure. To put this into a better perspective, almost one out of three people in India are living without the basic amenities.

India is known to be home to nearly 3 million NGOs working in different areas like health, education, rural, tribal and social development amongst others. They vary in size and focus and are one of the largest employers of people in India. Udaipur too has many NGOs working for the social and economic development of the weaker sections of the society. It is about time we all get acquainted with some of these and make a valuable contribution.

Narayan Seva Sansthan

Reaching out: NGOs in UdaipurNarayan Seva Sansthan is one of the oldest working NGOs of Udaipur and has left quite an impression through its work globally. Set-up in 1985 with the motto ‘Service of humanity is service of God’, this NGO has now over 480 branches in India and 49 abroad. The organization has till date successfully conducted 3,27,108 ‘free of cost’ surgeries through their state-of-the-art prosthetics and orthotics department for patients suffering from polio and other ‘by birth’ disabilities. It also provides ‘free of cost’ lodging and boarding facilities with free meals twice a day and has helped around 0.8 million differently-abled people by providing them with wheelchairs. Donations can be made for the cause through their website.

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Animal Aid Unlimited

Reaching out: NGOs in Udaipur

No one is unknown to the selfless work done by this organization working for rescuing and treating the un-owned street animals of Udaipur that have been injured or have become ill. Animal Aid was founded in 2002 with this mission has since then worked passionately towards the welfare of animals. It is truly an inspiration to a lot of people who feel for animals and want to protect and defend them. We can all contribute to this organization simply by making a call whenever we see a stray animal in need of any kind of help. Animal Aid has till date rescued over 65,000 injured/ill dogs, cows, donkeys, birds, and cats. Passionate animal lovers can volunteer and donate to this organization. Volunteering is open seven days a week from 9 to 5.

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Robinhood Army

Reaching out: NGOs in UdaipurHunger is more than a missing meal. It is the lack of food available to people who need it. Hunger kills more people each year than AIDS, malaria, and terrorism combined. To combat this problem, Robinhood Army was founded in 2014 with an aim to kill hunger. It now engages over 12,550 Robins and has collectively served over 4.7 million people across 58 cities out if which the Udaipur chapter has served around 1,50,000 people alone. With a dedicated team and efforts of each and every volunteer, this organization reaches each and every such place where there is surplus food and distributes it to the weaker sections of the society. They can often be seen wearing green t-shirts serving food to the homeless and poor with a smile. Anyone with a hunger for eradicating hunger can volunteer. They do not accept monetary contributions.

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Pukaar Org.

Reaching out: NGOs in UdaipurFounded in November 2013, Pukaar: Voice of Earth is a voluntary organization consisting of young students who dreamt of a Pollution free Earth, and work for city’s environmental protection and a greener world. The organization has so far dedicated 190 Sundays until January 2018 and restored life to plants in over 20 public parks. Pukaar, in future, aims at empowering rural India through the promotion of social entrepreneurship and assist farmers in learning Organic Farming techniques and other productivity measures. You can volunteer for the cause by reaching them through their Facebook page.

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Seva Mandir

Reaching out: NGOs in UdaipurSeva Mandir aims to transform lives through the democratic and participatory development of communities. It works with 3,60,000 people across 700 villages of southern Rajasthan where most people live on less than ₹20 a day. Seva Mandir has been working closely for over 45 years with these people to improve their well-being in areas such as education, childcare, women empowerment, self-governance, health, sustainable natural resources and youth development offering primary education, maternal and child health services, and providing sustainable watersheds for good quality agricultural yields along with much needed sexual health and gender training. Volunteer for this organization and work closely with interns from different age groups, races, and nationalities.

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Foster Care India

Reaching out: NGOs in Udaipur

Foster Care India focuses on empowerment and capacity building of existing systems. Their vision – ‘Every child’s right to a family’ promotes foster care and kinship care as best practices for children in need of care and protection. They provide family preservation, foster care, adoption, and aftercare services for children in need of care and protection to make them understand what a family means. You can donate to the cause by visiting their website.

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Development Action Awareness Nationwide: D.A.A.N. Foundation

Reaching out: NGOs in Udaipur

DAAN Foundation works on issues relating to awareness and education. Their focus is on youth aged 4 to 15 on issues related to gender, sexual reproductive health, differences in the body that come with age and other social issues like caste, religion, and gender. The organization works to educate children in such areas and make them independent individuals with a better understanding of such issues. Their aims include positive ambition, positive assertion, and positive alteration. Volunteers with a passion towards changing the lives of such children are welcome.

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Reaching out: NGOs in Udaipur

Shikshantar, a Jeevan Andolan was founded in order to challenge the schooling culture and institutions of thought control. It aims to generate meaningful critiques and revive diverse forms of learning and expressions much needed for a harmonious social regeneration. They are committed to reclaiming control over learning ecologies and imagining their own complex visions through the practice of Swaraj and all in the spirit of Vimukt Shiksha. They have many campaigns and programs for individual growth and development. Check them out on their website.

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Reaching out: NGOs in Udaipur

Impetus, founded in October 2016, works for the upliftment of the society through regular weekend food distribution and classes and activities conducted for the children of slums. They organize art and craft workshops and various other activities on monthly basis for orphanages and Govt. school kids. Impetus believes in ‘bringing a smile to those faces which wouldn’t have otherwise managed that curve due to their unfortunate circumstances’. You can apply for an internship through their website and also donate to the cause.

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MaitriManthan Sansthan

Reaching out: NGOs in Udaipur

MaitriManthan strives to improve access to healthcare and education, also empowering women and young children. Founded in December 2013, it provides valuable services to deprived rural sections in areas surrounding Udaipur. The organization is all about helping and giving to transform the lives of young rural children and bring about a change in our society. As the name suggests, it is a holistic approach towards planning and executing some life-changing activities with the help of passionate people like them. Passionate people are welcome to volunteer and anyone willing can donate.

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Helping Youth Sansthan

Helping Youth Sansthan NGO in Udaipur

Helping Youth Sansthan was founded in 2019 by the college students of Udaipur. They are working for social welfare by organizing plantation drives, placing bird feeders in the whole city during summers, conducting rally against rapists with 1500+ girls, distributing clothes and sweaters to the underprivileged, and the mission of cleaning Udaipur’s lakes under the project “Clean Udaipur, Green Udaipur.” The NGO also worked for collecting and donating funds to areas undergoing flood and natural disasters, conducting free classes in socially backward areas to teach children, distributing stationery, etc. Helping Youth’s volunteers worked very passionately during the Covid-19 pandemic for the arrangements of blood and plasma for patients, traffic volunteering, awareness programs, distribution of food to street animals and ration kits for needy poor families. The Sansthan hosted one of the biggest painting competition and charity show “Jugnoo” highlighting topics such as acid attack, where the chief guests themselves were acid attack survivors.
The NGO believes in “Paying Back to the Society.” Passionate volunteers can reach their Instagram and Facebook channels to join them.

Source: Instagram, Facebook


Besides these, many other organizations, no matter big or small, work devotedly towards making the world a better place to live. Some of them are Mercy League, Karma Group, Mahesh Ashram, Asha Dham Ashram, Tara Sansthan, Warm Aid, etc.

Charity begins at home and there’d be a lot more if I went on mentioning but some choose to work behind the curtains and we are equally thankful to them.

Tell us about other organizations you know that work so selflessly, we’d love to know about them!


Know About the Wetlands in Udaipur- These Save Water, Wildlife and Plants!

Nature has been especially generous for Mewar and given it a number of water bodies such as Picchola, Fatehsagar, Badi, Udaisagar, Rajsamand, and Jaisamand. Now, it depends on us how we preserve them. We have wetlands that are, regions that are filled with water permanently or seasonally and gradually develop an independent environmental system of their own.

At present 169 countries of the world have accepted the concept of wetlands and there are 2384 such places all over the world. In 1971 in Iran, was held International Ramsar Conference when the importance of wetlands and need for preserving them was realized. Since then Wetland Day is being celebrated all over the world.

In Udaipur district, we have at least nine big and small water bodies that are waiting to be declared as wetlands. One is Sahi Dam, Kotra that is spread over 356 hectares and another is Bharmela Talab in Menar, Vallabhnagar tehsil covering 217.01 hectares. In Menar, Vaalabhnagar tehsil is Dand Talab that has an area of 304.6 hectares. Covering an area of 552.39 hectares is Bagolia Talab in Mavli tehsil. Then we have Lake Udaisagar in Girwa tehsil with an area 680 hectare while Lake Jaisamand in Sarada tehsil covers about 5873.53 hectares. Vallabhnagar Dam in Vallabhnagar tehsil spreads 869.16 hectares whereas the Badgaon Dam, Morjai Talabin Mandi tehsil, covers an area of 1091.56. Bhatewar Talab in Vallabhnagar tehsil covers 869.83 hectares. A technical report of these water bodies was sent to the govt. in accordance with wetlands management and conservation rules 2010 of section 3.


For making Udaisagar, near Udaipur, a wetland, the land of 11 villages was included so that the whole area could be legally safeguarded. However, due to changing rules, it has not yet been declared a wetland.

Preserving wetland is important for us and the birds due to several reasons. During rains, they check the water from flowing away, so the water seeps down and the level of the underground does not go down. This, in turn, recharges wells and tube wells. Wetlands also help in conserving biodiversity as it is on them that animals and birds survive. The welfare of Udaipur depends on wetlands that provide water for irrigation and drinking. Lake strengthens the economy of the city with the help of tourism. Even small lakes like Roopsagar, Nela, Mandopi, Titardi and Phuta Jugi contribute to the development in their own way.

Wetlands are in danger as they are being encroached. Other activities are increasing there. That is being used as agriculture land. Those located near cities are in greater danger.

Health & Fashion

Be Prepared to beat the Monsoon Blues

Can’t wait to have a plate of garma-garam pakodas and hot tea sip by the stalls? But stop, make sure that what you are eating is healthy or not.

Monsoon in my own definition is after scorching hot summer, the rainy showers, which are super relieving for us, and are a hello to joy and pleasure. Though monsoon lessens our sweat, but it also brings many problems with it due to sudden fluctuations in temperature and moisture.


So here, UdaipurBlog brings to you some do’s and don’ts, health and fashion tips so that you can gear up for these rains.

  • Prepare your rain wears, raincoats, caps, umbrellas, waterproof shoes and plastic sheets. Keep plastic bags in your handbags also to prevent your belongings from getting wet in water.
  • Go for a walk daily in the morning. The fresh monsoon air will refresh you and open your skin pores for happy skin and happy you.
  • Don’t do heavy exercise. Instead go for yoga or simple aerobics.
  • Always take a shower when you are rain soaked. Never wear wet clothes without washing and ironing, otherwise they may cause itching.
  • Our skin becomes more prone to infections these days. So, do take care of your body hygiene. Add dettol or neem leaves to your bucket while taking bath.
  • Apply anti-fungal talcum powder to the areas which are more prone to infections like armpits, etc.
  •  The moisture and temperature during rains are the favorable conditions for microbial growth. These also results in poor digestion.
    • Therefore, while cooking, firstly wash all vegetables and fruits well, especially the leafy green as they may have hidden worms.
    • Add light grilled and tandoori foods cooked in less oil and less salt, loads of seasonal fruits, cereals and vegetables to your meals instead of heavy oily foods.
    • In breakfast we may add poha, sandwiches, egg, and cornflakes and avoid stuffed parathas.
    • Load up your kitchen and dining tables with Vitamin-C. It is a good antioxidant which helps in viral cold.
    • Add ginger to your servings. (Tea and dals).
    • Avoid packed juices and junk food, of which most of us are used to.
    • Drink boiled and purified water, homemade juices and soups only.
  • Prepare your wardrobe to drive everyone crazy with your looks.
    • Style yourself up with floral prints, pastel shades, sea blue, flora green. They all give you charming fresh look in the monsoons.
    • Go for cotton fabrics, loose fitting pants or shorts. These are comfortable and casual and also do not cause any kind of skin allergies.
    • Avoid high heels and slippery foot wears. Instead try wooden sole.
  • Exclusively for girls:
    • For glowing skin and healthy hair, apply 1 cup curd plus 1tsp of lime juice to skin and hair and wash off after 15 minutes under rain shower.
    • If you are suffering from crack heel problems, then soak your feet in warm water with a pinch of salt for 20 minutes, then wash with cold water and dry with towel.
    • A light body massage with mustard or olive oil is the need of season.

So take care of all the above, to stay healthy and charming and enjoy every treat of this awesome season outside.

Wish you all a very HAPPY and HEALTHY MONSOON.

Photograph By: Prasun Bannerjee


Taste Your Health at the Food Festival in Udaipur

Food Fest Welcome

A two day food festival has been organised in the city by Shikshantar, a Non Profit organisation on the theme of Jaso Ann, Vaso Man or You are what you eat. The fest has been organised in the Hanuman Temple at Devali near Fateh Sagar between 4-8 p.m. in the evening. Being a variety food lover I made up my mind to visit the place. When I went there I was warmly welcomed by Mr. Manish Jain, the co-founder of Shikshantar. There were many stalls with mouth watering dishes.

Food Fest Banner

The dishes were few famous national and international cuisines we have often heard of, but they have been modified with the local and healthier contents.  To begin with, I started with Tacos, originally a Mexican dish, but modified as per the regional grains and vegetation stuffs of Rajasthan. The crispy base was prepared of the “Khakhra” and the topping of salads and “Rajma” or red kidney beans. The next attraction was of the Veg Kababs made of beetroot or “Chukandar”, with a nice blend of flavours of coconut and coriander chutney.

The cookie sandwiches made of Mal, Ragi or Finger Millet and fresh fruits stuffed within redefined my dictionary meaning of sweet dish, to a healthier one. Sweet dish made of sanwa, a local foodstuff,  coconut laddoos, pineapple puddings, Jwar ki kheer,  pinapple and Sabudana Kheer , Kokam Sharbat (Squash made of kokam) and Pina Colada (A blend of coconut milk and pineapple juice), Ragi steam bread sandwitches, etc  were few more delicious, yet healthy food items present at the fest.

Mal Cookie Sandwitches
Mal Cookie Sandwitches
Veg Beetroot Kababs With Coriander and Coconut Chutney
Veg Beetroot Kababs With Coriander and Coconut Chutney
Mr. Manish Jain (In Kurta) explaining the qualities and nessecity of Healthy food
Mr. Manish Jain (In Kurta) explaining the qualities and nessecity of Healthy food

“Fast food has always harmed the healthy living. This food fest is in support of the concept of Slow Food movement, or the movement for switching to our home made food with local food stuffs. Today the high price we are paying for our eatables in the market is actually for the bulk amount of pesticides, insecticides, and harmful chemicals which eventually make way to our stomach. The crops like Ragi, Mal, Bajra are available locally and has been grown in villages and tribal areas from ancient times in this region. They have capacity to withstand intense climate changes. They are not so often attacked by insects, pests, etc and have great nutritive values, much greater than our conventional sources such as wheat, milk etc. These things just need to be promoted to the common masses, who want to sustain with a healthy living”

-Manish Jain

I met the enthusiastic team behind this innovative concept. The concept was coined by Manoj Prajapat and Surendra Gandharva, popularly known as Sunny. The team is energetic, confident, determined, and making every effort to promote the healthy living.

“I started working on the concept of Healthy food and healthy alternatives to fast food with Manoj Prajapat. We have worked for many years, and evolved with our idea, and made them better day by day. All the dishes presented here are cooked in zero oil and zero fat (Ghee/Butter), all the stuffs are either in their raw forms or steamed, as every nutritive value is lost on frying or cooking. We haven’t even used the cow’s milk, so as to ensure zero animal content. Coconut milk has been used as its alternative. In the sweet dishes, every care has been taken care of to ensure that there is minimal usage of additional sweeteners, and the natural sweetness has been emphasized. Still, wherever needed, we have used Gud and Misri instead of sugar.”

– Surendra Gandharva

The Food Fest will be continuing today also, with an entirely different menu than yesterday. This fest is open to all. This is a healthy initiative, and I recommend all to give a visit and taste the health. 🙂


Chain Reaction: Cycling towards a Healthier Life

chain reactionPaddling down along the roadways of beautiful Fateh Sagar Lake on a sunny morning was surely supposed to be a lot of fun. Enjoying the morning raga amidst the beautiful natural landscapes of Aravalli hills and the lakeview was a thing which couldn’t go unnoticed with young Turks all set on their firefox bikes cycling down from Fateh Sagar Lake to the uphills of Badi Lake, just for the joy of cycling and enjoying the nature at its best.

A group of young enthusiasts in the leadership of Mr. Nitin Hiran the owner of firefox bike station in the City went on for fun and adventures ride on their Firefox bikes. The journey stated at Madhuban where all the members gathered and cycled across the Fateh Sagar lake and the fun and adventurous trip ended at the uphills of green Badi Lake.

The initiative is aimed to encourage cycling among the citizens and motivate people towards adventurous sports and a healthier- happier life. The fun ride also brings along with it joy of enjoying the nature and greenery around and know other vibrant & enthusiastic group members across different age groups creating a good platform for like minded people.
These types of activities might be new to Udaipur City but they have been happening around in metro’s such as Delhi , Mumbai and Bangalore to encourage people towards a healthier and happier life. With oil prices and pollution levels rising up this is a good step towards a different and changed world. There are different groups and people who come forward and take part in such activities.

These groups also have different active online communities such as :




4. .

This group Chain Reaction has been doing similar activities in the past and will continue doing such adventurous and fun activities in and around Udaipur discovering new trails and pathways just for the joy of cycling and spirit of adventure.

Chain Reaction

More Photos On Chain ReactionMore Photos On Chain Reaction

More Photos On Chain Reaction


Nitin Hiran
Nitin Hiran

Besides being an entrepreneur Mr. Hiran is also a Nature lover, photographer and an outgoing adventurous personality.

Do get in contact with Mr. Hiran and join his league “Chain Reaction” for the upcoming fun and adventure.

Contact Mr. Hiran : ;

You can also call him up for more details : +91-9530080180

Festivals Udaipur Speaks

Happy Navaratri





Durga Mata

The nine-day festival of Navratri, , in Hindu religion devoted to the nine manifestations of Goddess Ma Durga. According to the Hindu calendar, Navratri begins from the first day of the bright fortnight of Ashwin which usually coincides with the end of the rainy season. The most important Navratri in a year is the Sharadiya Navratra which begins on the first day of the bright half of Ashvin or Ashwayuja (September-October) as per traditional Hindu calendar.

The nine days have great religious significance as Goddess Durga, the divine mother, had destroyed the evil force in the form of the demon Mahisashura during this period.

Durga, in Sanskrit means “She who is incomprehensible or difficult to reach.” Goddess Durga is a form of Sakti worshiped for her gracious as well as terrifying aspect. Mother of the Universe, she represents the infinite power of the universe and is a symbol of a female dynamism. The manifestation of Goddess Durga is said to emerge from her formless essence and the two are inseparable.

She is also called by many other names, such as Parvati, Ambika, and Kali. In the form of Parvati, She is known as the divine spouse of Lord Shiva and is the mother of her two sons, Ganesha and Karttikeya, and daughter Jyoti. Destroyer of demons, she is worshiped during an annual festival called Durga puja, especially popular among Bengalis.

Her Appearance

There are endless aspects of Durga described in the Puranas and Agamas and the iconography is consequently very varied. She is usually pictured as having ten arms holding Sword, Conch, Discus, Rosary, Bell, Wine cup, Shielf, Bow, Arrow, and Spear. She is most often shown riding a lion from which comes her august name, Simhavahini, “She who stands astride the king of beasts”. She is gorgeously dressed in royal red cloth and has several ornaments decorating her personage. Her hair is dressed up in a crown (karandamukuta) which then flows out in long luxuriant tresses that are darkly luminous and soothing to the eye. The various tools reflect the eminent supremacy that helps in controlling the universe and obey her will.

Wielding Energy

Goddess Durga exists eternally, always abiding in her own sweet nature and inhabits the hearts and minds of her ecstatic devotees. As Shakti power, she shapes, nurtures, and dissolves names and forms, while as subtle spiritual energy called Kundalini, She lights the lotuses fo the seven centres of awareness in the sacred human body. Goddess Durga killed the powerful demon Mahish and all his great commanders. When demonic forces create imbalance all god unite becoming one divine force called Shakti or Durga.

First day (October 8th 2010)

The first day is devoted to the Maa Durga is called Shailputri, the daughter of the Himalayas. She is a form of Shakti, the companion of Lord Shiva.

Second Day (October 9th 2010)

The second day is dedicated to the Maa Durga is known as ‘Brahmacharini’. The name is derivative of the word ‘Brahma’, which means ‘Tapa’ or penace. She is also a form of Mata Shakti.

Third Day (October 10th 2010)

The third day is dedicated to the goddess Chandraghanta, the symbolic representation of beauty and bravery.

Fourth Day (October 11th 2010)

The fourth day is dedicated to the goddess Kushmandas, the creator of the entire Universe.

Fifth Day (October 12th 2010)

The fifth day is dedicated to the Goddess Skand Mata, the mother of the chief warrior of the Gods army the Skanda

Sixth Day (October 13th 2010)

Durga Puja begins in Bengal – Saraswati Puja Avaha The sixth day is dedicated to the goddess Katyayani with three eyes and four hands.

Seventh Day (October 14th 2010)

The seventh day is dedicated to the Goddess ‘Kalratri’, meant to make the devotees fearless.

Eighth Day (October 15th 2010)

The eight day is dedicated to the Mata Rani or ‘Maha Gauri’, represents calmness and exhibits wisdom.

Ninth Day (October 16th 2010)

The ninth day is dedicated to Durga also referred as Siddhidatri. It is believed that she has all the eight siddhis and is worshipped by all the Rishis and Yogis.

Durga Festival at Udaipur:-

On the occasion of Navratri to worship goddess and celebrate festival in the form of Dandiya, there are so many places which are being set for Dandiya Ras. Most of the goddess temple like Ambamata, Neemachmata, Aavrimata, and Kalikamata has setup for Dandiya by the followers and so many other groups and mandals are there who do manage Pandal (Particular area which covered with Tents).On the ninth day of Durga Puja Havana (puja) is being done by the learn people who do follow all the rules and custom during this nine days festival.

Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Maa rupena samsthita

Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Shakti rupena samsthita

Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Buddhi rupena samsthita

Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Laxmi rupena samsthita

Namestasyai Namestasyai Namestasyai Namo Namah

Devi Ma

A Post By Monika Jain