Nature has been especially generous for Mewar and given it a number of water bodies such as Picchola, Fatehsagar, Badi, Udaisagar, Rajsamand, and Jaisamand. Now, it depends on us how we preserve them. We have wetlands that are, regions that are filled with water permanently or seasonally and gradually develop an independent environmental system of their own.
At present 169 countries of the world have accepted the concept of wetlands and there are 2384 such places all over the world. In 1971 in Iran, was held International Ramsar Conference when the importance of wetlands and need for preserving them was realized. Since then Wetland Day is being celebrated all over the world.
In Udaipur district, we have at least nine big and small water bodies that are waiting to be declared as wetlands. One is Sahi Dam, Kotra that is spread over 356 hectares and another is Bharmela Talab in Menar, Vallabhnagar tehsil covering 217.01 hectares. In Menar, Vaalabhnagar tehsil is Dand Talab that has an area of 304.6 hectares. Covering an area of 552.39 hectares is Bagolia Talab in Mavli tehsil. Then we have Lake Udaisagar in Girwa tehsil with an area 680 hectare while Lake Jaisamand in Sarada tehsil covers about 5873.53 hectares. Vallabhnagar Dam in Vallabhnagar tehsil spreads 869.16 hectares whereas the Badgaon Dam, Morjai Talabin Mandi tehsil, covers an area of 1091.56. Bhatewar Talab in Vallabhnagar tehsil covers 869.83 hectares. A technical report of these water bodies was sent to the govt. in accordance with wetlands management and conservation rules 2010 of section 3.

For making Udaisagar, near Udaipur, a wetland, the land of 11 villages was included so that the whole area could be legally safeguarded. However, due to changing rules, it has not yet been declared a wetland.
Preserving wetland is important for us and the birds due to several reasons. During rains, they check the water from flowing away, so the water seeps down and the level of the underground does not go down. This, in turn, recharges wells and tube wells. Wetlands also help in conserving biodiversity as it is on them that animals and birds survive. The welfare of Udaipur depends on wetlands that provide water for irrigation and drinking. Lake strengthens the economy of the city with the help of tourism. Even small lakes like Roopsagar, Nela, Mandopi, Titardi and Phuta Jugi contribute to the development in their own way.
Wetlands are in danger as they are being encroached. Other activities are increasing there. That is being used as agriculture land. Those located near cities are in greater danger.