
शहर के पहले मानव निर्मित मियावाकी जंगल की शुरुआत

उदयपुर: इस रविवार 6 साल से पर्यावरण के लिए कार्यरत पुकार फ़ाउंडेशन ने अपना 250वां रविवार हरित 250 के रूप में समर्पित किया। जिला शिक्षा अधिकारी उदयपुर व बंदूकवाला परिवार के सहयोग से संस्थान ने जिला शिक्षा अधिकारी मुख्यालय के परिसर में करीबन 100 वर्ग मीटर क्षेत्र में जापानी विधि “मियावाकी” द्वारा शहर का पहला मानव निर्मित मियावाकी जंगल का निर्माण करने के लिए 351 पौधों का पौधरोपण किया गया जिसमें शहर के सभी वर्ग, क्षेत्र, व्यवसाय के 150 से अधिक लोगों ने स्वेच्छापूर्वक और पूरे उत्साह के साथ पौधरोपण कर श्रमदान किया। विशेषकर नमो विचार मंच के प्रदेशाध्यक्ष प्रवीण रतलीया, ग्वालियर से रोहित उपाध्याय, जर्मनी से फ्रैंक, आयुर्वेदिक विशेषज्ञ शोभालाल औदिच्य, मोइनी फ़ाउंडेशन, नाट्यान्श संस्थान, मर्सी लीग, उदयपुर ब्लॉग, ठालागिरी, दिया संस्थान, ब्लीस फ़ाउंडेशन, रॉबिन हूड आर्मी, आबु टाइम्स, नितांदु इवैंट की भागदारी रही।

मियावाकी विधि क्या है? – संस्थापक भुवनेश ओझा ने बताया कि यह नाम जापानी पर्यावरणविद् अकीरा मियावाकी के नाम पर रखा गया है जिन्होने इस विधि को ईजाद किया है जिससे प्राकृतिक रूप से 100 सालों में बनने वाले जंगल को 10 साल में ही बनाया जा सकता है। यह जंगल 30 गुना ज्यादा घने होते हैं जिससे कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड व हानिकारक सूक्ष्म कणों को यह सोखते है जो प्रदूषण कम करने का असरदार हल है। इस विधि के तहत विश्वभर में कहीं भी जंगल लगाना संभव है।

अरावली के पैतृक पौधों का रोपण – संस्था के सदस्य आशीष बृजवासी ने बताया कि पौधरोपण के दौरान इस बात का विशेष ध्यान रखा गया कि केवल अरावली पर्वतमाला के विलुप्त होते पैतृक पौधे जैसे रोंझ, कोटमबड़ी, पिलखन, गूँदी व गुग्गल साथ ही राज्य का राजकीय वृक्ष खेजड़ी व इन्हीं के साथ अन्य 37 प्रजातियों के 351 पौधों को लगाये गए।

दो साल तक करेंगे रखरखाव – मुख्य जिला शिक्षा अधिकारी शिवजी गौड़ ने बताया कि प्रकृति के प्रति अपनी जिम्मेदारी को समझते हुए संस्थान द्वारा यह एक अभिनव पहल है। पौधों का नियमित रूप रखरखाव जिला शिक्षा अधिकारी कार्यालय एवं पुकार संस्थान द्वारा कम से कम दो वर्ष तक किया जाएगा ताकि आने वाले समय में यह वृक्ष बनकर जैव विविधता में सुधार लाएँगे।



6 Long drive worthy roads in Udaipur

We all have come across those moments when we want to roam around the city but don’t want to reach anywhere. We just want to enjoy the music, winds soothing our hairs and raw nature in front of our eyes. At such times all we need is a perfect long drive with our loved ones and make it a day.

Here’s the list of roads which are perfect for the day when your mind is in the need of a long drive.

Rani Road

Whenever we think of a long drive, the first option that comes to our mind is Rani Road. Apart from the smooth road enveloping the beautiful lake, there is something in this place which wants us to stay a little more. You can see the entire Fatehsagar pal from there and the view is mind blowing especially at night. After few renovations the government made in last few years, you can also see some stone sculptures here that are perfect for pictures and selfies.

6 Long drive worthy roads in Udaipur
Picture by: udaiveer_clickography

100 ft. Road near University Road

If you are desiring for a looong long drive this is an ideal destination for you, or let’s say ideal way for you. It starts from A-one school and goes all the way to Shobhagpura circle and further meets Sukher Highway. In case you are hungry, you can find all the kind of eateries along the way. From stalls and cafes to restaurants. It is usually less crowded at night so that you can have a peaceful journey to nowhere.

6 Long drive worthy roads in Udaipur
Picture by: Juhee Mehta

Shobhagpura Bypass Road

If you are at 100 ft. road this is one more way you can go for a lovely evening. For this road, you just need to take a turn to the right from the Shobhagpura Circle and after some distance one left from towards the Ceremony Resort. This is very less crowded and doesn’t have many shops. It will meet on Sukher Highway again.

6 Long drive worthy roads in Udaipur
Picture by: Juhee Mehta

Pratap Gaurav Kendra Road

It can be reached from Vidhya Bhawan road by taking a right from Premi Paan corner. This is situated in a hilly area so you can have a wonderful view and landscapes and that too not much far from the city yet far from the chaos of the city. This road can lead you towards Badi road so in case you want to reach a destination after a long drive, you can land yourself at Badi.

6 Long drive worthy roads in Udaipur

Jaal Boraj road to Jungle Safari road

This road is entirely surrounded by lush green trees and natural aura. The cool breeze coming from Lake Pichola via trees will give you peace from your hectic life. This road can make you reach Jungle Safari, Golden Par, and Pratap Park. You can visually see Lake Pichola at one side of the road and even touch the water after crossing few trees and grass.

6 Long drive worthy roads in Udaipur
Picture by: Juhee Mehta

Chirwa tunnel Road

This road can be a very good option when you literally want to go out of the city and enjoy a good drive on a highway. It will land you towards the Chirwa tunnel and if you’re still not satisfied and want more you can go forward for Eklingji or Nathdwara. You can have some tea or even meal on the local Dhabas in the way.

6 Long drive worthy roads in Udaipur
Picture by: cmanthan007

With these roads above, I’m sure you’ll head out this evening with absolutely no destination in mind because after all the way is more beautiful than the destination.


Know About the Wetlands in Udaipur- These Save Water, Wildlife and Plants!

Nature has been especially generous for Mewar and given it a number of water bodies such as Picchola, Fatehsagar, Badi, Udaisagar, Rajsamand, and Jaisamand. Now, it depends on us how we preserve them. We have wetlands that are, regions that are filled with water permanently or seasonally and gradually develop an independent environmental system of their own.

At present 169 countries of the world have accepted the concept of wetlands and there are 2384 such places all over the world. In 1971 in Iran, was held International Ramsar Conference when the importance of wetlands and need for preserving them was realized. Since then Wetland Day is being celebrated all over the world.

In Udaipur district, we have at least nine big and small water bodies that are waiting to be declared as wetlands. One is Sahi Dam, Kotra that is spread over 356 hectares and another is Bharmela Talab in Menar, Vallabhnagar tehsil covering 217.01 hectares. In Menar, Vaalabhnagar tehsil is Dand Talab that has an area of 304.6 hectares. Covering an area of 552.39 hectares is Bagolia Talab in Mavli tehsil. Then we have Lake Udaisagar in Girwa tehsil with an area 680 hectare while Lake Jaisamand in Sarada tehsil covers about 5873.53 hectares. Vallabhnagar Dam in Vallabhnagar tehsil spreads 869.16 hectares whereas the Badgaon Dam, Morjai Talabin Mandi tehsil, covers an area of 1091.56. Bhatewar Talab in Vallabhnagar tehsil covers 869.83 hectares. A technical report of these water bodies was sent to the govt. in accordance with wetlands management and conservation rules 2010 of section 3.


For making Udaisagar, near Udaipur, a wetland, the land of 11 villages was included so that the whole area could be legally safeguarded. However, due to changing rules, it has not yet been declared a wetland.

Preserving wetland is important for us and the birds due to several reasons. During rains, they check the water from flowing away, so the water seeps down and the level of the underground does not go down. This, in turn, recharges wells and tube wells. Wetlands also help in conserving biodiversity as it is on them that animals and birds survive. The welfare of Udaipur depends on wetlands that provide water for irrigation and drinking. Lake strengthens the economy of the city with the help of tourism. Even small lakes like Roopsagar, Nela, Mandopi, Titardi and Phuta Jugi contribute to the development in their own way.

Wetlands are in danger as they are being encroached. Other activities are increasing there. That is being used as agriculture land. Those located near cities are in greater danger.

Places to Visit

Lets Synchronize with Nature via Banyan Roots

To put a step forward in the path of sustainable development and with a novel idea to inspire, promote and support all components of our planet and for well-being of Mother Nature, an organic store has been started by enthusiastic youth of the city. They named the organic store as ‘Banyan Roots’ to signify the rebirth of old and deep rooted traditions and moral values.

Banyan Roots | UdaipurBlog

The store provides you with some of the local grains like millet (kangni), wheat, other products such as herbal tea, gooseberry (amla) candy and juice and many more exclusively organic products that are grown without the use of any fertilizers, hybrid seeds and  pesticides. These goods are directly brought to you from the farm eliminating the concept of middle man so that the farmer practicing organic farming gets a justifiable price. The group also encourages the local farmers from time to time to grow more of the organic food for a healthier and happier tomorrow of society.

They indeed also started an open space cum café with an ambience that carries a touch of being close to nature as well as tradition. It is especially for the future of the nation so that they can shape their own different world of creativity. If you are a wanderer and cannot find any place or roof to germinate new ideas or if you are an explorer in need of more space to experiment or even if you want to find the truth about something that is questioning you from inside, then this place is truly made for you only. Banyan roots is a perfect address for such wanderers, explorers and discoverers. Here youth can connect, unite and share their experiences, ideas, views and thoughts with others. Along with getting mental peace and satisfaction, you can also quench your hunger with the delicious and healthy organic food in this café.

Banyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots |

The team of banyan roots whole heartedly wants to welcome you at a place which is created for you at 32/4, Near Fatehpura, Income Tax Office Road, Near Sukhadiya Circle, Udaipur.

Rohit Jain: 9783223520 and Jayesh Mohta: 9772861482 will be happy to solve any further queries of you.


Edited By: Palak Jain


Cycle Yatra: A trip to our roots of Culture and Nature

THE SWAPATHGAMI CYCLE YATRA LEFT UDAIPUR ON JAN 9, 2011. They will return on the 13th. There were 17 yatris from Rajasthan, MP, Maharashtra, Delhi, Mysore, Gujarat, UP. Many were students of Swaraj University. Several yatris dressed up as animals such as polar bear, penguin, tiger, elephant, etc to raise attention to the global warming and climate change issues. The yatra was organized by Shikshantar.

Cycle Yatra

For those who are new to the cycle yatra idea, it is a weeklong cycle trip into rural Rajasthan. What sets this trip apart from a general cycle trip is that we do not carry any money, electronic gadgets, food or first aid medicines with us. We stop at villages along the route and find work to earn our board and lodge.

While each participant’s learning and experience from such a trip is unique, the general thinking behind such a trip is –

  • We go manual for transportation and basically burn off some calories that we have so lovingly accumulated despite being cholesterol conscious.
  • We go slow (rather than breeze thru in fast cars) and so get a better chance at appreciating nature and rural life.
  • We interact with the local people (rather than just buy stuff off them with money power) in the course of creatively managing our board and lodge.
  • We get a peek into village life and in the process learn skills that we have lost by virtue of being part of the ‘developed’ society. We can also share some skills that we have.
  • We develop an appreciation for local knowledge and skills and the ability to thrive in what nature has provided.
  • We develop some trust in the ability of nature to take care of us and in the goodness of human beings rather than having to constantly struggle for one’s existence as if it is one long battle against nature and other human beings.
  • We get some time to reflect on our own lives
  • We loosen a little the tight stranglehold that money has over our minds and learn that alternative ways to live might exist.

And let us not forget that most important is to enjoy nature, creating music, dance, theatre, games and have a fun filled adventure! This is a real chance to re-connect to the gift culture.

Check out the film from the first yatra to get an idea of the adventure…

We will cycle about 100 km from Udaipur to Jaisamand. The whole region is culturally very rich and still has some jungles left.

What you need to bring along (and remember that everything you bring along has to be carried by you on your bike)-

  1. Personal clothing.
  2. Some bedding (sleeping bag, blanket etc)
  3. Water bottle (if you have a non-plastic one)
  4. Bikes can be rented at nearest town

More Photos From the Cycle Yatra-

Cycle Yatra_More_photos

Cycle Yatra_More_photos

By Guest Author- Manish Jain