
Lavina Lekhari From Udaipur Is Breaking Stereotypes with Her Upcycled Fashion | People of Udaipur

Lavina Lekhari, a young girl from Udaipur, is all set to break stereotypes! Yes, the young soul is making her name through upcycling clothes. Aren’t you eager to know what she is doing and how she is doing it? So, let us dive into a conversation with her and have a glimpse of the work of this fashion buff!

Lavina Lekhari From Udaipur Is Breaking Stereotypes with Her Upcycled Fashion | People of Udaipur
A glimpse of Lavina’s Art
  1. Tell Us in Detail What Do You Do and How Did You Start?

It all came into my life when I realized that my love for dressing up was not just a craze, I wanted to engage in this full-time! Right now, I am pursuing BA and also chasing my dream of becoming a fashion artist. I shred and upcycle clothes and make them funkier and happening. And is all because of my love for getting dolled up.

Like every star has its own shine my shine is my art. I love being creative. My learning started when I was just 4 years old. My brother has always supported me and you can call him my “BACKBONE”! Initially, I started dancing. I continued my schooling and dancing simultaneously and soon I became a choreographer alongside my brother, Sumit and then one thing led to another and now I am here, a budding fashion artist.

  1. Since When Are You Doing Shredding and Upcycling?

I began my journey when I was in my teens as a junior choreographer and dancer. At the age of fourteen l started upcycling fashion.

  1. How Did You Get the Inspiration to Start Upcycling Fashion?

I get attracted by colors, texture, compilation and don’t like wasting all these beautiful things.  For me, my inspiration is my colorful wardrobe and my brother. He used to work as a laborer in factories. He always motivated me, not just by words but by his actions too, his craziness of being a perfectionist and working insanely for achieving something was always applauded. My mother used to work with crotchet and bangles and made new handmade clothes to earn a living. I have seen poverty very closely and that made me come up with upcycled fashion.

Lavina Lekhari From Udaipur Is Breaking Stereotypes with Her Upcycled Fashion | People of Udaipur
In The Frame: Lavina Lekhari
  1. Tell Us About the Fashion Shows You’ve Been A Part Of?

I started with choreographing fashion shows along with designing them which I thought was my smart move towards learning and experiencing fashion. I came up with my first choreographed and design fashion show- LA✂STYLE DANCE FASHION SHOW in 2015 then the count didn’t stop.

I have collaborated with an NGO and choreographed an ‘Old Age Fashion Show’ for ‘Tara Seva Sansthan’ which was another great experience. I came up with my second designed and choreographed fashion show for kids in 2017 called the ‘Let’s Walk Together’, for which I received appreciation from a Bollywood director Viveck Vaswani.

Working my way up through the ladder, I have done INIFD fashion show, Muffins fashion show etc.

5. What All You Have Made Up till Now Using Upcycled Fashion?

I love thinking out of the box and that lead me to the creation of upcycling fashion.

I want to ask the readers, what do you all do with your old tops, lowers, t-shirts, shirts, skirts, shorts, jewelry, etc.?

A general answer would be throwing them in the trash, but I love recreating them. Till now I have created more than 400 designs out of what you would throw in the trash. I had worked with ropes to make a big rope gown and even created new designer dresses for dancing shows and acts.

Lavina Lekhari From Udaipur Is Breaking Stereotypes with Her Upcycled Fashion | People of Udaipur

  1. Where Did You Learn This Art Form?

I’ve never been to a Fashion college. Creativity is something that I have learned from my mother.

  1. What Challenges Did You Face While Pursuing This Form of Art?

Like every field, fashion entails fear of being rejected, stress and sometimes depression. Climbing out of tribulations by my own efforts is something of which I am proud of myself.

Fashion is something which is self-romanticizing. I was my own mannequin when I started because I didn’t have people with me. I still remember that after my first fashion show I got a lot of mixed reviews- some even called my art as vulgar and obscure, but these things never let me down.

  1. How Much Are People Interested to Buy These Clothes?

When I started shredding and upcycling, I loved myself seeing in it. I wore my own created fashion which undoubtedly got amazing and satisfying comments which boosted my confidence in my art.

Changes are tough to accept but I believe that once shredding and shredded clothes enter the world of Bollywood and social media, it would eventually change the mind of people across the country. According to me, 60% of teenagers are interested to buy these kinds of clothes.


  1. Do You Want to Make This Your Full-Time Career?

Life is made up of three ingredients for learning, earning and yearning. I have learned so much from this that definitely, I would love to pursue this as my career. I believe that whatever you do, whether you earn or not, the work must make your happy! Because for every minute you are unhappy, you lose 60 seconds of happiness.

  1. Where Do You See Yourself with This in Future?

I want to put shredding in the world of fashion. I want to do something today that my future self will thank for. I dream of promoting this art by doing live cuttings (shredding) for the people. I see upcycling as the new-age trend in the fashion industry. My dream is to see LAVSTYLE as a brand (I gave a name to my work LAVI’S STYLE = LAVSTYLE).

Lavina Lekhari From Udaipur Is Breaking Stereotypes with Her Upcycled Fashion | People of Udaipur

  1. What’s Your Mantra For Life?

Keep yourself hungry for improvement.  Close your ears and do what you like because ‘girls of Fashion starve their happiness to feed their vanity and their love to spread pride!’

It was great knowing this beautiful girl from our City of Lakes! Lavina is all set to break stereotypes and pave her own path to the success! If you wish to ask anything to Lavina, you can put up questions in the comment section below.


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उदयपुर के उस लड़के की कहानी जिसके सामने लन्दन, रूस और अमेरिका के डांसर्स भी पानी भरते थे.

हमनें एक कड़ी शुरू की थी जिसमें हमनें हमारे शहर के उन लोगों के बारे में लिखना शुरू किया था जिन्होंने हमारे शहर का खूब नाम किया है, लेकिन अब हम उन्हें भुला चुकें हैं या फिर कुछ ही लोग हैं जो उन हस्त्तियों को जानते हैं, जैसे वैज्ञानिक दौलत सिंह कोठारीराहुल सिंह और ऐन्द्रिता रे.

अब इसी कड़ी में आज हम उदयपुर की एक ऐसी हस्ती के बारे में आपको बताने जा रहे है जिनके इशारों पर यूरोप नाचा करता था. उसकी धाक ऐसी थी कि रूस के कलाकार उनके साथ काम करना चाहते थे. जो बाद में इंडियन फिल्म इंडस्ट्री यानि के बॉलीवुड का पहला कोरियोग्राफर बना. उनका नाम है, उदय शंकर. ये वही उदय शंकर हैं जिनके स्टूडेंट्स गुरुदत्त साहब, ज़ोहरा सहगल, शांति बर्धन आदि रह चुकें हैं. उम्मीद करता हूँ कुछ लोगों की यादों में यह पढ़ते ही एक धुंधला चेहरा उभरने लगेगा और वो जो अब तक इन्हें नहीं जानते थे आर्टिकल पढ़ने के बाद उनका नाम गूगल कर रहे होंगे.Uday Shankar

आइये देखें कैसे उदयपुर की गलियों में दौड़ते ‘उदय’ एक दिन ‘द ग्रेट उदय शंकर’ बन गए :-

बचपन :-Uday Shankar

उदयपुर शहर और दिसम्बर की ठण्ड वैसे भी फेमस है. लेकिन सन् 1900 की दिसम्बर ऐतेहासिक होने वाली थी. 8 दिसम्बर, 1900 के दिन शहर के ही एक बंगाली परिवार श्री श्याम शंकर चौधरी के घर एक बच्चे का जन्म हुआ. नाम रखा गया ‘उदय’. कोई नहीं जनता था कि इस बच्चे के जन्म के साथ ही चौधरी परिवार का भी उदय होने वाला था. श्याम शंकर चौधरी, झालावाड़ रियासत में बैरिस्टर थे. लेकिन परिवार उदयपुर रहता था.

चौधरी परिवार मूलतः नरेली से था, जो कि विभाजन के बाद अब बांग्लादेश का हिस्सा हैं. इन्हें नवाबों ने ‘हरचौधरी’ की उपाधि दी हुई थी लेकिन ये सिर्फ़ ‘चौधरी’ ही लगते थे.

उदय शंकर अपनी पत्नी अमला के साथ

पढ़ाई-लिखाई :-uday shankar dance

पिता श्याम शंकर चौधरी की नौकरी की वजह से परिवार को कई जगह रहना पड़ा. इस वजह से उदय शंकर की तालीम भी एक जगह न होकर अलग-अलग शहरों में हुई जैसे नस्रातपुर, गाज़ीपुर, बनारस और झालावाड़ आदि. इस दौरान गाज़ीपुर में उन्होंने अपनी ड्राइंग एंड क्राफ्ट टीचर, अम्बिका चरण मुखोपाध्याय से म्यूजिक और फोटोग्राफी सीखी. स्कूल खत्मः हो जाने के बाद 18 बरस की उम्र में फाइन आर्ट्स पढनें के लिए बम्बई (अब मुंबई) के जे.जे. स्कूल ऑफ़ आर्ट्स में दाख़िला ले लिया. 2 साल बाद वे लन्दन चले गए और रॉयल कॉलेज ऑफ़ आर्ट्स में एडमिशन ले लिया. वहां उन्होंने सर विलियम रोथेंस्टें के मार्गदर्शन में पेंटिंग की बारीकियां सीखीं. फ्रेंच गवर्मेंट द्वारा स्कॉलरशिप मिलने बाद वे आर्ट की एडवांस फॉर्म पढनें के लिए रोम चले गए.Uday-Shankar1

उदय शंकर के ‘उदय’ होने की शुरुआत :-uday shankar 5

इसकी शुरुआत लन्दन से ही हुई. जब उदय शंकर की मुलाक़ात दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी बैले डांसर (ballet dancer) ‘एना पव्लोवा’ से हुई. ये तब की बात है जब उदय शंकर रॉयल कॉलेज को आर्ट्स में पढ़ ही रहे थे. रशियन सेलेब्रिटी उन दिनों आर.सी.ए. में अपने ग्रुप में कुछ इंडियन लड़कों-लड़कियों की खोज में आई हुई थी. वहां किसी ने उनको उदय शंकर के बारे में बताया. हालाँकि उदय शंकर तब तक डांस और डांस फॉर्म्स से कोई लेना-देना नहीं था. लेकिन वे जिनिअस माने जाते थे. उन्हें समझ ज़रूर थी. उसकी वजह ये थी उनका भारत के लोक न्र्त्यों और नाटकों को करीब से देखना. इस वजह से एना पव्लोवा भी उनकी फेन हो गयी और उदय शंकर को अपने ग्रुप में शामिल कर लिया. दो क्रिएटिव माइंड और दो बिलकुल अलग कल्चर/फॉर्म्स जब एक साथ स्टेज पर उतरी तो लन्दन और अमेरिका जैसे देशों में तहलका मचना शुरू हो गया. लम्बे समय तक चला ये कोलैबोरेशन बहुत फेमस हुआ. इसके बाद उदय शंकर ने पेरिस में अपना एक अलग ग्रुप खोल लिया.Uday_Shankar_and_Ana_Pavlova_in_'Radha-Krishna'_ballet,_ca_1922

उदय शंकर का भारत लौटना :-uday shankar04

सन् 1929 में उन्होंने भारत आने का निश्चय किया और अपना खुद का एक ग्रुप खोलने की सोची. सन् 1938 में अल्मोड़ा, उत्तर प्रदेश में उन्होंने स्कूल खोला. जो आगे चलकर उदय शंकर इंडियन कल्चर सेंटर के नाम से फेमस हुआ. इस दौरान उन्होंने अपने ग्रुप के साथ कई परफॉरमेंस दीं जो न सिर्फ़ इंडिया में बल्कि वेस्टर्न कन्ट्रीज में भी पोपुलर हुई. वो अपने स्कूल में कई फेमस गेस्ट फेकल्टीज़ भी बुलाते थे. इसी स्कूल के नोटेबल अलुमिनी की बात करें तो उनमें शामिल है, हिंदी सिनेमा के महान डायरेक्टर/एक्टर ‘गुरुदत्त साहब’ और महान अदाकारा ‘ज़ोहरा सहगल’.

उदय शंकर अपने ग्रुप के साथ

रबिन्द्रनाथ टैगोर और उदय शंकर :-

नोबल प्राइज़ विनर ‘श्री रबिन्द्रनाथ टैगोर’ उदय शंकर के बहुत बड़े फेन रहे हैं. वो उनकी इतनी इज्ज़त करते थे कि जब उदय शंकर भारत लौट रहे थे तो उनके स्वागत के लिए टैगोर खुद पहुँच गए. एक और बात रबिन्द्रनाथ टैगोर ने ही उदय शंकर को भारत में स्कूल खोलने के लिए कहा ताकि यहाँ के लोग उनसे सीख सकें.

कुछ और बातें :- 

uday shankar and alice boner
ऐलिस बोनेर और उदय शंकर
  • सन् 1931 में उदय शंकर की ऐलिस बोनेर से मुलाकात हुई, ऐलिस बोनेर स्विस पेंटर और स्कलप्चर आर्टिस्ट थे जिन्हें उदय शंकर के साथ पुरे यूरोप में इंडियन डांस अकादमी खोलने का श्रेय जाता है.
  • महान सितार वादक पंडित रवि शंकर, उदय शंकर के सबसे छोटे भाई हैं.

    Uday shankar_Ravi shankar_1970
    भाई उदय शंकर को तिलक लगाते पंडित रवि शंकर
  • उदय शंकर ने भारत की पहली हिंदी फिल्म ‘कल्पना’ बनाई जिसमें क्लासिकल डांसर्स लीड एक्ट्रेस थी.uday shankar 05
  • सत्यजीत रे और उदय शंकर ने साथ मिलकर डॉक्युमेंट्री भी बनाई है.
  • उदय शंकर को पद्म विभूषण के अलावा संगीत नाटक अकादमी और संगीत नाटक अकादमी फेलोशिप जैसे ढेर सारे अवार्ड्स और सम्मान मिले हैं.
  • उदय शंकर की बेटी ममता शंकर भी बहुत अच्छी डांसर के साथ-साथ एक्ट्रेस भी है, वो खुद एक डांस टीचर है और अपने पिता की लिगेसी को ज़ारी रखे है.Uday_shankar03

uday shankar4


7 Types of People You Come Across in Udaipur

A city is like a movie which has a cast full of sad, mad, happy, angry people. Love them or hate them, one thing is for sure that you won’t be able to ignore them. And accept it or not, these are the elements that make the city interesting, isn’t it? It wouldn’t be wrong if I say that a city is made up of bricks and stones but it comes to life through its people.

And along with the Lakes, there are a bunch of some more things that make Udaipur intriguing and that is its people. Although, the number of mood swings every individual bear is countless there are some traits that we are either born with or acquire in our lifetime and that is what decides what type are we. So, here are the types of people that you are likely to find in the city. Whether you are a local or a tourist, you will not be spared by some of these characters.

‘Can you take a picture of me here’ type

7 Types of people you come across in Udaipur
Source: Preachart

The first and the most common category. In this category, people tend to get obsessed with clicking pictures everywhere, every time. This kind of people literally give efforts on getting all dressed up, choosing an elegant place and clicking a lot of pictures in every possible pose. Their Instagram or Facebook feed is full of fancy selfies, groupfies, pictures with Snapchat filters, Instagram filters and the list is endless. Every friend of this person is his personal photographer.


‘Dude! There’s this new food joint…’ type

7 Types of people you come across in Udaipur
Source: Pinterest

This person is the exclusive foodie and food critic of our group. Every outing of the entire group begins and ends at some street food stall, café, or restaurant because of him. Every new food item that arrives in Udaipur, be it potato tornado, conizza, or live Tawa ice cream, is first tasted and reviewed by him and then passed on to the rest of the group. His social networking is full of pictures of food and all that you think after seeing them is ‘Where the hell do they serve THIS in Udaipur?’


The ‘Wanderer of the city’

7 Types of people you come across in Udaipur
Source: thatoneadventurecouple

This is the ‘Eid ka chand’ of the gang because most of the times he is out traveling to different places in the country. And when he is in the city he turns out to be the one who discovers new places in Udaipur. It must have been one of such wanderers who would’ve discovered places like Badi hill, Pipliya, etc.


The ‘Angreji mem’

7 Types of people you come across in Udaipur
Source: TheStyleChair

The hotshot diva of the city. Don’t get confused by her dress up or accent, she is purely born and raised up in Udaipur. People in this category are usually bold, attractive and very popular. You can easily find too many people following her on her Instagram. While she tends to irritate and make some people jealous, others are too busy drooling over her.


‘I own a DSLR, hence, I am a photographer’ type

7 Types of people you come across in Udaipur
Source: Shutterstock

Although there are a lot of outstanding photographers out there who capture some mind-blowing images, there are some people whose DSLR is as useless as a glass hammer. They just buy these expensive cameras in the hype, try to imitate some renowned photographers and later on get tired with all the mess and leave the camera to rot in some corner.


‘The Richie Rich’ type

7 Types of people you come across in Udaipur
Source: Healthprep

Sit on the pal of Fatehsagar or Rani Road on a weekend eve and you will easily spot these people. These people are like ‘too rich to care’. They own different luxurious cars, bikes and possibly everything. They do not get tired of bragging their stuff and while you are in a restaurant or a café with them, do not worry about the bill because they are going to pay it whatsoever. Even, if you insist, which you honestly shouldn’t.


The ‘Show off’ type

7 Types of people you come across in Udaipur

Quite contrary to the above category, these people brag about all the things they own and often the ones that they don’t. According to them, they have a direct connection to RBI which supplies money to them, hence they own huge bungalows with different luxurious cars with a chauffeur waiting for them. But make sure you do not ask them to see all this stuff because if you do, you will be listening to a list of impossible excuses for the next hour.

It becomes quite difficult sometimes to bear the tantrums of people but at the end of the day no one is perfect and we too have some of the irritating habits, right? And after all a friend is someone that handles all our frenzies and still love us unconditionally.

So? Does your friends’ group include any such people? Tag them and let them know that they have been featured here. If you have any feedback in mind regarding the article, share them with us in the comment section below or you can also write to me at


Swaraag An Indo Western Fusion Band | Capturing Hearts with Their Soulful Music

We can’t forget the way we swayed on the music and the rustic voice of the band Swaraag in the ULF 2017. And why not! The band is just too awesome and lively that it captures the heart of the music lovers.  Rajasthani Folk Fusion with Vocal, Sufi Fusion, Indo Western Instrumental Fusion are some of the genres that the band is brilliant in.

How many of you were blown away by their ‘Mere rashk-e-Qamar’ song performance?

I am sure we all were overwhelmed by their performance and could feel the energy they filled in the atmosphere. Swaraag established themselves in 2014 and since then, they have ruled the hearts of many!

If you are curious about who all the band members are, we are introducing each one of them to you. Have a read;

Team Swaraag

Arif Khan | Zitar Maestro of Swaraag

Arif is a great sitar player and has spread his compositions not only in various parts of India but also has traveled extensively in many cities of Germany, France, Gulf, and Austria.

Asif Khan | The Voice of Swaraag

Swaraag Performing at a private event

Sufi and Indian folk lead singer and composer of the band Swaraag, he began his singing career at the age of just six with the blessings of his father. Ustad Mahmood Khan, his father, always acknowledged the importance of music in his life and groomed Asif in the classical music.

Members | Who make the vocals amalgamate with music

Other than these two, Sajid Khan plays impeccable Drums and Shahid Hussain is the Tabla Player for the band Swaraag. Tasruf Ali plays mind-blowing Saxophone and Arif also plays Khartal. Last but not the least, Rishabh takes care of the Guitar.

What makes Swaraag different?

With Superstar Ram Charan at its family event

Swaraag is a Folk-rock & Sufi Fusion Band.  Swaraag’s Music Team is specialized in Indo Western fusion music and has an immense experience of performing for corporate events, Private parties, Public concerts and many more that makes them a multifaceted music band. The backbone behind the huge success of Band is their Founder and Manager Mr. Pratap Singh Nirwan. He is the one who is the actual creator of a complete team and the reason behind the existence of Swaraag. The Manager, Mr. Giriraj Purohit says that its the team management that makes a band go miles in the path of success.

The Band Swaraag makes the crowd groove over their music!! Swaraag aims at keeping the vernacular music alive through their composition. They even recreate the magic of folk music in current Bollywood songs as well. Swaraag has a passion for singing not only Rajasthani Folk music but also various folk music from states that appeal to different musical tastes.

To know more about Swaraag


Let us know how much you liked the musical performance of Swaraag Band, in the comments section below or drop a mail at


UB Gossips with Mr. Vinod Balchandani | Famous Wedding Film Maker & Cinematographer from Udaipur

Weddings are an indispensable part of our lives. Earlier, weddings were confined to photos and simple videos, but as the technology has swooped in, couples and families are opting for advanced ways to keep their memories alive. Nowadays, couples are excited about pre-wedding and post-wedding shoots, and cinematography as well.

It is the dream of every girl to have a wedding like in the movies; to be the star cast of their own film! For all those who wish to get their own movie shot, Mr. Vinod Balchandani from Wedding Cinema Udaipur is here to resolve all those wedding shoots related queries. He has recently won the ‘Ravishing Wedding Award’ and is all set to achieve greater accolades in the cinematography industry.

We had a very interesting conversation with Mr. Vinod Balchandani about his journey, his ups and downs, his success and his experience in cinematography.

Let’s Hear It from The Man Himself- What It Takes to Make Dreams Come True!!!

What are the challenges that a wedding photographer has to go through during his journey? What does this journey look like initially and how does it proceeds all the way to its growth and success?

Watch Mr. Vinod Balchandani explaining all about it through his very own experience.

Every job has its own perks, crazy incidents, fun moments. Team UB Member, Kajal Walwani, asked Mr. Balchandani about some of his personal favorite experience out of all that he had.

Watch what all does he has in store for you.


All about Ravishing Wedding award and how such a spontaneous profession can be chosen by girls is what all Mr. Vinod going to answer in the forthcoming video.


The rapid-fire round has always been the quirkiest part of an interview. Don’t you think so? We had a very interesting and fun-filled rapid-fire round with Mr. Vinod.

Watch the video below for interesting answers given by Mr. Balchandani.

Wasn’t the entire conversation strikingly awesome? There were so many things that we didn’t know about wedding photography and cinematography and Mr. Vinod Balchandani has certainly cleared the clouds for us.

Well, I am sure that we have covered most of the questions for you. But still, if you have any question coming up from the back of your head, do not worry, you can just ask the question in the comment section below.

Special thanks to Rootage Restaurant and Lounge for hosting us!

Also, do let us know what you think about UB GOSSIPS and how much you liked it!

If you have any query, review or suggestion; drop a mail at


उदयपुर में पहलवानों की दंगल | उस्ताद श्री लक्ष्मण सिंह का अखाड़ा

हरियाणा के महावीर सिंह फोगाट को तो सब जानते होंगे? आखिर जानेंगे भी क्यों नहीं कुश्ती में उन्होंने देश भर में अपना नाम जो रोशन किया था । उदयपुर में भी कुछ इसी तरह की हस्ती रही थी । महावीर सिंह जी ने तो केवल अपनी बेटियों को कुश्ती के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया था । लेकिन इन्होंने पुरे शहर के लोगों का कुश्ती में प्रवेश कराया ।  इस हस्ती का नाम है उस्ताद श्री लक्ष्मण सिंह जी ।

दंगल फिल्म के बाद सबसे पहला सवाल यही आता है की क्या वाकई में ये सब असल जिंदगी में होता होगा? क्या पहलवानों की जिंदगी वैसी ही होती है जैसी फिल्मो में दिखायी गयी थी? वैसे इन बातों के अलावा और भी काफी सवाल मेरे मन में आये थे और उनमे से सबसे पहला ये था की आखिर उदयपुर में कुश्ती या wrestling की क्या स्थिति है? क्या यहाँ भी लड़के और लड़कियों को कुश्ती करने से रोका जाता है?

कुछ ऐसे ही सवाल हम सभी के मन में होते है । यही सवाल मुझे खींच कर ले गए उदयपुर के सबसे मशहूर अखाड़े पर जिसका नाम है ‘उस्ताद श्री लक्ष्मण सिंह का अखाड़ा

अखाड़े पर मेरी मुलाक़ात उस्ताद अर्जुन राजौला जी से हुई । उस्ताद की उम्र 64 साल की है और वह बचपन से ही कुश्ती करते हुए बड़े हुए है । इस मुलाक़ात में कई सवाल जवाब किये मैंने उस्ताद से अखाड़े और कुश्ती के बारे में और उन्होंने हर एक सवाल का काफी सटीक और बखूबी जवाब दिया । आइये पढ़ते है हमारी बातचीत के बारे में ।


इस अखाड़े की स्थापना कब हुई?

“अखाड़े की स्थापना सन 1966 से भी पहले हुई थी । यह अखाड़ा पहले हाथीपोल में हुआ करता था उसके बाद अब स्वरुप सागर पुलिया के पास है । उस्ताद जी ने कहा की उदयपुर में 60 के दशक में करीब 27 अखाड़े हुआ करते थे । धीरे धीरे वे सब बंद होते गए और अब यह संख्या घट कर सिर्फ 5 रह गई है ।”


यहाँ पर क्या क्या कार्यकलाप होते है?

यहाँ की प्रमुख गतिविधि कुश्ती है और उसके अलावा सहस्त्रकला और प्राणायाम होते है ।


आपकी कितनी पीड़ियाँ कुश्ती में रह चुकी है?

“पूरा रजौरा खानदान कुश्ती के लिए ही जाना जाता है । ऐसा समझ लीजिये की कुश्ती का पर्यायवाची ही रजौरा है । राजौरा खानदान की 5-6 पीड़ियाँ कुश्ती में रही । अभी मेरे बेटे कुश्ती के कोच है और अब मेरे पोते भी कुश्ती के अभ्यास में ही लगे हुए है ।”


इस अखाड़े की शुरुआत किसने और क्यों की? क्या रही इस अखाड़े के पीछे की कहानी?

इस अखाड़े की शुरुआत उस्ताद लक्ष्मण सिंह जी ने की थी । असल में उस ज़माने में कुश्ती सिर्फ महलों तक सीमित थी । सिर्फ राजसी लोगों को कुश्ती करने की इजाज़त दी जाती थी । इसके बाद हर समाज के लिए अलग अलग अखाड़े बने । हिन्दू के लिए अलग, मुस्लिम के लिए अलग और छुआछूत की परेशानी के कारण कई समाज के लोगो को अखाड़े में प्रवेश तक नहीं करने दिया जाता था । उस्ताद लक्ष्मण सिंह जी ने फिर इस अखाड़े का निर्माण किया जिसमे पहली बार हर जाति के लोगो को आने की इजाज़त थी । जिन लोगों को पहले किसी भी अखाड़े में नहीं आने दिया जाता था उन्हें भी इस अखाड़े ने स्वीकार किया । उस्ताद लक्ष्मण सिंह जी अपने समय में इतने शक्तिशाली और सज्जन आदमी थे की अखाड़े के पास में मौजूद पुल का नाम उन्ही के नाम पर रखा गया । इस तरह उस्ताद लक्ष्मण सिंह जी भी उदयपुर के महावीर सिंह फोगाट कहे जा सकते है ।


क्या उदयपुर में भी बहुत लोग कुश्ती में दिलचस्पी रखते है?

उदयपुर के लोग कुश्ती में ज्यादा दिलचस्पी नहीं रखते है । इसके पीछे कई कारण है । सबसे पहला तो क्रिकेट जैसे खेलों के चलन के बाद सभी उसी तरह के खेल खेलना चाहते है । बचपन से ही बच्चो के हाथो में बल्ला और गेंद थमा दिया जाता है जिससे आगे चलकर भी वे ऐसे ही खेलों में दिलचस्पी रखते है । ऐसे में कुश्ती को बिलकुल नज़रंदाज़ कर दिया जाता है ।

दूसरा कारण यह भी है कुश्ती जैसे खेल को कई मिथकों का सामना करना पड़ता है । लोग कहते है की कुश्ती करने से इंसान बेवकूफ़ हो जाता है । जबकि असल में कुश्ती एक ऐसा खेल है जिसमे बल के साथ साथ दिमाग का भी इस्तेमाल उतना ही ज़रूरी है जिससे वह एक अच्छी राजनीति बनाकर उस मैच को जीत सके । लोगों का ये भी मानना है की इससे शरीर को कई तरह के नुक्सान होते है । ऐसा नहीं है । एक पहलवान को उच्च आहार लेना होता है जिसमे घी, सूखे मावे जैसी चीज़े होती है । ऐसे में उनका शरीर और ज्यादा अच्छा और मजबूत हो जाता है ।


शहर के सभी युवा सदस्यों को आप क्या सन्देश देना चाहेंगे?

मैं शहर को सभी युवा और उनके माता पिता को भी यह कहना चाहूँगा की कुश्ती कोई बुरा खेल नहीं है । अगर आप स्वस्थ रहना चाहते है, अच्छे आचरण पाना चाहते है, अपने धर्म का पालन करना चाहते है तो कुश्ती ज़रूर कीजिये । कुश्ती आप में ब्रह्मचार्य की भावना पैदा करता है । इसमें आपको काफी उच्च आहार दिया जाता है जो की आपको बुरी आदतें जैसे धुम्रपान, शराब जैसी चीजों से दूर रखता है । उस्ताद श्री लक्ष्मण सिंह के अखाड़े में प्रवेश और अभ्यास करने के लिए किसी तरह का मूल्य नहीं लगता । लगता है तो सिर्फ कड़ी मेहनत और दृढ आत्मविश्वास ।


एक और सवाल पूछा मैंने उस्ताद अर्जुन से की जैसा की भारत में कई जगह होता है और हम फिल्मों में भी देखते ही हैं की लडकियों को कुश्ती नहीं करने दी जाती । उनके माता पिता उन्हें इस तरह के खेल नहीं खेलने देते तो इस पर आप क्या कहना चाहते है ?

उनके इस दिलचस्प जवाब को मैंने कैमरे में कैद कर दिया । अगर आप भी जानना चाहते है तो नीचे दिए हुए विडियो को देखिये ।

लक्ष्मण अखाड़े में जब मैं पहुची तब मुझे एहसास हुआ की वहां एक सिटी बेस्ड टूर्नामेंट चल रहा है । शायद ये मेरी अच्छी किस्मत रही होगी की मुझे इस तरह का मुकाबला देखने को मिला । वहां मैंने बच्चे, जवान, लड़के, लड़कियों सभी को कुश्ती करते हुए देखा । मुझे पता चला की इस मुकाबले में जीतने वाले लोग जिला स्तर पर कुश्ती के लिए अजमेर जायेंगे।


कुछ ऐसे विचार रखने वाले पहलवानों को मैं दिल से सलाम करती हूँ । एक पहलवान की ज़िन्दगी बहुत ही मेहनत, दृढनिश्चय और आत्मबल से भरी होती है । कुश्ती कतई एक आसान खेल नहीं । इसमें भारी बल के साथ तेज़ दिमाग की आवश्यकता होती है ।

आप क्या सोचते है इस बारे में? हमसे शेयर करे नीचे दिए हुए कमेंट सेक्शन में । अगर आपके पास कोई फीडबैक है जो आप हम तक पहुचाना चाहते है तो मुझे मेल करे पर ।

                             Pictures and video by: Juhee Mehta

People Videos

The Silversmiths of Udaipur | Forgotten Artists of The City

A city is made up of the people that live in it. Udaipur is made up of artists! Be it the narrow alleys or the wide marketplaces, the City of Lakes is flooded with artisans in various fields that entice and awe-inspire travelers from all across the globe. Whether it is wooden toys or zinc furniture or handmade jewelry, everything here is indigenous and from the very roots of the city.

One such community of artists is the Silversmiths. Living in the tapered lanes of the Old City of Udaipur, you will find a number of small ‘Chabutra’ style shops that are business places to one of the most creative people I say. These are the Silversmiths.

I am a fan of silver jewelry, and just in the search for some customized silver ornaments I met this person some 4-5 years back and since then he is my fave!

A couple days back I decided to have a small interview (more of an impromptu chat, like I, always have with him). He mainly does repairing work and has stopped making ornaments. While, if insisted he makes ornaments. He also does piercings in nose, ears etc.

I believe that these people deserve the acknowledgment of their art. Their ways and techniques are old but that’s what the essence of their work is. He makes the smallest and tiniest pieces of silver jewelry by hand and each one is unique in its true sense.

I always get things customized for myself and he does that without losing his patience on me!! (*laughs*)

We asked him to make two nose pins that we could buy. Here, is a small video of him making the two nose pins and talking to us regarding his work. Let’s meet Mr. Yash Kumar Soni.


You can Contact them at:

Yash Kumar Soni: +91-9314937509

Bhupesh Soni: +91- 9887112889

Address: Laxmilaal and Sons (Kundan Art Works), Ganesh Ghati, Old City, Udaipur

Also, if you know any person or a community who indulges in some indigenous and ancient art of any kind, do write to me at
I would love to hear their story!

News People

Udaipur’s boy has grabbed an Award from the President | See the Video to Find Out Why!!!

Narayan Lal Gurjar (19 years old), a student of the second Year, studying Agriculture Engineering at Maharana Pratap Agriculture and Technology University Udaipur has developed a polymer that will not dry! The idea of developing this polymer came seeing the dying crops. His father asked him to develop something that can be beneficial for the farmers as Narayan himself is from a farmer family. After a deep research, Narayan came up with a ‘manure’ that retains water and do not let the plants die.

About Narayan Lal Gurjar

Born in a farmer family of Borj village in Rajsamand district, Narayan is the brain behind the eco-friendly water retention polymer. By usage of the same, less water will be required in agriculture and horticulture and it will also prove to be effective in the fields for the low water table, as well as increase productivity of the crop.

Awards and Appreciation

Narayan has up till received a huge number of awards. He has received the Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) at the Rashtrapati Bhawan on March 19, 2018. He has also received an award from IIM-A for the same. Also, the state government has given him a grant of 2.5 lakhs for developing labs for this polymer.

Usage of the Polymer

Narayan told Team UB, that it is a type of manure that can be added to the soil and its moisture can be increased up to five times. His team is working on trying to make it available for the farmers until next year. He has already received an order for 60 Kilograms of polymer for which he is developing his workplace to a bigger level.

Let us now hear it from the inventor himself, Narayan Lal Gurjar:


Udaipur in Limca book of Records

Limca book of records is an amusing and thrilling book that strings together shocking, surprising and appreciative achievements achieved by Indian citizens. The book is Indian equivalent to the Guinness Book of World Records that aims to appreciate unique achievements by Indian residing in India and other countries of the world. It is completely dedicated to people who are capable to do something different and should be remembered for their distinctive deeds.

Now that we know about the power and position of such a great book, some of the gems even belong to Udaipur that have not only managed to secure a position in the pages of the book but also has made the city proud in front of the entire nation. Let us know about these people who have made some shocking, surprising and appreciable achievements in the history of the country.


Lucky number 786

Udaipur in Limca book of Records
Source: udaipur times

In the year 2012, a man named Vinay Bhanawat has a peculiar interest to collect Indian currency note of Rupees 10. But these are not some ordinary 10 rupees note but every note has a serial number ending with 786. This interest of his helped him to secure a position in Limca Book of Records. He collected not hundred, not thousand but a total of Eighty-six thousand and sixty-seven (86067) notes of such kind. Because of this passion of his, he once bought a one rupee note in Rs. Twenty thousand from a collector of in Mumbai. The reason behind it was that the note was special as the serial number was only 786.

Apart from this unique passion of his, he also likes to collect ancient and valuable coins which include the copper coins with a hole, coins from the Mughal Era and many other old coins which weigh over 20 Kg.


The only person to ride on Indo-Pak bridge

Udaipur in Limca book of Records
Indo – Pak bridge

Do you have the passion for bikes and riding? Then you will be amazed to meet the only bike rider who rode on the Indo-Pak Bridge in the history of the world. Anuj Pal Goswami started his solo bike expedition on Feb 27th, 2015 from Gurgaon and returned on March 26th, 2015. This way he covered a total of two thousand four hundred and thirty kilometers in just 27 days.

He rode his entire journey on his royal Enfield TB 500. The journey was not an easy one for Anuj. At times, he had to ride in the chilling temperatures of -20 to -25 degrees. One time he got stuck in snow slide which paused his journey for 11 days. But they say if you are passionate enough, you are able to do anything and thus, Anuj became the only civilian biker to ride to Indo-Pak farthest bridge.


Books in gold and silver of size 6 mm

Udaipur in Limca book of Records

Iqbal Sakka is a very popular name all around the country. The man is known for his miniature artistry where he makes tiny objects using gold and silver. One of his creations is the miniature gold and silver books which are 6 mm long, 4 mm wide and 3 mm thick. The pages are not empty if you’re thinking so. They are engraved with the word ‘Allah’ in Arabic, ‘Om’ in Sanskrit, a holy cross from Christianity and a ‘Khanda’ from Sikhism. Iqbal wants to spread the message of unity with these miniature books. It took him three months to complete these books but his creation took him into the pages of Limca Book of records. Not just this, Iqbal is the owner of total 22 world records.

Iqbal wants to make his country proud by his art and his next goal is to a total of 36 records, one dedicated to each state and Union Territory of India.


Kalpit Veerwal – the god of JEE Mains

Udaipur in Limca book of Records
Source: velivada

The name doesn’t come as strange anymore does it? Almost every udaipurite might recognize this name and the reason behind such popular it got within such a short span of time. Well, those of you who have appeared for JEE Mains ever would know how difficult it is to even obtain a genuine cut off so that we can manage to get admission in a decent college and secure our future. In such conditions, a boy from Udaipur, Kalpit Veerwal obtained 360 out of 360 in JEE Mains in the year 2017. The news spread like a wildfire and within no time, he secured a position in Limca Book of Records. Veerwal has doesn’t just made his parents proud but he made Udaipur proud in front of the country. Now, he is studying Computer Science in IIT Bombay.


Solar Shikara in Fatehsagar

Udaipur in Limca book of Records
Source: dolphin creation

Solar powered shikara was operated in our beloved Lake Fatehsagar for the first time in the history of India. It contains solar cells to power the battery which allows the electric outboard to run. Earlier, Dolphin recreations made the basic version of the boat and three years later the electric- battery powered version shikara was developed. This solar shikara was written in the pages of Limca Book of records and became the center of attraction for every citizen of India.


Haircut of 150 kids in just 80 minutes

Udaipur in Limca book of Records
Source: Udaipur times

Have you ever calculated the time you spend on every haircut of yours? Or rather the time the hairdresser spends on your haircut? At least 30 minutes right? But seems like a salon is way more quick with haircuts then you can ever think of.

A very renowned salon of Udaipur which is Champion salon earned a position in Limca Book of records by completing haircut of 150 kids in just 80 minutes. They managed to spread happiness with these orphan and underprivileged kids by giving them the luxury they can hardly afford.


Dangerous fire act by magician women

Udaipur in Limca book of Records
Source: you tube

In the world where women are excelling at anything and everything, they won’t be back even at records, right? Well, I am not the only one saying this but when you’ll read about this amazing magician, you’ll say it too.

The great magician from Udaipur, Aanchal, completed a very dangerous fire act and got her name in the Limca Book of Records. In this fire act, Aanchal was tied with 100 locks and a 100 feet large chain. Further, she was suspended at a height of 100 feet above the ground using a crane. She was handcuffed as well. Then she was thrown into a well full of raging fire. Surprisingly, she managed to escape the fire by unlocking the locks and chains without a single scratch on her body.


India’s longest collage and ‘The Blue Elephant’

Udaipur in Limca book of Records
Source: the blue painter

Sharad Bhardwaj’s paintings have taken him to Limca Book of world records not once but twice. In the year 2008, Sharad Bhardwaj created India’s longest collage which got its place in Limca books of world records. But this didn’t satiate his quest and so in the year 2015, he created a 16 feet round painting known as ‘The blue Elephant’. He made the painting using acrylic colors on a canvas. And because of this majestic painting of his, his name once again flashed in Limca books of world records.


Udaipur’s tree house is in Limca book of world records

I bet you didn’t know these things about Udaipur
Source: pinterest

Once upon a time, a businessman named KP Singh proposed the idea of building a tree house upon a 65 years old Mango tree without cutting a single branch of the tree. The idea was so raw and difficult that when he took this idea of his to different architects and engineers around the city, none of them agreed to it.

One day his wish got fulfilled and the tree house got constructed just the way he wanted it to be without any damage to the tree and its branches. Surprisingly, the tree wasn’t made by some architect or civil engineer but a small artisan of Surat with the academic qualification of just grade seven. This tree house was later featured in the Limca book of world records.


12,500 statues and paintings of Ganesha

We all are devotees of Lord Ganesha big time, isn’t? But what if I tell you there’s a couple in Udaipur who actually possess 12,500 statues and paintings of Ganesha. Mr. Ram Kogata and his wife Mrs. Lalita Kogata have always aspired art and the passion took them to the dream of this collection. It took several big and small artisans to convert their dream into reality and after 30 years of hard work, they were recognized by not just Limca Book of Records but also Guinness book of World records and that too not just once but twice.


From all these records and stories, one thing is pretty clear that if you have a passion to do something, no one in the universe can stop you from doing that. These motivational people proved that if you want to become someone that nobody has ever become, then you have to do something that no one has ever done. So, if you have something in your mind which you want to do, do not think twice, get up right now and go conquer the world.



उदयपुर में जन्मी ऐन्द्रिता रे जल्द ही बॉलीवुड डेब्यू करने जा रही है, एक नज़र उनके सफ़र पर…

ऐन्द्रिता रे, कन्नड़ फिल्म इंडस्ट्री की सुपरस्टार, अब जल्द ही बॉलीवुड में एंट्री लेने जा रही है। आपको यह जानकर आश्चर्य भी होगा और ख़ुशी भी कि ऐन्द्रिता रे का जन्म उदयपुर में हुआ है। ऐन्द्रिता, कन्नड़ फिल्म ‘मनासारे’ में निभाए अपने दमदार करैक्टर ‘देविका’ के लिए जानी जाती है। इस फिल्म को क्रिटिक्स ने काफ़ी पसंद किया था, उन्होंने इसके लिए 4 अवार्ड्स भी जीते। 5 बार की फिल्मफेयर अवार्ड नॉमिनेटेड एक्ट्रेस के उदयपुर से कन्नड़ फिल्म इंडस्ट्री होते हुए बॉलीवुड तक के सफ़र पर एक नज़र।

शुरूआती जीवन और बैकग्राउंड:aindrita ray

ऐन्द्रिता का जन्म उदयपुर के एक बंगाली परिवार में हुआ। इनका शुरूआती बचपन उदयपुर की झीलों और पहाड़ियों को देखते हुए निकला। पिता ऐ.के. रे के इंडियन एयर फाॅर्स में प्रोस्थोदोंटिस्ट (डेंटल प्रोस्थेटिक्स) के पद पर होने की वजह से उन्हें मुंबई शिफ्ट होना पड़ा। इंडियन एयर फाॅर्स में होने के कारण अक्सर तबादले होने की वजह से अलग-अलग शहरों में रहना पड़ा। आख़िर में पूरा परिवार बैंगलोर आकर रहने लग गया।

डेब्यू और ब्रेकथ्रू: aindrita ray

ऐन्द्रिता रे फैशन कोरियोग्राफर एम्.एस. श्रीधर की स्टूडेंट रही है। सबसे पहले उन्हें कन्नड़ फिल्म ‘जैकपोट’ के एक गाने में देखा गया। जबकि एक्टिंग करियर 2008 में आई ‘मेरावैंगे’ से शुरू हुआ। फिल्म तो ज्यादा कुछ कमाल नहीं कर पाई लेकिन ऐन्द्रिता की एक्टिंग और डांसिंग क्राफ्ट को जैसी वेबसाइट ने काफी सराहा। उसी साल एक और कन्नड़ फिल्म में इनका केमियो भी था।

शरुआती सफलता और उसके बाद की कहानी: aindrita ray

ऐन्द्रिता की 2009 में एक और फिल्म आई नाम था ‘वायुपुत्र’ जिसमें इनके अपोजिट थे चिरंजीवी सर्जा। इसके बाद इनकी एक और सफल मूवी परदे पर आई ‘लव गुरु’। लेकिन 2009 में आई ‘मनासारे’ ने ऐन्द्रिता के जीवन को पलट कर रख दिया। इस फिल्म ने ऐन्द्रिता को रातों-रात कन्नड़ फिल्म इंडस्ट्री का स्टार बना दिया। न सिर्फ कन्नड़ फिल्मों यहाँ तक की ‘मनासारे’ की सफलता की गूँज ‘फिल्मफेयर अवार्ड्स’ तक भी गई और ऐन्द्रिता बेस्ट एक्ट्रेस की केटेगरी में नोमिनेट हुई। इसके बाद तो ऐन्द्रिता के आगे ढेर सारी फिल्मों की लाइन लग गई। 2010 में आई एक और फिल्म ‘वीरा परम्परे’ भी बॉक्स ऑफिस पर कामयाब हुई और एक बार फिर ऐन्द्रिता ‘फिल्मफेयर अवार्ड फॉर बेस्ट एक्ट्रेस’ के लिए नोमिनेट हुई। इसी साल इनकी एक पैरेलल बॉलीवुड फिल्म भी आई जिसका नाम ‘अ फ्लैट’ था। लेकिन ये इनका बॉलीवुड डेब्यू नहीं था।

करियर के शुरुआती दौर में मिली ग्रैंड सफलता की चमक अगले दो साल में फीकी पड़ती नज़र आई। लगातार 3-4 फिल्मों के फ्लॉप हो जाने के कारण इसका असर उनके करियर पर भी दिखने लगा। इस वजह से उन्हें तेलुगु सिनेमा और बंगाली सिनेमा की ओर रुख़ करना पड़ा। हालाँकि इन दोनों जगह किया इनका ये काम सराहा गया और एक बार फिर ये कन्नड़ फिल्मों में लौट आई। aindrita ray

2018 इनके लिए ख़ास साबित होने जा रहा है। बंगाली सिनेमा के मशहूर डायरेक्टर राज चंदा की फिल्म में नज़र आएंगी और साथ ही साथ ये अपना बॉलीवुड डेब्यू भी कर रही है। इस फिल्म में अरबाज़ खान इनके अपोजिट होंगे जिसकी शूटिंग स्विट्जरलैंड में शुरू हो चुकी है। हम सभी उम्मीद करते है कि उनकी ये फिल्म बॉक्स ऑफिस पर अच्छा करें और उदयपुर का नाम रोशन हो।

10 साल के अपने छोटे से करियर में पांच बार फिल्मफेयर जैसे अवार्ड्स के लिए नोमिनेट होना उनके अपने काम के प्रति लगन को दर्शाता है। ऐन्द्रिता रे का उदयपुर से होना शायद बहुत कम ही लोग जानते होंगे। इसलिए हमारी कोशिश थी कि ऐसे लोगों में ऐन्द्रिता को शामिल किया जाए जिन्हें शहर के लोग कम और देश-विदेश के लोग ज्यादा जानते है। ये हमारे शहर के लिए गर्व की बात है।