
इनको कई फिल्मों में देखा होगा अब ये भी जान लो कि ये हमारे शहर से ही हैं। जानिए इनके बारे में…

भारत के छोटे शहरों में बड़े सपने पलते है। इस बात को साबित करने के लिए आपको कई उदहारण मिल जाएँगे। इन्हीं उदाहरणों में से एक उदहारण हमारे अपने शहर उदयपुर का भी है। उदयपुर का युवा आज अपने सपनों को जीना चाहता है उसे पूरा करने के लिए अपनी जी-जान लगा देना चाहता है।

आज ऐसे ही एक लड़के की कहानी आपके सामने लेकर आ रहे है जो उदयपुर में पैदा हुआ लेकिन उसकी कर्म-भूमि बनी मायानगरी ‘मुंबई’। आज वो वहां अपने एक्टिंग के झंडे गाड़ रहा है। हम बात कर रहे है राहुल सिंह की। वही राहुल सिंह जिन्हें आपने ‘ज़ुबैदा’ में देखा होगा या फिर ‘देल्ही-बेल्ली’ में या फिर ‘खिलाड़ी 786’ में…शायद अब तक तो आपके दिमाग में तस्वीर साफ़ हो चुकी होगी। rahul singh

राहुल सिंह का जन्म उदयपुर के एक ठाकुर घराने में हुआ था। जो जागीरदारी से ताल्लुक रखता था। जब राहुल का जन्म हुआ तब उनके पिताजी किसानी के साथ-साथ पढ़ाई कर रहे थे। इनकी माताजी डॉ. प्रभा ठाकुर एक बहुत अच्छी कवयित्री और राज्यसभा सदस्य भी है। डॉ. प्रभा ठाकुर आल इंडिया वीमेन कांग्रेस की अध्यक्ष भी है। ये तीन बार की सांसद चुनी गई है और कांग्रेस पार्टी में अपना एक बड़ा स्थान रखती है।

एक ठाकुर फॅमिली में पैदा होना और फिर बॉलीवुड में जाना एक अजीब संयोग है वो भी तब जब आप उदयपुर जैसे शहरों से निकलते हो और इस फील्ड में अपना करियर बनाने की सोचते हो। लेकिन चूँकि राहुल की माँ खुद एक कवयित्री रह चुकी है शायद इसी वजह से उनका रूझान भी आर्ट की तरफ हुआ हो।rahul singh

राहुल सिंह अब तक 24 फिल्मों में काम कर चुके है जिनमें से कुछ ये रही :-

  1. ज़ुबैदा
  2. बादशाह
  3. देल्ही-बेल्ली
  4. स्टेनले का डिब्बा
  5. तेरे बिन लादेन
  6. खिलाड़ी 786
  7. द गाज़ी अटैक आदि

फेहरिस्त लम्बी है लेकिन सभी का ज़िक्र यहाँ मुमकिन नहीं है। ऐसा नहीं था कि राहुल ने सीधा मुंबई का रुख़ किया हो और फिल्मों से एनकाउंटर हो गया। राहुल जब 1st क्लास में थे तब उनका परिवार मुंबई शिफ्ट हो गया था इसकी वजह डॉ. प्रभा ठाकुर यानि राहुल की माँ को अपनी कविताओं के लिए उदयपुर में अपोर्च्यूनिटी का नहीं मिलना था। वहां उनकी पढ़ाई स्लिवर बिच स्कुल में शुरू हुई। लेकिन पढ़ाई में अच्छे नहीं होने के कारण और लव लेटर्स लिखने की वजह से उनके माता-पिता ने उन्हें फिर से राजस्थान भेजने का निश्चय किया। जहां उनका दाखिला अजमेर के मेयो कॉलेज में हुआ और फिर ग्रेजुएशन सेंट. ज़ेवियर कॉलेज से थिएटर विषय में किया। इस दौरान राहुल के माथा-पिता फिर से उदयपुर में आ गए जहां इनके पिता होटल इंडस्ट्रीज़ से जुड़ गए और माँ राजनीति में आ गई।rahul singh

ग्रेजुएशन के बाद राहुल तीन साल के कोर्स लिए रॉयल अकादमी ऑफ़ आर्ट्स, इंग्लैंड चले गए। वहां उन्होंने अभिनय की बारीकियां सीखी। लिखना उन्हें शुरू से अच्छा लगता था।

जब वे भारत लौटे तो मॉडलिंग में हाथ अजमाना शुरू कर दिया। इंडस्ट्री में पहला काम एक एड शो मिला जिसका सिलसिला बढ़ते-बढ़ते एक अलग उचाई पर है। पहला ब्रेक श्याम बेनेगल की मूवी ‘ज़ुबैदा’ से मिला। उसके बाद कुछ अच्छी मूवीज़ मिलती रही। एक ख़ास बात इनकी ये है कि हर बार एक नया किरदार किसी यूनिक स्टाइल से अदा करते है इसलिए कभी मुंबई जाती भीड़ में उनका नाम नहीं आया। थिएटर करना और थिएटर की समझ रखना भी इसका एक बहुत बड़ा कारण रहा है। राहुल सिंह ने न सिर्फ अभिनय में अपना हाथ आजमाया उन्होनें कई फिल्मों के स्क्रीनप्ले और डायलॉग तक लिखे है। कुछ उदहारण ये रहे :- रानी(डायलॉग), कांटे(डायलॉग), कच्ची सड़क(स्क्रीनप्ले), तिग्मांशु धुलिया किआने वाली एक फिल्म(स्क्रीनप्ले)।Rahul Singh

राहुल ने फिल्मों के साथ-साथ टीवी सिरेअल्स और थिएटर प्लेज़ भी किए है जैसे :-

टीवी :-

  • संविधान (आचार्य कृपलानी)
  • 24 (विक्रांत मौर्या)
  • पेशवा बाजीराव (औरंगज़ेब) आदि

प्लेज़ :-

  • द शाल बाय डेविड ममेट
  • हैमलेट एंड द मर्चेंट ऑफ़ वेनिस बाय शेक्सपियर
  • द ब्लैक कैट बाय एडगर अलान पोए आदि

उम्मीद है आपको इनके बारे में पढ़कर और जानकर अच्छा लगा होगा। इससे पिछले अंक में हमनें आपको दौलत सिंह कोठारी जी से परिचय करवाया था इस बार राहुल सिंह से करवा रहे है। अगले अंक में किसी नए हस्ती के साथ आपसे मिलेंगे जिन्हें देश-विदेश तो जानता है पर हमसे कहीं चुक हो गई। तब तक के लिए अलविदा।


उदयपुर के पद्म विभूषण विजेता वैज्ञानिक जिन्हें हम भुला चुके है लेकिन विश्व आज भी याद करता है।

उदयपुर का इतिहास बहुत ही सुनहरा रहा है ये बात तो हम सभी जानते ही है। इस सुनहरे इतिहास को बनाने वालों की लिस्ट बड़ी लंबी है। कई बार हम उसे पूरा नहीं होने देते है और उदयपुर का नाम आती ही अक्सर बात को रजवाड़ों या उनके इर्द-गिर्द ही सिमित कर देते है। उसी लिस्ट में से आज हम आपको मिलवाने जा रहे है उदयपुर में जन्में वैज्ञानिक दौलत सिंह कोठारी से।DR._DAULAT_SINGH_KOTHARI

सन् 1906, उदयपुर में जन्में दौलत सिंह कोठारी न सिर्फ विख्यात वैज्ञानिक थे इसके साथ वह एक जाने-मने शिक्षाविद भी थे। उनकी महानता का अंदाज़ा आप इस बात से लगा सकते है कि मिरांडा हाउस, दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय में उनके नाम पर रिसर्च सेंटर का नाम रखा गया है। D.S. Kothari Research Centre, Miranda House, Delhi University.

दौलत सिंह कोठारी का जन्म 6 जुलाई 1906 को उदयपुर में हुआ। उनकी शुरूआती पढ़ाई उदयपुर और इंदौर के स्कूलों में हुई। बाद में मास्टर्स के लिए वे ‘इलाहबाद यूनिवर्सिटी’ चले गए। जहां इन्होने मेघनाद साहा के नेतृत्व में अपनी पढ़ाई पूरी की। इन्होने अपनी पीएचडी विश्वप्रसिद्ध ‘कैंब्रिज यूनिवर्सिटी’ से की। जहाँ उनके गुरु ‘अर्नेस्ट रदरफोर्ड’ थे। साइंस स्ट्रीम से अपनी पढाई करने वालों के लिए अर्नेस्ट रदरफोर्ड कोई अनजाना नाम नहीं है। फिर भी अगर आप उन्हें नहीं जानते है तो शायद आपने ग्याहरवी और बाहरवी अच्छे से नहीं पढ़ी है।

daulat singh kothari1
Photo Courtesy: Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, Baron Blackett of Chelsea (1897-1974, British), Physicist
Daulat Singh Kothari (1906-1993, Indian), Physicist

अपनी पढ़ाई पूरी करने के बाद जब वे भारत लौटे तो उन्होंने ‘दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय’ में प्रोफेसर पद पर नियुक्त हुए और बाद में हेड ऑफ़ डिपार्टमेंट, फिजिक्स रहे। ये बात है सन् 1931 से सन् 1961 के बीच की। इस दौरान सन् 1948 से 1961 तक वे मिनिस्ट्री ऑफ़ डिफेन्स में साइंटिफिक एडवाइजर भी रहे। सन् 1961 में उन्हें यूनिवर्सिटी ग्रांट्स कमीशन के चेयरमैन पद पर नियुक्त किया गया। जहां इनका कार्यकाल सन् 1973 तक चला। 1964-66 के दौरान एजुकेशन कमीशन के चेयरमैन पद पर रहते हुए उन्होंने कोठारी कमीशन निकाला जो कि जिसमें देश में पहली बार एजुकेशन सेक्टर के लिए मॉडर्नाइज़ेशन और स्टेंडरडाइज़ेशन जैसे शब्दों को देश की ज़रूरत बताया।

उनके उपलब्धियों और सम्मनों पर एक नज़र:

  • 1963 में इंडियन साइंस कांग्रेस के गोल्डन जुबली समारोह में अध्यक्ष पद पर रहे।
  • 1973 में इंडियन नेशनल साइंस अकादमी के अध्यक्ष पद पर चुने गए।
  • स्टैटिस्टिकल थर्मोडायनामिक्स पर रिसर्च और वाइट ड्वार्फ स्टार्स थ्योरी से उन्हें विश्व में पहचान मिली।
  • 1962 में पद्म भूषण।
  • 1973 में पद्म विभूषण से सम्मानित।
  • सन् 2011 में डिपार्टमेंट ऑफ़ पोस्ट्स ने उनके नाम का पोस्ट जारी किया।Daulat-Singh-Kothari
  • दिल्ली यूनिवर्सिटी के एक बॉयज हॉस्टल का नाम उनके नाम पर है।
  • मिनिस्ट्री ऑफ़ डिफेन्स में भी हॉस्टल और ऑडिटोरियम का नाम उन्ही के नाम पर रखा गया है।

उम्मीद है आपको ये सब पढ़कर अच्छा लगा होगा। हम आगे भी कुछ ऐसी ही शख्सियत से आपको रूबरू करवाएंगे। तब तक के लिए अलविदा।

Health & Fashion People

Aakanksha Luthra is making heads turn | Fashion Blogger-Entrepreneur from Udaipur

Aakansha Luthra or you can call her by the name ‘Curvy Diva Chic’, is all about body positivity, travel, plus-size fashion blogging, make-up and so much more. Her Instagram feed imparts positive vibes and so many colors that you would get mesmerized. I ran into talking to her and had so many questions to ask! So here is a brief about who is the Curvy Diva Chic and all that you must know about her.

Aakanksha Luthra is making heads turn | Fashion Blogger-Entrepreneur from Udaipur

How would you define yourself?

I am an everyday Plus size fashion blogger who loves long, flowing, breezy maxi dresses and skirts. If I were to define myself, I would sum up within these points;

♥ I am someone who would pick skirts over pants.

♥ Someone who loves to dress up for herself, love red lipsticks and coral pink being my soul color.

♥ I love cooking and travel to stay sane!

Tell our readers about your Blog- Curvy Diva Chic.

CURVYDIVACHIC.COM is an Everyday Curvy Girl’s Blog about Fashion, Travel, and Lifestyle. I started my blog in the year 2014 with a vision of boosting the self-esteem of plus size women through the silent language of fashion. My blog boasts plus size body positivity and encourages women to love their bodies.

How Did You First Get into Blogging?

I started my blog when I realized my love for fashion and I believe we are lucky to be in the era where fashion is more about embracing your personal sense of style rather than following the path of predefined “trends” set by someone else. Fashion helped me with my self-esteem, and I thought my voice may help others like me to be who they are. I was into writing already; fashion brought out the hippity-hop personality I never knew existed in me.

Plus size fashion is fun.

I get to talk constructively about things I always wanted to share, like doing what you really want to do and not thinking about what others have to say, because everyone has an opinion, and we are a population of 7 billion!Aakanksha Luthra is making heads turn | Fashion Blogger-Entrepreneur from Udaipur

Tell me some of your strengths that really helped you in blogging?

It all started with an urge to express me. Further, excellent communication skills, being an extrovert and a strong will to do it helped me out a lot. Thanks to being fat a major part of my life, I am now immune to others opinions about me. So yeah, nothing matters and I get to do what I want to do!

How would you describe your blogging style?

Expressive, Chic, Elegant. I work on boosting self-esteem, mine as I boost others’.

Tell me about your proudest achievement?

For me, the proudest achievement was when I was featured in The Hindu for my work.Aakanksha Luthra is making heads turn | Fashion Blogger-Entrepreneur from Udaipur

What was the most challenging moment in your blogging journey so far? Were your parents supportive of your career choice?

The most challenging moment in career was the decision of starting a blog. My parents have been a strong support for my entire career.

What would you say that is the biggest challenge for fashion blogging?

Fashion Blogging is an expensive affair.  Further, conceptualization of the blog post is harder than it looks.Aakanksha Luthra is making heads turn | Fashion Blogger-Entrepreneur from Udaipur

Who is your fashion inspiration?

Adele! She is the reason I fell in love with fashion in the first place.

What are some of your current fashion obsessions?

I am committed to the Long Flowy Maxi dresses. Anything classic and chic, especially vintage! I believe that if you don’t find something good to wear go for Off Shoulders, they are instant fixes. When I talk about colors, I go for corals and yellows, trust me these can do way more than just brighten your ensemble.Aakanksha Luthra is making heads turn | Fashion Blogger-Entrepreneur from Udaipur

Where would you like to be in blogging five years from now?

I perceive myself as a successful Social Media Influencer and becoming the voice that I am.

Mention the brands or people you have collaborated with.

Daniel Wellington, Stalkbuylove, FabAlley, Lastinch etc.  to name a few.


We hope the Curvy Diva Chic makes a difference and spreads tons of body positivity through her fashion. It was a pleasure talking to such an amazing girl with so much to share. If you wanna know more about her, you can follow her on Instagram and Facebook and check out her website as well.


Instagram: @curvydivachic_official

Facebook: curvydivachic



Ravi Soni is Making the Visuals Speak | In Conversation with The VJ from Udaipur

We have come across the word Video Jockey a lot. But there is another term for VJ and that is Visual Jockey, an artist who makes your experience a vivid one through their visuals in various album art, merchandise, and visuals for music artists playing live.

The unique and experimental nature of a Visual Jockey certainly makes it an exciting career choice.

Ravi Soni from the City of Lakes is making us mesmerized with his unparalleled visuals. We ran talking to him and found some really interesting things!!!

Let us share it with you!

  1. Tell us a brief about yourself.

I was born and brought up in Udaipur, I did my masters in Computer Science and was working as Assistant Professor when I first saw the LED Screen and immediately decided to enter into the field of Visuals.

Ravi Soni is Making the Visuals Speak | In Conversation with The VJ from Udaipur
Ravi Soni

It has been 5 years since I did my first show and have played for lots of artists including big names like Saleem-Sulaiman, Mika Singh, Yo Yo Honey Singh, Neha Kakkar, Vishal-Shekhar, Meet Brothers and a lot more.

  1. We have always heard about a ‘Video Jockey’. Tell us about what exactly a ‘Visual Jockey’ is?

A Visuals Jockey is an artist who mixes the visuals LIVE to display them on a screen. This screen can be an LED Wall, Projector screen or any other display device. The visuals being displayed contain various images, photos, videos, loops, texts etc.

  1. What made you choose such a different profession? Were your family and close ones supportive of your career choice?

It was my love towards music and live shows what brought me into this. This is a creative job where you need to show your skills each and every day.


My family and friends have always been a huge support through my journey as a Visual Jockey. Most of the times, I am out for my shows but they never complain and rather always help me getting things done.

  1. What are the hurdles that you have faced, or are facing to be a Visual Jockey?

I shall say there are no institutes for learning this profession and so it is a bit difficult to reach up to a competitive level.  Without getting proper guidance, it is a must for one to get into self-learning and which takes lots of time and dedication. Also, bringing yourself to a level where your work is recognized enough to make you being paid a handsome amount is the most necessary thing.

Neha Kakkar
  1. What are the trends in the industry regarding visuals?

This profession is related to show-business and just like every other profession in this industry, trends in this also keep changing with time.Ravi Soni is Making the Visuals Speak

As of today, Live-Sets are trending.

  1. What is the future of the Visual Jockeying?

The future is very bright as daily new technologies are being introduced in visual presentations. Projection Mapping and Interactive screens are a few examples.

  1. Tell us about the places/festivals/events etc. where you have played? Any experience worth mentioning?

Over a past few years, Udaipur has become an events hub with Big Fat Weddings being held and a lot of celebrity performances are organized. I have done various events pan-India.

There are lots of good experiences when my work was appreciated but if I have to mention one, I must never forget this event when I was playing visuals for artist “Gurdeep Mehndi”. I noticed that again and again, he was showing visuals to his band as the visuals were going exactly in theme with the song he was singing.

Gurdeep Mehndi

After a few songs, he suddenly shouted “Stop Stop” and everyone went silent and then he asked, “Graphics pe kaun hai?”.

I replied to the question and then he said: “Sabse pehle saare log graphics ke liye taaliyaan bajayenge, maine itne shows kiye par aise exact matching graphics pehli baar dekh raha hu”.

  1. Indian Visual Jockeys are making their names on the world front. Any advice you want to give to the budding VJs?

I consider myself as a beginner who is trying to learn something new daily and that is the only thing I consider as the most important part of any profession.

Salim – Sulaiman

Ravi Soni is Making the Visuals Speak Ravi Soni is Making the Visuals Speak


The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur

When I come across people of Udaipur, I come to know that the city is too huge to explore and extends deeply in a dark background having a variety of communities that once fostered in the arms of the city; deeper than we can perceive. One such community is ‘Ranchi’ that claims to be a community of the Darbar.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
A man of the Ranchi Community cutting bamboos into usable size

The reason why they caught hold of my attention was their incredible art. Amidst the hustle bustle of the old parts of the city, inside the ‘Mandi’ of Delhi-gate resides and works this community of people who make a living by their ancestral business of making bamboo baskets. This group of people have around 5-6 shops on the ground floor of their houses and run their ‘business’ from home.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
Can you spot me making/weaving a basket with them? 🙂

Parking my vehicle, I came towards a group of ladies sitting on the dirty ground, both ripened women and adolescent girls, who were rigorously making baskets by cutting and peeling bamboo barks. Spotting a camera they went a bit apprehensive and asked, “आप नगरपालिका से हो क्या? हमें यहाँ से हटवाना चाहते हो?” Explaining them generously why I came there brought them at ease.

And then I came to know how kind and friendly these ladies were! They asked me to sit on the ground with them and weave a basket. The girls and their mothers were excited and weren’t much shy of the camera.

How These Baskets Are Made:

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
Bamboos stuffed and stacked in the window of their house

24 feet long bamboos are procured from Assam. The cost of per bamboo is about 200 rupees and one bamboo can be made into only 5-7 baskets of moderate size.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
A woman of the Ranchi community slicing bamboos

Peeling the bamboo and taking out thin and long wafers is the first step. Cutting them to a size that can be used for making a basket (Tokri) is their step two.

After that, these pieces are given to another woman whose work is of making the basket. This is done firstly, by arranging 12 straight pieces to make a circle and then wrapping around thin, long, a bit elastic bamboo peels to give it a shape of a basket.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
Arranging 12 straight pieces to make a circle

Each step of making a basket, from taking out the bamboo till the finished product, is carried out by different women of the community.

The Plight of the Ranchi Community:

Running into a conversation while weaving a basket, I came across their plight.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
A basket being completed

Once these baskets were used to store fruits, ‘Chappati’, ‘Poori’ and all kinds of Indian bread but today with advancement, usage of plastic and other fiber utensils (boxes), their bamboo baskets are suffering a downfall.

These baskets are also used in taking ‘Prasad’ for the deity Shree Nath Ji. Also, these baskets are used in taking various marriage-related offerings such as fruits, dry fruits and much more.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
A hopeful smile

They sell these for Rs. 10 a basic basket and goes up to a maximum of Rs. 100, depending on the size. Men women both work together to achieve a living through making these baskets.

So probably you can estimate their monthly remuneration.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
stacks of baskets made from bamboo

Their max earning is in the wedding season when people, due to tradition, buy these ‘Tokri’. Another is when people buy it for offerings made to their deity as mentioned above.

Apart from these they also sell wood curtains, baskets with lid, mats, broomsticks etc.

What are we doing?

The concern is that this community and its art of making baskets are becoming extinct. Soon they won’t be having a mode of income and hence might opt out of this and look for something more lucrative.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
The enthusiastic face of a woman accomplishing her task

It is not just this art or work that is meeting its end; there are so many things around us that are under the dust of ignorance.

Storing your food probably fruits in these baskets would give a kick to their dying business as well as prove a bit environment-friendly. The material used is bamboo, which is obviously eco-friendly. Disposing of these can also be easy as bamboo is a bio-degradable substance. If not helping the community, we can help ourselves and our environment by simply using these.

Well, did you get the point? All lies in the fact of ‘helping each other’ and maintaining a mutual harmony. While buying baskets will help them survive, keeping these will help our environment.

The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur
The Bamboo Basket Makers of Udaipur

Have you got a basket yet?

Photos by: Siddharth Nagar


Cyclists Touring India To Support Polio Eradication are in Udaipur, Know Why!

This duo, Pavan, and Bhagyashree are cycling across India to spread awareness about Polio. They are in Udaipur today and are quite grateful for their journey so far. I had a chance to have a conversation with Pavan. Their enthusiasm and zeal left me amazed. Have a read of my inspiring conversation with M.J. Pavan.

  1. Tell me about you and your mate; how did you come together to cycle across the country?

I am M.J.Pavan, a mechanical engineer from Bangalore. My cycling mate is Bhagyashree Sawant who is an MSc in Phycology. I have cycled from Delhi to Leh in 14 days covering 1400km and Bhagyashree has climbed Mount Everest twice up to 8000 meters.

Cyclists Touring India To Support Polio Eradication are in Udaipur, Know Why!
M.J. Pavan and Bhagyshree Sawant

We both are in the same Rotaract club that is the Rotaract club of Bangalore Orchards.  Since we both were into adventure sports we took up this expedition where we can think of using our expertise for a noble cause.

  1. When did you start this tour?

We started our tour on 2nd of October, from Palampur, Himachal Pradesh.

  1. Tell us about your journey so far?

Till now it’s been a great journey. We are meeting new people every day and it is a great opportunity for us to come across and know about different cultures in India. Since India is diverse in all aspects every day is a new experience for us.

  1. What made you opt for this?

Most of the people in India are not much aware of polio. If we all are healthy and free from polio today it is because of Rotary International which has worked selflessly to eradicate this disease from India hence we are carrying the public image of Rotary contribution in making India polio-free. Polio is caused by contaminated water and it is still there in 2 countries in the world. Since we were part of Rotary it is our duty to create as much awareness as possible to get vaccination done for all the children below 5 years or else even a single relapse will be a threat to the whole nation. Hence we are visiting school across the country and spreading awareness about cleanliness and hygiene.

We opted for cycling because children get inspired very soon when they hear about our expedition and see us on cycle.Cyclists Touring India To Support Polio Eradication are in Udaipur, Know Why!

  1. Any experience during the course of this tour which is worth mentioning?

We had a lot of experience during the course of this journey. One such astounding fact that we came across was in Basti, a place in Bihar. We met a doctor who is a rotary member, he was around 75+ years old and serving patients free of cost since the time he became a doctor. India was declared as polio-free in 2015 but in Basti, it was polio-free in 2013 itself. This was something we weren’t aware of and was a new addition to our overall experience.

  1. How does it feel to travel through the country for a cause?

It feels great to be a part of a noble cause and travel for the same. It gives a lot of experience as we do not know the road conditions or climate. We build confidence, management skills and learn other necessary things which are required for life.

  1. Where are you planning to go next, after Udaipur?

We are going towards Ahmedabad from Udaipur.

  1. How are you coping up with the weather in Udaipur and in other parts of India?

Weather is challenging. But we are prepared for everything; we have clothing essentials for all weather condition.

Cyclists Touring India To Support Polio Eradication are in Udaipur, Know Why!

  1. How many kilometers will you cover and in what time at the end of this tour?

We are planning to cover 20000km across India and we are planning to finish in the first week of March.

In the end, we would like to express our gratitude towards our following supporters:

  • Jeep
  • Garmin
  • Surana College, Bangalore
  • Rotary Bangalore Orchards
  • Rotary District 3190
  • Rotaract Bangalore Orchards.

We would like to extend our special thanks to Rotary Club of Udaipur for the royal hospitality and giving us an opportunity to meet the prince of Udaipur LakshayRaj Singh Mewar.


Udaipur’s Girl Prithvi Is Making Us Proud

This girl from Udaipur is making it big as an entrepreneur! Curious? Read further to know what she does and how she is making it a success.

Prithvi Jain, a Chemical Engineer from MNIT is the young and promising entrepreneur from Udaipur. She was a part of the Entrepreneurship Cell during her college and worked as a Student Exchange Manager at AIESEC. After working with AIESEC, she realized that by having her own company, even a small success can make her very happy. This was the turning point of her life!

Doing something for the people had always been the prime motive for Prithvi and that is how she focused on her goal. Let us know about her startup- VerboLabs – what all it does and how it works.

 “VerboLabs Languages

The basic idea behind developing VerboLabs is to connect people from different parts of the world by breaking the language barrier. For instance, you want to watch a cookery show, but it is in French and so you cannot understand it. This is a problem for the viewer as well as the show creator that they are unable to reach a wider audience. VerboLabs breaks these boundaries by helping the content creators through subtitles and dubbing in different languages. This eight months old startup has already partnered with a lot of big media houses and e-learning companies from all over the world and is providing services to them.

Prithvi Jain

Upon asking about the hurdles she faced, Prithvi told us, “The biggest hindrance to my business is the time difference. We work with clients and employees based in different countries and so, the time zone is something that we need to manage. We have to be available 24*7 to cater to the needs of different clients. Sometimes I feel sleep deprived as I have calls with the clients at 4am also. But, it is okay. You have to leave something to achieve something!”

Her motivation has always been her motto; which is working with determination, having a high learning spirit and delivering quality work at the designated time.

The beauty of being an entrepreneur is that you are your own boss. You get to work in your own environment. Entrepreneurship is booming all over the globe and people in India are starting to have their own ideas turn into a business.

Prithvi’s advice for the budding entrepreneurs

Giving an advice to aspiring entrepreneurs, she says, “The most important thing that I have learned is not to be dependent on one resource. You should always have a back-up. In a business, you have to be very careful about the image you build. Your work and attitude should reflect that your client is really important for you.”

Women have always been great leaders; our girl Prithvi also aspires to become one among the leading ladies.

In the words of a great Greek Writer Nikos Kazantzakis – ‘In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can’. This certainly holds true for every aspiring entrepreneur.

Prithvi is living up to her dream, and with this note, we wish her the best of luck for the future!



Star Photoworks: Creating Moments That Last Forever

Who doesn’t want to have memories of their big day of life saved in the form of pictures to cherish for a lifetime? It’s every bride’s dream of having a lavish wedding; these moments are to be captured and can only be taken by some professional. Planning on for a party and thinking about the snaps? Or are you organizing a live performance by some great artist? If you are into any of these then look no further, Star Photoworks is to your rescue!

Star Photoworks: Creating Moments That Last Forever

The dreamy pictures taken by Star Photoworks have made many faces smile and cherish memories forever. So whether you are looking for unmatched candids or posing a smile, Star Photoworks can make you feel not less that prince or a princess. The enthusiastic team of Star Photoworks makes it happen for you in real life.

Who are the faces behind Star Photoworks?

Praveen, Kushal, and Hemendra are the main faces behind the brilliant photographs. Capturing candid moments is a tough task, but these photography enthusiasts have taken it not just as a job but as creating memories of people across India. They work in Udaipur, Jaipur, Mumbai, Delhi, and Goa.

Star Photoworks: Creating Moments That Last Forever
Kushal -Cinematographer, and Editor
Star Photoworks: Creating Moments That Last Forever
Hemendra -Lighting Head
Star Photoworks: Creating Moments That Last Forever
Praveen- Photographer

What makes them stand out?

Devotion towards one’s work is what makes anyone stand out. The team Star Photoworks works on the motto of creating happy moments for its precious and beautiful clients. Their pictures speak for them and are much loved by the clientele.

Star Photoworks: Creating Moments That Last Forever
Themed Party

When you would go through their photos, you can see a myriad of emotions imparting from a single click! That’s the beauty of a photograph.

What projects does Star Photoworks undertake?

They take pre-wedding, wedding, parties, live gigs, commercial shoots, portfolio, baby shoots, maternity shoots and many more.

Star Photoworks: Creating Moments That Last Forever
Portfolio-product shoot

How can you contact them?


Contact Number: +91 7891102233


So what are waiting for? Capture memories of your wedding day or any event, call Star Photoworks and let them spread their magic.

Praveen Photography Udaipur

Praveen Photography Udaipur

Praveen Photography Udaipur

Star Photoworks: Creating Moments That Last Forever

“They made my pre-wedd shoot so much fun. I was camera conscious and was feeling a bit unready about being shot, but these guys made it so easy for me. After a year too, whenever I go through the albums of my shoot with Star Photoworks, each image comes to life! Literally, they have created memories that last forever”- Rashmi (A beautiful Bride)

Star Photoworks: Creating Moments That Last Forever

“The pictures are absolutely enticing and you can see kid’s happiness while enjoying our party through each photograph of Star Photoworks”- Ashutosh (Organizer of a kids pool party)

Star Photoworks: Creating Moments That Last Forever
Pool Party

11 Instagrammers from Udaipur You Must Follow!

Are you an Instagram enthusiast and can’t get enough of it!? Then you are at the right spot! Keep reading to find out about 11 Instagrammers from Udaipur who are making it big on Instagram. Instagram is a platform where people express their feelings, emotions, their profession and everything else that falls in between these.

There are people from the city of lakes who do oodles of amazing work but we are unknown to them. These people have an influential profile and can change the way you perceive people of Udaipur. From various fields I have summed up people; from artists, business persons, designers to models and bloggers. Instagram is a great platform to showcase your skill and trust me these Udaipurites are creating a buzz.

Have a look at these Insta-stars from Udaipur.


Princess Bhargavi

11 Instagrammers from Udaipur You Must Follow!
Source: Instagram

A beautiful lady, an inspiring personality, the daughter of the king of Udaipur Shri Arvind Singh Ji Mewar; Princess Bhargavi of Udaipur is a lady to look up to. She runs a lifestyle store by the name ‘Aashka’.  At Aashka, they transform traditional & modern art forms into deftly crafted merchandise. You can find the Instagram page of the store @aashkabhargavi

You can visit her profile on Instagram: @bhargaviudaipurofficial 


Bhuvnesh Ojha

11 Instagrammers from Udaipur You Must Follow!
Source: Instagram

Bhuvnesh Ojha is an activist whose prime aim is to make the society greener and the atmosphere cleaner. His profile’s bio tells how passionate he is about his work. He devotes his time in plantation and calls himself as an ‘Earth warrior’, Tree planter, Change maker. He has come up with his organization known as Pukaar and works for making the environment better. UdaipurBlog had previously taken an initiative to make the locals aware about Pukaar by creating a very resourceful video about Bhuvnesh’s organization.

You can visit his profile on Instagram: @pukaarwala

Aikarth Purohit

11 Instagrammers from Udaipur You Must Follow!
Source: Instagram

There are a lot of people who love music but there are only a few of them who turn their mere love for music into a celebrated career. Aikarth is the director and owner at the Baselard Studios in Udaipur. He is a music producer, composer, and a guitarist. He has recorded many songs, sung many covers, worked with eminent artists and so much more. Now, he has come up with an inspiring concept of taking new and budding local talents, who do not get a chance to feature or get their songs recorded, to the mainstream of Indian music industry.

You can visit his profile on Instagram: @aikarth

Bhawani Singh Chandel

11 Instagrammers from Udaipur You Must Follow!
Source: Instagram

Bhawani Singh Chandel is the director and co-founder of Lets Trip Cycle Tours. He takes cycle tours to Jaipur, Udaipur, Panchgani, Pushkar, Leh. So if you are a fan of bike tours then surely you can click on @letstripcycletours which is on Instagram to get an insight of the fun and adventurous track of a cycle tour! You can also go to his website

You can visit his profile on Instagram: @chandela556

Aashna Shaikh

11 Instagrammers from Udaipur You Must Follow!
Source: Instagram

Aashna Shaikh is a young girl in her twenties, studying designing from Gandhinagar. She is an aspiring lifestyle and accessories designer who boasts an amazing Instagram profile. Her photos are appealing and have a placid theme all over. She is audacious in her pictures and aspires to follow the same career path in the future as well.

You can visit her profile on Instagram: @aashna_skh

Rahul skull

11 Instagrammers from Udaipur You Must Follow!
Source: Instagram

The most celebrated tattoo artist is here. Rahul Skull has been in the fashion and tattoo industry in Udaipur for more than a decade. He is one of the most known and famous tattoo artists, Stylist, Piercist in the city. He runs the Skull Fashion Studio and is a major fashion icon and inspiration to a lot of guys in Udaipur. An intimidating persona, his love for his work can be seen as he has tattoos and piercings all over his skin.

You can visit his profile on Instagram: @skullfashionstudio 

Meghna Nahar

11 Instagrammers from Udaipur You Must Follow!
Source: Instagram

She is a young entrepreneur from Udaipur and deals in greeting cards, art prints, stationery, gifts and so much more. The Mixtape Store is the name of her page and has some very quirky, inspirational themed frames; something you would love having in your room. The collection is colorful and eclectic, and a must-have for your living space.

You can visit her profile on Instagram: @mixtapestore

Anurag Mehta

11 Instagrammers from Udaipur You Must Follow!
Source: Instagram

Anurag Mehta is an eminent and undoubtedly amazing watercolor artist. He draws and colors his surroundings, heritage buildings, and monuments. His profile has awe-inspiring watercolor paintings that feature Udaipur’s beauty at its best. The paintings are inspiring as they show experience and his love for the city of lakes.

You can visit his profile on Instagram: @anurag.watercolor

Saurabh Patwari

11 Instagrammers from Udaipur You Must Follow!
Source: Instagram

Saurabh Patwari is a well-known Instagrammer in Udaipur. A pioneer in drone photography and levitation photography in Udaipur, Saurabh is known for his unique and eclectic angles. If you are a budding photographer you must visit his profile to gather some immense inspiration. He shoots portfolios, portraits, pre-wedding, landscape and so much more. A chartered accountant by fate and a photographer by passion, Saurabh Patwari is a person to look for on your Instagram.

You can visit his profile on Instagram: @casaurabhpatwari 

Shadab Khan

11 Instagrammers from Udaipur You Must Follow!
Source: Instagram

Earrings, chokers, bun-sticks, rings, hair bands, rubber bands, headband, leashes, hair clips and so much more. Shadab Khan is making fabowlous bows and shipping it to your doorsteps where ever you are in India. The bows at Fabowlous are handmade and are quite versatile. For all the pretty girls who love cute things, Shadab’s bows are something to swoon over.

You can visit her profile on Instagram: @__fabowlous__ 

Hurratul Maleka Taj

11 Instagrammers from Udaipur You Must Follow!
Source: Instagram

Hurratul Maleka Taj is a young entrepreneur, fashion blogger, stylist from Udaipur. She is a well-known face in the city and runs her own organization named Chics Connect with an objective to connect women across the globe in a trusted network and help them grow personally as well as professionally. Her website can be visited for a detailed know-how of what Chics Connect is,

You can visit her profile on Instagram: @hurratul


Amazed, aren’t you? Yes, these people belong to the city of Udaipur and live amongst us. Looking for an inspiration- well, inspiration is all around us, we just need to keep our eyes open.

If you know any of these people, do thank them for making a difference. Also, if you feel that you or your friend can be a part of this list and I have missed out on you; do tell us in the comment section below. We would love to know you!


Love Makeup? This Indian Makeup & Hair artist can be your next inspiration!

With Instagram booming these days, makeup and hair have found its new dimensions. There are many Indian and International beauty bloggers on Instagram who greatly inspire the masses and have achieved tremendous fame and recognition for their work. Viewers watch these artists online and idolize them. One such artist is Amrit Kaur having an influential Instagram account with 50k global followers.


Amrit Kaur is an Indian bridal makeup and hair expert based out of Pune. She is a professional Makeup and hair artist, well known for her work and recognized globally. ‘Beautifying women’ is her expertise. She has been in the industry for a decade now. She makes D-Day beautiful for about 400 brides annually. She believes in imparting her skill through her academy “The Makeup School” where she personally grooms aspiring makeup artists.

She is in Udaipur today, for a wedding; creating a radiating and beautiful bride!

I went in an in-person conversation with her; undoubtedly she imparts immense knowhow about the world of beauty.

Tell me about your journey so far?

I started off as a fine arts painter which helped me understand beauty and color on every level. Understanding the powder painting, sketching of objects and human figures have helped me a lot in my initial years as a make-up person. I believe that each woman is special, and her makeup should reflect that. After all, we live in an increasingly competitive world where the way you look, impacts your work and life.

From where have you acquired knowledge of Makeup?

I have gathered the knowledge of makeup from a myriad of sources; first from a successful image consultant from the Middle-East, followed by a certification program with the iconic makeup brand Piniour. After this, I did two valuable stints with a Barcelonian specialist trainer who gave me the right technical knowledge about photography makeup.

This was followed by a course in advanced make-up techniques from London. While learning makeup, I recognized the significance of hairstyles and that hair and makeup go hand in hand. Hairstyling is quite essential to complement the entire look of a bride. Hence I took training with a hairstylist in Hong-Kong, which has rounded off my knowledge of beauty.

You have made bridal makeup your forte, why have you chosen this domain?

What I believe in, is ‘transformation’. Usually, brides have raw faces, what I like about them are the simplicity and naturality. It feels great doing the transformation, her twinkling eyes shine so brightly each time – when they look in the mirror post-makeup. It is all about making them feel special and confident, and let them into a more beautiful and elegant self.

What is the current Makeup trend?

Nowadays people are quite aware of makeup and what all suits their skin and skin tone. From pastels to shimmer everything is quite en-vogue. With the onset of winter, people are experimenting with peach shades and berry shades plus ‘the no makeup look’ which is again quite trendy. The nude and subtle shades are liked by many; on the other hand, the bold lip is always in fashion.

What is your take on wedding makeup evolution so far, in India?

Wedding and bridal makeup have evolved a lot in India. Being in the industry now for more than 10 years I have seen how feathery and light makeup has taken over the pancake makeup. The dewy look has captured the choices of many. Light and wearable foundations are available with various brands, suppliers and people are shifting to international brands for their makeup essentials.

Flashy and “over the top makeup” are not preferred anymore. Brides like more blended and subtle or natural look.

Tell me something about wedding season theme for 2017-2018.

Various eminent designers have come up with light and breezy fabrics with oodles of berry colored prints and hues of red. This enables the makeup artists to experiment with more colors to complement the outfits the brides are wearing. People do not hesitate to experiment with the shades of lipstick. A lot of colors are available from big brands like Huda Beauty and women are ready to try-out with their look.

Any advice or tip for the people of Rajasthan?

Rajasthan receives ample amount of sunlight and the skin tone is primarily wheatish. Going for pastel colors is a good option. Also, using a foundation that matches your skin tone will seamlessly blend and give a smooth finish to the skin. In addition to this, a thick concealer can work wonders when used under eyes and on areas to hide pigmentation and other imperfections.

Amrit has received the Icon’s award from the Times of India for hair and makeup and also been recognized as a woman entrepreneur by FICCI Flow which is Asia’s best-known woman entrepreneur’s team.  She runs her own academy ‘The Makeup School’ in Pune since 2010 that provides makeup and hairstyling courses for aspiring artists. She trains artists at the Times Learning Centre, Femina Believe; and is also a beauty consultant for several luxury brands.

Her – ‘The Makeup School’ academy next batch starts this coming January 2018 and the registrations are open.

She started her career at a very young age and has created a prominent presence in the beauty industry. She is turning 28 today (5th November)! Let us wish her a very happy birthday, loads of success and a warm welcome to the City of Lakes.

You can see her work and follow her on Instagram – handle @amritkaur_artistry

Her contact details:

Team Amrit- 9561600882,