
Dr. Arvinder Singh: Innovations in Healthcare Learning and his Global Mastermind Award

At the Asian Business Conclave in Singapore, Dr. Arvinder Singh, the respected CEO and CMD of Arth Group, was given the “Global Mastermind for Innovative Healthcare Education” award. This is a big step forward for healthcare education. This prestigious award was given to Dr. Singh in honour of his amazing work in changing healthcare education, especially through his groundbreaking work in innovative healthcare education and imparting skills that are not taught in medical colleges. 

Award Ceremony was held in Singapore and esteemed individuals like Dr. Kiran Bedi, India’s first female IPS officer and former governor, and well-known Singaporean parliamentarians were there to present the awards. Their attendance made the event even more important and showed how respected Dr. Singh is in the healthcare field around the world and across cultures. Dr. Singh’s main speech as keynote speaker on “Digital Healthcare and Artificial Intelligence” was one of the best parts of the conference. He described a future in which AI will improve and change healthcare, making a strong case for using these tools to make patient care and medical education better. His education as postgraduate medical doctor,  IIM Gold medalist in management, and law gave him a lot of knowledge in the field. This knowledge gave his presentation more depth and insight, which captivated the global healthcare leaders in the room. 

Dr. Singh has made many important and varied contributions to healthcare teaching outside of the podium. He started the International Medical Board for Business Skills in London and has been a big part of making business skills a part of medical training. People admire this board’s creative approach to teaching healthcare, which focuses on important skills like conversation, negotiation, medical law, clinical cosmetology, and money management. 

Dr. Singh and the Indian Institute of Management Udaipur incubation centre have recently colloborated to make a unique course called “Healthcare Management and Leadership.” This programme shows how much Dr. Singh wants to change the way healthcare education is taught. Through a unique mix of online learning, live classes, and training at IIM Udaipur, it uses a hybrid learning approach. This mix of rigorous academics and real-world industry knowledge, taught by both healthcare professionals and IIM teachers, makes sure that the course is both complete and up-to-date. 

Dr. Singh’s rise to the top of healthcare education is the result of years of hard work, smart planning, and a strong dedication to excellence. He is a unique and important person in the healthcare industry because he combines his medical knowledge with ideas from business and law studies. 

The award at the Asian Business Conclave isn’t just a reward for Dr. Singh’s personal successes; it also marks a change in the way healthcare education is done around the world. By combining business knowledge with medical practice, he saw a way for healthcare workers to better understand how medical practice, business strategy, and legal compliance all work together. This award also shows that medical education needs to be more comprehensive, taking into account how quickly technology is changing and how the needs of healthcare management are changing. This need is met by Dr. Singh’s vision, which trains healthcare professionals not only as medical experts but also as well-rounded leaders who can drive innovation and excellence in the healthcare field.


Udaipur Light Festival 2023: A Day to Remember

The echoes of laughter, the exciting beats, and the vibrant lights have finally settled over Udaipur, leaving behind so many memories that will stay in our hearts forever. Yes, we are talking about the most cherished event of the city of lakes – the Udaipur Light Festival.

ULF 2023 was organised on November 10 at the enchanting Opera Garden and Banquet, transforming the City of Lakes into a mesmerizing playground of music, art, and food. With all of you adding colours to the night, this year was yet another blockbuster.

This year’s hashtag was #ItsForYou, and it cannot be articulated better. Udaipur Light festival has always been about the beauty of our dearest fans, which is you! The vibe you bring and the memories you create here is what we vouch for. You motivate us every year to be back with even better ideas. And this year, we added the tinge of art to ours and yours favourite festival! Let us relive the night in detail.

Our Sponsors & Partners

  1. Gateway International – Title Sponsor
  2. Nexithon Global Services – Associate Sponsor
  3. Richie Rich Fashion – Associate Sponsor
  4. Bharat Music – Sound and Light Partner
  5. Opera Garden & Banquets – Venue Partner
  6. Apsara Tent House – Lighting Partner
  7. Howard Johnson by Wyndham – Hospitality Partner
  8. 50MM Films – Photography Partner
  9. Agni Defender – Fire & Safety Partner
  10. Silver Craft Events – Decor Partner
  11. Khalsa Printers – Printing Partner
  12. Design Your Dream SFX – SFX Partner

Music and Mood

This year, ULF witnessed a musical spree with two stages. A mini stage, Soul ट्यून्स was adorned with all the tuneful artists from Udaipur. It was a rejoicing retreat seeing the artists perform.

The night kicked off with a soothing, heart-squeezing performance by Swaroop Pandey. It was a delight to listen to his voice, serenading the audience with soulful tunes that echoed under the starlit sky.

Sameer Walizada took the spotlight next, weaving a musical tapestry that transcended genres. And we cannot disagree that he literally brought fire on that stage!

And how can we forget the electrifying performance by the DJ Duo – Progressive Brothers, setting the stage for an unforgettable musical journey.

The artists left an indelible mark on the festival, ensuring that the Udaipur Light Festival 2023 will be etched into the memories of music enthusiasts.

Art Illuminated:

The addition of an art showcase added a new dimension to the festival, turning the venue into a living canvas. Talented artists adorned the grounds with their creativity, creating an immersive experience for attendees. The vibrant canvas painting session, became a visual feast, enhancing the festival’s atmosphere with an eclectic blend of colours and forms.

Flea Market Delights:

The flea market was a treasure trove for those seeking unique finds. Attendees explored stalls filled with handcrafted jewelry, quirky accessories, and one-of-a-kind clothing. The market not only added a charming touch to the festival but also provided a platform for local entrepreneurs to showcase their craftsmanship.

Food Journey:

The culinary offerings were a highlight of the evening, with a diverse array of flavors tantalizing taste buds. The festival catered to every palate. The aroma of delicacies wafted through the air, creating a gastronomic paradise for festival-goers.

Post-Festival Glow:

As the night came to a close, the city of Udaipur glowed with the festival’s magic. The memories of the Udaipur Light Festival 2023 lingered in the hearts of those who attended, a testament to the success of the event in uniting people through the celebration of art, music, and culture.

The Udaipur Light Festival 2023 was not just a festival; it was a celebration of life, creativity, and the spirit of Udaipur. Ofcourse, we all deserve applause for curating an event that transcended expectations, leaving a trail of joy and inspiration. As we bid farewell to this year’s festivities, we eagerly anticipate the return of the Udaipur Light Festival in 2024, continuing the tradition of illuminating our lives with joy, colour, and melody.


Knowing the world of SEO with Mr Jagdish Prajapat

Ques 1 – Can you give us a background about yourself, your company and what you’ve been doing?

Hi, I’m Jagdish Prajapat, a well-known SEO expert and global consultant from Udaipur, India. With over a decade of experience in the field, I have worked with various SEO agencies and held numerous roles.

In 2016, I came up with an idea that changed my life. I realized that if I could generate business for my clients by getting their websites ranked, I could do the same for myself. So I created my own website, “,” and worked relentlessly on it.

My first goal was to rank my website locally in Udaipur, and I achieved that quickly. Then, I focused on national rankings and within a year, my website ranked first for top search keywords like “SEO Consultant” and “SEO Expert” in India and many other countries. Since then, I have held the number one position on Google and continue to receive numerous leads and business. I have been featured in Zee News, India today Deccan Herald, Vocso, and other online publications.

Currently, my team and I work with 50-60 SEO clients, including some of the largest e-commerce, ed-tech, healthcare, travel, and hyperlocal businesses in India, the USA, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. Recently, we launched a new SEO company, “Technetizens,” to provide core SEO solutions to clients in India and overseas.

My story proves that hard work and dedication can lead to success. I started from scratch and built a successful career by delivering quality results consistently. If you’re looking to achieve success in your career, my story is sure to inspire you to work harder and reach for the stars.


Ques 2 – Since 2016 we have seen so many changes in the digital world, what are some of

the key changes that stood out to you since you started in this industry?

The world of SEO has undergone significant changes over the years. Gone are the days when ranking a website was all about technical optimization, stuffing it with keywords and building a massive amount of backlinks. Today, the ranking algorithms are more complex and require a multifaceted approach to SEO.

In the present, SEO is no longer just about on-page optimization, but it’s also about the site’s speed, user experience, audience retention, and content quality. Additionally, the increasing trend of mobile-first searches, voice search, and AI based content has changed the landscape of SEO.

Quality content is now more important than ever, and it’s crucial to understand how the algorithms are shaping the search engine results pages. The future of SEO will be driven by machine learning and AI search recommendations, which will require taking a holistic approach to SEO.

As SEO evolves, it’s essential to keep up with the latest updates and trends. Focusing on providing quality content, improving user experience, and understanding the algorithms that are shaping the search results will help to keep your website at the top of the rankings. So, it’s time to leave behind old-school techniques and embrace the new SEO paradigm that emphasizes a user-centric approach.


Ques 3 What developments have you noticed in the SEO world in the past few years? Have there been any revolutionary shifts according to you and how is the awareness of the same changing?

AI-powered content is one of the most revolutionary developments in the SEO world in recent years. With the help of AI, businesses can create high-quality content that is optimized for search engines and tailored to their target audience. Tools like ChatGPT have made it easier to generate engaging content that sounds like it was written by a human, making people feel that it’s not the end of marketing and technology. However, it’s important to note that while AI can create great content, it cannot optimize your website. For that, you need a human touch. An experienced SEO professional can help you optimize your website to ensure that your content reaches its intended audience and ranks highly on search engines. 

Another development that is gaining importance is EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness). weightage in SEO. Google now prioritizes content that is written by experts and authoritative sources, and which is trustworthy. Pages that score high in EEAT are more likely to rank well in search results, as they are deemed to be more trustworthy and valuable to users. Therefore, it is important for website owners to ensure that their content meets these standards to improve their SEO performance.

Google’s recent introduction of BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and Passage Indexing has also had a significant impact on SEO. BERT helps Google to better understand the intent behind search queries, while Passage Indexing allows Google to identify and rank relevant passages within longer pieces of content.

Finally, localization of SEO is another important development. With the increasing use of voice search and mobile-first indexing, businesses need to optimize their websites for local search results. This means creating content that is optimized for local keywords and phrases and building local links and citations.

Overall, the awareness of these developments is changing, and businesses are starting to recognize the importance of a user-centric approach to SEO. By focusing on AI-powered content, EEAT, BERT, and localization, businesses can improve their SEO efforts and attract more visitors to their sites.


Ques 4 We have had a chance to come across your website and the case studies seem amazing! What are some of your top achievements and do you mind telling us a bit about them?

As I told you, we are currently doing SEO on 60-70 clients and we always achieved results for almost all the clients. But under the non-disclosure agreement, I cannot tell you the names of the clients, but I can definitely give an overview of their results.

Case study 1: Our first client operates in the SaaS industry and provides performance management solutions for enterprises and large-scale businesses worldwide. Within a year, we achieved remarkable results for this client by increasing their website’s organic traffic by 20 times. When we started working with them, their website had only 1,200 users/month, but we were able to scale it up to 20,000 users/month and counting. Currently, we are working with them in aggressive mode to reach our next milestone of achieving 10x the current organic traffic.

Case study 2 – Our client Winzo is a mobile gaming platform where users can play games and win real money. We provided SEO solutions for their gaming pages, implementing a dynamic strategy and reactive approach to improve their search engine ranking.

Our efforts resulted in a significant increase in their organic traffic, which rose by 20 times, and their search impressions reached millions. Our focus on targeted optimization helped Winzo attract more users, thus boosting their revenue and growth.

Ques 5 – Being at the top of your game, how do you manage a clientele of your scale and do you have a team in place for the same? 

Managing a large-scale clientele in the SEO industry can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can be streamlined. Many business owners view SEO as a mysterious process, which can make them skeptical about investing their money. As an SEO expert, it’s important to understand the client’s needs and educate them on the process to build trust and transparency.

At our agency, we have a team of skilled professionals who specialize in various aspects of SEO, including content creation, technical SEO, and link building. We prioritize team communication to ensure everyone is on the same page. Additionally, we use templates and standard operating procedures (SOPs) to streamline the process and ensure consistency in our services. We believe in creating a transparent process and have a report sample ready to showcase the progress to our clients.

However, there are times when we have to part ways with clients who are not a good fit for our agency. This may be due to poor product or service, lack of trust, or a bad culture fit. Making these tough decisions is necessary to increase margins, decrease churn, and grow our agency.

In conclusion, managing a large clientele in the SEO industry involves building trust, transparency, and a streamlined process. By prioritizing team communication, using templates and SOPs, and making tough decisions when necessary, an SEO agency can provide high-quality services to its clients and achieve growth.


Ques 6 : what advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs who are in the field of digital marketing?

For budding entrepreneurs in the field of digital marketing, I would advise them to stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies in the industry. This involves reading industry publications, attending conferences, and networking with other professionals in the field. It’s also essential to understand the importance of building strong relationships with clients and providing high-quality services that meet their needs. This requires excellent communication skills, the ability to listen to and understand clients’ needs, and the willingness to adapt and improve services as necessary.

Another crucial aspect is to have a solid understanding of data analysis and how it can be used to inform marketing strategies. This includes learning how to use tools such as Google Analytics to track website traffic and understand user behavior. It’s also important to stay up to date with developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning, which are increasingly being used in the field of digital marketing.

Finally, I would advise budding entrepreneurs to be patient and persistent in their efforts. Building a successful digital marketing business takes time and requires a lot of hard work and dedication. It’s important to stay focused on long-term goals and to continually learn, adapt, and improve strategies to stay ahead of the competition. With the right mindset, approach, and commitment, budding entrepreneurs can build successful businesses in the dynamic and rapidly evolving field of digital marketing.


Ques 6 – So we have definitely talked a lot about the good of the industry. Do you feel there is anything that is a strict red flag and as customers, everyone must be aware of?

Firstly, be cautious of anyone who claims to guarantee rankings in a short period of time. SEO is an ever-evolving industry and Google updates their ranking algorithm every six months. No one can predict what will happen next, and a guaranteed ranking is simply not possible. SEO should be approached as a long-term solution, with a solid execution plan.

Link building is an essential aspect of SEO, but quality should always be prioritized over quantity. Companies that still rely on old age techniques such as directory, bookmarking, and spammy blog comments should be avoided. These links can have a negative impact on your website’s health and trust score in the long run.

Beware of companies that offer the lowest-priced SEO packages. SEO is an extensive and arduous process that requires effort, time, and money. You cannot expect positive results from a cheap SEO company.

Finally, avoid bundled SEO solutions. Many companies sell tiered-system packaging to sell their services, but pre-packaged SEO is not a viable solution to grow your business online. If you don’t select their highest priced package, you may not receive the results you are looking for. In summary, be cautious and prioritize quality when choosing an SEO service provider.


Ques 7 – In your opinion how should the SEO expert whether they are an agency or freelancer or in- house, how should they demonstrate the value to their clients or what are some ways that you think they can demonstrate the value?

SEO experts, whether they work for an agency, as a freelancer, or in-house, can demonstrate their value to clients by focusing on delivering results that align with the client’s business goals. This can be achieved by setting clear expectations, regularly communicating progress through reports and meetings, and providing actionable insights to improve website performance. 

Additionally, providing case studies and testimonials from past clients can help demonstrate the expert’s ability to deliver results. Ultimately, demonstrating value to clients requires a strong understanding of the client’s business and goals, as well as the ability to deliver measurable and impactful results through SEO strategies.


Ques 8 – What are your plans for the future? Do you wish to expand aggressively and who are your major competitors in the market?

As an SEO consultant, my future plans involve staying updated with the latest industry trends and best practices to provide top-notch services to my clients. I aim to expand my client base gradually by delivering quality work and building a strong reputation. While aggressive expansion may bring short-term gains, it can lead to a compromise in the quality of work and reputation.

In terms of competitors, the SEO industry is highly competitive, and there are many agencies and experts offering similar services. However, I do not view them as competitors but rather as opportunities to learn from their successes and failures. I strive to differentiate myself by providing personalized solutions to my clients based on their unique needs and goals.


Significance of Gangaur Pooja: Why is it Celebrated?

Gangaur is one of the most important festivals celebrated in Rajasthan in which the goddess Parvati, also known as Gauri, is honoured, and marriage and love are both celebrated. Both married and single women participate enthusiastically in the festivities, create clay statues of Shiva and Parvati, outfit them elegantly, pray to them, observe a daylong fast for marital bliss, and prepare delicious meals for the family. For the Rajasthani people, Goddess Parvati stands for perfection and marital love, so the Gangaur celebration is very significant to them.

The event also celebrates the harvest and the coming of spring. Lord Shiva is represented by Gana, and Lord Shiva and Parvati are represented collectively by Gangaur. According to tradition, Gauri’s intense devotion and meditation helped her win Lord Shiva’s love and favour. Gauri then paid a visit to her parental house during Gangaur to wish her friends a happy marriage.

The entire Gangaur festival is a very colourful event that draws a lot of visitors. Since most people in the areas begin the rituals a day after Holi, it typically lasts for 18 days.

How is the festival rejoiced?

The event caters primarily to females. In order to pray to Maa Gauri for the longevity of their spouse, they get dressed nicely. Unmarried ladies pray to be blessed with the husband of their dreams.

The final day will be used for a large parade. Goddess Gauri idols or images are decorated, and people parade them through towns and communities. To show their dedication, followers join the procession.

Gangaur Celebration in Udaipur:-

Udaipur residents celebrate Gangaur Puja by setting up a boat parade on Lake Pichola. Women, on the other hand, demonstrate their ability to balance by dancing while wearing numerous metal pitchers. Fireworks are also lit off to signal the conclusion of the celebration.

Here are some rituals of Gangaur Puja:-

During the festival, devotees obtain the idols of Shiva and Parvati to venerate. Local artists use clay and wood to create these statues.

The idols are kept in a basket with flowers and grass once they are carried home. Traditional kundas are used to plant the wheat grass seeds (earthen pots). On the last day, this grass is later used in praise. The customary patterns are painted on each and every water pot.

Throughout the celebration, all newlywed women observe a fast for eighteen extended days. In order to demonstrate their devotion and attract a suitable husband, single women also fast and eat only once a day.

Unmarried females wear clay ghudilas (Shiv Parvati idols) on their heads on the seventh day in the evening. Girls carry the idols around while they collect small tokens of gifts and treats. Inside the idols is a burning lamp.

Special worship of Goddess Parvati:-

During Gangaur, Goddess Parvati is also particularly worshipped. The god of Teej, or Tritiya Tithi, is Gauri. For luck, people therefore venerate the goddess Parvati. They provide sixteen various kinds of ornaments. Special offerings of mehndi, kumkum, and turmeric are made to Goddess Parvati. Devotees also provide additional aromatic components in addition to this.


महिला की बहू रूपी भूमिका एवं तनाव प्रबंधन: महिला दिवस

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस धूमधाम से मनाया जा रहा है। महिलाओं को उनके विशेष योगदान के लिए सम्मानित भी किया जा रहा है। इस वर्ष 2023 की थीम “DigitAll- Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality” है। डिजिटल माध्यम से महिलाओं के लिए कार्य करने के कई क्षेत्र खुल गए जो किसी कारणवश घर से बाहर निकलने मैं कठिनाई महसूस करती हैं।

विभिन्न शोधों से यह प्रमाणित हो चुका है कि बुद्धि तथा अन्य विशिष्ट क्षमता के आधार पर पुरुष व महिलाओं में कोई अंतर नहीं होता है। फिर सवाल उठता है कि भारत में ही नहीं पूरे विश्व में महिलाओं को असमानता के व्यवहार का सामना क्यों करना पड़ता है। इंफोसिस की चेयर पर्सन सुधा मूर्ति की घटना का वर्णन करना यहां प्रासंगिक होगा। उन्होंने इंजीनियरिंग की डिग्री प्राप्त करने के पश्चात एक दिन टेल्को का एक विज्ञापन देखा जिसमें इंजीनियर की आवश्यकता थी किंतु केवल पुरुष उम्मीदवार ही अप्लाई कर सकते थे।

सुधा मूर्ति को इस विज्ञापन ने बहुत बेचैन कर दिया और उन्होंने निश्चय किया कि वे जमशेदजी टाटा से इस बारे में बात करेंगी। उन्होंने जमशेदजी जी टाटा को एक पोस्टकार्ड लिखा कि आपके विज्ञापन से मुझे आपत्ति है। आप की चयन प्रक्रिया योग्यता व कौशल के आधार पर होनी चाहिए, न कि जेन्डर के आधार पर। आप जैसे महान व्यक्ति ही यदि देश की आधी आबादी को मौका नहीं देंगे तो देश कैसे आगे बढ़ेगा।

पत्र जमशेदजी तक पहुंचा, सुधा मूर्ति को साक्षात्कार के लिए बुलाया गया और चयन भी हुआ। सुधा मूर्ति ने टेल्को की नौकरी स्वीकार की जबकि उनके पास यूएसए की स्कॉलरशिप हाथ में थी। आज सुधा मूर्ति महिला उत्थान के लिए पर्याप्त सक्रिय भूमिका निभा रही है।

महिला दिवस पर महिला सशक्तिकरण पर बात की जाती है ,महिला तो शक्तिमान है तभी बहुरूपी भूमिकाएं एक साथ निभा लेती हैं। आवश्यकता उसकी इस शक्ति को पहचान व सम्मान दिलाने की है, इतनी भूमिकाएं एक साथ निभाते हुए कई बार तनावग्रस्त भी हो जाती है।

हर महिला को अपने तनाव का प्रबंधन स्वयं ही करना होता है ।कुछ समय स्वयं (मी- टाइम) के लिए अवश्य निकालना चाहिए जिसमें मन को सुकून देने वाली गतिविधियों से स्वयं को तनाव मुक्त कर सके, अपनी पीड़ा, संघर्ष तथा दबी भावनाओं को मित्रों व परिवारजनों के साथ साझा कर सके वरना दमित इच्छाएं व्यक्तित्व पर कुप्रभाव डालती हैं। कुछ समय प्रकृति के साथ बिताने से भी तनाव कम होता है। पालतू पशु तनाव कम करने में अहम भूमिका निभा सकते हैं ।किसी की मदद करने या उपहार देने से भी मन को सुकून मिलता है और तनाव में कमी आती है। इसके अतिरिक्त खेल, संगीत, नृत्य, चित्रकारी, लेखन आदि हॉबी तनाव को कम करने के अच्छे माध्यम हैं।

इस प्रकार महिलाएं आगे बढ़ेंगी तो बाधाएं भी आएंगी, तनाव भी आएंगे एवं उपयुक्त तनाव प्रबंधन की मदद से साहस ,हिम्मत, उल्लास से आगे बढ़ती चली जाएगी। हर महिला को अपनी राह में आने वाली अन्य महिलाओं व मित्रों को भी आगे बढ़ाने के लिए प्रेरित करना है ।इसी तरह श्रृंखला को बढ़ाते चले जाना है तभी समाज में लैंगिक समानता की तस्वीर स्पष्ट दिखाई देने लगेगी। वैसे तो आज हर क्षेत्र में महिलाओं ने अपनी उपस्थिति दर्ज कराई है पर इनकी प्रतिशतता की दृष्टि से यह संख्या अभी भी बहुत अल्प है।

डॉ सुषमा तलेसरा, मनोवैज्ञानिक
सेवानिवृत्त प्राचार्य, विद्या भवन गोविंदराम सेक्सरिया शिक्षक महाविद्यालय, उदयपुर।


International Board of Cosmetic Dermatologist (IBCD) of United Kingdom Chaired by Dr Arvinder Singh

A New Era of Clinical Cosmetology and Aesthetics Training by getting trained as Cosmetic Dermatologist and Aesthetic Physician

As the market of clinical cosmetology and aesthetics is growing rapidly but quality training in India is lacking to match international standards. The market size of clinical cosmetology in India is shooting above billion dollars and CAGR is reported in double digits.

In the booming cosmetology industry, there is lot of scope for qualified doctors to get trained and earn lakhs of rupees per month. Unfortunately, the seats of Dermatology and Plastic Surgeries are limited and are quite expensive and one has to pay capitation fee in crores or has to get in top ranks in PG entrance exams to get the seats.

One has to understand it clearly that when someone choose Dermatology as a branch then around three years are invested along with large corpus of money. Even after investment of time and money, branch of Dermatology is primarily focused on skin diseases and cosmetology is just a small portion of it. After completing post graduation in Dermatology, one has to learn separately the field of cosmetic dermatology. Even if someone gets enrolled in Plastic Surgery, one has to choose long career of completing surgery as specialization and then opt for Plastic Surgery for specialization. Here focus is again not on cosmetology but cosmetic and aesthetic procedure forms small part of curriculum. In this way lot of energy and money is wasted to pursue this career if one wants to pursue clinical cosmetology and aesthetic medicine as a career.

Now a new era is getting started in India and Asian countries to pursue specialized courses in Cosmetic Dermatology, Clinical Cosmetology and Aesthetic Medicine as per international standards by International Board of Cosmetic Dermatologist (IBCD), London, United Kingdom. The course can be completed just in six months and one has to invest only less than 1 lakh rupees to get trained as per international standards and get board certification.

The board consists of world-renowned Dermatologists, Plastic surgeons, Aesthetic Surgeons, Cosmetic Dermatologists, Clinical Cosmetologists and Aesthetic Practitioner to provide high standards of education, training and assessment in field of Dermatology, Clinical Cosmetology and Aesthetics.

The unique pedagogy includes standardized mix of on-line, off line classrooms and extensive hands-on experience by way of flexi learning to impart best practices in field of Cosmetic Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine.

These courses will be offered to registered medical practitioner which includes MBBS, MD, BDS, MDS, Ayush (BHMS, BAMS, BUMS). The courses will be launched shortly in month of April, 2023 and registration of courses will start in last week of February, 2023.


New Pandit Fireworks: The One-Stop Shop for Your Celebration

Ever imagined yourself being a part of a celebration without the blazing fireworks in the sky? Difficult, right? As a resident of the city of lakes, we are far away from this thought. All our events and functions happen with a bash and they include the best accessory – fireworks.

The most favoured celebration devices for us are crackers. They are used in celebrations all around the world. But they are most popular in India, where they are mostly used to signify the victory of good over evil.

Via: ThoughtCo

Whether it is about Diwali in the old city, a wedding procession across the city or even India winning a match, the sky above Udaipur sparkles with fireworks. And that is what makes us different from others. We never shy away from expressing our happiness!

And talking about festivities, we end up in December. This month is all about functions and festivals. Whether it is weddings, Christmas, New Year, or family get-togethers, we find ourselves in one celebration or the other.

But it seldom happens we find the crackers we are looking for. It becomes a huge problem when we have to settle for less. Here is where New Pandit Fireworks come into the picture.

About Crackers

A cracker is a type of firework. It is made up of a tube that contains explosive material and a fuse. When lit, the fuse will burn down to the explosive material and then ignite it, causing an explosion.

Crackers have been around for centuries and have been used in many cultures to celebrate different events. The cracker is a small firework that produces a loud bang when lit and is often used as a celebratory device.

Fireworks have been around for centuries. The earliest records of fireworks date back to 7th century China, but it is believed that some cultures had fireworks before this date. Fireworks were originally used for military purposes, but they became popular for celebrations in the 17th century.

About New Pandit Fireworks

New Pandit Fireworks is a one-stop solution for all your cracker needs during the time of festivals and special occasions. They have an array of crackers, from big to small for all age groups.

Initiated by Tushar Paliwal, New Pandit Fireworks has the vision to take your celebration a notch higher. With an idea that caters to all sorts of occasions, the company offers its services directly to customers as well as event planners.

For a customer, it is a retail shop from where one can buy small sparklers to big bombs. For an event planner, it becomes a complete shop for all services that include Pyrotechnics, SFX, Stage effect and entry fireworks and so much more.

Along with these, the team of Mr Tushar Paliwal also offers other equipment like CO2 guns, blowers, CO2 jets, blasters, fireballs and others. All these services become a core component of any event.

In the event management industry, SFX (special effects) can play a key role in creating a memorable and engaging experience for attendees. For example, at a wedding, SFX might include things like pyrotechnics, confetti cannons, or other types of visual effects that help to add excitement and energy to the event. At a concert, SFX might include lighting and sound effects that help to enhance the overall performance and create a more immersive experience for the audience. In both cases, SFX can help to create a sense of drama and spectacle, and can be used to complement and enhance other elements of the event, such as music or performances. Event planners and designers often work closely with SFX professionals to create custom effects that are tailored to the specific needs and goals of each event.

We have been seeing a variety of activities that happen at any celebration that add to the visual appeal. And, believe it or not, we have become too used to such endeavours that imagining a big event without these becomes difficult.

The rising importance of fireworks

The recent era is all about creativity and we all have seen it in multiple weddings. Modern-day celebrations are about going to the extremes of uniqueness and bringing out the best result.

Being the show-stoppers of today’s weddings, birthdays, and private parties, pyrotechnics are the most popular. Even if they happen for a fraction of the time, they create a visual we can never forget. New Pandit Fireworks specialises in offering that wow factor to their special day.
Even when we speak about SFX, CO2 Blowers, colour blasters, and others, they play an equally important role.

Why choose New Pandit Fireworks?

Fireworks are a great way to add some colour, sounds and excitement to any event. Fireworks are also perfect for when you want to add some extra spice to your celebration. And New Pandit Fireworks are important because of the following reasons:

  1. The variety of crackers available for every occasion at New Pandit Fireworks is just amazing. Even if you have a small birthday get-together or a big wedding bash, you’ll find exactly what you are looking for.
  2. They offer a personalised touch to the services offered. They are all ready to serve you even at the venue in case you require any assistance.
  3. They play a major role in enhancing the special moments of your life and give you an album full of memories.
  4. The best part of their service is that they offer online crackers as well. So even if it is an emergency and you’re at a shortage of crackers, you need not panic.
  5. They are just the best in town. They offer all year-round services and you can reach out to them anytime.

Fireworks are one of the most popular types of entertainment in the world. They have been a part of celebrations for centuries and are used to celebrate many events, including national holidays, religious festivals, weddings, and even birthdays.

So the next time you look for a grand celebration, you know you have to reach out to New Pandit Fireworks. You can check out their website here or call them on 8560081555.


Majestical Events: Bringing out the magic in your event!

Being in a city like Udaipur, where events have become a significant part of tourism, is a blessing. Every day we get to witness multiple big and small events being held in the city and its shimmer spreads throughout the country.

But what we see in the form of a triumphant event, is the result of a variety of happenings. To pull up a successful event, a lot of the hustle and bustle goes behind the scenes. And to do it with extreme perfection, the event management industry comes in place.

You wouldn’t want to be the one keeping things in check and forgetting what you were supposed to enjoy. With an event manager by your side, you can rest assured of smooth operations which take place to set things in motion.

Events in Udaipur

Talking about events, there has been a significant rise in the number of events taking place in Udaipur post-corona. One such recent event took place at Ramee Royal Resort and Spa, an exhibition for Ankur a provision of Arvind Ltd., on 22 November 2022.

The exhibition showcased the latest and most exquisite designs. Ankur textile is a part of the illustrious Arvind group and is the largest manufacturer of lifestyle voiles. Voiles is a soft sheer fabric and is majorly used in dressmaking and soft furnishing.

The event was followed by a fashion walk that precisely exhibited the utterly gorgeous collection by the Arvind Group. Also, the General Manager of Ramee Royal, Mr Traun Sharma, was a great support.

Along with him, the Sales and Marketing Manager at Ramee Royal, Mr Manish Vyas, created a cheerful environment at the venue to work at. Majestical Events with the help of the staff at Ramee Royal made the event an easy endeavour.

About Majestical Events

Majestical events is a Udaipur-based event managing company, founded by Mr Mahendra Kumawat in the year 2013. It bagged the award for the best event company in Udaipur, in Shubh Wedding and Lifestyle Awards 2021, Season 4. It is a diverse and professional event planning company, that believes in meeting the expectations of the client.

They have been in the event industry for about 10 years now and have grown to become the best with time. Their tailor-made ideas, urge for perfection, and dedication to bringing clients’ imaginations to life have made them stand apart.

Event management is not as easy as it appears to be. It involves several aspects that need deep knowledge and understanding. Whether it is about cost, vendors, catering, guest management or anything else, it is not a man’s task. It requires expertise and quick decision making which comes with experience.

And here is when Majestical Events comes into action. They make your event their own and give an extra edge to the celebration. With all activities managed effortlessly, Majestical Events ensure that you completely enjoy your festivity without having to worry about the rest.

The current event covered by them at Ramee Royal was a huge success. It was an exhibition focusing on the alluring range of textiles manufactured by the Ankur group, followed by a ramp walk which was choreographed by Rajesh Sharma and was anchored by Pratiksha Dave. Kunal Acharya, Lovesh Vyas, Bhavya Jain, Honey Lakhira, Poushy Singhvi, Jyoti Sharma, and Shalini Gurjar were the models who walked the ramp with absolute refinement.

Also, no event is complete without a photographer who captures the best memories in a frame. For this event, Krishna Parihar and Manav Parihar from New age photography & Wed.Verso were the men behind the camera.

What makes Majestical Events better than others

Majestical Events believes in providing at-point design, decor, catering, wedding themes, gifts, invitations, entertainment, travel coordination and so much more. Each department has to be managed well in order to remain away from the hassle.

The following features make them outshine others.

  • Among the plethora of tasks that an event planner needs to manage, the first one is people management. There are multiple people one needs to deal with during any wedding, corporate events, or similar celebration. Majestical Events make sure that every party associated with the event understands well.
  • Any event is incomplete without the required resources. Majestical Events make sure that every resource is in the right place at the right time. Right from vendor communication to client dealings, they have everything intact.
  • Next, it is important to comprehend the needs of the client and execute what they think. Mahendra Kumawat holds expertise in listening to clients and his team also follows this perception.
  • Stress management and working under pressure are also much-needed qualities of an event manager. The team at Majestical events ensures that stress and pressure do not impact his ability to work and keeps a check on the activities.
  • Creativity is the cutting-edge quality of Majestical events. For every simple idea of the client, they offer a unique and a notch higher idea to make your grand day memorable.

Mahendra Kumawat started small, but with his efficient skills, he has achieved utter success in this industry. It takes a lot for someone to work for your event making it their own. And Mahendra Ji makes sure that every celebration is worth the memories you carry. You can reach out to him on Instagram at @kumawat.mahendra & @majestical_events and read more about him here.


Udaipur Light Festival 2022: A Day Worth Million Memories

The Udaipur Light Festival 2022; the best-in-town, extraordinary, and most favorite event of Udaipur, took place recently. This year, it was a banger as “the one that shall not be named” virus came into our lives and the majority of events had to be canceled. 

After two years of eagerly waiting for ULF to happen, we finally made it to Diwali 2022. It was a hurricane of joy for Udaipurites to be part of the most-awaited ULF after a massive span of 2 years. October 22, was the day for immense fun and a lot of happiness along with some fun-filled activities.

ULF: A Day To Remember For Udaipurites

The day we all eagerly waited for came and all the people celebrated ULF with zeal and euphoria. There was an air of happiness and joy as the festival started with a bang. People flocked to the venue to witness the festival and enjoy it.

The ULF is one of the most-awaited events in the town and all people from in and around Udaipur await it with bated breath for the event. The whole place was decorated with lights that changed its look from evening to midnight.  Various stalls were set up with delicious food and snacks that made you want more. The ULF this year was truly a celebration of lights and a day we will always cherish.

Alluring aura of ULF 2022: #ItsAllAboutTheVibe

The decorations were super lit; giving an absolute lively vibe. This year’s ULF was all about vibes and hence the hashtag. The bright colors and beautiful lights added to the enhancement of the aura of the venue. The center stage was the main attraction which was very well paired up with smoke guns, fireworks, brilliant LED lights, confetti showers, and pyrotechnics; these all added more charms to the flabbergasting and soothing performances of all the artists. 

Flower decorations were also added to this year’s theme, which was super charming and delightful. Various selfie and photo booths were also installed having different backdrops and props, which was an absolute topnotch about this season of ULF. Towards the end of an alluring evening, the sky was lit up with fabulous fireworks, and confetti showers in the air made it all picture-perfect.

Venue for this year

This year was seen as a huge success for the event as a close figure of around 6000+ people became a part of ULF at The Opera Gardens, which was this year’s venue. The festival this year was a sight to behold. 

udaipur light festival 2022

The venue was delightful. Opera gardens has a sprawling lush green garden which was very apt for the various performances organized during the event. 

The ample space could accommodate a huge crowd with ease. The location of the venue added another level of desire as it is near the city yet away from the noise and bustle of life, accompanied by serenity and calmness. The entire venue was decorated with lights, making it look like a fairyland.

The artist lineup for 2022

2022 was marked as a new beginning after a very long pause in our lives since 2020. With a lot of excitement, we welcomed the artists to the festival this year. 

With this new beginning, ULF had a unique and refreshing artist lineup, this year we had young singing sensations creating a mesmerizing aura, and their performances left us in very high spirits! 

Talking about this year’s artist lineup, we had with us Dikshant, who not only wins over hearts with his healing voice but also has a strong presence on Instagram reels. 

udaipur light festival 2022

ZIKRR, which was awarded as the most popular band in 2017, was next in line. We also had MKSHFT who is a global performer and has collaborated with the Hollywood sensation Pitbull and Guru Randhawa. All the artists gave jaw-dropping performances. Hence, the entire place was wrapped in a ray of joy and happiness.

The host for the event was RJ Suri, who carried out the complete program with utmost smoothness and perfection. The artists had come together to showcase their talent and present a wonderful show to the people of Udaipur.

Amazing sponsors

In a nutshell, the entire event was full of madness and fun, and to make it so we’d like to give a huge shoutout to Rajasthani Stage our title sponsor for this year, as well as to the Mobi store, the Monsoon Salon, and Pacific Medical college and hospital, our associate sponsors.

udaipur light festival 2022

Thanks to Bharat Sound and Light as well as to Apsara Tent House, who were the sound and light partners, and a huge thank you to Opera Garden and Banquets the venue partner. 

No event can be completed without some ravishing food. ULF too had some lip-smacking delicacies. The food stall had a variety of dishes, from burgers to pizzas, pastries to ice creams, momos to vada pav, and coffee to mocktails, Udaipur Light Festival 2022 had it all to satisfy the cravings of your tastebuds. Some top restaurants and cafes of the city viz.-

  •  Sai Sagar
  •  Famous Vada Pav
  •  Book a Surprise 
  •  Get a Whey ice cream 
  • JR Sports Cafe
  •  Karvaan
  •  Food Adda 

put up their stalls at our food court to provide you with the best quality of food. Made by following proper hygienic methods and of course, they were garnished with love!

Honorary mention to all our sponsors and partners for a successful event this year

  •  Howard Johnson and Bhairavgarh Palace – hospitality partners
  •  Nitesh Photo Flash – photography partner
  • Naman Fireworks- SFX partner 
  • VJ Ravi – Visual partner 
  • Round Table India- NGO partner 
  • Udaipurblog – marketing partner  
  • VivirMedia- digital media partner  
  • Tiger Security -security and guard partner
  • Blu Casa – Vila partner

This year’s theme for decor was exemplary 

udaipur light festival 2022

The theme for this year was “The Infinite Possibilities of Lights”. The festival this year was decorated with lights that gave it the look of paintings. All The stages were also adorned with lights, making it look like a heavenly place. The theme for decor was very appropriate considering the event was all about lights. A huge shoutout to Silver Craft Events- our decor partner, for the mesmerizing and on-point decor.

Summing up

The celebrations for the ULF this year were truly the best. The festival was enhanced by the use of decorative lights and had a breathtaking theme. The main attraction this year was the artists who performed various songs and had a wonderful time. 

The festival was also sponsored by many companies and individuals who made it even more spectacular. The ULF was truly a day to remember and a celebration that shall remain etched in the memories of the people of Udaipur. The event had a lot of charm and was something that everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime. 

After experiencing the ULF, we can safely say that it is one of the best festivals and is something that everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime.

We are sure all of us are eagerly waiting for the next season of ULF with extreme excitement. 

See you next year!


आरएनटी में खुलेंगे नए दवा केंद्र, उपकरणों के ख़राब होने पर उपचार के लिए नहीं करना पड़ेगा इंतजार

राजस्थान के 52 मेडिकल कॉलेजो में करीब 241 दवा वितरण केंद्र खोले जाएंगे। इसके लिए निदेशालय ने हाल ही आदेश जारी किये हैं। इन केन्द्रो में से उदयपुर के 21 केंद्र आरएनटी मेडिकल कॉलेज में खुलेंगे। नए केंद्र खुलने के बाद यह संख्या 41 हो जाएगी। प्रदेशभर के केंद्रों के लिए प्रशासनिक और वित्तीय स्वीकृति जारी हो चुकी हैं। इन केंद्रों पर कंप्यूटर कर्मी, फार्मासिस्ट, हेल्पर आदि सहित 3-3 के स्टाफ की नियुक्ति होगी, ऐसे में 723 पद भरे जाएंगे। उदयपुर के 21 दवा वितरण केंद्रों पर 21 फार्मासिस्ट,21 कंप्यूटर कर्मी और 21 ही हेल्पर नियुक्त किये जाएंगे इससे मरीजों और तीमारदारों के कार्य में आसानी होगी। आरएनटी मेडिकल कॉलेज के अधीन 6 अस्पतालों में अभी 20 केंद्र हैं। चिकित्सा शिक्षा विभाग ग्रुप प्रथम के संयुक्त शासन सचिव इक़बाल खान ने पांच दिन पहले राजकीय मेडिकल कॉलेजों और राजमैस सोसाइटी के तहत संचालित मेडिकल कॉलेजों में संविदा के आधार पर 3413 पद भरने का आदेश जारी किया गया था। ये पद नर्सेज और वार्ड अटेंडेंट के होंगे। उदयपुर के आरएनटी के लिए 317 पद मंजूर किये गए हैं।

हर केंद्रो को कंप्यूटर-फर्नीचर व उपकरणों के लिए 3.30 लाख रुपए दिए जाएंगे।
नए दवा वितरण केन्द्रो में प्रत्येक के लिए 3.30 लाख रुपए निर्माण कार्यो के लिए होंगे , जबकि 1.30 लाख रुपए कंप्यूटर, फर्नीचर और अन्य उपकरण खरीदने के लिए मंजूर किये गए है। ऐसे में पुरे प्रदेश में 4.82 करोड़ रुपए की वित्तीय स्वीकृति दी गई है। उदयपुर के लिए 69.30 लाख रुपए मिलेंगे।

औसत 12 लाख रोगी को हर साल मिलेगी राहत।
महाराणा भूपाल राजकीय चिकित्सालय संभाग का सबसे बड़ा हॉस्पिटल है। यंहा उदयपुर, प्रतापगढ़ , चित्तौडग़ढ़ ,राजसमंद, डूंगरपुर, बांसवाड़ा, समेत पडोसी राज्य गुजरात और मध्यप्रदेश से हर साल औसत 12 लाख मरीज इलाज करवाने आते है। इस वजह से यहाँ का दवा वितरण केंद्रो पर भी मरीजों की भीड़ लगी रहती है। कही बार मरीजों को दवा के लिए घंटो लाइनों में खड़ा रहना पड़ता है। नए केन्द्रो की शुरुआत और स्टाफ बढ़ने से मरीज़ो और तीमारदारों को दवाई के लिए भटकने जरुरत नहीं होगी।

एमबी जैसी व्यवस्था को पुरे प्रदेश में लागू करने को कहा था सीएम ने।
उदयपुर के एमबी अस्पतालों की व्यवस्थाओ जैसा मॉडल पुरे प्रदेश में लागू होगा। जोधपुर के डॉ. एसएन मेडिकल कॉलेज की 13 सदस्यीय टीम उदयपुर पहुंची और आरएनटी मेडिकल कॉलेज के एमबी अस्पताल का निरिक्षण किया। टीम ने वार्डो, दवा वितरण केंद्र आदि की प्रणाली देखी और चर्चा की। सीएम अशोक गहलोत पिछले दिनों उदयपुर आए थे तब उन्होंने एमबी में भर्ती मरीज़ो व तीमारदारों से सुविधाओं और योजनाओं पर बात की थी। बाद में सीएम ने ऐसी व्यवस्था पुरे प्रदेश में लागु करने को कहा।

कंपनी करेगी कम समय में मशीनें ठीक।
आरएनटी मेडिकल कॉलेज में अब यदि कोई भी चिकित्सालय उपकरण ख़राब होता है तो जल्द से जल्द ठीक हो जाएगा। राज्य सरकार के स्तर पर मुख्यमंत्री बजट घोषणा के अनुरूप केटीपीएल कंपनी को सरकार के स्तर पर यह कार्य सौंपा गया है। ये शुरुआत इसलिए की गई है ताकि अलग-अलग कंपनियों के माध्यम से अलग अलग मशीनों को ठीक करने में कई महीने लग जाते थे। ऐसे में मरीजों का उपचार प्रभावित होता था अब एकमात्र कंपनी यह कार्य करेगी तो काम समय में जल्द से जल्द ये तकीनीकी उपकरण ठीक हो सकेंगे।

मुख्यमंत्री बजट घोषणा के अनुरूप सरकार ने एक ही कंपनी को सौंपा काम।
आरएनटी मेडिकल कॉलेज सम्बन्ध पांचो हॉस्पिटलों में 341 तरह कई 5387 उपकरण है,इनम से किसी के भी बिगड़ने पर भी ठीक किया जा सकेगा। इसमें एक्स -रे, सिटी- स्कैन, एमआरआई, वेंटीलेटर सहित अन्य उपकरण शामिल है। इसमें हाइड्रोक्लोरिक बेड व अन्य छोटे मोटे उपकरण शामिल नहीं किये गए।

ख़ास बात यह है की नए उपकरण है जो जहाँ से खरीदे गए है, वहां से तय समय तक गारंटी – वारंटी पीरियड में है। लेकिन जैसे ही तय अनुबंध समय पूर्ण होगा तो उनके बिगड़ने पर ठीक करने का काम केटीपीएल का होगा। कई कई महीनों तक उपकरण ठीक नहीं होने से मरीजों को अन्य प्राइवेट हॉस्पिटलों की और दौड़ना पड़ता था और ऊँचे दाम देकर अपना इलाज करवाना पड़ता था।

यह निर्णय राज्य सरकार के स्तर पर लिया गया है, ताकि किसी भी प्रकार के उपकरण की खराबी पर ज्यादा दिन तक मरीजों को परेशान नहीं होना पड़े। पहले अलग – अलग कम्पनियों के कारण कई प्रकार की परेशानी आती थी। कई कई महीनो तक इंजीनियर्स नहीं पहुंचे थे ,लेकिन इस निर्णय का लाभ ये होगा की कोई भी उपकरण यदि बिगड़ता है तो हमें केवल कंपनी में बात करनी है, वह कंपनी अपने स्तर पर जल्द से जल्द इंजीनियर्स उपलब्ध करवाएगी।