Too much crowd on the city streets and congestion on the road? Well, we bet that would increase every year. Udaipur is indeed a sought after destination for people across the country as well as in the whole world. Diwali vacations have just ended and we can still spot many tourists on the streets.
A recent report from the famous travel website cites that with Goa topping the charts, Udaipur had the second highest domestic travel bookings in the country at the time of the festive Diwali season. And not only this, stats show that the city of lakes has witnessed an upsurge of 56 percent in travel bookings across the nation.
The same number or more would be repeated at the time of Christmas and New Year, hopefully. Undoubtedly, day by day Udaipur is becoming the ‘hot spot’ for holiday getaways or one of the most favourite travel destination across the country.
What are your thoughts on Udaipur becoming a touristic hub? Comment below your thoughts or write to me at
Udaipur – the City of Lakes has lately earned a well-deserved fame in the minds of tourists all around the country. The scenic beauty and the appreciable hospitality has never failed to enthrall not just the locals who experience something new in the city very frequently but the people from other parts of the country too.
One thing which has grown at a fast pace amongst the citizens is adventure sports. With time, people are getting more interested to try their hands on adventurous activities in Udaipur some of which are kayaking, tree walk, zip line, camping, etc.
On 3rd August 2018, the ‘Valley of flowers’ was inaugurated at Chirwa Ghat near Udaipur. Apart from the stunning ecosystem that one can witness around the place, some other activities were incorporated into the valley too, one of which was zip lining.
The news of Zip lining spread like a wildfire in the city. The reason was it being something new and unique to the people of Udaipur. Seeing the city grow with such a rapid speed is really appreciable. But the question is are we equipped sufficiently to carry on such adventurous sports?
Recently an incident took place which raises the similar bunch of questions in the minds of all the Udaipurites. Carelessness of operating official at the zip lining site resulted in the crash of two individuals’ midair. The incident took place on the weekend when one of the persons namely Bahadur was about to finish his zip line but due to the reverse movement of wind, he stopped midway. Meanwhile, the careless officials released one more rider, Rajesh, who had his 4-year-old daughter tied to him.
In a panic, both of them turned their back towards each other (so that there would be no injury to the little girl) and the impact was so immense that one of them turned upside down and he had to hold the rope with his hand which caused severe cuts on his hands.
Such incidents don’t just jolt us but it should mortify the authorities too. Later it came into account that there were no trained officials present at the site and the lives of people were being risked like anything. Growth and development are good enough but the question is ‘Is this growth sustainable?’
It is important that the authority take all the safety measures while carrying out such activities. Because at the end of the day, it is the matter of people’s life.
अब तो ऐसी ख़बरों की उदयपुर वालों को आदत हो गयी है। फिर भी बधाइयाँ तो बनती है। इसके हक़दार हैं हम सभी उदयपुरवाले। Travel & Leisure, एक ट्रेवल मैगज़ीन है जो हर साल दुनिया भर के शहरों का सर्वे करती है और उनमें से चुनिन्दा शहरों की रैंकिंग हम तक पहुँचाती है। इस बार T+L (Travel & Leisure) ने दुनिया के टॉप 15 शहरों की रैंकिंग निकली है। इसमें उस शहर का कल्चर, आसपास की स्थिति, खाने-पीने से लेकर शौपिंग तक यानि की ओवरआल वैल्यू को परखा जाता है। ये सभी 15 शहर दुनिया भर से उठाये हैं जिसमें उदयपुर ने बाजी मारकर 3rd रैंक हासिल की है. यह मैगज़ीन अपने रीडर्स से वोटिंग करवाती है।
ये वही मैगज़ीन जिसनें उदयपुर को 2009 में दुनिया का सबसे बेहतरीन शहर घोषित किया था। इस बार भी टॉप फिफ्टीन में इंडिया से सिर्फ़ उदयपुर का ही नाम आया है। दिल्ली और मुंबई जैसे टूरिस्ट डेस्टिनेशन भी पीछे छूट गए हैं।
उदयपुर न सिर्फ़ यहाँ पर बने पैलेस, होटल्स, म्यूजियम और आर्किटेक्चर की वजह से फेमस है इन सबके अलावा प्राकृतिक रूप से भी उदयपुर धनवान है।
MMCF के चेयरमैन और मैनेजिंग ट्रस्टी, श्रीजी अरविन्द सिंह जी मेवाड़ का कहना है कि, “ये सभी शहरवासियों के लिए गर्व की बात है। मैं सभी गवर्मेंट एजेंसी और टूरिज्म डिपार्टमेंट को बधाई देना चाहता हूँ जिनके लगातार प्रयासों से उदयपुर इस मुकाम को हासिल कर पाया है।”
हर साल बढ़ते टूरिस्ट इस बात की गवाही देते है कि वाक़ई उदयपुर ये मुकाम हासिल करने योग्य है। उदयपुर न सिर्फ़ देसी यहाँ तक की विदेशी पर्यटकों की पहली चॉइस बनता जा रहा है। इस बात का सबूत है ये आंकड़े :-
सन् 2017 में मई महीने तक कुल देसी पर्यटकों की संख्या 2,74,742 थी वहीँ 2018 में बढ़कर 3,11,442 हो गई। अगर विदेशी पर्यटकों की बात की जाए तो लगभग 89,000 के मुकाबले सन् 2018 में लगभग 96,000 विदेशी पर्यटक अब तक उदयपुर घूमने आ चुके हैं।
इनके पीछे कई कारण है जैसे झीलों का भरे रहना, टूरिस्ट डिपार्टमेंट और गवर्मेंट का लगातार इस सेक्शन पर फोकस्ड रहना। सिटी पैलेस म्यूजियम का खुद आगे चल कर इनिशिएटिव लेना, म्यूजियम कल्चर को बढ़ावा देना वगैरा-वगैरा।
लेकिन अब जिम्मेदारी बढ़ जाती है। इतने से खुश होने वाली बात नहीं है। सुधार की गुंजाइश हमेशा बनी रहती है। हमारी और आपकी कोशिश यही रहेगी कि सन् 2009 का इतिहास दुबारा दोहराया जाए। 🙂
एक इंसान अपनी ज़रूरतें/इच्छाएं पूरी करने के लिए जब दायरा बढ़ाता है, तब-तब इस धरती पर कांड होता है. कभी बहुत ही साफ़-सुथरा जन्नत सा एहसास दिलाने वाला ‘पिपलिया जी’ गाँव आज वहाँ तरह-तरह की ब्रांडेड पीकर फैंकी गयी बोतलों के काँच से अटा पड़ा है. हालत ये है कि वहाँ बैठो तो मुमकिन है वहाँ फैला काँच उसके वहाँ होने का सबूत ज़रूर देगा. चुभकर.
यह सबकुछ शुरू होता है शहर से ही. खुद ही के बनाए शहरी जंगल से ऊब जाने की स्थिति में लोग आसपास की जगहों में मदर नेचर/ प्रकृति की गोद, जो भी कहना चाहो, ढूढ़ने निकल पड़ते है. इसमें कोई बुराई नहीं है. लेकिन हम इंसानों की फ़ितरत है कि जिसे सबसे ज़्यादा चाहते है उसे ही सबसे ज़्यादा जाने-अनजाने में नुकसान पहुँचा देते है.
किसी भी नए पर्यटन स्थल/टूरिस्ट पॉइंट के उभरने से स्थानीय लोगों को फ़ायदा पहुँचता है, बेशक. लेकिन उससे होने वाले नुकसान भी उन्हें ही उठाने पड़ते हैं. क्योंकि हम तो ‘मनोरंजन कर’, ‘फील कर’, ‘सेल्फी लेकर’, ‘खा-पी कर’ निकल लेते हैं, पर इन सब की निशानी छोड़ जाते हैं.
मानाकि ये उमंगो भरी उम्र है पर इसका मतलब ये तो क़तई नहीं निकलता की इस उम्र को बेफिक्री और नाशुक्री के साथ जिया जाए. हमें इतना ख़याल तो रखना ही चाहिए कि कम से कम वहाँ रहने वाले लोगों को हमारी वजह से कोई परेशानी न उठानी पड़े.
ऐसा नहीं है कि उन्हें हमारी मौजूदगी से कोई परेशानी है. वो बाक़ायदा खुश है की उन्हें अब कमाने के लिए शहर/मंडी नहीं आना पड़ता. यहीं बैठे-बैठे दिहाड़ी का जुगाड़ हो जाता है.
वो मासूम है, हमारी तरह चालाक नहीं है (आप मानो या न मानो लेकिन सच है), वो सन् 2025-50 की नहीं सोचते. ये गाँव वाले आज में जीते हैं. और हम इन्हें भविष्य के धुंधले, बादलों के समान सपने दिखा रहे हैं. हम इन गाँवों को शहर बना रहे हैं और गाँव-वालों को शहरी.
Udaipur is known by various names like the City of Lakes, Kashmir of Rajasthan, Venice of the East and so many more. The beauty of the place is evident in the pictures you must have seen all over the internet. Now that you are planning your visit to the spectacular and heavenly City of Lakes, let me help you build your personal itinerary for your first visit to Udaipur. I am aware that some of you won’t be able to cover all the spots enlisted below, but it is worth giving a shot.
Here are the Top 10 Things to Do on Your First Visit to Udaipur!
Start your day by getting a perfect breakfast
Empty stomach won’t get along with you very far. So, first things first, get a perfect start to your day by having some good English breakfast. Although you might find a lot of places to eat in the city, especially if you are staying in the old city, but you obviously need a filtered list.
Thank us later, we are making you equipped with the list of the best places to have an English breakfast in Udaipur. Click here!
Take a bike or car on rent and explore the streets of Old City
As per your convenience, you can take a caror abike on rent and explore the nooks and corners of the Old City. There is a lot that you would see on the streets- from local vendors to artists painting at the roadside and a lot of scenes that you wouldn’t witness anywhere on earth!
Plus, not just for the view, taking a vehicle is quite comfy for your to-and-fro as well and makes it easy for you to touch the extremes of the city effortlessly.
Go shopping!!!
You have come down to Udaipur, would you dare to leave without any ‘oh-my-god-wow’ souvenir from the city? No, right?
Well, the shopping markets in Udaipur are like a color palette. Hundreds of shops selling things that are unique, vibrant and exhibit the very soul of the city. You can get apparels, tribal jewelry, gold/silver jewelry, zinc artifacts, wooden artifacts, leather bag, totes, to bedspreads, upholstery and so much more.
City Palace Complex Udaipur is one of a kind places in the city. It is a grand-majestic-palace and is the official dwelling of the Maharana (king) of Mewar. A part of the palace is closed where the Maharana resides with his royal family while a greater part of the palace is open to the public.
You can take a tour of the City Palace and have a walk through the time. Also, you can watch the light and sound show happening in the City Palace every evening.
Take the Ropeway and watch the sunset from the Karni Mata hill
Karni Mata Temple is situated on a small hillock in Udaipur. The place is also known for its sunset point. You can either take the stairs to the peak of the hill for the sunset point or you can take the ropeway.
Alternative: If you want to have a glimpse of the culture of the city and sunsets do not entice you anymore, then you must pay a visit to the Darohar Show at the Bagore Ki Haveli Museum.
The show starts in the evenings and is a must-watch if you are a fan of cultural dances.
Spend your evenings at the Ghats of Udaipur
Ghats are a noticeable part of the city. There are various ghats in Udaipur which are immensely peaceful and give you a close view of the waters of the lakes. Gangaur Ghat is the most significant and popular ghat in the entire city. It is known for hosting the Ganguar Festival and in recent times the place was seen in various movies in both Hollywood and Bollywood.
Go for a boat ride in the Lake
You can go on a boat ride in Lake Pichola. It is a 20-25 minutes ride in the lake which covers all the places in the lake- I mean, you can have a close look at the Taj Lake Palace which is built in the middle of the lake, if in case you aren’t staying there! Also, you get to have a look at the Jag Mandir, which is also a floating (metaphorically) palace and is known for its beautiful life-size elephants standing at the entrance, carved out of stone.
Alternatively, you can go for a jet boat ride in the Lake Fatehsagar, which is one of the most prominent lakes in Udaipur. It is a great place to hangout and you would get a lot of street food and other delicious snacks just near the lakeside ‘chowpaty’. Also, you can visit the nearby parks and gardens to get a refreshing feel.
Don’t miss Sajjangarh (Monsoon Palace) and the Biological Park
If you aren’t fond of riding in the boat, then taking a brisk tour to the Monsoon Palace would be great for you. Sajjangarh aka Monsoon Palace is perched on a hillock and gives one of the best views of the entire city.
Adjacent to this palace is the biological park of Udaipur which has a variety of flora and fauna. This is a super fun and refreshing place for the nature lovers.
Go to the largest aquarium in India- ‘Under the Sun’
Under the Sun is the largest aquarium in India and is situated attached to the lake Fatehsagar. This is one great place to spend some hours. You would find a huge number of fish here, some of which are even rare to find in the Indian Subcontinent. Plus, you can find a Virtual Reality zone here which lets you enjoy underwater scenes in real time.
Last but not the least, Binge on the luscious food at a lakeside hotel/restaurant
By this time, I am sure you’d be feeling terribly hungry and what is better than having some great authentic Rajasthani or Continental Food at a lakeside hotel/restaurant.
I knew you would be reading this on your first visit to the City of Lakes and hence I have prepared for you a list of the best Lakeside hotels where you can stay as well as eat at utmost peace, enjoying the natural beauty that Udaipur is! 😉
हमारा नगर निगम हम लोगों के लिए कितना कुछ सोचता है। कुछ महीनों पहले वाल सिटी में बढ़ते प्रदुषण और भीड़-भाड़ को कम करने के लिए कुछ स्थानों पर अन्य राज्यों की कारों का प्रवेश निषेध कर दिया था। उसके बाद बीच में ये भी प्रयोग किया कि ‘मुंह काला कर दे ऐसा धुंआ छोड़ने वाले ऑटो’ की जगह ई-रिक्शा को चलाया गया। हालाँकि दोनों ही प्रयोग बुरी तरह से नाकाम साबित हुए, और इस कदर नाकाम कि अन्य राज्यों से आने वाली कारों के प्रवेश को निषेध करने वाले प्रयोग को तो बोरी में बंद करना पड़ा। दूसरा प्रयोग भी एक तरह से फ़ैल ही साबित हुआ। शुरू में 80 ई-रिक्शा चलने तो लगे लेकिन अब उनकी संख्या घटकर मात्र 40 रह गई है। बिल्कुल आधी।
नगर निगम द्वारा अब फिर से कोशिश की जा रही है कि ई-रिक्शा की संख्या में बढ़ोतरी की जाए। ताकि प्रदुषण के लेवल में कमी लाई जा सके। इसके लिए निगम न सिर्फ ई-रिक्शा की संख्या में इजाफ़ा करने की सोच रहा है इसके साथ ही शहर में कुछ स्थान ऐसे चुन रहा है जहाँ इन ई-रिक्शा को चार्ज भी किया जा सके। इनके लिए जगह-जगह इलेक्ट्रिक चार्ज प्लग बोर्ड लगाए जाएंगे। ऐसा दिल्ली और कोलकाता में पहले ही किया जा चूका है।
अच्छी बात है कि निगम हम शहरवासीयों के लिए इतना सोच रहा है और देखा जाए तो सोचना भी चाहिए। लेकिन अब बात ये है कि क्या हम इस डेवलपमेंट के लिए तैयार हैं? और उससे भी पहले क्या हम इस डेवलपमेंट के हक़दार हैं? बात हर्ट होने वाली है लेकिन सच भी है। जब 80 ई-रिक्शा शहर में चल रहे थे तब हम में से (मैं, आप, हम सभी) कितने लोगों ने इधर-उधर जाने के लिए इन ई-रिक्शों का उपयोग किया? सच कहा जाए तो न के बराबर। हमारा इन ई-रिक्शा में नहीं बैठना भी इनकी संख्या घटने का एक कारण रहा है।
वो ऐसे… जो 40 ई-रिक्शा बंद हुए हैं उनमें से कई इस वजह से बंद हुए है क्योंकि वो समय से अपना लोन नहीं चूका पाए, और लोन क्यों नहीं चूका पाए क्योंकि उन रिक्शा वालों की उतनी कमाई हुई नहीं जितनी वो लोग उम्मीद लगाए बैठे थे। इस वजह से बैंक ने उनके ई-रिक्शा वापस ले लिए और कुछ ने बेच भी दिए।
इसलिए हमें ये देखना और सोचना होगा कि हम अपनी तरफ से शहर के लिए कितना कुछ कर पाते है! नगर निगम तो हर दिन नयी-नयी योजनाएं लाता ही रहेगा लेकिन हम खुद किस तरह से निगम की मदद कर पाएँगे या यूँ कहे अपने खुद के शहर की हवा-पानी को साफ़ रखने में अपना योगदान दे सकते है।
बात है तो सोचने वाली…बाकि कमेंट बॉक्स में आप लोगों के विचारों का स्वागत है।
Why Udaipur? I say why not! The beautiful City of Lakes has strongly held on to its roots and its natural vibrancy. With its unbeatable charm, this Venice of the East has attracted numerous local and international tourists over the years. The rich Rajputana history runs deep and can be easily viewed at the majestic palaces, forts, and gardens. Udaipur might be a small peaceful city but it has a heart for everyone who visits here. If you are in the mood to travel here but still skeptical about certain things, continue reading to find answers to your questions:
What is the Best Time to Visit Udaipur?
Though monsoons are incredible here, the most relaxed time to visit Udaipur is the winter season. This starts from November and ends around mid-March.
How Can One Reach Udaipur?
By Air: There’s Maharana Pratap Airport that is situated 22 km from the city. It is well connected with all the major metropolitan cities of India. Nothing to worry about with regular flights flying from Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, and Jaipur.
By Train: If one is traveling within the country, they can reach Udaipur through trains. Many foreign tourists who are looking for a luxurious experience travel to the city via the Maharaja Train or the Palace on Wheels. You just have to keep a check on your PNR status and follow your travel trail accordingly.
By Road: In the past many years, high-quality road network and good infrastructure by the state has definitely increased the trend of travel-by-road to Udaipur. For example, one can have a relaxed road trip from Delhi to Udaipur in about 11 hours.
What to Do in Udaipur?
Sunset Boat Cruise on Lake Pichola
Calm your senses while you are around the magnificent Lake Pichola. It contains four islands, namely – Jag Mandir, Jag Niwas, Mohan Mandir and Arsi Vilas. An evening boat cruise around the freshwater lake during sunset is one of the most blissful experiences in Udaipur. Watch the glimmering beam of sun rays color the soothing waters golden.
Soothing Vibes at Saheliyon ki Bari
Also known as the Courtyard of Maidens, it is a pristine garden that has been wonderfully constructed with fountains, marble elephants, and lush green lawns. If you love nature photography, this place will help you to click a multitude as it has a rich cover of stunning flowers and plants. These picturesque gardens seem to attract a lot of youngsters that are just looking out for a peaceful time in nature’s lap.
An Explosion of Culture at Bagore-Ki-Haveli
Once a mansion, now turned into a museum, Bagore-Ki-Haveli in Udaipur was built by the ruler of the Mewar province in the 18th century. Situated on the Gangaur Ghat, this 138-room marvel offers many cultural attractions such as the longest turban and gallery containing many art pieces.
Hike in Spirituality at Karni Mata Temple
Explore your connection to spirituality at the Karni Mata temple. Also known as the Shri Manshapurna Karni Mata, it is dedicated to the Hindu goddess Karni Mata located on the Machla Magra Hills in Udaipur. Many people from around the world come to seek her blessings. It also makes a fascinating destination to watch the sun going down.
Soak in the rich culture of Rajasthan and Udaipur and take some of it back with you. Collect things new and old at the Hathi Pol Bazaar. Whether you are searching for paintings, souvenirs, and artisanal products at very reasonable prices.
Vintage Cars that Once Ruled the Road
When in Udaipur, do check out the Vintage & Classic Car Collection Museum. This museum helps you get a rare insight into the maintenance and upkeep of these old yet amazing cars that you may have seen in movies or television shows.
Hope these tips have been helpful. Now you can easily plan your travel to this marvelous city without any problem.
Udaipur is known as the City of Lakes and indeed the phrase used is correct. Udaipur has a number of lakes and often people get confused in counting the exact number! Well, the whole city is beautifully lined by various lakes and parts of the city also experience the Ayad river crossing under the several bridges. The vicinity of the city is so tranquil that one might get totally mesmerized by it. So, coming back to the question; let’s find out how many lakes are in Udaipur.
The famous ones:
These lakes are the ones which are the biggest and lie in close proximity from the city center. Not only this, these ones are the most visited by tourists and locals.
Fateh Sagar Lake
Fateh Sagar Lake is the second artificial lake of Udaipur after Jaisamand lake. It was built in 1678 by Maharana Jai Singh. Then in 1889, Maharana Fateh Singh built the “Connaught Dam,” near ‘Dewali’ and subsequently the dam enlarged the lake, and hence was renamed after the King Maharana Fateh Singh.
Attractions at the Lake Fateh Sagar:
Food Bazaar
Camel and Horse Rides
Several parks for recreational activities.
Pichola Lake
Pichola Lake is the oldest and one of the largest lakes in Udaipur. Most of the luxurious hotels are in this area and has the massive City Palace standing on the banks. The Taj Lake Palace resting in the middle of the waters of the Lake Pichola is an eye-pleasing sight. The name ‘Pichola’ has two legends behind it, that you can read here.
Attractions at the Pichola Lake:
Visit Jag Mandir
Visit Taj Lake Palace
Innumerable eateries surrounding the lake
Badi Lake
Situated near the Village Badi, the lake is also called by the name Jiyan Sagar named after Jana Devi, the mother of Maharana Raj Singh who built the lake. It sprawls in an area of 155 sq. km. and the embankment of the lake extends wide in area. It also boasts three beautiful ‘chattris’.
Attractions at the Badi Lake:
Badi ‘Paal’
Udai Sagar
Udaisagar Lake is located at a distance of about 13 km in the east of Udaipur. The construction of this lake was started in 1559 by Maharana Udai Singh. Completed in 1565, the Maharana constructed a dam on Berach River to guarantee ample supply of water in his kingdom and Udai Sagar was the result of this Dam.
The lake gets its name from the Maharana who built it.
Other Lakes:
These lakes the branches or links to the larger ones in the city. While these are smaller than the above-mentioned ones they have their equal charm.
Swaroop Sagar
This small artificial lake created by Maharana Swaroop Singh gets its name from him. It is also known as Kumharia Talab. Swaroop Sagar is located near Chand Pol adjoining Rangsagar (which is a branch of Pichola Lake). Kumharia Talab or Swaroop Sagar is connected with Lake Pichola and Lake Fateh Sagar.
Dhoodh Talai
Doodh Talai is a small lake near Pichola Lake. Doodh Talai (meaning milk pond) fulfilled the basic needs of cows that were present in government cow shelters (Raajakeey Goshalas) that met the requirement of milk in the royal kitchen. The freshwater reservoir was primarily meant for the Royal concern.
Purohito ka Talab
‘Purohito ka Talab’ is being developed as a new destination for tourists. It is located at a distance of about 12 kilometers from Udaipur, in Amberi Panchayat which is also known as Mini Jaisalmer. The Reddish-Orange Chattris are a major attraction there.
Goverdhan Sagar
Located on the outskirts of Udaipur this place is less visited by the tourists or locals due to its distance from the city center. However, the local government bodies have worked a lot towards making it a hot-spot. A ship (structure) was also installed in the water to attract people. The people residing in the nearby colonies do come and enjoy evenings at the Goverdhan Sagar.
Madaar (Chota-Bada)
The Main source of water in Fatehsagar is the Madaar Lake (Chhota). These two water bodies (and must be counted as two different lakes) are known under a single name ‘Madaar’ and colloquially people refer to them as ‘Chota Madaar’ and ‘Badaa Madaar’ meaning small and large Madaar. Water comes from Madar Lake and Swaroop Sagar Link Channel to fill up the lake Fatehsagar.
The nearby ones:
Jaisamand Lake
Jaisamand Lake is the second largest artificial lake in Asia. It is situated at a distance of approximately 51 km from the city of Udaipur. The lake is also known as Dhebar Lake. It was built by Maharana Jai Singh while making a dam on the Gomti River in the year 1685. He kept the name of the lake Jaisamand after his known name; Jaisamand means ‘Ocean of Victory’.
Rajsamand Lake
Located 66 km north of Udaipur, Rajsamand Lake lies between Rajnagar and Kankroli districts. It is also known as Rajsamudra Lake. The lake was a result of a dam constructed across the river Gomati, Kelwa, and Tali; built by Maharana Raj Singh I in the years 1662-1676. One of the major attractions at the Rajsamand Lake is the array of nine pavilions or ‘nauchowki’ (nine ghats) that are beautifully adorned with pictures of the sun, chariots, gods, birds and detailed carvings.
Aren’t you amazed by knowing about the number of lakes in the whole of Udaipur!!!
Chittorgarh is near to Udaipur and people who come to Udaipur are more likely to visit Chittor as well. The place has an avid history and the fort of Chittorgarh is considered the largest in India. The whole place is a tourist friendly place and has a lot to explore. Here we are listing places to visit in Chittorgarh.
Chittorgarh Fort
Chittorgarh’s massive hilltop fort is regarded as one of the most outstanding forts of the country. The remarkable fort sits atop a 180-meter-high hill, covering an area of 700 acres. It is believed that the fort was built by the Mauryans in the 7th century and further structures were added to it by the successive Mewar rulers.
The fort had 84 water bodies, out of which only about 22 exist today and hence sometimes it is also known as the Water Fort. These water bodies included ponds, wells, and step wells. These reservoirs can store about 4 billion liters of water!
Time taken to visit: People typically spend up to 2 hours here
Vijay Stambh- Tower of Victory
The Vijay Stambh is a 9 story tower decked by sculptures of Hindu deities. It was built in 1440 AD by Maharana Kumbha to celebrate his victory over Mohamed Khilji.
There are around 157 narrow steps leading to the terrace of the stambh and gives a sight not to be missed!
Kirti Stambh- Tower of Fame
It is said the 22 meters high Tower of Fame was built by a wealthy Jain merchant in the 12th century A.D. It is dedicated to Adinath, the 1st Jain Teerthankar; this stambh is decorated by the naked figures of the Digambars. A narrow stairway goes through 7 stories of the tower to the top.
Time taken to visit the two stambh: People typically spend up to 45 min here
Gaumukh Reservoir
Gaumukh means ‘mouth of a Cow’. This reservoir is considered to be sacred- a spring coming from a ‘cow mouth’ situated at the edge of the cliff.
At Gaumukh Reservoir people can also feed the fish present in the tank.
Rana Kumbha Palace
The palace was first built by Bappa Rawal in 734 A.D, later renovated by Maharana Kumbha. Today, the ruined structure of this great historical place is lying in the fort which was once the most massive monument in the fort of Chittorgarh.
Time taken to visit: People typically spend 20 min here
Padmini Palace
It is one of the earliest palaces constructed in India to be completely surrounded by water. It is inscribed on stones near the monument that it was here when the King Rana Ratan Singh showed the beauty of his wife to Alauddin Khilji through a mirror which later on led to the battle and subsequently the act of Jauhar.
Meera Mandir
Build by Maharana Kumbha in 1449, it is the only temple dedicated to Meera Bai, a Rajput princess who gave up her royal life and devoted herself to Lord Krishna. It is believed that she asked her Father in Law, Rana Sanga, to build a temple for her placing centering Lord Krishna.
Time taken to visit: People typically spend 30 min here
Kalika Mata Temple
It is believed that this mother goddess temple was built originally in the 8th century while the upper parts of the structure are more recent. It is dedicated to the Goddess ‘Kali’ who is the deity of the Panwar Clan.
Time taken to visit: People typically spend 30 min here
Fateh Prakash Palace Museum
Build by Maharana Fateh Singh, the property carries his name. It was turned into a museum in the year 1968. This palace, exhibits various kinds of weapons, a rich collection of sculptures from temples and buildings in the Fort.
Timings: 10:00 am to 04:30 pm
Seven Gates of the Fort
To enter into the Fort of Chittorgarh, the person has to go through seven huge gates or Pol. Each gate is different in its name, design and its size. Below is the list of these gates:
Padan Pol
Bhairon Pol
Hanuman Pol
Jorla Pol
Ganesh Pol
Laxman Pol
Ram Pol
Bassi Wildlife Sanctuary
Your trip to Chittorgarh isn’t complete if you haven’t been to the Bassi Wildlife Sanctuary.
The Bassi Wildlife Sanctuary covers an area of 50 Sq km and has panthers, wild boars, antelopes, mongoose and migratory birds. The Sanctuary is situated at a distance of 5 km from the Fort of Chittorgarh. Orai Dam and Bassi Dam located within the sanctuary are also prominent attractions of the place.
जिस ‘हमसफ़र’ की हमें ज़रुरत थी आख़िर उस ‘हमसफ़र’ का साथ मिल ही गया। 19 फरवरी से उदयपुर से मैसूर तक साप्ताहिक ट्रेन शुरू होने जा रही है जिसका नाम ‘हमसफ़र’ रखा गया है। रेलवे बोर्ड ने उत्तर-पश्चिम रेलवे को यह सौगात दी। यह राजस्थान की दूसरी हमसफ़र ट्रेन है, पहली ट्रेन पिछले ही दिनों गंगापुर सिटी से तिरुचरापल्ली के मध्य चली थी।
उदयपुर-मैसूर हमसफ़र एक्सप्रेस में कुल 18 डिब्बे होंगे जिनमें 2 डिब्बे पॉवर कार बाकि के सभी 16 डिब्बे वातानुकूलित(ए.सी.) के होंगे। यह ट्रेन उदयपुर से 19 फरवरी को मैसूर के लिए रात में 9 बजे निकलेगी और 43 घंटो का सफ़र करते हुए बुधवार की शाम 2:25 बजे मैसूर पहुंचेगी। मैसूर से यही ट्रेन 22 फरवरी को सुबह 10 बजे चलेगी और उदयपुर तड़के 4:55 उदयपुर आएगी।
इस ट्रेन के चलने से उदयपुर और मैसूर जैसे दो महत्वपूर्ण शहर जुड़ेंगे। साथ ही साथ उदयपुर से पुणे और बंगलुरु जाने वाले लोग जो विभिन्न आईटी कंपनियों में काम करते है, उनके लिए भी इस ट्रेन का चलना फायदेमंद साबित होगा।
इस ट्रेन की मांग लंबे समय से की जा रही थी जो अब जाकर पूरी हुई है। इसका सीधा फायदा उदयपुर के पर्यटन पर होगा जो एक अच्छी बात है।
खजुराहो-उदयपुर एक्सप्रेस अस्थाई तौर पर सोनागिरी में रुकेगी – जैन मेले में होने वाले यात्रिभर को देखते हुए रेलवे बोर्ड ने खजुराहो-उदयपुर का अस्थाई ठहराव सोनागिरी में रखवाया है। यह ट्रेन 28 फ़रवरी से 3 मार्च तक अस्थाई तौर पर रुकेगी। इसका 2 मिनिट का हालत रहेगा।