An important initiative has been taken by IIT Bombay, to work with Engineering Colleges in the country, to enhance the teaching skills of faculty colleagues in core Engineering and Science subjects. This initiative has now become a part of the National Mission on Education through ICT, supported by MHRD.
With a motive to augment the use of Free and Open Source Tools for teaching and computational needs and make the teaching skills of faculty serving in Core Engineering and Science Subjects take a turn for the better; IIT Bombay has started a free two week ISTE workshop from 5th of this month under the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, and Govt. of India.
Organized under the Distance Learning Programme, theworkshop will be exclusively conducted in the coordinating remote centers across the country with the interaction revolving around the topic “Software Development Techniques for Teachers of Engineering and Science Institutes”. There will be live lectures through AVIEW mechanism on Internet in the centers selected for the same. The workshop will be conducted across five weekends (5-6, 12-13, 19-20, 26-27 November 2011, and 3-4 December 2011) so that the interested participants can gain access to the workshop conveniently even during the semester.
“This workshop is aimed at enhancing the teaching skills of our faculty colleagues in core Engineering and Science Subjects and will benefit the faculty who want to use Open Source Tools for teaching and computational needs. Free and Open Source Software is need of hour as source code is available for study, modification and redistribution. Government of India is laying lot of emphasis on it.”
-Piyush Javeria
Remote Center Coordinator and Workshop Coordinator
The workshop will benefit faculty colleagues, teaching in engineering and science institutes, who wish to use open source software tools for all their computational and teaching needs, thereby improving the quality of instruction and learning in their colleges / institutes.
With as much as 60 participants registered from all parts of Rajasthan, Techno India NJR Institute of Technology from Udaipur is also selected as a remote centre for this workshop. The workshop will be transmitted live through internet to various coordinating remote centers across the country. Because of this, various faculties that are providing their services in the city will come hand in hand with the Free and Open Tools that have become the need of the hour in the field of teaching, ultimately improvising their teaching skills.
open source softwares are really a need of an hour, it is really nice to see government taking such initiatives guiding the teachers the know-how of Open Source.