
बड़ा भावमय- त्यागमय बेटियों का संसार

नाम ख़ुशी …. पांच साल की बच्ची…पहली कक्षा में पढ़ती है… अपने नाम के अर्थ को अभी नही समझती…इसके परिवार में फिलहाल किसी का कोई पता नहीं… कैसी हो बेटा ?…पूछने पर मुस्कुराती है…फिर अगले ही पल कभी नीचे  देखती देखती शुन्य में झाँकने लगती है…बीच बीच में कभी अपने सिर को भी खुजा लेती है… 1 से 20 तक इंग्लिश में गिनती आती है…. ट्विंकल- ट्विंकल लिटिल स्टार भी गाती है ये छोटी सी स्टार…ज़िन्दगी की राह पर अपने कदम बढाती …ख़ुशी .
इशिका… जब दो साल की थी तब दिल्ली के मोरी गेट फुटपाथ से समिति के निदेशक गिरिजा शंकर शर्मा इसे यहाँ लेकर आये. माँ- पिता- बहिन…सब यहीं मिले… नाम भी यहीं मिला……आज इशिका  बारह वर्ष की है..  सातवीं में पढ़ती है…क्लास की मोनिटर है…लडको की तरह बाल रखती है…चंचल है पर अंदाज़ पूरा लडको जैसा….

“क्या लिखूं कि वो परियों का रूप होती हैं…
कि कडकडाती ठण्ड में सुहानी धुप होती है….
वो होती हैं चिड़िया की चहचाहट की तरह…
या कोई निश्छल खिलखिलाहट होती हैं…”

ख़ुशी और इशिका जैसी कई बच्चियां इस दुनिया में है…. इनकी आँखें भी कभी गुडिया मांगने की इच्छा रखती होंगी… माँ की साडी का पल्लू पकड़कर पीछे पीछे भागने की इच्छा या फिर पापा से आँखें न मिलाते हुए एक “5 स्टार चोकलेट” की चाहत…. और भी बहुत कुछ…. पता चला कि उदयपुर से 50 किलोमीटर दूर झाडोल में एक निराश्रित बालघर चलता है जहाँ कई सारी बच्चियां आवासीय विद्यालय में रहती है…सोचा आज “World Girls child Day” की पूर्व-संध्या उन बच्चियों से ही मिला जाये….उनके साथ खुशियाँ बांटी जाये…जब उदयपुर से चले तो तो मन में भाव  थे कि किसी ऐसे स्कूल का दौरा होगा जहाँ बच्चे मैली-कुचैली आसमानी शर्ट और खाकी स्कर्ट पहने मिलेंगी…बाल बेतरतीब, बहती नाक….और भी बहुत कुछ दृश्य पहले ही संजो लिए थे… 1.5 घंटे की ड्राइव के बाद राजस्थान बाल कल्याण समिति का नामपट्ट दिखाई दे ही गया..केम्पस की शांति देखकर महसूस हुआ शायद देर हो गयी…स्कूल की छुट्टी हो गयी होगी.पर स्कूल तो चल रहा था. व्यवस्थापिका चंद्रिकाजी,प्रिंसिपल नीलम जी जैन ने हमारा स्वागत किया. आश्चर्य- केम्पस की सफाई, सलीके से जमे बच्चियों के जूते, अनुशाशन और…बच्चियों की यूनिफार्म…सभी कुछ हमारी उम्मीदों से पूरी तरह अलग…

शुरूआती जानकारी लेने के बाद प्रिंसिपल नीलम जी, वार्डन मंजू जी और नीलू जी के साथ शुरू हुआ स्कूल को विजिट करने का दौर… कक्षा में बच्चियों ने खड़े होकर एक स्वर में “good afternoon sir” कहते हुए हमारा स्वागत किया.मन में ख़ुशी भी थी और हूक भी उठी… क्यों ईश्वर ने इन छोटी छोटी बच्चियों के सर से इतना जल्दी परिजनों का साया उठा लिया…क्या ये ईश्वर कि इन मासूमो के साथ क्रूरता नहीं ??? किसी ने अपने पिता के होने के अहसास को नहीं संजोया तो कोई माँ के आँचल की ममता को आत्मसात नहीं कर पायी. सहसा नज़र पड़ी- दो बच्चियां..शक्ल एक सी..पता चला- जुडवा है.मीनू और तनु. पापा रहे नहीं और माँ ने कोई और घर देख लिया…बच्चियां  नियति के भरोसे. इनका चाचा इन्हें यहाँ छोड़ गया. तब से अब तक…दो साल हो गए…कोई मिलने नहीं आया.. दोनों सात साल की है. तीसरी कक्षा में पढ़ती है. नीलम जी बता रही थी कि बड़ी होनहार है दोनों… अपने सारे काम आप ही कर लेती है. अपने बर्तन खुद साफ़ करती है..कपडे खुद धोने की कोशिश…और अपना बिस्तर भी खुद तह करती है…और हाँ मौका मिलने पर कभी कभी दोनों में झगडा भी…. मैं सोच में पड़ जाता हूँ …क्या समय ने इन्हें सब सिखा दिया है ?? जवाब देने के लिए शायद मस्तिष्क तैयार नहीं है…

रेखा… 14 साल की. झाडोल के ही गोगामारी गाँव की रहने वाली . पिताजी शराब के शौक़ीन और एक दिन नशे में ऐसे सोये कि फिर कभी नहीं उठे. माँ उदयपुर जाकर मजदूरी करे या रेखा को संभाले…सो रेखा अब इसी विद्यालय में रहती है. त्योहारों पर इसकी माँ इसे लेने आती है…
गीता खराडी( 4 वर्ष ) का मानना है कि उसके मम्मी-पापा खूब सारे पैसे कमाने गुजरात गए है..एक दिन आयेंगे और उसे ले जायेंगे..उस मासूम को नहीं पता कि उसका परिवार एक सड़क हादसे की भेंट चढ़ चूका है और खून का कोई रिश्तेदार उसको अपनाने को तैयार नहीं…
237 बच्चियां… और लगभग उतनी ही कहानियाँ…पर सबका मूल एक…

“ये बच्चियां पढाई के अलावा और क्या क्या करती हैं..?? यश की आवाज़ मेरी तन्द्रा को अचानक तोडती है. वार्डन नीलू जी ख़ुशी ख़ुशी उनकी खेलकूद-सांस्कृतिक आदि गतिविधियों के बारे में बताती है. मैं गीत सुनाने की फरमाईश करता हूँ.. एक फुसफुसाहट होती है और स्वर गूंजने लगते है…..

“बापू हमारे…. स्वर्ग सिधारे…
छोड़ चलें हमको…. किसके सहारे…”

किंकर्तव्यमूड होकर मैं और यश सोचने को मजबूर हो जाते है कि गांधीजी के बहाने ये बच्चियां किस दर्द को बयाँ कर रही है….
लाख लाख शुक्रिया अदा करता हु राजस्थान बाल कल्याण समिति के निदेशक श्री गिरिजा शंकर शर्मा जी को..जिनका यह भागीरथ प्रयास इन बच्चियों के जीवन में सतरंगी रंग लाने की सार्थक पहल कर रहे हैं. तो क्या हुआ, ‘गर केंद्र सरकार ने पिछले सत्र में मदद भेजने में देर की और शर्मा जी ने अपनी “ऍफ़.डी” तोड़कर जमा पूँजी को इन बच्चियों के वस्त्र लाने में खर्च करने के लिए दो पल भी नहीं सोचा. नीलम जी बताती है कि एक बार उनकी वार्षिक रिपोर्ट दिल्ली में अटक गयी. अफसर बोले कि आप काम इतना अच्छा करते हो फिर रिपोर्ट किसी “एक्सपर्ट” से क्यों नहीं बनवाते..?? शर्माजी उनको जवाब देते है…एक्सपर्ट को देने वाले पैसो से किसी बच्ची का जीवन नहीं सुधार दूंगा??

इस स्कूल में सब कुछ है…खुशियाँ है…गम भी है.. एक परिवार है..तो बच्चियों की प्यार भरी तकरार भी…टीचर जी कभी स्केल से पिटाई भी करती है..तो वार्डन माँ की याद आने पर गले से भी लगा लेती है…
व्यवस्थित कक्षा कक्ष और छात्रावास के कमरे है तो साफ़-सुथरे शौचालय भी…रसोई में बाहर हवा फेकने वाला पंखा लगा है तो करीने से लगे पौधे..बहुत अच्छे लगते है. सफाई और अनुशाशन तो दिल जीत लेते है. यहाँ इतना अच्छा शायद इसलिए लगता है क्योकि यहाँ “लक्ष्मियाँ” बसती है.

बड़ा भावमय त्यागमय बेटियों का संसार…
प्रेम पगा नित मन मगर, नयन अश्रुओं की धार…

इस स्कूल में फिलहाल कंप्यूटर शिक्षा की कमी है.  237 बच्चियों के बीच कम से कम आठ कंप्यूटर तो होने ही चाहिए. उम्मीद है कि के इन सामाजिक सरोकारों में आप readers भी जुड़ेंगे. शायद तब बच्चियों की खुशियाँ और चहकने लगेंगी.
शाम हो रही थी…हमें उदयपुर लौटना था. अँधेरा छा रहा था. पर अभी अभी उजाले की इतनी किरणें एक साथ देखी थी कि अँधेरे का भय नहीं था. हमारी बाईक स्टार्ट हो चुकी थी…कई जोड़ी आँखें निर्मिमेष हमें दूर तक निहार रही थी…….

ना रोना तू कभी बेटी , सदा ही हंस के तुम जीना….
लगे ‘गर चोट तुमको, उसको भी चुपचाप सहना…

चलते चलते…..
राजस्थान बाल कल्याण समिति फिलहाल राजस्थान, मध्य प्रदेश, गुजरात के आदिवासी क्षेत्रों में सामाजिक न्याय और अधिकारिता मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के सहयोग से 52  शिक्षा संकुल चला रही है. 1981 में 11 बच्चों के साथ शुरू हुआ सफ़र निर्विवाद रूप से बहुत बड़ा रूप ले चूका है. समिति के संस्थापक श्री जीवतराम शर्मा 80  पार हो चुके है. आधे शारीर में लकवा है पर चेह्कते हुए कहते है- अभी बहुत काम करना है… i am retired but not tired. इन्हें ख़ुशी मिलती है जब इनका पढाया हुआ बच्चा कही ऊँचे मुकाम पर होता है और इन्हें पहचान लेता है.
मेरा सर श्रृद्धा से झुक जाता है.

(बच्चियों के नाम परिवर्तित किये गए है)

Article by : Arya Manu , Contribution by : Yash Sharma

Lifestyle Places to Visit

Chilly winters and Samor Bagh

Tibet Market

An open ground comprised of 56 small stalls contended by refugee Tibetan families, and that’s how Samor Bagh looks now. However, 15 years back it didn’t look like this. No one in Udaipur knew about this place, but now days it is very popular among all Udaipurites. If someone has to buy woolen wears the first name which comes in the mind is Samor Bagh. People at Udaipur have a strong feeling that there they can avail all different varieties of winter apparel and accessories at cheap and best price as compared to other shops and showrooms.

samor bagh udaipur

While talking to Mr. Tee Jampa, (President of Tibetan association, Udaipur) I was able to read the struggles which he and his community have faced.  I was very curious to know the story behind and I’m sure everyone will be interested to know their story. He narrated that in 1959 when china attacked on Tibet, around 80-90 thousands of people along with Dalai Lama fled to India and settled down in five different states. Before 45 years 25-30 refugees (ancestors) came up to the lake city in search of livelihood and started selling hand woven woolen clothes by wandering door to door. Slowly, people started accepting their products which has sober colors and designs. The other reason behind mass acceptance was the rate and quality of products.

After some time they took permission from municipality and started selling their manufactured goods at footpaths of Surajpol near Ashoka Talkies. They also established their market in Chetak and Town hall in 80s. In few years municipality didn’t allow them to carry on further. They were highly disappointed that time. Maharaja Mahendra Singh Pratap of Mewar sent a letter to nomads expressing that he’s really sad that they (followers of Dalai Lama) are facing in his city. He’ll be grateful if they would use his piece of land named Samor Bagh near Gulab Chowk.

Finally they shifted to Samor bagh and now it’s been 17 years they are operating there only. He also told us that the rent which the king charges is very less as compared to other landowners and government bodies. The rent is divided equally among all 56 members. The other problem which they face is MRP of the materials which they sale. To curb this issue in 2006 they have made an alliance called “Tibetan Refugee Trader’s Association” where they discuss about the rate and various other concerns which causes hindrance to them in fostering their business. Besides this, the association also helps Tibetans in binding them socially from all over India.

The stalls consist of both handmade and machine made. Mr. Palden (Gen. Secretry) told us that they started manufacturing the machine made products before 30 years from Ludhiana as the demand of such goods were high. They order the products according to the penchant of the city’s populace.  Every year these Tibetans came from different states mostly from Himanchal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, U.P. and Bihar for 3-4 months and sale the stuffs. While rest of the months these refugees subsist on agriculture and small shops.

Samor Bagh Udaipur

Life is very tough especially for these Tibetans who are refugees and still struggling for their country from more than 50 years. With this winters there are many other things which come in this city and Tibetans are one among them.  They are very gentle people we all should love and respect them and also try to give them a little space in our heart so they can also easily mingle with us.

Video: Words by Mr.Thinley Jampa (President)

Dalai Lama

Tibetan Market Udaipur

Tibetan Market Udaipur

Tibetan Market Udaipur, Samor Bagh Udaipur

Tibetan Market Udaipur

Tibetan Market Udaipur

Article By : Khushboo Baranwal

Photos and Article Inputs By : Yash Sharma


Udaipur awarded as the 4th Safest City in India

JagMandir Udaipur

Feels great when you actually know that you have the good fortune to live in this wonderful city – The city of lakes !!
A survey done by a YouGov on behalf of, a global market research firm, revealed that Udaipur is the fourth safest city of India. Chandigarh topped the list of safest cities in terms of crime rate, law enforcement and terrorism.

The Top 4 safest Cities were:

  1. Chandigarh
  2. Vadodara
  3. Shimla
  4. Udaipur

Udaipur is one of the most cultured, historic, civilized, safe and prosperous cities in India. Scenic beauty, historical heritage, lush green gardens, rejuvenating lakes, road side food stalls and the youth make Udaipur an exciting destination to live.
Not only the natural beauty but the luxurious five-star hotels, fabulous restaurants, art galleries make Udaipur the perfect place to hangout with friends and family.  The traditional culture has always imparted safety to the women.
Mewaris are well known for the hospitability and friendly nature. The tourists  are well treated and all the needs of the outsiders are taken care of nicely. To summarize, Udaipur is peaceful and has retained a strong civic sanity.

The survey stated as the Most and Least desirable cities to live in India was conducted online from 23rd August to 28thSeptember, 2011 by YouGov. They concluded the result with the help of 6,161 samples in 37 cities of India. It placed Meerut at the bottom of the safety parameters assigning 2.39 points in a scale of 0-5, while national capital Delhi came in the 34th position with 2.8 points.


Sources and Refrences: ,

Article by : Chani Soni


Sangini Initiatives Workshop on Back Pain for Senior Citizens

Sangini Udaipur

Under the Sangini  Initiatives of the Rotary Club of Udaipur Meera; a workshop on Back-pain governed by Dr. Chirayu Pamecha (Spine Surgeon) was organized for the senior citizens & women of the city, this 17th in the GBH American Hospital.

Dr. Chirayu in his lecture straightly reasoned out people’s lifestyle for the problem of back-pain. He considered it a matter of great thought that the highest number of such patients is from India. Exercise, Yoga & a diet suffice with Calcium were told as the primary requirements to avoid it. He also stated that to keep the problem under control, timely medical consultation and physiotherapy is necessary.

After the lecture was over, queries of the audience were solved in a separate session.

Club President Dr. Veena Sanadhya made all the welcomes while Dr. Kusum Mathur managed the event. In the end, Chair of the Sangini Initiatives, Mrs. Neelu Javeria, thanked all. On the behalf of the senior citizens, Mr. B. L. Seth bid the thanks.


Shubh Bandhan Mahotsav: Get offers on booking or exchanging your Maruti car

Shubh Bandhan Mahotsav

Technoy Motors – one of the leading names in automobile dealers in Rajasthan; serving it’s customers since last 15 years with 2 authorized Maruti Suzuki Showrooms, 1 True Value Showrooms (for pre-owned cars) and a total of 3 Workshop Centers bring you with Shubh Bandhan Mahotsav in association with SBI. A 2 day festival where you can get many offers on booking or exchange on your Maruti Car. Additional Offers for Corporate and Government Employees.

Get your favorite Maruti car booked or exchanged on a very low interest rate (9.99%) and get the maximum value of your money.
Date:  26th & 27th November 2011

Venue: Technoy Motors Showroom, 1-3, opp. Swarn jayanti park, Goverdhan vilas

Phone Number : 0294-2485158, 2485738

More Udaipur Speaks

Loads of Learning: The word LOL just got another meaning


Greetings to All! India is a country with highest young population. They say India has got what no other country has; the Youth Power! But, how you think does the power come? Through being more in number? If that were the case, Pandavas would never have been able to conquer in the epic of Mahabharata. What we understand is that power comes from being united and the Indian youth, sorry to say, is not at all united. We are very much bothered about ourselves, and not the country. Yes, we are highest in numbers but we all are scattered, divided and unorganized and the reality is that this unorganized youth is taking India nowhere and someday or the other we will lose this advantage of being highest in numbers.

The energy that we have needs to be channelized in right direction and the leaders that we are witnessing are not organized themselves to guide us in the interest of nation. What can we do then? Should we sit and keep blaming our leaders for not doing enough to help us grow?  But we can’t afford to do this our whole life. So what can be done? Either accept the system which is very easy or try and bring about a change in the system, a change that is though small and slow but will allow us to breathe free. For once, let us all think that when people at the time of independence, without any resources, can create an excellent working system, then why can’t we overhaul it with so many resources and the tag of being ‘e- generation’ ?

When you go for a job interview, qualification will help you to get in the interviewer’s room. Then what? Then you struggle badly and fail to get a job just because you were educated, not learned. We have seen people thinking deeply when asked “What is the capital of Asia?” some of them even tried guessing that!! Sounds funny, isn’t it? But the truth is that there is lot more outside the social networking and course books. And the need of the hour is to keep ourselves aware of what is happening around in the world. You may find a lot more magazines on stands containing loads of information. But ask yourself the last time when you read a whole magazine? Most of you never did! And the reason behind was that there are very few or almost no magazines that are specifically designed for our generation, and we are too lazy to try to understand some of the excellent magazines and reading stuff available.

Keeping all this in mind, we are trying to create a 16 page reading material that is not only interesting but also very informative and suits all classes especially the badly informed youth. This magazine is our contribution to the small change that we are trying to bring in the present system. It is a non – profit venture started under a trust. This is our first interaction with you and we hope to bind ourselves with you all through a common cause of making this world, especially our own Mother India, a better place to live in.

 Here is the link of the Page of the Magazine LOADS.OF.LEARNING

by Siddharth Singhvi


The Journey of a Stone Shaper

Sculpture Artist udaipur - Amba Lal

Today we bring you a fascinating story of a man who rose up from a roadside boy to become a famous sculpture artist of the country.
Famously known as Amba lal ji Modern Art Waale, Ambalal Ji hails from the district of Nagor in Rajasthan where his family is engaged in creating puppets and playing puppet shows. His family shifted to Udaipur when he is was a small kid, the need for employment and the want for money brought them to Udaipur.  They lived on roadsides sometimes in tents and other times in the arms of the open sky carving wooden puppets and having puppet shows they earned their living. Ambalal grew among its family members learning how to carve wooden puppets which was their family occupation and the only thing which they knew to earn money. His father used to have puppet shows in Lake Palace and earn a living. As a child he was interested in puppet art forms and took interest in learning to make wooden puppets and also stone crafts. He has no ideas where his future was taking him.
In his journey of his life as a teenager he met Mr. Harish Bhai Trevedi who was a marble mine owner as well as a sculpture artist. Harish Bhai taught him to make stone sculptures and got him well endowed with this art. Ambalal worked with him and learned this art for as long as 10 years and earned his living. Harish bhai was the first person to inspire him and take care of this artist.
Soon Ambalal started taking part in Shilpgram fest where he ran a temporary shop where his creations where liked and purchased by many national as well as international tourists. He also took part in various cultural fests across the country and displayed his art In Goa, Ahemdabad, Jaipur and various other states. These experience and exposures helped him understand the value of his art work and he worked further more to enhance his skills and be a better artist.

sculpture artist udaipur
In his words    “Kya raat kya din, maine apni jee jaan laga di is kala ko aage le jane me
Soon he started working for various famous handicraft showrooms and export houses in the city as an employee creating sculptures. He worked for almost all the famous art houses but his art and hard work was not very much appreciated and rewarded but these business people. He was just an employee out there serving and following his master’s instructions. At times he even didn’t got his salaries on time and thus those were really a hard times for him.

These hardships provoked him to start his own art or sculpture shop. And in the early months of the year 2011 he stated a shop near pula circle.
His beautiful craftsmanship along with the strategic location of his shop proved a good luck to him and soon customers started coming in. These customers where all highway customers who were returning to their homes after their stay in Udaipur and on the way they found this shop who sold pretty artistic sculptures and art pieces. Customers from Gujrat, Maharastra and foreign tourists bought some art pieces from him as sovereigns before returning to their homes.

Scupture artist udaipur
Very recently he got an order from a businessman from Gujarat for creating a giant hippopotamus of granite stone. The hippo is exact as a real hippo and is one of its kind in the country. The size and dimension of this hippo are huge i.e 5 feet tall and 10 feet and 6.5 feet in diameter. No artist from the city has ever created as a huge masterpiece with a single block of stone.

Giant Hippo carving
He has got his family with 2 kids the elder one 15 years old and the young son is 13 years old. Unlike their father his both son’s go to school and also take a keen interest in learning this art in their free time.

Udaipur Sculptures

Presently he has got a dedicated team of craftsmen who work/learn and help him to create stone wonders.
These craftsmen are not just employees to him but rather they are a family to him and he trusts them like his sons. Many art enthusiasts also come to him to learn this art and he always welcomes everyone who comes to him.
Agar kaam karo to beta ban ke karo baap ban ke nahi

If you want to learn then have no egos or attitudes. Have a childlike and selfless attitude towards people and things and the learning’s will come to you.

Ambalal ji can be found at his shop and display centre near New Pula Circle, Nathdwara Road. The name of his shop is  Art Stone Gallery. For more details about his you can also contact us at or through Email Form 🙂

Giant Hippo

A Post By Ronak Chauhan


The ‘Real’ Rockstar

The Real Rockstar Movie Poster

Bollywood is a world full of dreams. Bombay, the birthplace of the INDIAN FILM INDUSTRY, has changed to ‘Mumbai’. There was a time when ‘Bollywood’ implied only to the big names viz. Khans, Bachchans Etc. But now a new trend has emerged and the surging number of new faces clearly showcase it. Gone are the days when you needed a ‘Silver spoon’ in your mouth to get in the industry. Also B-wood has moved from making movies inspired by ‘Freedom Fights’ only. It seems crystal clear that movies based on mere ‘Real Life’ or even “Personal incidents’ find a room and with this formula working, makers do come with stories that the audience can relate to themselves.

A simple story written by an ordinary man catches the attention of the Big Name Holder and that’s when the ‘Day Dreaming’ comes into play. But as we say ‘Char Din Ki Chandini, Phir Andheri Raat’, the Helmsman is forgotten. All that remains is the Popularity Tag! And here comes to our so much anticipated Ranbir and Nargis starrer directed by Imtiaz Ali.. Well Yes! You got it right. It’s ‘Rockstar’ all the way through.

Imtiaz Ali the director of ‘Rockstar’ was on a visit to Subhash Ghai’s well known Acting Institute. It was there that he met the scriptwriter Muazzam Beg, The ‘real’ man behind ‘Rockstar’ story. After Imtiaz’s first meet with Muazzam, he was invited over for a next meeting. “I was invited to Ali ji’s place and after exchanging few conversations, he asked me to narrate him my script. At first I was quite hesitant but then I thought may be I can crack any opportunity.” Says the ‘Money Hai toh Honey Hai’ writer Muazzam.

“I began writing the script from the perspective of a local guy who is determined and ambitious.  The script had elements of love and music. ‘Rockstar’ is my piece of work and therefore very close to my heart. Often, ‘An Artist’s Work Portrays Himself’, so does mine. Much of the script was based on my personal experiences and struggles” says he.

“A production house approached me and decided to make my dream of seeing my story on the big screen come true with John Abraham playing the lead. After 2 months, the project was put on hold and soon was called off. As for me I took a break from writing and other things kept me busy for a long time.”

“The very idea of letting Ali ji take my story was heart ripping. Moreover they haven’t given me the due credits. I want people to atleast know that this was my piece of work.” says the writer who also visited Udaipur while the time he was writing this story.

A Post by : Aditi

Udaipur Speaks

Book A Drive this Diwali with Technoy Motors

Technoy Motors– one of the leading names in automobile dealings in Rajasthan; serving it’s customers since last 15 years with 3 authorized Maruti Suzuki Showrooms, 2 True Value Showrooms (for pre-owned cars) and a total of 7 Workshop Centers; celebrated the Diwali Moto Fest 2011 this Sunday at the Celebration Mall, Udaipur.

The fest was anchored wonderfully and was filled with a lot of fun & enjoyment; the funniest phase being that of the one-minute games, prized with PVR gift cards & Hungama game zone cards.

The display included the latest cars in the market- The all new Alto Xplorer ; Ritz & Wagon-R!

While the whole atmosphere was filled with music and fun, professional enquiries were also entertained gently and those lucky customers who booked their cars on the spot were also greeted with the PVR gift cards. Scroll below to see glimpses from the event that took place this Sunday at the Celebration Mall 🙂

Further bookings can also be made by approaching the nearest Technoy Motors showroom.

Technoy at CelebrationTechnoy at CelebrationTechnoy at Celebration

All the very best for a cheerful ride and a very happy Diwali in advance 🙂



The Success Point

SS Point Udaipur

Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation.

When it comes to development and getting coaching for cracking competitive exams, we all prefer the most experienced teachers and quality education. With the goal of imparting best education in town “Success point” was established in year 2006.
It is the fastest growing coaching institute of Udaipur. Started with a batch 40 students in 2006 and now inspiring more than 700 students.

Excelling in mentoring for all subjects including Science , Commerce & Arts stream.
Success point is well known across the city for its wonderful results since past 5 years .
With a mission of making every student capable of excelling in every aspect of life and adding sparkles to their education by adding refined knowledge and making them aware of latest teaching methodologies.

We provide comprehensive study material which involves effective methodology and are student friendly.
Success point is working in field of Education with a vision of promoting under privileged port of Educational Society and are continuously trying to Create an environment for healthy Education for Students across the City.

Our Vision:

‘To develop Confidence Among Failure Student as Standard Resource Center Of Education.’

Our Mission:

‘To Make able Student For Every Aspect Of Life Through Quality Education By Modern & Latest Teaching Methodology.’

Quality Policy:

SS Point is Compliant To ISO 9001: 2008 Standard by QS Group, Zurich, AG (Switzerland) for International Level Quality Education

We Consult Not Your Fears But Also 
Your Hopes & Your Dreams.
We Think Not About Your Frustrations, But Also 
About Your Un-indentified Potential
We are Concern Yourself Not With What 
You Tried & Failed In But also 
With What It Is Still Possible
for You to Do.

For more information and admission related queries:
Contact: Success Campus, University Road, Udaipur, India 313002
Phone:  0294-2470087-88


SS Point Udaipur

SS Point

SS Point

SS Point

SS Point